Maoist Communist Union (MCU)
Statements, Documents and Publications
The Maoist Communist Union is a revolutionary organization in the United States, founded in late 2020. It describes itself as “an organization dedicated to advancing the principles of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism in the struggle for revolution in the United States”.
The MCU has a very high quality theoretical journal named Red Pages, the first issues of which are available below. The Founding Statement of the MCU is included in the first issue.
The Maoist Communist Union can be contacted at: and maintains an official website at
If you know of other statements, documents and publications of the MCU, or of commentary about it from other sources, please contact us at:
Documents and Statements:
- 2024:
- “The Murder of G.N. Saibaba: What They Could Never Kill Went on to Organize”, statement by Thomas, C.C. member, 5 pages. PDF
- “Neomercantilism, the U.S. Election, and Debates Among the Bourgeoisie”, by Thomas O’Connell, MCU C.C. member. A major study, originally prepared in the spring of 2024, but slightly updated as Kamala Harris replaced Biden on the Democratic ticket and the November election approached, 56 pages. PDF
- “On Communist Work in the Working Class Movement”, by Kat & Chantelle (MCU), in response to the RMC (and which has also been published on the Cosmonaut website), 19 pages. PDF
- “MCU’s 2nd National Conference”, 2024, 10 pages. PDF
- 2023:
- “Some General Theses on Communist Work in the Trade Unions”, October 2023. PDF
- “Statement on the Death of Jose Maria Sison”, Winter 2023, 2 pages. PDF
- Follow-up Letter from a Chinese Comrade: “Notes on Recent Chinese Events”, discussing the mis-handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, questions of the strategy for a new revolution in China, etc. Late January or early February 2023, 7 pages. Searchable PDF format (72 KB)
- 2022:
- 2020-2021:
- “Founding Statement of the MCU”, Nov. 23, 2020, included in Red Pages, #1. (See below.)
Red Pages Theoretical Journal:
- Issue Number 3: February 2023, 81 pages. Searchable PDF format [614 KB]
- “Notes from a Conversation Among Comrades on the George Floyd Protests: Lessons for Ourselves and Beyond”
- “Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, the Maneuvers of the U.S. Ruling Class, and Some Key Tasks for U.S. Communists”
- “A Critical Evaluation of Gonzaloism”
- “Lenin’s Five Point Definition of the Economic Aspects of Capitalist Imperialism and its Relevance Today”
- Issue Number 2: January 2022, 61 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,162 KB]
- “The Looming Economic Crisis”
- “The U.S. Defeat in Afghanistan”
- “On the Importance of learning from the Maoist Movements in India and the Philippines”
- “Key Lessons from Recent Translations on Mao’s Directives from the Final Years of the GPCR”
- “Chairman Mao’s Primary Directives”
- “A Few Opinions of Mine”
- “Chairman Mao’s Talk with Members of the Politburo who Were in Beijing”
- “A Summary of Views on the Problem of the Inner-Party Bourgeoisie”
- Issue Number 1: January 2021, 64 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,768 KB]
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