Communist Party of India (M-L) [Original Party formed in 1969]
Documents, Statements, Liberation Magazine, and Writings
of its Founding Leader, Charu Mazumdar
The Communist Party of India (M-L) referred to on this page is the original party with this name, which was formed on April 22, 1969 and was initially led by Charu Mazumdar, until his murder by the police in a torture prison in Kolkata (Calcutta) in 1972. After Mazumdar’s death, and under intense oppression from the government, the party disintegrated into many pieces, some of which continue or later merged with other forces. Most of the Maoist groups and forces in India today trace their origin (at least in part) to this party, including the most prominent of them, the Communist Party of India (Maoist).
Note that some aspects of the political line of this original party have been revised or abandoned by its successor parties. In particular, most of these parties have abandoned or moved away from the ideology once associated with Lin Biao (Lin Piao, old style).
Although the documents below are from many decades ago, they are very hard to locate and attempts to suppress them by the government authorities in India still continue. Besides documents of the CPI(ML) itself, we are also posting many articles from their theoretical journal, Liberation (which was first established two years before the Party itself), and many articles by Charu Mazumdar.
If you know of other CPI(ML) documents which should be posted here please contact BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET at:
- [To be added...]
Writings of Charu Mazumdar [or Majumdar]:
- General:
- [Book:] Selected Works of Charu Majumdar, (Miami: Germinal Publications, 2021), 199 pages. Searchable PDF format [791 KB]
- Twenty-three articles by Charu Mazumdar, from the years 1965-1971 are available on the Marxist Internet Archive at: Separate links for many of these specific articles that appeared in Liberation are listed in that section below.
- 1967:
- “Carry Forward the Peasant Struggle by Thoroughly Combatting Revisionism, Struggle Against Economism, Develop the Mass Movement”, by Charu Mazumdar. Written in April 1967, after the formation of the United Front government in West Bengal which included the CPI(Marxist), this was the last of the series of eight documents circulated before the Naxalbari uprising. This translation from the Bengali original, which appeared in World Revolution, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1968, was reproduced in Liberation, Vol. III, #1 (November 1969). 7 pages. PDF format (33 KB); MS Word format (54 KB)
- 1969:
- “Party’s Call to the Youth and Students”, by Charu Mazumdar, Aug. 21, 1969, 2 pages. From Liberation, Vol. II, #11 (Sept. 1969). PDF format (188 KB); MS Word format (20 KB)
- “Fight Against the Concrete Manifestations of Revisionism”, by Charu Mazumdar, Sept. 4, 1969, 5 pages. From Liberation, Vol. II, #11 (Sept. 1969). PDF format (211 KB); MS Word format (24 KB)
- “Develop Revolutionary War to Eliminate War of Aggression Against China”, by Charu Mazumdar, Sept. 19, 1969, 3 pages. From Liberation, Vol. II, #12 (Oct. 1969). PDF format (235 KB); MS Word format (22 KB)
- “China’s Chairman is Our Chairman: China’s Path is Our Path”, by Charu Mazumdar, Nov. 6, 1969, 5 pages. From Liberation, Vol. III, #1 (Nov. 1969). PDF format (220 KB); MS Word format (22 KB)
- “A Call to Peasant Revolutionaries”, by Charu Mazumdar, Liberation, Vol. III, #2 (Dec. 1969), 2 pages. PDF format (155 KB); MS Word format (19 KB)
- “March Onward by Summing Up the Experience of the Peasant Revolutionary Struggle of India”, by Charu Mazumdar, Liberation, Vol. III, #2 (Dec. 1969), 10 pages. PDF format (184 KB); MS Word format (29 KB)
- “The New Year Holds Promise of Still Bigger Victories”, by Charu Mazumdar, Dec. 29, 1969, Liberation, Vol. III, #3 (Jan. 1970), 2 pages. PDF format (106 KB); MS Word format (20 KB)
Liberation: Theoretical Journal of the CPI(M-L)
[Articles are unsigned unless otherwise noted. Our thanks to the web site for making the scanned PDF images of most of the whole issues available online.]
- Vol. I, #1, November 1967:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (13,763 KB)
- “Spring Thunder Over India”, reprint of an editorial in the People's Daily newspaper in China, 3 pages. PDF format (16 KB); MS Word format (38 KB)
- “Liberation”, lead editorial in the inaugural issue of the magazine, 2 pages. PDF format (48 KB); MS Word format (32 KB)
- “It is Time to Build Up a Revolutionary Party”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- “UF [United Front] Government and the Role of ‘Marxists’”, 3 pages. PDF format (56 KB); MS Word format (37 KB)
- “Soviet ‘Aid’ to India”, 3 pages. PDF format (54 KB); MS Word format (37 KB)
- “Only the Thought of Mao Tse-tung Can Lead Indian Revolution to Success”, by N. Sanmugathasan, 1967, 7 pages. Taken from Red Flag (Colombo). PDF Version (227 KB); MS Word (29 KB)
- “Ranadive Tries to Deceive”, by Sushital Roy Choudhuri, 8 pages. PDF format (73 KB); MS Word format (54 KB)
- Vol. I, #2, December 1967:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (9,108 KB)
- “Mao Tse-tung’s Contribution to Marxism-Leninism”, by N. Sanmugathasan, 1967, 13 pages. PDF Version (269 KB); MS Word (40 KB)
- “Declaration of the Revolutionaries in the Communist Party of India (Marxist)”, 3 pages. PDF format (17 KB); MS Word format (37 KB)
- Vol. I, #3, January 1968:
- [Not yet available.]
- Vol. I, #4, February 1968:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (10,624 KB)
- “Revisionists of the World Unite!”, 4 pages. PDF format (57 KB); MS Word format (40 KB)
- “The Language Question”, 3 pages. PDF format (52 KB); MS Word format (35 KB)
- “The Paper Tiger of Kashmir”, 4 pages. PDF format (96 KB); MS Word format (38 KB)
- “‘I Will Unmask Myself’, Says Ranadive”, by Partha Choudhuri, 4 pages. PDF format (63 KB); MS Word format (42 KB
- Vol. I, #5, March 1968:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (10,797 KB)
- “More on Phrases and Facts”, 4 pages. PDF format (99 KB); MS Word format (41 KB)
- “UNCTAD-II”, on the second UN conference on trade and development, held on Feb. 1, 1968 in New Delhi, 4 pages. PDF format (109 KB); MS Word format (41 KB)
- “Take Up the Task of Building a Revolutionary Party”, by S. R. [Sushital Roy Choudhuri], 6 pages. PDF format (42 KB); MS Word format (49 KB)
- Vol. I, #6, April 1968:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (13,187 KB)
- “They Stand Unmasked”, 5 pages. PDF format (138 KB); MS Word format (47 KB)
- Vol. I, #7, May 1968:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (9,933 KB)
- Vol. I, #8, June 1968:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (14,236 KB)
- “The Indian People’s Democratic Revolution”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- “One Year of Naxalbari Struggle”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- “Declaration of the All India Co-ordination Committee of Communist Revolutionaries”, May 14, 1968, 3 pages. PDF format (15 KB); MS Word format (36 KB)
- Vol. I, #9, July 1968:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (9,254 KB)
- “The United Front and the Revolutionary Party”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- “Boycott Elections”, 3 pages. PDF format (54 KB); MS Word format (36 KB)
- Vol. I, #10, August 1968:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (8,825 KB)
- “Are They Marxists or Reaction’s Henchmen!”, 2 pages. PDF format (51 KB); MS Word format (34 KB)
- “How They ‘Strengthen’ Democratic Movements”, 2 pages. PDF format (49 KB); MS Word format (33 KB)
- “The Shackles of 1947 Must Be Smashed!”, 8 pages. PDF format (88 KB); MS Word format (56 KB)
- Vol. I, #11, September 1968:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (9,156 KB)
- Vol. I, #12, October 1968:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (14,125 KB)
- “To My Comrades”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- “Undertake the Work of Building a Revolutionary Party”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- Vol. II, #1, November 1968:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (8,548 KB)
- “Develop Peasants’ Class Struggle through Class Analysis, Investigation and Study”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- “Report on the Peasant Movement in the Terai Region”, by Kanu Sanyal, 15 pages. PDF format (68 KB); MS Word format (83 KB)
- Vol. II, #2, December 1968:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (9,610 KB)
- “‘Boycott Elections!’ International Significance of the Slogan”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- “We Salute the Peasant Revolutionaries of Kerala”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- Vol. II, #3, January 1969:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (9,399 KB)
- “To the Comrades Who are Working in Villages”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- “‘Boycott Elections!’ Some Lessons of Recent History”, by Satya Ghosh, 7 pages. PDF format (35 KB); MS Word format (53 KB)
- “Phrases and Facts: About Kerala”, by Partha Choudhuri, 16 pages. PDF format (72 KB); MS Word format (85 KB)
- Vol. II, #4, February 1969:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (8,937 KB)
- “Revolutionary Armed Peasant Struggle of Mushahari Region”, a review by Bihar comrades, 3 pages. PDF format (13 KB); MS Word format (34 KB)
- Vol. II, #5, March 1969:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (8,834 KB)
- “Srikakulam: Will It Be the Yenan of India?”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- “Why Must We Form the Party Now?”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- Vol. II, #6, April 1969:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (9,347 KB)
- “To the Youth and the Students”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- “Armed Peasant Struggle in the Palia Area of Lakhimpur”, report of an interview with the revolutionaries of the Palia area, 4 pages. PDF format (20 KB); MS Word format (40 KB)
- Vol. II, #7, May 1969:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (13,522 KB)
- “The Italian Party Congress”, by N. Sanmugathasan, 1969, 4 pages. PDF Version (121 KB); MS Word (25 KB)
- Vol. II, #8, June 1969:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (12,237 KB)
- Vol. II, #9, July 1969:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (8,483 KB)
- “On Some Current Political and Organizational Problems”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- Vol. II, #10, August 1969:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (10,293 KB)
- Vol. II, #11, September 1969:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (11,188 KB)
- “Party’s Call to the Youth and Students”, by Charu Mazumdar, Aug. 21, 1969, 2 pages. PDF format (188 KB); MS Word format (20 KB)
- “Fight Against the Concrete Manifestations of Revisionism”, by Charu Mazumdar, Sept. 4, 1969, 5 pages. PDF format (211 KB); MS Word format (24 KB)
- Vol. II, #12, October 1969:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (7,829 KB)
- “Develop Revolutionary War to Eliminate War of Aggression Against China”, by Charu Mazumdar, Sept. 19, 1969, 3 pages. PDF format (235 KB); MS Word format (22 KB)
- Vol. III, #1, November 1969:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (10,671 KB)
- “Carry Forward the Peasant Struggle by Thoroughly Combatting Revisionism, Struggle Against Economism, Develop the Mass Movement”, by Charu Mazumdar. Written in April 1967, but not published in Liberation until this issue. 7 pages. PDF format (33 KB); MS Word format (54 KB)
- “China’s Chairman is Our Chairman: China’s Path is Our Path”, by Charu Mazumdar, Nov. 6, 1969, 5 pages. PDF format (220 KB); MS Word format (22 KB)
- Vol. III, #2, December 1969:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (11,031 KB)
- “A Call to Peasant Revolutionaries”, by Charu Mazumdar, 2 pages. PDF format (155 KB); MS Word format (19 KB)
- “March Onward by Summing Up the Experience of the Peasant Revolutionary Struggle of India”, by Charu Mazumdar, 10 pages. PDF format (184 KB); MS Word format (29 KB)
- Vol. III, #3, January 1970:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (9,913 KB)
- “The New Year Holds Promise of Still Bigger Victories”, by Charu Mazumdar, Dec. 29, 1969, 2 pages. PDF format (106 KB); MS Word format (20 KB)
- Vol. III, #4, February 1970:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (9,490 KB)
- Vol. III, #5, March 1970:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (9,514 KB)
- Vol. III, #6, April 1970:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (9,695 KB)
- Vol. III, #7-9, May-July 1970:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (12,420 KB)
- Vol. III, #10, August 1970:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (7,131 KB)
- Vol. III, #11-12 combined with Vol. IV, #1-2, September-December 1970:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (7,492 KB)
- Vol. IV, #3, January-March 1971:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (9,676 KB)
- Vol. IV, #4, April-June 1971:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (10,798 KB)
- Vol. V, #1, July 1971-January 1972:
- PDF Image Scan of Entire Issue (20,143 KB)
- “Long Live the Heroic Peasants in Naxalbari!”, by Charu Mazumdar. Available on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
Due to the repressive legislation and judicial decisions in the United States, we at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET want to make it completely clear that we do not have any connection whatsoever with the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), any of its descendants, or with any other party in India or any other country for that matter. We do not aid, promote, assist, support, coordinate with, or provide any sort of services or advice to any Indian political party or to any other party. However, we do support the right of free speech, and the right of the people in both India and internationally to read the views and publications of these and all other parties and organizations. For this reason we do object to the suppression of the views and ideas put forward by the CPI(M-L) and its descendants by the undemocratic central and state governments of India. And for this reason alone we are making copies of many of their documents available on this site, documents which the authorities in India wish to suppress and keep from the people.