Suppression of News in Greece and Political
Statements Prevented from Reaching the People
In Greece, as in so many other countries, much of the real news about what is happening to the working class and the poor, and within the revolutionary movement, is suppressed, or at the very least is not widely reported. And for reasons like this the claims that Greece enjoys a true “democracy” and “a free press” are gross exaggerations of the real situation. We at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET will try to help break down this government and media news embargo.
If you know of other suppressed documents and news reports that should be posted here, contact us at:
Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) [KKE(m-l)] — Statements and Documents
The CPG(m-l) has played an important role in the student movement over the years and in the recent upheavals against police brutality and the severe austerity measures in connection with the capitalist economic crisis. Its English and other foreign language materials are available at: and for older documents:
- “The Trump proposal brings new complications and tensions in imperialist antagonisms. By changing the terms of war, the US seeks to overcome the current stalemate in Ukraine.”, statement by the Political Bureau of the CPG(m-l), February 16, 2025, 6 pages. English: PDF format (613 KB); English: MS word format (.docx) (217 KB);
- “The revolutionary fighter Professor G.N. Saibaba will never be forgotten! - The Indian regime is guilty for torturously murdering him!”, statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), October 14, 2024, 1 page. English: PDF format (38 KB); Francais: PDF format (40 KB)
- “The Struggle of the Palestinian People is Just — Freedom for Palestine”, statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), October 7, 2023, 2 pages. English: PDF format (108 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (31 KB)
- Central Organ of the CPG(m-l) Thanks Parties and Revolutionaries Around the World for Their Condolances on the Death of Andreas Vogiatzoglou, statement by the Central Organ of the CPG(m-l), Nov. 20, 2022, 1 page. English: PDF format (72 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (28 KB)
- “Our Comrade Andreas Vogiatzoglou Passed Away”, statement by the Central Committee of the CPG(m-l), Oct. 18, 2022, 2 pages. English: PDF format (130 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (30 KB)
- Resolution of the Political Bureau of the CPG(m-l) on International Developments and Developments within Our Own Country, February 2022, 13 pages. English: PDF format (599 KB)
- “Peoples Do Not Need Protectors. Out with Imperialists from Ukraine!”, statement from the Press Office of the CPG(m-l), February 23, 2022, 3 pages. English: PDF format (74 KB); English: MS Word format (.doc) (38 KB)
Additional commentary about Ukraine from the CPG(m-l) on February 24, 2022, is available in English and in German.2021:
- “No to the Anti-Communist ‘Holy Inquisition’! Solidarity to the Peruvian Communists! Hand over the body of Abimael Guzman to his comrades!”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), September 2021, 2 pages. English: PDF format (377 KB); English: MS Word format (.doc) (41 KB)
- “CPG(m-l) Denounces the Assassinations of Revolutionary Artists in the Philippines”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), August 2021, 2 pages. English: PDF format (84 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (27 KB)
- “Afghanistan and the Peoples of the Region in the Vortex of Imperialist Antagonisms”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), August 2021, 2 pages. English: PDF format (66 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (28 KB)
- “Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Victory to their Struggle!”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), May 2021, 2 pages. English: PDF format (192 KB); German: PDF format (376 KB)
- “Crackdown and state terrorism all over Greece, on the pretext of demonstrations in memory of the murdered student, Alexis Grigoropoulos”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), December 2020, 3 pages. English: PDF format (67 KB); English: MS Word format (.doc) (48 KB)
- “Athens: Neo-Nazi ‘Golden Dawn’ Trial Conviction, combined with State Repression: Which ‘Democracy’ Won?”, by the Press Office of the CPG(m-l), October 7, 2020, 2 pages. English: PDF format (418 KB); English: Open Office format (.odt) (9 KB)
- “On the Demonstrations on This Year’s May Day”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), May 2, 2020, 2 pages. English: PDF format (195 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (13 KB)
- “Wrath for the Murder of Julius Giron”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), not dated (but received by us on March 31, 2020), 1 page. About the recent cold-blooded murder of two cadres of the Communist Party of the Philippines, Julius Soriano Giron and his wife Lourdes Tan Torres. English: MS Word format (.docx) (13 KB)
- “Announcement of the Politburo of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) about the Corona Virus Pandemic”, March 13, 2020, 2 pages. English: PDF format (417 KB); English: MS Word format (41 KB); German: MS Word format (17 KB)
- “No Involvement of Our Country in the War in Libya! No New Human Sacrifice for Imperialism and Capital!”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), January 2020, 1 page. English: PDF format (501 KB); German: PDF format (233 KB)
- “Stop the massacre of the Bolivian people! Solidarity in Latin America that opposes and demonstrates against fascism and imperialism!”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), Nov. 29, 2019, 2 pages. English: PDF format (402 KB); English: MS Word format (43 KB)
- “The Planet is Burning! Capitalism-Imperialism Destroys!”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), Sept. 1, 2019, 2 pages. English: PDF format (119 KB)
- “USA Troops Withdrawal Announcement from Syria is Evidence of Accelerating the Reactionary Development and Conflict”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), December 2018, 3 pages. English: PDF format (65 KB); English: MS Word format (.doc) (51 KB)
- Statement condemning the censorship of the website in India, by the International Relations Section of the CPG(m-l), Nov. 30, 2018. [We at express our thanks to the CPG(m-l) for this expression of support!] English: PDF format (20 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (13 KB)
- “May Day: Joint Announcement of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) and the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist”, May 1, 2018, 2 pages. English: PDF format (349 KB); English: MS Word format (.doc) (29 KB)
- “Joint Announcement of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) and the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist”, April 2018, 4 pages. English: PDF format (281 KB); English: MS Word format (.doc) (43 KB)
- “No to War! People are Not Cannon Fodder of the Imperialists-Murderers!”, press statement of the CPG(m-l), Feb. 14, 2018, 2 pages. English: PDF format (234 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (31 KB)
- “October 1917 — 100 Years from the First Dash to the Sky, Part 1”, by P. Chountis, member of the Central Committee of CPG(m-l). This was the first of the two presentations in an open event for the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution that took place in Athens in May 2017, 12 pages. English: PDF format (473 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (60 KB)
- “October 1917 — 100 Years from the First Dash to the Sky, Part 2”, by T. Fotopoulos, member of the Central Committee of CPG(m-l). This was the second of the two presentations in an open event for the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution that took place in Athens in May 2017, 9 pages. English: PDF format (208 KB); English: MS Word format (.doc) (71 KB)
- “The Recent Arrests in Turkey”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), Nov. 4, 2016, 1 page. English: PDF format (174 KB); English: MS Word format (35 KB); German: MS Word format (36 KB)
- “About the Attempted Military Coup in Turkey: Fierce clashes inside Turkey’s bourgeoisie amidst imperialist interventions in the region. The dangers for the peoples in the region are growing.”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), July 16, 2016, 2 pages. English: PDF format (85 KB); English: MS Word format (39 KB)
- “About the British Referendum: The NO in Britain denotes the sharpening of inter-imperialist contradictions. The NO of the peoples of EU must advance through popular struggles.”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), June 26, 2016, 2 pages. English: PDF format (91 KB); English: MS Word format (485 KB)
- “Solidarity to the Moroccan Militants!”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), May 27, 2016, 1 page. English: PDF format (71 KB); English: MS Word format (31 KB)
- “No to the NATO operations in the Aegean”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), February 16, 2016, 1 page. English: PDF format (135 KB); English: MS Word format (41 KB)
- “We must condemn the new atrocity with mass struggles against imperialism and reaction! Peoples are not cannon fodder for the self-proclaimed saviors! Peoples do not need protectors!”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), November 14, 2015, 2 pages. English: PDF format (143 KB); English: MS Word format (40 KB)
- “No to the reactionary ‘17-point Agreement’! No to the anti-migration policy of Government and the EU! Solidarity with migrants and refugees!”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), October 27, 2015, 2 pages. English: PDF format (215 KB); English: MS Word format (40 KB)
- “Press Release about the Mass Murder in Ankara”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), October 11, 2015, 2 pages. English: PDF format (84 KB); English: MS Word format (39 KB)
- “All imperialists and reactionaries out of Syria! No to any involvement of our country! No to any facilities to imperialists!”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), October 1, 2015, 1 page. English: PDF format (106 KB); English: MS Word format (38 KB)
- “A pro-memorandum government with a pro-memorandum opposition and reactionary reserves. A reactionary post-election scene.”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), September 21, 2015, 2 pages. English: PDF format (83 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (31 KB)
- “Peoples’ Front against the Imperialist Instigators of War; People do not need protectors”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), Sept. 8, 2015, 1 page. English: PDF format (147 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (30 KB)
- “The bonds of the third Memorandum are being prepared. Steady and unified escalation of the antipopular assault. The people will struggle and overthrow the new assault by the EU - IMF - government”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), August 16, 2015, 1 page. English: PDF format (136 KB); English: MS Word format (39 KB)
- Statement condemning the attack on militants in the Turkish town of Suruç, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), July 21, 2015, 1 page. English: PDF format (79 KB); English: MS Word format (38 KB)
- “Down with the new anti-people agreement and the continuation of barbarity!”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), July 13, 2015, 2 pages. English: PDF format (89 KB); English: MS Word format (40 KB); Turkish: PDF format (85 KB)
- “About the results of the recent referendum. The referendum is over, the imperialist blackmails and the assault on the people continue! The negotiations become a ‘national campaign’ for a new agreement with EU - IMF - US. The only response must be mass struggle against the dangers facing the people!”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), July 7, 2015, 2 pages. English: PDF format (145 KB); English: MS Word format (41 KB)
- “For the overthrow of imperialist dependence and capitalist domination! We do not legalize the dead-ends of government policies! We do not legalize the imperialist blackmails! ABSTENTION FROM THE REFERENDUM! People speak through their struggles! For the overthrow of the anti-people policy of government – EU – IMF!”, press statement by the CPG(m-l), June 28, 2015, 2 pages. English: PDF format (123 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (26 KB); German: MS Word format (31 KB)
- “1st of May 2015: With the Working Class at the Forefront on the Path to Independence and Socialism”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), May Day, 2015, 2 pages. PDF format (84 KB); MS Word format (39 KB)
- “CPG(m-l) Moves Toward Its 8th Party Conference”, press statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), April 10, 2015, 1 page. PDF format (82 KB)
- “Imperialist Pressures Push the SYRISA-ANEL Government to Full Submission”, press statement by the CPG(m-l), March 10, 2015, 1 page. PDF format (135 KB); MS Word (35 KB)
- “Solidarity to the Kurdish People! United Front against Imperialism!”, statement by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) about the seige of the city of Kobane in northern Syria, issued on Oct. 24, 2014, 2 pages. PDF Version (60 KB); MS Word (.docx) (21 KB)
- “Press Release: The Gaza Massacres are Crimes against Humanity!”, statement by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) about the Israeli attack on Gaza, issued on July 21, 2014, 1 page. PDF Version (56 KB); MS Word (.docx) (20 KB)
- “Press Release: Capitalists and their Governments are the real Criminals. Solidarity to the Turkish Workers!”, statement by the Press Bureau of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), May 15, 2014, 1 page. PDF Version (70 KB); MS Word (.docx) (20 KB)
- “Solidarity to the Indian Democratic Militant GN Saibaba”, by the Press Bureau, Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), May 10, 2014, 1 page. PDF Version (57 KB); MS Word (.docx) (12 KB)
- “Berkin Elvan: 15 Years Old Murdered by the Reactionary Regime of Turkey”, statement by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), March 12, 2014, 1 page. PDF Version (119 KB); MS Word (.docx) (86 KB)
- “About the Latest Developments in Ukraine”, statement by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), February 28, 2014, 2 pages. PDF Version (63 KB); MS Word (.docx) (22 KB)
- “Hands Off the People of Cyprus”, statement by the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), posted February 17, 2014, 1 page. PDF Version (179 KB); MS Word (.docx) (13 KB)
- [None available.]
- “The Situation in Greece: The people and the working class of Greece struggle for the overthrow of imperialist brutality and subjugation”, by the International Relations Bureau, Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), February 2012, 4 pages. PDF Version (128 KB); MS Word (38 KB)
- “Eternal Honor to Comrades Kosteswara Rao; Solidarity to the Struggle of the CP of India (Maoist)”, statement of the Press Bureau of the CPG(m-l), Nov. 28, 2011, 2 pages. PDF Version (61 KB); MS Word (30 KB)
- Press statement on the murder of Kishanji in India, by the Politburo, CPG(m-l), November 28, 2011, 1 page. PDF Version (57 KB); MS Word (27 KB)
- “People’s wrath flooded the whole country! The determination of the people and the workers must block the brutal attack, state terror and provocatsia!”, statement of the CPG(m-l), October 20, 2011, 1 page. PDF Version (109 KB); MS Word (28 KB)
- “The US imperialists were, are, and will always be the sworn enemies of the peoples of the region: Hillary Clinton out of Greece! Imperialists out of Greece, Turkey, the Balkans, Cyprus, and the Middle East! War against the imperialist war!”, statement by the CPG(m-l), July 9, 2011, 1 page. PDF Version (61 KB); MS Word (28 KB)
- “About the ‘Free Gaza’ Mission”, statement by the Press Bureau of the CPG(m-l), June 28, 2011, 1 page. PDF Version (105 KB); MS Word (28 KB)
- “A Call for Struggle and Solidarity from Greece”, statement by the International Bureau, CPG(m-l), June 16, 2011, 1 page. PDF Version (45 KB); MS Word (29 KB)
- “No to the New Imperialist War! No to any Greek Involvement! Solidarity to the Libyan People!”, statement by the CPG(m-l), March 20, 2011, 1 page. PDF Version (58 KB); MS Word (28 KB)
- “Solidarity with the Tunisian Revolt!”, statement by the Press Bureau of the CPG(m-l), circa January 2011, 1 page. PDF Version (57 KB); MS Word (28 KB)
- “Stop the Mass Crimes in India”, statement of July 6, 2010, 1 page. PDF Version (65 KB); MS Word (31 KB)
- “The Zionists will Pay for the Crimes they Commit!”, statement of May 31, 2010, 1 page. PDF Version (61 KB); MS Word (29 KB)
- “Millions of Greeks against the IMF and the European Union”, statement by the International Bureau of the CO of the CPG(m-l), May 6, 2010, 2 pages. PDF Version (67 KB); MS Word (32 KB)
- “Press Statement [On the Mass Demonstrations against the Government, the European Union and the IMF]”, statement by the CPG(m-l), May 5, 2010, 1 page. PDF Version (80 KB); MS Word (58 KB)
- “Stop the Massacre in West Bengal!”, statement by the International Bureau of the CPG(m-l), June 19, 2009, 1 page. PDF Version (7 KB); MS Word (27 KB)
- “Solidarity Message from the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) to the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)”, by the International Bureau, CPG(m-l), May 18, 2009, 1 page. PDF Version (60 KB); MS Word (28 KB)
- Presentations by the CPG(m-l) at the International Meeting in Thessaloniki in March 2009, on the 10th anniversary of the imperialist bombing of Yugoslavia. [For all the proceedings, including presentations by other parties, see:]
- Presentation by Vassilis Samaras of the CPG(m-l), 10 pages. PDF Version (102 KB); MS Word (54 KB)
- “The Balkans, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Politics of the Imperialists”, by Elias Kamaretsos, CPG(m-l), 8 pages. PDF Version (149 KB); MS Word (55 KB)
- “Joint Struggle of the Balkan Peoples against Imperialism and War”, by the CPG(m-l), 4 pages. PDF Version (72 KB); MS Word (38 KB)
- “Invitation to the International Meeting in Thessaloniki on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the imperialist intervention in Yugoslavia”, by the International Bureau, CPG(m-l), Feb. 1, 2009, 2 pages. PDF Version (71 KB); MS Word (31 KB)
- “Greece: Before a Difficult but Promising Period”, by Dimitris Pavlidis, Leading Organ, CPG(m-l), Jan. 7, 2009, 2 pages. PDF Version (67 KB); MS Word (32 KB)
- “Zionist Killers Get Out of Gaza Strip”, statement by the CPG(m-l), Jan. 5, 2009, 2 pages. PDF Version (54 KB); MS Word (30 KB)
- “Zionist Killers! Hands off the People of Palestine!”, statement by the CPG(m-l), Jan. 1, 2009, 2 pages. PDF Version (64 KB); MS Word (31 KB)
- “The System’s Murders! Let’s turn our rage into an essential polical answer!”, by Vassilis Samaras, Secretary of the KKE(m-l), Dec. 14, 2008, 5 pages. About the appropriate response to the murder of Alexis Gregoropoulos. PDF Version (129 KB); MS Word (42 KB)
- “Announcement of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist)”, about the police murder of the 15-year old youth Alexis Gregoropoulos, Dec. 12, 2008, 2 pages. PDF Version (111 KB); MS Word (29 KB)
- “50 Years from the 20th Congress of the CPSU; 40 Years from the GPCR; A ‘Current’ Political Issue”, by Vassilis Samaras, Secretary of the KKE(m-l), 2006, 11 pages. PDF Version (134 KB); MS Word (70 KB)
- “Address of Stelios Agutoglu, CPG(m-l) representative at the International Meeting of Solidarity to the Iraqi Resistence”, October 2, 2005, 3 pages. PDF Version (99 KB); MS Word (.docx) (21 KB)
- “Joint Announcement [on the turnover of Ocalan of the PKK to the Turkist fascist state]”, by the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist, the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), and the Communist Party of the Philippines, February 20, 1999, 2 pages. PDF Version (135 KB); MS Word (.docx) (15 KB)
People’s Resistance — Left Anti-Imperialist Cooperation
[A front organization formed in recent years within the peoples’ and workers’ movement in Greece]
- 2016:
- “Protest of Solidarity with the Political Prisoners and Condemnation of the murders of Revolutionaries, outside the Indian Embassy in Athens”, November 26, 2016, 1 page. A demonstration held in support of the political prisoners Ajith and Kobad Gandhy in particular. PDF format (48 KB); MS Word format (13 KB); Photo #1 (jpg) (49 KB); Photo #2 (jpg) (48 KB); Photo #3 (jpg) (35 KB); Photo #4 (jpg) (41 KB)
- 2015:
- “Hundreds of workers and youth demand the release of imprisoned ATIK members!”, about actions in support of Turkish anti-fascist militants imprisoned in Germany and France, held during the 3-day Anti-Racist Festival in Thessaloniki, Greece (Oct. 16-18, 2015), 1 page. Press report in MS Word (23 KB); Photo #1 (jpg) (1,208 KB); Photo #2 (jpg) (1,052 KB)
Other Reports and Documents
- “Athens Solidarity Panel for G. N. Saibaba and Political Prisoners in INDIA”, brief report of a recent event held in Athens. Report received Nov. 4, 2022, 1 page. English: PDF format (365 KB)
- “Actions of Information and Solidarity on ‘the Dark Side of India’”, brief report of actions held in Thessaloniki, Greece, in early September 2019, 1 page. English: PDF format (34 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (13 KB)
Due to the repressive legislation and judicial decisions in the United States, we at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET want to make it completely clear that we do not have any connection whatsoever with the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist), or with any other party in Greece or any other country for that matter. We do not aid, promote, assist, support, coordinate with, or provide any sort of services or advice to the CPG (m-l) or to any other party. However, we do support the right of free speech, and the right of the people in both Greece and internationally to read the views and publications of this and all other parties and organizations. And for this reason alone we are making copies of many of their documents available on this site.