Revolutionary Worker/Revolution Newspaper

Weekly voice of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA

Click on one of these links to jump to the issues for a specific year:

1979   1980   1981   1982   1983   1984   1985   1986   1987   1988   1989   1990   1991   1992   1993   1994   1995   1996   1997   1998   1999   2000   2001   2002   2003   2004   2005 (RW)    2005 (Revolution)    2011  

      The Revolutionary Communist Party, U.S.A., was founded in October 1975. Its main predecessor organization, the Revolutionary Union, already possessed a number of local newspapers which were generally published on a monthly basis, and these newspapers (eventually called “The Worker”) continued as publications of the RCP. Over time, attempts were made to give these local newspapers more national content, to publish them more frequently, and in effect to make them local editions of a national newspaper. However, a qualitative improvement occurred with the beginning of the publication of the weekly Revolutionary Worker newspaper in May 1979. This weekly newspaper has continued publication since then, though its name was changed to Revolution in 2005, in belated tacit acknowledgement by the Party of the shift of its central focus away from the life and struggles of the proletariat specifically, which had occurred decades previously.

      During the first two years each issue of the RW had an English and a Spanish section. Later on there were separate editions in English and Spanish, and for a time in Chinese and French. Unless otherwise noted, the issues posted here are in English or bi-lingual (English and Spanish), although we will also post the editions in other languages if we can obtain them.

      The issues available here are searchable PDF image scans, i.e., the text has been run through an Optical Character Reader program so that you can search for individual words, phrases or names. In some issues—including those scanned from bound volumes—there may be some small amount of photographic distortion of the images and pages, though we believe that the text itself is always legible. Many of these files are very large and require a fast Internet connection to download in a reasonable time.

      We are also listing some of the highlights of each English issue. The Spanish translations of these articles sometimes appear in a later issue.

      The RCP has made no secret of the fact that they have long been actively and consciously promoting a cult of personality around their leader, Bob Avakian. This personality cult has gotten more and more extreme over the decades, even to the present truly absurd degree of in effect seeming to promote Avakian as the indispensable savior of humanity! All of this is quite prominent in the issues of this newspaper, as are the many often interesting articles by Avakian himself. Most non-members of the RCP will no doubt find this cult repulsive and contrary to the Marxist principles. In addition, Avakian and the RCP are sometimes quite incorrect in their analysis of political and economic situations. One clear case of this was their “1980s analysis” in which they predicted world war and/or social revolution before the end of that decade. More fundamentally, the RCP has amply demonstrated that they have no real idea about how to effectively bring revolutionary ideas to the masses in the course of participating with them in their own struggles. The rejection of this well established fundamental method of making revolution, which was pioneered by Marx and Lenin, is in fact the worst of a number of very serious political problems with the RCP, worse even than the Avakian personality cult.

      Nevertheless, there is still a wealth of very useful revolutionary information and perspective in this massive and long-running journalistic effort to produce the Revolutionary Worker, particularly in the earlier years when deeper investigations into topics were being done. There is, in particular, a strong focus on discussing international developments from a revolutionary point of view. And for these reasons we are gradually posting more and more issues here. Many articles in this newspaper are indeed well worth serious study, even many years after they were written.

      The most recent issues of the newspaper (mostly since the name change to Revolution, and from the past 20 years or so), or individual articles from them, are available online in HTML format at the offical RCP website at:   See also:

      If you have access to digital image versions of other complete issues of the Revolutionary Worker or its successor, Revolution, which are not yet available here, please contact us at:

Revolutionary Worker   (1979-2005)

Preliminary Issues: (Before weekly publication began in May 1979)


  • #1 — Vol. 1, #1, May 1, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [24,814 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,863 KB]
    Regional supplement for the San Francisco Bay Area & Salinas Valley, 8 pages, English/Spanish: Searchable PDF image format   [11,395 KB]   Articles in national issue include:
    • “RCP Launches Weekly Paper: ‘Create Public Opinion ... Seize Power’”
    • “Shah’s Henchmen Executed as U.S. Rulers Mourn”
    • “Why the Capitalists Love Their Nukes”
    • “‘Decline of U.S. Power’: Imperialists Weep; Call for Defense of Their Empire”
    • Bob Avakian: “Look to the Future, Prepare for Revolution!”
  • #2 — Vol. 1, #2, May 11, 1979, 20 pages (13 in English, 7 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [22,852 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,377 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Battle Plan for 1980 Revealed!”
    • “Massive Anti-Nuke Rallies”
    • “Prairie Fire — Live — In San Francisco: Rock ’n Revolt is Born!”
    • “China’s ‘Modernization’: Revisionist Pipe Dream Going Up in Smoke” [Erroneously claims China cannot possibly develop its economy via capitalism (albeit in an imperialist way).]
    • “Mood Park Seed of the Future: From Rebellion to Mass Armed Revolution”
    • Bob Avakian: “This System is Doomed: Hasten it to its Grave!” [May Day speech excerpts]
  • #3 — Vol. 1, #3, May 18, 1979, 28 pages (20 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [25,583 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [13,472 KB]
    Regional supplement for the San Francisco Bay Area & Salinas Valley, 4 pages, English/Spanish: Searchable PDF image format   [6,360 KB]   Articles in national issue include:
    • “Criminal Verdict Hits Moody Park 3!”
    • “Phony Gas Shortage: Priming the Pump for War”
    • “SALT II: The Sky’s the Limit!”
    • “Africa: Superpowers Sink Claws Deeper”
    • “Revolution in Iran: Scenes from the February Insurrection”
  • #4 — Vol. 1, #4, May 25, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [23,760 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,901 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Chicago Students Rip McNamara Peace Prize: ‘Give Mac the Knife’”
    • “Indians Take Up Guns, Torch Jail”
    • “The Vietnam War: Nothing Can Reverse the Verdict”
    • “Did the ‘Big Bang’ Blow Away Science?”
    • “Sorry, Han Suyin: Revisionism is Not a Many Splendered Thing!”
    • “Oppressors Claim Credit for ‘Black Progress’: Why All the Flap about the Brown Decision?”
  • #5 — Vol. 1, #5, June 1, 1979, 20 pages (14 in English, 6 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [22,109 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [9,756 KB]   Articles include:
    • “‘Death to U.S. Imperialism’: Iranian People Denounce Senate Resolution”
    • “Viet Vets Week: ‘We Used You Once, We’ll Try Again’”
    • “American Airlines Crash: ‘272 Sacrified to God of Profit’”
    • “‘New’ WVO China Line Covers Reformism: Old Dog-matists Turn New Tricks”
    • “Nuclear War: Why Wait ’til Afterward to Make Revolution?”
  • #6 — Vol. 1, #6, June 8, 1979, 20 pages (13 in English, 7 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [20,084 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [10,933 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Nicaragua Dynasty Crumbling”
    • “U.S. Imperialists Fire Papal Warhead”
    • “Stokely [Carmichael]: Search for a Sugar Daddy”
    • “Worldwide Anti-Nuke Actions”
    • “Free Puerto Rico!”
  • #7 — Vol. 1, #7, June 15, 1979, 20 pages (13 in English, 7 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [20,180 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [11,572 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Somoza Going Down: Five, Four, Three, Two...”
    • “Good Riddance, John Wayne: Warhorse Goes to Glue Factory”
    • “Thousands Rock Against Racism”
    • “What Went Wrong in Vietnam? Part 1”
  • #8 — Vol. 1, #8, June 22, 1979, 20 pages (13 in English, 7 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [19,521 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [9,853 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Sandinista Victory Near”
    • “SALT II Summit: New Depths of Deception”
    • “Unpredicted Behavior at Behaviorist Convention”
    • “Chrysler to Shut Down Dodge Main: It’s Criminal, It’s Anarchy, It’s Capitalism!”
    • “What Went Wrong in Vietnam? Part 2”
  • #9 — Vol. 1, #9, June 29, 1979, 20 pages (13 in English, 7 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [19,433 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [11,047 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Party Chairman Indicted!”
    • “Foul Plots in Nicaragua”
    • “Birmingham Rains Rocks and Bottles: 3 Days of Rage Against Killer Cops”
    • “Forest of Resistance at Red Lake [Indian Reservation]”
    • “Let it Burn!” [U.S. Flag]
  • #10 — Vol. 1, #10, July 6, 1979, 20 pages (12 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [18,442 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,225 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Gloves Off in D.C. Trial” [Of Mao Defendants]
    • “OPEC: Scapegoat for Imperialist Crisis”
    • “Bloody Intrigue in Kurdistan”
    • “[Joan] Baez Sings ‘Battle Hymn’ for U.S. Imperialists”
    • “Black Man Beaten to Death in the Bronx: ‘Never Forgive & Never Forget’”
    • “What Went Wrong in Vietnam?” (Part 3)
  • #11 — Vol. 1, #11, July 13, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [24,130 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,027 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Samoza: Bunker Dynasty Dies Hard”
    • “Rebellion Again at Walla Walla [Prison]”
    • “Carter on the Summit of Crumbling Mountain”
    • “Science and the Basic Particle: Search for an End to the Infinite”
    • “China’s New ‘Open Door’ to Imperialism”
    • “Nuclear War: Rulers’ Real Worry—the Survivors”
  • #12 — Vol. 1, #12, July 20, 1979, 20 pages (13 in English, 7 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [18,541 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [10,364 KB]   Articles include:
    • “6 Ways to Say ‘War’”
    • “Sandanistas Take Power”
    • “Death of a Businessman: N.Y. Godfather Gunned Down”
    • “High Speed Railroad for 5 at Red Lake”
    • “What Went Wrong With Vietnam?” (Part 4: Conclusion)
    • “March Defies Cops, Klan” (Birmingham)
    • “Bob Avakian: Revolutionary Communist Leader”
  • #13 — Vol. 1, #13, July 27, 1979, 24 pages (15 in English, 9 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [22,664 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [13,901 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Vengeful Sentence in Red Lake Trial”
    • “What Lies Ahead in Nicaragua?”
    • “Lynching 1979—Ugly Mark of Slavery”
    • “Federal Torture Chambers” [Marion Federal Prison]
    • “July 23, 1967: Rebellion in the Streets of Detroit”
    • “Indian Freedom Fighter Captured” [Leonard Peltier]
    • “Network of Struggle” [RW newspaper network]
  • #14 — Vol. 1, #14, Aug. 3, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [23,794 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,286 KB]   Articles include:
    • “COINTELPRO Operations Vs. Maoists: FBI Plots Exposed!”
    • “Kennedy’s Hired Prof Declares: The Man’s a Saint!”
    • “Strike Turns Ohio Towns Upside-down”
    • “When Will China Play the ‘China Card’?”
    • [Mao Tsetung Defendants:] “No More Illusions”
    • “U.S. OKs Cop’s ‘Civil Rights’ to Kill”
    • “Malcolm X and the Muslims”
    • [Avakian Speaking Tour:] “Hell of a Dangerous Man”
  • #15 — Vol. 1, #15, Aug. 10, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [23,685 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,269 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Tenth Largest CORPse Going Under—Chrysler: Profit Junkie Seeks Fix”
    • “The Duke was Nuked” [About John Wayne]
    • “New 3rd Party: Political Crisis Hatches Hollow Egg”
    • “U.S. Aid to Boat People: An Imperialist Fraud”
    • “SALT II Style Disarmament: A-Missiles to Europe”
    • “How to Use Food as a Weapon”
    • “Speaking Out in Lynching Town” [South Carolina]
    • “Workers Testify: ‘We Need This Party and Its Chairman’”
  • #16 — Vol. 1, #16, Aug. 17, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [23,911 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,992 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Iran: 100,000 Hit Press Gag—Government Tries to Censor Revolution”
    • “Now It’s 241 Years! Charges Doubled on Mao Defendants”
    • “Klan Marches in Supreme Court’s Footsteps”
    • “Warmakers Hunt Enemies in Film Industry” [About Jane Fonda]
    • “Bob Avakian on L.A. Radio Talk Show: Set Your Dial to RCP”
    • “Breaking With Old Ideas About Heroes & Art” [Chinese revolutionary film]
    • “CPUSA Convention Dilemma: How to Serve 2 Masters Headed for War?”
    • “Red Wages Day in Silicon Valley”
    • “Report From Kurdestan”
  • #17 — Vol. 1, #17, Aug. 31, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [16,319 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,275 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Iran—Continuing the Revolution: Kurds Battle Gov’t Attacks”
    • “N.Y. Police Murder Sparks Street Fighting”
    • “KKK Attacks Oakland Revolutionary Workers Center”
    • “U.S. Diplomatic Scheming in Middle East”
    • “L.A. Times Joins Frame Up of Bob Avakian”
    • “One On One With Bob Avakian”
    • “U.S. Spills Jingoism on Mexico”
    • “CPML on Iran: Too Much Revolution Is a Dangergous Thing”
    • “China Official Urges ‘Raid’ on U.S. Revolution”
    • “In the Streets With Iran’s Revolutionaries”
  • #18 — Vol. 1, #18, Sept. 6, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [24,769 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [11,981 KB]   Articles include:
    • “War in the Hills of Kurdestan: The Red Kurds”
    • “Zionism and the ‘Black-Jewish Rift’”
    • “Imperialism Adds Death Punch to Dominican Hurricane”
    • “Mao Tsetung: Greatest Revolutionary of Our Time”
    • “Superpowers Line ’Em Up At Non-Aligned Confab”
    • “When You’re Talking Communism You’re Talking Internationalism”, questions to Bob Avakian and his replies.
    • “‘Communist’ Party Convention Theme: We’ll Make Capitalism Work!”
    • “USCPFA [US-China Friendship Ass’n] Slides Toward Oblivion”
  • #19 — Vol. 1, #19, Sept. 13, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [23,773 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [11,370 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Puerto Rican Fighters Free”
    • “U.S. on Soviet Troops in Cuba: Wolf Cries ‘Wolf’”
    • “Iran’s ‘New’ Secret Police”
    • “Take the Revolutionary Future Into Your Hands—It’s Long Overdue”
    • “L.A. Times Admits ‘Mistake’”
    • “Is Mexico Independent?”
    • Apocalypse Now: Mired In the Heart of Darkness”
    • “Iran’s Revolutionary Left: Breaking New Ground”
    • “The Word is Out in the Ghetto to Check Out Bob Avakian and the RCP”
  • #20 — Vol. 1, #20, Sept. 21, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [22,918 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [11,957 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Will El Salvador Be Next? Revolution Spreads in Central America”
    • Revolutionary Worker Banned in Greensboro, N.C.”
    • “Lolita Lebrón—A Brave Example”
    • “Legal Torture in the Desert” [Immigrants]
    • “Chile: The Real Story of the Allende Years”
    • “Khomeini-Bazargan Regime: U.S. Gov’t Approved”
    • “Bob Avakian Answering Questions: After the Seizure of Power”
    • “Soviets in Hot Water in Afghanistan”
  • #21 — Vol. 1, #21, Sept. 28, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [16,656 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [11,639 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Turn D.C. Upside-Down!”
    • “French Stage Palace Coup in Central Africa”
    • “Gold Soars Higher, Imperialism Sinks Lower”
    • “Meet The Clash Face to Face”
    • “Contention on Ice: Superpowers in Antarctica”
    • “Haiti: U.S. Island Hellhole”
    • “Government Plot to Kill Leonard Peltier”
    • “Why We Call It Social Imperialism”, by Bob Avakian
  • #22 — Vol. 1, #22, Oct. 5, 1979, 20 pages (13 in English, 7 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [20,076 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [10,693 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Pope Stumps for U.S. Imperialism”
    • “Carter on Soviet Troops in Cuba: ‘This Hemisphere Belongs to Us’”
    • “4th Anniversary of the Founding of the RCP”
    • “China’s Rulers Begin Open Attack on Mao”
    • “Bob Avakian on the Radio: Do the Muppets Have No Class Character?”
  • #23 — Vol. 1, #23, Oct. 12, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [16,936 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,246 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Chilean Revolutionary in the Belly of the Beast”
    • “Chinese Revisionists Announce Trial of Mao” [“Gang of Four” trial]
    • “Racism and the CPUSA”
    • “Seabrook Nuclear Battle”
    • “Bob Avakian Talks With a Reformist Socialist: Just Who is Being Unrealistic?”
    • “Pope’s Visit Summed Up: The Cross and the Sword”
    • “Talks with an Iranian Worker”
    • “Behind the Lockdown at Walla Walla”
    • “Today the Stakes Are High”
  • #24 — Vol. 1, #24, Oct. 19, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish), plus a separate chart of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil holdings as of 1950 which spanned two pages.   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [25,127 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,208 KB]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. Coup in El Salvador”
    • “Castro Follows Pope in U.N. Pulpit”
    • “Chairman’s Tour Hits Washington, D.C.”
    • “D.C. is a Powderkeg”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Pro-Albanian Parties’ Summer Camp: Spanish Inquisition No. 2”
    • “Oil: A Gross Example of Imperialism”
  • #25 — Vol. 1, #25, Oct. 26, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [24,868 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,065 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Blood & Crumbs: El Salvador Junta’s Two Tactics”
    • “50 Years Since the [1929] Crash: Bigger Bombshell Ahead”
    • “Turmoil in Turkey”
    • “Israel’s Dayan Resigns: Most ‘Farsighted’ U.S. Spokesman”
    • “Lynching Autopsy Held in South Carolina”
    • “Chairman Hits Airwaves in Big Apple: Excerpts of Radio Interview with Bob Avakian”
    • “Open Letter to the Black United Front”
    • “‘In the ’80s, Think War’”
    • “Revolutionary Women of Iran”
  • #26 — Vol. 1, #26, Nov. 2, 1979, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [27,554 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,777 KB]   Articles include:
    • “South Korea: U.S. Hangman Dies in U.S. Noose”
    • “Central Committee Report, Part 1”
    • Bob Avakian: “Speaks to Chester S.C. Meeting”
    • “Gov’t Twists Truth on Sickle Cell”
  • Special D.C. Edition for the Trial of Bob Avakian and the Mao Tsetung Defendants, November 1979. We believe there were just these four issues, each 4 pages long with 1 page in Spanish.  
  • #27 — Vol. 1, #27, Nov. 9, 1979, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish). (The 2-centerfold pages are scanned in 3 pieces so that the text can be properly read.)   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [28,480 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [10,402 KB]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. Imperialism Hands Off Iran”
    • “Klan/Cops Murder 5 in Greensboro”
    • “Central Committee Report, Part 2”
    • Bob Avakian: “Two Class Outlooks on Rebellion” (Part 1)
  • #28 — Vol. 1, #28, Nov. 16, 1979, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [28,167 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,870 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Bob Avakian Case: Gov’t Forced to Retreat, Maneuver”
    • Editorial: “U.S. Imperialism is Going to Hell. Where are You Going?”
    • “The Prospects for Revolution and the Urgent Tasks in the Decade Ahead” [Further excerpt from CC Report]
    • “Interview with Kampuchean [Cambodian] U.N. Ambassador Thiounn Prasith”
    • “U.S. Schemes to Recapture Kampuchea”
  • #29 — Vol. 1, #29, Nov. 23, 1979, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [27,358 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,089 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Keep Bob Avakian and the Mao Defendants Free!”
    • “Double Revolutionary Worker Distribution Now!”
    • Bob Avakian: “The Stakes Are Up—For Them and Us”
  • #30 — Vol. 1, #30, Nov. 30, 1979, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [27,662 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,604 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Fred Hampton: ‘You Can’t Kill Revolution’”
    • “Why Iran’s People Hate US Imperialism (And Why We Should Too)”
    • Pravda in the Bolshevik Revolution: A Toe to Toe Fight for the Revolutionary Press”
    • Bob Avakian: “Marxism and May Day 1980 vs. Economism and Reformism”
    • “KKK: Murdering Puppets on a Capitalist String”
  • #31 — Vol. 1, #31, Dec. 7, 1979, 24 pages (16 in English, 8 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [24,286 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,094 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Secret Service Plots to Snatch Chairman”
    • “Bolshevik Newspapers Iskra & Pravda: They Reared a Whole Generation of the Revolutionary Proletariat”
    • “Patriotism and Imperialism”
  • #32 — Vol. 1, #32, Dec. 14, 1979, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [26,542 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,925 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Secret Service’s Secret War on Bob Avakian”
    • “Iran Crisis Heightens Tensions in U.S. Bloc”
    • “What Does the U.S. Mean by International Law?”
    • “Turning Point in Nicaragua”
  • #33 — Vol. 1, #33, Dec. 21, 1979, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [27,234 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,060 KB]   Articles include:
    • “People’s Delegation Returns from Iran”
    • “Imperialist Settlement: Keeping Zimbabwe in Chains”
    • Turn Up the Heat/No Mercy: New Prairie Fire 45”
    • “Embassy Spy Documents” [From raided U.S. Embassy in Iran]
  • #34 — Vol. 1, #34, Dec. 28, 1979, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [28,654 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,936 KB]   Articles include:
    • Bob Avakian: “1980: A Year, a Decade of Historic Importance”
    • “Soviet Imperialists Mass Troops in Afghanistan: Out of the Frying Pan”
    • “Stalin’s 100th Anniversary”


  • #35 — Vol. 1, #35, Jan. 4, 1979, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [27,599 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,191 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Soviets March into Afghanistan Quicksand”
    • “January Storm Decreed Criminal by [Chinese] Revisionists”
    • “The Pirate ship of Camelot” [About Ted Kennedy and the Shah of Iran]
    • “CWP: Opportunism ‘Beyond the Point of No Return’”
    • “First Hand from Iran: Part 2: Shah and SAVAK”
  • #36 — Vol. 1, #36, Jan. 11, 1979, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [26,702 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,596 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Superpowers Square Off Over Afghanistan”
    • “RW Networks Begin in the Streets”
    • “Lenin On: Who shot first and Who Cares?”
    • “First Hand from Iran: Conclusion”
  • #37 — Vol. 1, #37, Jan. 18, 1979, 24 pages (14 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [20,118 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [14,324 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Afghanistan: Superpowers Spar: U.S. Revs Up War Machine”
    • “May Day—Opening Shot: 1,000,000 Leaflets”
    • “RCP Issues Call: Enlist in Revolutionary May Day Brigades”
    • “Politicians Vie for Moldy Mantle of M. L. King”
    • “Foul Chinese Poem Attacks Mao Tsetung”
    • “The Philosophy to Change the World” (The Science of Revolution, Part 1)
  • #38 — Vol. 1, #38, Jan. 25, 1979, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [27,637 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,351 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Carter Doctrine: U.S. Stakes Claims for War”
    • “RW Distribution Report: Chaos on a Grand Scale!”
    • “May Day ’80: The Word is Out!”
    • “Feb. 2 Anti Klan March”
    • “A Brief History of The First Shot
    • “Capitalism’s Dirty Little Secret” (The Science of Revolution, Part 2)
  • #39 — Vol. 1, #39, Feb. 1, 1979, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [27,903 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [16,083 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Thousands Hit Cannonfodder-call”
    • “Kennedy Speech: The Hawk in Dove’s Feathers”
    • “Iran Day Action: 1500 Hit Berkeley Streets”
    • “The Clash: ‘London calling’ — into the 1980’s”
    • “Revolutionaries & Disarmament: V. I. Lenin ...”
    • “Dictatorship of the Proletariat: Touchstone of Marxism” (The Science of Revolution, Part 3)
  • #40 — Vol. 1, #40, Feb. 8, 1979, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [26,857 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [10,401 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Brigades Form Up for May Day 1980”
    • “A Talk with Bob Avakian on the Current World Scene”
    • “May Day 1912: The Ice Breaks”
    • “Chicago Schools Shut Down”
    • “Frame-up Continues: First Pontiac Prisoners Convicted”
    • “One Year Ago—Insurrection: Iran from ‘Island of Stability’ to Sea of Revolution”
  • #41 — Vol. 1, #41, Feb. 15, 1979, 24 pages (15 in English, 9 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [23,724 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,339 KB]   Articles include:
    • “May Day Brigade Hel Hostage in Youngstown”
    • “Revisionists, Imperialists Scheme in El Salvador”
    • “Revolution in the U.S.A. — The Line of the RCP” [The Science of Revolution, Part IV]
    • “Pigs Run Amok in L.A. Black Community”
    • “U$$R: Today as Capitali$t as U$A”
    • “V.I. Lenin: The Defeat of one’s own Bourgeoisie in the Imperialist War”
    • “May Day in Iran”
  • #42 — Vol. 1, #42, Feb. 22, 1979, 28 pages (16 in English, 12 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [16,793 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [19,122 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Youngstown: Fertile Soil for Seeds of May Day”
    • “Plots Thicken against Embassy Students” (Iran)
    • “Revolts Erupt in Turkey”
    • “Don’t Talk! What to Say When the Man Comes Around Asking Questions”
    • “Don’t Be a ‘Typical Commie’; Be a Communist” (Speech by Bob Avakian)
    • “Architecture of Slavery: Washington D.C.”
    • “Prelude to Pearl Harbor: How the U.S. Tried to Get Bombed!”
  • #43 — Vol. 1, #43, Feb. 29, 1980, 28 pages (15 in English, 13 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [16,567 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [20,523 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Talk with Latin American Workers: ‘I Take Great Pleasure in Fighting Imperialism’”
    • “Communists are Rebels”, by Bob Avakian
    • “6,000 Wildcat in Coalfields”
    • “Police-Nazi Set Up vs. RCP”
    • “U.S. Imperialists Shoot Hockey Pucks in H-Bomb Warm Up”
  • #44 — Vol. 1, #44, March 7, 1980, 24 pages (15 in English, 9 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [17,809 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [10,332 KB]   Articles include:
    • “New Battle Plan for Revolution! RCP’s New Draft Programme”
    • “Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution!”
    • “May Day storm Gathers in Silicon Valley”
    • “Chinese Revisionists Rehab Mao’s Greatest Foe [Liu Shao-chi]: Rotting Corpse From Capitalist Boneyard”
    • “Pick Up the Red Flag! [May Day 1980 Manifesto]”
  • #45 — Vol. 1, #45, March 14, 1980, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [27,168 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,668 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Iran Masses Win a Showdown”
    • “Sparks of May 1st Fly in Birmingham”
    • “Another Kind of War in the U.S. Army”
    • “Political Basis of the Attack on Bob Avakian”
    • “Attica Means It’s Right to Rebel”
    • “Iraqi Kurds: More Trouble for Superpowers”
    • “The Proletariat is Learning to Walk”, by Bob Avakian
    • “What is Economism and Why is it No Damn Good?”
    • “May 1st—Weld Those Who Hate This System Into a Class Conscious Force!”
  • #46 — Vol. 1, #46, March 21, 1980, 28 pages (18 in English, 10 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [28,056 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,794 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Red Battle Flag in Coal Fields”
    • America In Decline—New book analyzes imperialism’s greatest crises” [First of 3 excerpts]
    • “National Anti-Draft Demos March 22: We’ve Got Another Army for Youth to Fight In”
    • “U.S. Cries: More Nerve Gas for World War 3!”
    • “Red Flag Flies Over Alamo”
    • “Tip of a Secret Service Iceberg”
    • “Bob Avakian Defendants Mistrial: Greensboro Railroad Thrown Off Track”
    • “Kennedy’s Criminal ‘Reform’”
    • “How Can We Apologize For Taking History Into Our Own Hands?”, by Bob Avakian
  • #47 — Vol. 1, #47, March 28, 1980, 32 pages (21 in English, 11 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [21,775 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [13,392 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Bob Avakian RxR Back in Court”
    • [May Day] “Button Day: Class Conscious Force Emerging”
    • “Newark Prisoners Rebel”
    • [Iran] “The Shah Shuttle: U.S. Colony to U.S. Colony”
    • America In Decline”, Excerpt 2.
    • “Lenin On the Party of the Class-Conscious Workers”
    • “Why There Was No Revolution in the ’60s and Why There May Be in the ’80s”, by Bob Avakian [Part 2]
    • “Over 200 May Day Busts: They’re Not Playing—And Neither Are We!”
    • “May 1st 1943: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising”
    • “President: Cure Inflation by Raising Prices”
  • #48 — Vol. 1, #48, April 4, 1980, 36 pages (22 in English, 14 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [24,120 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [16,231 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Another Battle Over Hostages” [Iran]
    • “May 1st Talks on the Border”
    • “1980 Body Count” [U.S. Census]
    • Bob Avakian: “Why There Was No Revolution in the ’60s and Why There May Be in the ’80s: Part 2: The Black Panthers”
    • Zimbabwe: “Opportunists Throw Holy Water on Capitulation”
    • America In Decline book excerpt: Part 3
  • #49 — Vol. 1, #49, April 11, 1980, 28 pages (17 in English, 11 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [24,608 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [16,150 KB]   Articles include:
    • “May First—Dare to Join Those Forging the Future!”, statement by Bob Avakian
    • “U.S. Threatens Iran: Imperialist Spider Thrashes in its Web”
    • “On the Battle for May 1st 1980”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Red Flags Fly in Watts”
    • “Get the Battle Plan for Revolution Behind the Walls” [of prisons]
    • “FALN Suspects Defy U.S. Imperialist Courts”
    • “N.Y. Transit Struggle: Refuse to ‘Tote That Barge’”
    • “Vets Meet on World War 3” [VVAW]
    • “More Lies on Vietnam—The Fool and His Book: Fields of Fire”
    • “U.S. Pre-War Propaganda: This Time It’s the Front Lines”
    • “Story of the Internationale
    • “May 1st—Weld Those Who Hate This Shit Into a Class Conscious Force!”
    Supplement: “Is Revolution Really Possible This Decade and What Does May 1st Have To Do With It?”, by Bob Avakian, 12 pages (6 in English, 6 in Spanish). [This is one of the central documents laying out the “1980s Inter-imperialist World War and/or Revolution” doctrine of the RCP, which of course turned out to be completely erroneous. Our apologies for the underlining on this copy.]   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [7,352];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [10,840 KB]
  • #50 — Vol. 1, #50, April 18, 1980, 40 pages (26 in English, 14 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [29,461 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [22,509 KB]   Articles include:
    • “April 24—Pick Up the Red Flag!” [May Day buildup actions]
    • “Refugees Flee Capitalist Cuba”
    • “This System is Doomed! Let’s Finish it Off”, by Bob Avakian [Reprinted]
    • “The Armed Struggle in Kurdestan”
    • “The Economy: Big Jolt Downward in America’s Decline”
    • “U.S. Threatens Everyone on Iran: Friends & Foes Alike”
    • “May Day Inside the War Machine”
    • “May Day Movement Broadens”
    • “Opportunists on May Day: A Pathetic But Revealing Offensive”
    • “Social-Chauvinists Do the Splits: How to Support/Oppose the Draft”
    • “Kennedy: Knight of the Living Dead, Part I”
    • “Women of the Paris Commune”
  • #51 — Vol. 1, #51, April 25, 1980, 32 pages (20 in English, 12 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [19,572 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [11,949 KB]   Articles include:
    • “On to May 1st, 1980: Take History Into Our Hands!”
    • “‘Great Embassy Raid’ [in Iran] Goes Up in Smoke”
    • “Thousands Fly Red Flag—Sing Internationale” [May Day promotion actions]
    • “Two Historic Breakouts”
    • “This System is Doomed! Let’s Finish it Off”, by Bob Avakian [Reprinted again]
    • “Victory in 75,000 RW Sales Blitz”
    • “Forces Gather for May 1st”
    • “Kennedy: Knight of the Living Dead, Part II”
    Supplement: On the Murder of Comrade Damian Garcia, 12 pages.   English & Spanish: Searchable PDF image format   [10,590 KB]
  • #52 — Vol. 1, #52, April 29, 1980, 8 pages. (Spanish section in reverse order from back.)   Searchable PDF image format   [11,743 KB]
  • INDEX — Vol. 1 (May 1979 - April 1980).   For English articles: Searchable PDF image format   [6 pages: 5,931 KB];   For Spanish articles: Searchable PDF image format   [3 pages: 2,822 KB]

  • [Begin Volume 2]
  • #53A — Vol. 2, #1A, May 1, 1980, 32 pages (19 in English, 13 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [20,294 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [19,552 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Imperialist Snakes Recoil to Strike Again in Iran”
    • “Why the Proletariat Will Lead the Revolution”, speech by Bob Avakian
    • “May 1st Message from the Central Committee of the RCP,USA to the Union of Iranian Communists”
    • “The Murder of Damian García: A Planned Political Execution”
    • “International May Day Messages”
    • “D.C. Anti-Nuke Demo Targets Pentagon”
    • “Kennedy: Knight of the Living Dead”
    • “German Social Chauvinist Party Dissoves” [KPD]
    • “The General Line of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA”
  • #53B — Vol. 2, #1B, May 5, 1980, “Red Flag Edition”, 20 pages (14 in English, 6 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [11,596 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [8,218 KB]   Articles include:
    • “May 1st 1980: Revolutionary Workers Storm History’s Stage”
    • “Statement by Bob Avakian, Chairman of the Central Committee, RCP”
    • “Distribute 150,000 RWs
    • “Great Leap on May 1st”
    • “May Day Worldwide Proletarian Internationalism”
    • “May 1st, 1980: Special Photo Section”
  • #54 — Vol. 2, #2, May 9, 1980, 28 pages (19 in English, 9 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [13,424 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [6,280 KB] Articles include:
    • “German Youth Trash NATO Birthday Party”
    • It’s About Time! Tito: Orthodox Revisionist, Dies”
    • “‘Humanitarian’ Imperialists Plot Bloodletting in Iran”
    • “The Hand of the Oppressor at Kent State”
    • “Cuban Refugees: Imperialist Political Plum Turns Sour”
    • “Existentialism, Marxism and Jean-Paul Sartre”
    • “Bwana John Paul Crusades Into Africa”
    • “Taking the Pulse of May Day”
    • “Why a Little Taste of Freedom is an Uplifting Thing, and Why It’s Not Enough”, by Bob Avakian
    • “CIA Gets Blank Check”
    • “Eastern Hogs Bail Out Texas Pigs”
    • “What We Need to Capture the Fortress”, by V. I. Lenin
    Supplement: “May Day Shock Waves Resound”, 7 pages in English and in Spanish, plus center fold-out.   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [5,214 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [4,962 KB]
  • #55 — Vol. 2, #3, May 16, 1980, 40 pages (24 in English, 16 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,311 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [11,993 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Revolutionaries Face Conspiracy Charges for Red Paint at U.N.”
    • “A U.S. Revolutionary in India, Part I: Rendezvous with Revolution”
    • “Food Stamp ‘Rescue’: Attempting to Save Off Rebellion”
    • “NATO, Warsaw Pact Race: U.S./Soviets Convene Foreboding Bloc Parties”
    • “International May Day Messages”
    • “New Anti-Evolution Crusade: Bible Thumpers Demand: Equal Time for Ignorance”
    • “The Sham of Democracy & the Reality of Dictatorship”, speech by Bob Avakian
    • “ERA Leaders Demand: 41 cents More and an Equal Place in the Next War”
    • “Pig Murder Whitewash in Florida”
    • “Authorities Seek Post May Day Revenge”
    • “Mao Tsetung on Questions of Philosophy”
  • #56 — Vol. 2, #4, May 23, 1980, 36 pages (23 in English, 13 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [33,552 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [19,284 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Korea—Uprising in U.S. Stronghold”
    • “Latest Outrage at Love Canal: Chemical Warefare in Honeymoon City”
    • “Forward from May 1st: Stepping Up the Fight on History’s Stage”, by Bob Avakian
    • “The Miami Rebellion and the Storm to Come”
    • “African Liberation Day—1980”
    • “Iranian Revolution: How the People See It on the Streets of Iran”
    • “The Conflicts Beneath Quebec Referendum”
    • “They Can’t Believe We’ll Rise Above the Muck and the Mire”, speech by Bob Avakian (Part 1)
    • “Excerpt from Central Committee Document: The Question of Democracy and the Communist Movement”
    • “G. Gordon Liddy—Hitman, Pervert and Patriot”
    • “Revisionist Crisis and the Cuban Refugees”
  • #57 — Vol. 2, #5, May 30, 1980, 40 pages (22 in English, 18 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [20,498 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [18,308 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Kwangju Retaken: But U.S. Imperialists Still Sweating” [South Korea]
    • “Cubans Try Jailbreak in this ‘Land of Freedom’”
    • “Seabrook Nuke Attacked”
    • “Enemy’s Weakness Revealed in Miami Rebellion”
    • “Uranium Death for Black Hills Indians: Modern Poison Blanket Policy”
    • “Mexican Revolutionary on May 1st and the RW: We’re Not ALone, We’ve Got the International Proletariat”
    • “Bob Avakian in D.C. in November, Part 2: Revolution: They Can’t Stand It, But They Can’t Stop It”
    • “Pro-Soviet Wind Blows in Peking: AC/DC in Capitulation”
  • #58 — Vol. 2, #6, June 6, 1980, 32 pages (20 in English, 12 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [27,838 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [11,387 KB]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. ‘Discovers’ Zionist Terror”
    • “The Holy Hit Man: Behind the Murder of the Archbishop of El Salvador”
    • “Movement Opportunists on May 1st: Upholding Spontaneity and Denouncing Revolution”
    • “Grasp Revolutionary Theory—Rely On the Masses”, by Bob Avakian
    • “The Life of a Professional Revolutionary: ‘20 Years in Underground Russia’”
    • “Corporate Land Grab Meets Indian Resistance”
    • “U.S./Mexico Border: An Imperialist Scar”
  • #59 — Vol. 2, #7, June 13, 1980, 32 pages (19 in English, 13 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [14,490 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [10,457 KB] Articles include:
    • “Imperialist Economy Takes New Dive”
    • “UN 2 Hounded with a Vengeance”
    • “Richard Pryor: Humor of the Oppressed”
    • “LAPD and the Gangs”
    • “Demonstration Hits U.S. 7th Army H.Q.”
    • “Cuba: Crisis in Revisionist Satellites (Part I: Cuba)”
    • “New Draft Programme: Letters on the Battle Plan for Revolution”
    • “Summing Up a May 1st Factory Battle: More Revealed on Revolutionary Potential”
    • “Remember Comrade Garcia; Remember the Alamo Takeover”
  • #60 — Vol. 2, #8, June 20, 1980, 36 pages (20 in English, 16 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,346 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,364 KB] Articles include:
    • “New Upsurge in South Africa”
    • “United Nations 2: Revolutionaries Face 14 Years as Trial Begins”
    • “Armed Mohawks Face Off N.Y. State Police, Vigilantes”
    • “What the Draft Bill Reveals: The Method and the Madness”
    • “15,000 Demonstrate in Paris Against Deportation”
    • “Greensboro, N.C.: Courtroom Farce Set to Vindicate Klan Murderers”
    • “Excerpts from C.C. Document: The United Front and the Revolutionary Alliance at Its Core”
    • “Origins of U.S. Aggression in Korea: 30 Years of Shabby Lies”
    • “Power Struggle in Islamic Republic Coming to a Head” [Iran]
    • “Hayden Fisher Convicted: Spirit of Damian García Alive at Alamo Trial”
    • “Palestinian Struggle: A Bone in the Imperialists’ Throat”
    • “Michigan Police Attack Anti-Nuke Paper”
    • “The Amateurishness of the Economists and an Organization of Revolutionaries”, by V. I. Lenin
  • #61 — Vol. 2, #9, June 27, 1980, 36 pages (22 in English, 14 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [16,162 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [10,729 KB] Articles include:
    • “U.N. 2 Convicted: 2 Felonies for Exposing War Moves”
    • “Vietnam Invades Thailand”
    • “LAPD Cover-Up in Damian Garcia Murder”
    • “Protest Defies Smokescreen at Walla Walla”
    • “Message from the Union of Iranian Communists to the C.C. of the RCP,USA, on the Occasion of May Day 1980”
    • “U.S. Aggression in Korea: 30 Years of Shabby Lies”
    • “Notes on Studying the Draft Programme On: The Revolutionary Alliance”
    • “Duran/Leonard: America Loses a Round”
    • “We Don’t Have a Country; We Live In It But It’s Not Ours”, from a speech by Bob Avakian
    • “Broad Support Builds: Free the U.N. 2! Down With U.S.-Soviet War Moves!”
    • “The Amateurishness of the Economists and an Organization of Revolutionaries”, by V. I. Lenin
    • “Alamo Trial Backfires—Bourgeoisie Exposed”
    • “‘RCP Day’ in S.F. Court”
  • #62 — Vol. 2, #10, July 4, 1980, 32 pages (20 in English, 12 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [14,058 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [9,419 KB] Articles include:
    • “Abortions for Poor Stopped”
    • “Crisis in Revisionist Satellites, Part 2—Vietnam”
    • “A Strange Nazi-Pig Tale” [COINTELPRO-style against RCP]
    • “Trial of Four to Begin: Mao Tsetung Indicted by Chinese Revisionists”
    • “Black Hills Bribe: Native Americans Sneer at Government Trinkets”
    • “Klan Trial Jury Selection: Greensboro Court Sets Up to Let KKK Off”
    • “The Bloody WOrk of the AFL-CIO CIA: Fighting for Imperialism Everywhere”
    • “Step Up the Struggle to Free the UN 2”
    • “Interview with Mao Tsetung Kredsen” [Denmark]
    • “New Draft Programme and Draft Constitution: Letters on the Battle Plan for Revolution”
    • “What the CWP is Copying and What It Is Not”
    • “The Fight for the Troops at San Francisco’s MUNI”
  • #63 — Vol. 2, #11, July 11, 1980, 32 pages (18 in English, 14 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,598 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [10,281 KB] Articles include:
    • “The International Unity of the Proletariat: What it is and How to Fight for it” (First of 2 parts)
    • “Support the UN 2: Wear a Red Armband on July 15”
    • “The Draft—Portent of War and Revolution”
    • “Coral Sea Docks in Bay Area: 300 Slam War Moves”
    • “On Saviors & Horse Races: And Other Items from the Capitalist Election Trick Bag”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Pope Goes Slumming: Saving Brazil—For U.S. Imperialism”
    • “Report from the Western War Front of Aghanistan”
    • “Movie Portrays Blacks as Loving Slavery: NBC Presents: Saturday Night on the Plantation”
    • “Desert Death Welcomes Salvadorans to ‘Land of Freedom’”
    • “‘Warm’ Reception for New World Patriotism Day”
    • “Detroit Judge: ‘I Want the RCP Off the Streets...’”
    • “Police Murder No Revelation to the People” [L.A.]
    Supplement: “First-Hand Report from Iran: Inside the Revolutionary War in Kurdestan”, 12 pages (6 in English, 6 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [3,849 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [3,518 KB]
  • #64 — Vol. 2, #12, July 18, 1980, 44 pages (26 in English, 18 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [16,544 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [11,017 KB] Articles include:
    • “Joint Communique from the RCP of Chile and the RCP,USA”
    • “Mohawks Remain Vigilant at Akwesasne”
    • “Pledge of Internationalism”
    • “Imperialists Deliver ‘Message’—UN 2 Sentenced”
    • “GOP Convention: Reviewing Stand for War”
    • “The International Unity of the Proletariat: What It Is and How to Fight for It”
    • “Vietnam Era Marine/1980s Revolutionary”
    • “GIs in Vietnam Era: The Other War”
    • “Afghan Revolutionary Captured by Russian Imperialists”
    • “Inside the Den of Spies in Tehran: Embassy Militants Expose U.S. Crimes”
    • “On Saviors & Horse Races”, by Bob Avakian (Part 2)
    • “LAPD ‘Report’ on May Day 1980”
    • “How Marx Could Envision Communism”
    • “Lenin on War anad the Arming of the Proletariat”
  • #65 — Vol. 2, #13, August 1, 1980, 40 pages (24 in English, 16 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,982 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [10,694 KB] Articles include:
    • “Wanted: 100,000 Co-Conspirators”
    • “3 Dead from Heat at Menard Prison”
    • “Statement by New Zealand Marxist-Leninists” [Condemning a revisist coup within the New Zealand party.]
    • “Oppose World War 3 Dress Rehearsal”
    • “Shah Lovers Flop in D.C.”
    • “U.S. Dangles Dead Puppet” [Shah of Iran]
    • “Scientists Probe Shah’s Curious Malady”
    • “Klan Goes Free—Chattanooga Blows”
    • “Cell Blocks Go Up in Smoke in Idaho”
    • “Behind the U.S. Opposition to Bolivia’s Latest Coup”
    • Lu Hsun: “Fair Play” Should Be Put Off for the Time Being
    • “Applying a Dash of Make-up to South Africa’s Ravaged Face”
    • “Political Trial in Oakland Backfires”
    • “On So-called ‘National Nihilism’: You Can’t Beat Your Enemy While Raising His Flag”
  • #66 — Vol. 2, #14, August 8, 1980, 36 pages (20 in English, 16 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [12,731 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [11,157 KB] Articles include:
    • “Do Something on Election Day???!!! Yes... Spit on the Imperialists’ Con Game!”
    • “1980 Olympics: U.S./Soviets Tie for Gold in Contention”
    • “U.S. Backs Off—Iranian Students Free”
    • “Klan ‘Trial’ Begins in Greensboro”
    • “History Behind the Myth: The Democrats: Imperialism’s Party for the People”
    • “Zionists ‘Unite’ Jerusalem: Why All the Flap Over Begin’s Latest Move”
    • “Disarming ‘The War At Home’” [Movie review]
    • “Rejecting the Cannonfodder Call”
    • “New Round of Attacks on RCP in Houston”
    • “Navajos Jailed for Trespsassing on Own Land”
    • What Is To Be Done?, Chapter 5: The Plan for an All-Russian Political Newspaper”
    • “The U.S. ‘Destabilization’ of Jamaica”
  • #67 — Vol. 2, #15, August 15, 1980, 32 pages (17 in English, 15 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [10,515 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [10,347 KB] Articles include:
    • Democratic Convention Concludes: A Naked Face of War Beneath a Veil of Reform”
    • “U.S. Cocks Nuclear Arsenal”
    • “Murdered for Opposing Draft”
    • Political Struggle Yields Revolutionary Results: Spreading the Conspiracy—An RW Distribution Report”
    • “U.S. Invades Vieques ... Again”
    • Imperialist ‘Equality’ of Language: ‘Speak English!’”
    • What Is To Be Done? — Chapter 5: The Plan for an All-Russian Political Newspaper” [Lenin]
    • Shot by Vigilantes: Black Youths’ Blood Runs in Cincinnati Streets”
    • Chicago P.D.’s Latest: The Murder of Richard Ramey”
    • “San Pedro Youth Put Cops on the Run”
    • “‘Democracy’ and Dictatorship” by V. I. Lenin
    • “Breakout in Watts”
    • “Visit to an Iran Factory: Struggle Sharpens Over Course of Revolution”
    • Hurricane: Disasters Naatural and Unnatural”
  • #68 — Vol. 2, #16, August 22, 1980, 36 pages (21 in English, 15 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [24,013 KB]   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [16,055 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Workers Struggle Exposes Capitalism in Soviet Satellite: Upheaval in Poland”
    • “Crucial Questions in Coming From Behind”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Israelis Attack Palestinians in Lebanon”
    • “What Did the ‘Counter Convention’ Counter?”
    • “Victim Put on Trial in Police Shooting Case”
    • “Russell Means’ Attack on Revolutionary Marxism”
    • “Lenin on Picking Up the Pen”
    • “Teng and Hua Duke It Out: Revisionist Infighting—How Best to Attack Mao?”
  • #69 — Vol. 2, #17, August 29, 1980, 40 pages (24 in English, 16 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [15,644 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [11,095 KB] Articles include:
    • “Superpowers Sweat over Polish Workers’ Strike”
    • “Chicano Moratorium: Ten Years Later”
    • “Hundreds Lay Ziege to Philly Police Dept.”
    • “Capitulation to Imperialism Highlighted in Mugabe Visit”
    • “Meeting in West Germany: Broad Forces Unite to Plan Opposition to ‘Autumn Forge 1980’”
    • “U.S. Maneuvers Behind Israeli Raids”
    • “CWP: The Not-So-Great Imposter of Marxism”
    • Invasion Plan Leaked: The Many Ugly Faces of U.S. Plots vs. Iran”
    • Ted Kennedy: Knight in Dented Armor Readied for Nuclear Crusade”
    • Detroit: White Sheets and M-16s”
    • “Reader Exposes Police Murders” [Colorado]
    • “On Confounding Politics with Pedagogics”, by V. I. Lenin
    • “U.S. Prosecutor Slanders UN 2 as Tour Begins”
    • “Serious Political Charges Levelled in Atlanta”
    • Houston: Trial of Co-Conspirators Yields New Co-conspirators”
    • U.S. ‘Support’ for Polish Workers: With Friends Like These...”
    • Not Welcome at Afro-American Freedom Festival: Navy Recruting Ship Scuttled”
    • Bombing, Immigration Threats: New Wave of Anti-Iranian Attacks”
    • RCP New Programme & Constitution Drafts: Expand Distribution & Debate”
    • “Acquittal in Recruiter Trashing Trial”
    • “Alleged FALN Members Get Maximum Sentences”
    • “Excerpts from Piece Rates in Hungary: Soviet Bloc Capitalism—From the Inside”
  • #70 — Vol. 2, #18, September 5, 1980, 40 pages (23 in English, 17 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [25,382 KB]   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [19,293 KB]   Articles include:
    • “As Superpowers Move Towards War: Polish Strikers Jolted World”
    • “Four Years Since Mao Tsetung’s Death: Greatest Revolutionary of Our Time”
    • “Secret Cable Exposes U.S. Coup Plans in Iran”
    • “Attica” [Poem]
    • “Gov’t Makes Startling New Medical Discovery—Too Many Doctors?!?”
    • “V. I. Lenin: An Urgent Question”
    • “Excerpts from Piece Rates in Hungary: Soviet Bloc Capitalism—From the Inside”
    • “Cowboy Myth Rides Again for Imperialism”
    • “‘Free Thinkers’ Expel Marx from Kentucky Campus”
  • #71 — Vol. 2, #19, September 12, 1980, 36 pages (20 in English, 16 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [23,783 KB]   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [19,139 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Campaign ’80 Underway: Are You Ready to Fight to Defend This Throne?” [With photo of toilet]
    • “Chilean Generals Hold Gunpoint Reforendum”
    • “Atlanta Revolutionaries Held Incommunicado”
    • “Correspondence: Picking Up the Pen”
    • “Proposed Rewrite of the Draft Programme Section on Women”
    • “Britain’s Part in Autumn Forge: Crusading to World War 3”
    • “6th Nation Peoples Congress [in China]: Hua Bitten in Revisionist Dogfight”
    • “‘Where To Begin?’—A Pathbreaking Article by Lenin”
    • “Carter/Reagan Wild Economic Plans: Why They Can’t ‘Reindustrialize’ America”
    • “More from the Transcripts of the UN 2 Trial: ‘We are Internationalists... We Stand with the Millions Around the World’”
  • #72 — Vol. 2, #20, September 19, 1980, 44 pages (27 in English, 17 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [28,570 KB]   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [18,729 KB]   Articles include:
    • “NATO Maneuvers in Germany: Rumbling of Rebellion as Tanks Roll”
    • “Pro-U.S. Fascists Topple Pro-U.S. Fascists in Turkey”
    • “Activists Expose First Strike Plans: Authorities Sharpen Legal Blade in Berrigan Case”
    • “Wanted: 100,000 Co-Conspiritors—Open Up the Struggle! Let 100 Flowers Blossom: Let 100 Schools of Thought Contend”
    • “Somoza Goes to Pieces”
    • “Two Sentenced in Atlanta Flag-Burning”
    • “Proletarians are Revolutionary Optimists”, by Pi Sheng
    • “Lenin on Bourgeois and Proletarian Democracy”
    • “8 Years of Martial Law in the Philippines”
    • “Letters on the Draft Programme and Constitution of the RCP, USA”
    • “New Book Exposes U.S. Terror in Latin America”
    • “How the FBI Used the Media Against the Panthers”
    • “30 Years of U.S. Imperialist Peace” [Listing 215 incidents of imperialist attacks, interventions, etc.]
  • #73 — Vol. 2, #21, September 26, 1980, 40 pages (24 in English, 16 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [20,262 KB]   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [14,539 KB]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. Unleashes Iraq Against Iran”
    • “Historic Demonstration in West Germany: 2000 March Against ‘Autumn Forge ’80’”
    • “Politicians Call for ‘Safer’ H-Bombs”
    • “Cuban Refugees Booted to Puerto Rico”
    • “Revolutionary Leader Murdered in Kurdestan”
    • “Lenin: A Talk to the Defenders of Economism”
    • “Social-Chauvinists’ War Maneuvers” [CPML]
    • “Letters on the Draft Programme and Constitution of the RCP, USA”
    • “Iraq: From the Soviet to the U.S. Orbit”
    • “Capitalism’s War Against the Navajos—1980”
  • #74 — Vol. 2, #22, Oct. 3, 1980, 36 pages (20 in English, 16 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [32,525 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [26,529 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Iranian People Rise Against U.S. War Moves”
    • “State Lays Legal Track for Pontiac Bros.’ Railroad”
    • “Debate Opens on 100,000 Campaign: Let 100 Flowers Blossom—Let 100 Schools of Thought Contend”
    • “LAPD Beefs Up Deadly Arsenal with ‘Non Lethal’ Weapons”
    • “To the Soldiers of NATO”
    • “Sharp Struggle, Excellent Situation Inside Iran”
    • “Letters on the Draft Programme and Constitution of the RCP, USA”
    • “Africa Stalked by Merchants of Famine”
  • #75 — Vol. 2, #23, October 10, 1980, 48 pages (30 in English, 18 in Spanish). [Note: In the English part, page 8 is tilted to accommodate the OCR program.]   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [33,509 KB]   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [21,957 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Under the Guise of Neutrality: U.S. Orchestrates New Attacks on Iran”
    • “New Developments in Bob Avakian Railroad”
    • “Vile Maneuver in Trial of Chinese Revolutionaries” [Lumping Lin Biao in with them]
    • “In Revolution, Is Relying on the Masses an Optional Accessory” [Report of speech by Bob Avakian]
    • “Shoshone Land Targeted for MX Missiles”
    • “Debate on 100,000 Campaign”
    • “Elections ’80: The ‘Lessor of Two Evils’ Ploy and the ‘Rise of the Right’”
    • “90 Years of U.S. Plunder: ‘We’ve Done it Before, We’ll Do it Again’” [Longer list of U.S imperialist actions and incidents]
    • “Defense Sec’y. Brown on U.S. War Strategy: ‘It’s Not Necessary to Await the Firing of the First Shot...’”
    • “Iran/Iraq War—The Bankruptcy of the ‘Who Fired the First Shot’ Logic”
    • “Party Chairman Replies to Letter From: ‘Black Nationalist With Communist Inclinations’”
  • #76 — Vol. 2, #24, Oct. 17, 1980, 40 pages (21 in English, 19 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [16,578 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [14,925 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Imperialist Gangster Logic: U.S. Protection Racket in Iraq/Iran War”
    • “Spit On the Imperialists’ Con Game” [U.S. elections]
    • “Explosion Blows Lid Off ‘Model’ City Lie: Depth of Vicious National Oppression Revealed in Atlanta”
    • “Debate on 100,000 Campaign: Let 100 Flowers Blossom: Let 100 Schools of Thought Contend”
    • “U.S. Counter-Insurgency Document: A Look Beneath the Velvet Glove”
    • “Tampon Manufacturers Scramble to Profit from Toxic Shock Outrage”
    • “New Developments in Bob Avakian Railroad”
    • “Letters on the Draft Programme and Draft Constitution of the RCP, USA”
    • “‘Moral Majority’ Caught With Its Pants Down”
  • #77 — Vol. 2, #25, Oct. 24, 1980, 48 pages. (Including 20 pages in Spanish.)  
    • English part, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [36,604 KB]  
    • Spanish part, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [24,607 KB]  
    • Supplement: English part, 4 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,105 KB]  
    • Supplement: Spanish part, 4 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,373 KB]  
    • Articles include:
      • “Appeals Court Puts Bob Avakian Railroad Back on Track”
      • “Hostage Deal in Works: U.S. Gangsters Lean on Iranian Gov’t.”
      • “‘Do Something on Election Day???’ — Spit on the Imperialist Con Game”
      • “Cook County Attacks Abortions: Does Feds One Better”
      • “Debate on 100,000 Campaign: Let 100 Flowers Blossom: Let 100 Schools of Thought Contend”
      • “Roosevelt [FDR]: The Mantle and the Myth”
      • “U.S. Supreme Court Rules ‘Women, Know Thy Place’”
      • “Reactionary Strike in the Coalfields”
      • “‘Battle for the Troops’ in Autumn Forge” [NATO in Germany]
      • “Rita Silk-nauni: Two Life Terms in Jail for Resisting Oppression”
      • “Brutal Double Murder at Hands of Chicago Pigs”
      • “Is Newsweek Blatant Enough?” [Criticizing their cover article “Is America Strong Enough?”]
      • “Chiang Ching’s Leaked Statement in Trial: Unruly Against Revisionism”
  • #78 — Vol. 2, #26, Oct. 31, 1980, 48 pages (27 in English, 21 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [16,993 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [13,116 KB]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. Gunpoint Diplomacy Extorts Hostage Deal” [Iran]
    • Spit on the Imperialists’ Con Game: Rulers’ Deceitful Battle for the Ballot”
    • “Liberal Veil Covers Reactionary Face in UN 2 Appeal”
    • Buffalo, New York: Black Community Seethes in Wake of Racist Attacks”
    • Another ‘Justifiable Homicide’ in Chicago: Police Shoot James Cash in the Back”
    • Debate on 100,000 Campaign: Let 100 Flowers Blossom: Let 100 Schools of Thought Contend”
    • “CIA Wins Jamaica Election”
    • “Lenin on the State” [Excerpts from a 1919 speech]
    • “Funding Chokehold Exposed in Pontiac Brothers Trial”
    • “The Cancer Syndrome” [Major article]
    • “Important Questions about Revolution in El Salvador”
    • “Letters on the Draft Programme & Draft Constitution of the RCP,USA”
    • “Government Appeal Decision Sparks Outrage: Bob Avakian and the Mao Tsetung Defendants: The Enemy’s Dilemma ...”
  • Special 1980 Presidential Election Flier, n.d. (but late October or early November 1980), 4 pages (2 in English, 2 in Spanish).   Searchable PDF image format   [5,253 KB]
  • #79 — Vol. 2, #27, November 7, 1980, 48 pages (27 in English, 21 in Spanish).   English part: Searchable PDF image format   [19,810 KB];   Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format   [14,433 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Election Results: No Transfer of Power [That is up to us!]”
    • “Iran: Class Struggle Sharpens in Face of Imperialist Blackmail”
    • “Stop the Railroad of Bob Avakian! Free the Mao Tsetung Defendants!
    • “Class-Conscious Actions Cut Through Election Fog”
    • “Anti-Election, Anti-War Sentiment Erupts in Berkeley”
    • “Two Iranian Comrades Killed in Battle: Theirs Was the Red Path of Revolution”
    • “366+ A Very Bad Year for U.S. Imperialism”
    • “Debate on 100,000 Campaign: Let 100 Flowers Blossom...”
    • “U.S. De-Stabilization Oils Seaga’s Slide Into Jamaica Top Spot”
    • “[Iranian Press:] Paving he Way to Surrender to U.S. Imperialism”
    • “Atlanta: Authorities Plot to ‘Keep the Peace’ as Murders Coninue”
    • “From the Bridge of USS Imperialism: Admiral Sounds Battle Stations”
    • “Hospital Rules: No Blood for Chicano”
    • “5 Killed in W. Virginia Mine Explosion: Miners’ Fate Sealed by Company Coverup”
    • “Letters on the Draft Programme & Draft Constitution of the RCP,USA”
    • “Class-Conscious Actions Cut Through Election Fog”
  • #80 — Vol. 2, #28, November 14, 1980, English edition, 28 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [19,474 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Overturn the Railroad of Bob Avakian: Mao Defendants Committee Calls for Nationwide Campaign”
    • “Mao’s Line Indicted in Peking: Stage Set for Trial of Four”
    • “Four Years ‘On the Blanket’ in Northern Ireland”
    • “Auto Imports Ruling Protects U.S. War Bloc”
    • “West German Youth Crash War Rites”
    • “U.S. Economic Vise Squeezes Iranian Rulers”
    • “Let 100 Flowers Blossom: Let 100 Schools of Thought Contend” [Debate on 100,000 circulation campaign]
    • “Leonard Peltier Writes: Marion Prison Strike Enters Eighth Week”
    • “Internationalist Art Show: Anti-WW3”
    • “Deng Xiao-ping’s Modern Industrial Boondoggles”
    • “Philippines Bombings Mark Bourgeois Challenge to Marcos”
    • “The FBI Frameup of Dhoruba Moore: Early ’70s Cointelpro Target”
    • “Imperialists Test [War] Mobilization Preparations”
    • “Letters on the Draft Programme & Draft Constitution of the RCP,USA”
  • #81 — Vol. 2, #29, November 21, 1980, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [23,458 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Proletarian Revolution on Trial in China: Mao’s Comrades Defiant”
    • “Greensboro Murders/Verdict: U.S. Rulers Deliver Desperate Message”
    • “Thousands Storm U.S. Headquarters in Greece: Down With NATO!”
    • “U.S. Germ Warfare Tests Revealed; Target: Savannah, Georgia”
    • “Debate on 100,000 Campaign: Let 100 Flowers Blossom; Let 100 Schools of Thought Contend”
    • “U.S. Imperialists Tighten Screws, Iranian Rulers Squabble”
    • “U.S. Engineers Brutal Return of Hatian Refugees”
    • “The Struggle Between Two World Views on the Understanding of the Human Body”, a translation of an article from the Chinese journal Red Flag [Part 1]
  • #82 — Vol. 2, #30, November 28, 1980, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [16,910 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Mao’s Comrades: Caged, But Every Ounce—Tigers”
    • “Poland: Soviets Growl, U.S. Eyes a Meal”
    • El Salvador: U.S. Guns Declare: ‘No Rivals Tolerated’”
    • Statements Demand: Stop the Railroad of Bob Avakian and the Mao Tsetung Defendants”
    • “Haitian Struggle: Duvalier Swings Fascist Club”
    • “...In the Wake of Greensboro”
    • “Black Revolutionary Assassinated: Yulanda Ward: 1958-1980”
    • “Debate on 100,000 Campaign: Let 100 Flowers Blossom; Let 100 Schools of Thought Contend”
    • “History Develops in Spirals” [From China, 1974]
    • “UCLA Moves to Boot RCYB—Registers Flag-Wavers”
    • Italy Earthquake Disaster: The Fault”
    • “The Struggle Between Two World Views on the Understanding of the Human Body” [From Red Flag in China, 1974]
    • “Outrageous Press Lies on Gang of Four Trial”
    • “Letters on the Draft Programme & Draft Constitution of the RCP,USA”
  • #83 — Vol. 2, #31, December 5, 1980, English edition, 28 pages. (Some underlining; our apologies.)   Searchable PDF image format   [28,616 KB]   Articles include:
    • “100,000 Co-Conspirators Now—It’s In Your Hands”
    • “First-Hand Account from Poland: In the Eye of the Storm”
    • “Catholic Nuns Slain in El Salvador: Once Again the Bloody Hand of U.S. Imperialism”
    • “Statements Demand: Stop the Railroad of Bob Avakian and the Mao Tsetung Defendants”
    • “West German Youth Rebel: 10,000 Blast Army Induction Finale in Stuttgart”
    • “Frame-Up Stands in Geronimo Pratt Case”
    • “Atempted Banning of Revolution Books in Berkeley”
    • “The Trial of the ‘Gang of Four’: Overthrowing Revisionists is Fine”
    • “The Cultural Revolution” [Excerpt from Avakian book]
  • #84 — Vol. 2, #32, December 12, 1980, English edition, 28 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [18,670 KB]   Articles include:
    • Revolutionaries Turn Tables on Chinese Revisionists’ Court: ‘Who’s on Trial in History’s Court?’”
    • “Soviets Poised on Poland’s Border—U.S. Rallies Junior Partners with War Cries”
    • “Purto Rican Liberation? ‘Seditious Conspiracy’ Says U.S.”
    • “100,000 Co-Conspirators NOW — It’s In Your Hands”
    • Statements Demand: Stop the Railroad of Bob Avakian and the Mao Tsetung Defendants”
    • “Support Every Outbreak of Protest & Rebellion”
    • Ireland: Widespread Protests Over Political Prisoners”
    • Brezhnev’s India Jaunt: Hugging Indira, Squeezing the U.S.”
    • “U.N. 2 Appeal Denied”
    • Dutch Revolutionaries Write: ‘The Struggle of the People is Going Upwards’”
    • “What They’re Trying to Bury with John Lennon”
    • “Battle Over Revolution Books” [Berkeley, CA]
    • “Judge Rules [that] Plots vs. May Day — ‘Privileged’ Information” [L.A.]
    • Preface to Marx’s Letter to Kugelmann: They Dared to Storm Heaven”
    • “On the Revolution of Peking Opera”, Chiang Ching’s 1964 Speech
    • Deng’s 1966 Self-Criticism: ‘I Have Not Raised High the Banner of Mao Tsetung Thought...’”
  • #85 — Vol. 2, #33, December 19, 1980, English edition, 28 pages plus double-size fold-out poster promoting the RW.   Searchable PDF image format   [35,160 KB]   Articles include:
    • “It’s In Your Hands: 100,000 Co-Conspirators Now
    • “Chinese Rulers Slug It Out: Crude Capitalist Roader vs. Wishy-Washy Revisionist”
    • “Native American Activist Hung in Prison”
    • “‘Memo’ Reveals U.S. Claws Deep in El Salvador”
    • “Statements Demand: Stop the Railroad of Bob Avakian and the Mao Tsetung Defendants”
    • “Alexei Kosygin: Chief Engineer of Capitalist Restoration Croaks”
    • “The Reversal of the Revolution in China: Causes and Lessons”, by Bob Avakian


  • #86 — Vol. 2, #34, January 2, 1981, English edition, 28 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [30,435 KB]   Articles include:
    • “To the Marxist-Leninists, the Workers, and the Oppressed of All Countries”, joint international statement of 13 Parties.
    • “Major Success in Battle for 100,000 Co-Conspirators: Big Leap Made—Intense Effort to Come”
    • “Charlotte County, Virgina: Barbaric Verdict Approves Racist Murder”
    • “Behind the Barricades in West Berlin: Squatters Revolt Rocks Imperialist Showcase”
    • “Neo-Colonial Clampdown in Senegal”
    • “One Year After Invasion of Afghanistan: Anti-Soviet Outbreaks in Kabul”
    • “Protests in Wake of Cop Acquittal: Anger Seethes in Miami”
    • “U.S. Plays Musical Puppets in El Salvador”
    • “The Amateurishness of the Economists and the Organization of Revolutionaries”, by V. I. Lenin
    • “Chiang Ching’s Defiant Declaration: ‘It’s Right to Rebel! Making Revolution is No Crime!’”
  • #87 — Vol. 2, #35, Jan. 9, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [23,553 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Another Court Adds Its Steam to Railroad of Bob Avakian”
    • “Chiang Ching’s Revolutionary ‘Point of View’”
    • “AFL-CIO Loses 3 Hit-Men”
    • “Hopes & Pitfalls in MLK Birthday Demonstrations”
    • “Scaling New Heights in 100,000 Campaign”
    • “Thousands Denounce Military Junta in Turkey”
    • “Cuba, the Evaporation of a Myth” [Excerpts]
    • “A Rogue’s Gallery of Imperialist Spies and Agents”
    • “More on the Article ‘Russell Mean’s Attack on Revolutionary Marxism’”
  • #88 — Vol. 2, #36, January 16, 1981, English edition, 28 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [32,067 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Coronation of an Imperialist Mouthpiece” [Ronald Reagan]
    • “Offensive Batters Salvadoran Junta”
    • “New Upsurge in Poland”
    • “Paramedics’ ‘Intensive Care’ for Black People” [Chicago]
    • “Report on M.L. King Day Demonstrations”
    • “Building a Politica Base Area for Revolution”
    • “Breaking Away from the Idea of Bourgeois Right”, a 1958 article by Chang Chun-chiao
    • “The Oligarchy of Finance Capital”
  • #89 — Vol. 2, #37, January 23, 1981, English edition, 20 pages plus double-sized poster in honor of Chiang Ching and Chang Chun-chiao and supporting the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.   Searchable PDF image format   [14,108 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Masters of Torture Howl ‘Cruelty’”
    • “Salvadoran Guerrillas Step Up Offensive, Hold Territory”
    • “Revolutionary Fighter—RW Seller Shot in Newark”
    • The Making of an ‘Imperial’-ist Presidency: War Crown Changes Heads”
    • “Iran, It’s Not Our Embassy”, by Bob Avakian
    • “A Rogue’s Gallery of Imperialist Spies and Agents”
    • “Stop the Railroad of Bob Avakian! Free th Mao Tsetung Defendants”
    • “China: Contradictions Bubbling in Revisionist Stew”
    • “Mao Tsetung on Ten Big Struggles in the Party”
    • “Miami Rebellion on Trial”
    • “KKK Gets Time Off for ‘Good Behavior’ in Chattanooga”
    • Doctors Urge Breat Removal—To Prevent Cancer! Another Capitalist ‘Cure’ for Women”
    • “NATO Target Practice: Italian Jetliner”
    • “Mexico: 10,000 Armed Peasants Blockade Oilfields”
    • “Peltier Appeal Opens; International Support Builds”
    • “Architect’s ‘Proposal’ on Vietnam War Monument Competition”
  • #90 — Vol. 2, #38, January 30, 1981, English edition, 36 pages (including a double-sized pull-out poster). This is a special issue on the verdict of the trial by the Chinese revisionists of the so-called “Gang of Four”, which also talks about the Cultural Revolution and the Chinese Revolution in general.   Searchable PDF image format   [33,933 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Proletarian Revolutionaries Turn China Trial Upside-Down: Long Live Chiang Ching! Long Live Chang Chun-chiao!”
    • “The Banner Has Been Held Brilliantly Aloft, a Call Has Been Rightiously Sounded”, statement by Bob Avakian for the RCP on the heroic stand of Chiang Ching and Chang Chun-chiao.
    • “Revolutionary Messages Received From Shanghai”
    • “This Time, the Proletariat Was Not Defeated Politically”, unsigned speech (but probably by Bob Avakian).
    • “Excerpts from Trial Testimony: Chiang Ching Exposes Plot to Steal the Sky and Change the Sun”
    • “After the Revisionist Coup: The Shanghai Rebellion ‘Plot’”
    • “Talk by Chang Chun-chiao to the Anhwei Delegation: Seizing Power in the January Storm”
    • “Revolution Must Sweep the Stage”, by Yen Feng (1976)
    • “Mao Tsetung on the Cultural Revolution” (1967)
    • “Quotations from Mao Tsetung” [A large collection]
    • “The Forging of Two Revolutionary Communists” [Chiang Ching and Chang Chun-chiao]
    • “Upholding Mao’s Comrades: Successful Demonstrations Held in Four U.S. Cities”
    • “Stung by Chiang Ching, U.S. Gov’t Drags Up Old Slanders of Mao”
    • “Two Statements by Mao About the U.S.”
  • #91 — Vol. 2, #39, February 6, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [13,813]   Articles include:
    • “Imperialism Plays New War Games with Vietnam Vets”
    • “Wanted: Young Rebels to be Key Force Now in 100,000 Battle”
    • “U.S. Takes Aim at Puerto Rican Liberation”
    • “Cabinet Tiff Exposes Reality of Foreign Aid”
    • “Salvadorans Stage Unger Strike Against Deportations”
    • “Facist Korean Dog Visits U.S. Trainers”
    • “Liberal Lobs Slow Pitches to Nazi”
    • China’s ‘Party Leader’: Attacks on Socialism and Signals to Soviet Revisionists”
    • “Poland Upsurge Still Unchecked”
    • “Call to Evaluate the Role of Bertolt Brecht”
    • “Seattle Restaurant Owner Busted”
    • “Mass, Proletarian War Crimes Tribunals of U.S. Imperialism”
    • “Pontiac Frame-Up Approaches Showdown”
    • “Police Follow-up on Yulanda Ward Murder”
    • “Hostages Vie for John Wayne Honors” [Iran]
    • “How the Thieves of High Finance Have Robbed Iran”
    • “Report from Walla Walla on Conditions of Black Prisoners”
    • “Rough Water for Supertankers in Puget Sound”
    • “Statements of Support for Mao’s Revolutionary Comrades”
    • “Haitians Face Deportation Threat in Bahamas”
  • #92 — Vol. 2, #40, February 13, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [16,416]   Articles include:
    • 3 Black Youth Convicted of Murder: Despicable Decree Issued on Miami Rebellion”
    • “Gov’t Overrules Spanish Language”
    • Zurich, Switzerland: Youth Revolt in Bankers’ Haven”
    • “Why Our Plan is ‘Create Public Opinion... Seize Power’”
    • “Drop All the Charges Once and For All! Stop the Railroad of Bob Avakian; Free the Mao Tsetung Defendants”
    • Jet Fighter Crashes: Gov’t Turns New Hampshire Town into War Zone”
    • “War Cry Sounded with Garwood Verdict”
    • “Polish Revisionists Reshuffle, Desperate for Stronger Hand”
    • El Salvador: U.S. Exposes Plot to Supply ... U.S. Arms”
    • “Kent State: The Movie & The Aftermath”
    • “‘Remember What the Vietnam War Taught Us’”
    • “The Shame of Seargeant Lopez”
    • “More Revolutionaries on Trial in China”
    • “Why is Reagan Fooling Around with Taiwan?”
    • “Black United Front Hearings—Fierce Indictment of Racist Violence”
    • “Chiang Ching on Seizing Power in the Cultural Arena”
    • “Verdict In: Guilty of Fighting for Puero Rican Independence”
    • “New Facts in Bobby Garcia Murder”
    • “Cuban Youth Speaks Out on Life in a Soviet Satellite”
    • Reagan’s Economics of Desperation: Supplying the Imperialists’ Side”
    • “Seattle Woman Shoots Attacker—Guess Who’s on Trial?”
  • #93 — Vol. 2, #41, February 20, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [16,353]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. Beefs Up Backing for Salvadoran Junta”
    • Call to Take Part in Forging Plans: May First, 1981”
    • “Pope Bestows Blessings on U.S. Rule in Philippines”
    • “Marie Osmond Law Passes” [California]
    • “Drop All the Charges Once and For All! Stop the Railroad of Bob Avakian; Free the Mao Tsetung Defendants”
    • “Flaming Yellow Ribbon Sends Hostage Hustle Up In Smoke”
    • “Alleged FALN Members Sentence to 55-90 Yrs”
    • “Political Contradictions Intensify Inside Iran”
    • “The Capitulationist Stew of Robert Mugabe”
    • “U.S. Submerges Own War Aims in Soviet Sub Flap”
    • Correspond on Carl Sagan’s Cosmos: Delve Into Questions of Science and Philosophy”
    • “Another U.S. Germ Warfare Lab—Pakistan”
    • “Judge Upholds MOVE Beatings, Orders Philly Cops Acquitted”
    • “Ralston Purina Blows Up Louisville Streets”
    • Chinese Women...: A Great Revolutionary Force”
    • “‘Crime Wave’ Sweeps Los Angeles—Courtesy of LAPD”
    • “Prison Officials Drive George Simmons to His Death”
    • “Letters on the Draft Programme, Draft Constitution of the RCP,USA”
  • #94 — Vol. 2, #42, February 27, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [13,376]   Articles include:
    • El Salvador: Is There No Limit to U.S. Lies?”
    • “War Plans Hammered; Rulers Counter with Trial of ‘Plowshare 8’”
    • “Third Appeal Denied in Ziad Abu-Ein Case” [Palestine]
    • “Racist Murer and Media Target Atlanta Blacks”
    • U.N. 2: Glenn Gan and Steve Yip Ordered to Prison”
    • “Uneasy Peace in Poland”
    • Chico, California: Women’s Health Center Under Siege”
    • West Germany: Meeting to Uphold Chiang Ching and Chang Chun-chiao Marked by Multi-National Character”
    • “Distnct Odor of COINTELPRO in Miami Incident”
    • “Spain: Phony Coup, ‘Nothing New’”
    • Bay Area: New Life Pumped Into Reactionary Rag”
    • “If the Proletariat Doesn’t Eat Up the Bourgeoisie, How Can There Ever Be Any Communism?”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Drop All the Charges Once and For All! Stop the Railroad of Bob Avakian; Free the Mao Tsetung Defendants”
    • “Chinese Revisionists Rumor Burial with Honors for Chiang Kai-shek”
    • “Reader Recollects More Bourgeois Plots at the Time of Kent State”
    • “Letters on the Draft Programme & Draft Constitution of the RCP,USA”
  • #95 — Vol. 2, #43, March 6, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [25,359 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Break the Chains! Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mightly Force for Revolution!”
    • “Case Before Supreme Court: Mao Defendants Battle Reaches Important Juncture”
    • “Congress to Debate ‘Fetus Rights,’ Agrees on Women’s Oppression”
    • “Bob Avakian Responds to a Letter: More on the Question of Dialectics”
    • “Massive Anti-Nuke Demo Explodes in W. Germany: The Battle of Brokdorf!”
    • “The Winter Soldier Investigation—1971”
    • “Bob Avakian on the Fight Against the Oppression of Women: You Can’t Break All the Chains But One”
    • “The Maon: A New Tribute to Mao Tsetung and Dialectics”
    • “Scientists Discover New Sex Gland: The Brain”
    • “Revolutionary Activity Hounds Chinese Revisionists”
  • #96 — Vol. 2, #44, March 13, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [14,673]   Articles include:
    • “Atlanta! Who Holds the Leash on the Killer Dogs?”
    • “Gov’t Tries to Lock Up Exposure of War Moves: UN 2 Jailed; Plowshares 8 Convicted”
    • ‘Thank you Canada!’ A Fitting Welcome for Reagan”
    • “On the Philosophical Basis of Proletarian Internationalism”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Pontiac Brothers Trial Opens”
    • “U.S. Plunges Deeper in El Salvador”
    • “The First Time the Proletariat Seized Power” [Paris Commune]
    • “Seizing Houses in Philly”
    • “Imperialists hound Supporters of Puerto Rican Independence”
    • “Poland: The House is Not ‘In Order’”
    • “And the Lord said, ‘Let there be Stupidity, Obedience and Political Reaction’”
    • “May Day Poster”
    • The Conspiracy Spreads: Roving Bands of Youth, Dangerous Women”
    • “An International Appeal from former members of the Black Panther Party: Stop the Railroad of Bob Avakian...”
    • Post Censors Stung by Mao Defendants’ Ad”
    • “Merchants of Death Ponder Nuclear ‘Fratricide’”
    • “Letters on the Draft Programme & Draft Constitution of the RCP,USA”
    • “INS Sends Salvadorans to Their Death”
  • #97 — Vol. 2, #45, March 20, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [15,024]   Articles include:
    • “Bob Avakian Demands Political Refugee Status in France”, Statement by Bob Avakian
    • “Latest U.S. Dual Tactics in El Salvador”
    • “Profound Outrage, Revolutionary Stirrings Over Atlanta”
    • “Miami: Co-conspirator Charged with ‘Criminal Anarchy’”
    • “The West German Youth are At It Again”
    • “Revolutionary Youth Write on May 1st”
    • Walter Chronkite Retires: And That’s the Way Imperialism Is...”
    • “The Real Rude Boy Lives On... But Not the Movie”
    • “Chicago Redevelopment Plan... Incinerate the Poor”
    • “What’s Involved in Bob Avakian’s Demand for Political Refugee Status”
    • “Chicano Activist Fights the ‘Caesars’”
    • “Anti-War Activists Spill Blood to Expose Trident”
    • “Revolution Books Fights Ban in University Towns”
    • “Letters on the Draft Programme & Draft Constitution of the RCP,USA”
    • “Lying Witness in Pontiac Trial Reveals Frame-up”
  • #98 — Vol. 2, #46, March 27, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [13,933]   Articles include:
    • Call to May 1st: Take History Into Our Hands!”
    • “Demand for Political Refugee Status in France”
    • “Salvadoran Guerrilla Fighter Exposes U.S. ‘Advisors’ in Combat”
    • “U.S. Imperialists Tighten Noose on Bourgeois Opposition in El Salvador”
    • “Police Take Action in Atlanta—Against the People”
    • “Full Scale Assault on Cabrini Green”
    • “Communists in Spain Write on Coup Attempt”
    • “Confrontation Close in Poland”
    • “March 20, 1980—Red Flag Over the Alamo”
    • “Report from the Central Committee: Part 1: Excerpts from ‘For Decades to Come—On a World Scale’”
    • “Riots in China!”
    • “U.S. Prepares to Aid Old Allies in Angola”
    • “Death by Pesticide”
    • Letter: Confucianism: A Familiar Ring”
    • Los Angeles: Tables Turned at Vet Rally”
  • #99 — Vol. 2, #47, April 3, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [15,902]   Articles include:
    • “Atlanta Outrages Mount: Two More Claimed in Racist Slayings”
    • “Reagan Shooting Shows Imperialism Ain’t Healthy”
    • El Salvador: U.S. Tries to Hook Opposition with ‘Moderate Junta’ Bait”
    • “Call to RW Readers to Testify in Connection with Bob Avakian’s Demand for Political Refugee Status in France”
    • “COINTELPRO Siege of the Black Panther Party”
    • Report from New Delhi, India: A Red Salute to Chiang Ching, Chang Chun-chiao”
    • Letters from Youth on May 1st: We’re Planning to Take History in Our Hands”
    • Demo Hits ‘Right-to-Lifers’: 300 Go After Hyde’s Hide”
    • “Opening Up Space—For War”
    • “Shaky Compromise in Poland”
    • “Correspondence on Brecht”
    • “RW Banned on Atlanta U. Campus”
    • “The Rocks the CPML is Crashing On”
    • Report from the Central Committee: Part 2: Excerpts from Charting the Uncharted Course”
    • “Correspondence on Carl Sagan’s Cosmos”
  • #100 — Vol. 2, #48, April 10, 1981, English edition, 28 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [19,237]   Articles include:
    • “Haig’s Mid-East Mission: ‘Making the Desert Bloom’—With Military Bases”
    • “May 1st, 1981: Take History Even More Firmly and Boldly Into Our Hands! Down With the Old Order and Fight to Bring Alive the New!”
    • Bob Avakian and Mao Defendants Case: Government Files ‘Purely Criminal’ Reply Brief”
    • “100 Issues of the Revolutionary Worker!”
    • “Correspondence on May 1st”
    • “3 Weeks Til MayDay”
    • “Excerpt from Maxim Gorky’s The Mother: An Historic Breakout”
    • “Miners Upset Contract Plan”
    • “Anti-U.S. Riots in Santo Domingo”
    • “Salvadoran Holy Man Stumps for Junta in U.S.”
    • “What Is the Proletariat and Why Is It Coming to Get the Bourgeoisie and All Class Distinctions”
    • “A Case Study in the Counter Revolutionary Role of Revisionism: Excerpts from Chile: An Attempt at ‘Historic Compromise’
    • “Important Book Nails U.S. Lies and Worldwide Crimes” [The Political Economy of Human Rights, by Noam Chomsky & Edward S. Herman]
    • “Vicious Lies, Crass Attacks Surround Atlanta Murders”
    • “Mass Proletarian War Crimes Tribunals Set to Begin”
    • “Photo spread (Cover photos): 100 Issues of the Revolutionary Worker”
    • “CWP Waves the Red, White, and Blue and Yellow Ribbons Too”
    • “Revolutionary Big Character Posters Back in China”
    • “The Future of Blood Futures” [About Commodity Futures speculation]
    • “Cabrini-Green: Behind the Siege in Chicago”
    • “Full page photo: May 1st — Pick Up the Red Flag!”
  • #101 — Vol. 2, #49, April 17, 1981, English edition, 20 pages, plus a doubled-sized poster of Damian Garcia atop the Alamo (scanned as 2 pages).   Searchable PDF image format   [14,139]   Articles include:
    • Blacks & White Youth vs. British Cops: Brixton Shakes a Sinking Empire”
    • “May 1st, 1981: International Workers Day — Down with the Old Order and Fight to Bring Alive the New”
    • “Tribunal Subpoenas a Dr. Strangelove”
    • “Wherever the Masses of People are in Revolt the Red Flag Must be Raised!”
    • Excerpts from ‘Barricades in Berlin’: Securing a Base Area for May 1st”
    • “We’re Planning to Take History into Our Hands: Correspondence on May 1st”
    • Space Shuttle: One Giant Step for Chauvinism & Militarism”
    • KKK Routed in San Jose: Red Flags and a Swirl of Controversy”
    • “The Assassination of Comrade Damián García”
    • “The Alamo: Crumbling Monument to Chauvanism & Reaction”
    • “New Indictment in Pontiac Frame-Up”
    • L.A. Pigs Reveal Fears: May 1, 1980 Trials Set for May 1, 1981”
    • “A Nation of Cages” [Photo spread]
  • #102 — Vol. 2, #50, April 24, 1981, English edition, 28 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [28,767 KB]   Articles include:
    • “May 1st: International Workers Day”
    • “Atlanta—Down, Down, Down with the Old Order on May 1st”
    • “What’s Wrong With Impatience in the Service of the International Proletariat?”
    • “What Kind of Spring for Cabrini Green?” [Chicago]
    • “Spectre of Brixton Stalks Imperial Mummies” [Britain]
    • “Bob Avakian Speaks on May 1st, 1981” [Excerpt from new tape.]
    • “Testimony on Political Persecution”
    • “Can Anyone Say Geography is Key in Revolutionary Contributions?” [In light of Avakian’s request for political refugee status in France.]
    • “Mass Proletarian War Crimes Tribunals Underway in San Francisco”
    • “Al Haig: Our Dictators are Better than Their Dictators”
    • “Calicut, India: A Daring Example of People’s Justice”
    • “Correspondence on Carl Sagan’s Cosmos
  • Volume 2 (Nos. 53-102, May 1, 1980-April 24, 1981) Index, English edition, 8 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,381 KB]

  • [Begin Volume 3]
  • #103 — Vol. 3, #1, May 1, 1981, English edition, 28 pages (including fold-out May Day poster and fold-out red flag).   Searchable PDF image format   [30,923 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Bob Avakian on May First”
    • “Londonderry Youth Take to Barricades, Tackle British Troops”
    • “Announcement of New RCP Programme and Constitution”
    • “Is El Salvador Another Vietnam?”
    • “Senegal: Revolutionary Challenge to Neo-Colonial ‘Democracy’”
    • “The Face of the Enemy—Tribunal Testimony”
    • “On the Uprising in Santo Domingo, 1965”
    • “Bourgeois Nationalism and Capitulation from China’s Capitalist-Roaders”
    • “Lenin’s War on Opportunism, Social-Chauvinism: The Collapse of the Second International”
    • The Internationale
    • “New Marxist-Leninist Journal Appears Worldwide” [A World To Win]
    • “Quotes from Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin & Mao: Workers and Oppressed Peoples of the World Unite!”
  • #104 — Vol. 3, #2, May 8, 1981, English edition, 32 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [19,335 KB]   Articles include:
    • “May 1st 1981: The Shape of Things to Come”
    • “May Day: Atlanta: Actions Sting Old Order”
    • “May Day: San Francisco: Proletarians Liberate Some Territory”
      [We can attest from personal participation in this event that this article grossly exaggerated its size and nature. —Ed.]
    • “Famous Places Where the Red Flag Was Raised”
    • “Old Going Down, New Arising”
    • West Europe: Youth, Immigrants Put Flaming Red Back in May Day”
    • “May Day: Summing Up Breakouts”
    • “May Day: And in the Imperialist Military...”
    • “Getting Down to Brass Tacks with Bob Avakian”
    • “Tribute to Comrade Paul Friedman”
    • “Northern Ireland youth Pummel British Empire”
    • Full page announcement and ad for: “New Programme and New Constitution of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA”
    • “Testimony on Political Prosecution” [On Bob Avakian and the Mao Defendants]
    • “Report on May 1st in New York Garment District”
    • “Los Angeles: Red Was the Color of the Day”
    • “The Fight for May 1st in a Northwest Housing Project”
    • “Let the Youth Be in the Forefront...”
    • “Correspondence on Brecht”
    • “Correspondence on May 1st”
    • “Art Attack” [May Day]
    • “Which Way is the CWP’s Train Running?”
    • “Lenin: The Collapse of the Second International” [Part 2]
    • “May Day: Detroit”
  • #105 — Vol. 3, #3, May 15, 1981, English edition, 28 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [19,529 KB]   Articles include:
    • Pontiac Brothers Acquitted: Prison Rebels’ Victory”
    • “Imperialism Runs Amuck in Pope Shooting”
    • “Guatemala: U.S. Regime Steps Up Fascist Terror”
    • “May 3rd Demonstration Sharpens Two Roads”
    • “Chicago Priest Returns to Media Blackouts and Slander”
    • Bob Avakian Radio Interview: From France to Atlanta”
    • “News of May Day Actions in the Oppressed Countries”
    • “May Day Report from Spain”
    • “Atlanta: Official, Unofficial Murders Strike Again”
    • “Students Disrupt Haig, Bush Graduation Talks”
    • Chicago Court Settlements: Leashing—or Unleashing—Political Police?”
    • “Testimony on Political Persecution”
    • “Zairean Political Prisoner Faces Deportation”
    • War Crimes Testimony: Statement on Repression from Walla Walla Prisoners”
    • “Correspondence on May 1st”
    • “U.S. Bloc Jalopy Creens Down War Road”
    • Lenin’s War on Opportunism, Social-Chauvinism: The Collapse of the Second International” [Part 3]
  • #106 — Vol. 3, #4, May 22, 1981, English edition, 28 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [18,217 KB]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. Seeks Anti-Soviet ‘Stability’ in Lebanon Crisis”
    • Imperialism vs. the Navajo People: Showdown Brewing at Big Mountain”
    • UN Vote: U.S. Peddles Killer Formula for Infant Care”
    • “‘Reagan-omics’”
    • South Africa: From Back-Door Mistress to Blushing Bride”
    • “Rebel Swiss Youth Defy Cops, ‘Faschos’”
    • “Demonstration Marks Anniversary of Miami Rebellion”
    • “‘Left’ Economism in Theory and Practice”
    • “The Clash’s Sandinista!”
    • “Imperialist War Preparations Battered in Germany”
    • Radio Interview with Bob Avakian: ‘Human Nature’ and a Drink of Water”
    • “Testimony on Political Persecution”
    • “Revisionist May Days and Other Retrograde Trends”
    • “Another Round Fought in Mission District”
    • “Correspondence on May 1st”
    • “What’s the Government After in SWP’s Lawsuit?”
    • “Lenin: The Collapse of the Second International” [Final installment]
  • #107 — Vol. 3, #5, May 29, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [15,493 KB]   Articles include:
    • Imperialists Deny Political Crisis while... Flames of Rage Spread in N. Ireland”
    • “An Imperialist Power Colors Itself Pink” [About France]
    • “Rebellion Sweeps Three Michigan Prisons”
    • Bob Avakian Responds to Letter: In Today’s World Especially, ‘Slow Patient Work’ Cannot Be Justified”
    • “Statement by Chiang Ching from Jail”
    • “Superpowers Jab and Block Over Lebanon”
    • “‘Libyan Terrorists’—Made in USA”
    • “FBI Cover-Up of Nun Murders in El Salvador”
    • “Testimony on Political Persecution”
    • “U.S./NATO Nuclear Forest in West Germany”
    • “Dazhai: From Revolutionary Model to Revisionist Mess”
    • “Lenin on Who Paid for the Newspaper and Why”
    • “Correspondence on May 1st”
    • “The Reactionary Punishment of Billie Jean King”
    • “Angry Punk Rockers Expose Media Attacks”
  • #108 — Vol. 3, #6, June 5, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [27,129 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Atlanta Summer Offensive ... Against Black People”
    • “South African Protests Rock Celebration of Apartheid Rule”
    • “Congress Fathers Children by Incest and Rape”
    • “Strength Can Be Transformed Into Weakness, and Weakness Into Strength”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Statement by the TKPML [Turkey]: Message to the Marxist-Leninists and to the International Proletariat”
    • “Testimony from L.A. Session of War Crimes Tribunal”
    • “Nuclear ‘Falling Out’ Bares Nature of U.S.-Japan Alliance”
    • “Lenin on the Irish Rebellion of 1916”
    • “The Soviet Imperialist Strategy in Latin America”
  • #109 — Vol. 3, #7, June 12, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [13,959 KB]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. Unleashes Israeli Raid on Iraq”
    • “Vicious Attacks on Haitian Immigrants”
    • “A Few Thoughts on Masses, Mass Struggle and Mass Movements—In Relation to Revolutionary Work and the Revolutionary Goal”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Haig’s Asian Trek: Bonds for the War Bloc”
    • López Portillo Visits the Patrón: Mexico: Shaky Domino on U.S. Doorstep”
    • “Japan Still Rocking from U.S.-Nuke Disclosures”
    • Khomeini Fires Bani-Sadr: Fracturing Government Foreshadows Stormy Future in Iran”
    • “‘Tiny, Democratic’ Israel and the Company it Keeps”
    • “The Tom Snyder Show—Quite a Clash”
    • Mass Proletarian War Crimes Tribunal: A Profound Indictment of Imperialism”
    • “Testimony on Political Persecution”
  • #110 — Vol. 3, #8, June 19, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [8,420 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Recent Vets’ Protest: The Powderkeg and the Starspangled Trap”
    • “The Coalfields Then & the Coalfields Now”
    • “Revisionist Conflicts Precede Polish Party Congress”
    • “There Really are, among the Masses in this Country, the Potential Forces for Revolution”, by Bob Avakian
    • Fernando Valenzuela: America Slides with Cleats Up at Mexican Pitcher”
    • “Government Document Reveals Haitian Deportation Strategy”
    • “CBS’ Prime Time P.R. for WW3”
    • Biolgist Testifies at War Crimes Tribunal: The Genetic Effects of Nuclear War”
    • “Capitalism’s Urbanization of the Indians”
    • “Karl Marx on: Unproductive Labor and Unproductive Economists”
    • “Testimony on Political Persecution”
    • “California Cops Lynch Black Football Star”
    • Attempted Blacklist in Boston: Medical Hierarchy Moves to Down M.D.”
  • #111 — Vol. 3, #9, June 26, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,637 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Iran: The In-Fighting and the Fighting to Come”
    • “Only the People Can Close the Case in Atlanta”
    • “Murder in Mexia” [Texas]
    • U.S. Immigration Policy: Bloated Beast on the Horns of a Dilemma”
    • Vietnam Veteran Responds: ‘When You’re Shown a Little truth, Don’t Let It Go By...’”
    • Warrior Haig’s China Trip: The Fundamental Strategic (Imperialist) Perspective in Asia”
    • “Study Reveals U.S. Schemes, Frontmen in the Works for Haiti”
    • “The British Suppression of the Sepoy Mutiny”
    • Seattle, Washington: 2 Filipino Activists Assassinated”
    • “U.S. Imperialism: Wanted for Crimes against Women Worldwide”
    • “South African Poet Threatened with Deportation”
    • “Bedlam at the Ballet”
    • “‘Foreign Aid’ — Not a Bad Deal for Imperialism”
  • #112 — Vol. 3, #10, July 3, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,534 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Barricades Going Up in Iran”
    • Israeli Election: Zionist Snakes Choking On Own Venom”
    • “Supreme Court Upholds ‘Sweeping Powers’ to Raise an Army”
    • “Mitterands’s Nutcracker and the French CP”
    • Mao Officially Attacked in China Party Meeting: Revisionist Hua Becomes Revisionist Scapegoat”
    • “[Philippines graphics page]”
    • “Imperialism’s Nightmare on Africa’s Cape”
    • Vets Testify at War Crimes Tribunal: The Mood of the Troops in Vietnam”
    • “Deeper Indictment of Police in Damian Garcia Murder”
    • “Correspondence”
    • “This Is Our Chance, We Can’t Afford to Lose It”, Radio Interview with Bob Avakian from France.
    • “The Trial of Annie Small”
    • “Testimony on Political Persecution”
    • “Imperialist Tales of Religious Feud Can’t Hide Reality of Irish Struggle”, including Karl Marx on British Rule in Ireland.
    • “Ronald Reagan’s 4th of July ‘Cracker’ Nostalgia”
    • “IRP Explodes” [Iran]
  • #113 — Vol. 3, #11, July 10, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [8,879 KB]   Articles include:
    • “England: A Festival of Riots”
    • “Supreme Court Says: ‘Prison is Supposed to Be Hell’”
    • “Attack, Counter-Attack in Iran”
    • “Native American Reports Impact of War Crimes Tribunal”
    • Book Review: ‘American Tongue and Cheek’: The Mother Tongue and Other Evils Like That”
    • “U.S. Concentration Camps in WW2”
    • “Suburban July 4th Remedy”
    • “Testimony on Political Persecution”
    • “Forces of Revolution in the Coalfields”
    • “May Day Convictions in Detroit”
    • “Special 1 Month Drive to Raise Funds for the Revolutionary Worker”
  • #114 — Vol. 3, #12, July 17, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,700 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Britain: The Circumstances the Pomp Can’t Hide”
    • “Documents Reveal U.S.-Backed Coup Plot in Iran”, by C. Clark Kissinger
    • “Slaves of Thailand”
    • “Fly Wars: The Empire Strikes Out”
    • Youth Revolts: The Spectre is Haunting Europe”
    • “U.S. Moves to Deny Asylum to Salvadoran Refugees”
    • Chinese Revisionists ‘Sum Up’ Mao, Cultural Revolution: Upside-Down History”
    • “Chicago: A Call to Take Up the Mass Proletarian War Crimes Tribunal of U.S. Imperialism”
    • Westtown, Chicago: Police Siege in Puerto Rican Barrio”
    • “Waters Clearing in Seattle KDP Murders”
    • 1,000 Rally: Inquest in Long Beach Police Lynching Forced”
    • Correspondence on Cosmos: Carl Sagan’s Materialism and Why They Hate It”
    • “Steve Yip Denied Parole”
    • “Imperialism and the Split in Socialism”, by V. I. Lenin
  • #115 — Vol. 3, #13, July 31, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [11,753 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Israel’s Terror Campaign in Lebanon”
    • “Angry Protests in New Zealand Greet South African Rugby Team”
    • “Chiang Ching’s Battle for Paper and Pen in Jail”
    • “Crowns Will Roll by Dozens on the Pavements... There Will Be Noody to Pick Them Up”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Vindictive Sentence for Plowshares 8”
    • “‘The Wedding’: Dredging the Past in Fear of the Future”
    • “Eyewitness of Israeli Bombing”
    • Hyatt Hotel Collapses: Murder on the Skybridge Express”
    • Diablo Canyon: Gov’t Digs in for Defense of Nuclear Plant”
    • “Sharpening Contradictions Underlie Cordial Toasts at Ottawa Summit” [Group of 7 economic meeting]
    • “The French C.P.: A Serpent with 2 Heads”
    • “Sooner or Later: A Call to Correspond on World War, Revolutionary Defeatism
    • Book Review: “In the Belly of the Beast: Letters from Prison”
    • “Alleged FALN Member Delivers Denunciation of U.S. Imperialism”
    • “6,000 March Against Police Murder in Milwaukee”
    • 8 Years of Frameups: New Revelations in Kiko Martinez Case”
  • #116 — Vol. 3, #14, August 7, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [13,649 KB]   Articles include:
    • Court Case ‘Streamlined’ to Get Bob Avakian: The Re-Activated Railroad Pushes On”
    • “Imperialist Control Tower Tries to Land Air Controllers’ Strike”
    • “No Tears for the ‘Strongman of Panama’”
    • “On Reagan, the ‘Rise of the Right’ and the Decline and Fall of the U.S. Empire”
    • “Springboks Game Stopped” [South African rugby team attempting to play in New Zealand]
    • “Protests Over Shortages in Poland”
    • “What Went Down When Reggae Hit the Ghetto”
    • “Iran: IRP Stages Election, But Can They Hold the Stage?”
    • “Vicious Police Attacks in Britain; Youth Responded in Kind”
    • Chinese Revisionist Philosophy vs Mao Tsetung Thought: A Stagnant Pool vs. The Inexhaustible Yangtse River”
      (With some discussion of the mass line.)
    • “Correspondence on Brecht” [A continuing series.]
    • Book Review: Bad Blood”
    • “On the Real Terror in the West Bank” [Palestine]
    • “Suppression of the RW at Pontiac” [Danbury Prison]
    • Semi-Secret War Against RW in Cabrini-Green [Chicago] Exposed: Can You Extinguish a Conspiracy of Slaves?”
  • #117 — Vol. 3, #15, August 14, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,600 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Neutron Bomb: Perfect Child of Imperialism”
    • “The Military Operation Against the Air Controllers Strike”
    • State Prepares for Blockade: 10,000 Cops for Diablo” [Protests against nuclear power plant in California.]
    • “Some Thoughts Provoked on (Proletarian) Dictatorship and the Seduction of the (Bourgeois) Democrats”, by Bob Avakian
    • Revolutionary Struggle in India: From the Pages of Mass Line
    • “Revolt in China” [About a report of an underground radio operating in China.]
    • “Springboks Tour on the Run” [About international protests against the South African rugby team.]
    • “New Government Moves Against Dennis Brutus”
    • “U.S. ‘Best Hopes’ in Iran: The Exiles, the Army and the IRP”
    • “30-100 Years for MOVE”
    • “Correspondence on Carl Sagan’s Cosmos: The One-Sidedness of the Second Law of Thermodynamics”
    • “Nuclear Rape of the Marshall Islands”
    • “Prison Correspondence”
  • #118 — Vol. 3, #16, August 21, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [11,589 KB]   Articles include:
    • The Libya Clash and the U.S. View of the Seas: ‘That’s Our Lake—We Stole It Fair and Square’”
    • Imprisoned in Turkey: 500 Revolutionaries Enter 6th Week of Hunger Strike”
    • “Iranian Reactionaries Seize Gunboat”
    • Partizan Newspaper Press Release” [Turkey]
    • “Impending Diablo Crank-Up” [Dangerous nuclear power plant in California]
    • “What Is Happening to the Revolution in Nicaragua?”
    • Senegal Invades: French Backed Suppression of Gambian Rebellion”
    • “U.S. Preps Atlantic Armada”
    • Sooner or Later Debate: War, Revolutionary Defeatism”
    • “Concentration Camp Hearings: A Risky Thing for U.S. Imperialism”
    • “On Resistance in the U.S. Concentration Camps and the Treachery of the CPUSA”
    • Haig/Weinberger ‘Gentlemen’s Argument’ Over MX: Bombs Away, But Where?”
  • #119 — Vol. 3, #17, August 28, 1981, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,159 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Atlanta: The Dirt That Won’t Wash”
    • Imperialism and the Flight of Voyager II: Dinosaurs Meet Outer Space”
    • “Missile Misses U.S. Spy Plane Over North Korea”
    • “1,000 Attack South African Parliament Building”
    • “Bourgeoisie Digs in at Diablo”
    • “British Army Vets March in Northern Ireland”
    • “U.S. Spy vs U.S. Spy in Libya”
    • “Professor Murdered by KMT Police in Taiwan”
    • “Anger Percolates Over Cop Lynching of Black Football Star”
    • John Lennon’s Murderer: Assassin in the Rye”
    • “Drug Pushers Suppress Pain-Killing Invention”
    • Correspondence on Carl Sagan’s COSMOS: Entropy and Negentropy”
    • “Resistance News from Iran”
    • “Passport Revoked in St. Louis Flag Burning Case”
    • “U.S. Death-Dance in Iran: The Last 30 Years”
  • #120 — Vol. 3, #18, September 4, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,495 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Message from China’s Revolutionary Underground”
    • Editorial: On the Fifth Anniversary of the Death of Mao Tsetung”
    • “Open Letter to the Coordinating Committee of the International Journal A World To Win”, by the TKP M-L.
    • South Africa’s Angola Incursion: The ‘Raid’ and U.S. Strategy”
    • Testimony on South Africa at War Crimes Tribunal: The Place You Don’t Talk About At All”
    • “Just What Is Bani-Sadr Up To?” [Iran]
    • “Capitalist Roaders are Representatives of the Capitalist Relations of Production”, by Chuang Lan
    • “Ethiopia: Imperialist Carvings in the Horn of Africa”
    • “The Tortuous Road: Mao on Socialism, Revisionism, and the Restoration of Capitalism”
    • “5,000 in Minneapolis ‘Take Back the Night’”
    • “Court Sponsored Kidnapping of Mao Defendant’s Child”
    • “Lynching ‘At the Hands of Another’”
  • #121 — Vol. 3, #19, September 11, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [21,418 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Diablo Canyon Nuke: When the Foot’s Put Down, What Will Rise Up?”
    • “Revolutionary Prisoner Murdered at Walla Walla”
    • “The Battle Creek Assassination of Robert Guy”
    • “How Sadat Toadied Himself Into Trouble” [Egypt]
    • “George Jackson—10 Years Since His Murder: No Patience for Rearguard ‘Leadership’”
    • “The War Inside the Army in Vietnam”
    • “‘Sooner or Later’ Debate: War, Revolutionary Defeatism”
    • “Mengistu, Castro and the Soviet Imperialists: A Nasty Love Affair in the Horn of Africa”
  • #122 — Vol. 3, #20, September 18, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [13,800 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Apartheid’s Secret Tour”
    • “Can They Get Consensus on ‘Strategic Consensus’?”
    • Diablo Canyon: Blockade Throws Up Questions”
    • Indian Occupation of Stolen Land: Yellow Thunder Rumbling in Black Hills”
    • “Murder and Repression on the Pine Ridge Reservation”
    • “Widespread Outrage Over Murder of Carl Harp”
    • West Berlin Speech: Haig Peps (and Preps) the Allies”
    • “The Armed Struggle in the Horn of Africa”
    • “The Hand Behind the KDP Killings”
    • “Attica Prisoners Commemorate Rebellion”
    • “Pesticide Anarchy”
    • “Correspondence on Brecht”
    • “Matter is Infinitely Divisible”, by Bian Sizu, 1973 article translated from the Chinese publication Dialectics of Nature This 5-page article is also available separately   [3,026 KB]
    • “Pushing and Pulling in Poland”
    • G.I. Writes on Reforger: ‘Can One Person Make a Difference?’”
    • “Peoples’ Run for Leonard Peltier”
  • #123 — Vol. 3, #21, September 25, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [11,191 KB]   Articles include:
    • West German Youth: Rebelling on the Front Lines”
    • AFL-CIO Solidarity Day: Marching in the Mainstream”
    • “National Speaking Tour of Salvadoran Guerrillas”
    • “The Force de Frappe Strategy” [France]
    • Diablo: Police Clampdown as Reactor Starts Up”
    • “ ”Haitian Revolutionary Reports on Krome Rebellion”
    • “NATO Prepares a ‘Certain Encounter’”
    • “Squatter-Police Showdown Ignites Street Battles” [Berlin]
    • “A Righteous Reception for Haig”
    • “Correspondence on Brecht” [Part of a long series]
    • “The Springboks Games and the Bigger Contest”
    • “Palestine: Part of the Worldwide Revolution”
    • Sooner or Later Debate: War, Revolutionary Defeatism”
    • Letter: Learning to See Through Camouflage”
  • #124 — Vol. 3, #22, October 2, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,345 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Imperialism’s ‘Quick Fix’ for World War 3”
    • Dismissal Motion: Bob Avakian Targeted Again in Prosecution Move”
    • “Lane Kirkland — Anatomy of an American Labor Leader”
    • “Duarte’s Solution (U.S.’ Maneuver)”
    • “Afghanistan: Soviet ‘Internationalism’ in Practice”
    • “Tony Benn’s Radical Plot to Save the British Empire”
    • Diablo Nuke: Behind the Blueprint Revelation”
    • “Red, White and Blue Goes Down at Diablo”
    • “The Kidnapping of the Aleut People in World War 2”
    • Los Angeles: Sneak Attack on Punkers Backfires”
    • “Revisionism and Southern Africa”
    • “Trial Set for Yellow Ribbon Burners”
  • #125 — Vol. 3, #23, October 9, 1981, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,375 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Sadat’s Dive and the U.S. Strategic Scramble”
    • “Puerto Rico: Striking Students Defy Govt.”
    • “Conquer the World? The International Proletariat Must and Will” (excerpt), by Bob Avakian
    • “The Cody Connection” [Catholic church]
    • “Chang Chun-chiao’s Continuing Contributions to Revolution”
    • “What Peking Wants with Taiwan”
    • “Haitians Send Testimony to Atlanta Tribunal”
    • “The AWAC Gang” [U.S. govt. leaders shipping AWAC planes to Saudi Arabia.]
    • “Whitewash Stained in Carl Harp Murder”
    • “St. Louis Flag Burners Face Jail”
    • “From Nuclear Power to Nuclear Bombs”
  • #126 — Vol. 3, #24, October 16, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,596 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Gov’t. Tries to Stop U.S. Tour of Salvadoran Revolutionaries”
    • Battles Against Philippine’s Marcos: Trouble in U.S. Pacific Outpost”
    • “The Socialists and the Communists vs. The Revolutionary Communist/Proletarian Internationalists”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Haitian Marxist-Leninists Write on Joint Communique”
    • “The ‘Stability’ Sadat Leaves Behind”
    • “Some British Concessions as Hunger Strike Ends”
    • “The U.S. Army: ‘If You Know It’s Wrong, Why Don’t You Rebel Against It.’”
    • “Anti-Nuke Riots in ‘Socialist’ France”
    • “The Rebels of Belfast” [Major article on Ireland]
    • “Court Rules Women Must Submit”
    • Prisoner Corresponds: Without Studying Theory, There Can Be No Serious Class-Conscious Struggle”
    • Correspondence: How the Assassin in the Rye Used The Catcher in the Rye
  • #127 — Vol. 3, #25, October 23, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,555 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Salvadoran Revolutionaries’ Tour Begins”
    • Cancun Conference: Desperate Dilemma of the Empire of ‘The North’”
    • “Fightback Under Fire”
    • “Leninism As The Bridge”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Reagan on the Shah and Other Lost Causes”
    • Lu Hsun — Centennial of His Birth [Page 5; no title]
    • “The Latest Campaign in the Medfly ‘Wars’”
    • Correspondence on Carl Sagan’s COSMOS: On the Two Opposing Conceptions of Development in Sagan’s Cosmos”
    • Sooner or Later Debate: War, Revolutionary Defeatism”
    • “Grandmasters and Pawns” [World Chess Championship]
    • “State Unmasked at Carl Harp Inquest”
    • Atlanta Tribunal: Puerto Rican Testifies: Life and Rebellion Under Yankee Imperialism”
    • “New York Tribunal: An Historic Event”
  • #128 — Vol. 3, #26, October 30, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,658 KB]   Articles include:
    • FBI Raids, Round-up, Killing: The Political Aims of the Political Police”
    • “33 Bodies on Florida Beach: A Glimpse of U.S. Hell in Haiti”
    • “Salvadoran Revolutionaries’ Tour Hits Midwest”
    • “Surprise! U.S. Exports Arms”
    • “U.S. Cracks Whip Over NATO Allies”
    • “W. German Leaders’ ‘Neutralist’ War-Mongering”
    • Greensboro Report Attacks RCP: Southern Studies’ Study in Subterfugre”
    • “Lu Hsun: Writing for the Revolution”
    • “CIA-Concocted Tales of Terrorism Training”
    • Arson Conviction in Yellow Ribbon Trial: Revolutionaries Face 20 Years”
    • “‘Socialist’ Takes Over in Greece”
    • “Carl Harp Memorial Held in Seattle”
    • Seattle: Revolution Books Evicted”
  • #129 — Vol. 3, #27, November 6, 1981, English edition, 20 pages. (In this and many other recently scanned issues, the centerfold pages are posted together in order to make the text easier to read.)   Searchable PDF image format   [4,009 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Britannia’s Unruly Gravediggers” [Ireland]
    • “Rogue Duanes, Kevin Henry Killed in Northwest: Another ‘Accident’ against AIM” [American Indian Movement]
    • “Political Police Hound Revolutionary Nationalists: Government Offensive on RNA” [Republic of New Africa]
    • “California Raids” [Against Black August Organizing Committee]
    • “Afghanistan under the Soviet Boot”
    • “Subscribe to the Revolutionary Worker” [Article about distribution levels, etc.]
    • “Chad Changes Partners in Imperialist Minuet”
    • “Viet Vet’s Testimony at Atlanta Tribunal” [On barbarism, rebellion at the front during the Vietnam War.]
    • “Latest Ruse in Ron Settles Lynching”
    • “Bangladesh: The War against the People of the Chittagong Hill Tracts”
    • “Salvadoran Revolutionaries’ Tour Proceeds under Seige”
    • “On the Beach” [Screen play]
    • “Extremely Low Frequency; Extremely High War Preps”
    • “Tribunal Serves Subpoenas on Hostage/Spies”
  • #130 — Vol. 3, #28, November 13, 1981, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,153 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Comrade Süleyman Cihan, Revolutionary Communist Leader, Murdered in Turkey”
    • “Statement from the Central Committee of the RCP,USA on the Death of Comrade Süleyman Cihan”
    • “U.S. Zig-Zags and the Saudi ‘Peace Plan’”
    • “Revolutionary Outpouring at Funeral for Haitians”
    • “Courts Hold Mao Defendant’s Daughter Hostage”
    • “Correspondence on Brecht”
    • “Sudan and the Hair of the Dog that Bit Egypt”
    • “Two Accounts of the CIA/SAVAK Terror in Iran”
    • “The U.N. 2 Are Out!”
    • “Houston: Pogrom with Pay”
    • “Cuba’s Role and the Aims of Soviet Imperialism”
    • “New Twist in KDP Murder Case”
  • #131 — Vol. 3, #29, November 20, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [3,808 KB]   Articles include:
    • Reagan’s Address: Pre-War Diplomacy in the European Theatre”
    • “The Grand Jury’s Silent and Deadly Dragnet”
    • “A ‘Hidden Chapter’ from WW2” [Biological warfare]
    • “Haitian Refugee’s Story: Making Trouble from Port-au-Prince to Krome”
    • “Revolutionary Organ Solidarity Banned by South African Regime”
    • “Battle at the ‘Gateway to Europe’” [Germany]
    • “Slime in the New York Times”
    • “2,000 Women Besiege Pentagon”
    • “An Open Letter to the Revolutionary Comrades of In Struggle” [Canada]
    • “War, Revolutionary Defeatism”
    • “Revolution and Reaction on Oklahoma Airwaves”
    • “Call of the Mass Proletarian War Crimes Tribunal Against U.S. Imperialism...”
    • “On the Trial Before the World”
    • “Reader Writes on Trip to Soviet Union”
    • “Revolutionaries Jailed for Flag Burning”
  • #132 — Vol. 3, #30, November 27, 1981, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [3,078 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Britain’s Gambit and the ‘Third Force’ Reaction in Ireland”
    • “Behind the Blockade Bluster” [Cuba and Central America]
    • “Yulanda Ward Assassination: The Sham Confession, the State’s Self-Exposure”
    • Haiti: U.S. Quandary in a Caribbean Timebomb”
    • “Imperialism and Revolution in Guatemala”
    • Battle Creek: Robert Gray Inquest: Whitewash and More”
    • “‘Unrequitted Love’ for Revisionism Turned Sour” [China]
    • “Fundamental & Principal Contradictions on a World Scale” [RCP CC Report]
    • “23 Hanged at Hand’s of Police: Chicago’s Lynch Mob”
    • “New Barrage on Black August”
  • #133 — Vol. 3, #31, December 4, 1981, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [3,227 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Puerto Rico: Nervous Puppets Lash Out at Student Strike”
    • “More Attempts to Block Chairman’s Refuge Status” [Avakian in France]
    • Savimbi Goes to Washington: High Honors for CIA Work in Angola”
    • “Rugby Coup in the Seychelles Fails”
    • “National Security Cover-Up of Surveillance on RCP”
    • “A Flag Raising Episode in Vietnam”
    • “The State’s Case against Jimi Simmons: LIES”
    • “Bruce Springsteen: The River
    • “Just published: Conquer the World? The International Proletariat Must and Will!”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Gov’t Accelerates Railroad Attempt against Salvadorian Tour Members”
    • “New Gov’t Tactic in Draft Registration”
    • “The Murder of Ed Marksman”
    • Lummi Indian Convictions: Jailed for Spirit Dancing”
    • “Revolution Books [RCP bookstore] Accused of Squatting at New NY Location”
  • #134 — Vol. 3, #32, December 11, 1981, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,122 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Whose Hit Squad Realy Roams the World? U.S. Imperialism’s Libya Stories”
    • “War Budget Deficit” [Article on political economy.]
    • “New Prison Letter from Jack Abbott”
    • “Palestinian Upsurge in West Bank/Gaza”
    • “Tribunal: Verdict is ‘Guilty’”
    • “U.S. Grand Jury against Marcos’ Foes” [Philippines]
    • “Chicago Death by Fire”
    • “Short-Range Tactical Peace Weaponry”
    • “N.Y. Grand Jury Jails Activists”
    • “Jimi Simmons: Native Fighter Acquitted”
    • “Lenin on 14 Ways to Blow a Revolution”
    • In the Belly of the Beast: The Storm a Book Provoked”
    • “Puerto RIco: A Showdown is Coming!”
    • “Panel’s Closing Judgments” [The “Mass Proletarian War Crimes Tribunal Against U.S. Imperialism”]
  • #135 — Vol. 3, #33, December 18, 1981, English edition, 24 pages.   New scan with double-page centerforld:   Searchable PDF image format   [4,630 KB]     Older (larger) alternate scan:   Searchable PDF image format   [26,109 KB]
    Articles include:
    • “Poland: Clampdown that May Blow Up”
    • “Support the Rebels in Poland: Forward With the World Revolution”
    • “U.S.: ‘Martial Law Good ... in Turkey’”
    • “Political Police Files on RCP: FBI Targets Internationalism”
    • “The Theft of the Golan Heights”
    • “Vets at Tribunal: ‘You’ve Sealed My Doom as a Patriotic Citizen’”
    • “Rocks of Reality Poke Holes in U.S. Ship of State”
    • “From 1973 Chinese Scientific Journal: The Universe is the Unity of Infinity and Finiteness” This 5-page article is also available separately   [823 KB]
    • “Lenin on 14 Ways to Blow a Revolution, Part 2”


  • #136 — Vol. 3, #34, January 1, 1982, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [3,071 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Poland: The Tempest Rages On”
    • “U.S. Moves to Clot ‘Massive Hemorrhage’ of Classified Documents”
    • “The Stuff That Embassy Hostages Are Made Of”
    • “Why We Are ‘What Is To Be Done?’—ists, More Thoughts on Party Building”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Escape From Krome” [Haitian refugees]
    • “Another Justified Homicide for Smoking on the Train”
    • Polish Crisis and the Storms to Come: Forging Future Weapons”
    • Bourgeois Voices East and West: Echoes”
    • “Portrait of a Revisionist” [Zdzislaw Rurarz]
    • “Appeals Court Overturns Silkwood Decision”
    • “What’s On Trial in Atlanta?”
    • “Static, Threats in Mao Defendants Hearing”
    • “The Lessons of the Buffalo Soldiers”
    • “Felony Trial to Open in Salvadoran Tour Case”
    • “Imperialists Invoke Fair-Fight Doctrine in Dozier Kidnapping”
  • #137 — Vol. 3, #35, January 8, 1982, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,339 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Global Ripples from Poland Crisis”
    • “Government Stokes Up Attacks on Bob Avakian, Mao Defendants”
    • “Miami Has Not Returned to ‘Normal’”
    • “Can You Do Away With Leadership? More Thoughts on Party Building”, by Bob Avakian
    • El Salvador Tour Trial Opens: Gov’t Attempts Kidnap of Salvadoran Revolutionaries”
    • “U.S.: ‘Our Hit Teams Are Fine’”
    • “New Twists on Libyan ‘Hit Squad’ Tales”
    • Reader Exposes: U.S. Strongarms Med Students Into War Effort”
    • “Learning From the Clampdown” [Poland]
    • “Deadly Seduction in the Inner-Sanctum: The National Academy of Sciences”
    • “Black Reporter Arrested, Shot By Philly Pigs”
    • “Lessons of the Moscow Uprising”, by V. I. Lenin
    • “2 Years for Spray Painting!”
    • New Attack, Mre Exposure: Peltier Relentlessly Hounded”
  • #138 — Vol. 3, #36, January 15, 1982, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,383 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Poland: Mark of Imperialist Collision Course”
    • Draft Registration Continued: U.S. Announces: Full Speed Ahead With Call-Up Plans”
    • “Mao Defendants Battle New Attacks”
    • More Thoughts on Party Building: Internationalism & the Mass Line”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Beware of Priests Bearing Gifts” [Poland]
    • “More From the Mudhole” [Cuba]
    • “Gov’t Holds Hearing in Pelier Case”
    • “Prime Time Rat Eater: G. Gordon Liddy”
    • “U.S. Plots to Control Libya — A Long Story”
    • “Invasion Attempt Foreshadows U.S. ‘Cure’ for Ailing Haitian Regime”
    • “INS to Triple ‘Productivity’ in L.A.”
    • “Lenin’s Non-Stop Revolutionary Appeals: An Open Letter to Boris Souvarine
    • “The Legacy of America’s Concentration Camps: The Testimony of a Japanese-American Woman at the War Crimes Tribunal”
    • “New Trial Set in Salvadoran Tour Case”
    • Police Strike Spearheads Attacks: Milwaukee Authorities Seek Revenge”
  • #139 — Vol. 3, #37, January 22, 1982, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [3,389 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Atlanta Smokescreen”
    • “Lessons From Iran on Coming From Behind to Build the Party”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Gov’t Moves to Hide Spying on Mao Defendants”
    • U.S. Sticks It To China with Taiwan Arms Deal: It’s No Fun Being a Running Dog”
    • “Gov’t Spokesmen Bark Orders at Science Confab” [AAAS]
    • “General Strike Hits Gandhi Regime in India”
    • “Why Is China Silent On Poland?”
    • “Correspondence on Brecht”
    • “Famous Imperialist ‘Liberators’”
    • “The Makers of Agent Orange Expose ‘Yellow Rain’”
    • “AIM Activists Convicted in Canada”
    • “Dennis Brutus vs. the INS”
  • #140 — Vol. 3, #38, January 29, 1982, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [3,938 KB]   Articles include:
    • Shanghai January 1967: The Month They Stormed Heaven”
    • Only the People Can Close the Case of the Atlanta Black Youth Murders: Atlanta Teach-In”
    • “Chemical War ‘Leak’ Triggers Amnesia in Ruling Circles”
    • “The Party: The Key Part of Organizing Forces”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Excerpts on the Cultural Revolution from Mao’s Immortal Contributions: Against the Norms”
    • “Long Live Chiang Ching! Long Live Chang Chun-chiao!”
    • From ‘Red Flag’ 1967: On the Proletarian Revolutionaries’ Struggle to Seize Power”
    • “The Day the Maoists Met the Polish Seamen”
    • Learning From the Clampdown in Poland: Prepared—But Prepared for What?”
    • “Nuclear War No Worse Than the Bubonic Plague, U.S. Experts Say”
    • Native People Testify at War Crimes Tribunal: The Day Will Come...”
    • “Government Stonewalls Mao Defendants’ Wiretap Info”
    • “Eritrean Rebels Torpedo Imperialist Predictions”
    • “The State’s Startling ‘New Evidence’ in Atlanta”
    • “INS Deports Sinn Fein Members”
    • “Child Rape: A Great American Institution”
  • #141 — Vol. 3, #39, February 5, 1982, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,068 KB]   Articles include:
    • El Salvador Crisis Deeper: More U.S. Guns, More U.S. Worries”
    • “Atlanta: The Hand at the End of the Chains”
    • Wash. State Declares Open Season on Native Americans: The Not So Mysterious Murder of Roque Duenas and Kevin Henry”
    • “Pay Attention to the Day to Day Needs of the Masses — But Don’t Overdo It!”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Problems, Problems, East and West” [Difficulties facing the Superpowers.]
    • Gus Hall’s Dance Around Poland: A Night on the Town with Revisionism”
    • Milwaukee Court Makes It Offical: ‘Justifiable Homicide’”
    • The U.S. in the Spanish-American War of 1898: Famous Imperialist ‘Liberators’”
    • “Hit Squads Sent Against Iranian Students”
    • “Reader Criticizes Chinese Science Article”
    • Transport Charges Dropped: Deportation Threat Upped vs. Salvadoran Revolutionaries”
  • #142 — Vol. 3, #40, February 12, 1982, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [2,990 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Atlanta: An Official Story Full of Holes”
    • “The Trial of ‘In the Belly of the Beast’”
    • “Explain That Crisis, Revisionist!” [Poland]
    • “More on the Party and Mass Movements Relation to the Revolutionary Goal”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Leader of Philippine Workers Movement Begins Tour” [Ernesto Areliano]
    • “U.S. Seeks Double Profit from Nuns’ Murder” [El Salvador]
    • “Is There Imperialist Life after Nuclear War?”
    • “El Salvador Tour Makes Waves in L.A.”
    • New Gov’t. Agency Plots: First Aid for State Power”
    • Frankfurt, West Germany: 15,000 Battle U.S. War Preps”
    • “The Rocky Road of Historic Compromise” [Soviet/Italian CP spat]
    • “Science Probes Religious Relic’s Authenticity” [“Shroud of Turin”]
    • “Last Pontiac Brother Convicted”
    • Atlanta Teach-In: Only the People Can Close the Case of the Black Youth Murders”
  • #143 — Vol. 3, #41, February 19, 1982, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,814 KB]   Articles include:
    • “An Internationalist Call to May First Action” [RCP statement in English, Spanish, Chinese, Farsi, Aleut, Turkish, Italian & French.]
    • Chicago: Pigs Go Down, Come Down, On the South Side”
    • “A Party is Not a Holy Thing... It’s Got to Be a Vanguard”, by Bob Avakian
    • Poland—A Case in Point: Why Spontaneity Is No Damn Good”
    • “The State vs. the Dangerous Daughters”
    • “Khomeini Regime Strikes Leaders of Mojahedin Peykar” [Iran]
    • “Cornered Rats Speak Out On El Salvador”
    • “Only the People Can Close the Case in the Atlanta Youth Murders”
    • “The Deficit Debate and the Deep Dilemma”
    • “Feudal Lords Run Amok in India”
    • “High Court Upholds Theft of Black Hills... Again”
  • #144 — Vol. 3, #42, February 26, 1982, English edition, 24 pages. (Note: The front page was purposedly scanned at an angle so that the text is upright and can be more easily read.)   Searchable PDF image format   [4,851 KB]   Articles include:
    • “‘New’ U.S. Caribbean Policy: Renewed Threats, Old Lies”
    • “More Gov’t Trash on Race and Intelligence”
    • “UAW/Ford Contract Renegotiation”
    • More Thoughts on Party Building: A Social Base for Proletarian Internationalism”, by Bob Avakian
    • “U.S. Revenge for a Dead Iranian Reactionary”
    • “OK, I’m a Warrior” [Int’l Women’s Day]
    • “Haig and Reagan on Latin America and the Caribbean” [Photo essay]
    • “Arkansas Court Opposes Creationism, Upholds God”
    • “Atlanta Teach-In Spreads”
    • Anti-War Stirrings: Youthful Beast Haunts East Germany”
    • “An Imperialist Call to May First Action” [In Polish, German, Arabic, Haitian Creole, Dutch, corrected Farsi and English]
    • “The Murder and Maiming of Women, Courtesy of U.S. Gov’t”
    • “Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution” [From the New Programme of the RCP,USA]
  • #145 — Vol. 3, #43, March 5, 1982, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [5,278 KB]   Articles include:
    • Atlanta Conviction: Ruling Class Finds Itself Innocent”
    • Marx, Engels, Lenin and Mao on the Liberation of Women: She Craves Not Spring for Herself Alone”
    • “The World Travels of the Dalkon Death Shield”
    • Bob Avakian Responds to Anarchists’ Letter: There’s Nothing More Revolutionary Than Marxism-Leninism, Mao Tsetung Thought”
    • “Famous ‘Imperialist Liberators’: Britain and the Arab Revolt in WWI”
    • “Press Communique by the Central Reorganisation Committee, Communist Party of India (ML)”
    • “Statement by the Central Committee, RCP,USA in Response [to the above]”
    • “Resolution Adopted by the All-India Conference of the Reorganisation Committee, Communist Party of Inida (ML)”
    • Report From Iran: Uprising in Amol”
    • “An Internationalist Call to May First Action” [In Sinhalese, Oromo, Japanese, and English.]
    • “Revisionist Tëte à Tëte” [Poland/USSR]
    • Ruling in Mao Defendants’ Case: Judge’s Bug Cover”
    • “Chemical Leak in Silicon Valley”
    • “Letter from the Anarchist Eclectic”
  • #146 — Vol. 3, #44, March 12, 1982, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [3,136 KB]   Articles include:
    • “May 1st — Put the Stamp of the International Proletariat on New York, Atlanta, L.A.”
    • “Nicaragua: A Twisted View Through U.S. Spyglass”
    • “International Women’s Day Battle in W. Virginia”
    • “Who Is the Party of God?” [Hezbollah in Iran]
    • Bob Avakian Responds to Anarchists’ Letter: Anarchism & the Commodity Principle”
    • New York Tribunal Testimony: U.S. Global Savagery Against Women”
    • “Murder, Frame-up of Revolutionary Nationalists at Brushy Mountain Prison”
    • Greensboro Investigation: What Does the Justice Dept. Mean by ‘Any Relevant, Related Events’?”
    • 1950s Nevada Tests: How the U.S. Nuked Its Troops and Why”
    • “An Internationalist Call to May First Action” [Repeated again]
    • “A Smile on His Face, A Knife in Your Back: Judge’s Performance in Mao Defendants Hearing”
    • “Statements in Support of the Mao Tsetung Defendants”
    • Court Rulings on Walla Walla: A ‘Sweeping Reform’ Swept Under”
  • #147 — Vol. 3, #45, March 19, 1982, English edition, 20 pages. (Note: The front page was purposedly scanned at an angle so that the text is upright and can be more easily read.)   Searchable PDF image format   [4,175 KB]   Articles include:
    • Nicaraguan Youth Turns the Tables: A Delicious Little Hint of the Future”
    • “Proletarian Internationalism in Action, at the Paris Commune...”
    • “Ballots and Bullets in Guatemala”
    • Bob Avakian on ... ’60s People”
    • “May 1st: ‘Let the Youth Be Out There in the Forefront... and Let the Old People Not Be Far Behind’” [Photo essay]
    • “Mid East: Consensus at Gun Point”
    • “Atlanta: Fighting in ‘No Everyday Way’”
    • “Red Flag Over the Alamo, March 20, 1980”
    • “U.S./Philippines Mutual Pact Against Troublemakers”
    • “Coke Is It!” [Ridiculing product slogan]
    • “Play Ball Or You’re Out” [Immigration]
    • “Father Roy Bourgeois on El Salvador”
    • “Those Who Feed on Revolutionaries’ Blood” [Letter]
    • “NY Grand Jury Dirty Work Continues”
    • “What Some People Don’t Like About What Lou Grant Knows About Politics”
  • #148 — Vol. 3, #46, March 26, 1982, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,437 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Palestinian Upsurge Meets Latest Israel Assault in West Bank”
    • “Rebel Youth! May 1st Is Approaching! Put the Stamp of the International Proletariat on New York, Atlanta, L.A.”
    • “Another Coup for Democracy in Guatemala”
    • Deng Xiaoping vs. Lin Biao... Their Lives and Times: Chamber of Commerce Types vs. Revolutionary Nationalists”, by Bob Avakian
    • “An International Exchange for May Day”
    • Nicaraguan and Salvadoran Youth Write: With a Different Future in Mind”
    • “The Rude and Unrepentant Women of the Paris Commune”
    • “The Trial of Louise Michel” [Paris Commune]
    • Aleut Testimony at War Crimes Tribunal: Sanam Aslan Tumin Ukun: It Is Time We Got Together”
    • “‘Wednesday Music’ in Colombia”
    • “The Terror of Toxteth” [Liverpool]
    • Letter from Holland: The Day the Trains Stopped”
    • [Centerfold May Day stencil for use in promoting May Day]
    • “An Internationalist Call to May First Action” [Work toward final version, and editions in new languages: Sufu [South Africa] and Greek.]
  • #149 — Vol. 3, #47, April 2, 1982, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [3,913 KB]   Articles include:
    • “El Salvador: Nothing Satisfies Like Death-Squad Democracy”
    • “Just Where Did Guatemala’s General Get His Religion?”
    • “The ’60s-’70s Shift”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Spring Thunder at Naxalbari”
    • “International Financial Ills: Large Scope for Contagion” [RCP economic analysis with some correct views and some incorrect ones (such as supporting the bourgeois “shortage of capital” thesis). Our apologies for the written marginal notes on this article.]
    • “Kids of the Commune” [Paris Commune]
    • “The Red Prisoners of Cherm” [Bolshevik Revolution]
    • “Soviet Puppet Troops Take a Beating in Horn of Africa”
    • “May Day Poster/Stencil”
    • “An Internationalist Call to May First Action” [In English and Warora]
    • “An Exciting Demonstration” [Relating to El Salvador]
  • #150 — Vol. 3, #48, April 9, 1982, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [3,891 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The British Lion and the U.S. Lyin’ in the South Atlantic” [British war in the Falkland Islands/Malvinas]
    • “Red Alert at Fort McPherson” [Atlanta area]
    • “A Revolutionary Offensive in the Sacred Sphere of Art” [May Day related]
    • “The ’70s: The Appearance & the Essence”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Imperialist ‘Multiplicity of Tracks’ in El Salvador”
    • “Defense Committee Formed for Salvadoran Revolutionaries”
    • “An Internationalist Call to May First action: New Posters are in Your Hands!”
    • “State Flaunts Kidnapping of Mao Defendant’s Daughter” [Tina Fishman case]
    • “Black Man Lynched in Downtown Atlanta”
    • “May Day Correspondence”
    • “The Workers of the World in the Russian Revolultion”
    • “The Days of May: France 1968”
    • “The Pope’s Modern Day Inquisition”
    • “Medical Mutilation of Haitian Refugees”
  • #151 — Vol. 3, #49, April 16, 1982, English edition, 26 pages (including centerfold poster).   Searchable PDF image format   [5,025 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Bob Avakian Speaks to Some Sharp Questions Focusing on May First: Stepping Up..., Stepping Out”
    • “Damián García Day, April 22”
    • “The Proletarians of the Garment Center” [NYC]
    • “Jingo Bells! Jingo Bells! ... or, Her Majesty’s South Atlantic Expedition”
    • “Joint Communique of the Ceylon Communist Party, the Nepal Communist Party, and the Central Reorganisation Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)”
    • “Calls to May 1st from India & Workers from Turkey”
    • “On the Winds of Revolution from Istanbul to Berlin”
    • Los Angeles: ‘I Wish They’d Define the Proletariat’” [Letter]
    • “May Day Letters” [International]
    • “Letters from the Front: WWI Fraternization”
    • “The Internationale” [Lyrics in multiple languages]
    • “Double-page poster of Damián García atop the Alamo, 1980”
    • Report from Atlanta: ‘It’s about that Time of Year, Ain’t It?’” [May Day letter]
  • #152 — Vol. 3, #50, April 23, 1982, English edition, 22 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,027 KB]   Articles include:
    • “On To May 1st: Atlanta Rockin’”
    • “Haitian Revolutionaries Call for May Day Action”
    • “Leave No Sacred Sphere Untouched!”
    • “Wave of Rebellion Sweeps West Bank” [Palestine]
    • “May 1st Correspondence”
    • “Anti-Nuke Activists Cast Lot With International Proletariat”
    • “Damián García Day, April 22, 1982”
    • Bob Avakian Speaks to Some Sharp Questions Focusing on May First: Steping Up... Stepping Out”
    • “Banners From the Squatters of Charlottenburg” [Berlin]
    • “May Day Mathematics”
    • April 21, 1965: Uprising in Santo Domingo”
    • San Francisco Docks: The Captain Goes Down with His Flag”
    • “Chinese Sailors Agree: Long Live Chiang Ching!”
    • “Demonstrating Day & Evening — Performing in the Afternoon...” [Chiang Ching]
    • “Shameless Bombers Attack Lebanon”
    • “The Girls of 1905”

  • [Begin Volume 4]
  • #153 — Vol. 4, #1, May 1, 1982, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,355 KB]   Articles include:
    • “May First — International Worker’s Day; We Only Want the Earth!”
    • New Issue: A World To Win”
    • “The Political Campaign of La Migra”
    • “Socialists in Her Majesty’s Service” [Britain’s war against Argentina over the Falkland Islands]
    • “Bob Avakian Speaks on May 1st”
    • “May First Greetings Criss-Cross the Planet” [International messages]
    • “May 1st Correspondence”
    • “The Women Warriors of 1917”
    • “International May Day Declarations in Danish, Turkish, English & Russian”
    • “The Killing Things About the Death of John Belushi”
    • Los Angeles: The Clash of Forces on Damián García Day”
    • The Internationale” [Music and lyrics]
    • [An instant Red Flag: 2 back-to-back pages]
  • #154 — Vol. 4, #2, May 7, 1982, English edition, 32 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [5,576 KB]   Articles include:
    • “May 1st Lightning Strikes City of the Angels”
    • May 1st Fraternizing: The Day the Maoists Met the Russians”
    • “Lessons from May Day Actions”
    • Student May Day “Breakouts” in Brooklyn, L.A. & Cincinnati.
    • Numerous pages of May Day photos.
    • “Comrade Mary O’Leary: She Craved Not Spring for Herself Alone”
    • “Class Polarization among Black People”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Atlanta: Internationalist Salvo at Pentagon of the South”
    • “New York City: Wild Red Roses on the Lower East Side”
    • “The Soviet Union: Socialist or Social-Imperialist? A Call for a Debate”
    • U.S. Slaps China with Taiwan Arms Sale: Rubbing the Running Dog’s Nose In It”
    • “Spring Barricades in Poland”
    • “Red Flags, Paint Fly in Oakland Steel Plant”
    • “We Are All Illegal, We’re Proletarians, We Have No Country”
    • “An International Bus Ride”
  • #155 — Vol. 4, #3, May 14, 1982, English edition, 24 pages. New scan with double-page centerforld, and 4-page supplement “The Nature of the Soviet Union—An Urgent and Decisive Question” (in English & Spanish).   Searchable PDF image format   [4,707 KB]   Older (larger) alternate scan, without the supplement, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [22,400 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Bourgeoisie Backs Off In Mao Defendants Case”
    • “Payoff Uncertain in Falklands Affair: Floating Crap Game in the South Atlantic”
    • “Mao as the Dividing Line, Leninism as the Bridge”, by Bob Avakian
    • “V.I. Lenin On: What Is Internationalism?”
    • “The Pig On the Spot at the Murder of Damian Garcia”
    • “May 1st Correspondence”
    • “The Secret of Saudi Arabia”
    • “They Will Be Millions” [On the influence of May Day 1982 in the U.S.]
    • “May Day Reports Crises Cross the Planet”
  • #174 — Vol. 4, #22, October 1, 1982, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,411 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Plague of ‘Peace’ Strikes Lebanon”
    • Trident Nein Take Stand in Connecticut Court: ‘What We Took Up the Hammer Against Trident’”
    • “Gathering At Big Mountain” [American Indian conference]
    • “Stop the Extradition of Hüseyin Balkir!”
    • “Peacekeepers’ Big War Plans”
    • A Talk with Yumaz Guney, Director of 'Yöl': Film and Revolution”
    • “Reflections and Sketches by Bob Avakian: The Border Question”
    • “The Imperialist Un-Meeting of the OAU”
    • “L.A.P.D. Crackdown in MacArthur Park”
    • “Demonstrations Hit Marcos”
    • Maryland Court Ruling on Abortion Case: A Husband's Equal Right to Own His Wife”
    • Letter from South Dakota Penitentiary: The Frame-Up, the Lock-Up and the Rebels at Sioux Falls Prison”
    • “Target Seattle Targetted in Opening Week”
  • #175 — Vol. 4, #23, October 8, 1982, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [22,951 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Massive Roundup of Palestinians in Beirut”
    • “El Salvadors, Afghanistans, and World War 3”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Israelis Ransack Palestine’s Past”
    • “Interview with Azanian Fighter: 15 Years on Robben Island—15 Years of Revolution”
  • #179 — Vol. 4, #27, November 5, 1982, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [15,804 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Major Arrests of Iranian Communists Reported”
    • “Marxism as State Religion”, by Bob Avakian
    • “U.S. Imperialists Discover Gold in Vietam: ‘Amerasian’ Kids”
    • “Guatemala: Returning on the War Road”
    • “Stop the Extradition of Hüseyin Balkir”
    • “High Bails, Outrageous Charges in Miracle Valley”
    • “The Destruction of Nature in the Soviet Union”
    Supplement: The November 1982 issue of About Face, published by the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (Anti-Imperialist), 8 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,920 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Statement from Vietnam Era Veterans”
    • “Message from a Laotian Refugee”
    • “About Face to Warmongers’ Monumental Obscenity! We Won’t Be Used Again”
    • “We Are Proud of Our Resistance to U.S. Aggression in Vietnam”
    • “The View from the Other Side of the Bunker”
  • #180 — Vol. 4, #28, November 12, 1982, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,716 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Holy Gambit in Poland”
    • “Stop the Extradition of Hüseyin Balkir”
    • “Trident Nein Sentenced”
    • “U.S. Squeeze Play in Kampuchea”
    • “Russian Translation for Call to Debate the Nature and Role of the Soviet Union”
    • “Vienam Vets, Youth Testify ... On Warmongers Monumental Obscenity”
    • “The Return of GI Joe”
    • “Message from a Cambodian Refugee”
    • “German Hospital Worker Reports from Beirut”
    • Reflections and Sketches by Bob Avakian: Some Questions to Carl Sagan and Stephen Gould”
    • “A Product of India”
    • The Israel/South Africa Connection: Twin Forests of Evil”
    • “Pillar to Post in Mozambique”
    • “Judge Suspends Miracle Valley Lawyers”
    • Letter: How Prince Sihanouk Recruits His Troops”
    • “New ‘Evidence’ in Pierce County Rape Case”
    • Full page Arabic translation of the Statement of the Vietnam Vets.
    • Back page ad for Arabic translations of documents about the war in Lebanon.
  • #181 — Vol. 4, #29, November 19, 1982, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,358 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Brezhnev Era: Emergence of an Imperialist Contender”
    • “Smashing Encore for Trident Sub”
    • “Tylenol Dumped on Mexican Market”
    • “What Proletarian Revolutions and Socialist States are Good For After All!”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Correspondence on Vietnam War Memorial”
    • ‘About Face’ at Vietnam War Memorial: Tears Can’t Hide the Dogs of War”
    • “Seattle: Vets, Anti-War Forces Unite vs. War Memorial”
    • “Hawaii: About Face Reaches Active Duty GIs”
    • “Downwind Fallout from Nevada Nuke Tests”
    • “Three-Way Terror Against Guatemalan Refugees in Mexico”
    • “L.A. Forum Exposes U.S. Role in Lebanon”
    • “Arson Conviction Challenged in Yellow Ribbon Case”
    • “Weapons Search Sparks Breakout in NY High School”
    • Doctor Testifies: Life and Death Under the Pax Americana in Lebanon”
    • “Letters from Prisoners”
  • #182 — Vol. 4, #30, November 26, 1982, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,728 KB]   Articles include:
    • Reagan MX Plan: Intercontinental Ballistic ‘Peacekeeper’”
    • China/Soviet Talks: Dealing the China Card — A Risky Hand to Play”
    • L.A. Draft Case: Judge Advises Gov’t: ‘Don’t Be So Selective’”
    • Reflections and Sketches: Frank Sinatra”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Stop the Extradition of Hüseyin Balkir”
    • “Guatemala: Bringing Death Squad Democracy Up to U.S. Standards”
    • “Fort Ord, 1970 — An Unforgotten Legacy” [Letter]
    • “JFK: ‘Peace’ by the Megaton”
    • “Gov’t Re-spins Web of Lies in Darnell Summers Railroad”
    • “The ‘Re-Assessment’ in Poland”
    • “Solid As a Ruble”
    • “The Role of Social-Imperialism in Colombia”
    • “New Miracle Valley Indictments”
    • U.S. International Dragnet: Bilal Sunni Ali Arrested in Belize”
    • “Vicious Assault on Indian Fishing Rights” [Washington State]
    • “Cyanide — Soviet Style” [Letter about Mozambique]
    • “Gov’t Tries to ‘De-politicize’ Legal Kidnapping of Mao Defendant’s Daughter”
    • “His Honor Has a History”
    • “The Perverse and Persistent Prosecutors of Pierce County”
  • #183 — Vol. 4, #31, December 3, 1982, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,214 KB]   Articles include:
    • V.P.’s African Safari: Bush Goes Gunning for Namibia”
    • “Rude Surprise for D.C. Cops at KKK March”
    • “Revolutionary from Turkey Murdered in Holland” [Nubar Yalim]
    • “Nothing In Our Times Can Be Done Without the Masses: A Scientific Not Romantic Understanding”, by Bob Avakian
    • “If Nuclear War Is ‘Thinkable’, then Why Isn’t Revolution Thinkable?”
    • “L’Affaire des Généraux... Or Begging Mr. Mitterand’s Reactionary Pardon” [France]
    • “Megalithic Monoliths for Posterity”
    • Soviet Debate: Revolutionaries vs. Revisionists: Politics vs. Profit In Command”
      “Socialist Construction and Class Struggle in the Field of Economics”, by the Writing Group of the Kirin Provincial Revolutionary Committee [1970]
    • “A Revisionist Economic Primer”
    • “New Ruse in the American Lake” [U.S. imperialism in Micronesia]
    • Round Three to Come: Round Two: Kiko Martinez Acquitted” [Chicago]
    • “Student Editor Gets the Axe: ‘Too Much Political Advocacy’” [Seattle]
  • #184 — Vol. 4, #32, December 10, 1982, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [18,172 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Reagan’s Latin American Rodeo: Gendarmes, Tin-Horns, and the Pro-Yankee Non-Aligned”
    • “The Real Terror at the [Washington] Monument”
    • “On Both Aspects of Proletarian Internationalism, Or, If You’ve Ever Been Mistreated You Know What I’m Talking About”, by Bob Avakian
    • “U.S. Drawing Battle Lines in Africa”
    • “Attica Brother Murdered in Detroit”
    • “Soviets in Egypt: High Dam, Low Road” [Part 1]
    • “Won’t You Come Home Dear Enver...” [About Soviet revisionist overtures to restore friendly relations with Albania]
    • “Blood Wedding in Venezuela”
  • #185 — Vol. 4, #33, December 17, 1982, English edition, 16 pages. (Centerfold scanned in 3 parts for easier reading.)   Searchable PDF image format   [9,010 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Poland: Pre-war Realism East and West; The Lifting of Martial Law”
    • Los Angeles Times writes on Damián García Murder: Highly Charged Exposure of Political Police”
    • “Murderers and Proud of It; Vultures Exercise Right to Parrot” [Killing of Norman Mayer]
    • “The Us vs. Them Decade: Which Way? That’s the Question”, by Bob Avakian
    • Hughes Bill Set for Passage: U.S. Sharpens New Set of Teeth”
    • Political Kidnapping of Mao Defendant’s Daughter: A Thoroughly Modern Witch Trial”
    • “Infant Mortality in Innter City Detroit”
    • “Fissures at Savannah River Nuke”
    • Soviet Debate: Soviets in Egypt: High Dam, Low Road”, Part 2
    • Interview with Darnell Summers: The Political Police and the Flip, Flop, Flip”
    • “Berkeley”, by Nazim Hikmet [A poem written in 1926 by the Turkish communist poet.]
    • “Major Party Fund Drive”
  • #186 — Vol. 4, #34, December 31, 1982, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [16,311 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Miami [Uprising]: In the Language of Nothing to Lose”
    • “Hüseyin Balkir is Free!”
    • “Moving Quickly on Bob Avakian: Hearing in France Set for January 12”
    • “Court Rules in Legal Kidnapping of Mao Defendant’s Daughter: A Decision as Cowardly as It Is Vicious”
    • “Andropov Deploys Medium-Range ‘Zero Option’”
    • “Some Points on ‘Dirty Words’, ‘Engineers’, and Artists in the United Front”, interview with leading RCP member A. Pine
    • “Mahatma Gandhi: New Look at the Father of Nonviolence”
    • “The Government War Against Indian Fishing Rights”


  • #187 — Vol. 4, #35, January 7, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,365 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Report From Overtown” [Miami]
    • On the Street in Overtown: From the Roman Empire to What Is To Be Done?
    • “Statement by a Haitian Revolutiony to the Rebels of Overtown”
    • “Commissars and Clergy: Spat Over Poland”
    • WRFG Interview With Bob Avakian: The Imperialist System & Proletarian Internationalism”
    • “In Memory of Comrade John Kaiser”
    • “Yellow Ribbon Appeal Denied”
    • “Convicted Draft Resister Remains Contemptuous of Court”
    • “The Poison Mud of Missouri” [Dioxin pollution in St. Louis area.]
    • “A Secret Service Request One Day Before the Murder of Damián García”
    • “The Trouble in Tripoli”
    • “Twice As Many Chances in the Ghetto!?!” [State lottery exploitation of the poor.]
    • “Behind the Oroville Incident” [California]
  • #188 — Vol. 4, #36, January 14, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,580 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Guatemala: God’s Blessing for Born-Again Butcher”
    • “Rebellion at Sing Sing”
    • “Deportations Threatened in Pimlico”
    • “L.A. Cops Cleared to Kill Again”
    • Bob Avakian on Radio WRFG: Class Forces and Leadership in the Revolutionary Struggle”
    • “Rural Rumblings”
    • “Depo-Provera: A Spoonful of Poison Makes the Birthrate Go Down”
    • “Nuke Masters Cry ‘Radiation’”
    • “Miami: Pigs Will Oink”
    • “[International Proletariat:] ‘I Knew There Had to be a Name For Us’”
    • Famous Imperialist ‘Liberators’: The Claws of the Pink Panther in Africa”
    • “The Youth of Soweto”
    • “The Nature of Judge Ragan’s ‘Precedent-Breaking’ Custody Ruling”
    • Correspondence on Fund Drive
  • #189 — Vol. 4, #37, January 21, 1983, English edition, 16 pages. [Note: The text on the two center pages was purposely positioned diagonally; we have added a scan of the central portion of this 2-page spread to facilitate the reading of this article online.]   Searchable PDF image format   [6,066 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Murderous Pigs of Memphis”
    • Decision Expected Soon: Bob Avakian’s Case Argued in France”
    • “Remarks from Secretary of Interior Custer” [About Secretary James Watt and the treatment of Native Americans.]
    • Bob Avakian on Radio WRFG: World War, Nuclear Weapons, and Revolution”
    • The Hounding of Hayden Fisher: Clear Tracks on Trail of Coincidence”
    • “Blackboard Jails” [Education in New York City.]
    • “Low-life Visits, Black-robed Innuendo” [Fake bomb attack on Revolution Books in NYC.]
    • “The Testing of Birth Control Poison in Atlanta”
    • “The Baby Killers”, by K. X.
    • Danish Youth: Tunnel Warfare and the Cracking ‘Social Compact’”
    • “‘Employed’ and Unemployed in Houston’s Tent Cities”
    • Documents Reveal High Level Frame-up of Darnell Summers: From the Horse’s Mouth...”
    • “Speedy Trial Hearings Held in Darnell Summers Case”
    • “Reprint from Mass Line [India]: The Majority Starves while the Minority Fattens”
    • “A Question of National Security” [About the purposeful biological warfare tests on American cities in 1950 by the U.S. military.]
  • #190 — Vol. 4, #38, January 28, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,092 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Disbanding of the LA PDID? A Spy Story”
    • “Chiang Ching and Chang Chun-chiao Totally Unrepentant”
    • “Commander Nakasone Goes to Washington”
    • “Memorial Held for Comrade John Kaiser in Eugene, Oregon”
    • Soviet Debate: A Question of Management” [On the topic of “one-man management” or other forms of management in socialist production.]
    • Hawaii: Eviction at Makua Beach”
    • “The Suspension of Rookie Cruz”
    • “Art and Politics”, Bob Avakian on Radio WRFG
    • The Malcolm X Cultural Center: ‘A Symbol of Organization and Protest’ Under Siege”
    • Support Builds for Darnell Summers in West Germany: A Surprise Visit”
    • “A Murder by Chokehold in King County Jail” [Seattle]
    • “Correspondence on R.C.P. Fund Drive”
  • #191 — Vol. 4, #39, February 4, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [8,710 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Nigeria: Mass Deportaion, Imperialist Compulsion”
    • “Khomeini’s Executioners Strike at Union of Iranian Communists”
    • “M. Mitterand Upsets His German Comrades”
    • “Blockade at Vandenberg”
    • “Judge Rules: ‘No Delay, No Prejudice’ in Darnell Summers Railroad”
    • “Custer Rides Again” [Sec. of the Interior James Watt’s attacks on Native Americans.]
    • “In the Ironhouse of Greed” [Letter from a reader.]
    • March on Mao’s Birthday in Delhi: Red Salute to Comrade Chiang Ching and Comrade Chang Chunchiao”
    • “Correspondence on Soviet Debate” [Letter in Farsi from Iranian comrades.]
    • “Fishing Rights Ruled Out of Order in Columbia River Case”
    • Soviet Debate: ‘Socialist Competition’ — How They Say it is, and How it Really is”
    • “Pigs and Cows” [Farm struggle in Ohio.]
    • Murder in Atlanta: No Similarities Here...”
    • “A Case of Malice Aforethought”
  • #192 — Vol. 4, #40, February 11, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,835 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Advance Deployments in Intermediate Range Peace Wars”
    • “A Murderous Memo” [Houston Police memo aimed against Rastafarians.]
    • “Fire in the Andes” [About the peasant-based guerrilla war in Ayacucho Province, Peru, led by the CPP (also called Sendero).]
    • “The Invasion of MacArthur Park” [Los Angeles]
    • “Double Punishment for Protesting Black Youth Murders” [Atlanta]
    • “Combustible Material Strikes French Auto Industry”
    • Soviet Debate: Is There Life Beyond Ownership?” [And the question of whether “capital” continues to exist under socialism.]
    • “A Letter of Support for the Proposed Conference on the Nature and Role of the Soviet Union Today”
    • “A Review of Yöl, a film by Yilmaz Güney”, by A. Pine
    • “The Moral Majority and La Operación” [Sterilization of women.]
    • Ghanaian Refugees: A Dubious Welcome”
    • “Correspondence on the RCP Fund Drive”
    • “New Motions Filed in Yellow Ribbon Case”
  • #193 — Vol. 4, #41, February 18, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,377 KB]   Articles include:
    • Israeli Commission Report: Democracy Strikes Again” [On the cover-up of Israeli massacre of Palestinians.]
    • “On the Execution of 22 Founders, Leaders and Members of the Union of Iranian Communists”, Statement by the Central Committee of the RCP, USA
    • “Statement by Members of the UIC on the Executions in Amol”
    • “Magician Shakes Up Spirit World” [About “The Amazing Randi”]
    • “New Moves Against Defiant Draft Protesters”
    • “From the Maker of G.I. Joe”
    • Darnell Summers Case: The Prosecutor’s Deliberate Lapse of Memory”
    • “Major [RCP] Party Fund Drive! Iranian Students Pledge Red Wages Day”
    • “A Minor Concession — But What’s Next?” [Mao Defendant Tina Fishman’s kidnapped daughter case.]
    • “The CPUSA’s Vampiristic Celebration” [In support of the reactionary Iranian regime.]
    • “Hill Street Bullshit, Richard Pryor Routines and the Real Deal”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Puerto Rican Activists Convicted of Criminal Contempt”
    • “U.S. ‘Two Track’ Tango in El Salvador”
    • “Arm Twists for Revisionists” [U.S. war preparations in the Far East.]
    • “Another ‘Apparent Suicide’” [In a Washington State penitentiary.]
    • “L.A. Times Targets Hayden Fisher”
    • “Shine the Light of Revolution Behind the Prison Walls” [Letters from prisoners.]
  • #194 — Vol. 4, #42, February 25, 1983, English edition, 12 pages (plus 12-page supplement below).   Searchable PDF image format   [4,728 KB]   Articles include:
    • “An Internationalist Call to May 1st Action”
    • More Reflections and Sketches: The Streets and Festivals of Miami — Two Opposing Views”, by Bob Avakian
    • Behind the Libya/Sudan Affair: U.S./Egypt Hit Squad Plot Revealed”
    • Austin, Texas: 2,000 Thrash Klan”
    • “You Can’t Break All the Chains But One”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Retraining in Robotics”
    • “Leonard Peltier Denied New Trial”
    • “Fishing Rights Trial Moved to L.A.”
    • “A Hand for the Guardian” [Response to the ridicule of the RCP by the more and more revisionist Guardian newspaper.]
    • “Correspondence on the RCP Fund Drive”
    Supplement: Accumulating Revolutionary Forces for the Coming Showdown, 12 page supplement to RW194. (Note: We apologize for the marginal marking which was mostly placed there to make note of what was taken to be curious remarks and misconceptions of the mass line in the text.)   Searchable PDF image format   [6,959 KB]   Includes:
    • “Background Material”
      • “I. Advance and Consolidation (Spiral-Like Development), Including a Philosophical Point on Relative Identity”
      • “II. More on Central Task, Accumulating Revollutionary Forces
      • “III. More Ideas on What it Means for Revolutionary Territory that is Seized to the Base Areas for the World Revolution (Taking Spiral Development into Account)
    • “Report from the Central Committee”
      • “I. What We’ve Accomplished, What Remains to be Accomplished”
      • “II. More Stepping Up, Stepping Out”
      • “III. Further Thoughts on the Advanced in Society and the Social Base for Our Line”
      • “IV. Mass Movements”
      • “V. Base Areas and Factories as Fortresses”
      • “VI. Promoting the Party”
    • “Conclusion”
  • #195 — Vol. 4, #43, March 4, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [11,824 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Break the Chains! Unleash the Fury of Women as a Mighty Force for Revolution”
    • “The Women of La Costura”
    • “Indian Fishing Rights—And Tell Us Again Who ‘Never Keeps a Treaty’”, by Bob Avakian
    • “On Cleaning the Dirty Laundry” [Women in the revisionist Soviet Union]
    • “The All-American Cure for Women: Electroshock”
    • “In the ‘Year of the Bible’: The Christian Case Against Women”
    • “Accumulating Revolutionary Forces for the Coming Showdown: Background Material for RCP,USA Central Committee Meeting” [Part 1 reprint of a document included in full in RW194.]
    • “Major Party Fund Drive!”
  • #196 — Vol. 4, #44, March 11, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,802 KB]   Articles include:
    • “5-Year-Old Child Cut Down: Another Case of Standard Police Procedure” [Orange Count, CA]
    • “The Pope’s Geo-Religious Mission to Central America”
    • “The Murder of A. C. Wilson” [Detroit]
    • “The Challenges Confronting Communist Stand-Up Comedians: More On Hypocrisy”, by Bob Avakian
    • “State Clears Track to Railroad Darnell Summers”
    • Vet Writes: I, For One, Hail the Fury”
    • “Women’s Day March in Berkeley”
    • “Another ‘Handout’” [Native Americans]
    • “Reprint from Mass Line [India]: Behind the Violence in Assam”
    • “Lenin on Karl Marx”
    • A Call for a Teach-In: The ‘Case’ of the Atlanta Black Youth Murders: Nothing is Closed!”
    • “Report from the Central Committee” [Part 2 reprint of a document included in full in RW194.]
  • #197 — Vol. 4, #45, March 18, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,711 KB]   Articles include:
    • El Salvador: A New Dose of Democracy for the ‘Fourth Border’”
    • “The St. Patrick’s Day Incident”
    • Ohio State University: All-American Rape”
    • “Reader Exposes U.S. Military Moves in Haiti”
    • “So Many Lies in So Little Space: A Look at a Single Paragraph of a Reagan Speech”, by Bob Avakian
    • “The Youth Against: The Queen, Reagan, The Revisionists, The Cops...”
    • Lenin On: Karl Marx” [Part 2]
    • Correspondence on IWD: ‘Dark Is the Force of Habit, But Bright Is Hope’”
    • A Call for a Teach-In: The ‘Case’ of the Atlanta Black Youth Murders: Nothing is Closed!”
    • “A Whole Lot of Squealing Going On”
    • “But Jerry Falwell Isn’t Laughing...”
    • From the New Programme of the RCP: Uprooting National Oppression”
    • 2 Weeks to Go! Major Party Fund Drive”
    • “Report from the Central Committee” [Part 3 reprint of a document included in full in RW194.]
    • Reader writes: ‘He Told the Queen What To Do With Herself’”
  • #198 — Vol. 4, #46, March 25, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,582 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Laying Siege to the Peacekeepers” [Vandenberg Air Force Base]
    • “Court Moves Full Steam Ahead in Railroad of Darnell Summers”
    • Gana Rape in New Bedford: Fury Rears Her Head”
    • “Down on the Word Lady (To Say Nothing of Bitch)”, by Bob Avakian
    • “The Circuitous Route of the Little Engine That Could... Blow Your Ass Away”
    • “May First Messaage From Haitian Youth”
    • “Son of PDID Rises In City of Angels” [LAPD]
    • “‘Responsible Reportage’ of World War III”
    • L.A. High: Early Warning Signs of May Day”
    • “A Revolution in Philosophy” [As created by Marx & Engels, and including Marx’s “Theses on Feuerbach”.]
    • 1 Week To Go! Major Party Fund Drive” [Correspondence]
    • “Report from the Central Committee” [4th and final part; reprint of a document included in full in RW194.]
    • “Planning an Internationalist Wall?” [Promoting posting posters for May Day.]
  • #199 — Vol. 4, #47, April 1, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,264 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Reagan’s Vision of the Future: A Heavenly War”
    • “Death Squad Queen Demands ‘Free Speech’” [U.S. UN Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick]
    • “We Want In ... We Want Out — Opposite Views on Discrimination and Degradation”, by Bob Avakian
    • “L.A. High’s Troublesome ‘Vandalism’”
    • “The Day ‘The Woman Question’ Hit the Park”
    • “Breathing National Oppression”
    • “Atlanta Teach-In Opens”
    • U.S. Moves in Nicaragua: A Very Un-Secret ‘Secret War’”
    • “Vandenberg Offenders Remain Defiant”
    • Revisionist ‘Internationalism’: The Cuban Boot in Angola”
    • “The Whole of Society Sprung Into the Air”, in honor of the 100th anniversary of Marx’s death, from a book by Bob Avakian.
    • “Israelis Poison Palestinian Children”
    • W. German Elections: Democracy on the ‘Faultline’”
    • “Imperialism vs. American Principles? No Contradiction Here!” [On the Spanish-American War of 1898]
  • #200 — Vol. 4, #48, April 8, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,456 KB]   Articles include:
    • Forecast: Long Hot Summer in Europe”
    • “May Day Mathematics and the ‘Strategic Calculus’ of Nuclear War”
    • “A Message on Hearing ‘The Message’”, by Bob Avakian
    • May 1st Internationalist Exchange: From Vandenberg to the People of the World”
    • Soviet Debate: On the Political Economy of Soviet Social-Imperialism”, by Raymond Lotta
    • Motor City: From the Assembly Line to the Soup Line: Losing the ‘American Dream’ and All That Bullshit”
    • “HPD Demonstrates the State of the Art” [Houston]
    • “What’s Really Shakin’ In Chicago”
    • “If Nuclear War is ‘Thinkable’... Then Why Isn't Revolution Thinkable?” [Centerfold graffic]
    • “Revolution in the ’80s. Go for it!”
    • “Now, the cable, I mean the envelope...please”
    • “Who Gets Hung on this Rope?” [On Amiri Baraka]
    • Tennis Anyone? U.S. Takes a Shot at Chinese Revisionists”
    • “A Clarification by the Death Squad Queen” [U.S. UN Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick]
    • “Vietnam Veteran Writes on May 1st”
  • #201 — Vol. 4, #49, April 15, 1983, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,663 KB]   Articles include:
    • Multiple Warhead Commission Reveals: The Worst Kept Secret in the Pentagon”
    • “An Internationalist Call to May First Action”
    • More Reflections and Sketches: The ‘City Game’—And the City, No Game”, by Bob Avakian
    • “May First Message from Ikwesi” [South Africa]
    • “Message from the Unión Comunista Revolucionaria, Dominican Republic”
    • “Long Live the Spirit of Damián García”
    • “How Much Evidence Does One Need”
    • “The Proletariat Has Something To Say!”
    • S.F. May Day Trials: High-Level Railroad of Revolutionaries”
    • “A Pig Plot Revealed and A Welcome Well Received” [Los Angeles]
    • “Free Darnell Summers”
    • “Seattle Inquest Demands Murder by the Book”
    • “May 1st Internationalist Exchanges”
    • “Three Miracle Valley Youth Convicted”
    • “New Caledonia: Island ‘Department’ in a ‘Socialist’ Empire”
    • “Consorting With ‘The Enemy’ In World War One” [Letters from the Fronts]
    • “Fraternization Out of Order in L.A. Trial”
    • “Demonstrating Day & Evening — Performing in the Afternoon...”
    • Ethiopian Comrade Writes: May Day in Addis Ababa, 1974”
    • “A Crisis in France”
    • “Hong Kong Squatters Battle Police”
    • “Speedy Trials and Rapid Jailings in Atlanta”
    • “May Day Stirs L.A. High Memories”
    • “Correspondence on Yöl
    • Notice about the upcoming “Conference and Debate on the Nature and Role of the Soviet Union: Socialist or Social-Imperialist?”
    • Full page Internationalist Call to May First Action in Bangla [Bengali].
  • #202 — Vol. 4, #50, April 22, 1983, English edition, 16 pages plus double-page poster for May Day.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,548 KB]   Articles include:
    • “On to May 1st, International Workers’ Day”
    • “Clash of Two Trends Over MacArthur Park/Damián García”
    • “May 1st Internationalist Exchanges”
    • “What Will It Take To Stop World War? A Forum On the Underlying Causes and Solutions”
    • When The Real Deal Goes Down... ‘I’ll Be There’ — You’ll Be Where?!”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Anti-Nuke Protests Target Trident”
    • Anthropologist Writes: On The Margaret Mead Controversy”
    • “A ‘Forbidden Crossing’” [East Palo Alto, CA]
    • “Darnell Summers Day: Red Armbands, Revolutionary Politics Brighten Detroit”
    • “Youth Plan May 1st Breakouts”
    • “The Pink Nukes of Tahiti: A World Without Imperialism—Not an Imperialist World War!”
    • “The Proletarian Fortresses of 1917”
    • Gateway to the Southwest: Where Gravediggers Are Mass Produced”
    • “In Memory of Comrade Mary O’Leary”
    • Notice about the upcoming “Conference and Debate on the Nature and Role of the Soviet Union: Socialist or Social-Imperialist?”
    • “Signs of the New at The Old Rat Trap”
    • “Reactionary Flies Swarm Over Decrepit Shrine” [The Alamo]
    • “The Exploding ‘Peace’ In Lebanon”
    • “May 1st Message From a Flagburner”
    • Full-page announcement about the publication of the new book The Science of Revolution, by Lenny Wolff
    • Also including a Double-page full-color poster for May Day use.

  • [Begin Volume 5]
  • #203 — Vol. 5, #1, May 1, 1983, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,636 KB]   Articles include:
    • “May 1st — International Workers’ Day”
    • “Unusual New Hearing in Bob Avakian’s Political Refugee Case”
    • “The ’60s Weren’t Always ‘The ’60s,’ and the ’80s Will Be Far Heavier”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Announcement: A Conference and Debate on the Nature and Role of the Soviet Union: The Soviet Union: Scoailist or Social-Imperialist?” [NYC May 22nd]
    • “A Letter of Support for the Proposed Conference on the Nature and Role of the Soviet Union Today” [A number of signatories]
    • “An Inner-City Voice: Got No Country”
    • “A Case of ‘Clear and Present Danger’”
    • U.S. Cowboys in Central America: Making the World Safe For The Good Guys”
    • “The May First Youth of Petrograd 1915”
    • “The Weapon of Materialist Dialectics”, excerpt from The Science of Revolution: An Introduction, by Lenny Wolff
    • “Taking Back the Night... And Then Some”
    • “Damian Garcia Day”
    • “May Day Messages Criss-Cross the Planet”
    • “Multiple Felony Convictions In Fishing Rights Trial”
    • The Interntionale — Lyrics in multiple languages”
  • #204 — Vol. 5, #2, May 6, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,091 KB]   Articles include:
    • May 1st, 1983: A Study in Comparative Piggery [Gdansk/Los Angeles]”
    • RCP Calls for Political Battle Around Olympics: The Pre-War Games”
    • “Yahoo Calendar, New Style” [On bourgeois newspaper reports about May Day]
    • “The Worst of Times and the Best of Times”, by Bob Avakian
    • “An Open Challenge to Gus Hall, Angela Davis and the Communist Party U.S.A.”
    • L.A. High: A Decisive Difference” [R.C.Y.B.]
    • “Report From Detroit”
    • “The Snitch and the Secret Hearing” [Darnell Summers case]
    • “World Music Festival, Jamaica: The Exploitative Essence”
    • “May 1st in Poland: Revisionism Isn’t Resting Easy”
    • “May 1st Correspondence” [Boston, Miami, Seattle, Berkeley, Philadelphia, Hawaii, etc.]
    • “Letter from India on The Hindu Case Against Women” [With a large number of quotations from Hindu religious documents.]
  • #205 — Vol. 5, #3, May 13, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,034 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Miami: Unexpected Crack in a City of the Future”
    • “The All-American, Buy-American, Sold American, Murder”
    • “Ronald Reagan, Nicholas II and the Spectre of Revolution”, by Bob Avakian
    • “A Letter of Support for the Proposed Conference on the Nature and Role of the Soviet Union Today” [A number of signatories]
    • Further info on the above Conference on the Soviet Union including specific panel discussions.
    • “May 1st Correspondence: Initial International Reports”
    • “‘Peace Church’, Holy War” [About the Roman Catholic Church.]
    • “In the Spirit of Phi Slama Jama”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Mr. Watt’s Advice to Christian Graduates”
  • #206 — Vol. 5, #4, May 20, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [17,282 KB]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. and U.S.S.R. Toe-to-Toe Over Lebanon”
    • “And What Should We Call the Third Time? Or, Still Fighting the Battles of the 19th Century at the Approach of the 21st”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Talking Peace, Counting Warheads”
    • “U.S. Discovers ‘Bad Example’ in Mexico”
    • “MacArthur’s Mexican Exploits”
    • “Imperialism and the Drive Towards War”
    • “May 1st Correspondence”
    • “Revisionism and the Killing of Newborn Girls” [China]
    • “State Out for Blood in S.F. May Day Trial”
  • #207 — Vol. 5, #5, May 27, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,593 KB]   Articles include:
    • 800 Attend NYC Conference: Soviet Union: Socialist or Social-Imperialist? The Question is Joined”
    • “A Cure for Toxic Shock Syndrome? So Near, Yet So Far”
    • “More Questions to Carl Sagan, Stephen Gould, & Isaac Asimov”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Brutal INS Raid in L.A.”
    • “Son Born to P.D.I.D. — It’s Uglier Than Dad” [Los Angeles police]
    • “Why They Called It MacArthur Park—and Still Want To”
    • “May First Correspondence” [Peru, Greensboro]
    • “Monopoly” [Excerpt from The Science of Revolution, by Lenny Wolff
    • “‘Follow Gandhi’ — Or Go to Jail!”
  • #208 — Vol. 5, #6, June 3, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [5,571 KB]   Articles include:
    • “It’s Hard To Be An Officer And A Gentleman In El Salvador”
    • Flaming Red Banner From Revolutionary Prisoners In Peru: To the Revolutionary Prisoners of the U.S.!”
    • “What Better Way...” [The election of Black mayors in Chicago and other cities.]
    • “In the Year of the Missile”
    • From the New Programme of the RCP,USA: The Party And the Masses”
    • “The Sunday Paper Pogrom” [The murder of a Vietnamese high school student in Davis, CA.]
    • “On Saviors, Realism and Working Within the System”, by Bob Avakian
    • “What’s Haunting Baby Doc?” [Haiti]
    • “Apartheid: Problem Child of Imperialism”
    • “Political Police Spin RICO Web in Brinks Trial”
    • “An American Nightmare” [Seattle]
  • #209 — Vol. 5, #7, June 10, 1983, English edition, 12 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,852 KB]   Articles include:
    • “It’s Hard To Be A Diplomat In Nicaragua”
    • “The Worries and Flurries of Chief Daryl Gates and Others” [Los Angeles and LAPD]
    • “The Conflict in the PLO” [Palestine]
    • “No Right to Speak Department” [Ronald Reagan on Palestinians]
    • “Brutal Sentences for Fishing Rights Defendants” [Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest]
    • “Ribbon Burning Case Reaches Oregon Supreme Court”
    • “Hunger Strike At El Centro” [Prison]
    • “Feds Take the Wheel in Richmond, CA.”
    • “The Silent Custody War” [Mao Defendant Tina Fishman case]
    • From the New Programme of the RCP: On the Revolutionary Transformation of Education”
    • “Press Conference Exposes LAPD”
  • #210 — Vol. 5, #8 [Mistakenly marked as Vol. 5, #7 on cover], June 17, 1983, English edition, 16 pages. [Including double page centerfold poster.]   Searchable PDF image format   [7,762 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Pershing/Cruise Deployment: Obscene Calculations” [Missiles]
    • “A Case of Division... and Redivision” [Particle physics and dialectics]
    • “Death and Duplicity in El Salvador”
    • “The Story of David Tom” [Psychiatry]
    • “William Morales Captured, Tortured in Mexico” [FALN]
    • Liuzzo/Bergman Cases: Two Rulings: One Purpose” [Civil rights movement]
    • “A Memo From the Office of ‘Strategic Cooperation’”
    • “Revisionism and the ‘Credibility Gap’ in Lebanon”
    • “Israelis Count Trouble on the West Bank”
    • [Double page centerfold poster against Imperialist World War]
    • “The Not-So ‘Extraordinary Summit’ at Addis Ababa”
    • “Free Darnell Summers”
    • “June 20 Anti-Nuke Actions”
    • “The ‘Disruptive Potential’ Time Has in Mind”
  • #211 — Vol. 5, #9 [Mistakenly marked as Vol. 5, #8 on cover], June 24, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [5,989 KB]   Articles include:
    • Pope John Paul II in Poland: The Smell of Incense in the Morning”
    • “The Socialist Rapid Reaction Force” [France]
    • “Anti-Nuke Protests in the Shadow of MX” [Livermore, CA]
    • “Pigs, Patriots, Target Groton Protestors”
    • “Fleet-EX 83-1” [U.S. naval war exercises in the North Pacific]
    • “Dominican Impressions”
    • “No Big Headlines for Dead Reporters”
    • “Olympic True Grit”
    • “The Curious Transformation of the Katangese Gendarmes” [D. R. of Congo]
    • From the New Programme of the RCP,USA: The Future, In This Country and the World, Is Coming Up for Grabs”
    • “On Black Nation Day Conference” [Letter]
    • “Kidnapper Howls For His Masters” [Tina Fishman case]
  • #212 — Vol. 5, #10, July 1, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [5,697 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Chile: U.S. Ponders Life After Pinochet”
    • “800 Livermore Demonstrators Still Interned” [Anti-war movement]
    • “Adelman Defines Disarmament”
    • Tina Fishman Case: High-Level Kidnappers Strike Again”
    • “S.F. May Day Trial Sentencing: 3 Years Under the Gun”
    • “Pope to Walesa: ‘Go Fishing’”
    • Correspondence: Some Facts and Trends in the Situation Among Black People”
    • “Coleman Young Slaps Curfew on Detroit Youth”
    • “Flag Bones” [Double-page centerfold art work]
    • “Imperialist ‘Non-Intervention’ Explodes in Chad”
    • “Feds in Greensboro: Keeping the Can of Worms Sealed” [Aftermath of the murders of CWP members]
    • “Transit Cops Run Amuck in New York”
  • #213 — Vol. 5, #11, July 8, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,331 KB]   Articles include:
    • “L.A. Pig Tales: Chief Gates’ Latest Anti-RCP Lies”
    • “‘Friendship Day’ in the Philippines”
    • “Police Practice at Livermore”
    • “Women Encamp at Seneca”
    • “Family Day and the ‘Undesirables’”
    • “The Knight in America’s Court”
    • “Motions Appeal Denied in Darnell Summers Case”
    • “Deng’s Selected Poisonous Weeds” [On the publication of Deng Xiaoping’s Selected Works in China]
    • “Miami: View From the Other Side”
    • “The Criminal Minds Behind the Detroit Youth Curfew”
  • #214 — Vol. 5, #12, July 15, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,210 KB]   Articles include:
    • “West Germany’s Nuclear Fore-Shocks”
    • “Puerto Rican Independence Movement Attacked in Chiago”
    • “More Ways Than One to Skin a Nonregistrant” [Draft]
    • “Nerve Gas for Peace”
    • Hayden Fisher Appeal Denied: Court Upholds Cover-Up on Rehearsal for Murder”
    • “Nuked-up Battleships Seek Port of Call”
    • “The Vulture Team Spirit”
    • “Problems in Polling the Insane Asylum”
    • “Another High-Tech Breakthrough — Kitchen Sweatshops”
    • “How to Make Dioxin Disappear: A Political Chemistry Lesson”
    • “An Embarrassing Inquiry” [Youth Curfew in Detroit]
    • Vancouver Five Case: Canadian Search and Destroy”
    • “Contribution to the Discussion on the Finite and Infinite” [With regard to a 1973 article in the Chinese journal Dialectics of Nature] This 3-page article is also available separately   [PDF: 1,425 KB]
  • #215 — Vol. 5, #13, July 29, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [8,504 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Bob Avakian Denied Political Refugee Status in France”
    • Poland: The More or Less Lifting of Martial Law”
    • “Star Power, Fire Power, & World Power”
    • “The Execution of Mr. Lee” [Baltimore]
    • “West Bank: Pioneers of Reaction” [Palestine]
    • “Olympic Whitewash”
    • “Recharging the Draft Machine”
    • “The Deadliest Smog of All” [Los Angeles]
    • “Citizenship Lessons Planned for NY Youth”
    • “A Revealing Reecommendation” [Legal attacks on RCP members in Atlanta]
  • #216 — Vol. 5, #14, August 5, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,055 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Over the Barbed Wire at Seneca Falls” [Anti-war demo]
    • “The Day Father Bourgeois Hit the Fort”
    • Central America, A Case Study: Where Does Political Power Come From?”
    • “Counter-Insurgency in the Riot Corridor”
    • “The Vietnam Syndrom and the Bangkok Summit”
    • A Case of Self-Exposure: U.S. Discovrs Aggressors in Chad”
    • “New Maneuvers in Dennis Brutus Case”
    • “Does Electricity Have No Class Character?” [Soviet economy]
    • “The Grand Dragons of the GBI”
    • “A Language Test” [Linguistic chauvinism in the USSR and US]
    • “Tina Fishman Case Moves to Illinois”
    • Reader Writes: Moon, Mann, and Otto or the Suppression of Evolution in High School Science Education”
    • “Berkeley Rebels Protest U.S. Military Moves”
  • #217 — Vol. 5, #15, August 12, 1983, English edition, 12 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,639 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Chad: Where Socialists Are Cowboys Too”
    • Guatemala Coup: The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh Away”
    • “Diplomatic Thuggery in Central America”
    • “State Retreats in Yellow Ribbon Case” [Oregon]
    • “Infant Mortality—A Systemic Disease”
    • “Plowshares ‘Back At Work’ At the Missile Factory”
    • “Why the Social-Imperialists Love Their Piece-Rates”
    • “The Persecution of an Unrepentant Draft Resister”
    • “Piggery Revealed at Diablo Canyon”
    • “Neither East Nor West, Nor Water Nor Electricity” [Iran]
  • #218 — Vol. 5, #16, August 19, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [5,666 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Chile: A ‘Sour Paradox’ for the U.S.A.”
    • “‘God’s Coup’ Yields Broader View” [Guatemala]
    • The Black Candidacy: Bids, Chips, Rocks—And Chains”
    • “Hunger Strike Hounds Turkish Junta”
    • Chicago: Death By Heat and Certain Unnatural Causes”
    • Tina Fishman Case: In the ‘Best Interests’ of Reaction”
    • On the 1963 March On Washington: Commemoration of a Circus”
    • “Precision Slaughter—LAPD Style”
    • “A Glance at ‘Services’ America Gives ‘The Indigenous’”
  • #219 — Vol. 5, #17, August 26, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,152 KB]   Articles include:
    • Assassination in Philippines: Trigger Finger Steady ... But Not the Regime”
    • “The Rehabilitation of the Central American Gun Club”
    • “Protests Greet U.S. Warship in New Zealand”
    • “Securing Territory for the Pre-War Games”
    • “War and Remembrance”
    • “Scientists Reveal: Nukes Are Good For You”
    • “Trouble in the Shuf” [Israel]
    • “Maronites and Masters” [Lebanon]
    • “The Travels of an East German Pacifist”
    • “Strange Tales of the Infamous ‘Walk In The Woods’” [U.S.-U.S.S.R. contention]
    • “[Centerfold about] Bob Avakian’s new book: For A Harvest of Dragons, on the ‘Crisis of Marxism’”
    • “We Don’t Want In, We Want Out! To Hell With Your Imperialist System!” [Text of an RCP leaflet]
    • “Olympic Rape”
    • “The Long Reach of Israeli Arms” [Their use by reactionary regimes in Central America]
  • #220 — Vol. 5, #18, September 2, 1983, English edition, 12 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,513 KB]   Articles include:
    • “007 And the Birds of Prey” [On Russia shooting down an airliner]
    • “What Is Being Negotiated in El Salvador”
    • “Cracks, Coups, and Unforeseeable Consequences in the Philippines”
    • “Things the U.S. Can Do in Orbit, or Good Deeds and Death-rays: The U.S. Space Shuttle”
    • “Caught in the Middle... Or Caught in the Act?” [Lebanon]
    • “From Pusher to Priest: The Olympics Drugscam”
    • Letter: Cleaning Up the Dispossessed”
    • “The ‘Shantytowns’ of Manhattan”
  • #221 — Vol. 5, #19, September 9, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [5,965 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Desert America’s Warmongering Be At The European Frontlines
    • “Remember the 007... And the Class Interests It Serves”
    • “The Blood Up La Migra’s Alley”
    • “Peacekeeper’s ‘Arruhgah’ in Lebanon”
    • “Musings On The Big Lie” [Flight 007]
    • UN Afghanistan Negotiations: Talks and Torpedoes”
    • West Germany: Hot Autumn on the Fault Line”
    • “Report On a Conversation with Chiang Ching”
    • “Plane History” [Flight 007]
    • “Dennis Brutus Given Political Asylum”
    • “Statements of Support for Tina Fishman”
  • #222 — Vol. 5, #20, September 16, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [5,722 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Firepower For ‘Peace’ Expands in Lebanon”
    • “Brazil: Starving to Death in the Economic Miracle”
    • “A Voice Suppressed, A Voice That Must Be Heard” [In support of Bob Avakian]
    • “Chile: Democracy and the September Generals”
    • “On Tape Gaps & War Preps”
    • “Desert America’s Warmongering, Be At the European Frontlines” [Reprinted from previous week]
    • “Protestors Sentenced for Denouncing U.S. Role in El Salvador”
    • Chris Craft: Up Against the Wardrobe Strategy”
    • Piggery Revealed in Preparations for Oakland Trial: The ‘Lost’ File”
    • “A Bad Beginning” [Lebanon]
    • Full page ad for Bob Avakian’s new book For a Harvest of Dragons
  • #223 — Vol. 5, #21, September 23, 1983, English edition, 12 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [5,075 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Philippines: Haunting Spirits and Transcending Interests”
    • “State Oinks In Tina Fishman Custody Case”
    • “There’s A Time To Wear The Black Hat” [Inter-imperialist contention]
    • “From Mexico to the Georgia Hills: A Murder Story”
    • “ RICO Net Closes” [Gov’t “racketeering” campaign against revolutionary nationalists.]
    • “Bourgeois Contemplations on Surviving the ‘Unthinkable’ ... or Into the Vault Mr. Overholt!”
    • “An INSide View on U.S. Political Asylum”
    • “A Very Selective Refuge”
    • “The Disappearing Witness... And the Plot Appears” [L.A.P.D.]
    • “New Twist in Kiko Martinez Trial”
    • Hawaii: A ‘Unique’ Case of Poisoning” [Contamination of drinking water.]
  • #224 — Vol. 5, #22, September 30, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [17,820 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Reagan Speech to UN: Diplomacy—The Noble Art of Bloodsucking”
    • “A Case of American Family Morals in Action”
    • “Report From Sri Lanka”
    • “Trouble in the Metropole: Western Civilization Vs. the Proletarians From Turkey”
    • “Deserters Prepare for Hot Autumn Frontline” [Also includes a translation into German]
    • “Rebellion in Oklahoma Hellholes”
  • #225 — Vol. 5, #23, October 7, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [8,655 KB]   Articles include:
    • Caspar Goes to China: The Delicacies of Bloc-Building on the Eastern Front”
    • A Lesson in the Grammar and Dialectics of...: Build-down” [Imperialistspeak]
    • “Contention Thru Collusion—France, The U.S. & Chad”
    • Haiti to New York: Dinosaurs and Other Beasts Lash Out”
    • “Rebellion, Murder in Cap Haitien”
    • “The Triangle that Ended in Mass Murder: The U.S., The Soviets and Jonestown” [Part I]
    • “Hunger Strikes Target Turkish Junta”
    • Contribution to the Discussion on the Finite and Infinite: Infinity: The Ultimate Perspective” [With regard to a 1973 article in the Chinese journal Dialectics of Nature, and also a focus on Carl Sagan.] This 2-page article is also available separately   [PDF: 1,200 KB]
    • The 1983 March on Washington: The American Dream Roadshow and the Real Way Out of the Nightmare”
    • “Desertiert Die US-Kriegshetzerei! Seid An Den Kampffronten In Europa!” [In German; with grammatical errors in the first printing corrected.]
    • “Vets Sponsor Desertion to European Frontlines” [Letter]
  • #226 — Vol. 5, #24, October 14, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,399 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Case of the Vanishing Arms Talks”
    • “Free Darnell Summers! Trial to begin January 23rd”
    • “On France’s Latest ‘African Adventure’”, Joint leaflet by TKPM-L; RCP,USA; CRC,CPI(M-L)
    • “A Week of Resistance to Euromissiles”
    • “Another Warmonger For Peace” [Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara]
    • “Creeping Three Worldsism”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Trouble On The Allemania Express
    • “Deutschemarks, Rain Forests and ‘Economic Miracles’”
    • “What Are the Social-Democrats Searching For in the Rosenberg Files?”
    • “The Further Adventures of Democraacy and the Barbarians in Nicaragua”
    • “The Triangle That Ended in Mass Murder: The U.S., The Soviets, and Jonestown” [Part II]
  • #227 — Vol. 5, #25, October 21, 1983, English edition, 12 pages. [New, better scan.]   Searchable PDF image format   [4,433 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Revolutionary Warfare in Peru”
    • “Lies and ‘Linkage’ on the 007” [Airliner shot down]
    • “World War Must Be Opposed With Revolution, Not Peace”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Deserters Head for Frontlines”
    • “The U.S. Military Option in the Philippines”
    • Full page poster from the Peruvian revolution.
    • “The New Not-Really Draft Cards”
    • “U.S. Govt. Outlaws Savannah Nuke Blockade”
  • #228 — Vol. 5, #26, October 28, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,542 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Grenada Invasion: Latest Hit on U.S. War Roll”
    • “The Future, in This Country and the World, Is Coming Up for Grabs”, from the New Programme of the RCP,USA
    • “Provocations”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Doing the ‘War Powers’ Dance”
    • “U.S. Invokes Marine God in Lebanon”
    • “The Peace They Keep” [Lebanon]
    • “The Political Utility of Ambiguity” [Lebanon & Mid East]
    • “They are Actively Preparing and So Must We — Take Up & Wield the RW
    • “Saving American Lives: A transparent and time honored pretext” [U.S. excuse for invading Grenada]
    • “News from the Frontlines—Accounts by Members of the World Without Imperialism Contingent in West Germany”
    • Special to the Revolutionary Worker: West German Week of Resistance”
    • Cold Calculations of the Olympic Planners: Will the Soviets Be in L.A.?”
    • “‘Burn It!’ Berkeley Rebels’ Answer to Invasion” [Grenada]
    • “Euromissiles Catch Flak in U.S.”
    • The Western Press examines the peace movement: Now Here is One Self-Serving Diagnosis!”
  • #229 — Vol. 5, #27, November 4, 1983, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,663 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Grenada: The Bloody Business of Power Projection”
    • “The Parrottroopers and the Censors” [Grenada]
    • “Overrule This, Motherfucker”, by Bob Avakian [On internationalism]
    • “Barbarism: A Clinical Comparison” [Grenada]
    • “The Orphan Army of Brazil”
    • “Once Again on the Internal and External Causes of Change and the Material and Philosophical Basis of Proletarian Internationalism”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Invitation to a Flag Planting” [Grenada and U.S. imperialism]
    • Special Report from West Germany: The Euromissile Resistance and the Pink and Green Debate”
    • “Internationalist Writes from Belgium”
    • “News from the Frontlines—Accounts by Members of the World Without Imperialism Contingent in West Germany”
    • “Turning the Screw in the Persian Gulf”
    • U.S. Allies On Grenada: Cowboys and ‘Critics’”
    • “Kampucheans in the California Fields: The Plot that Put Them There”
  • #230 — Vol. 5, #28, November 11, 1983, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,646 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Grenada: U.S. Democracy from the Barrel of a Gun”
    • “The ‘Blood-bond’ and the Build-up”
    • “Declaration of Independence, Equal Opportunity and Bourgeois Right”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Stop the International Political Persecution of Bob Avakian”, petition and signatures including page of Additional Signatures.
    • “South Lebanon Under the Boot”
    • “Overrule This, Motherfucker”, by Bob Avakian, including “The U.S. On the Frontlines of World War 3” and “We’re Proletarian, Not American”
    • New Bedford and Grenada: Rape Psychology”
    • Considerations on Bob Avakian’s Contributions on the Theoretical Front: Just What Are They Trying to Silence?”
    • “They Are Actively Preparing and So Must We—Take Up & Wield the RW
    • “Soccer Wars in Berlin”
    • “News From the Frontlines—First-Hand Accounts from the World Without Imperialism Contingent in West Germany”
    • “The call to ‘Desert America’s Warmongering—Be at the European Frontlines’ translated into Turkish”
  • #231 — Vol. 5, #29, November 18, 1983, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,579 KB]   Articles include:
    • Reagan Trip to Japan, Korea: The Blade in the East”
    • “Story Board for upcoming Madison Avenue TV commercial about U.S. reconquest of Grenada”
    • “‘The Grenadans Want us here...’ And the Elementary Principles of Self-Determination and Revolutionary Defeatism”
    • “JFK: ‘Peace’ by the Megaton”
    • Britain Gets the Cruise [Missile]: First Strike, Rapid Strike and the Union Jack”
    • “Risk-Sharing in Space”
    • “Democracy in Grenada... And in Nicaragua”
    • Darnell Summers Case: The State’s Wild Concoctions”
    • Vietnam Vets Write On: Deadly Chauvinism or ‘Chauvinism to the Death’”
    • “Overrule This, Motherfucker”, by Bob Avakian, including comments on Intellectuals; Why Can’t we Make Revolution Right Now?; Guns and Bloodshed; The People Will Have the Final Say.
    • “World War Must Be Opposed With Revolution, Not Peace”, by Bob Avakian
    • Three Brief Reports: They’re Preparing and So Are We”
    • “Engels on Space and Time” [Excerpt from Anti-Dühring]
  • #232 — Vol. 5, #30, November 25, 1983, English edition, 20 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,593 KB]   Articles include:
    • Euromissiles: The Talks, the Walks, the Stakes, the Slugfest”
    • Letter to the Editor: On Democracy’s ‘Dilemma’ and the Way Out of This Madness”
    • “This System Jolts People Awake”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Clio’s Legacy of Mythical History”
    • “The Whole World is Watching; And in the Interests of the World, We Must Step Out Onto the Stage!” [Anti-imperialist forces in West Germany]
    • U.S. Block Eyes Syria: ‘Pre-emption, Retaliation’ and Preparation”
    • “The Brokers and the Battle Over Tripoli” [Lebanon]
    • “Civilized Savagery Vs. The Indians of Brazil”
    • “‘The Day After’ and the Real Horror Show” [Review of the movie about nuclear war]
    • “Seattle, New York: Frums Address Earthshaking Questions”
    • Special to the RW: The Free and Democratic Prosecution of radikal: Censored” [Germany]
    • Three Documents: On the ‘Reformed’ Police and the Political Function of ‘Distancing’”
    • “Scenes from the Big Apple, the Week After”
  • #233 — Vol. 5, #31, December 2, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,439 KB]   Articles include:
    • Missile Deployments: With a Screech ... and a Growl”
    • “From the ‘Western Civilization Will Not Tolerate Barbarism’ Department”
    • “Overrule This, Motherfucker”, by Bob Avakian
    • “A Cluster Bomb Alliance”
    • “In the Streets of Bonn: Reports from the World Without Imperialism Contingent
    • “Why We Remember John Kennedy”
    • “The Contras of the Mission” [San Francisco]
    • “Jesse Jackson: The ‘Right Stuff’ For Them
    • “German Basic Course” [Cartoon introduction by the U.S. Defense Language Institute in Monterey, CA, 1972]
  • #234 — Vol. 5, #32, December 9, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [8,366 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Provocations and Pitfalls in Lebanon”
    • “Amber Waves Of ...” [The effects of a nuclear war on food production]
    • Overrule This, Motherfucker: The Tomorrow Show”, by Bob Avakian
    • Eyewitness Report: The Battle of Bonn”
    • Missile Debate in the Bundestag: A Sour Note in the U.S. Song of Victory”
    • Editorial from Mücadele Newspaper of ATIF: We Salute ‘A World Without Imperialism Contingent’ With Proletarian Internationalist Exuberance!”
    • “A Milestone in Marxist-Leninist Political Economy: America in Decline, Vol. 1”
    • “Neanderthals Assault Women’s Clinic” [Everett, Wash.]
    • Stansfield Turner: Another Warmonger for Peace”
    • Correspondence from France: Strike at Vincennes”
    • “Cruise Test Protest”
    • “Onward, Judeo-Christian Soldiers”
    • “Warmongers for Peace” [2 items]
  • #235 — Vol. 5, #33, December 16, 1983, English edition, 20 pages. The 2 centerfold pages about the book America in Decline are scanned at an angle so that the text can be read and indexed.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,286 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Precepts of Civilized Life” [About the U.S./Israeli imperialist war in the Middle East.]
    • Overrule This, Motherfucker: Rhetoric ... And Reality”, by Bob Avakian
    • “The Imperialists are Preparing for World War: We must prepare to dare to scale the heights and make Revolution!”, joint statement from the TKP/ML and the RCP,USA, in English and Turkish.
    • “Livermore Defendants Convicted, Sentenced”
    • Letters from the ‘World Without Imperialism Contingent’: Scenes from Mutlangen, Greenham Commons”
    • “Great Moments in Western Literature” [Re: Orwell’s book 1984]
    • “Police Raid, Conspiracy Charges Hit Detroit Pacifists”
    • “Theory Must Be Grasped If the World Is To Be Transformed: About the publication of the book America In Decline, Vol. 1”
    • “Mobile Trial: Justice ‘Served’ — Or Exposed?”
    • “Electroshock’s Shock Troops”
    • “Cruise Abused in Portland”
  • #236 — Vol. 5, #34, December 30, 1983, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [5,994 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Step Into 1984: ‘This Year’s For You’ — A Modern Rendition of the Four Riders of the Apocalypse”
    • “Holiday Greetings From the D.C. Police: Murder”
    • Overrule This, Motherfucker: The Strategic Importance of the Visit by Deng Xiaoping to the U.S.”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Plowshares Action, Government Reaction” [New York, West Germany]
    • “The Two Keys and the Imperialist Locksmiths”
    • “A Nation of Prisonhouses” [Black people incarcerated in the U.S.]
    • “The USOC and Women in 1984 Olympics: A Neo-Spartan Tale”
    • “Notes From the Mutlangen/Frankfurt Express”
    • “Boot Camp at the Net”
    • “Guess Who’s Watering God’s Garden”
    • “You’ve Lived the Reality... Now the Book!” [Promoting America in Decline, Vol. 1]


  • #237 — Vol. 5, #35, January 6, 1984, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [5,791 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Acts 9:3 ... Or, Jesse Brings Home the Bacon” [Jesse Jackson]
    • “The ‘Errors’ of Officer Alvarez and the ‘Best Prosecution in Miami’”
    • Overrule This, Motherfucker: Capitalist Dictatorship and the Great Shuck and Fraud of Voting”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Talk With a Serious Fraternizer from East Germany”, by C. Clark Kissinger
    • Los Angeles: Political Police Furor Mounts In Trial of RCP Supporters”
    • “The Great Death Squad Discovery” [El Salvador]
    • “Fort Apache: The Mideast”, Part 1: Peace in Galilee
    • “A Concrete Action” [Pre-positioning manhole covers in Germany for nuclear land mines]
  • #238 — Vol. 5, #36, January 13, 1984, English edition, 12 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,406 KB]   Articles include:
    • Lagos Coup: Decay of the African ‘Showcase’: Nigeria”
    • “Three Minutes in Allentown” [Nuclear war test of U.S. soldiers]
    • Overrule This, Motherfucker: Just Who is Being Unrealistic?”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Why is the Pope Picking on the Archbishop?”
    • “Fort Apache: The Mideast”, Part II: The Adventures of Superdog
    • “You’ve Lived the Reality... Now the Book!” [Promoting America in Decline, Vol. 1]
  • #239 — Vol. 5, #37, January 20, 1984, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [8,036 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Kissinger Commission Recommendations: More of the Same ... MUCH MORE”
    • “From The Mud On The Serial Number Is Not Standard Pentagon Procedure Dept.”
    • Overrule This, Motherfucker: ‘Why Shouldn’t We Shoot You?’”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Report on the Armed Struggle and the Municipal Elections in Peru”
    • “A Hot Autumn Farewell” [Correspondence]
    • “Correspondence On West Germany Conferences”
    • “Fort Apache, The Mideast”, Part III: “...A Loyal Jewish Ulster in a Sea of Hostile Arabs”
    • “Ivan and Anya and Jim and Sally or... What a Look at the Clock will Tell You”

  • [Begin Volume 6]
  • #261 — Vol. 6, #9, June 22, 1984, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [15,460 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Death-To-The-Tiller: The Legacy of the Democrats in Central America”
    • “Oppose the Execution of TKP/ML Comrades by the Turkish Government”
    • “Politics and Politics”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Rupture in Punjab”
    • “RDF and the Temple of Doom” [Egypt]
    • “Heavenly Warfare and the Liberal Point of View”
    • “Hail the Heroic Uprisings of the Dominican and Haitian Masses!”


  • #296 — Vol. 6, #44, March 8, 1985, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [23,010 KB]   Articles include:
    • “A Proclamation On International Women’s Day: To Be a Woman in This or Any Other Present-Day Country is to Be in a Constant State of Suppressed Rage”
    • “All the Right Credentials” [U.N. Representative]
    • “Big Guns and Other Moral Equivalents”
    • “A Vision of No Business As Usual: Dare to Dream”, by Carl Dix
    • “With a Suitcase Full of MX [Missiles]”

  • [Begin Volume 7]
  • #303 — Vol. 7, #1, May 1, 1985, English edition, 24 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [22,722 KB]   Articles include:
    • “May First Message from the Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement”
    • “Students Hold National Day of Protest Against Apartheid: A Real Spring Break!”
    • “New Pamphlet from Peru!—‘Struggle and Resist, Repudiate the Genocidal Regime’s Elections and Further Develop the Armed Struggle’”
    • “Chingkangshan Revisited”
    • “On the Political Economy of Apartheid and the Strategic Stakes of Imperialism”
    • “Under Sudan’s Coup”
    • “Travels of an American Hitler” [Reagan]
    • Double-sized pull-out poster supporting the revolution in Peru




  • #439 — Vol. 9, #37, January 18, 1988, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [12,092 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Young and Bad in Palestine”
    • “Angulo Brings News From Peru”
    • “Chicago: Homeless Confront Housing Board”
    • “Palestine: Locked In, Locked Out”
    • “The Cry Freedom Controversy” [Stephen Biko]
    • “Fort Apache, the Mideast”
  • #450 — Vol. 9, #48, April 4, 1988, English edition, 12 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [14,525 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Invasion from the North, Part 2: Panama—U.S. Sends 1300 Troops”
    • “Palestine: Land Day vs. the Occupiers”
    • [Haiti 1987] “November Elections: A Week on the Razor’s Edge, Part 1”
    • “Chicago Sanctuary Protest: ‘No a la Migra! Sí a la Vida!’”
    • “La Migra Runs Amok” [California]
    Supplement: 1968 Calendar from the Belly of the Beast, on the 20th anniversary of a momentous year, 12 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [11,387 KB]
  • #462 — Vol. 10, #9, June 27, 1988, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [8,465 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Haiti: Who Threw the Palace Coup?”
    • “Intefadeh at Six Months”
    • “Spotlight on La Migra Concentration Camp”
    • “Some Straight Talk on the Persecution of Tawana Brawley”
    • “Jesse [Jackson] and the Drug Squad”
    • “Understanding the Latest Unemployment Figures: Downward Mobility in Late Imperial America”, by Raymond Lotta
  • #466 — Vol. 10, #13, August 1, 1988, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,696 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Great Powers in the Iran/Iraq War: Vultures’ Peace”
    • “Jesse Jackson Post-Convention Blues—and a Chance for Clear Vision”
    • “Report from the DNC: Scenes from the Streets of Atlanta”
    • “U.S. Hand in the Gulf War”
    • “From the Statement of the Union of Iranian Communists (Sarbedaran) on the Shooting of Iran Air #655”
    • “Drug Lords, War Lords and the U.S. Military: Part One: The Secret War in Laos”
    • “Tear Down the NY Anti-Postering Ordinance!”
  • #470 — Vol. 10, #17, August 29, 1988, English edition, 16 pages plus a scan of the middle part of the center two-page foldout (for ease in reading the text). This issue announces the Party’s formal shift from “MLM, Mao Tsetung Thought” to “Marxism-Leninism-Maoism”, and further enshrines Avakian as the unchallengeable top leader of the RCP. [Many years later the RCP dropped “MLM” and re-defined its ideology as just “Communism”.]   Searchable PDF image format   [9,402 KB]   Articles include:
    • “From the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA: Our ideology is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism; Our vanguard is the Revolutionary Communist Party; Our leader is Chairman Avakian”
    • “U.S. Navy Report on Iran Air Flight #655: Murderers Find Themselves Not Guilty”
    • “Tompkins Square: The Clampdown and the Miracle on Avenue A” [New York City]
    • “Southern California: La Migra Street Corner Raids”
    • “Marxism-Leninism-Maoism: New Statement On Our Revolutionary Science”
    • “Revolutionary Worker Banned at Huntingdon State Prison” [Pennsylvania]
  • #471 — Vol. 10, #18, September 5, 1988, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,761 KB]   Articles include:
    • “South Africa Ends Bloody Occupation in Angola: Pieces Behind the Angola Peace Talks”
    • “Ethiopia: Dergue in Trouble”
    • “A Woman’s Questions: Who’s Oppressing Who?”
    • “Up Against ‘Firebase Cleveland’”
    • “East vs. West in Angola and Namibia”
    • “War Stories: A Report from South Africa, Part 10”, by Michael Slate
    • “Rock Against Racism Concert Crosses Three Continents”


  • #508 — Vol. 11, #6, May 29, 1989, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,641 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Revolt in China: The Crisis of Revisionism, Or ... Why Mao Tsetung Was Right”, by Raymond Lotta
    • “Rape Comparisons”
    • “Message From Tiananmen”
    • “The Walleye Warriors of Lac du Flambeau: The Battle of Butternut, Part 2” [Wisconsin Native Americans]
    • “Black Youth Protest Police Murder, Block Bridge” [New York City]
    • “Michigan: Black Student Takeovers Call for Justice”
    • “May 1st Plots Against the People”
    • “Asesinos No Más!” [English language article]
    • “Literature Upholding Mao Tsetung and the Cultural Revolution”
  • #515 — Vol. 11, #13, July 17, 1989, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,124 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Coalfield Combat Zone”
    • “Down with the Fascist Flag Amendment!”
    • “Communique from the Revolutionary Communist Party: Fear Nothing. Be Down for the Whole Thing.”
    • El Diario Fights the Power in Peru”
    • “The Right Thing About Do the Right Thing
    • “Wolf’s At The Door!” [Poem]
    • “A Call to a National Conference [on] The War On Drugs: A Deceptive Trap and a Real Attack”
    • “Drug Czar Calls for Cutting Off Heads”
    • “Women Must Have the Right to Choose—No Forced Reproduction—No Forced Sterilization...”
    • “Hot Nights in Tompkins Square Park” [New York City]
  • #518 — Vol. 11, #16, August 14, 1989, English edition. [Main section not yet available.]
    Special Magazine Section: Cold Truth, Liberating Truth: How This System Has Always Oppressed Black People, and How All Oppression Can Finally Be Ended, 40 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,556 KB]
  • #525 — Vol. 11, #23, October 2, 1989, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [7,930 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Homeless are NOT Criminals, the System IS!”
    • “No U.S. Intervention in South America!”
    • “Biko Lives! Festival 1989”, by Margot Harry
    • “From the New Programme of the RCP: Housing After the Revolution”
    • “Tompkins Square Park 1988-1989: Up Against the Cruel Rules” [New York]
    • “Confessions of a Pig in the War on Drugs”
    • “San Francisco: Raid on ‘Camp Agnos’”
  • #529 — Vol. 11, #27, October 30, 1989, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [19,372 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Attacks Pile Up On Abortion Rights: Women Must Fight the Power”
    • “Burning in the Face of the Flag Law”
    • “After S.F. Earthquake, Pigs Shake Down Homeless Shelter”
    • “Millions Are Homeless From the Disaster of Capitalism and It Ain’t Natural”
    • “Bob Avakian Talks About Huey Newton and the Panthers... The Early Years, and What’s Up Today” [Part 3]
    • “If the Christian Fascists Had Their Say, and the Bible Was the Law Today, Would You Want to Live This Way?”
      [With a number of outrageous quotes from the Bible]
  • #530 — Vol. 11, #28, November 6, 1989, English edition. [Main section not yet available.]
    Special Magazine Section: Women Are Not Incubators!, 48 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [12,117 KB]


  • #537 — Vol. 11, #35, January 1, 1990, English edition, 16 pages. [Mis-labelled as Vol. 11, #25 on front page.]   Searchable PDF image format   [9,793 KB]   Articles include:
    • “1990: Fear Nothing. Be Down for the Whole Thing.”
    • “Yankee Invaders Run Amok in Panama”
    • “Crowns are Rolling [in Eastern Europe]... But Who Will Pick Them Up?”
    • “Romania: Rage Takes Out Revisionist Dog”
    • “[Center page fold out poster:] Support the People’s War in Peru! Down with U.S. Intervention in Peru!”
    • “ABC Center Takeover Celebrates ‘Grand Opening’”
    • “Voices From Miami”
    • “The Year of the Burning Flag”
  • #541 — Vol. 11, #39, January 29, 1990, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,674 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Drug Czars’ New ‘War on Drugs’ Budget: War on the People Phase II”
    • “Ft. Ord Demo Against U.S. Intervention”
    • “Life and Death... Dictatorship and Democracy”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Amerikkkan Justice” [Reports from Miami, Iran, and Chicago]
    • “The System Behind the Sting” [Washington, D.C.]
    • “N.Y. City Powers Vamp on ABC Occupation”
    • “Mao Sightings at Tiananmen Square”
    • “Bush Backs Butchers of Beijing”
    • “Chinese Workers Dis Deng Xiaoping”
    • “Resistance to INS Concentation Camps Spreads”
    • “Haiti Clamp-Down”
  • #543 — Vol. 11, #41, February 12, 1990, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,062 KB]   Articles include:
    • “South Africa: Winds of Change—Where Are They Blowing?”
    • “‘We’re Not the Future for You!’ Youth Fight Back Against Police Murders in NYC”
    • “Court Hearings Announced in D.C. and Seattle Flag-Burning Cases”
    • “The Cold Truth About Slavery”
    • “Chicago: FTP Strikes Again; Enemy Counterattack”
    • “INS Attacks Hunger Strike in Laredo, Texas: A Cry for Freedom from Our Haitian Brothers”
    • “Top-Down Changes to Save the System” [About the crisis in the state-capitalist Soviet Union]
    • “Sue Warren: Long-Time Friend of the Chinese Revolution”
    • “Down with the Drug Lord Bush’s Colombia Summit! Support the People’s War in Peru! War on Drugs is a War on the People!” [Call for demonstration]
  • #544 — Vol. 11, #42, February 19, 1990, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [19,833 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Azania [South Africa] on Fire; Take it Higher!”
    • “New Book by Bob Avakian: Reflections, Sketches & Provocations
    • “Youth Take On the Barricades in L.A.”
    • “No Peace for Racists in Selma”
    • “Remember Malcolm X”
    • “Seattle Defendants on ‘Why I Burned the Flag’”
  • #552 — Vol. 11, #50, April 16, 1990, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [8,508 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Only Revolution Can Save Our Planet!”
    • “Time’s Up in Teaneck” [New Jersey]
    • “May First, 1990: Phony Communism Is Dead. Long Live Real Communism! Mao More Than Ever!”
    • “Raise the Red Flag: Damián García Está Presente”
    • “A Question of Power: How Revolutionary China Fought Pollution”
    • “U.S. Drops Poison and Counterrevolution on the Andes”
    • “We’ve Seen the System... And It’s Wrecking the Planet”
    • “How Capitalism Sabotages Recycling”
  • #553 — Vol. 12, #1, May 1, 1990, English edition, 8 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [3,882 KB]   Articles include:
    • “May 1st: International Workers Day”
    • “Fear Nothing. Be Down for the Whole Thing. Points of Discipline for Party Members”
    • “Support the People’s War in Peru! Down with U.S. Intervention in Peru!”
    • “The One Thing We Want to Bury Is This System: Get Down With the Party, Get Ready for Revolution”
    • “Phony Communism Is Dead. Long Live Real Communism! Mao More Than Ever!”
  • #555 — Vol. 12, #3, May 13, 1990, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,711 KB]   Articles include:
    • “May 1st Rebels Confront the Terrordome: Amerikkka’s Concentration Camps Exposed!”
    • “Los Angeles: Confrontation Behind the Barricades”
    • “New York: No Peace 4 Racists on May 1”
    • “May 1st Across the Planet”
    • “Storming the Gates of Krome” [INS concentration camp]
    • “La Resistencia: ‘Liberar todos los detenidos’”
    • “50,000 Haitians March Against Racism”
    • “Rojo: ‘A bold stand with cold revolutionary politics in command’”
    • “FTP [Fight the Power] Locks Up CHA [Chicago Housing Authority]”
    • “The Fight for the Land of the Flint” [Mohawks]
    • “Invasion at Akwesasne”
    • “A Call to Action Against Mandatory Patriotism from Joey Johnson”
  • #556 — Vol. 12, #4, May 20, 1990, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,125 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Bensonhurst Murder Trial: Only the People Can Bring Justice for Yusuf”
    • “ANC/South African Government Negotiations: Talking in the Language of the Oppressor”
    • “Bob Avakian on What is Going Down Now”
    • “Four Days of Struggle Against L.A.’s INS Detention Center: Shut Down America’s Concentration Camps!”
    • “Interview with Haitian Activist from Krome: Watch Them—Veye Yo!”
    • “Pico-Union: Voices Against the Barricades”
    • “Support the People’s War in Peru!” [Centerfold poster]
    • “NY, SF Conferences Oppose U.S. Intervention in Peru”
    • “L.A. Police Commission Whitwashes Covert Operations Against Libros Revolución”
    • “People Demand: ‘Shut Down INS Concentration Camps!’”
    • “People’s Comics: Red Women’s Detachment”
  • #569 — Vol. 12, #17, August 26, 1990, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,789 KB]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. Escalates Middle East War Moves: Hell No! We Won’t Go!”
    • “Oppose U.S. Imperialist-Led Aggression in the Gulf!”
    • “U.S. Power Play Threatens Big War”
    • “Hawaii Marine Refuses Saudi Mission”
    • “Mohawks Take On the Powers: Part 2: A Story of Stolen Land”
    • “The RW Interview: Down For Revolution: Part 1”
    • “A Message From Veterans to the Troops at Fort Saudi Arabia”
    • “Anti-U.S. Tide Rises in Middle East”
    • “Big Power Double-Think”
    • “Straight Talk on the Central Park Rape”
  • #573 — Vol. 12, #21, September 23, 1990, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,508 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Big Lies in the Gulf: U.S. Gangsters Declare ‘New World Order’”
    • “Stop the U.S. War Machine No Matter What It Takes! Actions Oppose U.S. Intervention”
    • “‘I Will Not Be Silenced’” [Jeff Paterson]
    • “Los Angeles: ‘Fear Nothing, Be Down for the Whole Thing’ Tour”
    • “Maoists Send Greetings to the Communist Party of Peru” [CoRIM and RCP messages]
    • “Down For Revolution: Part 5: Ready for the Time of Your Life”, interview with “Comrade X”
    • “Mohawks vs. the Army: Standoff Continues”
    • “Voices From the War Zones”
    • “RCYB: ‘In Your Face’”
  • #574 — Vol. 12, #22, September 30, 1990, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,775 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Mohawks Fight Army at Kahnawake”
    • “What Is a Revolution?”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Gulf Crisis: Powers Talk War Talk”
    • “Free Jeff Paterson!”
    • “Actions Oppose U.S. Intervention”
    • “Communiques from the Brig”
    • “RCYB Marches on Fort Apache”
    • “South Africa: Iron Fist, Hidden Hand”
    • “If You’re Dissing the Sisters, You Ain’t Fighting the Power”
    • “Down on the Word Lady [To Say Nothing of Bitch]”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Resistance at La Placita”
    • “Some Stright Talk on Akwesasne”
    • “Refuse and Resist! Press Conference: The War on Drugs Is a War on the People”
    • “Hell No, We Won’t Go! U.S. Troops Out of the Middle East!” [Carl Dix national speaking tour]
  • #579 — Vol. 12, #27, November 4, 1990, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,444 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Persian Gulf: Hell No, We Won’t Go!”
    • “Lockdown in Palestine”
    • “Free Jeff Paterson! Military Denies Conscientious Objector Status”
    • “Thousands March Against U.S. Intervention”
    • “Message From 2 Black 2 Strong MMG ‘Burn Baby Burn’”
    • “Surrogate Motherhood: Women on the Auction Block”
    • “Panama: Crisis in an Occupied Territory”, by Jack Gardener
    • “Remembering Malcolm X”
  • #581 — Vol. 12, #29, November 18, 1990, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [8,689 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The War Clock is Ticking... Stop the War Machine, No Matter What it Takes!”
    • “Recruiter Free Zones”
    • “Action Network Calls for November 17 Actions” [Against the impending Gulf War]
    • “Marines Hold Paterson ‘Captive’ in Hawaii”
    • “2 Live Crew Trials: Up Against the Censors”
    • “Palestine: Fearless Under the Occupation”
    • “Amerikkkan Education: No Peace for Racists!”
    • “Mohawks vs. Mounties: A Halloween Surprise”
    • “Don’t Dis the Sisters!”
    • “Super Oink Hits New York”
    • “Seattle Flagburners Sentenced”
    • “Times Square Protesters Face Heavy Charges” [Anti-war protestors]
  • #583 — Vol. 12, #31, December 2, 1990, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,542 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Persian Gulf: Dead End for an Outmoded Empire”
    • “Jeff Paterson: About Face! To the War Machine, Part 2”, by Jack Gardener
    • “‘Fear Nothing, Be Down for the Whole Thing’ Hits Atlanta”
    • “Our Ideology is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism: Hatred for Oppression—It’s Not Just a Personal Thing”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Science for the Revolution #1: What Is Life?”, by A.S.K.
    • “Chicago Students Fight Racism”


  • #595 — Vol. 12, #43, March 3, 1991, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,643 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Who’s To Blame for the Bloodshed: U.S. Troops Out Now!” [Iraq/Kuwait war]
    • “Facing Life As It Is—In Order To Radically Change It”, by Bob Avakian
    • “U.S. Goes the Last Mile to Avoid Peace”
    • “An Old Gangster Game: Soviets Do the Suez Double Cross”
    • “Warning: The Slogan of Support for the Troops Is a Deadly Trap!”
    • “Feb. 21: ‘This War is Against the Interests of Black People’”
    • “Students Hold National Day of Actions to Stop the War”
    • “War Stories: Return to South Africa, Part 2”, by Michael Slate
    • “From the Gestapo Police Dept.”
    • “Message from the Stop the War/Just Say No Brigade”
    • “Killing for the New World Order”
    • “Battle Cry at Pine Ridge: Wounded Knee 1973”
    • “‘A Native American Concept of War’”
  • #601 — Vol. 12, #49, April 14, 1991, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [21,054 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Bitter Lessons in Kurdistan—Lesson No. 1: Don’t Ever Trust the U.S.”
    • “Harlem Hospital: Critical Condition”
    • “Speaking Truth About the LAPD”
    • “Dissing the Disinformation: The War of Lies” [Iraq War]
    • “People’s War in Peru: Fighting Our Way”
    • “Life Under Operation Police-State”
    • “Chemical Hypocrisy”
  • #602 — Vol. 12, #50, April 21, 1991, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,745 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Ecocide in the Persian Gulf: U.S. War on the Earth”
    • “CHA [Chicago Housing Authority] Threatens Activists with Eviction”
    • “Get Ready to Dog the Enemy; Get Up in His Face with the May 1st Manifesto”
    • “May 1st 1991—International Workers Day” [Slogans and graphics]
    • “CUNY Students Rebel Against Cutbacks”
    • “The War Resisters of Camp Lejeune”
    • “L.A.: 5,000 March Against the Chief”
    • “Damián García Está Presente”
    • “The Tunnels of Cu Chi”
  • #604 — Vol. 13, #2, May 5, 1991, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,290 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Report from Baghdad: Life After the Bombs”, by Larry Everest
    • “Down with the Imperialist World Order, Old and ‘New’! Fight for the Communist Future!”
    • “CUNY Students Battle Powers (and some fools)”
    • “RCP Publications Public Relations Office Calls for Volunteers and Supporters”
    • “Statement from Veterans to the Troops of Desert Storm: How Can You Find Honor in This War?”
    • “Yankees Plot Counterrevolution in Peru”
    • “Iraq: Lives in the Balance”
    • “SF State Stalks Anti-War Activists”
    • “The True Story of the Arms-To-Keep-Them-Hostage Deal”
    • “The Gang in Blue vs. The Revolution”
    • “FBI Hounds Activists in Chicago”
    • “Red Flags and Barricades for Damián García”
  • #608 — Vol. 13, #6, June 2, 1991, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,552 KB]   Articles include:
    • “To the People of Bangladesh”, statement from CoRIM
    • “New Supreme Court Outrage vs. Women”
    • “San Francisco: Crashing the War Party”
    • “L.A.’s Channel Zero: The Christopher Commission”
    • “Rebels of Mt. Pleasant: Part 2”, by Michael Slate
    • “Pig Stress Management” [Los Angeles]
    • “New Lockdowns Hit Chicago Projects”
    • “Kuwait Court Railroads Palestinians”
    • “Hole Blown in Gandhi Dynasty”
    • “New World Order Has Spoken Again” [Abortion rights]
  • #612 — Vol. 13, #10, June 30, 1991, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [8,514 KB]   Articles include:
    • “South Africa: Apartheid Abolishes Itself? Don’t Believe the Hype!”
    • “What to the Slave is Your Fourth of July?”
    • “INS Concentration Camp Fighter Wins Court Victory”
    • “Philippines: Mount Pinatubo Erupts, Yankees Run”
    • “Could We Really Win? Prospects for Revolution, Excerpt #2: Necessary Conditions”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Abortion Banned: Louisiana Evil Becomes Law”
    • “Cleveland: Black Balloons Over Parade of Shame”
    • “Hundreds Dis Oakland Parade”
    • “The Pig Execution of Nathan Lackland-Logan”
    • “Mount Pleasant Revolutionary Communique”
  • #618 — Vol. 13, #16, August 18, 1991, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,713 KB]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. Sends More Green Berets to Peru: Support the Revolution in Peru Yankee Go Home!”
    • “Excerpts from RAND Report: U.S. Think Tank Fears Peru Revolution”
    • “Women’s Lives on the Line in Wichita”
    • “St. John’s Verdict: A Case of Rapist Logic”
    • “People’s Park Belongs to the People! It’s Right to Rebel!”
    • “East L.A.: The Killing of Smokey Jiménez”
    • “Police Barricades Go Up in Pico-Union” [L.A.]
    • “Mid East Conference Puts Palestinians Against the Wall”
    • “August 1971: The Day the Pigs Offed Brother George Jackson”
    • “Some Limitations of George Jackson’s Strategy”
  • #620 — Vol. 13, #18, September 1, 1991, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,281 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Crisis in the U.S.S.R.: Bourgeois Coups and Counter-Coups”
    • “What Happened in the Soviet Union Is Not a Case of People Power but a Bourgeois Power Play” [Poster]
    • “Who’s Who in the Coup”
    • “Union Treat: Trigger for the Coup”
    • “The Anger in Crown Heights” [Brooklyn]
    • “War Stories: Return to South Africa, Part 7”, by Michael Slate
    • “Cast Away Illusion! Revolution All the Way! An Appeal to the People of Eastern Europe from the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement”
    • “Response to L.A. Times Article: It’s Right to Rebel! In Memory of Smokey”
  • #624 — Vol. 13, #22, September 29, 1991, English edition, 16 pages plus a scan of the middle part of the center two-page foldout (for ease in reading the text).   Searchable PDF image format   [10,311 KB]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. Bully Threatens Iraq”
    • “Indian Government Blocks International Distribution of A World To Win Magazine”
    • “Announcing: The Revolutionary Communist Party Fund Drive 1991”
    • “RCP Talks Real Communism to the People: ‘Swimming in Stormy Weather’”
    • “Statement on the Coup and Counter-Coup in the USSR”, by the Information Bureau of RIM
    • “Real Heroes of the GI Resisters in Jail”
    • “Los Angeles Police Killings: Murderers, Murderers No More! No More Racist Police Brutality! It’s Right to Rebel!”
    • “Fujimori Visits U.S.: Yankee Godfather Backs Peru Counterrevolution”
    • “Peru: An Epidemic of Poverty”
    • “Phony Communism Is Dead, Long Live Real Communism: Point/Counterpoint #2”
    • “The Spirit of Attica Continues”
    • “When the People Really Have the Power: Part 3: Economic Changes in Revolutionary China”, by C. Clark Kissinger
  • #629 — Vol. 13, #27, November 3, 1991, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,706 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Big Time Big Pig Crime Bill”
    • “Pennsylvania Court Decision Targets Roe v. Wade”
    • “Sexual Harassment: It’s a Bourgeois Thang
    • “War Stories: Return to South Africa: Part 10”, by Michael Slate
    • “Cincinnati: ‘This Is Not Wichita! This Clinic Is Open!’”
    • “Gaza: A Year in the Intifada” [Book review]
    • “The Nukes of Israel”
    • “‘The Chop Stops Here’: Braves Fever and Other Social Diseases”
    • “The Revolutionary Communist Party Fund Drive 1991”
  • #633 — Vol. 13, #31, December 1, 1991, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,907 KB]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. Hands Off Libya: The New World Order and the Pan Am 103 Scam”
    • “The Heritage We Renounce: Native Blood — The Myth of Thanksgiving”
    • “New York Flagburners Fight to Overturn Conviction”
    • “Some Straight Talk on the Gender vs. Race Confusion”, by Carl Dix
    • “Iraq Journal, Part 4: Baghdad Nightmares: ‘Bush Is Coming, Bush Is Coming’”, by Larry Everest
    • “Detroit: Where They Smile in Your Face and Take Away Your Place”
    • “Canada Trials: Defend the Mohawk Warriors!”


  • #639 — Vol. 13, #37, January 19, 1992, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,079 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Showdown: 19 Years After Roe v. Wade: Women Are Not Incubators! Abortion Without Apology!”
    • “Statement by Mary Lou Greenberg on the Anniversary of Roe v. Wade: They’ve Gone Too Far Already! Not One Step Further!”
    • “A Chilling Countdown” [History of recent attacks on abortion rights]
    • “LAPD Backs Down, May First Fighters Go Free”
    • “Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt Must Go Free!”
    • “The Railroad of a Revolutionary” [About Geronimo Pratt]
    • “RW Interview: Susan Faludi on the Undeclared War Against Women”
    • “GI Resisters: Real Heroes in the ‘Perfect War’”, by Jeff Paterson
    • “Just When They Said ‘Communism Is Dead’... Here Come the Maoists!”
    • “Racists Assault Black Youth in Bronx”
    • “Dhoruba Threatened with Prison, AGAIN”
    • “Hands Off William Kunstler!”
  • #641 — Vol. 13, #39, February 2, 1992, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,161 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Women Must Have the Right to Choose! Time to Turn the Tide!”, by Li Onesto
    • “D.C.: Pro-Choice Forces Confront Anti-Abortion”
    • “How the Pennsylvania Case Threatens Roe v. Wade”
    • “Protests Mark Gulf War Anniversary”
    • “Public Enemy: The Arizona Controversy”
    • “Chicago: Defend the Lockdown Fighters!”
    • “Women Are Not Incubators”
    • “U.S. Plan for Haiti: Phony Communist Appointed Prime Minister”
    • “Canada Convicts Mohawk Warriors for Rebellion”
    • “UN Threatens Libya”
    • “Support the Prisoners Revolutionary Literature Fund!”
    • “The Revolutionary Communist Party Fund Drive 1991”
  • #644 — Vol. 13, #42, February 23, 1992, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,181 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Announcing a New Book by Bob Avakian: Phony Communism is Dead... Long Live Real Communism!
    • “Ohio Supreme Court Threatens Cleveland Flagburner”
    • “U.S. Calls for More Racist Roundups on the Border”
    • “Straight Talk on the Tyson Verdict”
    • “Peru: Ruined and Robbed by Imperialism”
    • “The Myth of Free Markets”, by Bob Avakian [From Phony Communism is Dead... Long Live Real Communism!]
    • “Malcolm X, MLK and the 1963 March on Washington”
    • “Teaneck Killer Pig Walks”
    • “Murder Approved in Attica Trial Verdict”
    • “U.S. #1 in Prisons”
    • “Shine the Light of Revolution Behind the Prison Walls”
  • #645 — Vol. 13, #43, March 1, 1992, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,744 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Exposed: Police Torture in Chicago”
    • “Correspondence on ‘Multiculturalism’ and Education: The Working Class Will Write the True History”
    • “Israel Invades Lebanon”
    • “The Zionist ‘Peace Table’ Assassination Squad”
    • “Interview with Chairman Gonzalo: Part 2: Planning the People’s War in Peru”
    • “The Myth of the War on Drugs”
    • “Communism is Not a ‘European’ Ideology; It is the Ideology of the International Proletariat”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Malcolm X, MLK, and the 1963 March on Washington: Part 2”
    • “Ad for Bob Avakian’s new book: Phony Communism Is Dead... Long Live Real Communism!
  • #647 — Vol. 13, #45, March 15, 1992, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,902 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The People of the World Still Demand: U.S. Out of El Salvador!”, by Jack Gardener
    • “Interview with Chairman Gonzalo: Part 3: Applying Maoism to the Conditions of Peru”
    • “Outlawing Abortion Was—And IS—A Nazi Program”
    • “If the Christian Fascists Had Their Say, and the Bible Was the Law Today, Would You Want to Live This Way?” [About 20 outrageous quotes from the Bible]
    • “Communism is Not a ‘Utopian Tyranny,’ but a Realizable and Liberating Goal”, excerpt from Bob Avakian’s book Phony Communism Is Dead... Long Live Real Communism!
    • “The Dearborn Hunger March 1932: Blood in the Streets”
    • “The RW Interview: Nawal El-Saadawi Tears Off the Veil”
    • Several additional brief articles.
  • #655 — Vol. 14, #3, May 10, 1992, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [19,895 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Los Angeles: It’s Right to Rebel! The People’s Verdict on Rodney King Trial”
    • “The System’s Verdict—Police Brutality Is No Crime. The People’s Verdict—It’s Right to Rebel”, statement by Carl Dix for the RCP.
    • “Outrage From Coast to Coast”
    • “On police Brutality, the Rodney King Verdict, and the Rebellions of the People: Words That Ring True”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Peru: The Justice of Revolutionary Violence”
    • “Victory in Buffalo: A New Beginning” [Abortion rights]
  • #658 — Vol. 14, #6, May 31, 1992, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,248 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Shockwaves: Report from the L.A. Rebellion, Part 2: Voices on the Edge”, by Michael Slate
    • “100s Massacred in Thailand: Bangkok Streets of Fire”
    • “Statement by Relatives of Revolutionary Prisoners in Peru: ‘Defend the Best Sons and Daughters of the People!’”
    • “L.A. Power Schemes”
    • “LAPD Attacks RCYB: Hands Off Our Revolutionary Leaders!”
    • “Fighting Our Way from South Africa to L.A., Part 2”
    • “NY Powers Move to ‘Keep the Peace’—Don’t Believe the Hype!”
    • “Black Students vs. KKK at Olivet College”
    • “500 Demonstrate on Malcolm X Day”
  • #659 — Vol. 14, #7, June 7, 1992, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,193 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Shockwaves: Report from the L.A. Rebellion, Part 3: A Festival of the Oppressed”, by Michael Slate
    • “Las Vegas: Pigs on the Run”
    • “Bushwick: Police Murder and Rebellion” [New York City]
    • “1968 Statement by Mao Tsetung In Support of the Afro-American Struggle Against Violent Repression”
    • “Attacks Continue on L.A. 4: No Time, We Did No Crime!”
    • “Fighting Our Way From Peru to L.A.”
    • “Free Our Revolutionary Sisters and Brothers!”
    • “Haiti Rises Up / U.S. Clamps Down on Refugees”
    • “The U.S. Phony Money Plot in Iraq”
  • #660 — Vol. 14, #8, June 14, 1992, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,792 KB]   Articles include:
    • “A Call from the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade: Wanted! Frontline Revolutionary Fighters to Go to L.A. This Summer”
    • “U.S. Pollutes Rio Earth Summit”
    • “Shockwaves: Report from the L.A. Rebellion: Part 4: Rage from Below”, by Michael Slate
    • “Interview with RCYB sister, Sasha: ‘Never Let Them See You Sweat’ in Jail”
    • “Four L.A. Revolutionaries Out of Jail!”
    • “Another Pig Murderer Goes Free in L.A.”
    • “Apartheid L.A. Style”
    • “Fighting Our Way: From Palestine to L.A.”
    • “Bloodsucker Zones in L.A.”
    • “R&R! Speakout Condemns N.Y. Police Murder”
  • #675 — Vol. 14, #23, October 4, 1992, English edition, 8 pages plus 8-page supplement on the People’s War in Peru.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,090 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Worldwide Campaign to Defend Chairman Gonzalo: Not a Minute to Lose”
    • “Messages for Chairman Gonzalo from the Barrios”
    • “Revolution Challenges the Columbus Legacy: The Parable of Potosí’s Silver Mountain”
    • “Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru: Interview with Heriberto Ocasio”
    • “Something New in the New World: A Report on the People’s War in Peru”
    • “Communique from the Central Committee of the RCP,USA: Free Chairman Gonzalo!”
    • “Portrait of a Revolutionary Communist Leader”
    • “International Emergency Committee to Defend the Life of Abimael Guzmán”
    • “Amnesty International Covers for Yankee Intervention: Setting the Record Straight on the Shining Path”
  • #678 — Vol. 14, #26, October 25, 1992, English edition.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,986 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Eyewitness From Peru: Report from the 1st International Delegation to Defend the Life of Abimael Guzmán”
    • “Fujimori Calls for Reinstating Death Penalty Against Chairman Gonzalo and Revolutionary Prisoners”
    • “Fujimori, the CIA, and the Drug Trade in Peru”
    • “A Criminal Resolution from the U.S. Senate” [In support of Fujimori regime in Peru]
    • “Clinton in the White House? False Hopes and the Real Deal”
    • “Eyewitness from Peru: Interview with Heriberto Ocasio”
    • “The Rise and Fall of Aristide: One Year Since the Coup in Haiti”
    • “Welfare and Slavefare in Michigan”
    • “Clinton’s War on the Poor”
    • “Columbus 500 Years: A Day of Resistance”
  • #686 — Vol. 14, #34, December 20, 1992, English edition.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,226 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The U.S. Lockdown of Somalia”
    • “Peru: Report from Third International Delegation: Shantytown Sweeps and Torture of Political Prisoners”
    • “Poster: ‘Assume the Position!’ We know What This Means! U.S. Guns Don’t Help or Liberate Anyone”
    • “The Yankee Hand Behind the Crisis in Peru: Part 2—Imperialism’s Grip on Peru”, by Raymond Lotta
    • “Rondas, Death Squads and the Phony Left in Peru”
    • “The Pig-ification of Los Angeles”
    • “News from the Worldwide Campaign to Defend the Life of Chairman Gonzalo”
    • El Diario Newspaper Reappears in Lima”
    • “Call to Create an International Emergency Committee to Defend the Life of Dr. Abimael Guzmán” [Reprinted]


  • #695 — Vol. 14, #43, February 28, 1993, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,061 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Nanny Connection: Class, Borders and Childcare in the U.S.A.”, by Li Onesto
    • “Some Cold Truths for Black History Month: The Black Family and the ‘Traditional Family’”
    • “From Pico-Union to Peru: Solidarity from the Heart” [Los Angeles]
    • “News from the Worldwide Campaign to Defend Chairman Gonzalo”
    • “Communication from Bob Avakian, Chairman of the RCP: Part 4: Daring to Lead: Learning from the Masses, Leading the Masses”
    • “The Tijuana Flood: ‘So Far from God, So Close to the U.S.’”
    • “Detroit: Key Witness Murdered in Malice Green Case”
    • “New York: Police Preparations for More Rebellions”
    • “El Salvador: Ex-Rebel Commanders Go to Capitalism School”
  • #731 — Vol. 15, #28, November 14, 1993, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,653 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Report from Peru: IEC 5th Delegation”
    • “Death Penalty Constitution Passes”
    • “Damian Williams Denied Bail Reduction: 2 Trials, 2 Standards, 2 Much”
    • “Pico Union 3 are Free!”
    • “Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Mao’s Birth: Why the Revolutionaries Say: ‘Mao More Than Ever’”
    • “The U.S. in Haiti: Cold Calculations and Maneuvers”
    • “The Fight for Palestine: A Picture History of the People and Their Struggle for Liberation”, Part 1
  • #734 — Vol. 15, #31, December 5, 1993, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [18,519 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Criminal System Behind the Crime Bill Hype”
    • “South Africa’s Constitutional Hoax”
    • “Chicago: Hard Life on the South Side”
    • “Youth Tell the RW: Why We Hate the Police”
    • “How Revolutionary China Got Rid of Drugs”, by C. Clark Kissinger
    • “The Opium Wars”
    • “Toxic Spill in the S.F. Bay Area: Poisoning the Poor”
    • “NYPD Plans for Rebellion Control”
  • #737 — Vol. 15, #34, December 26, 1993, English edition, 12 pages. Special issue on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mao Tsetung.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,796 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Viva Mao! Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!”
    • “Mao Tsetung: The Greatest Revolutionary of Our Time”
    • “From the RIM: Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!”
    • “Salute the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement”
    • “From the RIM: On the World Situation”


  • #741 — Vol. 15, #38, January 30, 1994, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [8,323 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Hidden Story of the L.A. Quake”
    • “Mexian Army Takes Revenge in Chiapas”
    • “Mexico: The Deep Roots of Peasant Uprising”
    • “Community Police Cooperation = Snitching - Bad News For the People: An Immigrant Family’s Story”
    • “A Picture History: The Life of Mao Tsetung, the Greatest Revolutionary of Our Time: Part 2: How the Chinese Revolution Started”
    • “Financially Support the RCP—Your Party! Subscribe to the Revolutionary Worker—Your Paper!”
    • “Defend the Life of Dr. Abimael Guzmán! End His Isolation Now!”
    • “In Memory of Audry Sheppard”
    • “Santa Cruz, California: Youth vs. Police New Year’s Eve”
  • #754 — Vol. 16, #1, May 1, 1994, English edition, 8 pages, with a special 2-page May 1st Manifesto by RCP comrades in Los Angeles.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,879 KB]
  • #776 — Vol. 16, #23, October 9, 1994, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,539 KB]   Articles include:
    • “More Straight Talk on Haiti Invasion: U.S. Occupiers Can’t Be Liberators”
    • “Talkin’ Revolution to the Middle Class”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Pigs Run Amok in Cabrini Green” [Chicago]
    • “Invasions in the ‘Neighborhood’” [Summaries of 77 U.S. invasions in Central America and the Caribbean]
    • “Philippines 2000: Program of Poverty and Imperialist Domination”
    • “California: Opposition Grows to Anti-Immigrant Law”
    • “Los Angeles: Street Realities and the Big Pig Crime Bill”
  • #777 — Vol. 16, #24, October 16, 1994, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,652 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Immigrant Bashing and Resistance in California: SOS and the War on Immigrants”
    • “New U.S. War Threats Against Iraq”
    • “Haiti’s Aristide: Liberator or Pawn?”
    • “U.S. Occupation and ‘Reforming’ the Haitian Military”
    • “A Nazi Plan for Immigrants: The Jordan Commission’s Shameful Proposal”
    • “Once Again on: Communism Is Not a ‘European’ Ideology”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Your Party, Your Paper, Your Support”
    • “Auto Workers: Fed Up in Flint”
    • “Imperialism and the Plans to ‘Rebuild’ Haiti’s Economy”
  • #780 — Vol. 16, #27, November 6, 1994, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,909 KB]   Articles include:
    • “California’s SOS Law Sparks a Mass Movement: Resist the War on Immigrants”
    • “The Bell Curve Book: Inequality Is Not in Our Genes! Part I: The Stupidity of IQ Theories”
    • “National Oppression is Not a ‘Race’ Issue: Let’s Go All the Way in the Fight Against Racism!”
    • “Down and Out in Capitalist China: Part 3: Shantytown Conversation”
    • “Lexington, Kentucky: Black Youth Rebellion Against Police Murder”
    • “Walkout! RCYB Interviews L.A. High School Revolutionist”
    • “Los Angeles: The Police Murder of Sonji Taylor—Another ‘Justifiable Homicide’”
    • “Seattle: Taking Opposition to Haiti Occupation to the GIs”
    • “‘Quality of Life’ vs. the Vendors of Harlem”
  • #783 — Vol. 16, #30, November 27, 1994, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,962 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Elections 1994: Night of the Living Dead: What’s REALLY Wrong with America?”
    • “South Central L.A.: People’s Doctor Declares Non-Compliance with Prop 187”
    • “RW Interview: The Art of The Coup”
    • “Report from Chiapas: Campesinos with Guns: Part 6: Zapatista Territory”, by Michael Slate
    • “East Timor Protests Break the Silence”
    • “Call to Prisoners for Statements on the 13th Anniversary of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s Arrest and the 25th Anniversary of the assassination of Fred Hampton”
    • “New York: Prisoners Protest Conditions at Rikers Island”


  • #819 — Vol. 17, #16, August 20, 1995, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,249 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Struggle of the People Forces a Stay of Execution: Mumia Must Have a New Trial; Mumia Must Be Free!”
    • “Movement Grows to Save Mumia’s Life”
    • “Reporter’s Notbook from the Court of Injustice: New Evidence Exposes Frame-Up”
    • “Los Angeles: Lincoln Heights Rebels Demand Justice for Tony Gutierrez”
    • “U. of Cal. Regents Kill Affirmative Action”
    • “Communism: Imagine... In Living Color”, by Bob Avakian
  • #825 — Vol. 17, #22, October 1, 1995, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [19,031 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Revolutionary Communist Party, U.S.A.”
    • “How Mumia Was Framed and Why He Must Have a New Trial”, by Leonard Weinglass
    • “Colin Powell: 20th Century Buffalo Soldier”
    • “The Fuhrman Tapes: How the ‘F’ Word is Playing on the Streets of L.A., Part 3”, by Michael Slate
    • “Some Points on the Question of Revolutionary Leadership and Individual Leaders”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Resolution: On Leaders and Leadership”, by the Central Committee of the RCP [1985]
    • “F.O.P.—Fraternal Order of Pillagers”, by Mumia Abu-Jamal


  • [To be added.]



  • #939 — Vol. 19, #36, January 11, 1998, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,839 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Massacre in Chiapas Mexico: Pro Govt Squads Murder 45 Campesinos”
    • “NYPD Murder Statistics: Lies and Reality”
    • “Houston: The Thanksgiving Police Murder of Oliver Rodriguez, Jr.”
    • “The NYPD Christmas Murder of William Whitfield”
    • “Philippines 1901: The Bells of Balangiga” [A play about Filipino resistance to U.S. imperialism]
    • “People of Cabrini Green Stand Up Against Police Brutality” [Chicago]
    • “Amistad: It’s Right to Rebel!” [Movie review]
    • “U.S. Constitution: An Exploiter’s Vision of Freedom”, by Bob Avakian
    • “The Crisis-Ridden State and Change of Government in Nepal”, from the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
    • “Getting Over the Hump: Part 7: Strategic Double C”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Know Your Enemy: Fast, Convenient, E-Z...Big Brother Data Base”
    • “The Stolen Lives Project: Book now available”
  • #951 — Vol. 19, #48, April 5, 1998, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,028 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Washington, D.C.: Report from Jericho ’98”
    • “Africa: Clinton’s Colonial Roadshow”
    • “Benjamin Spock and the Unruly Generation”
    • “The Police Persecution of Jeremiah Mearday”
    • “With the New People’s Army in the Philippines: Report from a Guerrilla Front”, Part 1
    • “Detroit Town Meeting Against Police Brutality”
    • “Anti-Immigrant Platform Pollutes Sierra Club”
    • “AIM Protest Exclusion of Native Americans from Clinton Panel”
  • #957 — Vol. 20, #4, May 17, 1998, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,581 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Angry Streets of Indonesia: Nationwide Protests Target Suharto Regime”
    • “U.S./IMF Godfather and the Crisis in Indonesia”
    • “May 1st 1998 Around the World”
    • “May 1st 1998: Red Flag Celebrations Coast to Coast”
    • “What’s Next in the Courts for Mumia Abu-Jamal”, by C. Clark Kissinger
    • “Growing Up Chicano in America: Thoughts on Bilingual Education”
    • “The World Is a Ghetto: Revolution is the Solution”, by Carl Dix
    • “Chicago War Games”
  • #979 — Vol. 20, #26, Oct. 25, 1998, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [9,886 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation”
    • “A Salute to the Brave Resisters on the Third National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Oct. 22, 1998”
    • “Mississippi Jail Lynchings”
    • “Press Conferences: A Thousand Solen Lives...”
    • “The Stolen Life of James Harris”
    • “The Death of Matthew Shepard: Murder in a Murderous Climate” [About a murdered Gay man.]
    • “Stolen Lives: Murdered in Cold Blood by Police, 1990-1998”
    • “Houston: Asesinos in Gulfton”
    • “A Presidency of Betrayal”, by Mumia Abu-Jamal
    • “Richard Prior Routines... Or Why Pigs are Pigs”, by Bob Avakian
  • #983 — Vol. 20, #30, Nov. 22, 1998, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [23,010 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Truth about Right-Wing Conspiracy ... and Why Clinton and the Democrats are No Answer”
    • “In the Streets for Mumia Abu-Jamal”
    • “U.S. Hands Off Iraq! Stop the Sanctions!”
    • “NY, NJ: Hunger Strike at INS Detention Centers”
    • “Burying the Living at Tamms Supermax” [Prisons]
  • #985 — Vol. 20, #32, Dec. 6, 1998, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,392 KB]   Articles include:
    • “How the System Ghetto-ized Black People in Chicago”
    • “Leonard Peltier Demands Urgent Medical Care”
    • “Cleveland: FBI Persecution of Pro-Choice Activists”
    • “South Africa: Mzwakhe Mbuli: Rebel Voice Behind Bars”
    • “On the Road to Corcoran: A Living Hell in California’s Prisons”
    • “Chicago Youth Battle Eviction at Historic House”
    • “Putting an End to ‘Sin’: Putting an End to Inequality”, by Bob Avakian
    • “The Daliai C.I.A. Lama”
    • “The San Francisco Police Execution of John Smart”


  • #999 — Vol. 20, #46, March 21, 1999, English edition, 16 pages. [Incorrectly labelled Vol. 22 on cover.]   Searchable PDF image format   [9,697 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Down Side of the Boom: Inequality, Poverty and Hype in the ‘New Economy’”, by Raymond Lotta
    • “Life in Occupied New York: The People Take the Streets”, by Debbie Lang
    • “Elia Kazan: Snitch with an Oscar”, by Michael Slate
    • “Sacramento: Hip Hop for Mumia, Millions for Mumia”
    • “Chicago: Showdown at Brigade House”
    • “José Solis: Independentista Railroaded in Federal Trial”
    • “Women in China: Free Market Outcasts”
    • “Higher Learning II: Talking About Mumia in Oakland Schools”
  • #1003 — Vol. 20, #50, April 25, 1999, English edition, 16 pages (including 8 page special section on Mumia Abu-Jamal).   Searchable PDF image format   [10,924 KB]   Articles include:
    • “April 24: In the Streets for Mumia Abu-Jamal!”
    • “NATO/U.S. Out of Yugoslavia!”, by Mumia Abu-Jamal
    • “Yugoslavia: The American Way of War: ‘Destroying the Village to Save It’”
    • “May 1st: Set Your Eyes on the Goal of Communism!”
    • “We Can’t Let Them Kill Mumia Abu-Jamal!”
    • “Revolutionary on Death Row: The Story of Mumia Abu-Jamal”
    • “What’s at Stake for the People?”, by C. Clark Kissinger
    • “Carl Dix: Escalate the Struggle for Mumia Abu-Jamal”
    • “Chicago: On the Line at the Brigade House”
    • “Berkeley: The Fight Over KPFA Radio”
    • “Reporter’s Notebook: New York: Thousands March Against Police Brutality”
  • #1017 — Vol. 21, #14, August 8, 1999, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,435 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Dispatches: Report from the People’s War in Nepal, Part 4: Rifles and a Great Vision”, by Li Onesto
    • “Mumia Demolishes the Lies of the Enemy”
    • “Colombia: Yankee Intervention, Yankee Domination”
    • “KPFA: The Struggle Continues”, by Larry Everest
    • “Free the MOVE 9”
    • “Union City, California: Brutality and Injustice in an ‘All American City’”


  • #1058 — Vol. 22, #7, June 11, 2000, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,982 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Blood on the Border: Southwest Vigilantes Hunt Mexican Immigrants”
    • “Election Madness in Peru”
    • “The Yankee War Machine in Puerto Rico”
    • “We Educators Demand a New Trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal”
    • “Leonard Peltier Must Be Free”
    • “Life and Freedom for Shaka Sankofa (Gary Graham)”, by Mumia Abu-Jamal
    • “Illusions of Democracy”, by Bob Avakian
    • “OAS: Tool of U.S. Imperialism”
    • “LAPS Murder of Pancho Gonzalez”
    • “Chicago: Angry Protest Confronts Police Board”
  • #1077 — Vol. 22, #26, Nov. 5, 2000, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,419 KB]   Articles include:
    • “October 22, 2000—5th National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality: In the Streets for Justice”
    • “The Realism of Revolution and the Fantasy of Elections”
    • “LAPD Answer to Protests Against Police Brutality: Rubber Bullets and Concussion Grenades”
    • “Seize the New Opportunities to Break the Isolation of Chairman Gonzalo”
    • “It’s Right to Rebel Against Police Brutality: The Voices and Faces of Resistance”
    • “Palestine: Occupation and Resistance”
    • “The Harsh Reality of Welfare Cuts”


  • #1113 — Vol. 23, #14, August 5, 2001, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [13,962 KB]   Articles include:
    • “After Genoa: We Only Want the World! For Caro Giuliani and the Fighters of Genoa”
    • “Rejecting Webcam Big Brother at Chicago’s Flat Iron Building: ‘We Are Not Your Truman Show’”, by Tom Michaels
    • “Defending Choice in Wichita: Up Against the Anti-Women Preyers”, by Osage
    • “Government Targets Mumia for Death: Outrageous New Court Ruling”, by C. Clark Kissinger
    • “Revolutionaary Science vs. Reactionary Religious Lunacy...”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Housing in the U.S.A.: Nightmare of the ‘American Dream’ and the Dream of Revolution”
  • #1120 — Vol. 23, #21, September 30, 2001, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,858 KB]   Articles include:
    • “U.S. Targets Afghanistan and... A Time to Resist, a Time to Stop the War”
    • “Afghanistan Intrigue: The CIA and Osama bin Laden”
    • “A Message to Troops, Would-be Troops, and Other Youth”
    • “Reporter’s Notebook from New York: Resistance at Ground Zero”
    • “The Horrors that Come from this Horrible System”
    • “Eyewitness Report: What the U.S. Bombs Have Done to the People of Iraq”
    • “Big Brother and the Ministry of Homeland Security”
    • “Not in Our Name: Resistance and Protest in the U.S.”
    • “Call for October 22nd, 2001! The 6th National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality”
  • #1121 — Vol. 23, #22, October 7, 2001, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [21,674 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Defying U.S. War Moves: Thousands Take the Streets in Washington, D.C.”
    • “CoRIM: Oppose Bush’s ‘Anti-Terrorist’ Crusade Against the World’s People!”
    • “Soul Searching and Resistance on the Streets of New York”
    • “The Consequences of Empire: A History of War and Intrigue in the Middle East”, by Larry Everest
    • “Cincinnati Rebels Denounce Killer Cop Verdict”
    • “Alabama Mine Explosion: Thirteen Dead at Blue Creek No. 5”, by Mike Ely
    • “Statements of Resistance to ‘America’s New War’”
    • “Worldwide Resistance to U.S. War Moves”
    • “Fear of Flying”


  • #1145 — Vol. 23, #46, April 7, 2002, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [14,165 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Palestine: Tanks of Injustice — Israeli Occupation of West Bank and Gaza”
    • “India Offers More Support for Counter-revolution in Nepal”
    • “Unite With All Who Can Be United, in the U.S. and Throughout the World”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Anthrax Letters: Made in the USA”
    • “April Actions for Mumia Abu-Jamal”
    • “Prisoners Join Revolutionary Conversation on New Draft Programme”
    • “Outrage at Hunters Point” [San Francisco]
    • “The Story of Uzma Naheed”, by Debbie Lang
    • “Protesting INS at LAX”


  • [To be added.]


  • #1243 — Vol. 26, #6, June 13, 2004, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [11,512 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Guns, Puppets & Ballot Boxes: Ugly U.S. Plans for Dominating Iraq”
    • “Iraq: A Story of Two Cousins”
    • “Talking About Bob Avakian on the Mexican Border”
    • “John Kerry & the Mission of War”
    • “The Paris Commune in Perspective: The Bolshevik and Chinese Revolutions As Its Continuation and Deepening”, by Bob Avakian
    • “The Indian Elections and the Prospects for Revolution”

2005 (Revolutionary Worker):

Revolution   (2005-   )
[This is the new name adopted in 2005 for the RCP weekly newspaper, and is not to be confused with the older
monthly newspaper, then theoretical magazine by the same name, which existed in the early years of the RCP.]

2005-2011 (Issues 1-240):

  • #1, May 1, 2005, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [11,393 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Welcome to Issue No. 1 of Revolution Newspaper!”
    • “Editorial: Invitation to Revolution”
    • “If You Want to Change the World... You Need to Know Bob Avakian”
    • “Wanted: A Massive Movement to Drive the Bush Regime from Power”
    • “All the Reasons Why ‘We can’t leave Iraq’ ... and Why All Those Reasons are Wrong”
    • “The Revolutionary Communist 4 (RC4) Speaking Tour”
    • “After the Sea Stood Up: A new series from the tsunami zone of Sri Lanka”
    • “Changes in the World and the ‘Clash of Civilizations’—Within This Civilization”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Remembering the Gates”, by Dread Scott
    • “Scenes from Nepal: The Daring of Revolution: The Shoots of the Future”, by Li Onesto
    • “From the CoRIM: May 1, 2005: Communism in the 21st Century”
  • #2, May 15, 2005, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [5,130 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Republi-Fascists ... and the Republi-crats, and Where Is the Real Alternative?”, by Bob Avakian
    • “A Message from Chiarman Avakian” [About his not responding to communications.]
    • “Fundamentalist Right Rally in Louisville; A Demand for Power and Theocracy”
    • “When the American Taliban Came to Louisville”, by Sunsara Taylor
    • “Kansas Creationists Threaten Evolution—AGAIN!”
    • “David Horowitz? Battering Ram for Bush Regime”, by Leslie Rose
    • “Meet the Real David Horowitz”
    • “After the Sea Stood Up; Life and Death in the Tsunami Zone”, by Michael Slate
    • “Support the GIs Who Refuse to Fight”, by Philip Watts
    • “India to Resume Arms Shipments to Nepal’s King” (AWTW)
    • “Authoring Culture and Mastering Science in the Post-Mao Era”, by Akil Bomani
  • #3, May 22, 2005, English edition, 16 pages. (In this issue, and the next several, the 2 centerfold pages are displayed together as one very large page in order to make the text easier to read.)   Searchable PDF image format   [5,936 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Daring to Scale the Heights for the Emancipation of Humanity: In Tribute to Zhang Chunqiao (1917-2005)”
    • “Three Main Points”
    • “Scientists vs the Bushite Assault on Science”, by S. R.
    • “On Mandates ... Liars ... and the Will of the People”, by Bob Avakian
    • “After the Sea Stood Up, the Walls of Galle Fort”, by Michael Slate
    • “The Cultural Revolution in China: A Revolution Within the Revolution”
    • “Shanghai January Storm: Zhang Chunqiao and the Anting Incident”
    • From: “On Exercising All-Round Dictatorship Over the Bourgeoisie”, by Zhang Chunqiao
    • “Government to Journalists: ‘Name Names or Go to Jail’”, by Osage Bell
    • “Princeton Students Hold 284-Hour ‘Filibuster Protests’”
    • “Border Vigilantes: Praised by the Terminator”, by Luciente Zamora
  • #4, May 29, 2005, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [4,685 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Filibuster War: Power Grab at the Height of the Empire”
    • “PEN World Voices: The New York Festival of International Literature”
    • “Anti-American Sentiments Across the World; Newsweek to Blame?”
    • “The Real ID Law... Real Big Brother”
    • “Starting the Conversation: S.F. Bay Area Celebrates Release of Bob Avakian’s Memoir”
    • “The Center: Can It Hold? The Pyramid as Two Ladders”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Arthur Miller”, by C. J.
    • “Arthur Miller: Theater to Change the World”
  • #5, June 12, 2005, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [5,775 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The United States of Torture”
    • “The Tortuers and the Tortured”
    • “The Brutal Logic Behind the Torture Madness”
    • Oscar Brown Jr. 1926-2005: Remembering Oscar”, by Michael Slate
    • “A Way to Understand What’s Going On: The Two Pats, and Andrew Sullivan ... and Cornel West”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Los Angeles From Ike to Mao: Beginning a New Conversation”
    • Correspondence: Bushwhacked at Calvin College”
    • “The Bible Taken Literally is a Horror”
    • “Cheers & Jeers” [Short items]
    • “Stem Cells, Snowflakes and Lunacy”, by Orpheus
    • Women Are Not Incubators! The Ordeal of Gabiela Flores”, by Linda Flores
  • #6, June 19, 2005, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [6,226 KB]   Articles include:
    • When the Sea Stood Up: Hambantota Washed Away by the Waves”, by Michael slate, with photos by Mokai [Indonesian tsunami]
    • “Emmett Till: They Can’t Bury the Truth”
    • “Bush I ... Bush II ... And Things Going to Extremes”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Wanted: A Massive Movement to Drive the Bush Regime from Power”
    • “Ward Churchill: Persecution of the ‘Favorite Professor’”
    • “Snail Fever in China: Scourges of Old Come Back to Life”
    • “The Bible Taken Literally is a Horror” [Series]
    • “Nepal: People’s Liberation Army Carries Out Four Simultaneous Attacks”
  • #7, June 26, 2005, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [3,024 KB]   Articles include:
    • A Bold Idea Is In the Air: The World Can’t Wait, Drive Out the Bush Regime”
    • “Thoughts On Driving Out the Bush Regime”, by Sunsara Taylor
    • Not In Our Name: A Statement of Conscience Against War and Repression”
    • “The Torture of Innocents and the Method of Madness”, by Toby O’Ryan
    • “Battling For the Future, Part I: Far and Wide”, by “a group of comrades”
    • “The Revolutionary Communist 4 Speaking Tour”
    • “The Dynamics Within the Ruling Class and the Challenges for Revolutionaries”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Crashing Constitution Day” [Correspondent]
    • “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”, by Frederick Douglass (1852)
    • Days of G-8 and Live-8: Horror of Poverty, Hope of Real Change”
    • A Refutation of Harper’s Article on the Maoists in Nepal: Telling Lies in Kathmandu”, by Li Onesto
    • “Schiavo Autopsy Confirms Political Pathology”
  • #8, July 17, 2005, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [3,437 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The Call Goes Out: The World Can’t Wait! Drive Out the Bush Regime! Mobilize for Nov. 2, 2005!”
    • “The Challenge of Defending Bourgeois Rights—From a Communist Perspective and No Other”, by Bob Avakian
    • “On the London Bombings”
    • “G8 and Their System. They Are the Problem, But They Are Not the Solution”
    • “Thoughts on Pat Robertson, George Clooney and the Oh So Christian Logic of All the Better to Eat You My Dear”
    • Crime Against Humanity: Turkish Regime Murders 17 Maoist Revolutionaries”
    • “RC4 Tour: Taking Up the Challenge”
    • “Senate Lynching Apology: The Hypocrisy and the Horror”, by Philip Watts
    • “Bush Caught Red-Handed: The Case of the Downing Street Memos”
    • “...Those People and These People” [Democrats and Republicans]
    • “World Can’t Wait... Sights and Sounds from Live 8 Philly”
  • #9, July 24, 2005, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [3,072 KB]   Articles include:
    • “The RC4 Tour Arrives in Los Angeles Amid Outrage Over LAPD Killings”
    • “The Fascists and the Destruction of the ‘Weimar Republic’ ... And What Will Replace It”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Murdering Enforcers Have No Right to Rule”
    • “Truly, the World Can’t Wait”, by Rosemary Candelario
    • “Alberto Gonzales and the Road to Handmaid’s Tale”, by Susara Taylor
    • “... Sandra Day O’Conner Is No Damn Good Either!”
    • “Intoxicated With the Truth”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Afghanistan: Daring Protest Against Government Rapist” [AWTW News Service]
    • Revolutionary Martyr From Turkey: Remembering Rosa”, by Li Onesto
    • “Flag Amendment and the Assault on Political Dissent”, by Gregory “Joey” Johnson
    • “Nepal: Maoists Offer Self-Criticism after Bus Bombing” [AWTW News Service]
    • “Ann Coulter: Columnist, TV Opinion Maker, Total Fascist”
  • #10, July 31, 2005, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [2,698 KB]   Articles include:
    • “‘A Leap of Faith’ and a Leap to Rational Knowledge: Two Very Different Kinds of Leaps, Two Radically Different Worldviews and Methods”, by Bob Avakian
    • Get Organized to Drive Out the Bush Regime—Because the World Can’t Wait!”, submitted by comrades
    • “Rove, Roberts and the Relentless Power Drive of the Christian Fascists... Or, Don’t Get Fooled Again!”
    • “RC4 Tour Hits Los Angeles”
    • You Think Communism Is a Good Idea, but Doesn’t Work? Take This Quiz and Think Again
    • “Lt. Gen. William G. ‘Jerry’ Boykin: Pentagon’s Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Over the Global Manhunt for Osama bin Laden, Fundamentalist Crusader” [With several absurd quotations from him.]
    • “Guantánamo and What the U.S. is Bringing to the World”
    • “Heartless on the Border”
  • [More issues from this era may be scanned and posted later, once we have finished with the issues from earlier years.]


  • #241, July 31, 2011, English edition, 16 pages.   Searchable PDF image format   [10,378 KB]   Articles include:
    • “Prisoners at Pelican Bay End Hunger Strike ... The Struggle Continues”
    • “Out to Summer Concerts and Festivals with BAsics: ‘This is something my generation needs’” [Promoting Bob Avakian]
    • “Some Principles for Building a Movement for Revolution”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Birds Cannot Give Birth to Crocodiles, but Humanity Can Soar Beyond the Horizon”, by Bob Avakian
    • “Abortion Doctor LeRoy Carhart is a Hero ... Operation Rescue Threatens Him”
    • “The Struggle Against the Inhumanity of Solitary Confinement Continues”
    • “What Kind of System Needs to Torture Prisoners?”, by Li Onesto
    • “Who Are the Real Criminals?”
    • “Cold-Blooded Murder in San Francisco ... Enough is Enough!”
    • “Glossary: What Is Counter-Revolution?”
    • “Long Suppressed Photos on Exhibit from the U.S. Nuclear Attack on Japan”

Later Issues:

      The most recent issues of the newspaper (mostly since the name change to Revolution, and from the past 20 years or so), or individual articles from them, are available online in HTML format at the offical RCP website at:   See also:


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