Magazines and Journals from the Soviet Union during the
State-Capitalist / Social-Imperialist Period (c. 1955-1991)

      These are a few of the vast number of magazines and journals published during the revisionist (or state-capitalist and social-imperialist) era of the Soviet Union. We are posting them here not for any imagined educational value as supposed “Marxist-Leninist documents”. Quite the contrary! We are posting these materials so that they can help serve as education by negative example. We hope and expect that visitors to this site will be sophisticated and quite capable of recognizing that these magazines are filled with all sorts of bourgeois and pro-capitalist nonsense, and endless distortions of real MLM theory, as well as outrageous slanders of genuine revolutionaries including not only Mao, but also even of Marx, Engels and Lenin who they falsely claim to uphold.

      If you know of other magazines that it would be useful to post here, please contact us at:

International Affairs — A Monthly Journal of Political Analysis

Kommunist — Russian language publication of the Central Committee of the CPSU.   Separate page (mostly for English translations)

New Times — A Soviet Weekly of World Affairs

Problems of Economics — IASP

      Monthly journal of English translations of Soviet economic articles published by an American company.

Problems of the Contemporary World

      Collections of articles on a specific topic, published by the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Social Sciences

      Quarterly journal published by the USSR Academy of Sciences from 1970 until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and by the Russian Academy of Sciences since then.

Social Sciences Today

      Journal published by the USSR Academy of Sciences before 1970; predecessor to Social Sciences journal (see above).

Socialism: Theory and Practice [STP]

      Monthly magazine with Supplements.

Soviet Law and Government — IASP

      Quarterly journal of English translations of Soviet articles, published by an American company. [This is just one sample issue.]

The Soviet Review — IASP

      Quarterly journal of English translations of Soviet articles, published by an American company. [This is just one sample issue.]

Soviet Studies in History — IASP

      Quarterly journal of English translations of Soviet articles, published by an American company. [This is just one sample issue.]

Soviet Studies in Philosophy — IASP

      Quarterly journal of English translations of Soviet articles, published by an American company.