The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement [RIM]
Documents, Statements, Publications and Commentaries
We are posting here a collection of materials by and about the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement [RIM], including their official documents, statements by the Committee of RIM [CoRIM], and issues and articles from their unofficial magazine A World to Win.
After some tentative earlier steps, the participants at the Second International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations officially formed the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement in March 1984, as an international association of Maoist revolutionary parties. Over the years some new member parties joined and some older ones departed. Due to growing internal problems and differences, RIM ceased functioning around 2007, though there was apparently never any public announcement that the organization was disbanding. The history of RIM has not been adequately summed up in documents which we have yet seen. (We hope that those with substantial knowledge of RIM and its history will prepare such summations and make them available here.) But RIM did play an important, if limited, role for a time. Some of the political disputes that occurred within RIM are also quite instructive.
There were two preliminary issues of A World to Win, on May Day 1981 and in May 1982. The first issue of the regular series of AWTW during the RIM period was #1 in 1985. The final issue of AWTW was number 32 in 2006. An AWTW web site formerly existed at: But all the articles and issues of AWTW posted there have been copied over to this website. And we have now scanned and added all the missing issues and articles which were not available on the AWTW website.
Apparently the last remaining public expression of the legacy or inspiration of RIM and AWTW was the “A World to Win News Service”. It once had a web site containing older news articles at, but this site was not updated after January 2011, and now no longer exists. However, for some years a periodic email packet of news stories was still sent out to its email list by the News Service. However, in recent years this operation has nearly stopped functioning as a news service, and—like other RCP activities—now seems focused almost exclusively on promoting the cult of personality around Bob Avakian.
Starting around 2012 there have been efforts by some parties and organizations around the world, to try to resurrect or re-establish RIM, or else some new international Maoist organization. (Whether conditions are yet ripe for this is one of the matters under debate.) Some of these efforts involve small parties or groups which have been promoting the idea of the universality of people’s war (i.e., the notion that people’s war is the appropriate revolutionary strategy everywhere, even in highly urbanized, advanced capitalist countries). This includes those groups centered around the Maoist Road magazine. Other parties and organizations would also like to see RIM re-established, but recognize the serious difficulties in doing so at present. (Including the short-term collapse of the revolutions in Peru and Nepal, and the degenerated lines of the parties which had been leading those revolutions, and also the bizarre political lines and behavior of some other RIM parties, such as the RCP,USA.) We have a special section at the end of this file where we will post some of the documents related to these proposals and attempts to re-establish RIM or a successor organization.
If you know of additional statements or documents which should be posted here, or have any comments or suggestions, please contact us at:
Official RIM Documents
- A large number of RIM documents, including RIM Statements and CoRIM Statements, usually in HTML format, are available on the RCP,USA website at: In most cases these are reprints of the documents as published in the Revolutionary Worker newspaper.
- “Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!”, December 26, 1993. This important and often cited document announces the change in terminology from “Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought” to “Marxism-Leninism-Maoism”, and the reasons for this change.
- “Declaration of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement”, adopted by the delegates and observers at the Second International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations which formed the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, March 1984. The 1984 pamphlet edition has no publication information specified, but it was first destributed in the U.S. by the RCP on May 1, 1984. Reprinted document in searchable PDF format [35 pages: 242 KB]
1984 Pamphlet Edition in searchable PDF format [52 pages: 799 KB]
RIM Declaration in Farsi [Persian]: PDF format [40 pages: 994 KB]
Statements by the Committee of RIM [CoRIM]
- 2007:
- “CoRIM: Release José María Sison!”, Aug. 30, 2007, 1 page. PDF format [105 KB] MS Word format [28 KB]
- 2005:
- “May 1, 2005: Communism in the 21st Century”, April 18, 2005, 2 pages. PDF format [69 KB] MS Word format [33 KB]
Disputes and Debates within RIM
- “Carta a los Partidos y las Organizaciones Participantes del Movimento Revolucianario Internacionalista”, by the RCP,USA, May 1, 2012, 45 pages. Spanish: Searchable PDF format [363 KB]
- [Book:] “Two-Line Struggle Within RIM (In Context of the Maoist ‘Revolution’ in Nepal)”, ed. by Mohan Bikram Singh, (Kathmandu: Yug-Jyotl Publication, 2009), 252 pages. Searchable PDF format [43,440 KB]
- “The Current Debate on the Socialist State System – A Reply by the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA”, 17 pages. [PDF: 150 KB] This is a response to the article written by Ajith of the CPI(M-L) Naxalbari entitled “The Current Debate on the Socialist State System” which later appeared in issue #2 of The New Wave. This response was originally written for circulation to RIM parties in June 2006.
- [More to be added.]
Criticisms and Summations Of, and Commentary About, RIM and CoRIM
- [Book:] “Unity and Polemic in the International Communist Movement”, by Yogendra Dhakal, (Delhi, India: Aakar Books, 2016), 348 pages. (The paper has apparently been purposely darkened in the digitation process.) Searchable PDF format [15,296 KB]
- [More to be added.]
A World to Win [Unofficial magazine associated with RIM] — English Edition
Some of the highlights of each issue are also listed. All the English issues of AWTW are now posted here and all the articles in each issue (including the ones which were not available on the old AWTW website). However, some articles and issues are available only in HTML format, while others are only available in PDF format. (And many are in both formats.)
- #32 (2006)
- “Nepal: Torrents of Revolt Engulf the Throne”
- “Turkey: On the Massacre of 17 Revolutionary Leaders and Fighters in Turkey”
[Also available in German translation (.docx format)]- “Chang Chun-chiao: An Unrelenting Champion of Communism”
- “A Sober Look at the Situation of the Peru Revolution”
- “On Negri and Hardt’s Empire: Revolutionary Communism or ‘Communism’ without Revolution?”
- Entire issue in one large searchable PDF image file, 90 pages. [36,995 KB]
- #31 (2005)
- “The People’s War in Nepal: Taking the Strategic Offensive”
- “The Fall of Saddam’s Regime and Its Lessons for the Future”
- “Communism and the Challenge of Our Times — A Photo Essay”
- “The World Social Forum and Communist Tactics”
- #30 (2004)
- “India: Inside MCC Country”
- “On the Struggle to Unite the Genuine Communist Forces”
- “Worldwide Upsurge Against Imperialist War and Occupation”
- “Building Red Power in Nepal”
- #29 (2002)
- “Revolution in Nepal: A Better World’s in Birth!”
- Articles and statements about the imperialist wars and further
threats against Afghanistan and Iraq.- “Our Guernica: The Spanish Civil War and the War Today”
- #28 (2002)
- “America’s Global Rampage and the People’s Resistance”
- “The US’s Savage War of Vengeance against the Peoples of Afghanistan”
- “Palestine on the Front Line”, by V. K. Sin.
- “Islam: Ideology and Tool of the Exploiting Classes”
- #27 (2001)
- “Turkey’s Prisons: Shining Trenches of Combat”
- Founding statement by CCOMPOSA
- Five articles about People’s War in Nepal
- Articles about the founding of the Communist Party of Iran (MLM).
- The Battle of Stalingrad
- #26 (2000)
- “Millennium Statement by RIM”
- “Photo Essay: Pages from the History of Class Struggle”
- “Free Trade: Engine of Growth or Plunder?”
- “The Strategy for People’s War in India”, by the Central Reorganization Committee, CPI(M-L).
- #25 (1999)
- “Photo Essay in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution”
- “The Balkans: Nato’s Ugly War”
- “On the 150th Anniversary of the Communist Manifesto”
- “Condescending Saviours: What Went Wrong with the Pol Pot Regime”
- #24 (1998)
- “Unleash the Fury of Women as a Might Force for Revolution!”
- “The Story of the Communist Manifesto”
- “Self-Criticism of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) — 1966”
- “Book Review: Building the World’s First Socialist Economy”
- #23 (1998)
- “On the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Soviet Union)”
- “Putting Mao at the Heart of Party Life”, rectification document from the Communist Party of the Philippines
- “Indian Maoists on Naxalbari”
- “Charu Mazumdar: From the Pioneer of Maoism in India”
- “Overcome the Bend in the Road by Developing the People’s War!”, from the Communist Party of Peru
- #22 (1996)
- “Nepal: Hoisting the Red Flag to the Roof of the World”
- “Two-Line Struggle in Peru” — A collection of 8 articles on this important struggle.
- “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution — 30 Years Later”
- “New Upsurge of Struggle in Turkey’s Dungeons”
- “Kurdistan: The Bitter Lessons of Betrayal”
- #21 (1995)
- “Rally to the Defence of Our Red Flag Flying in Peru!”
— A special issue devoted to the two line struggle within the Communist Party of Peru.- #20 (1995)
- “Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!”, major RIM statement.
- “The Peasant Uprising in Chiapas”, by Meche Sierra Rojas.
- “Agrarian Revolution and Semi-Feudalism”, on the political economy of Mexico.
- “Changing the Guard in South Africa”
- #19 (1993)
- Articles about Peru and the Campaign to Defend the Life of Chairman Gonzalo.
- Articles in memorial for Comrade Sanmugathasan of Sri Lanka.
- “Chiang Ching: The Revolutionary Ambitions of a Communist Leader” — Major article.
- Numerous statements on important topics by CoRIM.
- #18 (1992) [Now complete]
- This special issue is devoted entirely to Peru, and especially to the capture
of Chairman Gonzalo, and the worldwide protests about his treatment.
Now included is the very long (43 pages) 1988 interview with Chairman Gonzalo
and the 1991 statement “The Revolution Continues” by the PCP, which were not
posted on the old AWTW website.- #17 (1992) [Now complete]
- This issue features a struggle over democracy and its interpretation, including:
“On Proletarian Democracy” by K. Venu and the CRC-CPI(M-L), and a critical response
“Democracy: More than Ever We Can and Must Do Better than That!”, by Bob Avakian.- “Long Live the Revolutionary Spirit of Chiang Ching!”
- “Communism Marches Forward in Peru”
- #16 (1991) [Now complete]
- This issue focuses on the U.S.-led imperialist aggression in the Gulf,
and includes numerous statements from around the world condemning it.- “Strategy: One Against Ten; Tactics: Ten Against One”, by Li Tso-peng [1964]
- “Our Red Flag is Flying in Peru” [2 articles]
- “Marxism-Leninism-Maoism” by the Organization of Revolutionary Communists of Afghanistan.
- #15 (1990)
- Contents and Front Matter, 5 pages. [PDF: 657 KB]
- The Collapse of Revisionism in Eastern Europe
- “Unleashing the Masses, Unlocking the Future: Mao is the Key!”, 8 pages. [PDF: 1,816 KB]
- Mao Tsetung: A Critique of Soviet Economics — Excerpts, 5 pages. [PDF: 600 KB]
- Fundamentals of Political Economy — Excerpts, 3 pages. [PDF: 503 KB]
- “Cast Away Illusions! Revolution All the Way!”, by the RIM Committee, 4 pages. [PDF: 498 KB]
- “Unheard Voices from Romania”, by Frank O’Malley, 10 pages. [PDF: 2,744 KB]
- “The Final Demise of Ceausescu”, by the TKP/ML [Maoist Party Centre], 7 pages. [PDF: 1,097 KB]
- Several documents from the Communist Party of Peru, including “In Celebration of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution”, 6 pages. [PDF: 1,148 KB]
- “New Twist in the Imperialist Knot” — On the International Situation, by the RCP,USA, 9 pages. [PDF: 1,608 KB]
- “Notes on the Political Economy of Cuba—Part II: Burn Down the Cane Fields!”, by Rudi Mambisa, 11 pages. [PDF: 1,895 KB]
- Plus a number of other short articles.
- Entire issue in one large searchable PDF image file, 89 pages. [18,144 KB]
- #14 (1989) [A few pages are hard to read because of poor printing quality.]
- Cover, in color. [PDF: 1,344 KB]
- Contents and Front Matter, 3 pages. [PDF: 663 KB]
- “People Like Deng Will Know No Peace”, 2 pages. [PDF: 378 KB]
- “Down with the Blood-Soaked Capitalist Regime in China!”, statement by the Committee of the RIM, 4 pages. [PDF: 1,081 KB]
- “Tiananmen Square: What the Media Suppressed”, 10 pages. [PDF: 5,484 KB]
- “Revolt in China: The Crisis of Revisionism, or... Why Mao Tsetung Was Right”, by Raymond Lotta, 4 pages. [PDF: 1,397 KB]
- “RIM Press Conference Condemns Deng Regime”, 5 pages. [PDF: 1,276 KB]
- “1980 Statement by Shanghai Revolutionaries on the Restoration of Capitalism in China”, by the Chinese (Marxist-Leninist) Communist Party Central Committee, 7 pages. [PDF: 1,263 KB]
- “On Exercising All-Round Dictatorship Over the Bourgeoisie”, by Chang Chun-chiao, 9 pages. [PDF: 1,157 KB]
- “Notes on the Political Economy of Cuba—Part I: Burn Down the Cane Fields!”, by Rudi Mambisa, 13 pages. [PDF: 2,114 KB]
- Plus a number of other articles.
- Entire issue in one large searchable PDF image file, 89 pages. [27,382 KB]
- #13 (1989)
- Cover, in color. [PDF: 1,702 KB]
- Contents and Front Matter, 3 pages. [PDF: 416 KB]
- “Peru: People’s War Prepares New Stage”, 8 pages. [PDF: 2,139 KB]
- Two short articles on Peru from El Diario, 2 pages. [PDF: 295 KB]
- “Afghan Communist Hold Important Meeting: Resolution of the Third General Meeting of the Revolutionary Cell of Afghan Communists (RCAC)”, 2 pages. [PDF: 251 KB]
- Letters between RCAC and RIM, 2 pages. [PDF: 235 KB]
- “Tear Down the Prison Walls!”, statement by the Union of Iranian Communists (Sarbedaran), 2 pages. [PDF: 288 KB]
- “May Day, 1989: Celebrate the Fifth Anniversary of the RIM!”, 2 pages. [PDF: 209 KB]
- “The Internationale Shall Be the Human Race”, a 30-page photo spread of proletarian revolutionary history. [PDF: 6,856 KB]
- Two articles on Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, 5 pages. [PDF: 778 KB]
- “Why Perestroika?”, by Sunil, 9 pages. [PDF: 1,487 KB]
- Plus several other articles.
- Entire issue in one large searchable PDF image file, 81 pages. [17,152 KB]
- #12 (1988)
- Cover, in color. [PDF: 1,906 KB]
- Contents and Front Matter, 3 pages. [PDF: 371 KB]
- “Reply to Liwanag: The CPP and False Friends of the Filipino Revolution”, 8 pages. [PDF: 1,353 KB]
- “The War of the Kurdish Masses is a War of the Oppressed”, RIM statement, 5 pages. [PDF: 814 KB]
- “Youth Revolt: Fresh Wind Hits Algeria”, RIM statement, 4 pages. [PDF: 1,324 KB]
- “Afghan Marxist-Leninists Advance”, by two groups in Afghanistan, 3 pages. [PDF: 428 KB]
- “Trouble Brewing in the USSR?”, by H.S., 14 pages. [PDF: 2,235 KB]
- “The 1960s in the Imperialist Citadels”, photo feature, 14 pages. [PDF: 7,766 KB]
- “New Books on the 1960s”, by N.W., 15 pages. [PDF: 2,756 KB]
- “July 1967: Rebellion in Detroit”, 5 pages. [PDF: 991 KB]
- “Colombia: The Strategy of Insurrection vs. People’s War and Red Political Power”, by the Revolutionary Communist Group of Colombia, 13 pages. [PDF: 2,122 KB]
- “New Document from RCP, USA”, on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, 4 pages. [PDF: 603 KB]
- Entire issue in one large searchable PDF image file, 89 pages. [22,822 KB]
- #11 (1988)
- This issue focuses on Palestine and the mass uprising there, the Intifada.
- Contents and Front Matter, 3 pages. [PDF: 387 KB]
- “Resolution on Palestine”, by the Second International Conference of M-L Parties and Organizations, 1984, 1 page. [PDF: 139 KB]
- “RIM Committee Statement in Support of the Uprising in Palestine”, February 1988, 3 pages. [PDF: 420 KB]
- “Israel: Imperialism’s Attack Dog in the Middle East”, by V. K. Sin, 18 pages. [PDF: 3,668 KB]
- Palestine Photo Spread, 16 pages. [PDF: 8,209 KB]
- “Arab Reaction—The Other Enemy of the Intifada”, by J. K., a Tunisian Marxist-Leninist, 4 pages. [PDF: 691 KB]
- “Afghanistan: Soviet Pull-Out Will Intensify the War”, 3 pages. [PDF: 499 KB]
- “Haiti: Revolution is the Only Solution”, by the Haitian Internationalist Revolutionary Group (GRIA), 5 pages. [PDF: 1,208 KB]
- “Book Review: Soviet Critique of ‘Terrorism’; Singing the Hymns of the Bourgeois State”, by P.B., 5 pages. [PDF: 799 KB]
- “Documents from PCP First Congress”, including “On Marxism-Leninism-Maoism” and “On Gonzalo Thought”, 8 pages. [PDF: 1,246 KB]
- Plus several other short articles.
- Entire issue in one large searchable PDF image file, 81 pages. [22,051 KB]
- #10 (1988)
- Articles about Imperialism’s War in the Gulf
- “Winds of October Still Blow”
- Second Regional RIM Conference in South Asia
- “Indian Communists Criticise Armed Economism”
- “Gorbachev: Soul of Capital Personified”
- #9 (1987)
- “Naxalbari: 20 Years Since the Clap of Spring Thunder”
- “Charu Mazumdar on the Naxalbari Road”
- “Peru: Develop the People’s War to Serve the World Revolution” [Part II]
- Iran: “On the Occasion of the Martyrdom of Leaders and Members of the UIC(S)”
- #8 (1987)
- “Peru: Develop the People’s War to Serve the World Revolution” [Part I]
- “December ’86 — Student Upsurge in Imperialist France”
- “Open Letter to the CP of the Philippines from CoRIM”
- “On the Liberation of Women and the March to Communism”
- #7 (1986)
- Cover, in color. [PDF: 1,644 KB]
- Contents and Front Matter, 3 pages. [PDF: 453 KB]
- “Forward Along the Path Charted by Mao Tsetung!”, by the Committee of the RIM, 13 pages. [PDF: 2,689 KB]
- “The Solution: Continue the Revolution Under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat”, by Ajoy Dutta, 4 pages. [PDF: 655 KB]
- “Some Lessons of the Cultural Revolution”, by David Joseph, 4 pages. [PDF: 822 KB]
- “Revolution in Imperialist Countries Requires Mao Tsetung Thought”, by the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, 12 pages. [PDF: 2,912 KB]
- “On the Revolutionary Ballet: Red Detachment of Women”, from Chinese Literature, #1, 1971, 7 pages. [PDF: 1,306 KB]
- “Ten Years of Tumultuous Advance”, chronological summary of the GPCR, 9 pages. [PDF: 1,851 KB]
- “Sweep Away All Monsters and Ghosts”, by the Ceylon Communist Party (Sri Lanka), 4 pages. [PDF: 1,106 KB]
- “The Proletariat Storms the Stage”, 6 pages. [PDF: 1,766 KB]
- “Mao’s Theory of People’s War”, by the Proletarian Party of Purba Bangla (Bangladesh) [PBSP], 17 pages. [PDF: 3,694 KB]
- “The Weapon of Criticism: ‘To Get Rich is Glorious’, Recent Books on Capitalist China”, 8 pages. [PDF: 1,668 KB]
- Entire issue in one large searchable PDF image file, 89 pages. [20,542 KB]
- #6 (1986)
- Cover, in color. [PDF: 1,121 KB]
- Contents and Front Matter, 3 pages. [PDF: 482 KB]
- “Haiti: The Dechoukage Has Only Just Begun!”, 2 pages. [PDF: 342 KB]
- “Crisis in Haiti and the Tasks of Revolutionaries”, by the Haitian Internationalist Revolutionary Group (GRIA), 10 pages. [PDF: 2,667 KB]
- “A Call to the Haitian Revolutionary Movement”, by the Haitian Revolutionary Internationalist Group (GRIA) and the Haitian Workers Party (PTH), 2 pages. [PDF: 172 KB]
- “People Are Disposed to Take Care of Business”, Talks with the Haitian Workers Party (PTH), 10 pages. [PDF: 2,058 KB]
- “A Shining Trench of Combat”, Statement on the Massacre of Our Comrades in Peru’s Prisons, by the Committee of the RIM, 4 pages. [PDF: 597 KB]
- “Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru”, June 1986, 2 pages. [PDF: 231 KB]
- “Massacre in Peru’s Prisons: ‘This Blood that has been Spilt Shall Never Be Forgotten’”, 3 pages. [PDF: 484 KB]
- “Big Strides in Peruvian Revolution: Flames Leap to Puno”, 2 pages. [PDF: 313 KB]
- “Support for People’s War Echoes on Every Continent”, 3 pages. [PDF: 702 KB]
- “International Campaign: Forward Along the Path Charted by Mao Tsetung!”, by the Committee of the RIM, 2 pages. [PDF: 234 KB]
- “Five Years of People’s War”, excerpts from Worldwide Campaign Speech, 9 pages. [PDF: 1,802 KB]
- “RIM Committee Greets Peru Campaign”, 2 pages. [PDF: 743 KB]
- “Interview with Afghan Revolutionary”, 9 pages. [PDF: 2,561 KB]
- “Romania: Goulash Communism or Capitalist Austerity”, 6 pages. [PDF: 1,083 KB]
- “The Weapon of Criticism”, 2 book reviews, by A.S., 6 pages. [PDF: 876 KB]
- The Tunnels of Cu Chi (1985), by Tom Mangold & John Penycate. About Vietnamese revolutionaries’ use of tunnel warfare.
- Origins of the Great Purges (1985), by J. Arch Getty.
- Entire issue in one large searchable PDF image file, 77 pages. [17,405 KB]
- #5 (1986) [Now complete]
- “Kurdistan and Prospects for Red Political Power”, by Nejimeh Siavush
- “Ibrahim Kaypakkaya on the Kurdish National Question” [1971/72]
- “The Tinderbox of Purba Bangla” [Bangladesh], by Amir Ali & Taheruddin Ahmed
- “Why Did Colombia’s Government Bomb Its Own Palace of Justice”
- “RCP,USA Celebrates 10th Anniversary”
- “Seizing the Imperialist Citadels” (articles from Italy and Britain)
- Entire issue in one large searchable PDF image file, 82 pages. [13,210 KB]
- #4 (1985)
- “Peru: People’s War Continues; New Regime—Same Reaction”
- “South Africa: The Revolutionary Crisis Deepens”
- “Defeated Armies Learn Well”, by the UIC (Sarbedaran).
A long summation of the setback to the Iranian revolution.- “The False Path of the W. European ‘Urban Guerrilla’”, by P. Becker. [This article is quite
relevant to the current question of whether the strategy of People’s War has universal applicability.]- #3 (1985)
- Cover, in color. [PDF: 1,882 KB]
- Contents and Front Matter, 3 pages. [PDF: 489 KB]
- “South Africa Summoned by Revolution”, 11 pages. [PDF: 3,037 KB]
- “Azanian Revolutionaries—Link Up with the RIM!”, 1 page. [PDF: 157 KB]
- “The Political Economy of Apartheid”, from the RCPUSA’s Revolutionary Worker, 10 pages. [PDF: 1,541 KB]
- “Growing Up in Azania Means You’re Always Angry”, Interview with Azanian Revolutionaries, 8 pages. [PDF: 1,601 KB]
- “PCP Salutes the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement”, 2 pages. [PDF: 1,301 KB]
- “Never Forget the Lessons of Vietnam”, 2 pages. [PDF: 467 KB]
- “Message to TKP/ML”, from the RIM Committee, 2 pages. [PDF: 248 KB]
- “8 P.M. News Break” — TKP/ML Seizes the Air Waves, 2 pages. [PDF: 251 KB]
- “Ibrahim Kaypakkaya on Armed Struggle—Excerpts”, 12 pages. [PDF: 1,509 KB]
- “U.S.A.: No Business As Usual”, 2 pages. [PDF: 880 KB]
- “Don’t Vote, Step Up Guerrilla Warfare to Seize Political Power for the People!”, by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru, 8 pages. [PDF: 1,099 KB]
- “Expand and Strengthen the Movement to Support the Revolution in Peru”, by the Information Bureau of RIM, 1 page. [PDF: 130 KB]
- “Peru Support Sprouts Everywhere”, 5 pages. [PDF: 725 KB]
- “Peru’s New President of Counterrevolution”, 7 pages. [PDF: 972 KB]
- “Reggae: Jamaica’s Rebel Music”, by Rita Forest, 12 pages. [PDF: 2,866 KB]
- Entire issue in one large searchable PDF image file, 89 pages. [19,131 KB]
- #2 (1985)
- “Revolution or World War 3?”
- “Not So Quiet on the Western Front”
- “On the Shining Path of Mariátegui”, the Communist Party of Peru.
- “On the Dynamism of Imperialism and the Fettering of Social Development”, by Raymond Lotta.
- #1 (1985)
- “India: Surface Cracks and the Tremors from the Depths”
- “Bhopal: Capitalism’s Great Peacetime Massacre”
- “Punjab: Genesis of a Rebellion”
- “Peru: When the Andes Roar”
- Special section on the revolutionary Kurdish film maker Yilmaz Güney
- Preliminary Issue #2 (May 1982) [Pre-RIM]
- Cover [PDF: 1,027 KB]
- Contents [PDF: 87 KB]
- Editorial, by the Coordinating Committee, 3 pages. [PDF: 488 KB]
- “Imperialist Economism, or the European Disease”, by the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, 5 pages. [PDF: 944 KB]
- “Condemnation of the Coup in Poland”, by the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile, 2 pages. [PDF: 227 KB]
- “General Jaruzelski’s Coup de Force, or the Stakes of the Polish Crisis”, by members of the former group Pour l’Internationale Proletarienne, France, 6 pages. [PDF: 1,057 KB]
- “50 Years of the Farce of Universal Franchise in Sri Lanka”, by the Ceylon Communist Party, 5 pages. [PDF: 874 KB]
- “Press Communiqué”, by the Central Reorganisation Committee, Communist Party of India (M-L), 1 page. [PDF: 162 KB]
- “Resolutions of the All India Conference”, by the Reorganisation Committee, Communist Party of India (M-L), 1 page. [PDF: 139 KB]
- “Comments on Basic Principles”, by a comrade from the Red Flag Group, New Zealand, 1 page. [PDF: 100 KB]
- “Joint Communiqué of the Autumn 1980 International Conference—‘To the Marxist-Leninists, the Workers and the Oppressed of All Countries’”, 5 pages. [PDF: 817 KB]
- “Long Live the Struggle for the Unity of the International Communist Movement!”, by the Political Bureau, Regional Committee Tupac Amaru of the Communist Party of Peru, 2 pages. [PDF: 199 KB]
- “On the Joint Communiqué”, Open Letter to the Coordinating Committee of the International Journal A World to Win, by the Communist Party of Turkey Marxist-Leninist, 3 pages. [PDF: 444 KB]
- “Resolution on the Joint Communiqué”, by the Stockport Communist Group, Britain, 1 page. [PDF: 29 KB]
- “On the Joint Communiqué”, by Marxist-Leninists from Haiti, 3 pages. [PDF: 521 KB]
- Addresses of groups signing the Joint Communiqué, 1 page. [PDF: 40 KB]
- Entire issue in Searchable PDF format, 47 pages. [7,161 KB]
- Preliminary Issue #1 (May 1981) [Pre-RIM]
- “To the Marxist-Leninists, the Workers and the Oppressed of All Countries”,
Joint Communiqué of 13 M-L Parties and Organisations.- “Enver Hoxha Refuted”, by N. Sanmugathasan.
- “Notes on the History of Spanish Marxism-Leninism”, by Unión de Lucha Marxista-Leninista.
- “On the Class Struggle in China”, by the RCP, USA.
- “When a Trial Backfires on the Judges”, by the Communist Party (M-L) of China.
A World to Win [Unofficial magazine associated with RIM] — Farsi [Persian] Edition: جهانی بری فتح کامل Jahani Bary Fatha Kamel
- #32 (2006) — Not available.
- #31 (2005), 182 pages — MS Word text version only (.docx) [273 KB]
- #30 (2004), 132 pages — MS Word text version only (.docx) [304 KB]
- #29 (2002), 82 pages — PDF format [20,142 KB]
- #28 (2002), 61 pages — PDF format [16,536 KB]
- #27 (2001) — Not available.
- #26 (2000), 89 pages — PDF format [10,525 KB]
- #25 (1999), 91 pages — PDF format [10,687 KB]
- #24 (1998), 89 pages — PDF format [11,307 KB]
- #23 (1998), 89 pages — PDF format [6,804 KB]
- #22 (1996), 85 pages — PDF format [8,114 KB]
- #21 (1995), 89 pages — PDF format [9,076 KB]
- #20 (1995), 89 pages — PDF format [7,838 KB]
- #19 (1993), 90 pages — PDF format [9,371 KB]
- #18 (1992), 77 pages — PDF format [7,114 KB]
- #17 (1992), 86 pages — PDF format [6,664 KB]
- #16 (1991), 89 pages — PDF format [11,394 KB]
- #15 (1990), 89 pages — PDF format [8,614 KB]
- #14 (1090), 88 pages — PDF format [10,624 KB]
- #13 (1989), 81 pages — PDF format [10,266 KB]
- #12 (1988), 88 pages — PDF format [9,737 KB]
- #11 (1988), 81 pages — PDF format [9,166 KB]
- #10 (1988), 77 pages — PDF format [9,740 KB]
- # 9 (1987), 89 pages — PDF format [6,603 KB]
- # 8 (1987), 89 pages — PDF format [8,913 KB]
- # 7 (1986), 89 pages — PDF format [12,449 KB]
- # 6 (1986), 77 pages — PDF format [7,846 KB]
- # 5 (1986), 85 pages — PDF format [8,288 KB]
- # 4 (1985), 89 pages — PDF format [10,039 KB]
- # 3 (1985), 89 pages — PDF format [8,228 KB]
- # 2 (1985), 85 pages — PDF format [8,268 KB]
- # 1 (1985), 89 pages — PDF format [12,023 KB]
- All the above Farsi issues (missing only #27 and #32) in one very big file, 2,706 pages - PDF format [Enormous file: 169,545 KB]
A World to Win [Unofficial magazine associated with RIM] — French Edition: Un Monde a Gagner
- #14 (1989), 43 pages (double-page layout) — PDF format [5,917 KB]
- # 7 (1987), 100 pages (double-page layout) — PDF format [13,036 KB]
- [No other French issues yet available.]
Attempts to Resurrect or Re-establish RIM
- “Build an International Communist Movement Firmly Founded in the Principles of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and in Opposition to Revisionism and All Forms of Right and ‘Left’ Opportunism”, by Gran Marcha Hacia el Comunismo [Long March Towards Communism], Madrid, Spain, in both English and Spanish, August 8, 2012, 5 pages. MS Word (49 KB)
- “Letter to Participating Parties and Organizations of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement”, by the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, May 1, 2012, 42 pages. (Made public on July 3, 2012. Includes a short appendix responding specifically to the 3-Party Initiative below.) English: PDF format [228 KB]; English: MS Word format [579 KB]; Spanish: PDF format [481 KB] (Translated by the Revolutionary Communist Group of Colombia).
- The 3-Party Initiative on May Day 2012:
- “1st Resolution passed by the Special Meeting of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties and Organizations of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement — May First 2012”, by the Communist Party of India (ML) [Naxalbari], the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan, and the Maoist Communist Party—Italy, 6 pages. PDF format [122 KB] MS Word format [51 KB]
- “2nd Resolution passed by the Special Meeting of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Parties and Organizations of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement for an International Conference of the MLM Parties and Organization of the world — May First 2012”, by the Communist Party of India (ML) [Naxalbari], the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan, and the Maoist Communist Party—Italy, 4 pages. PDF format [149 KB] MS Word format [49 KB]
- Maoist Road Magazine:
- Maoist Road Page on
- Maoist Road Blog at:
Due to the repressive legislation and judicial decisions in the United States, we at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET want to make it completely clear that we do not have any connection whatsoever with RIM or with the parties and organizations which were members of it. We do not aid, promote, assist, support, coordinate with, or provide any sort of services or advice to RIM or its member parties, nor to any other party. However, we do support the right of free speech, and the right of the people around the world to read the statements and publications of this and all other organizations, associations and parties. For this reason we do object to the de facto suppression of the views and ideas put forward by RIM and its member parties, whether past or present. And for this reason alone we are making copies of many of their statements and documents available on this site.