Palestine Page
Palestine is one of the most severely oppressed nations in the entire world. The oppression is done primarily by the Israeli Zionists who occupy the entire country of Palestine, much of which has been formally stolen and incorporated into the Zionist settler nation of Israel. The rest of Palestine is under either direct military control by Israel, or else under periodic and repeated military attack by Israel.
The Zionists have only been able to seize Palestine in this way with the constant and sustained military and economic support of the capitalist-imperialist powers. Firstly, and beginning in the World War I era, this was primarily with the support of British imperialism. However, since World War II and the official establishment of Israel in 1948, this has been under the primary direction and support of United States imperialism.
Although our sympathies are of course with the Palestinians, who have been the victims of ethnic cleansing and genocide for a great many decades now, does not take a stand in support of any particular Palestinian party, organization, or any specific Palestinian strategy or program. This is something for the Palestinians themselves to determine. Instead, our goal is simply to bring to light the views and activities of these various organizations, for both the Palestinians and the rest of the world to judge.
Another very good website with lots of regularly updated information about the struggles of the Palestinian people against Zionism is: “The Left Side of the Road” at: A number of our documents on this website are copied from there.
[Further introductory material to be added.]
If you know of other difficult to find or suppressed documents, news reports or international commentary that should be posted here, contact us at:
History of Palestine
Post-World War I Era and the Beginning of Massive Zionist Immigration
- [To be added.]
Nakba and the Creation of the Zionist Settler State of Israel
- “NAKBA — The Untold Story of a Cultural Catastrophe”, by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), n.d., 22 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,419 KB]
- [More to be added.]
The Shameful Role of the Soviet Union in Allowing and Supporting the Creation of the Zionist State of Israel
[Note: These documents are written from various political perspectives, and often by academic authors.]
- “The Soviet Union and the Creation of the State of Israel”, by Gabriel Gorodetsky, (München Universität, Dec. 2001), 28 pages. Searchable PDF format [300 KB]
- “Who Saved Israel in 1947?”, by Martin Kramer, (Mosaic magazine, November 1917), 21 pages. Searchable PDF format [374 KB]
- “Soviet Motives in the Partition of Palestine, 1947-48”, by Arnold Krammer, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, (Winter 1973), 19 pages. Searchable PDF format [398 KB]
- “What We Did: The American Jewish Communist Left and the Establishment of the State of Israel”, by Dorothy M. Zellner, 2019, 40 pages. [This is a lament about the role played by the Soviet Union and also the CPUSA in the creation of the Zionist state of Israel, and especially about the Jewish nationalist enthusiasm within the CPUSA for this historical disaster. The original source of this article or pamphlet is unknown, though it was probably not published by the CPUSA.] Searchable PDF format [580 KB]
- [More to be added.]
Years of Zionist Oppression and Palestinian Resistance
Struggle Israeli Deaths Arab/Palestinian
DeathsComments 1948 War founding Israel,
and Nakba6,000 ? 14,000 ? About 750,000 Palestinians forced out of their country into exile. 1956 Suez Crisis About 500 ? About 2,000 ?
[Egyptians]British-French attempt (with Israeli support) to seize the Suez Canal;
Top-dog U.S. Imperialism forces Israel, Britain & France to back down.1967 Arab-Israel War 1,500 ? 18,000 ?
1967-70 War of Attrition 2,500 ? 12,000 ?
1973 Yom Kippur War 2,700 ? 19,000 ?
1982 Lebanon War 1,200 ? 18,000 ?
1987-93 First Intifada 100 ? 1,800 ?
2000-5 Second Intifada 1,500 ? 3,000 ?
2006 Lebanon War A Few 2,000 ?
2008 Operation Cast Lead A few 2,000 ?
2014 Gaza "War" ? 2,200 ?
2023-? Hamas Uprising and Israeli Genocide 1,200 or so More than 39,000 so far
(July 2024)Open Israeli genocide against Palestinians in Gaza,
and blatant attempt to make Gaza unlivable.[The death figures in the above chart are mostly estimates from a chart in the
New York Times on January 2, 2024. We will provide more precise figures later.]
- [More information to be added.]
The Hamas-led Rebellion in Gaza and the Horrendous Israeli Genocide and Utter Destruction of Gaza (2023-2024)
- October 7 [2023] — Al Jazeera Investigations, March 20, 2024, one hour long video now available on YouTube. This is a serious investigation by the Al Jazeera News Agency, which is funded by the Qatari government, and is widely respected around the world for its efforts to uncover the truth about events in the Middle East and elsewhere. In this investigation, it attempts to factually report the events of October 7, 2023, including the focus in the uprising by Hamas against Israeli military installations, but also about the killing by Hamas or its co-participants of hundreds of civilian Israelis and the capture of many civilian hostages. At the same time it seeks to demonstrate that a great many claims about the Hamas-led uprising against the Israeli Zionist oppressors are essentially baseless, including what has turned out to be Israeli government and military lies that those involved in the Hamas rebellion decapitated the heads of babies and committed mass rapes of Israeli women. This report carefully investigates such wild claims and demonstrates that they are Israel propaganda and lies. Even many liberals and people on the left tended to originally believe many of the outrageous lies by the Israeli government about the actions of Hamas and its supporters, and this video is an important effort to rebut and disprove those lies and distortions.
- [Much more to be added.]
Palestine Political Information and Organizations
General Information about the Suppression of Progressive and Revolutionary Ideas in Palestine/Israel
- [To be added.]
Political Prisoners in Palestine/Israel
- [To be added.]
Documents From and About Political Organizations in Palestine
[Please note that, unlike the situation on pages for most other countries, most of the Palestine political organizations listed here are not Marxist groups. And as always on the fact that we are posting documents from these organizations does not imply that we necessarily agree with their views. Ed.]
- Joint Statements by Multiple Organizations
- October 28, 2023 Joint Statement, of 5 organizations: Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement); Palestinian Islamic Jihad; Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine; and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command. 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [101 KB]
- Palestinian Authority
- [Not yet available.]
- Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
- “Al-Fateh — Palestine National Liberation Movement”, 1970, pamphlet published in Britain, 12 pages. Searchable PDF format [803 KB]
- See also: P.L.O. Research Center Publications section below.
- Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
- April 23, 2024 Statement: Condemning the Repression of Protests at U.S. Universities, 1 page. Searchable PDF format [50 KB]; MS Word format (.doc) [17 KB]
- November 8, 2023 Statement, 1 page. Searchable PDF format [44 KB]
- October 28, 2023 Statement, by the Office of Martyrs, Prisoners, and Wounded for the PFLP, 1 page. Searchable PDF format [73 KB]
- October 28, 2023 Statement, 1 page. Searchable PDF format [70 KB]
- October 17, 2023 Statement, 1 page. Searchable PDF format [66 KB]
- October 12, 2023 Statement, 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [110 KB]
- October 7, 2023 Statement, 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [110 KB]
- “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine”, by the PFLP, originally published in 1969. This edition, (Utrecht: Foreign Languages Press, 2017), 160 pages, includes a new introduction by the PFLP, and also the brief Founding Document of the PFLP (Dec. 11, 1967). Searchable PDF format [804 KB]
- Works About the PFLP:
- January 24, 2025: "PFLP Leader Ebu Ahmed Fuad İmmortalized", TKP-ML International Bureau, 1 page. Searchable PDF format [65 KB]; MS Word format (.docx) [17 KB]
- “The Decline of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: A Historical Analysis”, by Terry James Buck, n.d. but from about 2012, 121 pages. This interesting volume appears to be a thesis for an advanced degree, but the school and other information is not included here. Searchable PDF format [1,506 KB]
- Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
- December 2024 Statement: “Message from the ‘Department of Foreign Affairs in DFLP’ to Global Parties on the Annexation Plan. Annexation is the highest and most dangerous stage of occupation, requiring resistance locally and condemnation and punishment internationally.”, DFLP - Foreign Affairs Department, 3 pages. Searchable PDF format [232 KB] MS Word format (.docx) [85 KB]
- April 2024 Statement: “DFLP Concludes Its Eighth Conference”, 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [558 KB]
- October 25, 2023 Statement: “Letter from DFLP to political parties and societal forces in the world. Crimes continue in the Gaza Strip... and the number of massacres rises to about 600”, 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [621 KB]
- Non-dated Statement (but post-Oct. 7, 2023): “The Future of the Gaza Strip is an Internal Palestinian Matter”, 5 pages. Searchable PDF format [138 KB]; MS Word format (.docx) [77 KB]
- October 8, 2023 Statement: “Al-Aqsa Flood — A Slap to the Israeli Security System”, 4 pages. This is the initial DFLP public response to the Hamas-led uprising of October 7, 2023. Searchable PDF format [55 KB]; MS Word format (.docx) [17 KB]
- Statement by Fouad Baker on October 3, 2023: “Full [U.N.] Membership of the State of Palestine: Problems and Solutions”, 4 pages. Searchable PDF format [90 KB]; MS Word format (.docx) [22 KB]
- September 12, 2023 Statement: “What is Happening in Ain al-Hilweh Camp? [in Lebanon]”, by Fouad Baker, 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [83 KB]; MS Word format (.docx) [19 KB]
- Statement from Mid-2023 (not dated): “Forced and Mass Displacement of the Palestinian People; an Essential Pillar of the Zionist Project”, 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [251 KB]
- May 12, 2021 Statement: “DFLP Condemns the heinous Israeli crime that targeted unarmed citizens, including children, and mourns the martyrs of the aggression on Gaza”, 1 page. Searchable PDF format [109 KB]; MS Word format [117 KB]
- Three Essays by the Democratic Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine [Original name for the organization]: “On Terrorism”; “Role of the Party”; and, “Leninism vs. Zionism”. In a single pamphlet, c. 1970, 17 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,229 KB]
- Hamas [Islamic Resistance Movement]
- “A Statement for the People, October 9, 2023”, about the commencement of the “Aqsa Flood” operation, 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [55 KB]
- Other Current or Recent Parties or Organizations
- [Not yet available.]
- Communist Party of Palestine, 1919-1948
- “The Palestine Communist Party, 1919-1948”, by Maher Charif, Interactive Encyclopedia of the Palestine Question, 2003/2007, 4 pages. Searchable PDF format [267 KB]
- “The Communist Movement in Palestine, 1919-1949”, author(s) not specified, and political orientation uncertain, but with lots of information, 28 pages. Searchable PDF format [860 KB]
- “Origins of Communism in Palestine”, review by Fred Halliday of Mario Offenberg’s book, Kommunismus in Palästina: Nation und Klasse in der antikolonialen Nation und Klasse in der antikolonialen Revolution. This review was originally published in MERIP Reports, No. 56, April 1977, and was then reprinted in the Journal of Palestine Studies, 8 pages. This book is said to be one of the best sources available for information about the earliest development of the communist movement in Palestine, and its struggles to overcome ideological weaknesses at that time. Searchable PDF format [737 KB]
- “Communism Versus Zionism: The Comintern, Yishuvism, and the Palestine Communist Party”, by Johan Franzén, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 36, #2 (Winter 2007), pp. 6-24. Searchable PDF format [280 KB]
Statements and Documents in Support of the Struggles of the Palestinian People
Statements by MLM Parties Around the World [Just a sample few of the great many!]:
- “Apoyo a la rebelión del pueblo palestino contra el invasor sionista” [Support for the Rebellion of the Palestinian People against the Zionist Invader], by La Unión Obrera Comunista (mlm), Nov. 8, 2023, 1 page.
Spanish: Searchable PDF format [49 KB]- “Anti-Imperialist Armed Resistance Needed Worldwide”, statement in support of the struggle of the Palestinian people by the Communist Party of the Philippines, from Ang Bayan, dated Nov. 7, 2023, 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [45 KB]
- “Hail the unprecedented attack by HAMAS, the inevitable result of Israel’s occupation and aspirations of Palestine liberation movement! Stop continuous brutal aerial attacks on Gaza by Israel, the puppet settler state of US Imperialism! Severely condemn the Pro-Israel stand of Modi’s Brahmanical Hindutva fascist Indian Government!”, by Abhay, Spokesperson for the Communist Party of India (Maoist), Oct. 18, 2023: English:; Chinese [unofficial]:
- “Memorandum to Benjamin Netanyahu”, by Kanchan, spokesperson of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal, Oct.17, 2023: English:
- “Declaration of Newspaper Proletari Comunisti/PCm Italy (Communist Party Maoist Italy)”, October 11, 2023, 4 pages. Searchable PDF format [72 KB]
- “Solidarity with the Struggling Palestinian People!”, by the Revolutionary Communists, Norway (RK), Oct. 8, 2023, 1 page. Searchable PDF format [53 KB]
- “The Struggle of the Palestinian People is Just — Freedom for Palestine”, statement by the International Bureau of the Communist Party of Greece (m-l), October 7, 2023: English:
- [More to be added.]
- Documents in Support of the Struggles of the Palestinian People from China in the Mao Era
- Articles from Peking Review on Palestine, from the 1960s to 1976. These are more than 50 links to issues containing articles about Palestine and the people’s struggles there, or in some cases direct links to individual articles from these issues. PDF format [106 KB]; MS Word format (.docx) [18 KB]
- “China’s Support for the Palestinian People and Revolutionary Movements in the Gulf in the 1960s, and their Reversal in the 1970s”, by an American Maoist historian, June 2016, 5 pages. [138 KB]
- [More to be added.]
- Documents and Articles from the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) and its journal A World To Win
- “Palestine on the Front Line”, by V. K. Sin, from AWTW #28 (2002), HTML format.
- “The Yasser Arafat Surrender Ceremony: What Died on the White House Lawn?”, RIM statement on 14 September 1993, from AWTW #20 (1995), HTML format, 3 pages.
- “Palestine: Let the Intifada Pave the Way for People’s War”, in the entire issue #11 of A World To Win magazine focused on the Palestine struggle, February 1988, 81 pages.
- “Resolution on Palestine”, March 1984 RIM statement, from AWTW #11 (1988), 1 page. [139 KB]
- Articles from People’s March magazine in India:
- “Another Massacre of Palestinians by Zionist Israel”, (October-December 2014).
- “Israeli Zionists Get a Bloody Nose in Lebanon”, (August 2006).
- “Arafat: The Man Who Kindled and Betrayed Hopes”, (February 2005).
P.L.O. Research Center Publications [Beirut, Lebanon]
- Palestine Books
- #13 — “Greater Israel — A Study in Zionist Expansionist Thought”, by Ass’ad Razzouk, December 1970, 324 pages. (Missing cover.) Searchable PDF format [6,113 KB]
- #30 — “Settler Colonialism in Southern Africa and the Middle East”, by George Jabbour, August 1970, 220 pages. (Cover slightly damaged.) Searchable PDF format [4,477 KB]
- Palestine Monographs
- # 1 — “Zionist Colonialism in Palestine”, by Fayez A. Sayegh, Sept. 1965, 84 pages. (Mediocre double-page scan, but quite legible.) Searchable PDF format [3,417 KB]
- #58 — “The Role of the Zionist Terror in the Creation of Israel”, by Bassam Bishuti, April 1969, 218 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,640 KB]
- #62 — “Israeli Belligerent Occupation and Palestinian Armed Resistance in International Law”, by Dr. Ezzeldin Foda, November 1970, 170 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,142 KB]
- Palestine Essays
- #47 — “Zionist Relations with Nazi Germany”, by Faris Yahya [Faris Glubb], January 1978, 85 pages. Searchable PDF format [881 KB]
On Zionism
- “Zionism — The Obstacle to Peace”, published by the Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding, n.d. [but after 1967], 6 pages. Searchable PDF format [332 KB]
- “Zionism From the Standpoint of Its Victims”, by Edward Said, 1979, [excerpt from The Edward Said Reader, published by Vintage], 11 pages. Searchable PDF format [225 KB]
The Facts About the Palestine Problem, published by the Arab Women s Information Committee, in Beirut, Lebanon (1967-1970?)
- Unknown Publication Dates
- “Israel and the Demilitarised Zones”, 8 pages. PDF format [897 KB]
- “The Big Lie of the Boots”, 4 pages. PDF format [2,236 KB]
- 1967
- June: Supplement, “The Occupation”, 12 pages. PDF format [1,473 KB]
- 1968
- January, “Did You Know That...”, 8 pages. PDF format [1,079 KB]
- February, “The Background: Statements by Zionists”, 8 pages. PDF format [998 KB]
- March, 12 pages. PDF format [850 KB]
- March: Supplement, “When the Soldiers Cried: West Bank Story”, 8 pages. PDF format [850 KB]
- April, “The Background: Statements by Zionists”, 8 pages. PDF format [1,691 KB]
- April: Supplement, “The Arabs Under Israeli Rule”, 8 pages. PDF format [1,458 KB]
- May: Supplement, “From the Nile to the Euphrates”, 16 pages. PDF format [1,582 KB]
- November, “The Machiavellian Approach”, 8 pages. PDF format [1,450 KB]
- 1969
- January: Supplement, “For an Arab-Jewish State in Palestine”, 4 pages. PDF format [953 KB]
- March, “The 51st State of the United States”, 12 pages. PDF format [1,705 KB]
- March: Supplement, “Women’s Resistance”, 12 pages. PDF format [1,458 KB]
- April, “Israeli Designs on Lebanon”, 12 pages. PDF format [2,003 KB]
- April: Supplement, “Plan Dalet”, 12 pages. PDF format [2,092 KB]
- 1970
- January, “The Promised Land: What Did the Bible Promise?”, 12 pages. PDF format [1,938 KB]
If Americans Knew
[A liberal/progressive American organization focused on attempting to present truthful information about Israel and Palestine. Has a website at: ]
- General & Overall:
- “The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict”, Third Edition (Including Intifada 2000), published by Jews for Justice in the Middle East, distributed by If Americans Knew, 40 pages. Searchable PDF format [669 KB]
- “Rachel’s Letters”, letters from Rachel Corrie (1979-2003), 11 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,82 KB]
- On Israeli Fascism:
- “Einstein Letter on Israel”, a public letter from Albert Einstein and others to the New York Times, published December 4, 1948, 3 pages. Searchable PDF format [127 KB]
- Israel Lobby [in U.S.]:
- “Iraq, Palestine, and the Israel Lobby”, 28 pages, n.d. (but c. 2004), which includes:
Searchable PDF format [1,018 KB]
- “Connecting the Dots: Iraq & Palestine: The Israel Lobby and the Iraq War”, by Mazin Qumsiyeh
- “The Debate that Never Happened: Blankfort vs. Plitnick on the Israel Lobby”
- “The Israel Lobby and the Left: Uneasy Questions”, by Jeffrey Blankfort, 24 pages, n.d. (but c. 2003). Searchable PDF format [1,020 KB]
- Palestinian Refugees:
- “Palestinian Refugees Right to Return and Repatriation”, by Mazin Qumsiyeh, n.d. (but 2002 or a bit later), 40 pages. Searchable PDF format [473 KB]
- “Life in a Palestinian Refugee Camp”, by Grace Halsell, excerpt from her 1981 book, Journey to Jerusalem, pamphlet n.d., 16 pages. Searchable PDF format [209 KB]
Books and Other Works by Pro-Palestinian Authors
(We hope that under the present genocidal political circumstances the authors and publishers will not object to our making these valuable works available here, though we will remove them if they so request.)
- “The Hundred Years War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonial Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017”, by Rashid Khalidi, (NY: Metropolitan Books, 2020), 352 pages. Searchable PDF format [14,599 KB]
- “Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom”, by Norman G. Finkelstein, (Univ. of California Press, 2018), 663 pages. Searchable PDF format [14,599 KB]
- “Gaza In Crisis: Reflections on the U.S.-Israeli War on the Palestinians”, by Noam Chomsky & Ilan Pappe, Revised and Updated Edition, (Haymarket Books, 2010), 212 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,568 KB]
- “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine”, by Ilan Pappe, (Oxford, England: Oneworld Publications, 2006), 384 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,353 KB]
- [More to be added.]
Due to the repressive legislation and judicial decisions in the United States, we at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET want to make it completely clear that we do not have any connection whatsoever with any political parties or organizations in Palestine, or in any other country for that matter. We do not aid, promote, assist, support, coordinate with, or provide any sort of services or advice to any party or organization in Palestine or elsewhere. However, we do support the right of free speech, and the right of the people in both Palestine and internationally to read the views and publications of suppressed individuals, organizations and parties there, as well as comments from other countries in support of the Palestinian people. And for this reason alone we are making copies available of as many rare or suppressed documents as we can on this site.