Communist Party of the United States of America
Periodicals Published by, or Associated with, the CPUSA
Since the CPUSA has been a revisionist or merely reformist organization since the mid-1930s, many of the articles in the journals, magazines, newspapers, and other periodicals made available below should be understood to represent that sort of pseudo-revolutionary political line. For real revolutionaries, this material is mostly like a long series of negative examples of what revolutionary journalism should actually be like. Fortunately, it is also possible to learn from negative examples.
In some cases, especially with the issues of Political Affairs from the 1940s on, we have posted the issues we have available simply in part because they might be of some occasional interest and because—as far as we know—they were not yet available anywhere else on the Internet.
If you know of other difficult to find magazines or other periodicals of the CPUSA which it might be useful to post here, contact us at:
Official Bulletin of the Communist Party of America — Short-lived internal bulletin for Party members in 1921.
- Issue #2 — n.d., but Summer 1921, 4 pages. Searchable PDF format [622 KB]
The Communist — Monthly theoretical journal during the first quarter century (1919 - 1944).
- We have a few of the very early issues below (1919-1926), newspaper layout. These issues were published by one, or another, of the various factions of the young Communist Party as it struggled to get organized.
All the magazine layout issues from 1927 through 1944 can be found on the MIA site in PDF format at: That site also has some good indexes for these journals. We have some of those issues below which we have run through an Optical Character Reader program to make them searchable, if that had not already been done. In addition we have reduced the file sizes (without changing the content or image sharpness). The resulting PDF files here require version 9.0 or later of the Adobe Acrobat Reader. (If you have an older version, you can get a free upgrade of Acrobat Reader from Adobe.)- Individual articles from the 1927-1944 period can also be found online at:
- 1920 — Volume II (newspaper layout):
- # 3 — April 5, 8 pages, mediocre scan, but mostly legible. Searchable PDF format [2,559 KB]
- # 6 — June 1, 12 pages, mediocre scan, but mostly legible. Searchable PDF format [3,925 KB]
- #11 — October 1, 8 pages, mediocre scan, but mostly legible. Searchable PDF format [2,841 KB]
- 1921 — Still Volume II to begin with. (Newspaper layout):
- #16 — January 5, 8 pages, mediocre scan, but mostly legible. Searchable PDF format [2,830 KB]
- 1927 — Volume VI (magazine layout):
- # 1 — March, 69 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,251 KB]
- # 2 — April, 69 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,202 KB]
- # 3 — May, 69 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,019 KB]
- 1935 — Volume XIV:
- # 5 — May, 101 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,659 KB]
- # 6 — June, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,899 KB]
- 1937 — Volume XVI:
- # 7 — July, 108 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,000 KB]
- 1938 — Volume XVII:
- # 9 — September, 100 pages. Damaged front cover. Searchable PDF format [2,918 KB]
- 1944 — Volume XXIII:
- #10 — October, 99 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,515 KB]
- #11 — November, 99 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,306 KB]
- #12 — December, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,084 KB]
Political Affairs — New name (or replacement) for The Communist beginning in 1945. Ceased publication in 2016.
- Note: Many of the issues from 1945-1955 which are not available here can be found on the Marxist Internet Archive at: (The rather poor scans available there were copied from the Internet Archive.)
- 1947 — Volume XXVI:
- # 4 — April 1947, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,483 KB] Articles include:
- “American Democracy Must Not Commit Suicide”, by Eugene Dennis
- “A Cablegram to secretary of State Marshall”, by Eugene Dennis
- “The British Empire Communist Conference”, by William Z. Foster
- “The People Fight Back for Rent and Housing”, by Lillian Gates
- “People’s Democracy: The Way to the Peaceful Development of Poland”, by Wladyslaw Gomulka
- “Toward a People’s Tax Program”, by Donald Freeman
- “The Development of the New German Trade Union Movement”, by Paul Merker
- “Current Economic Trends”, by Labor Research Association
- #12 — December 1947, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,004 KB] Articles include:
- “The Special Session”, by Arnold Johnson
- “Secure These Rights”, from the Eugene Dennis Brief in the U.S. Appellate Court
- “The A.F. of L. and C.I.O. Conventions”, by John Williamson
- “On the International Situation”, by A. A. Zhdanov
- “The Chicago Elections”, by Gil Green
- “For the Republic, For National Independence!”, by Maurice Thorez
- “Statement on the Question of Affiliation to the Information Bureau of the Nine Communist Parties”, by the National Board, CPUSA
- “Book Review: Pioneer of American Socialism”, by Hy Gordon
- Index, Volume XXVI, 1947
- 1948 — Volume XXVII:
- # 1 — January 1948, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,542 KB] Articles include:
- “Editorial Comment: Outlook for 1948 and the Third Party; and Sauce for a Witches’ Brew”
- “Differences in the European Labor Movement”, by V. I. Lenin
- “How to Defeat Universal Military Training”, by Arnold Johnson
- “The Political Signficance of Keynesianism”, by William Z. Foster
- “Statement to the Council of Foreign Ministers”, by V. M. Molotov
- “The New China Program of the American Interventionists”, by Frederick V. Field
- “Farm Cooperatives and the Trusts”, by Lem Harris and Robert Digby
- “The People’s Front and the New Yugoslavia”, by Marshal Josip Broz Tito
- # 2 — February 1948, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,743 KB] Articles include:
- “Organized Labor and the Marshall Plan”, by William Z. Foster
- “The Communist Manifesto Lives!”, by Harry Martel
- “Mr. Truman’s Glove and the Mailed Fist”, by Max Gordon
- “The Activities of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks)”, by Georgi M. Malenkov
- “New Tasks and Realignments in the Struggle for the Jewish State in Palestine”, by Alexander Bittleman
[This very wrong article attempts to argue that support for a Jewish state is not support for Zionism! —Ed.]- “The Economic Theories of John Maynard Keynes”, by J. Mindel
- [From the Treasury of Marxism:] “The Labor Movement in America”, by Frederick Engels
- “Economic Review of 1947”, by Labor Research Association
- “On Changes in the Economy of Capitalism as a Result of the Second World War (A Criticism of Eugene Varga’s Book)”, by I. Gladkov
[This is an attack on the book that Stalin erroneously condemned. —Ed.]- # 4 — April 1948, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,998 KB] Articles include:
- “The People’s Victory in Czechoslovakia”, An Editorial
- “Background of the Struggle Against Reaction in Czechoslovakia”, by B. Vlatavsky-Geminder
- “The Communist Position on the Marshall Plan”, by the CPUSA
- “Bail Granted!”, by Marion Bachrach
- “On the Theoretical Work of the Party”, by William Z. Foster
- “Puerto Rico: 50 Years under American Imperialism”, by Cesar Andreu
- “American Labor and the German Working Class”, by Joseph Clark
- “On the History of Philosophy”, by A. A. Zhdanov
- “Notes on Keynes’ Concepts of Saving and Investment”, by Albert Prago
- “One Year’s Application of Truman’s Program in Greece”, by The Free Greece Radio
- “Communication: The Cultural Struggle in Argentina”, by Rodolfo Ghioldi
- “The Revolution of 1848 and the Proletariat”, by Karl Marx
- # 5 — May 1948, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,964 KB] Articles include:
- “A Call to the American People”, by the CPUSA
- “American Labor Faces May Day”, an Editorial
- “Henry Wallace’s Toward World Peace”, by Max Weiss
- “Against the Militarization of Our Youth!”, by Henry Winston
- “Operation Canada”, by Stanley Ryerson
- “A Comment on State Capitalism and Socialism”, by James S. Allen
- “The Sham Revolt Against Truman”, by Max Gordon
- “The Keynesian Palace Revolution”, by Celeste Strack
- “The Second Congress of the Communist Party of India: Statement of Policy & Report on Self-Criticism”
- “... To the Veritable People, the Proletarians”, by Karl Marx
- # 7 — July 1948, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,914 KB] Articles include:
- “The Communists Fight for the Traditions of July Fourth”, by Arnold Johnson
- Pre-Convention Discussion:
- “A New Stage the the Struggle for Peace”, by Joseph Starobin
- “Turn the Face of the Party Toward the Workers! Toward the Big Shops!”, by Emanuel Blum
- “The New People’s Party and the Negro People”, by Theodore R. Bassett
- “Some Considerations of the China Issue”, by Frederick V. Field
- “Problems of Ideological and Theoretical Work in the Communist Party of Hungary”, by Matias Rakosi
- “Marxism and Idealism: A Reply”, by John Lewis
- “Marxism and Idealism: A Rejoinder”, by Betty Gannett
- “The Economic Teaching of Keynes”, by I. G. Bliumin
- “From the Preface to Capital, Volume II”, by Frederick Engels
- “Book Review: Toward the Unmasking of Anti-Semitism”, by Morris U. Schappes
- # 8 — August 1948, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,059 KB] Articles include:
- “Specific Features of American Imperialist Expansion”, by William Z. Foster
- “Resolution of the Information Bureau Concerning the Situation in the C.P. of Yugoslavia”
- “Statement on the Information Bureau Resolution Concerning the Situation in the C.P. of Yugoslavia”, by William Z. Foster & Eugene Dennis
- “The Yugoslav Leaders on the Path of Betrayal”, by V. J. Jerome
- “The ‘Grand’ Old Party”, by Max Gordon
- “The New State of Israel”, by Alexander Bittelman
- Pre-Convention Discussion
- “A Few Thoughts on Our Perspectives”, by Gil Green
- “For New Approaches in Our Work Among Women”, Claudia Jones
- “Against Opportunism in Practice”, by Fred Fine
- “National Group Work in California”, by Pettis Perry
- “The Menace of Social-Democracy and Our Fight Against Opportunism”, by George Morris
- “On the Party’s Responsibility for Work Among the Youth”, by Marvin Shaw
- [There was no October issue]
- #10 — November 1948, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,909 KB] Articles include:
- “The Wall Street-Washington Peace Panic”, by George Siskind
- “The West Coast Maritime Strike: Showdown for Labor”, by Al Lannon
- “Greece and the American People’s Tasks”, by Olive Sutton
- “On Improving the Party’s Work Among Women”, by William Z. Foster
- “For an End to the Nationalist Deviation in the Polish Workers’ Party”, by Bolesaw Bierut
- “Approaching the 30th Anniversary of the Communist Party, U.S.A.”
- “From the Briefs on the Unconstituionality of the Smith Act”
- “Manifesto of the Wroclaw Congress”
- “A Hideous Blasphemy Against Nature and Man”, by Frederick Engels
- “Book Review: Family Farm Fantasy”, by Erik Bert
- #11 — December 1948, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,757 KB] Articles include:
- “Greetings to the Glorious Communist Party of China”, by the CPUSA
- “The Main Lessons of the 1948 Elections”, by Eugene Dennis
- “The New War Economy”, by James S. Allen
- “The Must Go Free!”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “The Election Results in New York”, by the New York State Committee, CPUSA
- “Latin America Resists Marshallization”, by Carlos Rafael Rodriguez
- “The Soviet 14-Year Plan for Agriculture”, by Lem Harris
- “Marxism and Science”, by N. Sparks
- “Book Review: Cotton Patch Imperialism and Negro Freedom”, by Abner Berry
- Index, 1948
- 1949 — Volume XXVIII:
- # 1 — January 1949, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,374 KB] Articles include:
- “Lenin and Opportunism in the American Labor Movement”, by V. J. Jerome
- “This Obvious Violence”, by Marion Bachrach
- “Two Conventions of Labor”, by John Williamson
- “The Two Major Variants of Keynesianism”, by William Z. Foster
- “The Meaning of the Chinese Revolutionary Victories”, by Frederick V. Field
- “The People vs. Monopoly in the New Congress”, by Max Gordon
- “The People Win With Marcantonio”, by George Blake & Al Terestman
- # 2 — February 1949, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,805 KB] Articles include:
- “Labor Must Take the Offensive to Win Substantial Wage Increases!”, by the National Committee, CPUSA
- “The Defense Prosecutes”, by the National Committee, CPUSA
- “The Peace Can Be Won!”, by Joseph Clark
- “How ‘Historicus’ Caricatures History”, by George Siskind
- “The Struggle for the Lincoln Heritage”, by Abner W. Berry
- “The Triumph of Michurin Biological Science”, by I. Laptev
- “What Is National Income?”, by Hilary Minc
- “The 1948 Elections in Beford-Stuyvesant”, by James W. Ford
- “The Philosophy of John Maynard Keynes”, by Howard Selsam & Harry K. Wells
- “Communication”, by J. Martin
- 1953 — Volume XXXII:
- # 5 — June 1953, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,826 KB] Articles include:
- “Fighting War with Peace and Democracy”, by William Z. Foster
- “The Anatomy of McCarthyism”, by Mark Logan & Sam Douglas
- “Lessons of the Struggle Against Opportunism in Districk 65, I”, by Alex H. Kendrick & Jerome Golden
- “Zionism and Bourgeois Nationalism, I”, by Samuel Rosen
- “On Labor and the Democratic Party”, by Peter Colton
- “Brother Bill McKie [Book Review]”, by William Weinstone
- Letters from Readers
- Special 31-page supplement: Reader’s Guide to Stalin’s “Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R.”
- 1954 — Volume XXXIII:
- # 5 — May 1954, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,309 KB] Articles include:
- “May Day — 1954: What Faces Us?”, by V. J. Jerome
- “The War Danger in the Present World Situation”, by William Z. Foster
- “The Working Class and the Two-Party System (A Draft Program Discussion Article)”, by John Swift
- “The Negro People in the Struggle Against McCarthyism (A Draft Program Discussion Article)”, by Pettis Perry
- “New Features in the Struggle Against McCarthyism”, by George Blake Charney
- “The Caracas Conference”, by A. B. Magil
- # 7 — July 1954, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,230 KB] Articles include:
- “Hands Off Guatemala!”, by National Committee, CPUSA
- “Freedom for Eugene Dennis and the Battle for Democracy”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “The Declaration of Independence”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “The Geneva Conference”, by Richard Walker
- “The Fight to Abolish Segregated Schools”, by Doxey A. Wilkerson
- “On Spontaneity in Labor’s Fight for Peace”, by William Weinstone
- “Can An Economic Crisis Be Prevented?”, by David Goldway
- “Draft Program of the Communist Party of Brazil”, by the Central Committee of the C.P. of Brazil
- # 9 — September 1954, 84 pages. Special “National Election Conference of the CPUSA” issue. Searchable PDF format [3,732 KB] Articles include:
- “Answer the Attack on the Communist Party and the Labor Movement!”, by the National Committee, CPUSA
- “Message to the Conference of the CPUSA”, by William Z. Foster
- “Greetings of the Conference” [To imprisoned CPUSA leaders]
- “The November Elections and the Struggle for Jobs, Peace, Equal Rights and Democracy”, by Pettis Perry
- “The Communist Program — A Vital Document”, by Betty Gannett
- “For Democratic Youth Unity”, by Leon Wofsy
- “International Fraternal Greetings to the Conference”
- #10 — October 1954, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,985 KB] Articles include:
- “Program of the Communist Party”, denying that any violence is necessary in achieving socialism in the U.S.
- “China and Our National Interest”, by Richard Walker, speaking in a generally classless way about “our” national interest.
- “On Patriotism and National Pride”, by Betty Gannett & V. J. Jerome, promoting “patriotism and national pride” toward the U.S.A., a quintessential capitalist-imperialist country.
- “Unite the Negro People Against McCarthyism”, by Frederick C. Hastings
- “Reply to a Priest’s Letter”, by William Z. Foster
- “The Political Situation in Cuba”, by Alfredo Gomez
- “My Mission to Spain” [Book Review], by Steve Nelson
- 1955 — Volume XXXIV:
- # 4 — April 1955, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,938 KB] Articles include:
- “On the Release of the National Committee Members”, by William Z. Foster
- “Some Thoughts on Independent Political Action (A Discussion of the ‘National Guardian’s’ Call for a Third Party”
- “Eisenhower and Keynesism”, by William Z. Foster
- “The Informer System and Democracy”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “On the Program of the Communist Party of Brazil”, by Luis Carlos Prestes
- 1956 — Volume XXXV:
- # 1 — January 1956, 68 pages. “The Challenge of 1956: Reports to the National Conference of the CPUSA.” Searchable PDF format [3,154 KB] Articles include:
- “Geneva and ’56”, by Max Weiss
- “The ’56 Elections”, by Albert E. Blumberg
- “The Youth”, by Martha Stone
- “The Labor Merger”, by Hal Simon
- # 4 — April 1956, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,071 KB] Articles include:
- “The Road to Socialism” (Part 1), by William Z. Foster
- “Questions and Answers on the XXth Congress [of the CPSU]”, by Eugene Dennis
- “Gradualism and Negro Freedom”, by Henry Winston
- “Civil Liberties Under Socialism (Answers to the Monthly Review)”
- “Foster: A Fighter for Correct Theory” [Tribute to Wm. Z. Foster], by Benjamin J. Davis
- # 7 — July 1956, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,811 KB] Articles include:
- “Was the American Revolution a Majority Movement?”, by Herbrt Aptheker
- “Who Rules America? (A Discussion of ‘The Power Elite’)”, by Louis Fleischer
- “The ‘Managed Economy’ of the U.S. (Part 1)”, by William Z. Foster
- “Towards a United Party of Socialism”, by Nemmy Sparks
- “On Marx and ‘Force’”, by Harry Martel
- “On Party Relations and the Khrushchev Report” [4 views]
- # 8 — August 1956, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,333 KB] Articles include:
- “The ‘Managed Economy’ of the U.S. (Part 2)”, by William Z. Foster
- “On the Cult of the Individual”, by the Central Committee, CPSU
- “On the Resolution of the Central Committee, CPSU”, by the National Committee, CPUSA
- “The American Road to Socialism”, by Jack Goldring
- “On the Concept ‘Bourgeois-Democracy’”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Some Lessons from the Soviet Experience”, by Nathan M. Turner
- 1957 — Volume XXXVI:
- # 1 — January 1957, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,294 KB] Articles include:
- “Anna Louise Strong’s ‘The Stalin Years’” [Review], by Nemmy Sparks
- “A Message to Party Organizations”, by the National Committee, CPUSA
- “On the Role of the Party”, by Merle Brodsky
- “Peaceful Co-Existence: A Discussion”, by Louis Fleisher and Max Weiss
- “What Kind of a Change? [for the CPUSA]”, by Eugene Dennis
- “Social-Democracy in the U.S.”, a CPUSA Sub-Committee Report
- # 2 — February 1957, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,444 KB] Articles include:
- “The Eisenhower Doctrine”, the National Committee, CPUSA
- “Marxism-Leninism and ‘American Prosperity’”, by William Z. Foster
- “Some Concepts of Our Trade-Union Work”, by Hal Simon
- “In Defense of Theory”, by Hyman Lumer
- “More on Proletarian Dictatorship”, by People’s Daily (Peking)
- “Report to Congress of the CP of Italy” [Extract], by Palmiro Togliatti
- # 3 — March 1957, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,407 KB] Articles include:
- “The Communist Party National Convention”
- “Keynote Address”, by Eugene Dennis
- “Reports on: The Draft Resolution; The Draft Constitution; The Struggle for Negro Freedom; On the Nature of the Party’s Errors; On Marxist-Leninist Theory; On Relations with Other Marxist Parties”
- “China’s Great Road”, by Sue Warren
- “China Reconstructs her Petty Capitalists”, by Ho Shan-huei
- “Notes on Contemporary Music” by Sydney Finkelstein
- “English or Algebra?”, by Nemmy Sparks
- #12 — December 1957, complete issue has 100 pages, but the defective copy we scanned here is missing the first article (pages 1-18). Searchable PDF format [1,570 KB] Articles include:
- “The South’s New Challenge”, by James E. Jackson
- “Problems of Foreign Policy”, by James S. Allen
- “On the Eve of the UAW Convention”, by Carl Winter
- “The Housing Question: Cleveland”, by Martin Chancey
- “The Party Crisis and the Way Out”, by William Z. Foster
- “American Imperialism and Canada”, by Leslie Morris
- “On the Situation in the Polish Party”, by Wladyslaw Gomulka
- “Declaration of Communist and Workers’ Parties of Socialist Countries”
- “Ideas in Our Time”, by the Editor
- “Index for 1957”
- 1958 — Volume XXXVII:
- # 2 — February 1958, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,320 KB] Articles include:
- “On the 12-Party Declaration”, by Robert Thompson
- “Key Problems of Party Program”, by Alexander Bittelman
- “Behind the Guatemalan Elections”, by Jose Martinez
- “Africa and the United States”, by John Pittman
- “The Nakedness of Mr. Fast”, by Phillip Bonosky
- “The Battle for Civil Rights Today”, by William L. Patterson
- “The Party and the Negro People”, by Pettis Perry
- “Ideas in Our Time”, by the Editor
- “Letters from Readers”
- # 4 — April 1958, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,352 KB] Articles include:
- “American Imperialism and the British West Indies”, by Claudia Jones
- “A Reply to Comrade Healey”, by James E. Jackson
- “A Call to Youth”, by 12 American youths
- “On the CP’s Political Resolution”, by an American professor
- “Foreign Policy and World War II”, by John Pittman
- “Antonio Gramsci”, by Fred Hallett
- “A Pioneer Communist”, by A. Krchmarek
- “An Introduction to Marxism” [Review], by Hyman Lumer
- “Paul Robeson: The Man and His Meaning”, by Benjamin J. Davis
- “Ideas in Our Time”, by the Editor
- # 5 — May 1958, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,291 KB] Articles include:
- “The Superiority of World Socialism Over World Capitalism”, by William Z. Foster
- “The California Primary Elections”, by Albert J. Lima
- “The Economic Slump and the Party’s Role: Ohio”, by Martin Chancey
- “Master of Deceit”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “The Rising Struggle Against Unemployment”, by George Morris
- “U.S. Farmers: Problems and Proposals”, by John Hellman
- “Ideas in Our Time”, The Editor
- # 6 — June 1958, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,258 KB] Articles include:
- “The Crisis in France”, by the Central Committee of the CP of France
- “On the Peace Manifesto and the 12-Party Declaration”, by the National Executive Committee, CPUSA
- “Working Class and Party in Italy”, by Giorgio Amendola
- “On the Draft Program of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia”, by People’s Daily [Peking], and by Pravda [Moscow]
- “American Farm Cooperatives”, by Erik Bert
- “The 1958 Elections”, by Arnold Johnson
- “Unemployment Staggers Michigan”, by William Allan
- “Ideas in Our Time”, the Editor
- # 7 — July 1958, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,281 KB] Articles include:
- “The Coming Michigan Election”, by William Allan
- “Two Germanys and the Danger of War”, by Goerge Lohr
- “China’s Great Leap Year”, by Hu Chiao-mu [From Red Flag journal]
- “The Draft Program of the Austrian Socialist Party”, by Franz Marek
- “Labor and The McClellan Committee” (unsigned article)
- “On Government Spending”, by Jack Goldring, with a Reply by Hyman Lumer
- “Book Review of: The Capitalist Revolution, by Mortimer Adler & L. O. Kelso”
- “The Roots of the French Crisis”, by Jacques Duclos
- “Algeria, France and Freedom”, by Herbert Aptheker
- # 8 — August 1958, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,298 KB] Articles include:
- “A Policy for American Labor”, by the National Committee, CPUSA
- “The Struggle for Peace”, by Eugene Dennis
- “On the Work and Consolidation of the Party”, by Bob Thompson
- “The Mid-East: Peace or War?” (Part I), by Herbert Aptheker
- “The Recent Elections in Finland”, Hertta Kuusinen
- # 9 — September 1958, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,424 KB] Articles include:
- The Party Program:
- “The American Road to Socialism”, by James S. Allen
- “Program Questions”
- “The Coming Illinois Elections”, by James West
- “On the 39th Anniversary of the CPUSA”, by the National Education Department, CPUSA
- “The Mid-East: Peace or War?” (Part II), by the Editor
- “Labor and Political Action”, by Albert J. Lima
- #10 — October 1958, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,418 KB] Articles include:
- “The United States and China: Peace or War”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “The Crisis in Steel”, by A. Krchmarek
- “The Peace Movement in Great Britain”, by John Williamson
- “Some Key Elements of Party Program”, by James S. Allen
- “Basic Data on the American Negro People”, by James E. Jackson
- #11 — November 1958, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,369 KB] Articles include:
- “The Supreme Court and Demcracy”, by Arnold F. Robler
- “Americans View the Soviet Union”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Recent Political Developments in Texas”, by State Committee, CP of Texas
- “The Referendum Vote in France”, by Maurice Thorez
- “The Not-So-Affluent Society” [Book Review], by Louis Fleischer
- “Party Program Discussion”
- 1959 — Volume XXXVIII [Some issues in this volume mistakenly labelled XXXIX]:
- # 1 — January 1959, 68 pages. (A few pages badly stained and thus scanned in color for more legibility.) Searchable PDF format [2,087 KB] Articles include:
- “Post-Election Perspectives”, by Eugene Dennis
- “The Economic Outlook Today”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Work in the Two-Party System”, by William Z. Foster
- “The Negro Freedom Fight: Current Developments”, by James E. Jackson
- “Theoretical Aspects of the Negro Question (Draft Resolution)”, by the National Committee, CPUSA
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “A Letter to Howard Fast”, by V. J. Jerome
- # 2 — February 1959, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,346 KB] Articles include:
- “Africa Lifts Its Voice”, by Shirley Graham
- “The Cuban People and the Batista Tyranny”, by Lazaro Pena
- “On the Civil War and Lincoln”, by Karl Marx
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “The California Elections”, by Albert J. Lima
- “The Ohio Elections”, by A. Krchmarek
- “On Questions Concerning People’s Communes”, by the Central Committee, CP of China
- “The Lessons of the French Elections”, by Editorial Board, “Cahiers du Communisme”
- “Party Program Discussion”, by C. L.
- # 4 — April 1959, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,230 KB] Articles include:
- “The Economic Crisis in Latin America”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker: “The United States and Germany (Part I)”
- “China Overtakes Time”, by Ella Winter
- “Notes on the Negro Question (A Discussion Article)”, by Wm. Z. Foster & Benjamin J. Davis
- “Central Africa and Freedom”, by W. Alphaeus Hunton
- “The Political Situation in France and Italy”, by the CPs of France and Italy
- “Book Review: The Gates of Fable”, by William Z. Foster
- “Book Review: Veblen on Capitalism”, by Erik Bert
- # 7 — July 1959, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,312 KB] Articles include:
- “The Economic Recovery in the U.S.”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Cold War and the People’s Welfare”, by William Z. Foster
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker: “Historical Writing and the American Revolution”
- “Art and Ideology”, by Sidney Finkelstein
- “On Communist Party History”, by R. Palme Dutt
- “A New Midwife in the New China”, by Chin Yueh-ying
- # 9 — September 1959, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,211 KB] Articles include:
- “Forty Years of the Communist Party”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Selections from the Writings of Charles E. Ruthenberg”
- “Towards the 17th National Convention”, by Eugene Dennis
- “Pre-Convention Discussion: Draft Political Resolution”
- “Draft Resolution on the Negro Question in the United States”
- “Communications: On the Meaning of ‘Ideology’”, by H.N., with a reply by Sidney Finkelstein
- #10 — October 1959, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,373 KB] Articles include:
- “The Life of the Party Begins at Forty”, by Gus Hall
- “‘Monthly Review’ on Booms and Busts”, by Victor Perlo
- “Hail the People’s Republic of China!”, by Shirley Graham [Wife of W.E.B. Du Bois]
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker: “Notes On a Journey” [To Hungary and the U.S.S.R.]
- “Marxism and the Cuban Revolution”, by the National Committee, Popular Socialist Party
- “The Two National Revolutions in Iraq”, by Zaki Khairy
- “Pre-Convention Discussion: Eyes on Labor”, by Ed Martin
- #11 — November 1959, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,299 KB] Articles include:
- “The Khrushchev Visit”, by Betty Gannett
- “The River of Time”, by V. Keler
- “The Workday and Communism”, by S. G. Strumilin
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker: “Despair, Democracy, and Marxism”
- “Bourgeois Morality and Communist Morality”, by Roger Garaudy
- “Pre-Convention Discussion: The Party and the Labor Movement”, by Mark T. Camuso
- “The Party and the Masses”, by Milton Rosen
- “Book Review: The Soviet Union Today”, by Hyman Lumer
- #12 — December 1959, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,335 KB] Articles include:
- “Toward the 1960 Elections”, by Arnold Johnson
- “The 1959 Elections in Ohio”, by A. Krchmarek
- “Amnesty for Political Prisoners”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker: “On the Centenary of John Brown’s Execution”
- “The British Elections — and After”, by John Gollan (Gen. Secretary, CP of Great Britain)
- “The Trade-Union Movement in Latin America”, by Lazaro Pena
- “West Africa Today”, by W. Alphaeus Hunton
- “In Memoriam: Sen Katayama”, by Oakley C. Johnson
- Pre-Convention Discussion: “On the Draft Resolution”, by William Z. Foster
- “American Labor Today”, by a Steelworker
- Index for 1959
- 1960 — Volume XXXIX:
- # 1 — January 1960, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,327 KB] Articles include:
- “Our Sights to the Future”, by Gus Hall [Keynote speech to 17th Nat’l Convention, CPUSA, Dec. 10, 1959.]
- “Disarmament and the American Economy”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Civil Liberties and the Communist Party”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “Our Party and the World Communist Movement”, by James E. Jackson
- “United Front Policy in the San Francisco Elections”, by Archie Brown
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker
- # 2 — February 1960, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,132 KB] Articles include:
- 17th National Convention, CPUSA: Main Political Resolution:
- “On the Fight for Peace and the Struggle against the Monopolies”
- “On Trade Union Problems”
- “On the Negro Question in the United States”
- “On Peaceful Co-Existence”, by Eugene Dennis
- “The 1960 Elections”, by Benjamin J. Davis
- “The Negro Question Today”, by Claude Lightfoot
- “One Party, One Policy, One Direction”, by Gus Hall
- # 3 — March 1960, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,929 KB] Articles include:
- “Notes of the Month”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Battle in Steel”, by A. Krchmarek
- “The Golden Jubilee of International Women’s Day”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “Jane Addams: Gentle Rebel”, by Alice Hamilton
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker: “The German Question—Again”
- “The Gentleman from Mississippi”, by Elizabeth Lawson
- “Book Reviews”
- “Canada’s Fight for Freedom”, by William Z. Foster
- “Mr. Strachey and the Empire”, by R. Palme Dutt
- Resolutions from the 17th National Convention, CPUSA
- # 4 — April 1960, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,206 KB] Articles include:
- “Notes of the Month”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Lenin’s 90th Birthday”, by William Z. Foster
- “Our Country’s Stake in Negro Freedom”, by Gus Hall
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker: “The Mythology of American Racism (Part I)”
- “Women in American Socialist Struggles”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “Peaceful Co-Existence and the Ideological Struggle”, by the Editorial Board, “The Communist” (Moscow)
- “The Kerala Elections”, by Ajoy Ghosh, General Secretary, C. P. of India
- # 5 — May 1960, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,283 KB] Articles include:
- “Notes of the Month: Terror in South America, etc.”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Negro People and the 1960 Elections”, by Claude Lightfoot
- “Mass Movement in Illinois”, by James West
- “The California Scene”, by Dorothy Healey
- “The Wisconsin Primaries”, by Fred Blair
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker: “The Mythology of American Racism (Part II)”
- “The Struggle for the Defense of Democracy in Bourgeois Countries”, translated from a work in the Soviet Union
- # 6 — June 1960, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,221 KB] Articles include:
- “Notes of the Month: Peace, the Summit and the 1960 Elections”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker: “The Summit Smash-up”
- “A Cup of Coffee, Please”, by Shirley Graham
- “Election Perspectives in New York”, by Claarence Hathaway
- “Browder Tries Again to Destroy the Communist Party”, by William Z. Foster
- “Recovery After the Anti-Revisionist Struggle”, by James S. Allen
- “My Friend: Louis E. Burnham”, by James E. Jackson
- “Letters From Readers”
- # 8 — August 1960, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,230 KB] Articles include:
- “Notes of the Month: The Slump in Steel”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Summit and After”, by Gus Hall
- “American Youth on the Move”, by Dan Ross
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker: “Who Wants Disarmament?”
- “West German and U.S. Imperialism”, by Victor Perlo
- “A Letter from Guinea”, by S. J. T.
- “Book Review: Farming and Freedom”, by Eric Bert
- # 9 — September 1960, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,072 KB] Articles include:
- “Notes of the Month: U.S. Imperialism and the Congo”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The African Personality”, by Shirley Graham
- “The 1960 Elections”, by National Executive Committee, CPUSA
- “On Peace and Peaceful Coexistence”, by by National Executive Committee, CPUSA
- “To the First Party of the Americas”, by James E. Jackson [On the PSP of Cuba]
- “On the Law of Maximum Profits”, by Andre Barjonet
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker: “The Bomb and Imperialism”
- “Humanism in Our Epoch”, by B. Ryurikov
- #10 — October 1960, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,032 KB] Articles include:
- “Notes of the Month: The Economic Situation in the U.S.”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Cuban Revolution”, by Blas Roca
- “Aspects of the Cuban Revolution”, by James S. Allen
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker: “Africa and Imperialist Intellectuals”
- “Dialectics and Our Time”, by F. Konstantinov and K. Momdzhan [Translated from Kommunist (Moscow)]
- #11 — November 1960, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,177 KB] Articles include:
- “Salute to the U.S.S.R.”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “The UN Assembly and the Fight for Peace”, by Jack Stachel
- “Ideas In Our Time”, by Herbert Aptheker: “Disarmament and Peace”
- “Peaceful Co-Existence and Revisionism”, by A. Arzumanyan and V. Kornionov [Translated from Pravda]
- “On the Farm Question: A Discussion”, by a Reader and Erik Bert
- “Poland Today”, by Maxim Lieber
- “The Latin-American Revolution of 1810-1826”, by William Z. Foster
- Book Reviews:
- “On the Party’s History”, by Clarence Hathaway
- “Labor in the ’Thirties”, by Carl Winter
- “A Note to Readers” [Results of a survey about the magazine among subscribers.]
- #12 — December 1960, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,251 KB] Articles include:
- “Notes of the Month: The Elections and After” [Editorial]
- “Africa in Revolution”, by the Editorial Board of “The African Communist” [South Africa]
- “The Social Security System in U.S.”, by Ralph Izard
- “The New Rumania”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “On the Expulsion of [Alexander] Bittelman”, by National Secretariat, CPUSA
- “Book Review: Mr. Rostow’s Strange World”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Book Review: America’s Steel-workers”, by William Z. Foster
- Index for 1960
- 1961 — Volume XL:
- # 1 — January 1961, 68 pages. (This issue contains a small amount of underlining.) Searchable PDF format [1,344 KB] Articles include:
- “Statement by 81 Marxist-Leninist Parties”, at a meeting in Moscow in November 1960.
- “Appeal to the Peoples of the World”, by the 81 Marxist-Leninist Parties
- “Ideas In Our Time: American Morality and Marxism”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “The Economics of the Cuban Revolution”, by Blas Roca
- “Marxism and African Liberation”, by N. Numada
- # 2 — February 1961, 100 pages. (This issue contains a small amount of underlining.) Searchable PDF format [2,287 KB] Articles include:
- Memorial photograph of Eugene Dennis (1904-1961), Party Chairman, CPUSA
- “Notes of the Month: The New Administration” [Editorial]
- “The U.S. in Today’s World”, by Gus Hall, General Secretary, CPUSA
- “The Negro Liberation Movement Today”, by Claude Lightfoot
- “Salute to William Z. Foster”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “Ideas In Our Time: The Civil War Centennial”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Africa and Neo-Colonialism”, by W. Alphaeus Hunton
- # 4 — April 1961, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,190 KB] Articles include:
- “Notes of the Month: Lenin and the New Epoch”, by the Editorial Board
- “Lessons of the Steel Rand-and-File Movement”, by A. Krchmarek
- “The Question of an Anti-Monopoly Coalition”, by William Weinstone
- “Ideas In Our Time: The Cuban Revolution: Pt. II”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “The General Crisis of Capitalism Deepens”, by James E. Jackson
- “Inside the Soviet Economy”, by Victor Perlo
- # 5 — May 1961, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,183 KB] Articles include:
- “Notes of the Month: Cuba; The Moon Program”, by the Editorial Board
- “May Day and the Shorter Work Week”, by Louis Weinstock
- “Civil Liberties and Democracy”, by Arnold Johnson
- “Ideas In Our Time: The Big Lie Again”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “The American Indian Today”, by M. S. Harisse
- “Canada and the United States”, by Leslie Morris
- “The Contradictions Between French and American Imperialism”, by Henri Claude
- # 6 — June 1961, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,200 KB] Articles include:
- “Notes of the Month: Cuba and Peace, Algeria, Angola”, by the Editorial Board
- “Ideas In Our Time: Riding to Freedom”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “The Menace of Growing Unemployment”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Foreign Born and the Nation”, by Charles Klemm
- “The Challenge of Marxism”, by James Klugman [About the new Soviet book Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism.]
- “Some Editorial Correspondence”
- # 7 — July 1961, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,219 KB] Articles include:
- “An Open Letter to the American People”, by the National Committee, CPUSA
- “‘A Fateful Moment,’ The Supreme Court and the Communists”, an Editorial
- “American Farmers Today”, by Richard F. Romano
- “Unemployment and the Trade Unions”, by George Morris
- “The Coming New York City Elections”, by Betty Gannett
- “On Socialism and Democracy”, by Palmiro Togliatti
- #11 — November 1961, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,235 KB] Articles include:
- “The Supreme Court and the McCarran Act”, by Gus Hall
- “Is Full Employment Possible?”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union”, by N. S. Khrushchev
- “Communism: Goal of Party and People”, by N. S. Khrushchev
- “Ideas in Our Time: An American Scholar’s Great Contribution to Peace”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Recent Developments in Syria”, by Central Committee, C. P. of Syria
- “Book Review: A History of the General Strike”, reviewed by Jan Reling
- 1962 — Volume XLI:
- # 1 — January 1962, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,340 KB] Articles include:
- “On the Indictment of the Communist Party”, by Gus Hall
- “The U.S. and the XXII Congress, CPSU”, An Editorial
- “The Unemployed: Slander and Facts”, by Victor Perlo
- “Ideas In Our Time: Civil Rights in the U.S. Today (Part I)”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “What’s Happening in the Congo?”, by Jack Woddis
- “The Goan Struggle Against Portuguese Colonialism”, by B. M. Braganza
- “The ‘Socialist’ International: Latest Contortions”, by H. Fagan
- “Current Developments in Ghana”, A Government White Paper
- “Book Review: American Labor: Which Way”, by Jack Stachel
- “Book Review: A Puerto Rican in New York”, by Sidney Finkelstein
- #12 — December 1962, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,395 KB] Articles include:
- “The 1962 Elections: An Estimate”, by the Communist Party, USA
- “The Way Ahead for American Labor”, by the Communist Party, USA
- “The Communist Party in the Dock”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “The New York Elections”, by William Albertson
- “The Ohio Elections”, by A. Krchmarek
- “Ideas In Our Time: Preventive War and Modern Weaponry”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “De Gaulle Dreams of a Holy Alliance”, by Jacques Duclos
- “On the Chinese-Indian Border Fighting”, a Pravda Editorial
- “Book Review: American Foreign Policy and the Cold War”, by Jack Stachel
- 1963 — Volume XLII:
- # 2 — February 1963, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,353 KB] Articles include:
- Photograph on p. 2: “Happy Birthday, Dear Comrade Du Bois!”
- “On Cuba, China and the U.S.S.R.”, by the Communist Party, USA
- “Call That a Trial?”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “Tokenism and Gradualism in the Struggle for Negro Rights”, by Benjamin J. Davis
- “Economic Realities and Perspectives”, by Victor Perlo
- “Ideas In Our Time: To Dr. Du Bois — With Love”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “California Ends the Nixon Era”, by Dorothy R. Healey
- “Storms Ahead in Central Africa”, by Jack Woddis
- “The World Proets the McCarran Act Prosecutions”
- # 4 — April 1963, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,247 KB] Articles include:
- “A Tax Program for the United States”, by Arnold Johnson
- “Parallelism and Democracy”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “California Rejects Anti-Communism”, by Albert J. Lima
- “The Chicago Primary Elections”, by James West
- “Strengthen the Negro-Labor Alliance”, by Communist Party, USA
- “Ideas In Our Time: Is the Soviet Union a Progressive Society?”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communications”, by Shirley Graham
- “An Appeal from Iraq”, by 12 members of the Committee for the Defense of the Iraqi People
- “Book Review: The Alderson Story”, reviewed by Human Lumer
- “Latin-American Realities”, by Sam Russell
- # 8 — August 1963, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,253 KB] Articles include:
- “The Ideological Struggle in the American Left”, Editorial [Concerned about Maoist sympathies of Monthly Review]
- “New Stage of Negro Freedom Movement: The TIme is Now!”, by Benjamin J. Davis
- “The Kaiser Steel Plan”, by Samuel Kels
- “A Fighting People Forging Unity”, by James E. Jackson
- “Ideas In Our Time: A Cleansing Wind Gathers”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “The Revolution in Cuba”, by R. E. Stone
- #11 — November 1963, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,337 KB] Articles include:
- “U.S. Imperialism and Vietnam”, Editorial
- “Democratic Uprising of the American Negroes”, by James E. Jackson
- “Recollections of the 1960 Conferences”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “Civil Rights and the Crisis in Our Cities”, by Mike Davidow
- “Ideas In Our Time: The Civil Rights Commission Report: 1963”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Stand By Our Leaders”, by the Editorial Board of the African Communist
- “Communications: Use of Jewish Question to Defame Soviet Union”, by A. Lazar
- “On the Youth Question”, by John Weiss
- 1964 — Volume XLIII:
- # 2 — February 1964, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,300 KB] Articles include:
- “Toward Easing World Tensions”, Editorial
- “Government Intervention in Collective Bargaining”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The 88th Congress”, by Jack Stachel
- “For Deeper Study of New World Realities”, an editorial from Critica Marxista (Italy)
- “First Victory Over McCarran Act”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “Economic Aspects of the Cuban Revolution”, by Irving Bellows
- “Ideas In Our Time: Murders Most Foul, II”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: Mr. A. D. Fuller and Negro Unity”, by William L. Patterson
- “Book Review: Portrait of a Great Utopian”, reviewed by Oakley C. Johnson
- “Book Review: The Undeclared War”, reviewed by Bill Leonard
- # 3 — March 1964, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,333 KB] Articles include:
- “Forty Years of a Crusading Newspaper”, by the Editors
- “The Panama Crisis”, Editorial
- “President Johnson’s Economic Program”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Debate on Socialist Perspectives in the U.S.A.”, by Gil Green
- “The Peaceful Way—A Form of Revolution”, by Luis Corvalan
- “Ideas In Our Time: Dresden, Destruction and Doomsday”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communists and Socialists”, by the Communist Party of France
- “The King Who Never Was”, by V. J. Jerome
- “Book Review: A Heroic Epic”, reviewed by Ray Shiffrin
- # 4 — April 1964, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,279 KB] Articles include:
- “Editorial: President Johnson’s Message on Poverty”
- “Editorial: End the War in South Vietnam”
- “Organized Labor and Government”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Coal Mining Today: The Industry and the Miners”, by George Meyers
- “The State of the Whole People”, by Jack Cohen
- “Ideas In Our Time: ‘The Deputy’ and the World’s Conscience”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Some Aspects of the Mallory Conviction”, by William L. Patterson
- “Communication: Hotel Siege Ends in Victory”, by L. B.
- “Book Review: The Ultra-Right Exposed”, review by Robert Olsen
- “Book Review: What, Indeed, Is Communism?”, review by A. W. Font
- # 5 — May 1964, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,276 KB] Articles include:
- “Editorial: White Americans and Civil Rights”
- “Editorial: The Country Needs a New Foreign Policy”
- “In Memoriam” [On the death of Paul Baran]
- “Myths or Realities: Communists and Catholics”, by Gus Hall
- “The Economic Outlook”, by Irving Bellows
- “The California Primary Elections”, by Albert J. Lima
- “Observations on UAW Convention”, by William Allan
- “Ideas In Our Time: Southern History and Mythology”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: Evaluation of Henry James”, by Sidney Finkelstein
- “Comments by the Author”, by V. J. Jerome
- “Communication: Why the People Mourned [about the President Kennedy assassination]”, by Harold Reyob
- “The Editors Reply”
- “Book Review: Latin America in Ferment”, review by John Alfred
- # 6 — June 1964, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,516 KB] Articles include:
- “‘Soviet Anti-Semitism’: The Kichko Book”, Editorial
- “The Anti-Segregation Battle in Ohio”, by A. Krchmarak
- “Mythmakers and Mythrakers”, by J. M. Budish
- “The Presidential Primaries in Wisconsin”, by Fred Blair
- “Our Changing Farm Economy”, by Erik Bert
- “Ideas In Our Time: Integrated Education Requires Integrated Texts”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: The UMW and the Coal Miners”, by a Pennsylvania Reader
- “Comments by the Author”, by George A. Meyers (in response to the above)
- “Communication: The Theater of the Absurd”, by G. B.
- “Author Replies”, by Jim Victor (in response to the above)
- “Otto V. Kuusinen”, memorial notice
- “Book Review: Crisis in Latin America”, reviewed by Irving Bellows
- # 7 — July 1964, 68 pages. (Change to slightly larger page format.) Searchable PDF format [1,712 KB] Articles include:
- “‘Soviet Anti-Semitism’: The Status of Soviet Jews”, Editorial
- “Not Yet End of Road on McCarran Act”, by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
- “Crisis in Southeast Asia”, by Betty Gannett
- “The Wallac Campaign in Maryland”, by George A. Meyers
- “Ideas In Our Time: Philosophy, Fear and Freedom”, by Herbert Aptheker [Review of Barrows Dunham, Heroes and Heretics]
- “Thorstein Veblen: Social Critic”, by Erik Bert
- “Book Review: A Crude Distortion of History”, by William Weinstone [Review of John S. Reshetar, Jr., A Concise History of the CPSU]
- “Book Review: Psychoanalysis Dissected”, by Ben Levine [Review of Harry R. Wells, The Failure of Psychoanalysis From Freud to Fromm]
- #12 — December 1964, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,785 KB] Articles include:
- “Fulfill the Election Mandate”, by the Communist Party, U.S.A.
- “The View from Southern California”, by Dorothy Healey
- “Why Proposition 14 Won”, by Albert J. Lima
- “The Upset in Ohio”, by A. Krchmarek
- “Central America in Perspective”, by Longino Becerra [Of the C.P. of Honduras]
- “Ideas In Our Time: Present Thinking in Socialist Countries”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: The Aged and Their Needs”, by Simon Lambert
- “Book Review: Negro Liberation: Unfinished Business”, by A. W. Font
- “Index For 1964”
- 1965 — Volume XLIV:
- # 1 — January 1965, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,696 KB] Articles include:
- “‘Humanitarianism’ and Imperialism in the Congo”, Editorial
- “San Francisco Printer’s Strike”, by Joe Higgins
- “Post-Election Perspectives in New York”, by Will Simon
- “The Negro Vote Against Goldwater”, by T. R. Bassett
- “A Proper Approach to the National Question”, by Paul Novick
- “Marxism and Assimilation”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Ideas In Our Time: Hoover, the Negro and Democracy”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: Free Speech Revolt On Berkeley Campus”, by Bettina Aptheker
- “Book Review: Cuba’s Turbulent Past”, review by Frank Davis
- “Book Review: The Professor’s Dilemma”, review by Ernest Johnson
- # 2 — February 1965, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,686 KB] Articles include:
- “Communists and Negro History”, Editorial
- “Scrap the McCarran Act”, Editorial
- “The Negro-Labor Community”, by Gus Hall
- “Struggles of the Thirties in the South”, by John Williams
- “United States Neo-Colonialism”, by Henry Winston
- “Ideas In Our Time: Dr. Du Bois on ‘The Joy of Living’”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “‘Consciencism’: Philosophy of Our Revolution”, by Julius Sago [Ghana]
- “Communication: An Unfortunate Omission”, by Alberto Moreau
- “Book Review: A Giant in American History”, reviewed by A. W. Font
- “In Memoriam: Thomas Nabried”
- “In Memoriam: Claudia Jones”
- # 6 — June 1965, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,514 KB] Articles include:
- “The Dominican Invasion”, Editorial
- “The Church and the Working Class”, by a Group of Worker-Priests
- “The Government, Monopoly Capitalism and the Economy”
- “The New U.S. Economic Policy”, by Victor Perlo
- “The Government and Agriculture”, by Eric Bert
- “The Welfare State and Socialism”, by James S. Allen
- “Ideas In Our Time: Further on Vietnam”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Moscow Consultative Conference”
- “Introduction”
- “Moscow Communique”
- “Statement, CPUSA”
- “Division Weakens Us”, by Fidel Castro
- “Communication: Role of Working Class”, by S.R.; with Reply by Gus Hall
- # 7 — July 1965, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,479 KB] Articles include:
- “Where Is the Economy Heading?”, by Hyman Lumer
- “HUAC’s Chicago Defeat, by James West
- “The Crisis in Transport”, by George Shaw Wheeler
- “Observations on the Situation in Steel”, by A. Krchmarek
- “The Ideological Work in Hungary”, by the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party
- “Ideas In Our Time: Academic Freedom in the United States”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Book Review: The People’s Fight Against Poverty”, review by David Franklin
- # 8 — August 1965, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,747 KB] Articles include:
- “Algeria and Socialism”, Editorial
- “The Communist Party Program”, by Gus Hall
- “The Revolutionary Character of the Algiers Charter”, by Henri Alleg
- “The Los Angeles City Elections”, by Richard Loring
- “Ideas In Our Time: The Academic Rebellion in the United States”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Thoughts on ‘The Feminine Mystique’”, by Nan Sheppard
- “Communication: Another Look at the TR [Triple Revolution] Statement”, by Erik Bert
- “Book Review: The Soviet Judicial System”, review by Fred Davis
- “Book Review: The AFL’s Formative Years”, review by A. W. Font
- #10 — October 1965, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,799 KB] Articles include:
- “Watts and the ‘War on Poverty’”, Editorial
- “Storm Over Los Angeles”, by William C. Taylor
- “Ideas In Our Time: The Watts Ghetto Uprising”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “U.S. Labor and Peace”, by George Morris
- “Puerto Rico’s Economic Bondage”, by John Schuyler
- “Sartre: Existentialism and Marxism”, by Sidney Finkelstein
- #11 — November 1965, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,567 KB] Articles include:
- “USSR — Bulwark of Peace”, Editorial
- “In Memoriam: Robert Thompson — A Hero of the Working Class”
- “Economic Changes in Socialist Countries”, by Maurice Dobb
- “Ideas In Our Time: The Watts Ghetto Uprising [Part 2]”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Discussion on Communist Party Program: The Role of the Working Class”, by Vincent Ignatius
- “The Nature of Small Business”, by Eric Bert
- “Book Review: Triumph Over Hitlerism”, review by Mike Davidow
- #12 — December 1965, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,553 KB] Articles include:
- “A Momentous Decision [Supreme Court ruling McCarran Act unconstitutional]”, Editorial
- “New York City Elections—And After”, by Will Simon
- “Elections in New Jersey”, by Irving Potash
- “The Cleveland Mayoralty Elections”, by Phil Bart
- “They Fought for Civilization”, by Robert Thompson
- “The New Left”, by John Proctor
- “Ideas In Our Time: Recent Ideological Developments in the United States”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Book Review: A Major WOrk on Political Economy”, by Dave Franklin [Reviewing: Oscar Lange, Political Economy, Vol. I.]
- “Book Review: Anti-Soviet Myths Exposed”, by Jack Stachel
- “Index for 1965”
- 1966 — Volume XLV:
- # 1 — January 1966, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,547 KB] Articles include:
- “War and Revolution”, Editorial [Alarm and criticism of China because of Lin Piao’s ‘Long Live the Victory of People’s War’]
- “Path to Independence in Chile”, by Luis Corvalan
- “Put the McCarran Act on Trial”, by Bertha Clara Colon
- “Threat of Racialism in Britain”, by John Williamson
- “Ideas In Our Time: Notes on Marxian Methodology”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: The Meaning of Watts”, by Ben Dobbs
- “Reply to above”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Book Review: Anti-Communism—A U.S. Obsession”, by Gil Green
- “Book Review: Some Provocative Papers”, by Bill Leonard
- # 2 — February 1966, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,849 KB] Articles include:
- “National Liberation and the Anti-Imperialist Struggle”, Editorial
- “In Memoriam: Jack Stachel (1900-1965)”, “A Single-Minded Son of the Working Class”, by Gus Hall
- “Political Situation in Argentina”, by Jose Ratzer
- “Class Confrontation in Freedom Struggle”, by James E. Jackson
- “Ideas In Our Time: Vietnam: An Eyewitness Report”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: The McCone Commission on Watts Upsurge”, by William C. Taylor
- “Book Review: A Marxist View of Ethics”, review by Sidney Finkelstein of Howard Selsam, Ethics and Progress
- “Review: A Civil Rights Documentary”, by Oakley Johnson
- “Book Review: Imperialism in the Making”, by Bill Leonard
- # 3 — March 1966, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,700 KB] Articles include:
- “The Draft Program [of the CPUSA]”, Editorial
- “The Communist Program — The Path Ahead”, by Gus Hall
- “The Crisis of Credibility”, by Victor Perlo
- “The New System of Management and Socialist Democracy”, by George S. Wheeler
- “Ideas In Our Time: The W.E.B. Du Bois Papers”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Dr. Du Bois Joins Communist Party”, from a Letter to Gus Hall (Oct. 1961)
- “Discussions”
- “The New Left Undergoing Change”, by Bob Heisler
- “Communists Are Part of New Left”, by James Davis
- “Youth Vanguardism”, by Edward Julio
- “Many Can Be Won for Communism”, by Ted Cohen
- “Book Review: On the Threshold of Marxism”, by Joseph Reynolds
- “Book Review: Woman’s Suffrage”, by Oakley Johnson
- # 5 — May 1966, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,745 KB] Articles include:
- “The Communist Party — a Review and Perspective”, by Gus Hall
- “The Congress of Italian Communists”, by Al Richmond
- “We Charge Genocide”, by William L. Patterson
- “Discussion [on the Draft Program of the CPUSA]”
- “On Chapter One of Program”, by Jean Krchmarek
- “Once Again on the New Left”, by Don Hammersquith
- “The Nature of Monopoly Capitalism”, by J. M. Budish
- “What About the Needs of Women?”, by Doris Jones
- “Monopoly and Capitalist Society”, by Erik Bert
- “The Status of the Working Class”, by John Alfred
- # 6 — June 1966, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,249 KB] Articles include:
- “The Reactionary Coup in Ghana”, by Dennis Ogden
- “Economic Theory and Practice in the Soviet Union”, by Victor Perlo
- “Ideas In Our Time: Reflections on Fifty”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communications: Problems of Ethics and Morality”, by Joseph Reynolds
- “Response to the above”, by Howard Selsam
- “Discussion [on the Draft Program of the CPUSA]”
- “How We Appear to Others”, by Bertha C. Reynolds
- “Communism and Religion”, by Frances Thomas
- “The Mexican People in the Southwest”, by the New Mexico District
- “For the Independence of the Trade Unions”, by Jim West
- “The Richness of Language”, by the J.S. Brighton Press Club
- “The Meaning of ‘Working Class’”, by the West Side Community Club
- “Section on Working Class and Labor”, by E.S. Los Angeles
- “Some Pre-Convention Thoughts”, by Gil Green
- “The Mexican-Americans”, by Jim Smith
- “Four Questions”, by the Pavlov Club
- “A Proposed Section on Women”, by Brooklyn Club
- “The Communist New Left”, by Albuquerque Youth Club
- “Distinct Features of America”, by Mike Green
- “A Number of Omissions”, by B.L.M., Boston
- “Book Review: The Problem of Full Employment”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Book Review: Facts For Folks”, by A. W. Font
- “Book Review: New Trial for Joe Hill”, by A. W. Font
- # 7 — July 1966, 100 pages. Special issue on “Communism and Religion”. Searchable PDF format [2,064 KB] Articles include:
- “Communism and the Church”, Editorial
- “The Communist-Catholic Dialogue: A Critical Review”, by Gus Hall
- “We Are Struggling On Behalf of Man”, by Roger Garaudy
- “Marxism as Propaedeutic”, editorial from Continuum magazine
- “Action and Ideology”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Ideas In Our Time: Marxism and Religion”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Marxism and the American Christian Church: 1876-1917”, by Oakley C. Johnson
- “Catholics and Marxists in Latin America”, by Alberto Moreau
- “Religion, Church and Laicization in Hungary”, by Ivan Varga
- “Religion in the USSR”, by Betty Gannett
- # 8 — August 1966, 68 pages. Focusing on the 18th National Convention, CPUSA. Searchable PDF format [1,615 KB] Articles include:
- “Our Work Begins”, by Gus Hall
- “The 18th National Convention of the CPUSA”, by Daniel Rubin
- “Draft Resolution on the Jewish Question”
- “No Wall Between Politics and Culture”, by Joseph North
- “Ideas In Our Time: For a Return to Reason”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “New Technology and the American Economy”, by J. M. Budish
- “Book Review: Intellectuals and the Establishment”, by Oakley C. Johnson
- # 9 — September 1966, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,702 KB] Articles include:
- “The Meaning of ‘Black Power’”, by James E. Jackson
- “A Communist Candidacy in Los Angeles”, by Richard Loring
- “Anti-Semitism in the USA”, by Chaim Suller
- “Early Days in the Communist Party”, by Art Shields
- “Ideas In Our Time: Marxism and Education”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: On ‘War and Revolution’ [Criticism of the CPUSA attack on China and Lin Piao’s pamphlet]”, by M.M.
- “Reply to the above”, by the Editors
- “Sartre and the Concept of Freedom”, by Sidney Finkelstein
- “Program Discussion: Notes On the Program”, by Erik Bert
- “Book Review: Soldiers of Discontent”, by A. W. Font
- 1967 — Volume XLVI:
- # 1 — January 1967, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,651 KB] Articles include:
- “Some Observations on the Socialist World”, by Gus Hall
- “In Memoriam: Alexander Trachtenberg (1884-1966)”
- “The Senator from Massachusetts [Edward Brooke]”, by Leo O’Hare
- “The Aptheker Campaign”, by Gil Green
- “Ideas In Our Time: The U.S. in Vietnam: An Appraisal”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “On the Jewish Question”
- “The Fight Against Anti-Semitism”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Arab Chauvinism: A Reactionary Ideology”, by Sid Resnick
- “A Critical View of Waten on Yiddish”, by Morris Serrof
- # 2 — February 1967, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,690 KB] Articles include:
- “Forge Negro-Labor Unity”, by Henry Winston
- [Reviews of Baran & Sweezy’s Monopoly Capital]
- “Monopoly Capital: The Baran-Sweezy Model”, by Hyman Lumer
- “A Book of Questionable Scientific Merit”, by George Shaw Wheeler
- “Ideas In Our Time: Slavery: The Negro and Militancy”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “On the Jewish Question”
- “Further Probing Needed”, by Jack Kling
- “The Jewish community is a Reality”, by D.N.
- “Communication: An Evaluation of Gompers”, by William Weinstone
- “Communication: Labor Faces New Problems”, by Joe Higgins
- “Book Review: A Valuable Study of Neo-Colonialism”, by Joan Bellamy [Review of Kwame Nkrumah, Neo-Colonialism]
- # 4 — April 1967, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,688 KB] Articles include:
- “Stop the Bombing!”, Editorial
- “Auto Workers Face the 1967 Negotiations”, by Frank Martin
- “End the McCarran Era!”, by Arnold Johnson
- “Introduction to the Question of State Monopoly Capitalism”, by Paul Boccara
- “Ideas In Our Time: The United States Today: An Overall View”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “What I Learned in the Struggles in the Northwest”, by Art Shields
- “Changes in the Constitution of the Communist Party, U.S.A.”, by William W. Weinstone
- # 6 — June 1967, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,625 KB] Articles include:
- “The People March for Peace”, by Arnold Johnson
- “We Will Never Forget: Michael Gold 1894-1967”
- “The Stature o Michael Gold”, by John Howard Lawson
- “The UAW Prepares for Action”, by William Allen & George Meyers
- “The Delano Farm Strike”, by Sam Kushner
- “The Economic Laws of Socialism”, by A. Pashkov
- “Ideas In Our Time: Socialist and Capitalist Societies: Some Notes”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Your Opinion is Wanted” [Questions to the readers from the Editors]
- “On State Monopoly Capitalism: Part 2”, by Paul Boccara
- “The Problem of Alienated Youth”, by Tom Foley
- “Book Review: An Absorbing Novel”, review by Ann Barton of Fletcher Knebel, The ZinZin Road
- # 7 — July 1967, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,704 KB] Articles include:
- “The Middle East Crisis”, by Hyman Lumer
- “How to Build A New Left”, by Dorothy Healey
- “New Study of U.S. Finance Capital”, by Victor Perlo
- “The Fascist-Military Coup in Greece”, by Betty Gannett
- “Ideas In Our Time: The Theory of Peaceful Coexistence”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Discussion On Black Power: Integration or Separation?”, by Al Richmond
- “Book Review: Communists in Asia”, review by Tom Foley of Robert Scalapino, The Communist Revolution In Asia
- # 9 — September 1967, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,541 KB] Articles include:
- “The Economics of Rebellion”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Detroit Ghetto Uprising”, by Conrad Komorowski
- “Alliance of Anti-Imperialist Forces in Latin America”, by Luis Corvalan
- “Mexican-Americans in the Southwest”, by Patricia Bell
- “Ideas In Our Time: Those Whom the Gods Would Destroy...”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: The Rubber Workers’ Strike”, by Phil Bart
- “Book Review: Nat Turner’s Slave Rebellion”, review by Oakley C. Johnson of Herbert Aptheker’s book.
- #10 — October 1967, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,511 KB] Articles include:
- “The Roots of Negro Oppression”, by Gus Hall
- “Aspects of the Crisis in Higher Education”, by Bettina Aptheker
- “The Revolutionary Forces of Colombia”, by Albrto Gomez
- “The Rank and File and Labor’s Resurgence”, by James West
- “Ideas In Our Time: Styron-Turner and Nat Turner: Myth and Truth”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: Appraising the Middle East War”, by Alberto Moreau
- “Book Review: Capitalism Unlimited vs. Communism”, by Victor Perlo, reviewing Robert Heilbroner, The Limits of American Capitalism
- #11 — November 1967, 100 pages. Issue focused on the Soviet Union on the 50th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. Searchable PDF format [2,194 KB] Articles include:
- “The Party of a New Type”, Editorial
- “The Soviet Union in World Affairs”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Soviet Union and the Equality of Nations”, by Claude Lightfoot
- “The October Revolution and National Liberation”, by John Pittman
- “Ideas In Our Time: There Is Such a State!”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “John Reed: A Revolutionary Hero”, by Art Shields
- “The Economic Reform in the USSR”, by Victor Perlo
- “Material and Moral Incentives”, by Betty Gannett
- “Competition Between Capitalism and Socialism”, by George Shaw Wheeler
- “U.S. Radicals Hail October Revolution”, by Philip S. Foner
- “Book Review: The Soviet Union Today”, by A. W. Font, reviewing William Pomeroy, Half a Century of Socialism...
- #12 — December 1967, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,580 KB] Articles include:
- “Toward 1968: The Electoral Arena”, by Arnold Johnson
- “The Cleveland Elections”, by A. Krchmarek
- “The Hatcher Election in Gary”, by James West
- “A Reply to Isaac Deutscher”, by William Mandel
- “Portrait of a Turncoat”, by William J. Pomeroy
- “Discussion on New Politics”
- “Black Power and New Politics”, by Earl Lawrence
- “A First Reaction to the New Politics Convention”, by Don Hamerquist
- 1968 — Volume XLVII:
- # 1 — January 1968, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,532 KB] Articles include:
- “On the 100th Anniversary of Marx’s ‘Capital’”
- “Marx and the Historic Role of [the] Working Class”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Will American Labor Lead the Socialist Revolution?”, by Victor Perlo
- “Galbraith’s Defense of Capitalism”, by Erik Bert
- “Ideas In Our Time: In Support of the Arab Peoples”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “The New York Teacher Walkout”, by Sam Gould and Joel Marvin
- “On the Peace Front”
- “Labor Speaks Out For Peace”, by George Meyers
- “The San Francisco Peace Referendum”, by Margrit Pittman
- Index 1967
- # 2 — February 1968, 100 pages. Special issue: The Battle for Black Liberation. Searchable PDF format [1,516 KB] Articles include:
- “Unity and Militancy for Freedom and Equality”, by Henry Winston
- “Path to Black Liberation Under Capitalism”, by Claude Lightfoot
- “Strategy and Tactics in New Stage of Struggle”, by Gus Hall
- “Class Source of Left Adventurism”, by James E. Jackson
- “The Negro-Labor Alliance in Chicago”, by H. W. Herbert
- “Wipe Out the Stench of Racism”, by Betty Gannett
- “The Status of Black Liberation”, by Carl Bloice
- “The Afro-American in the Arts”, by Douglass Archer
- “Ideas In Our Time: Du Bois on ‘Africa and World Peace’: An Unpublished Essay”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Book Review: Toward Eradication of Colonialism”, by John Pittman
- # 3 — March 1968, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,677 KB] Articles include:
- “The NLF Offensive in South Vietnam”, by Betty Gannett
- “Revised McCarran Act Ready to Strike Again”, by John Abt
- “World Student Strike Against Vietnam War and Racism”, by Michael Zagarell
- “The Middle East Crisis”, by the CPUSA
- “A Not So Revolutionary Strategy”, by James West [Criticizing André Gorz]
- “Ideas In Our Time: A Doomed System”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Lessons from the Setback in Indonesia”, by the “Marxist-Leninist Group of the Indonesian Communist Party”
- “Book Review: A Woman of Social Conscience”, by Ann Barton
- “Book Review: A Life Spanning a Century”
- # 4 — April 1968, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,920 KB] Articles include:
- “On World Communist Consultations”, by Gus Hall
- “The Dollar Crisis”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Strike of the Copper Workrs”, by Art Shields
- “Lessons from the Setback in Indonesia (Part II)”
- “Ideas In Our Time: Styron’s ‘Nat Turner’ — Again”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Discussion [Of the Anti-Draft Movement]”
- “From Protest to ...?”, by Gene Dennis
- “Draft Resistance Movement”, by Paul Friedman
- “Book Review: A Symposium on Marxist Theory”, by Dirk L. Struik, reviewing Nicholas Lobkowicz, ed., Marx and the Western World
- # 5 — May 1968, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,791 KB] Articles include:
- “In Memoriam: Martin Luther King (1939-1968)” [Photo]
- “Martin Luther King: Man of the People”, Editorial
- “The Johnson Withdrawal”, Editorial
- “Warmest Greetings, Dear Paul, On Your 70th Birthday” [Photo of Paul Robeson]
- “Paul Robeson: A Giant Among Men”, by William L. Patterson
- “Ideas In Our Time: Marxism, Religion and Revolution”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Program Discussion”
- “How Program Can Be Strengthened”, by Daniel Rubin
- “Notes On the Aristocracy of Labor”, by Carl Bloice
- “Book Review: Nkrumah and the Congo”, by Tom Foley
- # 6 — June 1968, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,175 KB] Articles include:
- “The Liberating Role of Marxism”, by Gus Hall
- “The Wisconsin Primaries”, by the State Executive Committee
- “Modern Problems of Revolutionary Struggle”, by Prof. Josef Schleifstein
- “Ideas In Our Time: Corruption, Inc.”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Program Discussion”
- “The Second Draft is Better, But Not Good Enough”, by Gil Green
- “Eliminate Looseness and Imprecision”, by Erik Bert
- “State Monopoly Capitalism and the Anti-Monopoly Coalition”, by Jack K.
- “Self-Determination for the Indian People”, by M.F.H.
- “Concentration on the Working Class”, by Mary K.
- “A Sketch of American Socialism”, by Victor Perlo
- “Politics and Elections”, by Don Hamerquist
- “Communication: Differs On Teachers’ Strike Analysis”, by a New York Teacher
- “Author Replies to Above”, by Joel Marvin
- “Communication: Anti-Draft Activity and the Resistance”, by Paul E.
- “Communication: The Role of the Church”, by Ray C.
- # 7 — July 1968, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,662 KB] Articles include:
- “What Happened in France: An Interview with Carl Winter”
- “Vietnam: The Number One Front Against Imperialism”, by James E. Jackson
- “U.S. Imperialism in Latin America”, by Longino Becerra [Honduras]
- “Ideas In Our Time: For Peace and Freedom: The Cyprus Chapter”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “The Soviet Union and the African Nations”, by Vasily Solodovnikov
- “Communications”
- “Martin Luther King and Communism”, by Joseph Felshin
- “The Johnson Withdrawal”, by Arley Woodrow
- “New Opportunities to Build the CP”, by Bernard E. Galitz
- “Book Review: The Road to Freedom: A Marxist View”, by Hyman Lumer
- # 8 — August 1968, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,719 KB] Articles include:
- “The 1968 Elections”, by Henry Winston
- “Communism and Christianity”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Facts of Poverty Behind Poor People’s Campaign”, by Betty Gannett
- “Ideas In Our Time: Attempting A New History”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: Some Notes on Ideology”, by Robert Freeden
- “Communication: Not An Academic Matter”, by Tom Foley
- “Book Review: ‘Convergence’ of Socialism and Capitalism?”, by Dave Laibman
- “Book Review: Tom Mooney and Warren K. Billings”, by A. W. Font
- “Book Review: Once More, I.W.W.”, by A. W. Font
- #10 — October 1968, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,147 KB] Articles include:
- “Proletarian Internationalism and the Crisis in Czechoslovakia”, Editorial Comment
- “Action of the Socialist Countries in Czechoslovakia”, by William Weinstone
- “Defense of Socialism: Supeme Internationalist Duty”, from Pravda
- “The Crucial Elections of 1968”, by Arnold Johnson
- “The Alliance for Labor Action”, by George Meyers
- “Ideas In Our Time: Christians and the Marxian Vision”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: A Response and Clarification”, by the Editors
- “Book Review: A Man Who Once Knew Better”, by Richard Greenleaf
- 1969 — Volume XLVIII:
- # 1 — January 1969, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,348 KB] Articles include:
- “The 1968 Presidential Elections”, Editorial
- “The Civil War and Black Liberation Today”, by Claude Lightfoot
- “Ideas In Our Time: Law and Order: Lies and Hypocrisy”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “The Class Approach and Internationalism”, by Zoltan Komocsin
- “Czechoslovakia: Reality aand Illusion”, by Tom Foley
- “Discussion: Opportunism in the Trade Unions and the Struggle for Peace”, by Albert J. Lima
- “Discussion: On Black Self-Determination”, by Carl Bloice
- “Book Review: A Theoretical Work of Special Merit”, by Sidney Finkelstein,
reviewing Maurice Cornforth, The Open Philosophy and the Open Society: Reply to Karl Popper- # 2 — February 1969, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,237 KB] Articles include:
- “The Struggle for Nigerian Unity”, by A. Zanzolo
- “The ‘Impossible’ Candidate”, by Benjamin J. Davis
- “The Anti-Imperialist Struggle in Argentina”, by Paulino Gonzales Alberdi
- “Relevance of Marxist Economics in U.S. Conditions”, by Victor Perlo
- “Ideas In Our Time: Present Needs in the Study of Afro-American History”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “The Marx Memorial Library [in London]”, by Harry C. Steinmetz
- “Book Review: The Trial of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn”, by John Abt
- “Book Review: North Korea Revisited”, by Tom Foley
- # 3 — March 1969, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,161 KB] Articles include:
- “Problems Facing Latin-American Intellectuals”, by V. Teitelboim
- “The Student Rebellion, Part I”, by Bettina Aptheker
- “On Self-Determination”
- “Separatism — A Bourgeois-Nationalist Trap”, by James E. Jackson
- “Slogan of Self-Determination Unwarranted”, by Ted Bassett
- “Ideas In Our Time: Irrationalism and Reaction”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “On Labor Opportunism”
- “Approach to Work in the Trade Unions”, by James West
- “Trade Unions — Schools of Socialism”, by Herb Kay
- “Book Review: A History of HUAC”, by A. W. Font
- # 5 — May 1969, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,193 KB] Articles include:
- “Economic Trends and Perspectives”, by Hyman Lumer
- “In Honor of Paul Robeson”, by William L. Patterson
- “Guyana Victim of Electoral Fraud”, by Charles Jacob, Jr.
- “XIII Congress of the Communist Party of Argentina”, by Rodolfo Ghioldi
- “Ideas In Our Time: The United States: A Society in Crisis, Part I”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Discussion: Further on Labor Opportunism”, by Albert J. Lima
- “Communications:”
- “On the Student Rebellion”, by Stanley Archer
- “Author Replies”, by Bettina Aptheker
- “Some Points of Disagreement” [on “The 1968 Presidential Election”], by F. O. E.
- “On Spivak’s Autobiography”, by Art Shields
- “Book Review: Michael Quill and the Transport Workers”, by A. W. Font
- # 6 — June 1969, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,206 KB] Articles include:
- “The Family: Obsolete Idea or Revolutionary Force?”, by Clara Colon
- “A Letter to the Young People”, by Hosea Hudson
- “Ideas In Our Time: The United States: A Society in Crisis, Part II”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Discussion: ‘Anti-Capitalism’: An Anti-Working Class Concept”, by Matthew Hallinan
- “Communications”
- “ What American History Needs”, by William L. Patterson
- “More Attention to Young Workers”, by E. S.
- “Capitalism, Socialism and Technology”, by Warren E. Gillespie
- “Book Review: Communists in the Thirties”, by Ted Pearson
- “Book Review: The Roots of Radicalism”, by Stanley Archer
- “Book Review: An Anti-Marxist Biography of Marx”, by A. W. Font
- # 7 — July 1969, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,187 KB] Articles include:
- “The Lenin Centennary”, Editorial
- “The 19th Convention: A Turning Point”, by Daniel Rubin
- “An American Reflects on Lenin”, by Joseph North
- “A Significant Labor Conference”, by George Meyers
- “Tasks Facing Czechoslovak Communists”, by Gustav Husak
- “Ideas In Our Time: Universities, Reason and Racism”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: Some Thoughts On Student Rebellions”, by Tim Wheeler
- # 8 — August 1969, 68 pages. Special issue focused on the World Conference of Communist and Workers’ Parties. Searchable PDF format [1,196 KB] Articles include:
- “A Memorable Gathering”, Editorial
- “World Conference of Communist and Workers’ Parties”
- “Toward Unity Against World Imperialism”, by Gus Hall
- “For A New Upsurge of Anti-Imperialist Struggle”, by Leonid L. Brezhnev
- “Socialism on German Soil”, by Walter Ulbricht
- “Peaceful Coexistence: A Vital Need”, by Wladislaw Gomulka
- “For a Democratic Alternative”, by Waldeck Rochet
- “The Road to Peace in the Middle East”, by Wolf Ehrlich
- “Tasks Facing Czechoslovak Communists”, by Gustav Husak
- “Communication: On ‘Anti-Semitism and Racism’”, by A Connecticut Reader
- “Reply to ‘A Connecticut Reader’”, by Herbert Aptheker
- #9-10 — September-October 1969, 144 pages. Special issue on “50 Years of the Communist Party, USA”. (This copy is missing pages 47-50; our apologies.) Searchable PDF format [2,268 KB] Articles include:
- “The Party of Marxism-Leninism”, by Gus Hall
- “Formative Period of CPUSA”, by William Weinstone
- “The Palmer-Hoover ‘Red Raids’”, by Art Shields
- “The LaFollette Campaign of 1924”, by Tom Foley
- “The Fight Against Trotskyism”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Unemployment struggles of the Thirties”, by Carl Winter
- “Breakthrough in Industrial Organization”, by William Z. Foster
- “Americans Defend the Spanish Republic”, by Joseph North
- “Observations on Struggles in the South”, by Hosea Hudson
- “Communists in World War II”, by James West
- “Champion Fighter for Negro Rights”, by James W. Ford
- “The Essence of Browder-Revisionism”, by Betty Gannett
- “Black Liberation Impossible Without Communists”, by Claude Lightfoot
- “Communists in the McCarthy Era”, by Daniel Rubin
- #11 — November 1969, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,267 KB] Articles include:
- “In Memoriam: Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969)”
- “A World Revolutionary Hero”, Editorial
- “Twenty Years of the GDR”, Editorial
- “The Black Panther Party”, by William L. Patterson
- “The Fight for Land in New Mexico”, by Patricia Bell
- “Marxist-Christian Dialogue: A Proposal”, by Rev. Peter J. Riga
- “Comments on Father Riga’s ‘Proposal’”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “A New City is Born in the GDR”, by Bettina Aptheker
- “Venezuelan Communists Wage Heroic Struggle”, by Jesus Faria
- “New Developments in Peru”, by Jorge Del Prado
- “Book Review: Salisbury via Sakharov”, by Erik Bert
- 1970 — Volume XLIX:
- # 3 — March 1970, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,333 KB] Articles include:
- “In Memoriam: Betty Gannet (1906-1970)”
- “A Grievous Loss”, Editorial
- “The World Scene”, by Gus Hall
- “The Battle Against Racist Wars and Terror”, by William L. Patterson
- “The New York Mayoralty Elections”, by Jose Ristorucchi and Ernest Kuddes
- “Letter from American Workers to the Soviet Government”, by the Industrial Workers of the World [End of December 1917]
- “The Role of Trotskyism in the Modern World”, by A. Basmanov
- “Ideas In Our Time: Violence in the United States [Part II]”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: Science and Ideology”, by H. C.
- “Communication: A Correction”, by Andrew Rothstein
- “Book Review: ‘Dangerous Scot’: Story of a Communist Leader”, by Human Lumer
- “Book Review: The New York Teachers Union”, by A. W. Font
- # 7 — July 1970, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,390 KB] Articles include:
- “The New Program of the CPUSA”, Editorial
- “U.S. Imperialism and Latin America: The Rockefeller Report”, by Daniel Mason
- “The Massachusetts Peace Movement”, by Ray Ellis
- “Coal: The Industry and the Union”, by Anton Krchmarek
- “A Basic Program for People’s Unity”, by Chilean Parties
- “Ideas In Our Time: The Nixon Administration: Liars Incarnate”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: Thoughts on a Scientific Convention”, by Hosea Hudson
- “Book Review: Monetary Vs. Fiscal Policy”, by Robert Phillipoff [Review of a book by Milton Friedman & Walter Heller]
- # 8 — August 1970, 68 pages. (Our apologies: One article has some underlining on it.) Searchable PDF format [1,329 KB] Articles include:
- “The Rank-and-File Upsurge: A New Page in Working Class History”, by Gus Hall
- “The Socialist Countries anad the Class Struggle in the Capitalist Countries”, by James E. Jackson
- “Revolution in the Arab World”, by Tom Foley
- “Critical Remarks on a ‘Critical Theory’”, by Robert Steigerwald [On the “Frankfurt School” and Marcuse]
- “Ideas In Our Time: The Nixon Administration: Liars Incarnate, Part II”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Book Review: The Rebel Thirties”, by Oakley C. Johnson
- “Book Review: Churchill Revisited”, by H. C. Steinmetz
- “Book Review: Christopher Cauldwell: A Marxist Critique”, by Gaylord C. Le Roy
- # 9 — September 1970, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,220 KB] Articles include:
- “Against Genocide”, Editorial
- “Black Americans and the Middle East Conflict”, by Henry M. Winston
- “The YSA: Trotskyite Roadblock to Progress”, by Michael Zagarell
- “The Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Struggle”, by William L. Patterson
- “Bourgeois ‘Futurology’ and the Future of Mankind”, by I. Bestuzhev-Lada
- “America Reads Lenin (1917-1919)”, by P. S. Petrov
- “Book Review: Burns on the Business Cycle”, by Erik Bert
- “Book Review: Robert Owen, Utopian Socialist”, by Ben Levine
- #10 — October 1970, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,395 KB] Articles include:
- “Happy Birthday, Gus!”, Editorial
- “Crisis of Petty-Bourgeois Radicalism”, by Gus Hall
- “Laos: Testing Ground of the Nixon Doctrine”, by John Pittman
- “Black Power to People’s and Working-Class Power”, by Claude Lightfoot
- “The Need for a National Defense Organization”, by James J. Tormey
- “Lenin’s Concept of Noncapitalist Development”, by R. A. Ulyanovsky
- “Ideas In Our Time: The Politics of History”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Book Review: The Philippines and Neo-Colonialism”, by Daniel Mason
- #12 — December 1970, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,322 KB] Articles include:
- “The People’s Victory in Chile”, Editorial [Glorifying the electoral path and the victory of Allende!]
- “The Steel Union’s 15th Convention”, by James West
- “The People Will Know How to Make Their Victory Respected”, by Orlando Millas [of the Communist Party of Chile]
- “Ideas In Our Time: Banfield: The Nixon Model Planner”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: Thoughts on the Middle East Conflict”, by Rev. Peter J. Riga
- “On the Origins of the State of Israel”, by Hyman Lumer [In response to Father Riga]
- “Book Review: The Road to Transcendental Marxism”, by Eric Bert
- Index for 1970
- 1971 — Volume L:
- # 1 — January 1971, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,309 KB] Articles include:
- “Our Fiftieth Year”, Editorial
- “The 1970 Elections”, by Gus Hall
- “About Three Philosophers: Fredrich Engels, Herbert Marcuse, Angela Davis”, by James E. Jackson
- “The General Motors Strike”, by Roscoe Proctor and Art Shields
- “Struggles in Puerto Rico”, by Felix Ojeda
- “Communication: Neo-Colonialism: A Reply to Criticism”, by William J. Pomeroy
- “Neo-Colonialism: A Rejoinder”, by Daniel Mason
- “Book Review: ‘Sexual Politics’”, by Carmen Ristorucci
- # 2 — February 1971, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,391 KB] Articles include:
- “Indochina’s 25-Year Struggle Against U.S. Imperialism”, by John Pittman
- “Afro-American History Month”
- “The Family From Which I Came”, by William L. Patterson
- “Black Workers and the Class Strugle: Birmingham 1931”, by Hosea Hudson
- “Ideas In Our Time: Southerners on Southern History”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Book Review: ‘We Charge Genocide’: An History Document”, by Claude Lightfoot
- “William Z. Foster: A Tribute”, by Gus Hall
- “A Great Working-Class Leader”, by Art Shields
- # 3 — March 1971, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,511 KB] Articles include:
- “The Paris Commune: One Hundred Years Later”, Editorial
- “Women: The Fight for Equality”
- “International Women’s Day”, Editorial
- “Angela Davis”, by the National Women’s Commission, CPUSA
- “Marxism and the Woman Question Today”, by Alva Buxenbaum
- “The Struggle for Women’s Equality and the Working Class”, by Betty M. Smith
- “The Black Woman”, by Dorothy Lumer
- “Communist Women Leaders”, by Joseph North
- “Soviet Women: Creative Labor and Equality”, by Alexandra Biryukova
- “Ideas In Our Time: A Fabulous Black Woman”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Repression in Canada,Trudeau Style”, by William Kashtan
- “Communication: An American Communist in the Philippines”, by Peggy Dennis
- “Communication: The United States and Puerto Rico”, by Patricia Bell
- “Book Review: Journey Into Revolution—A Newsman’s Report”, by Oakley C. Johnson
- # 4 — April 1971, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,341 KB] Articles include:
- “Happy Birthday, Comrade Winston”, Editorial
- “The Spring Offensive Against War, Racism and Repression”, Editorial
- “The Paris Commune (1871)”, by William Z. Foster
- “Socialist Humanism and Second Culture”, by Gaylord C. Leroy and Ursula Beitz
- “Class and National Struggles in Ireland”, by Michael O’Riordan
- “Roger Garaudy and the French Communist Party”, by Francois Hincker
- “Ideas In Our Time: Blaming the Victim”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: Steigerwald on the Frankfort School”, by Gordon Ellis
- “A Reply to Ellis”, by Robert Steigerwald
- “Communication: On Criticism of Marcuse”, by Robert Heisler
- “Book Review: A Foreign Policy of Skullduggery”, by William J. Pomeroy
- # 8 — August 1971, 100 pages. Enlarged issue. Searchable PDF format [1,846 KB] Articles include:
- “The Pentagon Papers”, Editorial
- “The Crisis of the Black Panther Party”, by Henry Winston
- “Capitalism in Crisis and the Fight for Peace”, by Gus Hall
- “The Reactionary Role of Zionism”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Family—Is It Obsolete?”, by Fern Winston
- “The Press: ‘Voluntary Arm of Established Power’”, by Joseph North
- “Realignment of Political Forces in India”, by C. Unni Raja
- “Ideas In Our Time: Cold-War Liars and New Historians”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: A Reply to Linda Popper”, by Alva Buxenbaum
- # 9 — September 1971, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,344 KB] Articles include:
- “Nixon’s Economic Statement”, by the Political Committee, CPUSA
- “Nixon’s Peking Visit: What Does It Mean?”, Editorial
- “Neo-Colonialism and its Socio-Economic Strategy”, by K. Brutents
- “The Battle of Logan County 1921”, by Art Shields
- “Party Work in Harlem”, by Jose Stevens
- “Counter-Culture of the ’60s”, by Gaylord Leroy
- “Ideas In Our Time: Racism and Counter-Revolution”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: On Revolutionary Transition”, by An Old Reader
- “Book Review: Colodny on Spain”, by Daniel Mason
- 1972 — Volume LI:
- # 5 — May 1972, 68 pages. First article has underlining; our apologies. Searchable PDF format [1,335 KB] Articles include:
- “The Time Is Now! [About Vietnam War]”, by the Political Committee, CPUSA
- “The CPUSA in the 1972 Elections”, by Daniel Rubin
- “The Fight Against Racism and the Angela Davis Campaign”, by Elaine Mann
- “The 15th Congress of the Communist Party of Ireland”, by Michael O’Riordan
- “Maoism in the Philippines”, by William J. Pomeroy
- “Ideas In Our Time: Aggression, Repression and Anti-Communism”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: Reply to ‘An Old Reader’”, by John Williamson
- “Communication: On the Term ‘Mexican-American’”, by Joseph Graham
- “Book Review: The New Radicalism”, by William Weinstone
- #11 — November 1972, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,163 KB] Articles include:
- “Foreign Policy—The Elections and After”, by Gus Hall
- “The United Steelworkers’ 16th Convention”, by James West
- “Israel and Africa”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Profit Cycle”, by Victor Perlo
- “Ideas In Our Time: Indochina: Nemesis of U.S. Imperialism”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: Key Issue for Women’s Emancipation”, by Betty Martin
- “Communication: A Misleading Use of Terms”, by Margaret Kowal
- “Communication: Workers in Large and Small Firms”, by David Englestein
- “Communication: A Comment on Englestein”, by Barry Cohen
- “Book Review: Harrington’s ‘Socialism’”, by Erik Bert
- 1973 — Volume LII:
- # 1 — January 1973, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,218 KB] Articles include:
- “The 1972 Elections: A Turning Point”, by Gus Hall
- “On ‘Post-Industrial Society’”, by Hyman Lumer
- “The Philippines Under Marial Law”, by the Communist Party of the Philippines [Old revisionist party]
- “Ideas In Our Time: ‘Insiders, Outsiders’ and Science”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Communication: Maternity as a Social Function”, by Mary Inman
- “Communication: A Rejoinder [to Barry Cohen]”, by David Englestein
- “Book Review: Racism and Human Survival”, by Robert Lumer
- #10-11 — October-November 1973, 132 pages. Special double issue on the Working Class and the Class Struggle in the U.S. Searchable PDF format [2,340 KB] Articles include:
- “‘Motive Force of Modern History’”, Editorial
- “Opening Speech”, by Henry Winston
- “What Is the Working Class?”, by Hyman Lumer
- “Changes in the Composition of the Working Class”, by Barry Cohen
- “The Sstaatus of Women Workers”, by Alva Buxenbaum
- “Youth and the Working Class”, by Jarvis Tyner
- “The Changing Status of Intellectuals and Professionals”, by Donna Ristorucci
- “Economic Conditions of Black Workers”, by Victor Perlo
- “Superexploitation of Black Workers”, by Roscoe Proctor
- “Short History of Chicano Workers”, by Lorenzo Torres
- “Puerto Rican Workers”, by Jose Ristorucci
- “Features of the Working-Class Movement”, by George Meyers
- “The Struggle for Working-Class Unity”, by Gus Hall
- 1975 — Volume LIV:
- # 3 — March 1975, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,188 KB] Articles include:
- “Internaional Women’s Year”, Editorial
- “The Coalition of Labor Union Women”, by Jana Field
- “The 1969 Census of Agriculture”, by Eric Bert
- “Building the Communist Press”, by John Pittman
- “The Heritage of Sen Katayama”, by Karl G. Yoneda
- “Communication: Engels and the Family”, by Henry Klein
- “Communication: The Source of Male Supremacy”, by J. Simkin
- “Communication: Kuhn and the Role of Ideology in Science”, by Hank Starr
- # 5 — May 1975, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,203 KB] Articles include:
- “30 Years After Hitler’s Defeat”, by Gus Hall
- “Martial Law and the National Democratic Struggle in the Philippines”, by William Pomeroy [Actually somewhat supportive of martial law! —Ed.]
- “The CIA: Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy”, by Arnold Lockshin
- “The World Scene”, by the CPUSA
- “The Economic Crisis”, by the CPUSA
- “Book Review: The Real Life of a True Revolutionary: A Review of Reviews”, by Louise Patterson
- # 6 — June 1975, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,179 KB] Articles include:
- “The Economic Crisis Deepens”, by Victor Perlo
- “Mental Development and Learning Disability: A Marxist Approach”, by the Subcommittee of the Education Commission, CPUSA
- Pre-Convention Discussion:
- “New Trends in the Trade Union Movement”, by George Meyers
- “Maoism and The Youth Movement”, by James Steele
- “The Struggle for Detente”, by Frances Bordos
- “The Need for a Cultural Program”, by Ellen Perlo
- “On Sectarianism”, by Michael Myerson
- “The Need for the Communist Party”, by Betty Smith
- Communications:
- “On Shakespeare”, by Robert Lumer
- “A Reply to Cassidy”, by Leon Baya
- “More on the Philosophy of Science: Reply to Hank Starr”, by Beatrice Lumpkin
- “Book Review: Bob Moses—Wall Street’s Talented Tool”, by Simon Gerson
- 1976 — Volume LV:
- # 2 — February 1976, 76 pages. Special issue on the Bicentennial and the Black Liberation Struggle. Searchable PDF format [1,519 KB] Articles include:
- “Two Centuries of Struggle”, Editorial
- “‘Ethnicity’: Monopoly’s Neo-Class Collaborationism”, by Henry Winston
- “The North American Civil War”, by Karl Marx & Frederick Engels [London 1861]
- “Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln”, by Frederick Douglass
- “Ideas In Our Time: The Abolitionist Movement”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “A Leader of Struggles”, by Sargeant Caulfield
- “Black Women in the Fight for Women’s Rights”, by Bettina Aptheker
- “Book Review: A Man of Heroic Mold”, by John Pittman, reviewing All God’s Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw
- “Book Review: The Black Worker and Organized Labor”, by James Steele, reviewing Philip Foner, Organized Labor and the Black Worker
- # 3 — March 1976, 68 pages. Issue theme: The fight for women’s rights. Searchable PDF format [1,161 KB] Articles include:
- “The Bicentennial and the Fight for Women’s Rights”, Editorial
- “The Communist Party Enters the Presidential Race”, Election Statement
- “Why We Oppose the ERA [Equal Rights Amendment]”, by Carmen Ristorucci
- “Afro-American Women”, by Brenda L. Jones
- “Trends Among Puerto Rican Women”, by Elizabeth Velez
- “Women under Capitalism and Socialism”, by Margrit Pittman
- “Against the Brazilian Dictatorship”, by Luis Carlos Prestes
- “Book Review: Soviet Women”, by Sylvia Newcomb
- “Book Review: The ‘Politics’ of Rape”, by Renee White
- “Book Review: Moynihan-Kissinger Racism”, by Alberto Moreau
- “Book Review: The Lives of Marx and Engels”, by David Englestein
- #11 — November 1976, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,317 KB] Articles include:
- “The Elections and After: An Agenda for New Struggles”, Editorial
- “Southern Africa at a New Stage”, Editorial
- “The Bolshevik Revolution and the Struggle for Peace Today”, by P. Rogers
- “The Economic Basis for the Conflict Between Indian and White”, by Steve Talbot
- “The Mistakes That Have Been Made”, by Fidel Castro
- Communications:
- “The Origins of McCarthyism and the Partisan Review”, by Daniel Mason
- “Nationalization of Industry Under Capitalism: The Case of Renault”, by Thomas Kirkwood
- “On ‘Non-Materiality’ and Base and Superstructure”, by Morris Colman
- “Response to Colman”, by Joseph Reynolds
- “Book Review: ‘The Poverty of Power’”, by Victor Perlo
- 1977 — Volume LVI: (Beginning a new larger page-size format.)
- # 1 — January 1977, 40 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,070 KB] Articles include:
- “New Contradictions, New Forms of Struggle”, by Gus Hall
- “Ferment in Organized Labor”, by George Meyers
- “Steelworkers at the Crossroads”, by Rick Nagin
- “1976 Auto Contract—Best Deal Ever—For the Company”, by Armando Ramirez
- “A Convention of Illinois Labor”, by Charles Wilson
- “The ‘Long Strike’ in Rubber”, by Marc Beallor
- “For a Just Peace in Northern Ireland”, by Betty Sinclair
- 1979 — Volume LVIII:
- # 8-9 — August-September 1979, 100 pages. Special issue on the 60th anniversary of the CPUSA. (Back cover somewhat damaged.) Searchable PDF format [19,522 KB] Articles include:
- “Sixty Glorious Years”, by Gus Hall
- “Sixty Years of Communist Trade union Work”, by George Morris
- “Communist Theory and Practice for Black Liberation”, by Kendra Alexander
- “The Power of a Vanguard Party”, by William Weinstone
- “Communist Women: Three Examples”, by Dorothy Lumer
- “Youth and the Party of the Future”, by Daniel Rosenberg
- “The Marxist Press—Fanning the Fires of Change”, by Daniel Mason
- “CPUSA: Sixty Years in Action” [Ten page photo section.]
- “The Meaning of this Anniversary”, by James E. Jackson
- “Correct Strategy Makes the Difference”, by Mike Zagarell
- “Communists on the Peace Front”, by Arthur Zipser
- “Communists in Farm Struggles”, by Lem Harris
- “In Struggle for a People’s Culture”, by Mike Davidow
- “[Book Review:] A New Source Book on Communist History”, by Ray Elles
- “Book Ends: More [William Z.] Foster Stories”, by Art Shields
- #11 — November 1979, 44 pages. Searchable PDF format [9,220 KB] Articles include:
- “The October Revolution and the Cause of Peace”, Editorial
- “CPUSA Convention—A Signal Event”, by Arnold Becchetti
- “Charting the Path to Equality”, by Thomas Dennis
- “Lenin and Twentieth Century Politics”, by V. V. Zagladin
- “Vito Marcantonio—From Republican to Radical”, by Si Gerson
- “The Politics of Morality”, by Patrice Johnson
- “A Look at Educational Discrimination in Florida”, by Carole Collier
- “San Francisco After Proposition 13”, by Mollie Gold and John Burke
- “Book Ends: How to Solve the Housing Problem?”, review by Morris Zeitlin
- “Communication: A Note on the S.F. General Strike”, by Leah Schneiderman
- 1981 — Volume LX:
- # 7 — July 1981, 44 pages. Searchable PDF format [7,783 KB] Articles include:
- “Reagan’s Delusions of Grandeur”, by Gus Hall
- “Electoral Perspectives for 1981 & 1982”, by Si Gerson
- “The Correlation Between Theory and Policy”, by James E. Jackson
- “China’s Political and Social Problems”, by Y. Semyonov
- “Outlook on the U.S. Student Movement”, by Pedro Rodriquez
- Document: “Letter to the Polish United Workers Party”, by the Central Committee, Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- “Book Ends: A Look at Psychology & Psychiatry Today”, reviewed by Dr. Jon Garth
- 1982 — Volume LXI:
- #10 — October 1982, 44 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,782 KB] Articles include:
- “Israel, Lebanon and the Quest for Peace”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Independent Politics in the Chicago Black Community”, by Ishmael Flory
- “Electrical Workers Break the Takeaway Pattern”, by Roberta Turner
- “The Crisis of Class Collaboration in the Auto Industry”, by Sam Webb
- “Reaganism in Nationality Policy at Home and Abroad”, by James Jackson
- “Soviet Nationalities Policy at the Stage of Developed Socialism”, by Boris Ponomarov
- “On Awarding the Dimitrov Prize to Comrade Henry Winston”, by Todor Zhivkov
- #12 — December 1982, 44 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,379 KB] Articles include:
- “Assessment of the 1982 Anti-Reagan Elctoral Wave”, by Gus Hall
- “New York Rejects Reaganites”, by Simon Gerson
- “The Struggle for the All-Peoples Front in Illinois”, by Ted Pearson
- “Triple Election Challenge in Washington, D.C.”, by Kathy Lipscomb
- “Why Wallace Won in Alabama”, by Scott Douglas
- “The War in Lebanon and ‘the Great Plan’”, by Meir Vilner
- “Reagan’s Formula for Union-Busting”, by George Morris
- “Leonid Brezhnev—A Life for Peace and Socialism”, by the Central Committee, CPUSA
- “Index ’82”
- 1985 — Volume LXIV:
- # 4 — April 1985, 44 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,507 KB] Articles include:
- “On the Road to Geneva”, by Gus Hall
- “Pierre Curie and Vladimir Vernadsky on Nuclear Omnicide”, by Inar Mochalov
- “Orwell: Inside the Myth”, by Phillip Bonosky
- “Headed for Mass Popular Disobedience”, by Hugo Fazio [Chile]
- “Nazi War Criminals and the Cold War”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “Soviet Urbanization and Urban Planning”, by Morris Zeitlin
- “Shop Papers—Catalysts for Action”, by Rap Lewis
- “Mail Box: A Comment on Pomeroy”, by David Wyllie
- “A Rejoinder”, by William Pomeroy
- # 5 — May 1985, 44 pages. Issue theme: Ferment in the Ranks of Labor. Searchable PDF format [8,038 KB] Articles include:
- “Forty Years After WW II: Lessons Learned and Unlearned”, Editorial
- “In the Perspective of History: Seventh Congress of the Comintern”, by Jim West
- “Reagan Confronts Labor—The Record”, by George Morris
- “The Wisconsin Action Coalition: A New Political Direction for Labor”, by Sandra Jones
- “A Draft Trade Union Program”, by the CPUSA
- “The San Pedro Waterfront Strike, 1923”, by Art Shields
- “The Farm Crisis and the All People’s Front”, by Helvi Savola
- # 6 — June 1985, 44 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,663 KB] Articles include:
- “The Triple-Layered Crisis”, by Daniel Rubin
- “Structural Crisis and Conditions of Labor”, by Barry Cohen
- “Labor, New Technology and the Current Crisis”, by George Krikorian
- “Hard Times in Auto; What’s Ahead for the Workers”, by Sam Webb
- “The UAW at 50: Lessons of the Early Years”, by John Talmadge
- “Book Review: ‘A Soldier’s Memoirs’”, by Lewis M. Moroze
- # 7 — July 1985, 44 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,664 KB] Articles include:
- “The Decline of Reaganism”, by Gus Hall
- Discussion of the above article, by Si Gerson, Pete Leki, Pat Fry, Sig Eisenscher, Carol Pittman, Judith Leblanc & Scott Marshall
- “Old Wine and New Bottles”, by Phillip Bonosky [Review of Stephen Cohen, Rethinking the Soviet Experience]
- “Reagan’s ‘Star Wars’—First Strike Against Disarmament”, by Daniel Spector
- “Victory at Yale”, by the Yale Workers Club of the CPUSA
- “Book Ends: In the Struggle Always”, by James E. Jackson
- # 8 — August 1985, 44 pages. Searchable PDF format [7,903 KB] Articles include:
- “Truth and Lies About Detente”, Editorial
- “The Wheeling-Pittsburgh Strike”, Editorial
- “The Working Class and the Import-Export Crisis”, by Gus Hall
- “Winning for Peace: Impact of the Great Victory”, by Boris Ponomarev
- “The Triple-Layered Crisis and the Sharpened Edge of Racism”, by Charlene Mitchell
- “A New Moment in the Struggle for Equality and Against Racism”, by Gus Hall
- “The ‘New American Poverty’ of Michael Harrington”, by Gil Green
- “Discussion: The Politics of Cargo”, by the San Francisco Bay Area Club, CPUSA
- “Mail Box: Two-Class Public Education”, by Roberta Wood
- “Mail Box: Trends in Women’s Employment”, by George Morris
- “Book Ends: ‘The Anatomy of Lies’”, by Phillip Bonosky
- #10 — October 1985, 44 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,366 KB] Articles include:
- “A New Strike Wave Counters the Reagan/Corporate Offensive”, by George Meyers
- “Wheeling-Pittsburg: The Bankruptcy Bludgeon in Steel”, by Benise Winebrenner
- “Bath Iron Works: Two-Tier Crunch in the Shipyards”, by John Rummel
- “Phelps Dodge: Embattled Copper Workers Defy Unionbusting”, by Lorenzo Torrez
- “Chicago Tribune: Printers Repel Concession Assault”, by Ted Pearson
- “Hormel: Meatpackers Resisst Divide-and-Conquer”, by Helen Kruth
- “Festival of Youth and Peace”, by James Steele
- “The British Communist Party and Euro-Communism”, by Andrew Rothstein and Robin Page Arnot
- “German Big Business and the Rise of Hitlerism (II)”, by Herbert Aptheker
- “On the Theory of World Politics”, by Vadim Zagladin
- #11 — November 1985, 44 pages. Searchable PDF format [7,957 KB] Articles include:
- “Focus” (Editorials?)
- “Event of the Century”
- “Murder by Suicide”
- “Mr. Schultz’s ‘Moderation’”
- “Labor Rewrites the Script”
- “Two Obstacles on the Path to the Summit”, by Gus Hall
- “U.S. Peace Movement: Toward the Summit”, by Emily DeNitto
- “Interview: A New Phase of Struggle in South Africa”, with Joe Slovo
- “How to Win Political Democracy?”, by Si Gerson
- “Reconstructuring the World Economy”, by John Pittman
- “‘No!’ to Imperialism’s Debt Bondage”, by Athos Fava
- “‘The Abandonment of the Jews’”, by Phillip Bonosky
- “The Medical-Industrial Complex: More Profit and Less Care”, by David Lawrence
- 2003 — Volume 82:
- # 8 — August 2003, 36 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,485 KB] Articles include:
- Letters
- “Of Dixie Chicks and Chickenhawks”, by Joel Wendland
- “Staying Human on the Left Coast”, by Roberta Jones
- “See No Evil?”, by Ken Knies
- “Hollywood Red: The Life of Abraham Polonsky”, by Michael Shepler
- “Writing Class: An Interview with Russell Banks”
- “Plekhanov and the Origins of Marxist Cultural Criticism”, by Thomas Riggins
- “Herbert Aptheker: A Life in the Struggle”, by the Editorial Board
- “Hip Hop Renaissance”, by Melissa Chadburn
- Book Reviews:
- Israel/Palestine: How to End the War of 1948, reviewed by Peggy Powel Dobbins
- The New Red Negro: The Literary Left and African American Poetry, 1930-1946, reviewed by Joel Wendland
- Pattern Recognition, reviewed by Simone Silas
- The Bondwoman’s Narrative: A Novel, reviewed by Diane Mohney
- “Collectivos Chat: A Local View of Globalization”, by Haily Zaki
- 2005 — Volume 84:
- # 4 — April 2005, 72 pages. Searchable PDF format [13,620 KB] Articles include:
- Letters
- “Homophobia In the Age of Dubya”, commentary by Anna Bates
- “Healthy in Cuba”, commentary by Don Sloan
- “We the People? Not Anymore”, by Steven Laffoley
- “38 Reasons to Reject Bush’s Budget”, by Joel Wendland
- “Back (door) Stabbed”, by Kyle Tucker
- “The Great Debate”, by Phil E. Benjamin
- “Tsunamis”, by Dan Brook
- “Cover Story: Bridging the Culture Gap: Interview with Lisa Duggan”
- “Politics: Red Ink: The Fine Art and Science of Progressive Persuasion”, by Owen Williamson
- “Pro-Choice, Pro-Life: We Are Both”, by Elena Mora
- “International: Imperial Intrigues”, by Gerald Horne
- “Resistance is Not Futile: Labor and the Struggle for Iraq”, by Joel Wendland
- “Nobody’s Pawn: Iran’s Struggle for Independence”, by Comrade Mohammad Omidvar
- “Nothing to Lose But Our Chains: Workers Seize Paper Factory”, by Jorge Martin
- “Spotlight On Venezuela: Interview with Omar Sierra”
- “Problems in Marxism: On the Inevitability of Socialism”, by Thomas Riggins
- “W Stand for Women Fighting Back: Interview with Rita Haley”
- Four book reviews
- “The Wolf”, a short story by Karl Mundstock
Party Organizer — Monthly journal for CPUSA members (1927-1939).
- 1934 — Volume VII:
- Complete Year, bound as a single volume, 206 pages. Searchable PDF format [10,718 KB]
- 1937 — Volume X:
- #7 — July, 44 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,549 KB]
New World Review — Monthly international events journal often focused on the USSR, published in New York City (1933- ? ).
- 1957 — Volume 25:
- # 6 — June, 44 pages. Searchable PDF format [13,238 KB]
- 1959 — Volume 27:
- #10 — November, 72 pages. Enlarged issue with a number of interesting articles. Searchable PDF format [20,609 KB]
- 1965 — Volume 33:
- # 6 — June, 68 pages. Includes: “Profits and Socialism: Prof. Liberman of Kharkov University Answers His Critics” Searchable PDF format [2,033 KB]
- # 7 — July, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,305 KB]
- #10 — November, 84 pages. Includes: “Economic Changes in the Socialist Countries: What They Mean”, by Maurice Dobb. Searchable PDF format [1,534 KB]
- 1967 — Volume 35:
- # 9 — Fall, 196 pages. Special issue on the 50 Years of the USSR. Searchable PDF format [3,706 KB]
- 1968 — Volume 36:
- # 3 — Summer, 132 pages. Includes “Economic Reforms in the Socialist Countries”, by Maurice Dobb, which sympathetically reviews the book, Plan and Market Under Socialism, by the totally revisionist Czech economist Ota Šik. Searchable PDF format [2,618 KB]
- 1969 — Volume 37:
- # 3 — Third Quarter, 132 pages. Includes a revisionist attack on “Mao’s Foreign Policy” by Daniel Mason, and another article by that author on "Marxism and Guerrilla Warfare”; and an article by Howard Parsons: “U.S. Philosophers and Marxism”. Searchable PDF format [2,623 KB]
- # 4 — Fourth Quarter, 196 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,546 KB]
- 1970 — Volume 38:
- # 1 — Winter, 228 pages. Lenin Centenary Issue. Special issue on “Lenin’s Impact on the United States”. Searchable PDF format [5,033 KB]
- 1971 — Volume 39:
- # 3 — Summer, 196 pages. Special issue on the 24th CPSU Congress. Searchable PDF format [4,077 KB]
- 1972 — Volume 40:
- # 4 — Fall, 164 pages. Special issue on the 50th Anniversary of the USSR. Searchable PDF format [2,742 KB]
- 1973 — Volume 41:
- # 4 — Fall, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,959 KB]
- 1978 — Volume 46, 8.5" x 11" format:
- # 2 — March-April, 32 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,872 KB]
Daily Worker — Newspaper published in Chicago and then New York City (1924-1958). The last daily issue was on January 13, 1958.
Thereafter continued as a weekly (or twice weekly) publication until its merger with the former West Coast People’s
Daily World (then itself a weekly) in 1986 to form the national CPUSA weekly People’s World. (See below.)
- Here we are just posting a few sample issues. A number of additional issues from the early period can be found on the Marxist Internet Archive at, and elsewhere on the Internet.
- Daily Worker, Vol. 2, No. 165, October 1, 1924, 6 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,745 KB]
- Daily Worker, Vol. 2, No. 166, October 2, 1924, 6 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,478 KB]
- Daily Worker, Vol. 2, No. 300, January 2, 1926, 4 pages plus 8 page magazine supplement. Searchable PDF format [6,633 KB]
- Daily Worker, Vol. 5, No. 81, April 5, 1928, 6 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,990 KB]
- [Book:] Fighting Words -- Selections from 25 years of the Daily Worker, (NY: New Century Publishers, 1949), 260 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,843 KB]
People’s Daily World — Daily newspaper published in San Francisco (1938-1956); became a weekly in 1957. Merged
with the former Daily Worker under the name People’s World as a weekly publication in 1986.
- [Pamphlet:] “Ten Years: The Story of a People’s Newspaper”, by Al Richmond, January 1948, 36 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,403 KB]
People’s World — Originally called People’s Weekly World; name shortened later. This is the national CPUSA newspaper formed by
the 1986 merger of the then weekly newspapers which evolved out of the old People’s Daily World on the West Coast
and the Daily Worker in New York. Continued as a print publication through 2009, and since January 1, 2010 has
existed only as an online publication. Below we have just a few representative issues:
- 1995:
- Vol. 9, #48 — May 6, 1995, 24 pages (3 pages in Spanish in reverse order from back). Searchable PDF format [14,536 KB]
- 2002:
- Vol. 17, #22 — October 26, 2002, 20 pages (2 pages in Spanish in reverse order from back). Searchable PDF format [10,760 KB]
- 2004:
- Vol. 19, #1 — June 5-11, 2004, 16 pages (2 pages in Spanish in reverse order from back). Searchable PDF format [8,112 KB]
- 2009:
- October 1, 2009, online, 4 pages. Searchable PDF format [314 KB]
- 2015:
- March 7, 2015, online, 4 pages. Searchable PDF format [532 KB]
- 2020:
- October 24, 2020, online, 4 pages. Searchable PDF format [221 KB]
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