Magazines and Journals from the Soviet Union during the
State-Capitalist / Social-Imperialist Period (c. 1955-1991)
These are a few of the vast number of magazines and journals published during the revisionist (or state-capitalist and social-imperialist) era of the Soviet Union. We are posting them here not for any imagined educational value as supposed “Marxist-Leninist documents”. Quite the contrary! We are posting these materials so that they can help serve as education by negative example. We hope and expect that visitors to this site will be sophisticated and quite capable of recognizing that these magazines are filled with all sorts of bourgeois and pro-capitalist nonsense, and endless distortions of real MLM theory, as well as outrageous slanders of genuine revolutionaries including not only Mao, but also even of Marx, Engels and Lenin who they falsely claim to uphold.
If you know of other magazines that it would be useful to post here, please contact us at:
International Affairs — A Monthly Journal of Political Analysis
- 1973:
- #7 (June), 60 pages. Highlights: “Anti-Sovietism in Peking’s Strategy”; “The Present-Day Capitalist Econmy: Processes and Tendencies”; “The Soviet General Staff at War (1941-1945)”. Searchable PDF format [23,152 KB]
Kommunist — Russian language publication of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Separate page (mostly for English translations)
New Times — A Soviet Weekly of World Affairs
- 1977:
- #24 (June), 52 pages. Highlights: Brezhnev report to Central Committee; Full text of draft Constitution of USSR; Moscow-Paris: Dialogue continues. Searchable PDF format [9,866 KB]
Problems of Economics — IASP
Monthly journal of English translations of Soviet economic articles published by an American company.
- 1963:
- November, Vol. VI, No. 7, 60 pages. Searchable PDF format [6,751 KB]
- 1962:
- January, Vol. IV, No. 9, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,552 KB]
Problems of the Contemporary World
Collections of articles on a specific topic, published by the USSR Academy of Sciences.
- #66 — Philosophy and World-Views of Modern Sciences (1978), 224 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,670 KB]
- #47 — Philosophical Concepts in Natural Science (1977), 208 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,559 KB]
Social Sciences
Quarterly journal published by the USSR Academy of Sciences from 1970 until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and by the Russian Academy of Sciences since then.
- 1988:
- 1988, #2, 324 pages. Searchable PDF format [16,377 KB]
- 1982:
- 1982, #1, 276 pages. Searchable PDF format [12,760 KB]
- 1981:
- 1981, #1, 308 pages. Searchable PDF format [13,626 KB]
- 1980:
- 1980, #4, 302 pages. (Improved scan.) Searchable PDF format [4,466 KB]
- 1980, #3, 326 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,202 KB]
- 1980, #2, 300 pages. Searchable PDF format [28,630 KB]
- 1979:
- 1979, #4, 308 pages. Searchable PDF format [7,158 KB]
- 1979, #3, 300 pages. Searchable PDF format [6,039 KB]
- 1979, #2, 308 pages. Searchable PDF format [6,465 KB]
- 1979, #1, 308 pages. Searchable PDF format [16,958 KB]
- 1977:
- 1977, #3, 288 pages. Searchable PDF format [16,661 KB]
- 1977, #2, 288 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,907 KB]
- 1977, #1, 292 pages. Searchable PDF format [15,252 KB]
- 1976:
- 1976, #2, 308 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,212 KB]
- 1976, #1, 308 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,375 KB]
- 1973:
- 1973, #4, 260 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,999 KB]
- 1973, #3, 260 pages. Searchable PDF format [17,467 KB]
- 1972:
- 1972, #3, 274 pages. Searchable PDF format [6,544 KB]
- 1971:
- 1971, #4, 252 pages. Searchable PDF format [6,484 KB]
Social Sciences Today
Journal published by the USSR Academy of Sciences before 1970; predecessor to Social Sciences journal (see above).
- 1969:
- #3, 134 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,314 KB]
Socialism: Theory and Practice [STP]
Monthly magazine with Supplements.
- 1988:
- 1988 — Supplement, “The Stalin Phenomenon”, 68 pages. Strongly anti-Stalin pamphlet. (Although not internally labelled as an STP supplement, it may have been distributed as such.) Searchable PDF format [7,006 KB]
- 1987:
- 1987 — Supplement 1, “XXVII CPSU Congress—Contribution to Marxist-Leninist Theory”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,376 KB]
- 1987 — Supplement 2, “Politics and Morality”; “Washington’s Space Noose...”; “SDI—What American Scientists Say”; “Is there an Economic Crisis in the USSR?”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,628 KB]
- 1986:
- 1986 — Supplement 1, “Western falsifications of socialist economic principles”; “Conservatism: The theory and practice of ‘social revenge’”, 28 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,349 KB]
- 1986 — Supplement 2, “Programme of construction and peace”; “The Geneva meeting. What is next?”; “Does the arms race increase employment?”; “Who is to blame for terrorism?”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,247 KB]
- 1986 — Supplement 4, “27th CPSU Congress resolution”; “A crisis in the communist movement?”; “Political freedoms American style”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,641 KB]
- 1986 — Supplement 5, “Lessons of the Second World War. The gist of the matter”; “New way of thinking and ‘neoglobalism’”; “Is the working class on the wane?”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,477 KB]
- 1986 — Supplement 6, “Nuclear-free world versus star wars”; “U.S. imperial ideology in the past and present”; “What is behind the ‘conservative turn’ concept?”, 60 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,823 KB]
- 1985:
- 1985 — Supplement 1, “Is existing socialism really in ‘crisis’?”; “Why did the Soviet Union win the war against Nazi Germany?”; “Ideological problems of the Western labour movement”; “The global consequences of the arms race”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,593 KB]
- 1985 — Supplement 2, “Revolutionary changes in the world and the factors behind them”, by B. N. Ponomarev, 26 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,350 KB]
- 1985 — Supplement 3, “Chasing the chimera of military superiority”; “The truth about Lend-Lease”; “Trotskyism today: Whom it serves”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,484 KB]
- 1985 — Supplement 4, “Washington ‘Star Wars’ doctrine”; “Prospects for socialist revolution”; “Western authors re-writing history”; “Freedom of conscience—real and imaginary”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,530 KB]
- 1985 — Supplement 5, “Washington’s space militarism”; “An elitest party or a party of the whole people?”; “Soviet agriculture: Fact and fiction”; “Present-day fascism: Who needs it”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,429 KB]
- 1985 — Supplement 6, “Washington’s ‘Star Wars’ plans”; “From ‘concensus politics’ to ‘social deterence’”; “October 1917 Revolution: Chance or historical inevitability?”; “Can socialism be attained bypassing capitalism?”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,403 KB]
- 1984:
- 1984 — Supplement 1, “Ethics as Communists see it: Socialism, Ethics, Politics”; “The psychological war waged by imperialism: its aims and means”; “The impasses of bourgeois global studies”; “Czechoslovakia: A look at the 1978 events”; “Is exploitation disappearing in the age of robots?”; “Palmiro Togliatti”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,507 KB]
- 1984 — Supplement 2, “The problems of poverty—the insolvency of bourgeois solutions”; “Is there ‘hidden unemployment’ in the USSR?”; “Futurology debunked”; “The intelligentsia—a dominant class?”; “Fascism in Latin America”, 60 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,617 KB]
- 1984 — Supplement 3, “Communists and the anti-war movement”; “Political pluralism. Whose ends does it serve?”; “Keynesianism: Past and present”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,532 KB]
- 1984 — Supplement 4, “The mechanism of the Soviet people’s government”; “The socialist state: the ideal and reality”; “Imperial ambitions in the nuclear age”; “Socialist economic integration and its bourgeois critics”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,718 KB]
- 1984 — Supplement 5, “‘Limited nuclear war’—a global suicide strategy”; “The impasse of ‘information society’”; “Peace problems: criticism of non-socialist concepts”, 60 pages. Searchable PDF format [6,269 KB]
- 1984 — Supplement 6, “Washington’s new version of cold war”; “Global problems and mankind’s future”; “How Adam Schaff ‘cancelled’ real socialism”; “The world in a distorted mirror of neo-conservatism”, 52 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,414 KB]
- 1983:
- 1983 — Supplement 1, “The Soviet Union Proposes: The International Situation and Soviet Peace Initiatives” (Kuznetsov), 156 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,657 KB]
- 1983 — Supplement 2, “Lenin on Socialist Economy” (partial scan), 55 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,738 KB]
- 1983 — Supplement 4, “Why Marxism is not outdated”; “The proletarian party: wrong alternatives”; “Where do Japanese capitalists disappear to?”, 84 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,572 KB]
- 1983 — Supplement 5, “Boris Ponomarev: Marx’s teachings are a guide to action”; “The ideological impasses of ‘Sovietology’”; “The U.S. ‘new right wing’ and Reagan’s policy”, 78 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,516 KB]
- 1983 — Supplement 6, “Karl Marx and Our Time—The struggle for peace and social progress”, 78 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,570 KB]
- 1982:
- 1982 — Supplement 2, “Which way will China go?”; “Peking’s political acrobatics”; “‘Updated’ Maoism”; and other anti-China articles, 84 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,694 KB]
- 1982 — Supplement 4, “On Soviet-Chinese relations”; “Peking and the USA: A dangerous collaboration”; “An eyewitness report about China”; and numerous other anti-China articles, 92 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,883 KB]
- 1982 — Supplement 5, “USSR: New initiatives for normalizing relations with China”; “Maoist nationalities policy”; “Peking: An ‘open door’ policy again?”; and other anti-China articles, 92 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,752 KB]
- 1982 — Supplement 6, “How the Soviets were Formed”, by Vitaly Startsev, 132 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,041 KB]
- 1981:
- 1981 — Supplement 3, consisting of a number of anti-China articles including ones by Brezhnev and by Fidel Castro, 88 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,522 KB]
- 1981 — Supplement 4, consisting of a number of anti-China articles including “Kampuchea: The Bankruptcy of Maoism”, 92 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,689 KB]
- 1981 — Supplement 5, consisting of a number of anti-China articles including one by Gus Hall of the CPUSA, 92 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,610 KB]
- 1981 — Supplement 6, consisting of “The Bankruptcy of Maoism” and other anti-China articles, 92 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,778 KB]
- 1980:
- 1980 — Supplement 1, Mikhail Suslov: “Improvement of the Ideological and Education Work is a Task of the Entire Party”; and Boris Ponomarev: “Detente and the Struggle of Ideas in the World Arena”, 60 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,107 KB]
Soviet Law and Government — IASP
Quarterly journal of English translations of Soviet articles, published by an American company. [This is just one sample issue.]
- 1963:
- Winter 1963-1964, Vol. II, No. 3, 68 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,336 KB]
The Soviet Review — IASP
Quarterly journal of English translations of Soviet articles, published by an American company. [This is just one sample issue.]
- 1963:
- Fall, Vol. IV, No. 3, 69 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,360 KB]
Soviet Studies in History — IASP
Quarterly journal of English translations of Soviet articles, published by an American company. [This is just one sample issue.]
- 1966:
- Winter 1966-1967, Vol. V, No. 3, 56 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,718 KB]
Soviet Studies in Philosophy — IASP
Quarterly journal of English translations of Soviet articles, published by an American company.
- 1981:
- Fall 1981, Vol. XX, No. 2, 100 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,759 KB]
- 1980:
- Spring 1980, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, 108 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,785 KB]