Zhaiyi Translation Magazine Series

      We have here some Chinese language magazines which consist of articles and other materials from foreign language sources which have been translated into Chinese. There were several series of such magazines, published simultaneously beginning during the Mao (socialist) era in China. Our thanks to friends in China for providing us the scans of these magazines.

      Note that these individual magazines are quite large, book-sized in fact, and that although the files are usually in compressed PDF format the file sizes are still moderately large. It will be useful to have a fast Internet connection to download them in a reasonably short time.

      In the future we may be able to provide a listing of the most important articles in each issue, and possibly to provide copies of the original foreign language versions of some of the articles. Since these magazines are in Chinese, we also hope to eventually provide an introduction to this page in Chinese.

      If you have any additional issues of these or other series of Zhaiyi magazines, and are willing to scan them or make them available for us to scan, please contact us at:

Waiguo Wenyi — (Chinese Translations of Foreign Literature and the Arts)

Waiguo Zhexue Lishi Jingji — (Chinese Translations of Foreign Philosophy, History and Economics Works)

Waiguo Ziran Kexue Zhexue — (Chinese Translations of Foreign Articles on Natural Science and Philosophy)

BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET China Magazines Page

BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET China in the Maoist Era Page