New and Recent Postings has now existed for a number of years and over that time it has gotten quite large with many postings from numerous countries which are spread across many separate web pages. And it continues to expand. At the suggestion of a friend of this site we have set up this index page with links to specific pages where new material has recently been posted. From now on, whenever any significant new postings are made anywhere on this site, this index page will also be updated. For that reason, when visitors come to this site they may want to first check this page. Unless otherwise stated, documents are in English and are in the PDF format.
2025 February 3 — Added a German translation of "Reform Our Study" and a Pilipino edition of "Quotations" by Mao, and a collection of speeches by Jiang Qing in Chinese China Page (Individuals)
Added "The People Speak Out", a collection of translated poems and "The Internationale", a brief history of the Paris Commune in Chinese China Page (Mao era)
Added articles from an enlarged edition of "In Refutation of Modern Revisionism" Yugoslavia-Balkans Page2025 January 26 — Added a commemoration of fallen PFLP Deputy Secretary-General Ebu Ahmed Fuad, written by TKP-ML International Bureau.
Palestine Page (PFLP)2025 January 20 — Added 3 recent items from TKP-ML from their 2nd Congress:
- "General Situation in the World, Our Duties, and the Situation in Turkey." "This document is the short decisions of the TKP-ML 2nd Congress 'Situation in the World and in Turkey' agenda. The document was published under the title 'General Situation in the World and Our Tasks' in the Communist 78th issue, the party organ of the TKP-ML, as ‘Decision: 19’ and again 'Situation in Turkey' with the title 'Decision: 20' was published as. We publish the document as a brochure. Ed."
- "Constitution of the Communist Party of Turkey - Marxist Leninist"
- "Program of the Communist Party of Turkey - Marxist Leninist"
Added “Syrians must unite to create a free and democratic Syria”, an interview with Ares Melkonyan, one of the commanders of the Shahid Nubar Ozanyan Armenian Brigade of the SDF.
Turkey Page2025 January 12 — Added a statement on the recent unity congress between Communist Party of Nepal (Mashal) and the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal. Nepal/RCPN Page
Added a statement on the 56th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines Philippines Page2025 January 5 — Added "The Voice of Slaves", two extensive volumes of articles by Xiang Guanqi primarily criticizing Xi Jinping. English translation and preface provided by Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist). China Page
Added a brief review of Qi Benyu’s memoirs by Charles Andrews for the journal Cultural Logic: Marxist Theory & Practice. China Page (Individuals)2024 December 26 — Added a brief explanatory note on the decision to rename the online organ of Norway's RK to Kommunisten [The Communist], issued by the editors on Dec. 2, 2024.
Norway Page2025 January 5 — Added "The Voice of Slaves", two extensive volumes of articles by Xiang Guanqi primarily criticizing Xi Jinping. English translation and preface provided by Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist). China Page
Added a brief review of Qi Benyu’s memoirs by Charles Andrews for the journal Cultural Logic: Marxist Theory & Practice. China Page (Individuals)2024 December 26 — Added a brief explanatory note on the decision to rename the online organ of Norway's RK to Kommunisten [The Communist], issued by the editors on Dec. 2, 2024.
Norway Page2024 December 21 — Added 4 recent items to the Turkey page:
- “The path of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism remains the only road to genuine liberation: TKP-ML.” An interview with the TKP-ML on the occasion of the ‘Unity Congress’ of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal.
- “Message of solidarity and congratulations to the TKP-ML on their second congress” - 2 pages. A statement from the Communist Party of the Philipines.
- “We Took Our Place on the War Fronts with the Instruction to Organize the Revolution, Win the Future!” An interview with the TKP-ML TIKKO Şehid Eylem Yıldız Battalion, regarding the developments in Syria and the fight against the attacks of the Turkish state.
- “Oppressed Peoples Must Stand Against Turkey's Occupation Policies”, an interview in Özgür Gelecek with Lusin Hovsepyan, Commander of the Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Armenian Brigade, about the fall of the regime in Syria and the developments in the aftermath.
Turkey Page2024 December 18 — Added the recent pamphlet, “Operation Kagar: The Combined Assault of Corporatization, Militarization, and Hindutva”, by the Revolutionary Writers’ Association (Virasam). This is about the latest phase in the Indian government’s war on its own people, especially the Adivasis (tribal people) in east-central India.
India/MilitaryCampaigns Page2024 December 17 — We have been adding a number of further English translations to issues of Hongqi [“Red Flag”], the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of China during the Mao years (and a bit beyond). Most of the new translations available so far are for the Cultural Revolution years of 1966 and 1967. We hope to add additional translations soon.
China/Magazines/Hongqi Page2024 December 17 — Added issue #4 of Nazariya magazine in India. This English-language revolutionary magazine has been viewed as being within the “middle forces” of revolutionary organizations and publications in India, i.e., those who still say they support Marxism-Leninism, Mao Tsetung Thought rather than Maoism. However, quite interestingly, this new issue now states that “Nazariya’s Perspective is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism”.
India/ML-Groups Page2024 December 16 — Added significant documents from period of Socialist China. The first is a Compilation of Articles on Revolutionaries in India, compiled in May 1970, from different faction of the Communist Revolutionary Movement in India. The second contains three documents, prepared by the Department of International Politics - Teaching and Research Unit of National Liberation Movements of Peking University and published in 1977 and 1978. China Page
2024 December 15 — Added an important appeal from the DFLP's Department of Foreign Affairs regarding the shift in Israeli policy in the West Bank from occupation to outright annexation. Palestine Page
2024 December 8 — Added two statements on the rapidly developing situation in Syria, from the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) (Australia Page), and from the Federation of Workers from Turkey in Europe (ATIK) (Turkey Page).
2024 December 1 — Added a document from TKP-ML, summarizing its 2nd Congress held in the Summer months of 2024. Turkey Page Added two documents from CPI (Maoist), condemning efforts by the Indian state to establish an army maneuvering range in the Maad region, and commemorating the late revolutionary leader G.N. Saibaba. India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page
2024 November 26 — Added a press release from the International Committee to Support the People’s War in India (ICSPWI) on the recent censorship of their website. Fascism in India Page
2024 November 16 — Added "On Maoism". Published last year by Xiang Guanqi, this primer on Maoist theory draws on the extensive first-hand practice of a participant in the Cultural Revolution, the former head of the rebel mass organization in Shandong Province. English translation and preface provided by Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist). China Page
2024 November 8 — Added 4 recent items by the Maoist Communist Union [U.S.]:
- “The Murder of G.N. Saibaba: What They Could Never Kill Went on to Organize”, 5 pages.
- “Neomercantilism, the U.S. Election, and Debates Among the Bourgeoisie”, 56 pages.
- “On Communist Work in the Working Class Movement”, 19 pages
- “MCU’s 2nd National Conference”, Summer 2024, 10 pages.
USA/MCU Page2024 November 7 — Added a statement by the Communist Party of the Philippines commemorating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949 Philippines Page
Added a statement by the DFLP Department of Foreign Affairs giving an overview of Israel's recent decision to ban the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) Palestine Page2024 October 20 — Added the following documents to different sections of the Palestine page:
1) “Our code of morals is our revolution”, selected speeches and interviews of George Habash from 1970-1984 (PFLP)
2) “The Sixth National Conference, July 2000: Toward a New Political Vision” (PFLP)
3) “Tasks of the New Stage” (PFLP)
4) “Military Strategy of the PFLP” (PFLP)
5) “Kanafani: Symbol of Palestine” (PFLP)
6) “Interview With Ghassan Kannafani” (PFLP)
7) “La Izquierda Palestina Revolucionaria: Tres décadas de experiencia de lucha (1969-1999)” (DFLP)
8) "Towards a Democratic Solution to the Palestinian Question" (DFLP)
9) “Our Narrative: Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” (Hamas)
10) “A Document of General Principles & Policies” (Hamas)
11) “Basic Political Documents of the Armed Palestinian Resistance Movement” (PLO Research Center Publications)
12) “Our Vision for Liberation: Engaged Palestinian Leaders and Intellectuals Speak Out” (Books and Other Works)
13) “The Palestinians: From Peasants to Revolutionaries” (Books and Other Works)
14) “Peace and Its Discontents: Essays on Palestine and the Middle East Peace Process” (Books and Other Works)
15) “The Question of Palestine” (Books and Other Works)
Palestine Page2024 October 19 — Added a collection of poems by G.N. Saibaba written while imprisoned, and further statements on his passing from the International League of Peoples' Struggles, Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist), Communist Party of Greece (m-l), Novo Movimento Estudantil Popular Revolucionáro, and the Revolutionary Students’ Front of India. These and further statements will be posted in a new subsection of the Revolutionary Democratic Front page. RDF Page
2024 October 14 — Added a brief obituary from the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal on the passing of G.N. Saibaba, a major figure in India's revolutionary movement. His death directly resulted from years of deliberate medical neglect while wrongfully imprisoned under India's Unlawful Activities Prevention Act. More tributes will be posted as they become available. Nepal/RCPN Page
2024 October 12 — Added "Cold Wave" , a revolutionary programme document written by Chinese Maoists which summarizes criticisms of the Chinese left-wing camp, provides analysis of China’s trend towards social-imperialism, and discusses the path for the re-liberation of the working class. Original Chinese version plus an English translation with substantial background and introduction by Nick G. China Page
2024 October 7 — Added "Negación de la Negación Nº6 - El 'izquierdismo' y la lucha por la unidad de los comunistas", an issue of the theoretical journal of la Unión Obrera Comunista (marxista-leninista-maoísta) [the Communist Workers Union (MLM)], originally published in December 2022 but missing from BannedThought. Available in English and Spanish. Colombia Page
2024 October 2 — Added a document from the Communist Party of the Philippines on escalating hostilty between the Duterte and Marcos cliques as the 2025 election approaches. Philippines Page
2024 September 25 — Added a joint statement from several parties and groups calling for intensified resistance and a week of action from October 7-13 in support of the Palestinian people, and a report from the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine documenting cases of Western citizens being killed by Israel. Palestine Page
2024 September 24 — Added two documents from Proletarian Party of Purba Bangla [Bangladesh] that came out of the recent crisis. Bangladesh Page
2024 September 20 — Added new issue of the Indian revolutionary journal People’s March, Vol. 19, #3, (September 2024). India/People’s March Page
2024 September 20 — Added the 27-page document by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) celebrating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Party. (The Hindi version was posted a few days ago; this is the English version.)
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2024 September 20 — Added document from the TKP-ML-OK commemorating the 12th Anniversary of the Rojava Revolution with analysis. Turkey Page
2024 September 19 — Added several documents from the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine:
1) A message to the world's parties on the crimes of Israeli settlers
2) August 14, 2024 Full Session of the Central Committee announcements on implementing UN Security Council Resolutions 2735 and 2728, ceasing hostilities against our people, and fully withdrawing from Gaza. Immediate efforts to implement the outcomes of the Beijing Declaration, including convening the Temporary Leadership Framework and forming a National Unity Government.
3) August, 2024 "Political Statement Issued by the Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine"
4) February 9, 2024 "Message from the "Department of Foreign Affairs at DFLP" Aggression on the West Bank" Palestine Page2024 September 19 — Added several documents from US activists commenting on the International Communist Movement
1) US Communists Must Take the Mask Off Maersk! (in Solidarity with the Struggle in Palestine)
2) An introduction to an unofficial translation of the document "Venezuela and the Bourgeois Reformists of the 21st Century," Unofficial English translation by the Communist Workers Union (MLM) [Unión Obrera Comunista (mlm)] of Colombia that appeared in the 2015-2017 in Revolución Obrera
3) "Reflections on a Translated History of the Turkish Communist Movement," by V.K. of the 100 Flowers Collective. This comments on this recent analysis of the Turkish revolutionary movement, Turkey's Radical Left: History, Current Situation and Differences of Opinion (a short summary) translated from the Chinese original
USA Page- Activists' Post on the ICM2024 September 16 — Added the updated statement by the CC of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) about the uprising and change of government in Bangladesh.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2024 September 13 — Added issue #1 (May 2024) of the new Chinese-language Maoist journal published by the Revolutionary Union of China.
China Magazine Page, in the RUC Section2024 July 28 — Added statement by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist): “Observe Martyrs’ Memorial Week from 2024 July 28th to August 3rd! Mobilise the vast masses into People’s struggles and Guerrilla war to fail ‘Operation Kagaar’ – The counter revolutionary war on the people! Make determined efforts to advance the Indian Revolutionary movement with the Strategy-Tactics of Protracted People’s War!”, 24 pages.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2024 June 25 — Added 4 documents about Communist Party of Palestine (1919-1948) and the only-partially successful strugles within it against “Yishuvism”, or the unfortunate and very incorrect attempt to combine communist ideas with the support for Zionism. One of these documents argues that the mixed feelings about Zionism by the communists in Palestine was one of the factors that led to the tacit support by the Soviet Union for the establishment of the Zionist state of Israel, which of course has proven to be a terrible mistake.
Palestine Page2024 June 19 — Added some English translations of articles from the Chinese-language journal Dialectics of Nature, which was published during the Mao era in the 1970s. We hope to add some more English translations of indexes of these journals and their articles in the near future.
China/Magazines/Dialectics of Nature page2024 June 17 — Added “On Contradiction” by Mao Zedong in Vietnamese translation.
Vietnam Page, in the Vietnamese language MLM documents section.2024 June 13 — Added the names and links of two revolutionary organizations in Sweden, .
Sweden Page2024 June 6 — Added 3 older documents about the shameful role of the Soviet Union in allowing and supporting the creation of the Israeli Zionist state in 1947-48. (Though of course U.S. imperialism should get the much bigger blame.) Also added the document by Edward Said, “Zionism From the Standpoint of Its Victims” (1979).
Palestine Page2024 May 31 — Added the statement “Raise Your Voice Against the Carnage” from the North Sub-Zonal Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) about government outrages in Chhattisgarh.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2024 May 22 — Added a translation (unofficial) of the TKP-ML-OK's article on May Day Turkey Page
2024 May 21 — Added a US activist's reflections on Sri Lanka's New Democratic Marxist Leninist Party's (NDMLP) analysis of fascism, as well as another post on the malady of "guruism" in political organizations. USA Page
2024 May 8 — Added a valuable analysis of the various trends in the Turkish revolutionary movement at present (an English translation together with the Chinese original) by Istämi. Feedback is encouraged. Turkey Page
2024 April 2 — Added a US activist's reflections on the call of CPI (Maoist) to boycott elections in India, part of a new section on the US page (additional submissions are welcome) USA Page
2024 April 1 — Added 3 older but very useful books about Palestine: The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine, by Rashid Khalidi (2020); Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom (2018), by Norman Finkelstein (2018); and Gaza In Crisis: Reflecting On the U.S.-Israeli War on the Palestinians, by Noam Chomsky & Ilan Pappe (2010).
Palestine Page2024 March 24 — Added a statement from TKP-ML-OK on a hunger strike by comrades in prison in solidarity with a hunger strike started by imprisoned members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party against isolation and other deprivations of prisoners' rights. Turkey Page
2024 March 24 — added an unofficial English translations of an article from the editorial board of Revolutionary Socialist Front of China, translated by Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist): "Leninism" or "liquidationism?”, and "Call for the development of a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist united front," "The economic front during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution"
China Magazine Page, in the RSF Section2024 March 10 — Recently added several international MLM documents in Vietnamese, including “Lenin - Selected Works” and the Vietnamese editions of a series of pamphlets from the 1960s published in China as part of the Great Debate with Soviet revisionism.
Vietnam Page, in the Vietnamese language MLM documents section.2024 March 6 — Added the Chinese original (中文)《评新编历史剧》(the English version remains at the same location) of the polemic that sparked the GPCR: “On the Historical Play ‘Dismissal of Hai Jui’”, by Yao Wenyuan,
China/Individuals Page in the Yao Wenyuan section.2024 March 6 — Added the the Compiled Works of Wang Hongwen (Chinese 中文) 《王洪文文集》, Including biographical information and photographs.
China/Individuals Page in the Wang Hongwen section.2024 March 6 — Added the Election Boycott Circular from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), Jan. 30, 2024, 36 pages.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2024 March 5 — Added the document “Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR” by Stalin, in Vietnamese translation.
Vietnam Page, in the Vietnamese language MLM documents section.2024 March 3 — We have resumed our long-term gradual project of scanning and posting older issues of the RCP,USA’s newspaper, the Revolutionary Worker. We are mostly working on adding issues from the early 1980s at present.
U.S.A./RCP/RW Page2024 March 3 — Added “Trích lời của Mao Chủ tịch” [“Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung”], in the Vietnamese language. (Published in Peking in 1967.)
Vietnam Page, in the Vietnamese language MLM documents section.2024 March 1 — Recently added the February Issue of the Struggle Monthly Newspaper (Chinese) (89 pages). China Magazine Page, in the Struggle Monthly Section .
China Magazine Page, in the Struggle Monthly Section2024 March 1 — Recently added several works by or about V. I. Lenin, including the 1938 volume New Data for V. I. Lenin’s “Imperialism, the Hightest Stage of Capitalism”.
USSR/Lenin’s Works2024 February 26 — Added the volume Selected Works of Charu Majumdar (or “Mazumdar”) published in 2021.
On the page for the Original CPI(ML) party in India.2024 February 25 — Added several more items on the Palestine page, including a recent statement of support and several older, more historical, documents.
Palestine Page2024 February 24 — Added a Chinese translation of a May 1, 2023 statement by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) in support of French workers.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page
And added Chinese translations of 2 other statements by the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal.
Nepal/RCPN Page2024 February 23 — Added issue #3 of the international Maoist journal Two Lines Struggle, focused on the 130th anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong, and on the 30th anniversary of the 1983 RIM statement formally embracing Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.
International/Two Lines Struggle Page2024 February 20 — Added several statements from TKP-ML-OK and associated groups on the "Week of Commemoration of the Martyrs of Revolution and Communism," on the 100th anniversary of Lenin's death together with various associated photos and banners. Turkey Page
2024 February 17 — Added the important 8-page summary statement, “CPI(Maoist) — Annals of 2023”, about the world situation and the situation in India as of the end of 2023, by Amrut, International Affairs, CC, CPI (Maoist).
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2024 February 16 — Added the article “What We Did: The American Jewish Communist Left and the Establishment of the State of Israel”, by Dorothy M. Zellner, 2019. This article laments the role played by the Soviet Union and the nationalist enthusiasm of Jewish members of the CPUSA in the creation of the Zionist state of Israel in 1948.
U.S.A./CPUSA Page in the Jewish Question section.2024 February 16 Added Pamphlet (Chinese/中文), 谁在原地踏步?论东风机会主义,Discussing the East Wind's Opportunism , 67 pages, Chinese 中文 China Magazine Page, in the RSF Section
2024 February 16 — Re-added English translation of the article "Turning Theory in the Weapon of Class Struggle," from the newspaper of the Maoist Communist Party of China, as well as a Chinese article on "Ten Lies and Ten Truths regarding the Jasic Struggle" from their newspaper
China Magazine Page, in the China Proletarian Struggle Section2024 February 16 — Added Programme for the Group "Revolutionary Union" in China China Magazine Page, in the RU Section
2024 February 14 — Added the volume Marx-Engels-Lenin On Scientific Communism (Moscow: 1967), 545 pages.
MLM Theory Page, in the “Writings of the Major MLM Creators” section.2024 February 13 — Added the statement by the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal on the 29th People’s War Day. [It seems that this party changed its name from “The Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist)” sometime in 2023.]
Nepal/RCPN Page2024 February 12 — Added the Vietnamese translation of the 1963 Chinese pamphlet “Let Us Unite on the Basis of the Moscow Declaration and the Moscow Statement”.
Vietnam Page, in the Communist Movement section.2024 February 11 — Added the January 2024 issue of the Chinese language Journal Revolutionary Socialist Front 《革命社会主义阵地》, along with the English translation of two articles.
China Magazine Page, in the RSF Section2024 January 30 — Added additional material to the Palestine page, including 8 statements or documents from the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), and 2 older documents from the useful “If Americans Knew” website.
Palestine Page2024 January 22 — Added "We commemorate those who fought for revolution and communism. Let us gather under Lenin's flag!": "Tribute to those who have lost their lives in the struggle for a classless exploitation-free world" from Turkey by the TKP-ML-OK together with impressive banners. Turkey Page
2024 January 22 — Added 6 documents (books, monographs & essays) published by the PLO in the 1960s and 1970s exposing the historical crimes of Zionism and Israel. Also added the 2006 volume, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Ilan Pappe.
Palestine Page2024 January 18 — Added the volume In Defense of Mao Tse-tung Thought, by Harbhajan Singh Sohi (1942-2009), who was a member of the UCCRI-ML organization in India.
India/ML-Groups Page2024 January 15 — added unofficial English translations of three key articles from the recent issue (#10) from the Revolutionary Socialist Front of China, translated by Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist): "Leninism" or "liquidationism?”, and "Call for the development of a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist united front," "The economic front during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution"
China Magazine Page, in the RSF Section2024 January 3 — added "The ineffectiveness of anti-corruption struggles in China" from the November issue of Struggle Monthly from China (4 pages). Translation by mike-servethepeople blog (English)
China Magazine Page, in the Struggle Monthly Section [236 KB]2024 January 1 — Added 11 additional issues of Chinese Literature magazine from 1960.
China/Magazines/Chinese Literature Page.
2023 December 29 — Added 22 additional issues of Chinese Literature magazine from 1954 to 1959.
China/Magazines/Chinese Literature Page.2023 December 22 — Added an English translation of the article "Turning Theory in the Weapon of Class Struggle," from the newspaper of the Maoist Communist Party of China, the organization that played a leading role in the 2018 Jasic Factory Struggle. The article criticizes the use of theory that aims to divert revolutionaries away from participation in class struggle as well as a number of theorists and organizations.
China Magazine Page, in the China Proletarian Struggle Section2023 December 16 — Added the new issue of the Australian Communist (“Spring 2023”), published by the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist). Includes articles about: “Turning Weakness into Strength”; “Towards a Materialist Understanding of Social Phenomenon”; “A Discussion on Religion”; the Australian bourgeoisie; “The Housing Crisis”; the Women’s Movement; and on the question “Is China Imperalist?”.
Australia Page2023 December 12 — Added the two-volume work, A History of India (Moscow: 1979), which is quite useful because the very large number of quotations and references to Lenin’s comments on India and the British imperialist domination of it.
India/General Information Page2023 December 12 — Added 2 more issues of old magazines from the revolutionary movement in India.
India/ML-Groups Page2023 December 9 — Added 9 old pamphlets from the late 1960s to the 1980s published by the middle range UCCRI-ML and the UCCRI-ML (D.V. Rao) groups.
India/ML-Groups Page2023 December 5 — Added the first 3 issues (September-October-November) of the new Chinese-language Maoist Internet journal Struggle Monthly [Dòuzhēng Yuèkān 《斗争月刊》].
China Magazine Page, in the Struggle Monthly Section2023 November 30 — Added the statement “Anti-Imperialist Armed Resistance Needed Worldwide”, in reaction to the situation in Palestine, by the Communist Party of the Philippines, Nov. 7, 2023.
Philippines/CPP Page2023 November 29 — Added the statement in “Solidarity with the Struggling Palestinian People”, by the Revolutionary Communists, Norway (RK), issued on Oct. 10, 2023.
Norway Page2023 November 28 — Added the 9th issue [November 2023] of the Chinese language Journal Revolutionary Socialist Front 《革命社会主义阵地》.
China Magazine Page, in the RSF Section2023 November 21 — Added the statement “Apoyo a la rebelión del pueblo palestino contra el invasor sionista” [Support for the Rebellion of the Palestinian People against the Zionist Invader], by La Unión Obrera Comunista (mlm) in Colombia, Nov. 8, 2023, in Spanish.
Colombia Page2023 November 14 — Added the volume Taching, a 1974 photo album of the great model oil production project in China. The brief captions for many photos are in Chinese.
China/MaoEra Page, in the Socialist Economy section.2023 November 5 — Added the massive statistical volume, “Almanac of China’s Economy — 1981: With Economic Statistics for 1949-1980”, compiled by The Economic Research Centre, The State Council of the People’s Republic of China and The State Statistical Bureau, Xue Muqiao, Editor-in-Chief, English edition.
China: Mao Era, in the Theoretical Works/PoliticalEconomy section.2023 November 5 — Added 5 recent statements by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and also one joint statement by 5 separate Palestinian organizations.
Palestine Page2023 October 29 — Added the Chinese translation of the statement on Palestine by the Communist Party of India (Maoist), originally issued on Oct. 18. (Unfortunately we have not recently been receiving CPI(Maoist) documents in English and other languages.)
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2023 October 29 — Added the 8th issue [October 2023] of the Chinese language Journal Revolutionary Socialist Front 《革命社会主义阵地》.
China Magazine Page, in the RSF Section2023 October 25 — Added link to the Chinese-language newspaper or journal, Zhōngguó wúchǎn jiējí dòuzhēng bào 《中国无产阶级斗争报》 [China Proletarian Struggle Newspaper] published by the Maoist Communist Party of China (MCPC) on the Telegram site. The MCPC was the revolutionary organization behind the famous Jasic Struggle in 2018. The MCPC was mostly suppressed by the government after that, but resurfaced in 2022. The liberal journal Open Magazine claimed that the MCPC supported Bo Xilai, but this has been denied by the MCPC.
China Magazine Page in the New Maoist Publications section2023 October 22 — Added the Oct. 17th statement “Memorandum to Benjamin Netanyahu” by Kanchan, spokesperson of the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist).
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2023 October 18 — Added another old issue of Chinese Literature magazine (Dec. 1965): Here.
And added the volume Chinese For Beginners [Peking: 1976], a collection of language lessons from China Reconstructs magazine: Here.2023 October 15 — Added statement by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist): “The Struggle of the Palestinian People is Just — Freedom for Palestine”.
Greece Page2023 October 12 — Added the new issue of Maoist Outlook magazine, published by the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist), with a number of articles about the international revolutionary movement.
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2023 October 11 — Added “巴勒斯坦问题的由来和发展” [“The Origin and Development of the Question of Palestine”], (People’s Publishing House, August 1976), 72 pages. Also added a brief summary of the book's strengths and weaknesses.
China/MaoEra/Foreign Policy Page, in the Middle East section.2023 October 4 — Added the 3-volume set, The Documents of the Great Debate (Feb. 1956-June 1963), published in India in 2005. This is a large collection of documents from China criticizing Soviet revisionism, and from the Soviet Union attempting to defend its shift to capitalist policies and the abandonment of Marxism.
USSR Page, near the bottom of the page in the Great Debate section.2023 October 4 — Added the volume Historical and Polemical Documents of the Communist Movement in India, Vol. II (1964-1972), 884 pages. Among the many interesting documents in this huge collection is: “About the Talk Held in 1970 between Comrade Chou En-lai and Comrade Souren Bose”
India/Early History Page Direct link2023 October 2 — Added the 7th [September 2023] issue of the Chinese language Journal Revolutionary Socialist Front 《革命社会主义阵地》, together with an English translation of one article. In addition, we are posting “革命社会主义阵地的革命组织工作教材(第一期)” [“Textbook of Revolutionary Organizational Work in the Revolutionary Socialist Front”], Issue 1, circa September 2023, 242 pages. This is a collection of previous articles from the Revolutionary Socialist Front journal, together with some additional articles.
China Magazine Page, in the RSF Section2023 September 30 — Added the two volumes of the Chinese translation of Modern History of Eastern Countries, which was originally published in Russian in the Soviet Union in 1952. These volumes show that even in the Stalin era, the Soviet Union did show elements of imperialist attitudes and practices toward other countries, which must be noted and criticized.
China/MaoEra Page, in the Technical Books/History section.2023 September 21 — Finished the updating of the newly available issues of People’s China magazine from the early 1950s, including not only the large number of issues donated by a Parisian friend, but also issues obtained by two other friends of this site. This magazine is posted at:
2023 August 28 — Added the 6th [August 2023] issue of the new Chinese Journal Revolutionary Socialist Front 《革命社会主义阵地》 in Chinese.
China Magazine Page in the RSF Section2023 August 15 — About 50 new issues or supplements of People’s China magazine for the years 1950 to 1952 have been added on the website at: About 50 more issues, mostly from the years 1953-1954 will be added there soon. Besides all the information about the first years of the People’s Republic of China, these magazines include a lot of documented evidence about the use of biological warfare and other war crimes by U.S. imperialism during the Korean War. All these additional rare English-language magazines were provided by a friend in Paris. Our great appreciation to her!
2023 August 1 — Added the memorial book, “Martyred Central Committee Members of the CPI(Maoist) — Volume 2, Advancing the Revolution with Great Sacrifices”, issued on September 21, 2022, but only now available here. Consists of the life histories of these revolutionary heroes, 197 pages. (Volume 1 was issued in 2014 and is also available.)
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2023 July 31 — Added the difficult-to-find volume Two-Line Struggle Within RIM (In Context of the Maoist ‘Revolution’ in Nepal), ed. by Mohan Bikram Singh (2009).
International/RIM Page, in the Disputes section.2023 July 28 — Added the fifth [July 2023] issue of the new Chinese Journal Revolutionary Socialist Front 《革命社会主义阵地》 in Chinese.
China Magazine Page in the RSF Section2023 July 27 — Added the historical document “In Defense of the Party [Letter of the 100]”, from 1961, against revisionism in the Communist Party of Brazil. In English translation.
Brazil Page in the section on the original C.P. of Brazil.2023 July 26 — Added the following works from revolutionary China in the Mao era:
2023 July 18 — Added the following works from revolutionary China in the Mao era:
- “Documents of the Communist Party of China: The Great Debate”, Vols. I & II, 1956-1964, (Reprinted: Paris: 2022), 1,154 pages. Here
- “China in Transition”, a collection of articles from 1952-1956 in China Reconstructs magazine, (Peking: 1957), 465 pages. Here
- “Treinta Años del Partido Comunista de China”, by Ju Chiao-mu, (Pekin: 1957), in Spanish, 135 pages. [English version previously posted.] Here
- “Documentos del VIII Congreso National del Partido Comunista de China”, (Pekin: 1957), in Spanish, 342 pages. Here [Big file!]
- “Constitución de la República Popular China”, (Pekin: 1954), in Spanish, 51 pages. Here
- “Informe Sobre el Primer Plan Quinquenal de Desarrollo de la Economia Nacional de la República Popular China (1953-1957)”, by Li Fu-chun, (Pekin: 1956), in Spanish, 152 pages. Here
- “Ten Great Years: Statistics of the Economic and Cultural Achievements of the People’s Republic of China”, compiled by the State Statistical Bureau, (Peking: FLP, 1960), 273 pages, in English. Here
2023 July 16 — Replaced issue 2023 #2 of the new international Maoist journal Two Lines Struggle with the corrected version which includes the entire Communist Party of India (Maoist) commentary on the founding of the ICL.
International/Two Lines Struggle Page
Also posted the full document in the India section at: India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2023 July 13 — Added the historical document “The First Congress of the Communist Party of Brazil (1922)”, including the party Constitution it adopted. English translation.
Brazil Page in the section on the original C.P. of Brazil.2023 July 11 — Added the insightful document, “Interview with Fred Engst on Key Lessons of the Cultural Revolution”, from December 2022, 35 pages.
China/GPCR Page, in the Retrospective Commentary section.2023 July 10 — With the aid of friends of this site we are starting a new project to add a large number of additional books and pamphlets from China, mostly from the Maoist/Socialist period. So far these include:
- “First Five-Year Plan for Development of the National Economy of China, 1953-1957” (1956): Here
- “China’s New Literature and Art”, by Chou Yang (1954), who was later a target of the GPCR: Here
- “Chinese Paper Cuts”, supplement to China Reconstructs (Dec. 1955): Here
- “Graphic Art by Workers in Shanghai, Yangchuan and Luta” (1976): Here
- “Folk Arts of New China” (1954): Here
- “Zhou Enlai — Su adolescencia y juventud” (1979), in Spanish: Here
2023 July 3 — Added the 1985 volume, “The Economics of Non-Alignment”, a collection of essays by various trends of Yugoslavian revisionism in preparation for the New Delhi Conference of the Non-Aligned Countries.
Yugoslavia-Balkans Page in the Economy section..2023 June 29 — Added the fourth [June 2023] issue of the new Chinese Journal Revolutionary Socialist Front 《革命社会主义阵地》 in Chinese.
China Magazine Page in the RSF Section2023 June 26 — Added page for the new international Maoist journal Two Lines Struggle, in the International organizations section on
International/Two Lines Struggle Page2023 June 22 — Added the new section for Palestine, which we hope to considerably expand in the future.
Palestine Page2023 June 9 — Added the book A Short History of Chinese Philosophy, by Hou Wai-lu, (Peking: FLP, 1959), 187 pages. This may have been the first book on the history of philosophy published in English in China following the establishment of the People’s Republic in 1949.
China: Mao Era, in the Theoretical Works/Philosophy section.2023 June 8 — Added the new June 2023 issue of Kranti [“Revolution”] magazine in the Telugu language, published by the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
India/Kranti Page2023 June 6 — Added 2 more issues of the Australian liberal magazine Made In China from 2022, along with the book associated with that website, Proletarian China: A Century of Chinese Labour, ed. by Ivan Franceschni & Christian Sorace, 880 pages. Although this magazine and this book are dominantly from a liberal bourgeois perspective, there is also a lot of material about the oppression of Chinese workers and about their struggles.
China/Magazines/MadeInChina Page2023 June 4 — Added the Memorial Statement on the Death of Com. Katakam Sudarshan (Anand), a senior member of the Central Committee, and member of the Politbureau of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), June 2, 2023, 2 pages, in Hindi and Telugu. Also added a short life history of Com. Anand in Telugu.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2023 June 2 — Regular visitors to this site will have noticed that we’ve recently been able to add a whole lot of new material from socialist China during the Mao era, much of it in Chinese, but also a lot in English translation. Today we are adding an especially important massive document in Chinese about the whole history of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China, which includes material before the GPCR and leading up to it, and also a lot of material about how the GPCR was destroyed following the coup d’état after Mao’s death. This is the huge, multi-part document 《无产阶级文化大革命概述简论和资料汇编》 [“A Brief Introduction to the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and a Compilation of Materials”], written and compiled by 王忠林 [Wang Zhon Lin] (pen name: 水陆洲 [Shui Lu Zhou]), a famous Chinese Marxist historian. This vast document is divided into two parts, the first of which is called “A Brief Overview of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution,” which also records the political events that preceded and followed the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China (1966-1976). The second part, entitled “Compilation of Materials,” is a supplement to the first part and records official statements of the Chinese Communist Party, local governments, local county histories, personal memoirs, political articles, and official statements and historical materials on the GPCR issued by the Chinese government after 1976. The content is extremely rich. It took the author, Wang Zhonlin, more than a decade to compile and write these two documents, which were completed in August 2012. The first part is 5 million words and the second part is 21 million words. The author has focused on the GPCR as the goal, and has completely recorded the political events in China from 1949-1976, showing the process of political developments in China from the establishment of a socialist state to the restoration of capitalism. This revolutionary tome has been widely circulated among Chinese Marxists since its publication in 2012, and is the most influential revolutionary work written by indigenous revolutionaries in China since the restoration of capitalism in 1976. This work is too important to simply be secretly circulated within current illegal Marxist circles in China, so with the help of a Chinese comrade we are now making it available to an international audience on the Internet.
China/GPCR Page, in the Retrospective Commentary section.2023 May 31 — Added several documents from the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist): The Australian Communist, “Spring” 2022, with the articles: “The Working Class and the Struggle for Power”; “Collective Leadership and Democratic Centralism”; “‘Oh, What a Lovely Crisis’ — The Australian Energy Market, Neoliberalism, and Energy Multinationals”; “Russian Actions in Ukraine: Are they Imperialist, and is it an Invasion?”; and “Modern Russian Imperialism”. Also added the pamphlet “Russia’s New African Adventure”, and the May Day 2023 issue of Vanguard.
Australia Page2023 May 31 — Added translations into English from recent issues of the new Chinese Journal Revolutionary Socialist Front 《革命社会主义阵地》 including the article “Building the Movement Among the Workers of China: Six Aspects of the Relationship that Should Be Grasped by Current Marxist-Leninist-Maoist’s Participating in the Workers’ Movement”; “On the Definition of Fascism and the Conditions for its Creation”; and “Commenting on the Latest Changes in Our Agricultural Sector”. Our thanks to Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) for these translations.
China Magazine Page in the RSF Section2023 May 30 — Added 《越南:革命的流产》, the Chinese translation of the important article (also already posted in English), “Vietnam: Miscarriage of the Revolution”, which originally appeared in the RCP-USA’s magazine Revolution in 1979. Our thanks to a friend of this site for providing this translation.
Vietnam Page, in the Foreign Criticism section.2023 May 29 — Added the classic volume Away With All Pests: An English Surgeon in People’s China: 1954-1969.
China, Mao Era in the Health section.2023 May 27 — Posted a series of articles translated into English from Hóngqí [Red Flag], the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of China by the U.S. Government JPRS, including from:
1976 Issues 7-12
Note, articles from issue 11 onwards were authored under control of the right following the rightist take-over. China/Magazines/Hongqi Page2023 May 27 — Added 《十年非梦 黄金海回忆录(修订版)》 [“Ten Years Not a Dream: A History of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in Shanghai, China, 1966-1976”], by 黄金海 [Huang Jin Hai], revised edition, 2020. The author of this memoir of the GPCR was one of the leaders of the Shanghai Workers’ Revolutionary Resist Command (上海工人革命造反司令部), the most powerful revolutionary organization in Shanghai at that time, and the most active organization in Shanghai during the Cultural Revolution. This book records the activities of the various anti-revisionist movements in Shanghai during the GPCR, as well as their ultimate failure which eventually led to the restoration of capitalism. In Chinese.
China/GPCR Page, in the Retrospective Commentary section.2023 May 27 — Added the third issue of the new Chinese Journal Revolutionary Socialist Front 《革命社会主义阵地》 in Chinese.
China Magazine Page in the RSF Section2023 May 26 — Added new issue of the Indian revolutionary journal People’s March, Vol. 18, #2, (June 2023).
India/People’s March Page2023 May 22 — Added the book-length website presentation, The Korean War: Barbarism Unleashed, by Jeremy Kuzmarov, including many photos. Written from the still somewhat bourgeois “liberal-radical, pro-peace” perspective, but with lots of useful material. Also added in this section the Internet Archive scan of the classic volume by I. F. Stone, The Hidden History of the Korean War, 1950-1951.
Korea (DPRK) Page, in the Foreign Academic Works section.2023 May 21 — Added the book China Notebook: 1975-1978, by Jan Myrdal. Unfortunately this book shows how completely fooled Myrdal (and many others sympathetic to China) were at the time of the coup d’état by the capitalist-roaders following Mao’s death. If, in Myrdal’s defense, it is said that things were not yet clear, then the appropriate response is that when things are not yet clear you should withhold your judgment! Although some parts of this book have very good material (such as the writings from 1975), the extensive parts in support of the new post-Mao regime and attacking the so-called “Gang of Four” are very mistaken indeed. We are posting this book anyway because of the good parts and also because of the negative lesson which the bad parts illustrate.
Journalists Page, Jan Myrdal section.2023 May 21 — Added the very useful book, The Immovable Object: North Korea’s 70 Years at War with American Power, by A. B. Abrams. Although this history book is not written from the Marxist perspective, it has a vast amount of information about the lies and distortions in the official U.S. history of the Korea War and its aftermath, starting with the evidence which clearly shows the war was started by the lacky Syngman Rhee regime which the U.S. itself created.
Korea (DPRK) Page, in the Foreign Academic Works section.2023 May 16 — Added two additional books by Jan Myrdal: China: The Revolution Continued (1970), and India Awaits (1986).
Journalists Page, Jan Myrdal section.2023 May 13 — Added a new English translation of “社会主义时期的党内资产阶级 (谈谈党内资产阶级)” [“The Inner-Party Bourgeoisie in The Socialist Period”], a transcript of the last broadcasts of the Chinese revolutionary left in Shanghai from September-October, 1976. The broadcasts managed to continue for over a week after the coup before being silenced.The material represents a radiant theoretical achievement, offering extremely rich and diverse insight into myriads of aspects of revolutionary history, theory, and practice. The text was only recently translated into English, a rough copy still in need of further work is being provided now to readers because of the importance of the material. The broadcast transcripts were finished near the end of September 1976. An updated Chinese copy is available here as well (85 pages). Prior to the broadcasts, a large number of seminars on “bourgeois right,” “capitalist roaders” and the “inner-party bourgeoisie” were held all over China. Some important arguments (but not all) from these seminars have been compiled into this pamphlet. It should be noted that in some seminars some speakers even mentioned that after the capitalist roaders came to power, China might become a social-imperialist country; this was not the mainstream argument that “capitalist roaders surrendered to the foreign bourgeoisie and betrayed the country.” The collective achievement represented in the quality and clarity generated out of the mass discussions and broadcasts can be regarded as one of the Socialist New Things of the GPCR. (This is quite likely one of the most important pamphlets from the late Cultural Revolution period —Ed.) China/GPCR Page
2023 May 9 — Added most recent issue of Praja Vimukthi [“People’s Liberation”] (January-April 2023), of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) in the Telugu language.
India/Praja Vimukthi Page2023 May 6 — Posted a series of articles translated into English from Hóngqí [Red Flag], the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of China by the U.S. Government JPRS, including from:
1976 Issue 3:
"From Bourgeois Democrats to Capitalist Roaders",
"Persist in the Revolution in Literature and Art, Repulse the Right Deviationist Wind to Reverse Previous Verdicts",
"Study Some History of Chinese Philosophy" ,
"To Combat Revisionsm, It is Necessary to Criticize Confucious",
(Excerpt) "Permit No One to Tamper With the Five Requirements for Successors to the Revolutionary Cause",
1976 Issue 4:
"Beat Back the Right Deviationist Wind to Reverse Verdicts on the Health Front",
(Reprinted As well on April 5 in People’s Daily) "A General Program for Capitalist Restoration--An Analysis of 'On the General Program for All Work of the Whole Party and the Whole Country’",
(Reprinted in April 7 People’s Daily) "Communists Should Work for the Interests of the Vast Majority of People",
1976 Issue 5: (Reprinted in May 5 People's Daily) "Use Revolutionary Public Opinion to Smash Counterrevolutionary Public Opinion" By "Liang Xiao" (i.e. moniker for the "two schools"--Tsinghua University and Peking University), a report on the mass criticism againsg Deng's program for restoration,
(Excerpt) "Criticize the Revisionist Absurb Fallacies in the Industrial and Communications Front",
(Reprinted in April 25 People's Daily) "A Great Victory for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat" (A report on the mass and coordinated response to the April 5 counter-revolutionary incident in Tiananmen Square following the death of Zhou Enlai,
1976 Issue 6:
( Joint Editorial Also carried in People's Daily and Liberation Army Daily) "The Great Cultural Proletarian Revolution Will Shine Forever--Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the May 16, 1966 Circular of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China",
"The Ten Years of Rapid Development in Socialist Agriculture","Deng Xiaoping is the Arch Splittist in the Party",
(Reprinted in May 25 People's Daily) "Strengthen Study, Deepen Criticism of Deng Xiaoping",
(Two Articles) 1 (pages 1-6): "We Must Not Be Academic--Study of Preface and Introductory Note to 'Material on the Hu Feng Counterrevolutionary Clique'" & 2 (pages 6-11): "The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and Industrial Development",
1976 Issue 7
( Joint Editorial Also carried in People's Daily and Liberation Army Daily) "Build the Party in the Course of Struggle",
(Also published on the front page of the July 3 issue of People's Daily) "Inner Party Struggle and the Development of the Party",
"Transforming the Party in the Image of Capitalist Roaders Must Never Be Allowed" ,
"Comment on Deng Xiaping's Comprador-Bourgeois Economic Concept",
1976 Issue 8
(Also published on the front page of the July 3 issue of People's Daily) "An Example of Attempts to Tamper with Marxism" (elaboration of the attempt by Liu Shaoqi, Lin Biao and Deng Xiaoping in particular to subvert Mao's 1964 Directive on the Socialist Education Movement),
1976 Issue 10 (Joint Editorial Also carried in People's Daily and Liberation Army Daily) "Chairman Mao Will Live Forever in Our Hearts"
China/Magazines/Hongqi Page2023 May 6 — Posted a series of articles translated into English from Hóngqí [Red Flag], the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of China by the U.S. Government JPRS, including from:
1974 Issue 10
"Grasp the Dialectical Method of One Dividing into Two" 1976 Issue 1:
"Joint New Year Editorial" (also published in Peking Review) "Firmly Grasp the Class Struggle as the Key Link" "The Dictatorship of the Proletariat and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution"
"Uphold the Party's Basic Line--A Study of 'On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People'"
"The Splendid Poems that Inspire Us--A Study of Two Poems by Chairman Mao"
1976 Issue 2: :
"Study the Theory of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat in the Course of Struggle"
"Electicism Represents Revisionism"
"It is Fine to Conduct Research in an Open-Door Way"
"No Attempt to Reverse the Verdict on the Revisionist Line in Education is Permitted"
"Let the Bell of Educational Revolution Toll Throughout the Land--A Few Words on the Main Theme of the Color Feature Film Breaking With Old Ideas"
China/Magazines/Hongqi Page2023 April 28 — Added the second issue of the new Chinese Journal Revolutionary Socialist Front (社会主义阵地) in Chinese.
China Magazine Page in the RSF Section2023 April 26 — Posted a series of documents from the TKP-ML (ÖK) including statements from December 2022 commemorating the 22nd Anniversary of the Indian People's Liberation Guerilla Army, the Communist Party of the Philippines' 54th Anniversary (and Commemorating Jose Maria Sison) as well as updates on struggles in Rojava and a statement from the TKP-ML (ÖK)'s Central Committee on the 51st Anniversary of TKP-ML
Turkey Page2023 April 25 — Posted Anna Louise Strong's: Three Interviews with Chairman Mao Zedong”, from 1959, 1964 and 1965, with an introduction by Tracy B. Strong & Helene Keyssar, from The China Quarterly, #103, (Sept. 1985), 21 pages.
Journalists Page, Anna Louise Strong section.2023 April 20 — Posted one article translated into English from the August 16, 1958 (1958 #6) issue of Hóngqí [Red Flag], the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of China, written by Yu Zhaoli titled "The Forces of the New are Bound to Defeat the Forces of Decay."
China/Magazines/Hongqi Page2023 April 14 — Added 8 books and pamphlets by the revolutionary journalist Anna Louise Strong.
Journalists Page, Anna Louise Strong section.2023 April 13 — Added “Conversation Between Mao and Albanian Comrades Hysni Kapo and Beqir Balluku”, February 3, 1967.
China/Individuals Page in the Mao section.2023 April 12 — Added “Chairman Mao’s Letter to Comrade Chen Yi Discussing Poetry”, from July 21, 1965, English translation from Peking Review, #2, January 13, 1978, 2 pages.
China/Individuals Page in the Mao section.2023 April 12 — Added the book 《毛主席哲学思想 ( 摘 录 ) 历史唯物主义部分》 [Chairman Mao’s Philosophy: Historical Materialism Compilation], published by the Peking University Department of Philosophy Reference Room, March 1978, in Chinese.
China/Individuals Page in the Mao section.2023 April 11 — Added the 2 volume set Miscellany of Mao Tse-tung Thought (1949-1968), unofficial translations of Red Guard collections of Mao’s writings, published by the U.S. government Joint Publications Research Service in 1974. Some very interesting material in these volumes.
China/Individuals Page in the Mao section.2023 April 7 — Over the past six weeks we have added a large number of previously missing issues of the Far East Reporter magazine published by Maud Russell until her death in 1989. With the help of a friend of this site we have also improved the format and readability of a great many issues previously posted.
Far East Reporter Page2023 April 3 — Added a new and signficant Chinese Journal Revolutionary Socialist Front (社会主义阵地) in Chinese, with a translation of the about section and another significant article.
China Magazine Page in the RSF Section2023 April 2 — Added new RK document “Multipolarism Is Not Anti-Imperialism” in English and Norwegian.
Norway Page2023 March 25-30 — Posted a series of updates from TKP-ML (ÖK) and its associated organizations, including on the mass resistance in France, the earthquake in Turkey and other organizational efforts. Also updates on the March 18 symposium held in Stuttgart on the subject of political prisoners in Turkey and elsewhere have been posted on the same page.
Turkey Page2023 March 25 — Posted two articles translated into English from 1958 issues of Hóngqí [Red Flag], the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of China, written by Chen Boda and Guo Moruo respectively.
China/Magazines/Hongqi Page2023 March 25 — Posted a translation of an article from a July, 1967 issue of the Swedish language communist weekly publication Tid-signal (Time Signal) on the subject of the author's observations of the Cultural Revolution in progress China/MaoEra/Contemporary Commentary
2023 February 24 — Posted a couple dozen articles translated into English from the 1959 and 1960 issues of Hóngqí [Red Flag], the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of China beginning in 1958.
China/Magazines/Hongqi Page2023 February 22 — Added several statements and documents from the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan; from the older group, the Afghanistan Liberation Organization; and also an interesting academic summation of the early Maoist struggles in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan Page.2023 February 19 — Added 7 documents from Vietnam, about the government, CP of Vietnam, and Ho Chi Minh, from the 1960s through the 1980s.
Vietnam Page2023 February 18 — Added two recent issues of Communist Party of India (Maoist) magazines in the Telugu language: Praja Vimukthi [“People’s Liberation”] (September-December 2022), at: India/Praja Vimukthi Page
And issue #18 of the Bolshevik, (July-December 2022), at: India/Bolshevik Page2023 February 17 — We now have all the first 26 volumes of the massive series, Documents of the Communist Movement in India, published by the Communist Party of India (Marxist). Although this is has long been a notoriously revisionist and establishment party, whose documents are not normally banned, these hard-to-find volumes are being made available here for reference.
India/Early Revolutionary History Page2023 February 11 — Added Issue Three of Red Pages, the theoretical journal of the Maoist Communist Union [U.S.], February 2023, 81 pages. Included are articles on the Lessons Learned from the George Floyd Protests; on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine; “A Critical Evaluation of Gonzaloism”; and “Lenin’s Five Point Definition of the Economic Aspects of Capitalist Imperialism and its Relevance Today”.
USA/MCU Page2023 February 9 — Added 2 documents in English and Bengali from the PBSP-CC party in Bangladesh, including “On the Iniative for Building a New International Organization/Forum of Maoists”, from November 2022.
Bangladesh Page in the Proletarian Party of Purba Bangla [Bangladesh] — PBSP-CC section.2023 January 19 — Added most of the issues in Farsi [Persian] of the old RIM-associated magazine, A World To Win. All the issues in English were already posted. We will also add the editions in other languages if we can obtain them.
International/RIM Page2023 January 15 — Added several recent statements by the Communist Party of India (Maoist), including a statement condemning the aerial bombing of tribal villages by the Hindutva fascist Indian government; a memorial salute to Comrade J. M. Sison, the founding Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines; and another memoral salute to Com. LSN Murthy, whose revolutionary work included helping with the translations of Mao’s Selected Works, volumes 6 through 9, into English and other languages.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2023 January 11 — Added page for the recently formed “International Communist League” [ICL], in the International organizations section on
International/ICL Page2023 January 8 — Added new issue of People’s March (January 2023).
India/People’s March Page2023 January 6 — Added the book Naxalbari and the Chinese Press: A Select Anthology (Kolkata: 2022), a collection of articles in the Chinese press in the 1967-1970 period about the Naxalbari revolutionary uprising in India.
India/General Information Page2023 January 3 — Added the English translation of Memoirs of Qi Benyu, and an article about him. He worked closely with Mao until mistakes he made early in the Cultural Revolution led to his dismissal and incarceration. Throughout the years of his imprisonment, he remained loyal to Chairman Mao and to Mao Zedong Thought, and when he finally wrote his reminiscences, he provided valuable insight into the two-line struggle within the Party and the eventual ascendancy of the capitalist-roaders. —N.G.
China/Individuals, Qi Benyu section2023 January 2 — Added new section on the Norway Page for the Revolutionary Communists [Revolusjonære Kommunister] organization, and added their “Platform Document” adopted on February 2022. Also added their article “Maoists vs. MLMpM” about Gonzaloism.
Norway Page
2022 December 24 — Added new section on for Thailand.
Thailand Page2022 December 22 — Added a new document, “Gonzaloism: A ‘Left’ Revisionist Deviation”, by Thomas Berg, 3rd Ed., September 2022, 36 pages, from the Kommunistiska Föreningen [“The Communist Association”] in Sweden.
Sweden Page Direct link2022 December 8 — Excerpt from some correspondence between the Maoist Communist Union in the U.S. and a comrade in China which contains an interesting summary of the current overall political situation in America along with some commentary about the class situation here. We think many others will find this letter quite interesting.
MCU Page Direct link2022 November 14 — Added a new section for suppressed documents in the Gondi language of India.
India/Gondi Documents Page2022 September 29 — Recently added a new page for works on the political economy of socialism and communism in the MLM-Theory section. We already have posted many of the important works we have access to so far from the socialist period in the Soviet Union and from the Maoist (socialist) period in China, though we hope to locate more. And for comparison purposes we are also adding some works which claim to be about the political economy of socialism from the state-capitalist period of the Soviet Union and from other revisionist sources.
MLM-Theory, Political Economy of Socialism page2022 September 11 — Added new issue of People’s March (September 2022).
India/People’s March Page2022 September 8 — Added the 21-page “Message to the People” by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on the 18th Anniversary of the founding of the Party“.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2022 September 7 — Added new section on for Sweden.
Sweden Page2022 August 15 — Added an important new book, “共和国的历程 革命与复辟的历史与逻辑", written by Maoists in China in recent years and now also translated into English: The History and Logic of Revolution and Restoration.
China in the Capitalist Era Page, in the “Pro-Maoist Sentiment” section.2022 July 31 — Added the statement by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on the “International Day of the Indigenous” (August 9th), and some other recent statements.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2022 July 7 — Added “Democracy as a Means Relies on Dictatorship: Commemorating the 200th Birthday of Frederick Engels,” by Fred Engst (Yang Heping), (2020), a talk clarifying the nature of the dictatorship of the proletariat and clarifying the nature of “democracy” under bourgeois versus proletarian dictatorships, translated into English in 2022, 8 pages
PDF and Chinese original 《民主是手段,靠的是专政——纪念恩格斯诞辰200周年》 PDF All located at GPCR Page2022 July 7 — Added the Autumn 2022 issue of the Australian Communist with articles on the ideological development of the CPA(ML); on “Jefatura: the (Anti-)Maoist Principle of Great Leadership”; and on the question of Bourgeois Right. Australia Page
2022 July 6 — Began adding a large number of new items by and about Lenin on the USSR page. Many more to be added in the coming week.
USSR/Lenin’s Works2022 June 28 — Added statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines condemning the authoritarian blocking of access by Filipinos to more than 20 websites within that country and around the world, which the government says support the CPP. This list of banned websites even includes such liberal/progressive sites as Monthly Review and CounterPunch in the U.S. In addition we have added 29 recent issues of Ang Bayan, the by-weekly news publication of the CPP, and one old issue (in Filipino) from 1971 devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Paris Commune. However, despite this new official banning of publications within the Philippines, from outside of that country it is now once again easier for people to access the official CPP site at:
Philippines/CPP Page2022 May 19 — Added the major new document “Kobad Ghandy’s Book ‘Fractured Freedom—A Prison Memoir’ — A Document of Betrayal”, by the Central Committee of the CPI (Maoist), May 2022, in English, Hindi and Telugu, along with announcements of its availability.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2022 May 19 — Added all the issues of volume 2 of the old RCP,USA national newspaper Revolution from October 1976 through September 1977. This completes the posting of this old RCP national newspaper/theoretical journal.
U.S.A./RCP/Journals Page2022 May 18 — Added statement on the abstention from the recent elections by Kiran, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist).
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2022 May 10 — Added the 12 issues of volume 1 of the old RCP,USA national newspaper Revolution from October 1975 to October 1976, including the 16-page supplement to the Oct. 1, 1976 issue following the death of Mao.
U.S.A./RCP/Journals Page2022 May 5 — Updated the box on the Home Page of about the suppression of this site in India, in reaction to an article online by Indian government security official Dr. Bibhu Prasad Routray focusing on BannedThought and suggesting that further government efforts to suppress radical and revolutionary ideas on the Internet may be required.
2022 April 28/29 — Added statements from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on May Day; in Condemnation of the Aerial Attacks by the Government on the PLGA and the Indigenous People of Bastar; in Memorium to Com. Dappu Ramesh; on the Observance of Anti-Imperialist Week; and on other recent topics.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2022 April 22 — Added about a dozen articles on political economy or philosophy from the CPGB journals Marxism Today and Labour Monthly from the 1950s and 1960s.
Britain Page2022 April 21 — Added 8 documents in the Bengali language from Bangla Desh, including 2 documents from the 4th Party Congress, 2 about the Rohinga, and several other statements and documents.
Bangladesh Page in the Proletarian Party of Purba Bangla [Bangladesh] — PBSP-CC section.2022 April 13 — Added the book 《党的基础知识》, “A Basic Understanding of the Party [i.e., of the Communist Party of China]”, (Shanghai: 1974), in both the Chinese original and as translated into English by the Norman Bethune Institute in Toronto in 1976.
China, Mao Era in the CCP section.2022 April 9 — Added 2 additional recent 2022 issues of the Maoist magazine in the Chinese language, entitled Qianshao or “Outpost” journal.
China Magazines Page in the Qianshao section.2022 April 9 — Added 4 early 2020 issues of the Maoist magazine in the Chinese language, entitled “燎原”, Liaoyuan Bao or “Prairie Fire Journal”. Also added an English translation of the full issue #5 from 2020.
China Magazines Page in the Liaoyuan/Prairie Fire section.2022 April 4 — Added several more individual works by Lenin, including “What Is To Be Done?” and “Two Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic Revolution”.
USSR/Lenin’s Works2022 March 31 — Added statement on the Ukraine war by Indra Mohan Sigdel of the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist).
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2022 March 29 — Added the new document “Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, the Maneuvers of the U.S. Ruling Class, and Some Key Tasks for U.S. Communists”, by the Maoist Communist Union [U.S.], 11 pages.
MCU Page2022 March 28 — Added two recent magazines published by the Communist Party of India (Maoist):
An issue of Prabhat [“Dawn”] in Hindi at: India/Prabhat Page;
An issue of Kranti [“Revolution”] in Telugu at: India/Kranti Page2022 March 18 — Added a statement on the Ukraine War by the Central Committee of the Proletarian Party of East Bengal (Purba Banglar Sarbahara Party, PBSP).
Bangladesh Page2022 March 14 — Added 2 volumes collecting together Lenin’s writings on Marx, Engels and Marxism: A large, inclusive volume (515 pages), and an Introductory volume of some of the more important works (109 pages). Also added V. I. Lenin: A Short Biography (Moscow: 1969), and “Lenin’s Impact on the United States”, a special issue of the CPUSA journal New World Review (1970), on the centenary of Lenin’s birth. (Contains some interesting material, including comments on Lenin by many well-known people, including Albert Einstein.)
USSR/Lenin’s Works2022 March 12 — Added 2 books by George Plekhanov: The Fundamental Problems of Marxism, and Essays on the History of Materialism.
USSR Page in the Plekhanov section near the top.2022 March 10 — Recently added a number of publications by the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist) in the Nepali language, including the first issue of the journal Jangantantra (from Oct. 2021), and about 25 issues of the weekly newspaper Bargadristi from the past 2 years.
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2022 March 10 — Added statements by the CC of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) on the war on Ukraine, in English, Hindi and Telugu: “Raise Voices to Stop Imperialist Imposed War on Ukraine! Condemn the negligent attitude of the Indian government in bringing back Indian citizens!”.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2022 March 9 — Added “Secret Cables Reveal Britain Interfered with Elections in Chile”, by the “Left Side of the Road” and “Declassified UK” websites.
Chile Page2022 March 8 — Added poster in Hindi for International Women’s Day, by the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2022 March 7 — Added new issue of People’s March (January 2022).
India/People’s March Page2022 March 7 — Added statement on Russian Aggression on Ukraine, by the spokesperson for the Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee, Communist Party of India (Maoist), March 1, 2022, in Hindi. Also added a Hindi leaflet, pamphlet and poster.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2022 March 6 — Added statements by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), on the war in Ukraine.
Greece Page2022 March 5 — Added statement by the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist) against the “MCC” [Millennium Challenge Corporation] project designed to make Nepal into a neo-colony of U.S. imperialism and part of an encirclement of China.
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2022 February 16 — Added the full set of 12 volumes of Lenin: Selected Works, published in the 1930s. Although the 45-volume set of Lenin’s Collected Works (also available on this website) is much more complete and better edited, it may sometimes be useful to have the different English translations from this earlier set available for comparison.
USSR/Lenin’s Works2022 February 2 — Added Issue Two of Red Pages, the theoretical journal of the Maoist Communist Union [U.S.]. Included are articles on “The Looming Economic Crisis”, “The U.S. Defeat in Afghanistan”, and several important writings by Mao Zedong during the final years of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, recently translated into English for the first time, and provided with extensive footnotes to clarify their references and context.
MCU Page2022 January 21 — Added several missing lessons to the 12-lesson Political Economy: Marxist Study Courses set, published by the Communist Party of Great Britain in the early 1930s. This set is now complete on
Britain Page2022 January 17 — Added new page for Colombia, with a large collection of materials from the Unión Obrera Comunista (marxista-leninista-maoísta) [The Communist Workers Union (MLM)]. Documents are mostly available in Spanish, but we hope to add some more English translations later.
Colombia Page2022 January 6 — Added issues 1 through 14 of the Bolshevik, a journal in the Telugu language published by the Andhra Pradesh, Odisha Border Special Zonal Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). We now have all the 15 issues published so far available.
India/Bolshevik Page
2021 December 13 — Added a number of documents of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) from the past year or so.
Australia Page2021 December 5 — Added “Directives from Chairman Mao’s Commentary on the Water Margin and His Critique of Capitulationists”, Aug. 18, 1975, 4 pages including commentary.
China/Individuals, Mao Zedong section Direct link: Searchable PDF format2021 December 5 — Added volumes 4 and 5 of Plekhanov: Selected Philosophical Works in Five Volumes. [Volumes 1 through 3 were previously posted.]
USSR Page2021 December 4 — Added 10 volumes of historical documents about the Communist movement in India, in English, in a new section for early revolutionary documents from India.
India/EarlyHistory Page2021 December 3 — 更新了 《社会主义时期的党内资产阶级 (谈谈党内资产阶级)》,上次上载的版本漏了两段。Updated “The Inner-Party Bourgeoisie in the Socialist Period” by the writing group of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the CCP, Sept. 1976, 85 pages. The previous version uploaded in October was missing two sections. Prior to the appearance of this pamphlet a large number of seminars on “bourgeois legal rights”, “capitalist roaders” and the “bourgeoisie within the party” were held all over China. Some important arguments (but not all) from these seminars have been compiled into this pamphlet. It should be noted that in some seminars some speakers even mentioned that after the capitalist roaders came to power, China might become a social-imperialist country; this was not the mainstream argument that “capitalist roaders surrendered to the foreign bourgeoisie and betrayed the country.” Very important document, unfortunately so far available only in Chinese.
China: Mao Era/GPCR Documents Direct link: Chinese: Word File | Chinese: Searchable PDF format2021 November 24 — Added “《张春桥狱中家书》 张春桥著” [“Zhang Chunqiao: Letters from Prison, 1985-2003”], 334 pages, in Chinese.
China/Individuals, Zhang Chunqiao section2021 November 23 — Added the useful set of large volumes, Lenin: Selected Works in Three Volumes (Moscow: 1970/71).
USSR/Lenin’s Works2021 November 21 — Added “The Complete Works of Mao Zedong” in Chinese: [《毛泽东全集》 “Mao Ze Dong Quan Ji”], Zhang Dijie, editor-in-chief, (Hong Kong: 2013), 52 volumes. This is an unofficial, though carefully prepared edition, by an admirer of Mao.
China/Individuals, Mao Zedong section2021 November 8 — Added the Chinese translation of the important document China—A New Social-Imperialist Power! by the Communist Party of India (Maoist). This translation, “中国:现代社会帝国主义大国”, was done by the new Prism magazine project engaged in the translation of revolutionary documents from India into Chinese. Posted together with versions in English and other languages.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page Direct link: Chinese: Searchable PDF format2021 October 17 — Recently added about 10 more books on Marxist philosophy.
MLM-Theory, Dialectical Materialism page2021 October 4 — Added the book “马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林 论历史科学” [“Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin — On the Science of History”], a collection of quotations on Historical Materialism, arranged by sub-topics, 1975, 850 pages, in Chinese.
China: Mao Era, in the Theoretical Works/Philosophy section.2021 October 3 — Added the book “马克思恩格斯列宁毛主席 关于社会主义政治经济学 的部分论述” [“Marx-Engels-Lenin-Chairman Mao — On Socialist Political Economy”], by the Political Economy Teaching and Research Group, Fudan University, 1976. In Chinese.
China: Mao Era, in the Theoretical Works/PoliticalEconomy section.2021 October 1 — Added La Chine, une nouvelle puissance social‐impérialiste! Elle fait partie intégrante du système Capitaliste‐Impérialiste mondial! by the Comité Central Parti Communiste d’Inde (maoïste). This is the new French translation, by the OCML Voie Prolétarienne, of the important recent document China—A New Social-Imperialist Power! It is Integral to the World Capitalist-Imperialist System!, by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). Now posted with the versions in other languages.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2021 September 24 — Added several statements by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), on the body of Abimael Guzman; on the assassination of revolutionary artists in the Philippines; on Afghanistan; and on the freedom struggle of the Palestinians.
Greece Page2021 September 20 — Added a missing issue of the journal “Dialectics of Nature”, 1974 #3, in Chinese. Many interesting articles, including on using dialectics to guide the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine; and an article on the complicated dialectics of boiling water in an industrial steam boiler.
China/Magazines/Dialectics of Nature page2021 September 15 — Added new issue of Bolshevik, a Telugu language magazine published by People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). This is a Special Issue on the 20th Anniversary of the PLGA.
India/Bolshevik Journal Page2021 September 10 — Added the book 《机密档案中新发现的毛泽东讲话》 [Newly Discovered Talks of Mao Zedong from a Confidential Archive] in Chinese. This is a collection of about 85 items by Mao, many of which are talks with foreign visitors, from 1955 to 1976, including Khrushchev, Nehru, Le Duan, and Kim Il Sung. Many important topics are discussed. For example, on p. 168, Mao and Yao Wenyuan discuss the Japanese revolutionary road with visiting Japanese revolutionaries and Mao agrees with the strategy the Japanese comrades present. Mao says: “I think the opinion of Comrade Anshin is correct. My statement on the tasks of the proletarian party in capitalist countries in 1938 is still valid.” Here Mao is reaffirming his 1938 opinion that while protracted people’s war was the correct strategy in countries like China, it was not the appropriate revolutionary strategy in advanced bourgeois democratic countries. Those who claim to be followers of Mao today, but who nevertheless support the notion of the “universality of PPW” please take note!
China/Individuals, Mao Zedong section2021 August 31 — Recently added about 20 more books on Marxist philosophy.
MLM-Theory, Dialectical Materialism page2021 August 7 — Added newly available document in English and Chinese: “Chairman Mao’s Talk with Members of the Politburo who Were in Beijing”, May 3, 1975. The English translation includes extensive footnotes and background information which makes this talk much more comprehensible. Also recently added a number of Mao’s commentaries or notes which mention his views on the Cult of Personality, most in Chinese, a couple also in English. (See the index file Mao-NotesOnCultOfPersonality.htm at the same location.)
China/Individuals, Mao Zedong section2021 August 3 — Recently added a number of documents from or about Albania, including some items expressing foreign support and some expressing criticism.
Albania Page2021 July 16 — Added new page for Grenada, with a couple items about the suppression of books and free speech there and also 3 items about the “People’s Revolutionary Government” that held power from 1979 to 1983.
Grenada Page2021 July 14 — Added newly available articles and comments by Mao: “A Few Opinions of Mine”, notes from 1970 criticizing the “theory of Genius” promoted by Lin Biao and Chen Boda (in English & Chinese); “Recommendation on the Dissemination of Mao Figures and Sayings” (July 5, 1967), a Central Committee decision on Mao’s behalf to cut back on, and regulate, the excessive adoration of Mao (in Chinese); and a revised translation (with greatly expanded notes) of Mao’s important letter of July 8, 1966, to Jiang Qing, in which he explained why he (for the time being) had to go along with cult of personality around himself as the Cultural Revolution got underway, despite his own serious misgivings.
China/Individuals, Mao Zedong section2021 June 28 — Added 4 important recent (or recently revised) documents from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), in English and other languages: China—A New Social-Imperialist Power! It is Integral to the World Capitalist-Imperialist System! (84 pages); the book Changes in Relations of Production in India—Our Political Program (272 pages); Caste Question in India—Our Perspective (97 pages); Nationality Question in India—The Stand of Our Party (97 pages). Also added the new statement about the upcoming “Martyr’s Day” (16 pages).
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2021 June 26 — Added 2 new collections of writings by Jose Maria Sison, one on Art & Literature and one on MLM Philosophy. Also added 11 recent issues of Ang Bayan, the by-weekly news publication of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Philippines/CPP Page2021 June 22 — Added several recent statements and articles by the TKP-ML (ÖK) and its associated organizations.
Turkey Page2021 June 21 — Recently added 7 additional books for children published (in English) in China during the Mao era.
China: Mao Era, in the Children’s Books section.2021 June 18 — In 2013/2014 the Maoist Communist Party of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan split in two, and both of the new parties are still using the same name in English. However, in their Turkish names they spell the word “Party” differently, either as “Partisi” (as in the original Turkish party name) or as “Parti”. We have now received and posted a public message from the Maoist Komünist Partisi explaining the situation to the international revolutionary movement, along with 5 of their recent documents. Most of these are in English, but the large book-sized collection of documents from their recent 3rd Party Congress is in Turkish.
Turkey Page2021 June 14 — Added new issue of People’s March (June 2021).
India/People’s March Page2021 June 14 — Added new issue of Kranti [“Revolution”], a Telugu language magazine published by the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
India/Kranti Page2021 May 29 — While the works of Marx & Engels are available elsewhere on the Internet, for the convenience of our visitors we have also added a number of volumes of their works on this site, including their Selected Works, the 3 volumes of Capital, the 3 volumes of Theories of Surplus Value, and 2 volumes of their Letters.
MLM-Theory page.2025 May 26 — A number of books on Marxist philosophy have recently been added, including Reader in Marxist Philosophy, from the Writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin (1963) and A Textbook of Marxist Philosophy (1941).
MLM-Theory, Dialectical Materialism page.2025 May 25 — Added first 3 volumes of the large 5-volume edition of Plekhanov—Selected Philosophical Works from the 1970s.
USSR Page.2021 May 20 — Posted 6 missing issues of Hóngqí [Red Flag], the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of China, for the year 1973, in Chinese. We believe we now have all the issues of this important journal during the Mao era.
China/Magazines/Hongqi Page2021 May 17 — Added article “China’s Ruling Party Cancels Maoist Gatherings on Cultural Revolution Anniversary”, from the so-called Radio Free Asia site, May 17, 2021, 3 pages.
China in the Capitalist Era Page, Pro-Maoist Sentiment section.2021 May 1 — We are in the process of adding other May Day statements from various parties. In addition to India (see below) we now also have a statement from the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist).
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2021 April 23 — Added the May Day statement from the Communist Party of India (Maoist) in English, Hindi, and Telugu. This statement was distributed along with an important earlier CPI(Maoist) document, “Our Stand on the Formation of an International Organisation of the Proletariat” (2017), which is now also posted on for the first time. This 16-page document includes brief summations of the experience of the Comintern and of RIM.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2021 April 2 — Added the book Marxist Philosophy in China: From Qu Qiubai to Mao Zedong, 1923-1945, by Nick Knight, (2005). (Though Knight is a bourgeois academic, this book still has a lot of interesting information.)
China/Individuals, Mao Zedong section2021 March 28 — Added a book and 8 pamphlets from the Soviet Union during the revisionist period, focusing on foreign affairs, the war in Afghanistan, and especially on the CMEA, the Soviet controlled agency for economic “cooperation” and integration among the countries dominated by Soviet social-imperialism.
USSR Page, in the section on Foreign Affairs in the Capitalist Era.2021 March 27 — Added 35 issues of Political Affairs magazine, from the 1947-1958 period. This was the theoretical journal of the revisionist Communist Party USA from 1945 to 2016. As far as we know this journal is not available elsewhere on the Internet. Although this journal (and this party) promoted a totally revisionist political line, there are still a number of items of historical and/or theoretical interest in it, even if mostly by way of negative example.
U.S.A./CPUSA/Periodicals Page2021 March 18 — Added a newly available English translation of some extensive comments by Mao Zedong in a conversation with a Yugoslavian Communist Union delegation in September 1956. Mao apologizes here for both China’s and Stalin’s treatment of Yugoslavia in the events of the late 1940s. He also strongly criticizes Stalin here for his mistakes in attempting to direct the Chinese Revolution, and explains why both he and China have not been more publicly critical of Stalin so far. However, in the period soon following this conversation, it became fully apparent, first, that Yugoslavia was heading in a revisionist direction (toward so-called market socialism) and, second, that the Soviet Union was also rapidly becoming revisionist (in the different form of state capitalism). As a consequence, it soon became necessary for Mao and China to criticize Yugoslavia and the USSR in even more harsh terms than before! And at the same time it became necessary for Mao and China to ease off on their criticisms of Stalin, who the revisionists were so ferociously attacking. All in all, an ironic situation!
China/Individuals, Mao Zedong section2021 March 15 — Added two conversations between Zhou Enlai and leaders of Albania, from 1962 and 1966. (Translated from Albanian into English.)
China: Mao Era/Foreign Affairs, in the Albania section.2021 March 12 — Added “Chairman Mao’s Primary Directives: Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party: Document 4 (1976)” in both Chinese and English. This document includes critical comments by Mao about Deng Xiaoping and his associates. The English translation adds numerous footnotes and other context information. We have also recently added a number of other documents in Chinese about the final campaign of the Cultural Revolution directed against Deng and the capitalist roaders. [This document was originally posted on March 8th; an improved English translation is now posted.]
China: Mao Era/Cultural Revolution Page, in the “Last Campaign against Deng Xiaoping” section.
Also added links to this new document of Mao quotations in the section on Mao’s writings, in China/Individuals, Mao Zedong section2021 March 10 — Added new section on this web site for Yugoslavia and the Balkans region.
Yugoslavia-Balkans Page.2021 March 5 — Added a recent issue of Praja Vimukthi [“People’s Liberation”] (Sept. 2020-January 2021) in Telugu at:
India/Praja Vimukthi Page2021 March 4 — Added new issue of People’s March (February 2021).
India/People’s March Page2021 March 3 — Added a recent issue of Soho journal, the Cultural Voice of the Proletarian Party of East Bengal (Purba Banglar Sarbahara Party, PBSP), in the Bengali language.
Bangladesh Page2021 March 1 — Added the important 2-volume book “革命造反年代:上海CR运动史稿” [The Age of Revolution and Rebellion: A Historical Draft of the Shanghai Cultural Revolution], by Li Xun (2015), in Chinese.
China: Mao Era/Cultural Revolution Page, in the Scholarly Commentary section.2021 February 27 — Recently added several works about the Russian Revolution, including: Marxism in Russia: Key Documents, 1879-1906, ed. by Neil Harding (1983), and Armed Intervention in Russia: 1918-1922, by W. P. Coates & Zelda Coates (1935).
USSR Page.2021 February 23 — Added 2 recent statements by the TKP-ML (ÖK), one in support of the peasants/farmers struggle in India.
Turkey Page2021 February 15 — Added 9 recent issues of Ang Bayan, the by-weekly news publication of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Philippines/CPP Page2021 Februrary 15 — Added a couple more books about the October Revolution in the Russian language, including Decrees of the October Revolution (Moscow: 1933) and October Revolution—Facts and Documents (Petrograd: 1918).
USSR/Russian Language Texts Page.2021 February 11 — Added the book “基本路线基本矛盾” [The Basic Contradiction of Socialist Society and the Party’s Basic Line], (February 1976), 120 pages, in Chinese. This book starts with a brief analysis of the basic contradictions of a socialist society, and based on this, introduces the basic line of the CCP. We believe this to be a brief introduction to the most important part of the Maoist theory of continuing the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat.
China: Mao Era, in the Theoretical Works/PoliticalTheory section.2021 February 4 — Added statements by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) in support of the Farmer’s March on Delhi, in English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu and Gujarati.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2021 January 16 — Added 20 more issues of New Albania magazine, 1972-1978.
Albania Page2021 January 11 — Added about a dozen issues of China Pictorial magazine in English, from the years 1968-1971.
China/Magazines/China Pictorial Page2021 January 10 — Added a new concise edition of Mao Zedong’s Talk on Reading the Soviet Political Economy Textbook in Chinese, 162 pages. This is both a more complete, and a more reliable edition than the English version published by MR Press some decades ago. Although this new edition is not at this time available in English, it is possible to copy the text into the Google translation program to get at least an idea of the issues being discussed.
China: Mao Era, in the Theoretical Works/Political Economy section.2021 January 1 — Added home page on devoted to the new revolutionary organization in the United States, the Maoist Communist Union, and posted the first issue of its theoretical journal Red Pages. This journal contains several interesting and important articles including “The Debate on Gonzaloism in the International Communist Movement: On the Recent Exchange Between the C(M)PA and the CPB(RF)”.
MCU Page
2020 December 26 — Added long Interview with a member of the TKP-ML Polit Bureau: “We have no Other Option but to Struggle and Fight for Liberation” as well as several other 2020 statements from the TKP-ML.
Turkey Page2020 December 15 — Added a statement by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), on the government crackdowns over demonstrations protesting the murder of a student, Alexis Grigoropoulos.
Greece Page2020 December 12 — Added two collections of the writings of Carlos Marighella, an English language book from 1971 and a new volume just published in Portuguese in Brazil, Carlos Marighella — Textos Escolhidos.
Brazil Page2020 December 3 — Added the book Today’s Dandakaranyam (2001-11) on the India page for miscellaneous banned books and documents in the Telugu language.
India/Telugu-Docs Page2020 December 1 — Added about 15 pamphlets, books and other materials from the RCP,USA, mostly from the early period, but also including some more recent items.
U.S.A./RCP Page2020 November 26 — Added another important Chinese language book on philosophy from the Mao/socialist period: 《欧洲哲学史》 [History of European Philosophy], by the Peking University “History of European Philosophy Description Group”.
China: Mao Era, in the Theoretical Works/Philosophy section.2020 November 13 — Added an old 1982 book, Basic Principles of Marxism-Leninism: A Primer, by Jose Maria Sison. Also added 11 recent issues of Ang Bayan, the by-weekly news publication of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Philippines/CPP Page2020 November 8 — Added several items about MLM philosophy from China during the Maoist/Socialist era, including two important books in Chinese: Dictionary of Philosophy — Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism and Outline of Materialist Dialectics: Li Da’s Position. We have also begun adding articles in English on philosophy which were published in Peking Review during the Cultural Revolution period.
China: Mao Era, in the Theoretical Works/Philosophy section.2020 November 2 — Added a number of old pamphlets, journals, and books of the CPUSA from the 1920s to the 1940s, including some very early works (when it was actually a revolutionary party), some writings by Wm. Z. Foster, James Allen’s 1936 book The Negro Question in the United States, and a few issues of The Communist and the Party Organizer.
U.S.A./CPUSA Page2020 October 22 — Added new issue of People’s March (October 2020).
India/People’s March Page2020 October 15 — Added recent statement by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) of condolences upon the death of Swami Agnivesh.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2020 October 7 — Added four draft versions of the important work Political Economy of Socialism, published in Shanghai in 1972, 1973, 1975 and Sept. 1976. This was part of a major effort by Maoists to prepare a definitive work on socialist political economy. Of course the latest version, in 1976, is the most important edition to focus on. In Chinese.
China: Mao Era, in the Theoretical Works/Political Economy section.2020 October 4 — Added statement from the Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Armenian Battalion condemning the invasion of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) and Armenia by ISIS forces from Turkish-controlled Syria, and with the help of the Turkish state.
Turkey Page2020 September 23 — Lenin’s writings, and writings about Lenin, which are all quite extensive, have now been moved from the USSR home page to their own page at: USSR/Lenin
2020 September 17 — Added all the 45 volumes of Lenin’s Collected Works, copied from Formerly we just linked to the Lenin section on that important website. However, as of early September, both that site and its European mirror site are no longer available. We certainly hope the problem there will soon be resolved. But this current inaccessibility—whether permanent or only temporary—has increased our concern about the threats of the suppression of Marxist thought on the Internet. For that reason we will be copying more Marx2Mao materials to this site, and strongly encourage other web sites to do the same. (We hope other people will also copy materials to their own sites, too. No single website can be guaranteed to exist permanently nor to remain unblocked by reactionary governments.) At present there is still one existing mirror site for Marx2Mao (possibly only temporarily!) at: In addition to adding Lenin’s Collected Works we are also steadily adding many more individual works by and about Lenin.
USSR Page.2020 September 5 — Added several documents from the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist): A new issue of Maoist Outlook magazine, which includes some comments by Kiran about why RIM fell apart and the need for a new international association; a press statement on the Covid-19 pandemic from March; an older article by Basanta, “Marxism and the Role of Technology in the Development of Society”; and the most recent issue of Bargadristi [a newspaper in the Nepali language].
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2020 August 25 — Recently added about 50 books, pamphlets and articles by Lenin, including a number of volumes which consist of his collected comments on specific topics, such as revisionism, revolutionary tactics, imperialism, religion, etc. (Many more works by or about Lenin will be added soon.)
USSR Page.2020 August 8 — Added 2 issues of an important new Maoist magazine in the Chinese language, entitled “燎原”, Liaoyuan Bao or “Prairie Fire Journal”. A list of contents and brief introduction to each issue is also posted in English.
China Magazines Page in the Liaoyuan/Prairie Fire section.2020 July 31 — Added two recent issues of the Indian revolutionary magazine, Towards A New Dawn.
India/ML-Groups Page2020 July 29 — Added a statement in English and several in Telugu from the Communist Party of India (Maoist) at:
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page, and also a new issue of Praja Vimukthi [“People’s Liberation”] in Telugu at:
India/Praja Vimukthi Page2020 July 18 — Recently added several dozen books, pamphlets and magazines from and about the Soviet Union in both the socialist period and the later state-capitalist/social-imperialist period. Includes two index volumes for Lenin’s Collected Works and other useful research materials.
USSR Page.2020 June 30 — Added new issue of People’s March (June 2020).
India/People’s March Page2020 June 30 — Added new issue of Kranti [“Revolution”], a Telugu language magazine published by the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
India/Kranti Page2020 June 27 — Added the complete run of Science and Nature, “the annual of Marxist philosophy for natural scientists” (1978-1989), an independent U.S. journal. (The political perspective of the editors and article authors is generally that of pro-Soviet revisionism, but the philosophical topics discussed are often interesting.)
MLM-Theory, Dialectical Materialism page in the Journals section.2020 June 21 — Finished the scanning and posting of the issues of China Reconstructs for 1977 (the first year after the death of Mao and the seizure of power by the capitalist-roaders). This completes the posting project for all the issues of this magazine we currently have access to.
China/Magazines/ChinaReconstructs Page2020 June 17 — Added statement “On American Crisis — 2”, by Com. Basanta, and about 35 issues of the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist) newspaper Bargadristi from 2019 and 2020 [in the Nepali language].
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2020 June 15 — Added statement by the TKP-ML on the “Protests against Racism in the U.S.”
Turkey Page2020 June 12 — Added A History of the Modern Chinese Revolution (1919-1956), by Ho Kan-chih (1959), which is still a valuable history of the Great Chinese Revolution up to that point.
China in Pre-1949 Era Page, General Information section.2020 June 8 — Added “Capital Accumulation, Private Property and Rising Inequality in China, 1978-2015”, a scholarly study by Thomas Piketty, Li Yang, and Gabriel Zucman, (Oct. 2017).
China in the Capitalist Era Page, Capitalist-Imperialism section.2020 June 6 — Added 2 large books about the Russian Revolution: A History of the Civil War in the U.S.S.R.—Vol. 1—The Prelude to the Great Proletarian Revolution (1936), and Vol. 2—The Great Proletarian Revolution (October-November 1917) (1946), both ed. by M. Gorky, S. Kirov, K. Voroshilov, A. Zhdanov, and J. Stalin. Also added the classic 1919 volume, Ten Days that Shook the World, by John Reed.
USSR Page, in the Lenin Era/Revolution-Civil War section.2020 May 27 — Posted 11 issues of Ziran Bianzhengfa Zazhi [“Dialectics of Nature”] journal in Chinese, from China in the Maoist (socialist) era.
China/Magazines/Dialectics of Nature Page2020 May 25 — Posted 25 issues of Zhaiyi magazines (magazines consisting of Chinese translations of foreign articles and writings), all from the 1970s.
China/Magazines/Zhaiyi Page2020 May 21 — Posted the missing issue (1974, #5) of Xuexi Yu Pipan (Study and Criticism) magazine, published by the Communist Party of China in Shanghai from 1973-1976, in Chinese.
China/Magazines/Study and Criticism Page2020 May 15 — Added the book The Silk Road: A Journey from the High Pamirs and Ili through Sinkiang and Kansu (1979), by Jan Myrdal.
Journalists Page, Jan Myrdal section.2020 May 9 — Added an interview of Rosa Avesta, of the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist Central Committee, Women’s Commission: “Women Organize, Become Leadership, Raise the War in KKB!”.
Turkey PageANNOUNCEMENT (May 5, 2020): This website has recently been upgraded to the more secure HTTPS:// format, with a validated current SSL [Secure Sockets Layer] certificate. (Some of the many internal cross links are still being upgraded from http:// to https:// format.) We never ask for or obtain any data whatsoever from our visitors, not their names, email addresses, or any other information. However, this upgrade should further reassure visitors that this is indeed the website they wish to view, and that they have not been spoofed by hacker tricks.
Of course everyone should still be well aware that government spy agencies have the ability to track Internet usage by ordinary people, and that they can even force (by secret court orders in some cases) the web hosting companies to provide further data. For this reason visitors to political sites such as may wish to investigate the means that might be available to prevent this government spying. It is our understanding that certain web browsers, such as Tor, are substantially more secure than others. We will attempt to provide some further information about Internet security issues in the future.2020 May 5 — Added two recent articles by Jose Maria Sison (“On the International Situation, Covid-19 Pandemic and People’s Response” and “On the Duterte Legacy”). Also added 10 recent issues of Ang Bayan, the by-weekly news publication of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Philippines/CPP Page2020 May 3 — Added a statement by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), on this year’s May Day demonstrations.
Greece Page2020 April 12 — Added the 4 missing 1976 issues of China Reconstructs magazine, plus one from 1952. The 100-page November-December 1976 issue is especially noteworthy. It is the memorial issue upon the death of Mao Zedong and includes a large number of photos of Mao throughout his life.
China/Magazines/China Reconstructs Page2020 April 3 — Added two contemporary books about the China’s economy before and during the Cultural Revolution: The Chinese Economy, by Jan Deleyne (1973), and Cultural Revolution and Industrial Organization in China: Changes in Management and the Division of Labor, by Charles Bettelheim (1974). (Both from the Internet Archive.)
China: Mao Era/Cultural Revolution Page, in the Contemporary Foreign Commentary section.2020 April 1 — Added two statements by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), in English and German, on the corona virus pandemic and on the murder of the Filipino revolutionary Julius Giron and his wife.
Greece Page2020 March 27 — Added book The Cultural Revolution at Peking University, by Victor Nee with Don Layman, (1969).
China: Mao Era/Cultural Revolution Page, in the Contemporary Foreign Commentary section.2020 March 26 — Added the book “The Interkit Story: A Window into the Final Decaades of the Sino-Soviet Relationship” by James Hershberg, et al., (2011), a collection of documents from meetings by leaders of the state-capitalist Soviet Union with other revisionist parties, to promote an ideological campaign of propaganda and disinformation against Mao and China.
USSR Page, in the State-Capitalism/Criticism of China section.2020 March 15 — Added 2 collections of Lenin’s writings: Lenin On the Paris Commune and Lenin on Youth.
USSR Page.2020 March 13 — Added the book Inside a People’s Commune, by Chu Li & Tien Chieh-yun, (Peking: 1974).
China in the Mao Era Page, in the Countryside section.2020 March 6 — Added a dozen or more documents from or about Vietnam, mostly from the 1960s-1970s, during the period of the U.S. imperialist war against Vietnam (and the other countries in the region). Included are some more writings by Ho Chi Minh, Truong Chinh and General Vo Nguyen Giap, as well a number of documents about the vicious U.S. imperialist war itself.
Vietnam Page2020 March 1 — Added November 2019 interview of Jose Maria Sison on “Questions on Mao Zedong Thought/Maoism”. Includes criticisms of Gonzalo-ites, Alain Badiou, and some other academics who claim to be Maoists.
Philippines/CPP Page2020 February 29 — Added a number of recent magazines published by the Communist Party of India (Maoist):
Two issues of the Maoist Information Bulletin (#37 & #38), in English at: India/CPIMIB Page;
One new issue of Kranti [“Revolution”] in Telugu at: India/Kranti Page;
One new issue of Praja Vimukthi [“People’s Liberation”] in Telugu at: India/Praja Vimukthi Page;
And one issue of Janapath in Hindi at: India/Janapath Page2020 February 19 — Added book “上海工人美术作品选” [“Selection of Artistic Works by Shanghai Workers”], (Shanghai: 1974), a great collection of revolutionary paintings, with captions in Chinese.
China in the Mao Era Page, in the Arts/Painting section.2020 February 7 — Added new issue of “People’s March” (February 2020).
India/People’s March Page2020 February 6 — Added several academic documents criticizing the different regimes in Camboda (Kampuchea) since 1975, including the Pol Pot regime (1975-1979), the ten-year domination of Cambodia by Vietnam (1979-1989), and the vicious Hun Sen comprador regime which has existed since then.
Cambodia Page2020 February 4 — Added the article “The So-called ‘Lenin Testament’” by W. B. Bland (1991).
USSR Page, in the Lenin section.2020 February 1 — Added statement, “No Involvement of Our Country in the War in Libya!”, by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), in English and German, January 2020.
Greece Page2020 January 4 — Added section on the Australia Page for documents, statements and other materials from the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) with numerous initial items.
Australia Page
2019 December 25 — Added essay by Jose Maria Sison on the question of the “universality of People’s War”, and also about 20 recent issues of Ang Bayan published by the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Philippines/CPP Page2019 December 24 — Added 5 issues of the old RCP,USA theoretical journal Revolution (from 1977 & 1980) at:
U.S.A./RCP/Journals Page; and about 15 more issues of the Revolutionary Worker newspaper (from the 1980s & 1990s) at: U.S.A./RCP/RW Page2019 December 10 — Added two Comintern documents from the 1930s and also some academic papers about the Comintern (Communist International).
Comintern Page2019 December 8 — Added 3 academic papers about the Communist movement in Japan, the anti-Communist violence of the Japanese state, and the Japanese Communist attitude toward the Chinese revolution in the Interwar period.
Japan Page2019 December 8 — Added the book We are Neither Visionaries nor Utopian Dreamers: Willi Münzenberg, the League Against Imperialism, and the Comintern, 1925-1933, by Fredrik Petersson (2013).
Germany Page2019 December 4 — Added statement, “Stop the massacre of the Bolivian people!”, by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), November 2019.
Greece Page2019 November 17 — Added book Understanding Maoists: Notes of a Participant Observer from Andhra Pradesh, by N. Venugopal (2013).
India General Information Page.2019 November 16 — Added Guerra Popular en el Peru, el Pensamiento Gonzalo (1989) and several other documents by or about the revolutionary war in Peru during the 1980s. (In Spanish or English.)
Peru Page2019 November 8 — Added Message from the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) for December 2nd, in Hindi and Telugu. (English version not yet available.)
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2019 October 29 — Added latest issue of Lal Pathaka, the Hindi edition of the theoretical journal People’s War published by the Communist Party of India (Maoist), #15 (June 2019). [The English and Telugu editions were previously posted.]
India/CPI (Maoist) People’s War Page2019 October 10 — Added Red Star, issue #4 (Summer 2019), published by the Revolutionary United Front (U.S.A.).
U.S.A./Revolutionary United Front Page.2019 September 24 — Added some of recent statements by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) including the CC message on the 50th anniversary of the Party. In addition, the important volume Political and Organisational Review, adopted by the CPI(Maoist) at its 9th (Unity) Congress in 2007 is now available on BT for the first time (in English, Hindi and Telugu).
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2019 September 23 — Added a recent issue of Kranti [“Revolution”] magazine in Telugu at: India/Kranti Page
2019 September 23 — Added brief report of actions in Thessaloniki, Greece, exposing and condemning Hindu fascism in India.
Greece Page, in the Other Reports section.2019 September 22 — Added two issues of the theoretical journal People’s War published by the Communist Party of India (Maoist), #15 (June 2019) and also an older issue #8 (July 2012).
India/CPI (Maoist) People’s War Page2019 September 15 — Added statement, “The Planet is Burning! Capitalism-Imperialism Destroys!”, by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) about the massive forest fires currently aflame in Brazil and around the world.
Greece Page2019 September 7 — Added a pamphlet by the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist from around 1991, and also an independent article summarizing the early Communist movement in Turkey.
Turkey Page2019 September 6 — Added two pictorial volumes about Tibet published in 1956: One about the visit of the Dalai and Panchen lamas to Beijing [in Chinese & Tibetan], the other about the opening of the first road to Lhasa in 1953 [in German].
China in the Mao Era Page, in the Nationalities section.2019 August 27 — Added new statements in support of the Kashmir people by the Dandakaranya Special Zonal Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), in Hindi and Telugu.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2019 August 19 — Added new issue of “People’s March” (August 2019).
India/People’s March Page2019 August 2 — Added the Turkish language edition of Selected Works of Ibrahim Kapakkaya. (The English language translation is already posted.) Also added several recent issues (in Turkish) of the central organ of the TKP/ML.
Turkey Page2019 July 27 — Added the July 2019 issue of Maoist Outlook and two recent statements by the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist), along with a large number of recent issues of their newspaper Bargadristi (in Nepali).
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2019 July 24 — Added the 50-volume set of “Works” of Kim Il Sung, together with some individual statements of his, along with a number of recent magazines from the DPRK (North Korea).
Korea (DPRK) Page2019 July 22 — Added a news article about fascist government actions in Indonesia: “Sing a Protest Song or Insult a Company? In Indonesia, Go to Jail”.
Indonesia Page2019 July 12 — Added English translation of the Declaration of the First Party Congress of the TKP/ML.
Turkey Page2019 July 5 — Added some pamphlets about the Soviet Union, from both the socialist period and the state-capitalist, social-imperialist period.
USSR Page.2019 June 20 — Added the book The Pattern of Soviet Power, by Edgar Snow (1945), focusing on the Soviet Union in World War II, but with chapters on China, Eastern Europe, etc.
Journalists Page, in the Edgar Snow section.2019 June 20 — Added the pamphlet “Impressions of Taching Oilfield”, by Chiang Shan-hao, (Peking: FLP, 1978).
China in the Mao Era Page, in China’s Socialist Economy section.2019 June 12 — Added a statement from the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan.
Afghanistan Page.2019 June 12 — Added A Marxist Looks at the History of Ceylon, by N. Sanmugathasan, 1974.
Sri Lanka Page, in the Sanmugathasan section.2019 June 11 — Added several statements from the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist, including two statements about their recent First Party Congress held in April 2019.
Turkey Page2019 June 7-8 — Added a large number of statements from the Communist Party of India (Maoist) in English, Hindi, and/or Telugu, mostly from 2017 and 2018.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2019 June 6 — Added 5 statements from the Communist Party of India (Maoist) in English, Hindi, and/or Telugu; 2 from 2019, and 3 from earlier years.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2019 June 5 — Added recent issues of two more magazines published by the Communist Party of India (Maoist):
Three issues of the theoretical journal People’s War in English, Telugu (and in one case also in Hindi): #12, #13 & #14, at: India/CPI (Maoist) People’s War Page;
Three issues of the Maoist Information Bulletin in English, #33, #34 and #36, at: India/MIB Page2019 June 3 — Added a number of recent magazines published by the Communist Party of India (Maoist):
Four issues of Prabhat [“Dawn”] in Hindi at: India/Prabhat Page;
One new issue of Kranti [“Revolution”] in Telugu at: India/Kranti Page;
Five issues of Praja Vimukthi [“People’s Liberation”] in Telugu at: India/Praja Vimukthi Page2019 June 1 — Added the book Maoist Economics and the Revolutionary Road to Communism: The Shanghai Textbook, ed. with an Introduction and Afterword by Raymond Lotta, (NY: 1994). This is the portion of the famous Shanghai Textbook of Maoist political economy devoted to the political economy of socialism specifically.
U.S.A./RCP Page, in the “Works by Other Prominent Members” section. Direct link.2019 May 30 — Added Aeschylus and Athens: A Study of the Social Origins of Drama (3rd ed.), by George Thomson.
Britain Page, in the CPGB Books and Pamphlets section.2019 May 27 — Added Red Star, issue #3 (Spring 2019), published by the Revolutionary United Front (U.S.A.).
U.S.A./Revolutionary United Front Page.2019 May 27 — Added new issue of “People’s March” (April 2019).
India/People’s March Page2019 May 25 — Added a number of old pamphlets and documents of the CPUSA from the 1930s to 1950s, showing their revisionist degeneration during this period, and for reference purposes.
U.S.A./CPUSA Page2019 April 2-7 — Added more than a dozen different statements and documents from the Communist Party of India (Maoist) from 2019 and 2018, and in various languages including English, Hindi, Telugu and Gondi.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2019 March 27 — Added 3 recent issues of Ang Bayan (in English and/or Pilipino), and two older issues (one from 1972!). Ang Bayan is published by the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Philippines/CPP Page2019 March 25 — Added all the available documents and statements issued by Mass Proletariat, an MLM organization in the United States, from its beginnings in 2016 up to the present. Some multimedia materials also posted.
U.S.A./Mass Proletariat Page.2019 March 15 — Added the book “The Call of the Fledgling and Other Children’s Stories”, by Hao Jan, (Peking: 1974).
China in the Mao Era Page, Children’s literature section.2019 March 6 — Finished posting all the issues of Zhao Xia (Morning Glow) magazine from 1974-1976, in Chinese. This was an important journal of revolutionary literature and criticism published in Shanghai during the late Cultural Revolution period.
China/Magazines/Zhao Xia (Morning Glow) Page2019 February 25 — Finished posting all the 37 issues of Xuexi Yu Pipan (Study and Criticism) magazine we have, published by the Communist Party of China in Shanghai from 1973-1976, in Chinese.
China/Magazines/Study and Criticism Page2019 February 24 — Added 4 recent issues of Ang Bayan (in English and/or Pilipino), published by the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Philippines/CPP Page2019 February 13 — Added 2 recent statements by Jose Maria Sison, the founding chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Philippines/CPP Page2019 February 12 — Added two issues of Xuexi Yu Pipan (Study and Criticism) magazine, published by the Communist Party of China in Shanghai from 1973-1976, in Chinese.
China/Magazines/Study and Criticism Page2019 February 11 — Added an issue of the China Policy Study Group Broadsheet, Vol. 7, #8, Aug. 1970.
China Policy Study Group Page2019 February 5 — Added the issue of China Pictorial magazine from March 20, 1959. This is a scan of the personal copy of this issue owned by W. E. B. Du Bois, and includes an article about the recent visit by him and his wife to revolutionary China.
China/Magazines/China Pictorial Page2019 February 3 — Added statement by the Communist Party of the Philippines, “On the Social Media and Website Attacks” (Feb. 2, 2019) about how the Philippine government is attempting to block and/or corrupt public statements and documents of the CPP.
Philippines/CPP Page2019 January 30 — Added 22 issues of the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist) newspaper Bargadristi (in Nepali), from August 2018 through January 2019.
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2019 January 26 — Added news article “Seven Maoist Students Detained in Beijing After Talking to Foreign Media”.
China in the Capitalist Era Page2019 January 14 — Added the pamphlet “Survey of the Japanese Communist Party” (1952), by the American anti-Communist writer J.P. Napier, who was part of the American Occupation of Japan after World War II.
Japan Page.2019 January 13 — Added the book Assignment China: An American journalist’s Report of Four Years in Red China, by Julian Schuman (1956), in WinDjView format.
China/Contemporary Commentary (Misc.) Page.2019 January 11 — Added the book Four Months of War (Shanghai: 1937), by the North China Daily News, representing the perspective of British and other foreigners living in China about the war. Surprisingly, at this early point in the war, it seems almost “neutral” in its attitude toward the Japanese attack!
China/Pre1949 Page (in the War with Japan section).2019 January 9 — Added the book Yo Banfa! (1952), by Rewi Alley.
China/Individuals Page (in the Rewi Alley section).2019 January 6 — Added Red Star, issue #2 (Winter 2019), published by the Revolutionary United Front (U.S.A.).
U.S.A./Revolutionary United Front Page.2019 January 1 — Added the document by the Communist Party of the Philippines, “Celebrate the Party’s 50th Anniversary and Lead the Philippine Revolution to Greater Victories” (Dec. 26, 2018); and also an essay by Jose Maria Sison on the 50th anniversary of the CPP; and about 10 of the most recent issues of the CPP news magazine Ang Bayan.
Philippines/CPP Page
2018 December 31 — Added the article “What Does It Mean to Be a Marxist? Hari Sharma and the Marxist Tradition” (2013) by Jan Myrdal.
Journalists Page, Jan Myrdal section.2018 December 30 — Recently posted about 3 dozen more issues of the RCPUSA newspaper Revolutionary Worker, mostly from the early 1980s.
USA/RCP/RW Index Page2018 December 29 — Added news article “Marxist Students Detained, Manhandled by Security Guards at Peking University”, about further attempts by the fascist regime in China to suppress all revolutionary ideas and activity.
China in the Capitalist Era Page2018 December 28 — Added news item “Maoists in Kerala Shun Mobile Phones to Prevent Tracking by Agencies” from the newspaper The New Indian Express.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page, in the News Reports section.2018 December 27 — Added news article “Chinese Police Detain Marxist Student Leader on Mao’s Birthday”, about how a student leader at Peking University was arrested on his way to a memorial meeting he had helped organize for the 125th anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong. Also posted on the same page is the new issue of the bourgeois journal Made In China, with an article about the pro-Mao Jasic Workers Mobilization movement in China.
China in the Capitalist Era Page2018 December 26 — Added statement by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) about the announced U.S. withdrawal of troops from Syria.
Greece Page2018 December 18 — Added news article “Turkey Leads the World in Jailing of Journalists” (Dec. 13, 2018).
Turkey Page (in the Press Freedom section).2018 December 8 — Added a collection of Mao’s “In Camera” statements from 1943-1966 (most being from the late 1950s), unofficial translations of a Red Guard collection from the early GPCR.
China/Individuals Page (in the Mao section).2018 December 6 — Added Letter from Mao to Jiang Qing (July 8, 1966) and a large number of speeches by Lin Biao from 1966-1970.
China/Individuals Page (in the Mao and Lin Biao sections).2018 December 5 — Added statement condemning the censorship of in India issued by the International Relations Section of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist). [We at thank the CPG(m-l) for this condemnation of such political censorship in India! We also thank other organizations and individuals for their comments about this banning of]
Greece Page2018 November 19 — Added “A Glimpse at the Joint Statement of the Eight Latin American Maoist Parties and Organizations”, a critical commentary by the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan, June 2018.
Afghanistan Page2018 November 14 — Added new section on India page for miscellaneous banned books and documents in the Telugu language.
India/Telugu-Docs Page2018 November 13 — Added news article “Police Detain Maoist Labor Activists on Campuses Across China”, as the work initiated by young Maoists in the Jasic Workers’ Solidarity Group wins support throughout China.
China in the Capitalist Era Page2018 November 12 — Put announcement on home page of the impending blocking of this website in India (at least with regard to the material about India).
BT Home Page.2018 November 11 — Edgar Snow’s China: A Personal Account of the Chinese Revolution Compiled from the Writings of Edgar Snow (1981), by Lois Wheeler Snow, with hundreds of rare photographs.
Journalists Page, Edgar Snow section.2018 November 6 — Added news item “Ganapathy Steps Down as Maoist Chief” from the newspaper Telangana Today.
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page, in the News Reports section.2018 November 2 — Added 5 documents about the Maoist movement in Bangladesh from 2004, 2005 and 2013.
Bangladesh Page2018 October 30 — Added news article “Cornell Cuts Ties With Chinese School After Crackdown on Students”, about how the stuggle of Chinese workers led by young Maoists in China has generated student support at Chinese universities, how this in turn has led to punishment for students by the bourgeois authorities, and then to international criticism of that fascist-like punishment.
China in the Capitalist Era Page2018 October 27 — Added the large book The Battle for Asia (1941), by Edgar Snow.
Journalists Page, Edgar Snow section.2018 October 26 — Added news article “Maoists Call on China’s Official Union to Stand Up for Workers”, in the continuing story of the Chinese government’s attempted fascist suppression of the Jasic Workers’ Solidarity Group and other working class struggles. Also, a new issue of Made In China magazine has been posted on the same web page.
China in the Capitalist Era Page2018 October 23 — Added Red Star, issue #1 (Sept. 2018), published by the Revolutionary United Front (U.S.A.).
U.S.A./Revolutionary United Front Page.2018 October 22 — Added “Liu Hu-lan” (1978), a book for young people (and everyone!) with beautiful paintings by Meng Ching-chiang, about a brave young woman who died for the people in 1947 at the age of just 16.
China/MaoEra Page in the Children’s Literature section.2018 October 21 — Added India’s Simmering Revolution: The Naxalite Uprising, by Sumanta Banerjee (1984).
India General Information Page.2018 October 21 — Added China Pictorial, 1952, #2 and #3 in DJVU format.
China/Magazines/ChinaPictorial Page2018 October 20 — Added Jangalnama: Travels in a Maoist Guerilla Zone, by Satnam (2010).
India General Information Page.2018 October 18 — Added Scripting the Change: Selected Writings of Anuradha Ghandy (2011).
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page, in the Books section.2018 October 16 — Added China Pictorial, 1952, #1 (January) in DJVU format.
China/Magazines/ChinaPictorial Page2018 October 9 — Added “How Can Socialism Ensure the Full Liberation of Women?” (1997), by Joan Hinton.
China/MaoEra Page in the Women’s Liberation section.2018 October 9 — Added new Chile page, with the “Open Letter of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile to the Communist Party of China” (1977), and a document about the CIA machinations in Chile in 1970.
Chile Page2018 October 8 — Added Social Imperialism: The Soviet Union Today (1977), a collection of articles from Peking Review in 1975-1976.
China/MaoEra/Great Debate Page2018 October 7 — Added “Philosophical Trends in the Feminist Movement”, by Anuradha Gandhi, c. 2006.
MLM-Theory in the Women’s Liberation section.2018 October 6 — Added “The Revisionism of Jose Maria Sison” by the Mass Proletariat organization (U.S.A.).
Philippines/CPP Page, in the Sison section.2018 September 26 — Added the book Engels as a Military Critic (his articles on military affairs from the 1860s); and a book about Engels’s Origin of the Family, Property and the State.
MLM-Theory in the War & Peace, and State and Class Dictatorships sections.2018 September 24 — Added “Marx, Engels and Lenin on the Dictatorship of the Proletariat” (Peking: 1975); and The Dictatorship of the Proletariat, articles and extracts from the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin (NY: International, 1936).
MLM-Theory in the State and Class Dictatorships section.2018 September 22 — Added several documents used for political study by the erstwhile Communist Party of India (M-L) [People’s War], including: “Caste Question in India—Our Perspective”; A History of India; “Outline History of the Communist Party of India—Before Naxalbari” (by Prakash); “Marxist Philosophy—An Introduction”; “Marxist Political Economy—Introductory Course”; and “Our Approach to the Women’s Question”.
CPI(ML)[PW]/Educational Materials Page2018 September 22 — Added several issues of Ang Bayan, the twice-monthly organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines, some in English, some in Pilipino (Filipino).
Philippines/CPP Page2018 September 20 — Added “China’s Emerging Role in the International Financial System”, speech by Chen Yuan, Governor of the China Development Bank, Nov. 10, 2008.
China in the Capitalist Era Page2018 September 19 — Added “Selected Translations On Rightist Opportunism in Communist China”, 3 articles from 1959 translated by the U.S. JPRS from the Chinese language journal Political Study.
China/Magazines Page2018 September 18 — Added “Stop U.S. Germ Warfare! Part II”, (Peking: 1952). About American bacteriological warfare during the Korean War.
China Foreign Policy Page2018 September 18 — Added “A Chronicle of Principal Events Relating to the Indo-China Question, 1940-1954”, translated from the Chinese language magazine World Culture, and issued as a pamphlet in 1954.
China Foreign Policy Page2018 September 18 — Added “More on the Historical Experience of the Proletarian Dictatorship”, by the Communist Party of China, Dec. 29, 1956. Focuses on the question of Stalin.
China-USSR “Great Debate” Page2018 September 15 — Added Glimpses of West Africa, by Feng Chih-tan, (Peking: FLP, 1963).
China Foreign Policy Page2018 September 13 — Added Lenin on Imperialism and Imperialists (1973).
MLM-Theory/Political Economy of Capitalism Page2018 September 10 — Added Selections from V. I. Lenin and J. V. Stalin on the National and Colonial Question.
MLM-Theory in the National Question section.2018 September 1-9 — Added 5 new issues of New Albania magazines, 1971, #3-6, and 1972, #1.
Albania Page2018 August 26 — Added The Ivory Comb (1968), a collection of 7 short stories by 5 different Vietnamese writers, issued by an anti-imperialist publishing house in South Vietnam.
Vietnam Page2018 August 20-25 — Posted 8 additional issues of China Reconstructs magazine from 1979, and also provided conversions of many older issues from DJVU format to PDF format.
China Reconstructs Page2018 August 22 — Added news article “China’s Government Censors Shut Down References to Mao-Inspired Labor Movement”, in response to the recent events in Guandong.
China in the Capitalist Era Page2018 August 21 — Added 4 recent issues of Kranti magazine published by the Communist Party of India (Maoist) in the Telugu language.
India/Kranti Page2018 August 21 — Added two more issues of New Albania magazine, from 1971.
Albania Page2018 August 20 — On, 10 missing issues of Beijing Review from 1989 have now been posted. These present the excuses by Deng Xiaoping and the other capitalist-roaders in China for their recent massacre of students at Tienanmen Square.
China Magazines Page (Provides link to August 15 — Added news article “Maoist Labor Campaigner Kidnapped, Believed Detained, in China’s Guandong”, about Shen Mengyu who with her comrades got jobs at a factory to help the workers there in their struggles.
China in the Capitalist Era Page2018 August 15 — Added “On the Causes of World War I, 1900-1914” (Jan. 2018), by an American Maoist.
MLM-Theory in the War and Peace section.2018 August 14 — Added 3 articles by an American Maoist on Chinese foreign policy during the Maoist era: with regard to Vietnam, Latin America and Palestine.
China in Mao Era Foreign Relations Page
Plus an article by the same author on American relations with the Chinese Communist Party during World War II.
China — Pre-1949 Page
Plus an article by the same author on the Korean War.
Korea (DPRK) Page
Plus an article by the same author on the Anti-Displacement Movement in India.
India General Information and Mass Struggles Page2018 July 31 — Added better copy of the 2017 document “Form of Nepalese Society and Party’s General Line”, by Kiran, Chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist), plus 3 recent issues of the CPN (RM) newspaper Bargadristi (in Nepali).
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2018 July 30 — Added news article “Dozens Detained Amid Maoist-Led Rights Campaign at Chinese Factory”.
China in the Capitalist Era Page2018 July 27 — Added the essay “The Late Cultural Revolution” (2016), by a Maoist in the U.S., focusing on the struggles between revolutionary and revisionist forces in China in the 1969-1976 period, and on how this played out in both China’s domestic and foreign policies.
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution page2018 July 25 — Posted an improved translation of the article about the Maoist demonstration in Hong Kong on May 16, 2018; plus a new issue of the magazine Made In China about contemporary labor in capitalist China.
China in the Capitalist Era Page2018 July 22 — Added “The Opium Trail: Heroin and Imperialism” (New England Free Press: 1972).
U.S.A. Page in the new “Social Problems in the U.S.” section.2018 July 17 — Added several recent statements about International Women’s Day and other topics from the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
India/CPI-Maoist Documents Page2018 July 16 — Added the history of the CP of China published by the capitalist-roaders in 1994: A Concise History of the Communist Party of China, ed. by Hu Sheng. Of course this huge 885-page volume is biased against Mao and his revolutionary followers and is not to be trusted.
China in the Capitalist Era Page [CPC in the post-Maoist era section.]2018 July 15 — Moved the works of the journalists Jan Myrdal, Agnes Smedley, Edgar Snow and Anna Louise Strong from the China/Individuals section of to the new Journalists page. Also replaced Anna Louise Strong’s “The Stalin Era” with a better (unmarked) copy.
Journalists Page2018 July 15 — Added the book “Trotskyism: Counter-Revolution in Disguise”, by M. J. Olgin (1935).
MLM Theory Page, in the new Trotskyism section.2018 July 11 — Added the book “Democracy With a Tommygun” (1946) by Wilfred Burchett, in the new Journalists section of
Journalists Page2018 July 11 — Added two more issues of “New Albania” magazine from 1970.
Albania Page2018 July 10 — Added “Constitution and Program of the Communist Party of the Philippines”, adopted at the Second Congress of the CPP in 2016, along with the “Communiqué” from that Congress and a few recent CPP statements.
Philippines/CPP Page
2018 July 8 — Added “Jose Maria Sison: From Marxist-Leninist to Revisionist” (2014) a polemic against Sison from a Maoist perspective.
Philippines/CPP Page in the section on Sison.
One section of this paper, “Jose Maria Sison’s Evaluation of Stalin, the CPSU and the United Front Against Fascism” is also posted at:
USSR Page, in the section on the “Stalin Question”.2018 July 1 — Added pamphlet “Great Victory for the Military Line of Chairman Mao Tsetung — A Criticism of Lin Piao’s Bourgeois Military Line in the Liaohsi-Shenyang and Peiping-Tientsin Campaigns [of 1948]” (1976).
In the People’s War & Military Issues section on China/MaoEra Page2018 June 27 — Added Edgar Snow book, "Glory and Bondage" (1945).
China/Individuals Page2018 June 24-26 — Added a large number of items on the Vietnam Page, including a book on the history of the Communist Party of Vietnam, a book on the Constitutions of Vietnam, several pamphlets, 6 issues of Vietnam Courier magazine, an issue of Vietnamese Studies, two documents from Britain in support of the Vietnamese revolution, and links to a large number of relevant documents already posted on the China Pages of
Vietnam Page2018 June 19 — Added two commentaries (by Kiran and Basanta) on the merger of the so-called “CPN (Maoist Centre)” into the older revisionist party (the CPN-UML), and also 5 recent issues of the CPN (RM) newspaper Bargadristi (in Nepali).
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2018 June 13 — Added “U.S. War Crimes in Vietnam” (Hanoi: 1968)
Vietnam Page2018 June 11 — Added “Pick Axe and Rifle: The Story of the Albanian People”, by William Ash (1974); and a couple improved scans of other items already posted on the Albania page.
Albania Page2018 May 26 — English translation (plus Chinese original) of a report on a pro-Maoist demonstration in Hong Kong on the 52nd anniversary of the start of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (May 16, 2018).
China in the Capitalist Era Page [Pro-Maoist Sentiment in Contemporary China section]2018 May 25 — Posted almost all the issues of Hóngqí [Red Flag], the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of China, for the years 1958-1976. [In Chinese]
China/Magazines/Hongqi Page2018 May 16 — Another large batch of new items from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea), including a number of works on the rather strange ideologies of Juche and Songun; and several items about Kim Il Sung.
Korea (DPRK) Page2018 May 14 — Added 2 more recent volumes of Jose Maria Sison’s “Selected Writings” and all the available issues of Ang Bayan from 2017 and 2018.
Philippines/CPP Page2018 May 11 — Added 3 items on contemporary capitalist-imperialist China, including an article about the arrests of young leftists for organizing a study group; an article about the Chinese imperialist export of capital to Ethiopia; and a new issue of Made In China magazine.
China in Capitalist Era Page2018 May 10 — Added 7 volumes of “Selected Writings of Jose Maria Sison” (4 from the 1968-1991 period and 3 from the 1991-2009 period).
Philippines/CPP Page2018 May 9 — Five works (including 4 books) of the writings of Fidel Castro.
Cuba/Che Page2018 May 5 — Added documents of the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist), including “Form of Nepalese Society and Party’s General Line” (2017); Special Issue of Maoist Outlook on the Centenary of the October Revolution; and about 90 issues of Bargadristi Weekly newspaper (in Nepali).
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2018 May 3 — The first 3 issues of the new magazine Bargabodh (“Class Conscious”) in the Nepali language.
Nepal/CPN (Revolutionary Maoist) Page2018 May 3 — Joint May Day statements from the Communist Party of Greece (m-l) and the Communist Party of Turkey / M-L, at both:
Greece Page and Turkey Page2018 May 2 — Added numerous speeches by, and interviews with, Pol Pot, together with a few other new items about Democratic Kampuchea including the 1981 announcement of the dissolution of the CPK.
Cambodia Page2018 May 1 — Added 29 additional issues of Albania Today magazine (from 1984-1990).
Albania Page2018 April 26 — Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea): Works by Kim Il Sung including his 8-volume series Reminiscences: With the Century, and other items on Korean history and literature.
Korea (DPRK) Page2018 April 24 — Sri Lanka: Added a recent journal from the New-Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party, plus their 2013 statement commending Hugo Chavez’s struggle against US imperialism.
Sri Lanka Page2018 April 24 — Vietnam: “Selected Works of Ho Chi Minh, Vol. 1” (1922-1926).
Vietnam Page2018 April 18 — Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea): Books, pamphlets and magazines, mostly from the 2015-2018 timeframe. Dozens of new items.
Korea (DPRK) Page2018 Feb. 18 — Established Cambodia (Kampuchea) Page with an initial selection of materials from the Democratic Kampuchea era in the 1970s which was led by Pol Pot.
Cambodia Page