50 Years after
the Chinese Victory
Fifty years on, the historical magnitude of the
victory of the People's War in China stands out all the more
clearly. An AWTW editorial looks back at how Mao and the Chinese
revolutionaries pioneered the path and practice that now serves
as the basic model for freeing an oppressed country from the
grip of imperialism. These lessons will strengthen the ability
of those today who are determined to lead the masses in violently
sweeping away the old world and beginning to construct the
new one. An 18-page photo essay celebrates the courage and
revolutionary determination of the Chinese masses who on 1
October 1949 did indeed "stand up".
NATO's Ugly War
The world's media are trumpeting that the US/NATO's
so-called moral war in the Balkans is the harbinger of a "new
age" of "humanitarian intervention". Yet the
way the US and its NATO allies are waging the war - with the
biggest military alliance in human history pounding a small
poor country from the safety of miles up in the air - and
the hidden agenda for which they are actually fighting reveal
that these "imperialist" humanitarians have very
bloody fangs.
What Went Wrong with the Pol Pot Regime
This article sets out to overthrow the reactionary
consensus that uses the Pol Pot years in Cambodia to bolster
the view that "the more radical the effort to change
society, the more catastrophic the results". Instead,
the policies and practice of the Khmer Rouge leadership are
subjected to an in-depth examination from the standpoint of
revolutionary Maoism, with some surprising conclusions.