Documents from or about the Soviet Union during Both the
Socialist & State-Capitalist/Social-Imperialist Periods
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was established in Russia, and in most of the oppressed nations that had been ruled by the Tsar, after the victory of the great Bolshevik Revolution led by Lenin.
There were tremendous hardships that the people had to overcome in making revolution in Russia, in ending World War I, in fighting the terrible civil war and the invasion of multiple capitalist countries, and the severe famine at that time. It was a forced march for the USSR to recover from this devastation, and to industrialize and build itself up in preparation for a new capitalist assault that they knew would be coming before long.
This new federation of socialist republics called the USSR was soon transformed into a socialist economy and state during the 1920s, under the leadership of Stalin and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. This greatly facilitated the industrialization of the country even while the capitalist world was in the midst of the Great Depression. But then they had to prepare to face a ferocious new invasion from Nazi Germany, which when it came led to yet more hardship and suffering for the masses. That the Soviet peoples were able to persevere and achieve victory through all these difficulties is one of the greatest accomplishments of humanity in all of recorded history.
However, not so surprisingly under these circumstances of desperate hardship and attack, and given that this was the very first socialist revolution in history, there were also some serious weaknesses in the Soviet Union during the socialist period. Mao later pointed out that after the early years Stalin and the CPSU no longer relied on the masses and mass initiative, or used the mass line method of leadership (“from the masses, to the masses”). (See the collection of Mao’s comments about Stalin listed below.) Instead, Soviet society was ruled by orders from above, even if mostly with good intentions. The Soviet Union was therefore not governed in nearly as democratic a way as it could and should have been. Dissent was often assumed to be entirely hostile to the revolution, when in fact much of it simply reflected an inadequate understanding of what needed to be done, or was even an attempt to improve the new socialist society. And many honest workers and revolutionaries were falsely labelled as enemies or enemy agents, and were then imprisoned or killed. Moreover, even the economic aspects of Soviet socialism had some serious shortcomings because of these political problems.
Nevertheless, the Soviet Union remained a socialist country—though a very imperfect one—as long as Stalin was alive, and overall it played a quite positive role in the world. But unfortunately the top down and paternalistic style of leadership by Stalin and the CPSU did not condition the Soviet masses to more directly run society and to keep an eye on their leaders, and did not prepare them to deal with revisionists like Khrushchev and the new privileged bourgeois stratum that came to power after Stalin’s death. This stratum soon formed itself into a new bourgeois ruling class.
The revisionist (state-capitalist) period in the Soviet Union lasted from the mid-1950s until the final collapse of the USSR in 1991. Many people in reformist and revisionist parties around the world were not able to recognize this fundamental change in the nature of the Soviet Union, and there has been considerable struggle and debate about this. The central ideological struggle here was that between Mao and Chinese revolutionaries (on the one hand), and the Soviet revisionists (on the other hand). But there have also been some other important debates and exposures of Soviet revisionism and social-imperialism since then.
On this page we will present some of the documents about the Russian Revolution and the new socialist society it created, including many of its great accomplishments under extremely difficult conditions. But we will also try to collect and present many key and hard to find documents which critically discuss the negative aspects of the Soviet Union during the socialist period, as well as evaluations of Stalin and his role. And, in a separate section below, we will try to bring together many important documents criticizing and condemning the USSR during the revisionist and social-imperialist period.
Many of the PDF files here have been reduced in size and require version 9.0 or later of Adobe Reader to read. In most cases we have also changed them to searchable format, if they were not already in that form.
Some items have the file extension “.djvu”. These files require the WinDjView program to read them. This reader can be obtained for free at: (Linux users have the capability to read .djvu files integrated into their PDF readers of the major desktops: Okular in KDE, Evince in GNOME.)
If you know of other documents that should be posted here, contact us at:
The Revolutionary and Socialist Era of the USSR (1917-c. 1955)
The Russian Revolution and the Lenin Era
- Plekhanov’s Writings and the Introduction of Marxism into Russia:
- [Book:] Marxism in Russia: Key Documents, 1879-1906, ed. by Neil Harding, translated by Richard Taylor, (Cambridge University Press, 1983), 433 pages. With a small amount of light underlining here and there; our apologies. Searchable PDF format [8,958 KB]
- [Book:] Plekhanov — Selected Philosophical Works, in 5 volumes, Volume 1, (Moscow/London: Progress/L&W, 2rd ed. 1977), 826 pages. Searchable PDF format [Large file: 41,934 KB]
- [Book:] Plekhanov — Selected Philosophical Works, in 5 volumes, Volume 2, (Moscow/London: Progress/L&W, 1976), 744 pages. Searchable PDF format [Large file: 39,430 KB]
- [Book:] Plekhanov — Selected Philosophical Works, in 5 volumes, Volume 3, (Moscow/London: Progress/L&W, 1976), 714 pages. Searchable PDF format [Large file: 38,876 KB]
- [Book:] Plekhanov — Selected Philosophical Works, in 5 volumes, Volume 4, (Moscow: Progress, 1980), 775 pages. Searchable PDF format [Large file: 42,597 KB]
- [Book:] Plekhanov — Selected Philosophical Works, in 5 volumes, Volume 5, (Moscow: Progress, 1981), 720 pages. Searchable PDF format [Large file: 39,671 KB]
- [Book:] In Defence of Materialism: The Development of the Monist View of History, by G. V. Plekhanov, first published in 1895, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1947), 303 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,612 KB]; Epub version of different edition [462 KB]
- Essays in Historical Materialism, by George Plekhanov, consisting of the two major essays, “The Materialist Conception of History” and “The Role of the Individual in History”. Reprint: (Paris: Foreign Languages Press, 2020), 96 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,474 KB]
- [Book:] Fundamental Problems of Marxism, by George Plekhanov, (NY: International, 1969), 192 pages. A few marginal notes; our apologies. Also includes the essays “The Materialist Conception of History” and “The Role of the Individual in History”. Searchable PDF format [2,541 KB]
- [Book:] Essays on the History of Materialism, by George Plekhanov, (originally published in German in 1896), here in English translation, 287 pages. Focusing on Holbach, Helvetius and Marx. Epub format [214 KB]
- “Utopian Socialism of the Nineteenth Century”, by George Plekhanov, originally written in 1913, (Moscow: FLPH, n.d. [late 1950s?]), 84 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,327 KB]
- The Russian Revolutionary Movement during the Tsarist Autocracy:
- [Book:] Vladimir Akimov on the Dilemmas of Russian Marxism: 1895-1903, edited by Jonathan Frankel, with two texts by Akimov translated into English, (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1969), 408 pages. Akimov was one of the most right-wing Mensheviks. Searchable PDF format [23,373 KB]
- [More materials to be added.]
- The Russian Revolution and Civil War (1917-1922):
- Russian language documents about the Revolution: Special Section
- [Book:] Ten Days that Shook the World, by John Reed, a stirring account of the proletarian seizure of power in November 1917. This classic book was first published in 1919. (Moscow: Progress, 1987), 347 pages. Searchable PDF format [26,862 KB] (Marxist Internet Archive edition, 2017), 399 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,721 KB]
- [Book:] A History of the Civil War in the U.S.S.R.—Vol. 1—The Prelude to the Great Proletarian Revolution, ed. by M. Gorky, S. Kirov, K. Voroshilov, A. Zhdanov, and J. Stalin, (Moscow: FLPH, 1936), 573 pages. Searchable PDF format [26,320 KB]
- [Book:] A History of the Civil War in the U.S.S.R.—Vol. 2—The Great Proletarian Revolution (October-November 1917), ed. by M. Gorky, V. Molotov, K. Voroshilov, S. Kirov, A. Zhdanov, and J. Stalin, (Moscow: FLPH, 1946), about 680 pages. Searchable PDF format [Very large file: 51,114 KB]
- [Book:] Civil War in the Taiga: A Story of Guerrilla Warfare in the Forests of Easter Siberia, by Ivan Yakovlevich Strod, (Moscow/Leningrad: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR, 1933), 162 pages. Searchable PDF format [10,888 KB]
- [Book:] The Iron Flood, by Alexander Serafimovich, (NY: International, 1935), 248 pages. This is a novel set during the Russian civil war following the October Revolution, and based on a real incident in which the Red Taman Army escaped encirclement by the Whites. Searchable PDF format [8,276 KB]
- The Last Days of Tsardom, by Pavel Mikhailovich Bykov, translated and with an Introduction by Andrew Rothstein, (London: Martin Lawrence, 1935), 96 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,028 KB]
- [Book:] Armed Intervention in Russia: 1918-1922, by W. P. Coates & Zelda K. Coates, (London: Victor Gollancz, 1935), 403 pages. Searchable PDF format [New smaller file: 17,375 KB]
- “The Western Interventions in the Soviet Union, 1918-1920”, by D. F. Fleming, reprinted as a pamphlet from New World Review, Fall 1967, 16 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,093 KB]
- Special issue of Wisconsin Magazine of History, with 3 articles about American military intervention in Archangel, 1918-1919, and the American military landing in Vladivostok and its operation of part of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Well illustrated. (Vol. 62, #3, Spring 1979), 92 pages. Searchable PDF format [6,619 KB]
- [Book:] America’s Siberian Adventure, by General William S. Graves, (NY: Peter Smith, 1931 [Reprint: 1941]), 402 pages. Searchable PDF format [11,957 KB]
- [Book:] Recent Economic Developments in Russia, by K. Leites, ed. by Harald Westergaard, (London: Oxford, 1922), 248 pages. Searchable PDF format [6,263 KB]
- Lenin’s Writings (including his Collected Works), and Works about Lenin:
Now available on a Separate Page.The Soviet Union in the Stalin Era
- General Information about the USSR in the Socialist Era:
- “The Marriage Laws of Soviet Russia”, Soviet Russia Pamphlets, No. 2, (NY: The Russian Soviet Government Bureau, 1921), 49 pages. Searchable PDF format [499 KB]
- “The Position of Women in the U.S.S.R.”, by G. N. Serebrennikov, (London: Victor Golencz, 1937), 117 pages. Searchable PDF format [793 KB]
- [Book:] The USSR Speaks for Itself: Number 3, Democracy in Practice, articles on democracy, nationalities, youth, women, old age folks, and public health, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1941), 120 pages. Searchable PDF format [7,622 KB]
- Stalin’s Writings:
- J. V. Stalin Works We have now made available here this English-language set of books, the first 14 volumes copied over from the Marx2Mao website at: [As of this posting, that site seems to be no longer accessible, at least in the U.S.]
- Volume 1: 1901-1907, 462 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,743 KB]
- Volume 2: 1907-1913, 464 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,722 KB]
- Volume 3: 1917, 476 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,870 KB]
- Volume 4: 1917-1920, 524 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,930 KB]
- Volume 5: 1921-1923, 480 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,851 KB]
- Volume 6: 1924, 476 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,098 KB]
- Volume 7: 1925, 460 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,873 KB]
- Volume 8: 1926, 448 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,823 KB]
- Volume 9: 1926-1927, 416 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,772 KB]
- Volume 10: 1927, 432 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,713 KB]
- Volume 11: 1928-1929, 424 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,174 KB]
- Volume 12: 1929-1930, 432 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,132 KB]
- Volume 13: 1930-1934, 456 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,240 KB]
- Volume 14: 1934-1940, 444 pages. [This English version of Volume 14 is “unofficial”, having not been prepared in the Soviet Union while Stalin was alive, but rather by Red Star Press in London in 1978.] Searchable PDF format [1,063 KB]
- Volume 15: July 1941-November 1944, 399 pages. [Another unofficial Red Star volume, focusing on Stalin’s leadership during World War II. (London: 1978)] Searchable PDF format [1,954 KB]
- Volume 16: November 1944-1952, 454 pages. [Another unofficial Red Star volume. (London: 1986)] Searchable PDF format [12,304 KB]
- “Volume 17”, by Red Star Press, being a reprint of the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), Short Course, was also published. Although Stalin led in closely editing this work, and himself wrote at least one chapter (on “Dialectical and Historical Materialism”), we feel that this volume should better be placed in the CPSU section below.
- Volumes 14-18, along with some writings not included in any numbered volume, are available online in Russian and/or in English in HTML format at in the Stalin Archive section. [Revolutionary Democracy is a pro-Stalin, anti-Maoist magazine published in India.]
- Most of Stalin’s individual writings, from the above volumes, are available in HTML format on the Marxist Internet Archive at: In addition, we are posting some of his individual writings in PDF format below.
- Volumes combining together the writings of Lenin and Stalin on specific topics:
- “The Russian Revolution by V. I. Lenin and J. V. Stalin: Writings and Speeches from the February Revolution to the October Revolution”, (NY: International, 1938), 303 pages. Searchable PDF format [10,636 KB]
- “Correspondence between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Presidents of the USA and the Prime Ministers of Great Britain during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”, (Moscow: Progress, 2nd ed. [probably 1975; the first edition was in 1957]; this is the compressed and searchable Marx-To-Mao Digital Reprints version from 2006), two volumes, volume one being the correspondence between Stalin the the British Prime Ministers, and volume two the correspondence between Stalin and Presidents Roosevelt and Truman. &nsp; Volume 1: Searchable PDF format [416 pages: 1,997 KB]; Volume 2: Searchable PDF format [308 pages: 1,887 KB]
- “The Foundations of Leninism”, by J. V. Stalin, written in April-May 1924, (Paris: Foreign Languages Press, 2020 [Reprint of the Peking edition of 1970]), 112 pages. Searchable PDF format [658 KB]
- “Prospects of the Revolution in China”, by J. V. Stalin, writings from 1926-27, (Moscow: FLPH, 1955), 100 pages. PDF format [1,357 KB]
- “Stalin on China: Writings from November 1926 to August 1927”, (Bombay: Feb. 1951), 114 pages. PDF format [3,280 KB]
- “Joseph Stalin: An Interview with the German Author Emil Ludwig”, December 13, 1931, (Moscow: 1932), 22 pages. PDF format [694 KB]
- “Marxism vs. Liberalism”, an interview of Stalin by H.G. Wells, July 23, 1934. (NY: New Century Publishers, Sept. 1945), 28 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,889 KB]
- “Letter from Stalin to G. Apresov, Council General in Urumqi, Xinjiang”, July 27, 1934, in which Stalin strongly criticizes Sheng Shical, the Governor of Xinjiang, as a “provocateur or a hopeless ‘leftist’”. Includes original handwritten letter by Stalin. (Wilson Center), 6 pages. Searchable PDF format [297 KB]
- “Report to the Eighteenth Congress of the C.P.S.U.(B.) on the Work of the Central Committee”, by Josef Stalin, March 10, 1939. (Moscow: FLPH, 1951), 108 pages. PDF format [2,188 KB]
- “Speech at the 19th Party Congress”, by J. V. Stalin, Oct. 14, 1952, (Moscow: FLPH, 1952), 20 pages. PDF format [279 KB]
- “Five Conversations with Soviet Economists, 1941-1952”, by J. V. Stalin, Revolutionary Democracy magazine, September 1998, online in HTML format at:
- [Accompanying historical summary:] “Stalin and the Making of the Political Economy of Socialism”, by Vijay Singh, ibid., online at:
- “Economic Problems of Socialism in the U.S.S.R.”, by J. V. Stalin, 1952, (Peking: FLP, 1972), 114 pages. Searchable PDF format [562 KB]
- “Marxism and Problems of Linguistics”, by J. V. Stalin, first published in Russian in Pravda, June 20, 1950, (Peking: FLP, 1972; Marx2Mao re-publication, 2006), 70 pages. Searchable PDF format [313 KB]
- The Stalin Question (The Evaluation of Stalin):
- [See also the article on “The So-called ‘Lenin Testament’” in the Lenin section above.]
- [Book:] “Joseph Stalin: A Short Biography”, by a CPSU committee, (Moscow: FLPH, 1947), 236 pages. PDF format [6,507 KB]
- A number of additional supportive or sympathetic biographies of Stalin are available on “The Left Side of the Road” website, at:
- [Book:] “Stalin: A New World Seen Through One Man”, by Henri Barbusse, (NY: Macmillan, 1935), 342 pages. Searchable PDF format [13,009 KB]
- “Shaw on Stalin”, an exchange between George Bernard Shaw and the editor of the New Statesman on how to view Stalin, (London: Russia Today, 1941), 12 pages. Searchable PDF format [355 KB]
- “On Overcoming the Cult of the Individual and Its Consequences”, a Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, June 30, 1956, (Ottawa, Canada: Press Office of the USSR Embassy), 24 pages. This is part of the anti-Stalin campaign by Khrushchev and the CPSU after Stalin’s death. Searchable PDF format [3,551 KB]
- [Book:] “Conversations With Stalin”, by Milovan Djilas, (London: 1967), 173 pages. Originally written in 1961, and giving Djilas’s reports of conversations in 1944, 1945 and 1948. Djilas was a long-time leader of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, who developed into an open revisionist in his later years (even to the right of Tito!). But this book still has things of interest. Stalin’s admission of bad advice to the Chinese Communist Party about not proceeding with the revolution there is on page 141. His opposition to the Greek Revolution starts on the previous page. Searchable PDF format [3,555 KB]
- [Book:] “Under the Banner of Stalin: Ajoy Ghosh & the Communist Party of India’s response to the CPSU’s Resolution on Stalin’s Cult of Personality”, writings by CPI General Secretary Ajoy Ghosh from 1952 to 1956, (Kolkata: Magpie Publishing, May 2022), 148 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,397 KB]
- “More on the Historical Experience of the Proletarian Dictatorship”, a summary of a discussion at an enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China focusing on the question of Stalin, which appeared in Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily] on December 29, 1956. Pamphlet format, (London: CPGB, 1957), 32 pages. Searchable PDF Image format [1,509 KB]
- “On the Question of Stalin”, Comment on the Open Letter of the Central Committee of the CPSU (II), (Peking: FLP, 1963), 28 pages. PDF format [4,481 KB] This pamphlet is also available in an HTML version at: and at:
- “Mao’s Evaluations of Stalin: A Collection and Summary”, ed. by Scott Harrison, Sept. 6, 2006, about 40 pages. HTML format
- [Book:] “The Stalin Era”, by Anna Louise Strong, (NY: Mainstream Publishers, 1956), 132 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,252 KB]
- [Book:] “The Stalin Question”, ed. by Banbehari Chakrabarty, (Calcutta: Kathashilpa, 1979), a collection of documents, 412 pages. Searchable PDF format [17,789 KB]
- “Jose Maria Sison’s Evaluation of Stalin, the CPSU and the United Front Against Fascism”, by a long-time Maoist observer of the Philippine revolutionary movement, 2014, 19 pages. This is a chapter from a longer polemic against Sison entitled “Jose Maria Sison: From Marxist-Leninist to Revisionist” (81 pages) which is available in full in the Philippines/CPP section of This chapter is an attempt to make a Maoist evaluation of the Soviet Union’s top-down forced collectivization campaign, its industrialization in the 1930s using capitalist methods, the grievous legacy of the Great Purges, and how the USSR fought World War II as a defense of Russian national interests. Searchable PDF [1,004 KB]
- “The Political-Economic Causes of the Soviet Great Famine, 1932-33”, by Andrei Markevich, Natalya Naumenko, & Nancy Qian, (NBER Working Paper 29089, July 2021), 71 pages. This study published by the ultra-bourgeois American economics organization NBER, must be viewed as highly contentious. However, it is well known that Stalin’s collectivization of agriculture in the USSR was done in a very poor manner which did in fact result in a great many deaths, including in the famine discussed here. Unlike the much better process that occurred in China, the mass line method of leadership was not used in collectivization in the Soviet Union. But this study focuses not on that more fundamental error (or crime), but rather on exposing what it claims is substantial evidence that the greater resistance to this collectivization in Ukraine led Stalin and the Soviet leadership to more harshly deal with resisting peasants there, which in turn led to a greatly disproportional number of deaths there. This appears to be something that Marxist historians should seriously look into for themselves. Searchable PDF format [2,058 KB]
- [Book:] “The Death of Stalin: An Investigation”, by “Monitor”, (London: Allan Wingate, 1958), 151 pages. Claims Stalin was murdered. Seems to be from the “conspiracy theory” genre. Searchable PDF format [5,586 KB]
- Writings of (or Commentary on) Other Prominent Individuals in the Socialist Period:
- Collections:
- [Book:] “Soviet Political Thought: An Anthology”, selected, translated and edited by Michael Jaworsky, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1967), 640 pages. Part I: 1917-1920s; part 2: Stalin era; part 3: post-Stalin era to 1961. This collection has a strong focus on the question of laws and legal arrangements in socialist society. It includes a number of items not available in English elsewhere. Searchable PDF format [16,476 KB]
- Beria, Lavrenty (1899-1953):
- [Book:] “On the History of the Bolshevik Organizations in Transcaucasia”, by L. Beria, a speech delivered at a meeting of Party functionaries, July 21-22, 1935, (NY: International, n.d. [1939?]), translated from the 4th Russian edition, 206 pages. Searchable PDF format [10,425 KB]
- “Fifteen Years of Soviet Georgia”, by Lavrenty Beria, (Moscow: 1936), 41 pages, Epub reissue. Epub format [61 KB]
- “The Great Inspirer and Organizer of the Victories of Communism”, by L. Beria, written for the 70th birthday of Stalin, (Moscow: FLPH, 1950), 28 pages. Searchable PDF format [867 KB]
- [Book:] “Who Are You, Laventry Beria?”, by Andrey Viktorovich Sukhomlinov, Google translated from the Russian original (2004). Contains documents related to the military activities of 26 June 1953 in Moscow; 471 pages. Epub format [2,996 KB]
- Bogdanov, Alexander (1873-1928; Born: Alexander A. Malinovsky) [A rather eclectic, erratic and dubious semi-Marxist character.]:
- [Book:] “A Short Course of Economic Science”, by A. Bogdanoff [Bogdanov], written in Russian in 1922, translated by J. Fineberg, (London: Communist Party of Great Britain, 2nd ed. 1925), 406 pages. Searchable PDF format [17,674 KB]
- “The Rehabilitation of Bogdanov”, by John Biggart, 1998, 50 pages. Bogdanov, along with Bukharin and other mostly negative individuals in the history of the Russian Revolution, was rehabilitated by the Gorbachev regime in the last days of the state-capitalist Soviet Union. This is a slightly revised introductory chapter to Biggart, et al., Bogdanov and His Work (1998), which has a lot of information about Bogdanov, though it is written from a bourgeois academic, anti-Leninist point of view. Searchable PDF format [329 KB]
- Bukharin, Nikolai:
- [Book:] “The Economic Theory of the Leisure Class”, by Nikolai Bukharin, which is a critique of bourgeois economic theory, especially that of the Austrian School, (NY: International Publishers, 1927), 230 pages. Searchable PDF format [6,741 KB]
- [Book:] “Imperialism and the World Economy”, by Nikolai Bukharin, with an Introduction by V. I. Lenin, originally written in 1917, (Martin Lawrence, n.d. [probably 1920s], 184 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,223 KB]
- [Book:] “The Politics and Economics of the Transition Period”, by Nikolai Bukharin, consisting of two separate works: “The Theory of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat” (1919) and “The Economics of the Transition Period” (1920). English translation by Oliver Field, edited by Kenneth Tarbuck, (London/NY: 1979 [reprinted 2003]), 272 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,807 KB]
- [Book:] “ABC of Communism: A Popular Explanation of the Program of the Communist Party of Russia”, by N. Bukharin and E. Preobrazhensky, (Communist Party of Great Britain, 1922), 411 pages. Searchable PDF format [19,549 KB]
- [Book:] “Imperialism and the Accumulation of Capital”, (Moscow/Leningrad: State Publishing house, 1925), 140 pages. Original Russian version of Bukharin’s critique of Rosa Luxemburg’s work The Accumulation of Capital. Russian: Searchable PDF format [3,144 KB]
- “Communism and Capitalism: A Review of Capitalism and the Cause of Its Collapse”, by N. Bucharin, (Victoria, BC: c. 1930), outline format, pamphlet, 12 pages. Searchable PDF format [631 KB]
- “Culture in Two Worlds”, by N. Bukharin, (NY: International Pamphlets #42, 1934), 32 pages. Searchable PDF format [607 KB]
- Dzerzhinsky, Felix:
- [Book:] “Felix Dzerzhinsky: A Biography”, (Moscow: Progress, 1988), 164 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,387 KB]
- Kaganovich, L. M.:
- “Purging the Party”, by L. M. Kaganovich, (Moscow/Leningrad: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR, 1933), 36 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,097 KB]
- Kamenev, Lev:
- “The Dictatorship of the Proletariat”, by L. Kameneff [Kamenev], June 1920. (Cleveland, OH: The Toiler), 15 pages. Searchable PDF format [778 KB]
- Radek, Karl (1885-1939):
- “Is the Russian Revolution a Bourgeois Revolution? A Keen Analysis of the Situation in Soviet Russia”, by Karl Radek, (Chicago: Voice of Labor, n.d. [but early 1920s]), 29 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,072 KB]
- Zhdanov, A. A.:
- “On the History of Philosophy”, by A. A. Zhdanov, translated from the journal Bolshevik, Aug. 30, 1947, 28 pages. Searchable PDF format [194 KB]
- Communist Party of the Soviet Union:
- Documents and Statements:
- “History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), Short Course”, edited by J.V. Stalin and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), (NY: International Publishers, 1939), 392 pages. This is the searchable, small file-sized version prepared by the web site. Searchable PDF format [2,795 KB]
Soviet English Edition, (Moscow: FLPH, 1951), 551 pages, with a few differences from the International Publishers version above. Searchable PDF format [22,585 KB]- “Index to the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks), Short Course”, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, c. 1939), 12 pages. [The original volume was published without an index.) Searchable PDF format [1,365 KB]
- “On the Organization of Party Propaganda in Connection with the Publication of the History of the C.P.S.U.(B.) Short Course”, decision of the Central Committee of the C.P.S.U.(B.), (Moscow: FLPH, 1939), 28 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,294 KB]
- “The Communist Party of the Soviet Union: Syllabus for Six Lectures on the History of the C.P.S.U.”, with Notes on Reading, (London: CPGB, August 1942), 32 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,713 KB]
- “The 50th Anniversary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1903-1953)”, by the CPSU, (NY: New Century Publishers, Sept. 1953), 34 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,487 KB]
- 17th Party Congress (1934):
- “Completion of the Reconstruction of the Entire National Economy”, speech by G. K. Orjonikidze, the People’s Commissar of Heavy Industry of the USSR at the Seventeenth Congress of the CPSU, (NY: International Publishers, n.d. [but probably 1934]), 48 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,587 KB]
- “The Revolutionary Crisis is Maturing”, a speech by D. Z. Manuilsky at the Seventeenth Congress of the CPSU on Behalf of the Delegation of the CPSU in the Communist International, (NY: Workers Library Publishers, 1934), 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,371 KB]
- Philosophy and Marxist Theory in the Socialist Era:
- [Book:] “Dialectical Materialism”, by the “Collective of the Institute of Philosophy of the Communist Academy under the leadership of M. B. Mitin”, 1934. This is a fairly rough English translation of the original Russian work, 219 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,445 KB]
- Soviet Economy in the Socialist Era:
- [Book:] “The Soviet Economy: A Selected Bibliography of Materials in English”, by Harry Schwartz, (Syracuse Univ. Press, 1949), 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,688 KB]
- [Book:] “An Outline of Political Economy: Political Economy and Soviet Economics”, by I. Lapidus and K. Ostrovityanov, (London: Martin Lawrence, 1929), 562 pages. A very interesting book which raises many challenging issues, such as whether net economic production by socialist enterprises in the Soviet Union should be termed “surplus value” or something else such as “surplus production”. Searchable PDF format [8,372 KB]
- [Book:] “The Soviet Union Looks Ahead: The Five Year Plan”, by the State Planning Commission [Gosplan], (NY: Horace Liveright, 1929), 317 pages. Searchable PDF format [6,372 KB]
- [Book:] “Russian Economic Development Since the Revolution”, by Maurice Dobb, assisted by H.C. Stevens, 2nd Ed. with a new Appendix, (London: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd., 1929), 450 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,502 KB]
- “The Moscow Subway”, by V. Abakumov, (Moscow: FLPH, 1939), pocket book, 28 pages. Searchable PDF format [791 KB]
- “The Growing Prosperity of the Soviet Union”, by N. Voznesensky, (NY: Workers Library Publishers, May 1941), 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,322 KB]
- “Political Economy in the Soviet Union”, the full text of an important unsigned article (written by A. Leontyev) which provoked wide discussion and speculation in the American press, (NY: International, 1944), 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,760 KB]
- “Report on the Fourth Five Year Plan”, Delivered by Nikolai A. Voznessensky, Chairman of the State Planning Commission before the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R., March 15, 1946, 18 pages. Searchable PDF format [379 KB]
- [Book:] “Industry in the U.S.S.R.”, by E. Lokshin, (Moscow: FLPH, 1948), 176 pages. Searchable PDF format [9,854 KB]
- [Book:] “Soviet Economic Development Since 1917”, by Maurice Dobb, (1st edition: 1948), 487 pages. PDF format [Very large file: 47,126 KB]
(Revised & expanded edition: 1966), 522 pages, some underlining (our apologies). Searchable PDF Text format [Very large file: 67,139 KB] Also available online at: “Fulfilment of the State Plan for 1949”, Communique of the Central Statistical Administration of the U.S.S.R. Council of Ministers, (London: Soviet News, 1950), 28 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,039 KB]
- “USSR Builds for Peace”, by N. A. Bulganin, on the 33rd anniversary of the October Revolution, (London: Soviet News, 1950), 24 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,495 KB]
- “Property (Public and Private) in the USSR”, by Soviet News magazine, (London: Soviet News, 1954), 24 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,379 KB]
- [Book:] “Political Economy”, a formal Soviet textbook of the subject, covering pre-capitalist, capitalist, capitalist-imperialist, and socialist political economy, issued by the Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. This is the English translation of the second revised and enlarged Russian edition, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1957 [Orig. Russian edition 1954]). Epub format [1,316 pages; 937 KB]
- “The Soviet Budget”, by V. [Vasili Vasilevich] Lavrov, (Moscow: FLPH, 1959), 80 pages. With information and data from the end of the socialist period of the USSR and the beginning of the capitalist period. Searchable PDF format [1,201 KB]
- Foreign Affairs in the Socialist Era:
- [Book:] The 1929 Sino-Soviet War: The War Nobody Knew, by Michael M. Walker, (Univ. Press of Kansas, 2017), 319 pages. Searchable PDF format [16,918 KB]
- [Book:] The Bolsheviks and the Chinese Revolution, 1919-1927, by Alexander Pantsov, (Univ. of Hawaii Press, 2000), 324 pages. Searchable PDF format [16,204 KB]
- [Book:] Soviet Peace Policy: Four Speeches by V. Molotov, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, early 1941), 106 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,992 KB]
- “From the Russian Revolution to Yalta: A Review of Soviet Foreign Policy”, by Pat Sloan, (London: Russia Today, 1945), 28 pages. PDF format [4,133 KB]
- “Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-1947”, by John Quinn of the British Soviet Society, (London: BSS, 1947), 36 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,133 KB]
- [Book:] “Speeches and Statements Made at the Moscow Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers by V.M. Molotov, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR”, March 10—April 24, 1947, (London: “Soviet News”, 1947), 128 pages. Searchable PDF format [12,635 KB]
- “The Right-Wing Social-Democrats Today”, by O. Kuusinen, (Moscow: FLPH, 1948), 20 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,172 KB]
- World War II:
- “Falsifiers of History: An Historical Document on the Origins of World War II”, issued by the Soviet Information Bureau in Moscow in February 1948; along with an Introduction by Frederick L. Schuman. Both originally appeared in the Soviet English-language magazine, Soviet Russia Today, April 1948. This pamphlet version was published by the New York religious group, the Committee for Promotion of Peace, 65 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,706 KB]
- “The Munich Drama”, by Ivan Maisky, Soviet Ambassador to Britain from 1932 to 1943, about the Munich Agreement of 1938, in which Britain and France tried to appease Hitler. (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 2nd edition, 1978), 84 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,033 KB]
- [Book:] Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union: 1941-1945 — A General Outline, a massive history of World War II, which itself is an abridged translation from an even larger 1970 volume in Russian. (Moscow: Progress, 1974), 546 pages. Searchable PDF format [Large file: 44,284 KB]
- [Book:] Russia At War: 1941-1945, by Alexander Werth, (NY: 1964), a massive history of Russia’s role in World War II, written by a sympathetic Western historian, 1,133 pages. Searchable PDF format [Large file: 51,675 KB]
- “Note Submitted by V. Molotov, People’s Commisar of Foreign Affairs of the U.S.S.R. Concerning the Universal Robbery and Despolation of the Population, and the Monstrous Atrocities Perpetrated by German Authorities on Occupied Soviet Territory”, January 6, 1942. (Moscow: FLPH, 1942), 24 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,265 KB]
- [Book:] “The Defence of Leningrad: Eye-witness Accounts of the Siege”, by Nikolai Tikhonov and others, (London: Hutchinson, n.d. [but during World War 2 (1943?)]), 154 pages. Searchable PDF format [10,007 KB]
- [Book:] “The Underground Committee Carries On”, by Alexei Fyodorov, about the partisan warfare carried on in one area in Ukraine against the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War [World War II], (Moscow: FLPH, 1952; reprinted in 2021), 525 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,240 KB]; Epub format [1,623 KB]
- “The Battle on the Kursk Salient — 1943”, by Boris Solovyov, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1979), 84 pages. Although this pamphlet was published during the Soviet revisionist era, it focuses on a major battle which was a turning point in World War II, which occurred during the socialist era. Searchable PDF format [5,872 KB]
- Nationalities in the Socialist Soviet Union:
- “Buryat-Mongolia”, a collection of speeches from representatives of this little known Soviet Socialist Republic of the Soviet Union, affirming their strong determination to oppose any possible invasion of their region by Japan. (NY: International, 1936), 60 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,019 KB]
- “Jews in the Soviet Union: Facts versus Fiction”, by the British Soviet Friendship Society, (London: April 1971), 4 pages. Searchable PDF format [502 KB]
- [Book:] “Soviet Politics and the Ukraine: 1917-1957”, by Robert S. Sullivant, (NY: Columbia, 1962), 447 pages. Searchable PDF format [7,425 KB]
- [Book:] “The Turn to the Right: The Ideological Origins and Development of Ukrainian Nationalism, 1919-1929”, by Alexander J. Motyl, an American historian, (East European Monographs/Columbia Univ.: 1980), 219 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,360 KB]
- Science and Technology in the Socialist Soviet Union:
- General:
- [Book:] “Soviet Marxism and Natural Science: 1917-1932”, by David Joravsky, (NY: Colombia Univ., 1961), 446 pages. Includes a heavy focus on Marxist-Leninist philosophical topics. Searchable PDF format [6,775 KB]
- Historical Science:
- “Dialectical Materialism and Historical Science”, by V. P. Volgin, Anglo-Soviet Journal, Winter 1949, 5 pages. Searchable PDF format [400 KB]
- “Problems and Achievements of Soviet Historical Science”, by A. L. Sidorov, Anglo-Soviet Journal, Spring 1956, 13 pages. Searchable PDF format [968 KB]
- Physical & Biological Sciences:
- [Book:] “The Origin of Life on the Earth”, by A. I. Oparin, 3rd revised and enlarged edition in English translation, (NY: Academic Press, 1957), 522 pages. Searchable PDF format [27,121 KB]
- Art, Literature and Culture in the Socialist Soviet Union:
- Literature & Poetry:
- [Book:] “Popular Poetry in Soviet Russia”, by George Z. Patrick, (Berkeley, CA: Univ. of Calif. Press, 1929), 298 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,759 KB]
- [Book:] “Soviet Russian Literature: 1917-1950”, by Gleb Struve, (Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1951), 431 pages. Has some underlining. The author is harshly anti-Communist, but this book discusses the early literature of Soviet Russia quite thoroughly. Searchable PDF format [8,588 KB]
- Magazines from the Soviet Union in the Socialist Era:
- Problems of Economics [Monthly journal published by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Economics.]
- Problems of Economics, March 1952, re-published as an E-book in 2011, 202 pages. The focus of this issue is promoting more world trade between the USSR and other countries. Searchable PDF format [735 KB]
- Russian Review / Soviet Union Review [English journal published by the Soviet Union Information Bureau in Washington, D.C.]
- 1923 - Volume 1. [Not yet available.]
- 1924 - Volume 2. [Not yet available.]
- 1925 - Volume 3, complete, 504 pages. Searchable PDF format [19,367 KB]
- 1926 - Volume 4, complete, 225 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,597 KB]
- 1927 - Volume 5, complete, 192 pages. Searchable PDF format [9,181 KB]
- 1928 - Volume 6, complete, 196 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,793 KB]
- 1929 - Volume 7, complete, 213 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,846 KB]
- 1930 - Volume 8, complete, 208 pages. Searchable PDF format [9,545 KB]
- 1931 - Volume 9, complete, 261 pages. Searchable PDF format [18,109 KB]
- 1932 - Volume 10, complete, 242 pages. Searchable PDF format [16,656 KB]
- 1933 - Volume 11, complete, 262 pages. Searchable PDF format [19,035 KB]
- 1934 - Volume 12, complete, 165 pages. Searchable PDF format [16,797 KB]
- Soviet Photo [In Russian]
- 1926 — Volume 1
- 1 — April, 36 pages. PDF format [6,262 KB]
- VOKS Bulletin [Published by the USSR Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries.]
- VOKS Bulletin, #63, 1950, 96 pages. A few of the articles:
Searchable PDF format [11,269 KB]
- “Concerning Marxism in Linguistics”, by J. Stalin.
- “Increasing Stability of the Rouble—A Law of the Soviet Economy”, by I. Konnik
- “The Twelve Apostles”, by Sergei Eisenstein
- “British-Soviet Friendship”, by Dr. Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury
- Foreign Commentary on the Socialist Soviet Union (Mostly Supportive or Sympathetic):
- “Russia’s Enemies in Britain”, by Reginald Bishop, editor of Russia Today magazine, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1942), 68 pages. PDF format [5,982 KB]
- “Soviet Jews at War”, by Prof. H. Levy, (London: Russia Today, April 1943), 32 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,277 KB]
- [Book:] “Russian Cavalcade”, by E. H. Carter, (London: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1944), 166 pages. A brief history of Russia and of the socialist revolution and country, written for young people and from the perspective of the wartime alliance against Nazi Germany. Searchable PDF format [20,377 KB]
- “The Soviet Transition from Socialism to Communism”, by Emile Burns, (London: CPGB, 1950), 16 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,813 KB]
- “Russia Is For Peace”, by D. N. Pritt, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1951), 122 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,516 KB]
- Charles Bettelheim’s Commentary on, and Criticisms of, the USSR in the Stalin/Socialist Era:
- [Book:] “Class Struggles in the USSR: First Period, 1917-1923”, by Charles Bettelheim, (NY/London: MR Press, 1976), Marx to Mao Digital Edition, 2016, 581 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,739 KB]
- [Book:] “Class Struggles in the USSR: Second Period, 1923-1930”, by Charles Bettelheim, (NY/London: MR Press, 1978), Marx to Mao Digital Edition, 2016, 648 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,280 KB]
- [Book:] “Class Struggles in the USSR: Third Period, 1930-1941”, by Charles Bettelheim, (Madras, India: T.R. Publications, 1994), in two volumes: Part 1: The Dominated (321 pages); Part 2: The Dominators (358 pages). [Better scans than previously.] Part 1: Searchable PDF format [20,637 KB]; Part 2: Searchable PDF format [23,437 KB]
- “Marxism and Mr. Bettelheim”, by Sunil Sen, 1999. Attempts to refute Bettelheim’s criticism of the Soviet Union during the Stalin era. Reprinted from Revolutionary Democracy, a pro-Stalin, anti-Maoist magazine in India, 13 pages. Searchable PDF format [277 KB]
- “China, the Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Professor Bettelheim (or How Not to Criticize Revisionism)”, by “C.R.”, in the RCPUSA journal The Communist, #5, May 1979, 67 pages. As compared to the above item, this is a longer and more balanced critique of Bettelheim, from a more Maoist perspective. Online at:
- Academic Commentary on the Socialist Era (Mostly Bourgeois):
- “The First ‘Five-Year’ Plan in Russia”, by R. Hutchings, excerpted from his book Soviet Economic Development (Oxford, England: 1971), 10 pages. Searchable PDF format [743 KB]
The State-Capitalist/Social-Imperialist Era of the USSR
(c. 1956-1991)
- The Soviet Government and Military During the State-Capitalist Era:
- “The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”, by L. I. Brezhnev, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1972), 92 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,746 KB]
- “A Historic Stage on the Road to Communism”, by L. I. Brezhnev, about the new USSR Constitution, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1977), 36 pages. Searchable PDF format [410 KB]
- [Book:] “The Armed Forces of the Soviet Union”, by A. A. Grechko, (Moscow: Progress, 1977 [Orig. Russian ed. 1975]), 343 pages. Searchable PDF format [16,259 KB]
- “Soviet Armed Forces”, by Yevgeny Dyachenko, on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Soviet Army (called the Red Army of the Workers and Peasants until 1946), (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1978), 84 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,797 KB]
- The So-called “Communist Party of the Soviet Union” in the State-Capitalist Era:
- “N. S. Khrushchov — Report of the Central Committee to the 20th Congress of the CPSU”, Feb. 14, 1956, (London: Soviet News Booklet #4, Feb. 1956), 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,782 KB]
- [Book:] “22nd Congress of the CPSU — Documents: The Road to Communism”, (Moscow: FLPH, 1961), 338 pages. Searchable PDF format [29,580 KB]
- [Book:] “N. S. Khrushchev — Report of the Central Committee to the 22th Congress of the CPSU”, 1961, (NY: Crosscurrents Press, 1961), 247 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,782 KB]
- [Book:] “Programme of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union”, adopted at the 22nd Congress of the CPSU, October 31, 1961. (Moscow: FLPH, 1961), 131 pages. The end-pages of this copy have been marked up, apparently for reprinting; our apologies. Searchable PDF format [5,446 KB]
- “F. R. Kozlov — Amendments to the Rules of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union”, Report to the 22nd Party Congress, October 28, 1961, (Moscow: FLPH, 1962), 56 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,748 KB]
- “Fiftieth Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution — Theses of the Central Committee of the CPSU”, (Moscow: Novosti, 1967), 68 pages. Somewhat light scan. Searchable PDF format [12,358 KB]
- [Book:] “Fifty Years of Great Achievements of Socialism”, report by L. I. Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Central Committee, CPSU, at a joint meeting of the CC of the CPSU and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 1967. (Moscow: Novosti, 1967), 116 pages. Somewhat light scan. Searchable PDF format [Huge file: 55,099 KB]
- [Book:] “24th Congress of the CPSU: Report of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union”, delivered by Leonid Brezhnev on March 30, 1971, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1971), 132 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,882 KB]
- “24th Congress of the CPSU: Directives for the Five-Year Economic Development Plan of the USSR for 1971-1975”, a Report by Alexei Kosygin on April 6, 1971, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1971), 84 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,098 KB]
- [Book:] “The 24th Congress of the CPSU and Its Contribution to Marxism-Leninism”, consisting of essays by leading revisionist ideologists, M. Suslov, P. Demichev, B. Ponomarev, P. Fedoseyev, and M. Iovchuk, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1972), 236 pages. Searchable PDF format [7,526 KB]
- “The Great October Revolution and Mankind’s Progress”, on the 60th Anniversary of the October Revolution, by L. I. Brezhnev, Nov. 2, 1977, (Moscow: Novosti, 1977), 32 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,236 KB]
- [Book:] “The CPSU and the Soviet State in Developed Socialist Society”, a commentary on views presented at the XXV Congress of the CPSU, by V. S. Shevtsov, (Moscow: Progress, 1978 [Russian ed. 1974]), 200 pages. Searchable PDF format [6,002 KB]
- “Sixtieth Anniversary of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”, a report by General Secretary Y. V. Andropov, December 21, 1982, (Moscow: Novosti, 1983), 39 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,097 KB]
- “The Programme of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: A New Edition”, adopted by the 27th Congress of the CPSU on March 1, 1986, (Moscow: Novosti, 1986), 90 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,936 KB]
- “Expert Opinion: The Party is Accountable to the People”, by Georgi Razumovsky, an absurdly entitled pamphlet about the membership and structure of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during its last utterly revisionist period, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1988), 36 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,934 KB]
- [Book:] 28th Congress of the CPSU: Documents and Materials, including the Report and speeches by Mikhail Gorbachev, (Moscow: Novosti, 1990), 129 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,017 KB]
- Revisionist Political Theory:
- “A State of the Whole People: A Collection of Essays by Soviet Commentators”, Soviet Booklet No. 86, (London: Soviet Booklets, February 1962), 28 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,618 KB]
- “Reflections on the Social Future of Mankind”, by Sh. Gyerman, published as part of the International Year for Human Rights—1968, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1968), 84 pages. Books of this sort generally have a considerable amount of valid criticism of capitalism as long as they speak in an historical or abstract way, and usually don’t go seriously wrong until they start talking about the current nature of the Soviet Union and its role in the world. Searchable PDF format [2,252 KB]
- [Book:] Socialist Society: Scientific Principles of Development, by G. Glezerman, (Moscow: Progress, 1971), 276 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,593 KB]
- “Our Course: Peace and Socialism”, by L. I. Brezhnev, consisting of 8 speeches from the April-September 1971 period. [Note that there are other volumes of Brezhnev’s speeches with the same or similar title which include speeches from different periods.] (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1971), 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,535 KB]
- [Book:] “Following Lenin’s Course: Speeches and Articles”, by L. I. Brezhnev, (Moscow: Progress, 1972), 500 pages. Searchable PDF format [21,038 KB]
Expanded 1975 Edition, (Moscow: Progress, 1975), 585 pages. Searchable PDF format [22,020 KB]- [Book:] “Our Course: Peace and Socialism”, by Leonid Ilich Brezhnev, consisting of about 67 speeches from 1978. [Note that there are other volumes of Brezhnev’s speeches with the same or similar title which include speeches from different periods.] (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1979), 249 pages. Mediocre scan, but quite legible. Searchable PDF format [35,771 KB]
- [Book:] Communists and Social Democrats: Concerning relations between the two main political trends in the workers’ movement of advanced capitalist countries, by V.Vasin, S. Gribanov & I. Undasynov, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1972), 132 pages. Has some underlining and notes; our apologies. Searchable PDF format [3,846 KB]
- [Book:] The Economic Substantiation of the Theory of Socialism, by Vitaly Vygodsky, (Moscow: Progress, 1981), 282 pages. (Our apologies for the dark shadow gutter between pages.) Searchable PDF format [12,512 KB]
- “Misinterpetations of the Historical Experience of the October Socialist Revolution”, by Nikolai Vasetsky, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1987), 60 pages. Mostly consists of criticism of Western bourgeois and Trotskyite sources. Searchable PDF format [3,000 KB]
- “Expert Opinion: Modern Socialism Must First and Foremost Know Itself: The Main Thing is to Concentrate the Intellectual Potential of Social Scientists on Solving the Key Problems of Socialism”, by Alexander Yakovlev, member of the CPSU Politburo and Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1987), 36 pages. Note that this revisionist seeks answers to the extremely serious economic and other problems that had developed in the state-capitalist Soviet Union not from the masses and mass struggle, but rather from “experts, intellectuals and social scientists”. Searchable PDF format [2,440 KB]
- [Book:] Classes and the Class struggle in the USSR: 1920s-1930s, by Yuri Mukhachev, (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1988), pocket book format, 162 pages. [As is well known, Stalin made a serious error in claiming that the class struggle was over in the Soviet Union by the late 1930s, and that alien social classes had essentially been eliminated. This book shows how that erroneous notion was seized upon and solidly codified into revisionist history and social theory by the new bourgeoisie which seized power after Stalin’s death. —Ed.] Searchable PDF format [7,861 KB]
- “The Ideology of Renewal for Revolutionary Restructuring”, by Mikhail Gorbachev, the speech made by the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee at the Plenary Meeting on Feb. 18, 1988, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1988), 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,083 KB]
- “The New Political Thinking: Its Origins, Potential and Prospects”, by Konstantin Nikolayev, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1990), 84 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,687 KB]
- Revisionist Interpretations of Lenin:
- “Lenin On the Socialist State”, three essays by Soviet commentators, I. Loktev, V. Polyakov and D. Chesnokov. (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, n.d. [but probably early 1970s]), 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,875 KB]
- “Principles of Lenin’s Foreign Policy”, a collection of articles by Soviet "foreign policy experts", (Moscow: Novosti, 1969), 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [Large file: 50,796 KB]
- [Book:] Lenin and National Liberation in the East, ed. by B. G. Gafurov & G. F. Kim, of the Institute of Oriental Studies, USSR Academy of Sciences, (Moscow: Progress, 1978), 479 pages. This book contains many references to Lenin’s writings, but it should be remembered that the text was written by the Brezhnev revisionists. Searchable PDF format [Large file: 35,294 KB]
- “Lenin’s Ideas and the Future of Socialism”, the views of Soviet and Western historians and philosophers, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1990), 36 pages. “This was the topic of a round-table conference of social scientists from the Soviet Union, the United States, West Germany, France and Britain. The conference took place in the framework of the Moscow International Conference of Historians, who came together to discuss the problems of Russia and the USSR in the 20th century.” Searchable PDF format [1,162 KB]
- Foreign Affairs in the State-Capitalist Era:
- “36 Million Communists Say...: Statement and Appeal of the World’s Communist Parties, Moscow, November 1960”, published by the Communist Party of Great Britain, (London: n.d. [but late 1960 or early 1961]), 44 pages. (This meeting was an unsuccessful attempt by the Soviet Union and its revisionist allies to force dissident parties, and especially the anti-revisionist Marxist-Leninist parties of China and Albania, back into the fold.) Searchable PDF format [6,527 KB]
- “The USSR and Developing Countries (Economic Cooperation)”, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d. [probably 1965 or 1966]), 92 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,122 KB]
- “International Economic Organizations of the Socialist States”, by V. Morozov, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1973), 92 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,216 KB]
- “What Socialist Economic Integration Means: What Has Been Achieved, and Plans for the Future”, by Alexander Alekseyev, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1973), 98 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,049 KB]
- “The Advantages of Socialist International Division of Labour”, by A. A. Shaporov & I. F. Motorin, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1973), 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,195 KB]
- “The Transferable Rouble — An Effective Instrument”, by Prof. Y. Konstantinov, Pravda, May 13, 1974, (Translation by Novosti Press Agency, same date.), 4 pages. Searchable PDF format [235 KB]
- “A New Approach to Economic Integration”, by P. Alampiev, O. Bogomolov, and Y. Shiryaev, (Moscow: Progress, 1974), 98 pages. About the Soviet-dominated Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA). Searchable PDF format [6,717 KB]
- “CMEA and European Economic Cooperation”, by Y. Shiryayev and A. Sokolov, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1976), 76 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,172 KB]
- [Book:] “Detente—The Soviet Viewpoint: East-West Relations after Helsinki”, 17 articles by various commentators, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1977), 140 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,964 KB]
- “Socialist Integration at Work: 30th Anniversary of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance”, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1976), 20 pages. Searchable PDF format [282 KB]
- “Partnership of Equals: 10 Years after the adoption of the Comprehensive Programme of Socialist Economic Integration”, by Yuri Sinyakov, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1981), 84 pages. Proclaims the so-called “harmony of interests” between the USSR (actually social imperialist) and the countries and economies it exploited in its sphere of control. Searchable PDF format [882 KB]
- [Book:] “CMEA International Significance of Socialist Integration”, edited by K. I. Mikulsky, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1982 [Orig. Russian edition in 1979]), 378 pages. A book in “The Practice, Problems and Prospects of Socialism” series. Searchable PDF format [4,014 KB]
- [Book:] “The Truth About Afghanistan — Documents, Facts, Eyewitness Reports”, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1980), 180 pages. Searchable PDF format [9,671 KB]
- “Why Soviet Troops are in Afghanistan”, by William Pomeroy, small pamphlet reprinted from the March-April issue of New World Review, (NY: National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, March 1980), 36 pages. Searchable PDF format [568 KB]
- Revisionist Soviet Criticism of Revolutionary China:
- “Strengthen the Unity of the Communist Movement for the Triumph of Peace and Socialism”, Pravda editorial, January 7, 1963. (London: Soviet Booklet No. 105, Jan. 1963), 32 pages. (At this early stage of the Great Debate between the revolutionary line of China and the revisionist line of the Soviet Union, the public attacks by the Khrushchevites were directed against Albania, which was China’s ally at the time. But everyone understood that the essence of all these the attacks on Albania in articles like this also applied to China.) Searchable PDF format [1,187 KB]
- “A Reply to Peking — Soviet Government Statement”, full text of the statment issued by the Soviet government on September 21, 1963, replying to the Chinese government statement of September 1st, (London: Soviet Booklets/Soviet Weekly, 1963), Soviet Booklet No. 122, 40 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,249 KB]
- “Peking Versus National Liberation”, by N. Simoniya, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1970), 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,343 KB]
- “What the Maoists are Concealing: Notes on the Tenth Congress of the Communist Party of China”, by Mikhail Altaisky, (London: Soviet Booklets, Jan. 1974), 16 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,261 KB]
- “A Dangerous Neighbour: On Peking’s Policy Towards Its Neighbors in South-East Asia”, by Yuri Lugovskoy, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1976), 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,257 KB]
- “Heading for Chaos and War: Evidence of the Firebrand Policy of Peking’s Leaders”, by the Novostic Press Agency, (Moscow: 1978), 92 pages. Numberous quotations and brief statements from a variety of Soviet, Western and Chinese sources, attempting to support the hostile revisionist Soviet line on China which as of 1978 had still not changed much from the Mao period. Searchable PDF format [1,478 KB]
- “Soviet-Chinese Relations: What Happened in the Sixties”, by Oleg Ivanov, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1979), 2nd revised edition, 76 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,278 KB]
- [Book:] “Mao Tsetung and His Heirs”, by Fedor M. Burlatsky, (Moscow: 1979), in Russian, 402 pages. This sequel to his earlier volume, which was a diatribe against Mao himself, is focused more on his “heirs” (both true and false) and the struggles among them after Mao’s death. Russian: PDF format [8,620 KB]
- [Book:] “The Interkit Story: A Window into the Final Decades of the Sino-Soviet Relationship”, by James Hershberg, Sergey Radchenko, Péter Vámos, & David Wolff, (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: Cold War International History Project, Working Paper #63, 2011), 152 pages. This is a set of documents from the Interkit campaign of ideological attacks, propaganda, lies, and disinformation against Mao and China, by the state-capitalist Soviet Union and its revisionist allies, from 1967-1986. (The introduction and commentary is of course by more recent bourgeois scholars.) Searchable PDF format [1,037 KB]
- Soviet Economy in the State-Capitalist Era:
- “Factory Management and Wages in the USSR”, by Alexander Birman, (London: Soviet Weekly pamphlet, 1958), 64 pages. (This early pamphlet, which is a collection of short articles written during the previous two years, still reflects some of the factory organization and role of the workers which prevailed in the late socialist era.) Searchable PDF format [2,802 KB]
- “How the Soviet Economy Works: An Interview with A. I. Mikoyan”, by Victor Perlo, (NY: International, 1961), 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,129 KB]
- “Lenin on Material Incentive and Enthusiasm of the Masses”, by Mikhail Laptin, attempting to attribute their revisionist, bourgeois economic policies and theory to Lenin, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1965), 20 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,233 KB]
- “New Methods of Economic Management in the USSR”, by A. Kosygin, L. Brezhnev, and the Central Committee of the CPSU, from the Plenary Meeting of the CC, Sept. 27-29, 1965, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1965), 132 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,684 KB]
- “Soviet Economic Reform and Its Critics”, by V. Smolyansky, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, n.d. [but either late 1965 or 1966]), 64 pages. Searchable PDF format [672 KB]
- [Book:] Soviet Financial System, by D. A. Allakhverdyan, et al., (Moscow: Progress, 1966), 354 pages. Searchable PDF format [6,951 KB]
- “USSR: Working People in Production Management”, by V. Dzhelomanov, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, n.d. (but circa 1970)), 60 pages. (It is worth reading between the lines here and further carefully investigating the actual role of the workers in production management in the state-capitalist Soviet Union, and to understand why superficial schemes such as promoting a few people out of the working class to become managers is not the same thing. After all, that happens in the U.S. and other capitalist countries too.) Searchable PDF format [1,603 KB]
- “24th Congress of the CPSU: Directives for the Five-Year Economic Development Plan of the USSR for 1971-1975”, a Report by Alexei Kosygin on April 6, 1971, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1971), 84 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,098 KB]
- “The Rights of Factory and Office Trade Union Committees”, endorsed by the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet on September 27, 1971, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1971), 20 pages. Searchable PDF format [553 KB]
- [Book:] Soviet Economic Reform: Progress and Problems, by Nikolai Fedoryenko, Tigran Khachaturov, Alexei Rumyantsev, Anatoly Yefimov, et al., (Moscow: Progress, 1972), 260 pages. Searchable PDF format [12,463 KB]
- [Book:] Economic Methods and the Effectiveness of Production, by E. G. Liberman, (Garden City, NY: Anchor/Doubleday, 1973), [originally published in Russian in 1970], 240 pages. This is the notorious volume by a leading early capitalist-roader economist in the Soviet Union in the effort to further transform their system of state capitalism according to the principles of bourgeois economics (though dressed up in “socialist” terminology). The word ‘profit’ (or profitability, etc.) appears 180 times in this book! Searchable PDF format [7,227 KB]
- “Raising the Efficiency of Socialist Economic Management”, by Boris Gubin, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1973), 116 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,744 KB]
- “Work and Employment in the USSR”, by Nikolai Rogovsky, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1975), 44 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,203 KB]
- “The Role of Incentives in USSR Industry”, by N. Bagdasaryan, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1975), 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,947 KB]
- “USSR Economic Development”, with statistics supplied by the Central Statistical Board of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1976), 36 pages. This set of statistics, issued on the 30th anniversary of the end of World War II, shows the economic destruction of that war to the Soviet Union and its economic growth in the three decades after the war. (Of course this includes one decade of socialism, when the greatest recovery and advances were made, and two decades of state-capitalism.) Searchable PDF format [804 KB]
- “Guidelines for the Development of the National Economy of the USSR for 1976-1980”, by A. N. Kosygin, presented at the 25th Congress of the CPSU, March 1, 1976, pamplet edition (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1976), 84 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,815 KB]
- “USSR Economic Development Under the Tenth Five-Year Plan”, by Boris Mochalov, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1976), 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,289 KB]
- “Why is Foreign Trade in the USSR a State Monopoly?”, by Yuri Krasnov, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1979), 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,575 KB]
- “How the soviet Economy Is Run”, by Leonid Abalkin, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1980), 116 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,480 KB]
- “How Collective Farming Was Established in the USSR: Facts and Fiction”, by Valeria Selunskaya and Vladimir Tetyushev, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1982), 108 pages. [A very useful pamphlet which—though it may downplay the mistakes of the rural collectivization process (and is itself ignorant of the mass line method of mass leadership)—nevertheless brings out that collectivization was an extremely important advance for the Soviet peasantry and the Soviet Union as a whole. However, it fails to admit or explain why the USSR later gave up any effort to move beyond collective farms to full-scale socialist ownership, or why agriculture was such a perpetually weak part of the economy during the revisionist era. —Ed.] Searchable PDF format [3,673 KB]
- “Soviet Trade and Economic Ties”, by Novosti Press Agency (1982), 28 pages. PDF format [1,925 KB]
- “Expert Opinion: Make the Economy Responsive to Innovations: Double Economic Potentials by 2000”, by Abel Aganbegian, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1986), 36 pages. (Grandiose hopes by the state-capitalist regime to innovate and expand production even while their economy is stagnating worse than ever and is verging on collapse.) Searchable PDF format [1,834 KB]
- “Guidelines for the Economic and Social Development of the USSR for 1986-1990 and for the Period Ending in 2000”, report by Nikolai Ryzhkov at the 27th Congress of the CPSU, March 3, 1986, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1986), 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [992 KB]
- “USSR: The Concept of Acceleration in Terms of Plan Targets”, as approved by the 27th Congress of the CPSU, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1986), 36 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,403 KB]
- “On the Tasks of the Party in the Radical Restructuring of Economic Management”, the Report and Concluding Speech by the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev, June 25-26, 1987, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1987), 76 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,064 KB]
- “Expert Opinion: Activating the Human Factor — The Main Source of [Economic] Acceleration”, by Yegor Ligachev, Politburo member and Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1987), 36 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,458 KB]
- “Expert Opinion: Restructuring to be Stepped Up”, by Boris Yeltsin, First Secretary of the Moscow CPSU, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1987), 36 pages. Focuses on the city of Moscow. Searchable PDF format [7,692 KB]
- “The Soviet Economy on the Eve of the 21st Century”, by Novosti Press Agency (c. 1988), 44 pages. PDF format [3,360 KB]
- “Fundamentals of Scientific Management of Socialist Economy”, no author(s) specified, from the “Guides to the Social Sciences” series, (Moscow: Progress, 1989), 210 pages. Despite the obligatory passing references to Lenin, this book provides a glaring contrast to Mao’s approach of relying on and mobilizing the masses of workers in production. It is no wonder that the state-capitalist economy of the Soviet Union was in the process of collapsing even as this book was published. Searchable PDF format [7,772 KB]
- “The Soviet Economy at the Crossroads of Perestroika”, by Leonid Korenev, (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency, 1990), 68 pages. A rather candid history of how state-capitalism in the USSR was a dismal failure and therefore how the Soviet ruling class was forced to move in the direction of Western-style monopoly capitalism, with the biggest leap being the “perestroika” (restructuring) under Gorbachev. Searchable PDF format [2,606 KB]
- Science and Technology in the State-Capitalist Soviet Union:
- Social Science: Psychology and Sociology:
- [Book:] “Psychology”, by A. V. Petrovsky (Head of the group), et al., (Moscow: Progress, Student’s Library, 1989 (Russian ed. 1986)), 450 pages. Scanned in double page layout. Searchable PDF format [4,922 KB]
- [Book:] “Social Psychology”, by Galina Andreyeva, (Moscow: Progress, 1990 (Russian ed. 1980)), 331 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,923 KB]
- [Book:] “A History of Classical Sociology”, ed. by Prof. I. K. Kon, (Moscow: Progress, 1989 (Russian ed. 1979)), 377 pages. Searchable PDF format [14,068 KB]; Alternate scan: Searchable PDF format [3,535 KB]
- Physical & Biological Sciences:
- [To be added.]
- Mathematics and Formal Logic:
- [Book:] “Logic”, by Alexandra Getmanova, (Moscow: Progress, Student Library, 1989), 361 pages. On formal logic and symbolic logic. (Some marginal marking and underlining; our apologies.) Searchable PDF format [8,406 KB]
- Magazines from the Soviet Union in the State-Capitalist Era: Separate Page
Discussion and Criticism of the Soviet Union in the State-Capitalist and Social-Imperialist Period
- The Great Debate: Between the Communist Party of China (CCP) and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU):
- The Great Debate page in the China section on — This consists mostly of books, pamphlets and other items published in China during the Mao era.
- The most important documents from the Chinese side (CCP) in this debate, along with a couple of the key documents from the CPSU can also be found on the “From Marx to Mao” website at:
- Many of the most important documents from both sides in this debate can be found on the Marxist Internet Archive (MIA) at:
- A more complete collection of the documents from both sides has been published in printed form in India: The Documents of the Great Debate (Feb. 1956 - June 1963), 3 volumes, (Saharanpur [Uttar Pradesh, India]: Antararashtriya Prakashan, 127, New Avas Vikas Colony, Saharanpur - 247 001, India, December 2005), distributed by: Gargi Vikraya Patal, 127, New Avas Vikas Colony, Saharanpur - 247 001, India. The U.S. paperback price for the 3 volumes as of 2009: $36.00. We now also have these important volumes available in digital form here:
Volume 1:, 452 pages. Searchable PDF format [11,309 KB]
Volume 2:, 389 pages. Searchable PDF format [10,324 KB]
Volume 3:, 324 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,222 KB]
- Discussions and Criticisms by the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA:
- The Red Papers, #7: How Capitalism has been Restored in the Soviet Union and What This Means for the World Struggle, by the Revolutionary Union (predecessor organization to the RCP), Chicago: October 1974.
- Entire document in a single file, 163 pages. [Large PDF file: 29,351 KB]
- Cover and Contents, 3 pages. [PDF: 533 KB]
- Introduction, 2 pages. [PDF: 316 KB]
- I. Some Questions of Theory, 12 pages. [PDF: 2,124 KB]
- II. The Origins of Capitalist Restoration and the Rise of N. S. Khrushchev, 13 pages. [PDF: 2,334 KB]
- III. The Soviet Economy Under Brezhnev and Kosygin: The Full Establishment of Capitalist Relations of Production, 32 pages. [PDF: 5,818 KB]
- IV. Soviet Social-Imperialism Around the World, 21 pages. [PDF: 3,884 KB]
- V. Everyday Life Under Soviet Social-Imperialism, 21 pages. [PDF: 3,707 KB]
- VI. The Soviet People Fight Back, 12 pages. [PDF: 2,259 KB]
- VII. The Cultural Revolution and the Class Struggle Under Socialism, 11 pages. [PDF: 2,069 KB]
- VIII. Conclusion—the Significance of the Emergence of Soviet Social-Imperialism, 6 pages. [PDF: 1,042 KB]
- Appendix 1, 4 pages. [PDF: 881 KB]
- Appendix 2, 1 page. [PDF: 202 KB]
- Appendix 3, 9 pages. [PDF: 1,527 KB]
- Appendix 4, 12 pages. [PDF: 2,234 KB]
- End pages, 3 pages. [PDF: 509 KB]
- [Book:] The Soviet Union: Socialist or Social Imperialist? Essays Toward the Debate on the Nature of Soviet Society, compiled by the Editors of The Communist, theoretical journal of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA, (Chicago: RCP Publications, 1983), 212 pages. Includes:
In PDF photo image format [13.0 MB]
- “The ‘State Capitalist’ and ‘Bureaucratic-Exploitative’ Interpretations of the Soviet Social formation: A Critique”, by David Laibman, an apologist for the revisionists.
- “Soviet Socialism and Proletarian Internationalism”, by Al Szymanski, another apologist for the revisionists.
- “Soviet Economic Relations with India and Other Third World Countries”, by Santosh K. Mehrotra and Patrick Clawson.
- “The ‘Tarnished Socialism’ Thesis or the Political Economy of Soviet Social-Imperialism”, by the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA.
- [Book:] The Soviet Union: Socialist or Social Imperialist? Part II: The Question Is Joined, Raymond Lotta vs. Albert Szymanski, full text of the New York City Debate, May 1983. (Chicago: RCP Publications, 1983), 90 pages.
- Entire volume in a single large file [PDF: 5,204 KB]
- Front Cover Image [JPG: 81 KB]
- Title Page, Contents, and Preface by C. Clark Kissinger [PDF: 293 KB]
- “The Red Flag Still Flies: Workers’ Power in the USSR”, by Albert Szymanski. [PDF: 1,515 KB]
- “Realities of Social-Imperialism Versus Dogmas of Cynical Realism: The Dynamics of the Soviet Capital Formation”, by Raymond Lotta. [PDF: 1,608 KB]
- Rebuttal, by Albert Szymanski. [PDF: 345 KB]
- Rebuttal, by Raymond Lotta. [PDF: 336 KB]
- Concluding Remarks, by Raymond Lotta. [PDF: 431 KB]
- Concluding Remarks, by Albert Szymanski. [PDF: 296 KB]
- Back Cover Image [JPG: 289 KB]
- “Notes Toward an Analysis of the Soviet Bourgeoisie”, by Lenny Wolff and Aaron Davis, Revolution, #52, Summer 1984, 39 pages. This article is in many ways a continuation of the above books, though it also stands very well on its own. PDF format [368 KB]; MS Word format [200 KB]
- “Against the ‘Lesser Evil’ Thesis: Soviet Preparations for World War 3”, by Mike Ely, Revolution, #52, Summer 1984, 27 pages. [Our apologies for a small amount of underlining in the magazine we scanned.] Searchable PDF format [3,881 KB]
- “Soviet Education: Reading, Writing, and Revisionism”, by Leona Krasny, Revolution, #52, Summer 1984, 22 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,887 KB]
- Discussions and Criticisms of Soviet Revisionism/Social-Imperialism by Others:
- “The Need for Planning: The Restoration of Capitalism in the Soviet Union in the 1950s and the Decline of the Soviet Economy”, by Joseph Ball, an article which appeared in Cultural Logic in 2010, 61 pages. Although portions of this paper are somewhat off topic, there are some interesting points to consider here about why Soviet state-capitalism so completely failed from an economic standpoint. PDF format [704 KB]
- [Book:] “Does Socialism Have a Future? — Volume 1 — When and Why Socialism in the Soviet Union Failed”, a collection of articles from the pro-Stalin, pro-Albania, anti-Maoist German KDP journal Roter Morgen [“Red Dawn”] from 1995, translated into English with commentary and published circa 2020 by George Gruenthal. (NY: Red Star Publishers, n.d.), 217 pages. This is a rather disorganized and jumbled set of writings, and also reflects a considerable amount of dogmatic sectarianism. However, portions of this volume have material of considerable interest. The first article, for example, has observations by (and about) the famed Comintern political economist Eugen Varga which point out that Varga sided with China against Khrushchev in the Great Debate between the revisionist Soviet Union and revolutionary China. At the same time, the article adds a snide remark condemning the “Chinese leaders” (and not just those after Mao’s death) for their revisionism. Searchable PDF format [1,608 KB]
- [Book:] “The Restoration of Capitalism in the Soviet Union”, by W. B. (“Bill”) Bland, (Revised 2nd edition, c. 1998, [1st ed. 1980]), 163 pages. Bland (1916-2001) was an idiosyncratic anti-Mao, pro-Hoxha, individual who claimed that the USSR remained a socialist country until the so-called “economic reforms” of 1965-66 were fully implemented and operative in the 1970s. However, this book consists mostly of a very long series of short quotations from numerous Soviet economic books and journals, and may therefore help other researchers locate information on specific topics. Searchable PDF format [1,443 KB]
- Miscellaneous Foreign Apologetics for Soviet “Socialism” in the Revisionist/Social-Imperialist Period:
- [Book:] “Socialism in the Soviet Union”, by Jonathan Aurthur, (Chicago: Workers Press, 1977), 191 pages. This book was written and published by members of the so-called “Communist Labor Party” [USA], which though it viewed itself as part of the then “New Communist Movement”, was still essentially stuck back in the erroneous thinking and conceptions of the old revisionist CPUSA. Although in retrospect the basic argument in this book, that the Soviet Union remained “socialist” during the Khrushchev/Brezhnev/Gorbachev years, now seems totally absurd, it is important that MLM revolutionaries look at some of this nonsense and be able to refute the specific arguments in it! If we find any appropriate reviews or critiques of this pathetic book we will also post them here. Searchable PDF format [5,962 KB]
- Anti-Revisionism and Maoism in the Soviet Union and the Soviet Bloc:
- “Which East is Red? The Maoist Presence in the Soviet Union and Soviet Bloc Europe 1956-1980”, by Andrew M. Smith, Master’s Thesis, Georgia State University, 2017, 79 pages. Searchable PDF format [778 KB]