Suppression of News in Sri Lanka and Political
Statements Prevented from Reaching the People
In Sri Lanka (Ceylon), as in so many other countries, much of the real news about what is happening to the working class, peasants and the poor, is suppressed, or at the very least not widely reported. And for reasons like this the claims that Sri Lanka enjoys a “democracy” and “a free press” are gross exaggerations of the true situation.
In particular, the government has recently won a largely genocidal war against the Tamil people in the northern part of the country, and routinely oppresses revolutionary parties and organizations which attempt to promote the interests of the masses everywhere in the country. We at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET will try to help break down this government and media news embargo.
If you know of other suppressed documents and news reports that should be posted here, contact us at:
Ceylon Communist Party (Maoist)
[Note: There may be several different centers and lines which claim continuity with the CCP (Maoist). Documents from other centers will be posted if we can obtain them.]
- 2015:
- “Unite To Overthrow The Neo-Colonial State And The Capitalist Dictatorship! Fight To Achieve A Bright New Word Of Freedom, Upon the Ashes and Ruins of Imperialism! Statement of the Ceylon Communist Party-Maoist on the Presidential Election-2015”, 2 pages. MS Word (.docx) (18 KB)
- “On the Appointment of Hon. Sambandan as Leader of the Opposition”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, Secretary, CCP(Maoist), n. d. (but probably 2015), 1 page. MS Word (.docx) (16 KB)
- “Reptilian Politics of the Lizard and the Fall of the JVP”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, Secretary, CCP(Maoist), n. d. (but probably 2015), 3 pages. MS Word (.docx) (20 KB)
- 2014:
- “Turn the Intra-Class Battle for Power Into a Revolutionary Struggle for Democracy and Freedom”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, Secretary, CCP(Maoist), n. d. (but probably December 2014), 3 pages. MS Word (.docx) (20 KB)
- “The Presidential Election: Mortal Dangers, Intractable Challenges and Rare Historic Opportunities”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, Secretary, CCP(Maoist), n. d. (but probably December 2014), 2 pages. MS Word (.docx) (18 KB)
- “A Response to Kumar David’s Article Titled ‘A Bright Light at the End of the Tunnel. Facilitating Rajapaksa’s Departure’, Nov. 30, 2014”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, Secretary, CCP(Maoist), c. Dec. 6, 2014, 2 pages. MS Word (.docx) (18 KB)
- 2012:
- “Initial Response To Workers Dreadnought On Bob Avakian’s ‘New Synthesis’”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, Secretary, CCP(Maoist), April 18, 2012, 6 pages. PDF Version (146 KB); MS Word (52 KB)
- “Post Geneva Stakes: Strategic Agendas, Imperatives of the Regime and Path to Freedom and Democracy”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, Secretary, CCP(Maoist), circa April 13, 2012, 4 pages. PDF Version (276 KB); MS Word (24 KB)
- “The LLRC Report: A Flowering of Freedom OR a Panacea for Despotism?”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, Secretary, CCP(Maoist), circa Feb. 11, 2012, 2 pages. PDF Version (172 KB); MS Word (18 KB)
- “Dayan Jayatileke: The Architect-Ideologue of the War of Annihilation of the Tamil Nation”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, Secretary, CCP(Maoist), circa Feb. 4, 2012, 2 pages. PDF Version (382 KB); MS Word (16 KB)
- “The Politics of Fascist Terror: A Sociological Analysis”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, Secretary, CCP(Maoist), circa Feb. 3, 2012, 6 pages. PDF Version (410 KB); MS Word (31 KB)
- 2011:
- “The LLRC Report: A Process of Reconciliation or Perpetuation of a Dynastic Military Junta?”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, Secretary, CCP(Maoist), circa Dec. 29, 2011, 2 pages. PDF Version (255 KB); MS Word (19 KB)
- “Whence the Dark Night of Terror Shall End and the Light of Freedom Shine Through the Land of Lanka?”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, circa Nov. 18, 2011, 2 pages. PDF Version (197 KB); MS Word (14 KB)
- “‘Occupy Wall St’: Trends Towards Democratic Reform or Fascist Backlash in the US”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, Oct. 17, 2011, 2 pages. PDF Version (159 KB); MS Word (15 KB)
- “Statement On the Recent Incidents at Navanthurai, Jaffna”, by Surendra for the CCP(Maoist), Sept. 1, 2011, 2 pages. PDF Version (342 KB); MS Word (17 KB)
- 2010:
- “Student Agitation: A Marxist Perspective”, by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, c. Nov. 2, 2010, 4 pages. PDF Version (164 KB); MS Word (52 KB)
- “Lessons to be Learned from the ‘Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission’ — LLRC”, statement by Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe, Secretary of the CCP(Maoist), c. Oct. 31, 2010, 3 pages. PDF Version (152 KB); MS Word (45 KB)
- “Arundathi Roy Facing Threat of Sedition Charges”, statement by Surendra Rupasinghe, Chairman of the Anti-Imperialist People’s Alliance, Oct. 27, 2010, 4 pages. PDF Version (71 KB); MS Word (36 KB)
- “The Flames of Kashmir and the Path to Liberation”, presentation to be made by Com. Surendra, Secretary of the CCP(M), and Chairman of the Anti-Imperialist People’s Alliance, at the Kashmir Study Forum in Colombo, on Oct. 27, 2010, 4 pages. PDF Version (145 KB); MS Word (58 KB)
- “Plot to Kill the Editor of the Sunday Leader”, statement by the Ceylon Communist Party (Maoist), Oct. 11, 2010, 1 page. PDF Version (105 KB); MS Word (30 KB)
- “What Would It Take to Unseat the Emperor?”, by Com. Surendra, Secretary, CCP (Maoist), not dated, 2 pages. (Received by on Sept. 14, 2010.) PDF Version (144 KB); MS Word (41 KB)
- 2009 and earlier:
- “Global Politics and the Sri Lankan Trajectory”, by Com. Surendra, Secretary, CCP (Maoist), not dated, 2 pages. PDF Version (63 KB); MS Word (35 KB)
- “The Issue of War Crimes: A Question of Sovereignty and Moral and Political Jurisdiction”, by Com. Surendra, Secretary, CCP (Maoist), not dated, 2 pages. PDF Version (70 KB); MS Word (37 KB)
- “The Liquidation of the Liberation Tigers of Thamil Eelam (LTTE): Lessons Paid in Blood”, by Com. Surendra, Secretary, CCP (Maoist), not dated, 7 pages. PDF Version (121 KB); MS Word (70 KB)
- “On the Agenda of Defeating ‘Separatist Terrorism’”, an unsigned article excerpted from Shining Path, organ of the CCP (Maoist), not dated, 2 pages. PDF Version (136 KB); MS Word (34 KB)
- “Northern Spring, Truth and Reconciliation”, Report of a Field Mission by a Journalist on Behalf of the Ceylon Communist Party (Maoist), not dated 3 pages. PDF Version (85 KB); MS Word (51 KB)
- “The Miracle of Asia: An Analysis of the Rajapakse Project”, by Com. Surendra, Secretary, CCP (Maoist), not dated, 2 pages. PDF Version (123 KB); MS Word (44 KB)
- “A Contribution to the Debate between Raipal Abeynayake and Malinda Senevirathne on the Role of the Moral Police”, by Com. Surendra, Secretary, CCP (Maoist), not dated, 2 pages. PDF Version (153 KB); MS Word (41 KB)
- “Mahinda, Sarath and Their Monstrous Crimes against the People and Humanity”, by Com. Surendra, Ceylon Communist Party (Maoist), on behalf of the Election Campaign Committee of the Common Left Candidate — Com. Dr. Vickremabahu, posted on the web site on Dec. 16, 2009, 4 pages. PDF Version (179 KB); MS Word (39 KB)
- “To the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (CPN-M): Revolutionary Greetings from the Ceylon Communist Party-Maoist”, by Com. Surendra, on behalf of the Central Re-Organizing Committee, 2008, 2 pages. PDF Version (165 KB); MS Word (40 KB)
Thousand Flowers — Journal of the Ceylon Communist Party (Maoist)
Vol. 1, #1, March 2008 Complete issue in PDF Format (77 pages, 539 KB)
Individual article:
“Open Letter to Genuine Communist Revolutionary Forces”, by Comrade Surendra, Chairman, CCP-Maoist. MS Word Format (32 KB)N. Sanmugathasan and His Writings: Nagalingam Sanmugathasan (or Shanmugathasan) (1920-1993) was the founding Secretary General of the Communist Party of Ceylon (Maoist), in 1964.
- “Sanmugathasan, the Unrepentant Left and the Ethnic Crisis in Sri Lanka”, by Ravi Vaitheespara, Economic & Political Weekly [India], Oct. 27, 2007, 8 pages. PDF Only (170 KB)
- “On the Demise of Comrade Nagalingam Sanmugathasan: Comrade Shan: An Unrepentent Communist”, by the Central Organizing Committee, Ceylon Communist Party (Maoist), A World to Win, #19, 1993, 2 pages. PDF Version (14 KB); MS Word (32 KB)
- Political Memoirs of an Unrepentant Communist, by N. Sanmugathasan (Colombo: 1989, 301 pp.). Excerpts only! (25 pages), including some useful background about the early development of the communal (ethnic) conflict in Ceylon. PDF Version (171 KB); MS Word (264 KB)
- “Some Thoughts on Mao’s Philosophy”, by N. Sanmugathasan, 1986, 7 pages. PDF format (25 KB)
- “Indictment Against Sri Lanka: Black July 1983: The Charge is Genocide: Sri Lanka’s week of shame; an eyewitness account”, by N. Sanmugathasan, writing anonymously in the journal Race & Class: A Journal for Black & Third World Liberation, vol. XXVI, #1, Summer 1984, 11 pages. PDF Version (151 KB); MS Word (142 KB)
- “Enver Hoxha Refuted”, by N. Sanmugathasan, A World to Win, preliminary issue No. 1, May 1981. This is an well-written refutation of Albanian leader Enver Hoxha’s erroneous criticisms of Mao and the Chinese Revolution. HTML Version
- “In Defence of Mao Tsetung Thought”, by N. Sanmugathasan, General Secretary of the Ceylon Communist Party, adopted at a special congress of the CCP held in July 1979; 7 pages. From Revolution, Vol. 4, #10-11, Oct.-Nov. 1979, published by the RCP,USA. Searchable PDF photo format
- “A Marxist Looks at the History of Ceylon”, by N. Shanmugathasan, written while in detention, 1972, (2nd. ed., Dec. 1974), 108 pages. Searchable PDF image format [559 KB]
- “The Italian Party Congress”, by N. Sanmugathasan, 1969, 4 pages. From Liberation, vol. II, #7 (May 1969), published by the CPI(M-L). PDF Version (121 KB); MS Word (25 KB)
- “The Bright Red Banner of Mao Tsetung Thought”, by N. Sanmugathasan, written to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. (Colombo: Workers Press, 1969), 57 sheets, 103 pages. [Note, however, that this scan is defective; it is missing pages 12-13, 30-31 and 100-101. We will post a complete and better quality version if we can obtain it.] PDF format (10,072 KB); Excerpts from Chapter IV focusing on Mao’s development of dialectics in Marxist philosophy (from A World to Win, #19, 1993): MS Word format (39 KB)
- “Mao Tse-tung’s Contribution to Marxism-Leninism”, by N. Sanmugathasan, 1967, 13 pages. Taken from Liberation, vol. I, #2 (Dec. 1967), published by the CPI(M-L); originally in Red Flag (Colombo), Oct. 3, 1967. PDF Version (269 KB); MS Word (40 KB)
- “Only the Thought of Mao Tse-tung Can Lead Indian Revolution to Success”, by N. Sanmugathasan, 1967, 7 pages. Taken from Liberation, vol. I, #1 (Nov. 1967), published by the CPI(M-L); originally in Red Flag (Colombo). PDF Version (227 KB); MS Word (29 KB)
Maoist Revolutionary League
[Formed in May 2009 as the New Marxist Study Group; later became the Maoist Revolutionary League. Websites at and ]
- “Message from MRL Sri Lanka to PC Afghanistan Maoist on the Occasion of the Death of Com. Aziz”, by Com. Parakrama Veerasuriya, Maoist Revolutionary League, Sri Lanka, Sept. 9, 2014, 1 page. PDF Format [54 KB]; MS Word (.docx) Format [13 KB]
- “Long Live Marxism Leninism Maoism!”, graphic issued on the first anniversary of the New Marxist Study Group, May 2010, 1 page. PDF format (588 KB)
New-Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party
[Note: This party was founded in 1978 as the Communist Party of Sri Lanka (Left). It changed its name to the New Democratic Party in 1991, and in June 2010 changed it to the New-Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party. The NDMLP formerly had a web site at:, but it no longer seems to exist. A statement on that web site said: “The NDP upholds Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought as its guide. It recognizes the national question as the main contradiction in the Sri Lankan society and has persevered in relentless struggle for social justice against imperialism and regional hegemony as well as forces of chauvinism and local reaction.” Documents of its 6th national congress, presenting its political line for Sri Lanka and internationally, are presented in its journal New Democracy, issue number 57 (see below).]
- “Comrade Jose Maria Sision: An Appreciation”, by Com. S. K. Senthivel, Gen. Secretary, NDMLP, n.d. but received c. Dec. 21, 2022, 3 pages. PDF format (92 KB); MS Word format (.docx) (21 KB)
- “Considerations for the Proposed Constitution”, an approximate translation of the document submitted by the NDMLP to the Constitutional Reforms Committee in March 2016, 7 pages. PDF format (363 KB); MS Word format (58 KB)
- New-Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party Salutes Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and His Stand and Struggles against US Imperialism, by S. K. Senthivel, Gen. Secretary, NDMLP, March 7, 2013, 2 pages. MS Word format (.docx) (570 KB)
- Press statement on the Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant, by S. K. Senthivel, Gen. Secretary, NDMLP, Nov. 7, 2012, 2 pages. PDF format (73 KB); MS Word format (30 KB)
- Press statement on the death of the Tamil political detainee Dilrukshan, by S. K. Senthivel, Gen. Secretary, NDMLP, August 10, 2012, 1 page. MS Word format (.docx) (12 KB)
- “Presidential Pardon to Sarath Fonseka”, by S. K. Senthivel, Gen. Secretary, NDMLP, May 25, 2012, 1 page. PDF format (9 KB); MS Word format (28 KB)
- Statement on the abduction of two former members of the JVP party, by S. K. Senthivel, Gen. Secretary, NDMLP, April 9, 2012, 1 page. MS Word format (24 KB)
- Statement to the Media on the “Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission Report”, by S. K. Senthivel, Gen. Secretary, NDMLP, Dec. 23, 2011, 2 pages. MS Word format (371 KB)
- Statement about criticisms of the government of Sri Lanka by the U.S. Senate and by the U.N. Panel of Experts investigating war crimes against the Tamil people during the recent civil war, by S. K. Senthivel, Gen. Secretary, NDMLP, April 20, 2011, 2 pages. PDF format (62 KB) MS Word format (16 KB)
- “Stop the Imperialist War against Libya”, statement by E. Thambiah, International Organizer, NDMLP, March 25, 2011, 1 page. PDF format (69 KB) MS Word format (14 KB)
- “Statement on the Nepal Elections”, by S.K. Senthivel, Gen. Secretary, NDP, Aug. 17, 2008, 1 page. MS Word format (27 KB)
- “Statement on the 30th Anniversary of the New Democratic Party”, by S.K. Senthivel, Gen. Secretary, NDP, July 3, 2008, 2 pages. MS Word format (32 KB)
- “Statement Condemning the Murder of Civilians by the Government”, by S.K. Senthivel, Gen. Secretary, NDP, June 12, 2008, 1 page. MS Word format (26 KB)
New Democracy — Quarterly Theoretical Journal of the NDMLP/NDP
Number 78 ![]()
May 2024 PDF format (1,344 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (412 KB) Number 77 December 2023 PDF format (1,909 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (2,618 KB) Number 76 May 2023 PDF format (1,752 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (454 KB) Number 75 January 2023 PDF format (1,461 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (512 KB) Number 74 [Report is on 7th Congress, not 6th] June 2022 PDF format (1,702 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (2,365 KB) Number 73 February 2022 PDF format (1,391 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (7,335 KB) Number 72 [After a year-long publication interruption.] July 2021 PDF format (1,635 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (1,277 KB) Number 71 March 2020 PDF format (2,097 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (483 KB) Number 70 August 2019 PDF format (2,031 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (420 KB) Number 69 May 2019 PDF format (1,757 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (4,684 KB) Number 68 February 2019 PDF format (1,291 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (2,456 KB) Number 67 November 2018 PDF format (1,235 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (779 KB) Number 66 August 2018 PDF format (1,099 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (510 KB) Number 65 April 2018 PDF format (1,117 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (518 KB) Number 64 January 2018 PDF format (1,041 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (329 KB) Number 63 October 2017 PDF format (1,037 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (436 KB) Number 62 May 2017 PDF format (1,157 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (272 KB) Number 61 January 2017 PDF format (908 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (413 KB) Number 60 October 2016 PDF format (920 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (277 KB) Number 59 May 2016 PDF format (1,187 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (321 KB) Number 58 March 2016 PDF format (532 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (318 KB) Number 57 November 2015 PDF format (540 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (273 KB) Number 56 July 2015 PDF format (540 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (298 KB) Number 55 April 2015 PDF format (521 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (291 KB) Number 54 January 2015 PDF format (521 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (272 KB) Number 53 October 2014 PDF format (520 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (259 KB) Number 52 July 2014 PDF format (527 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (260 KB) Number 51 April 2014 PDF format (541 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (257 KB) Number 50 January 2014 PDF format (795 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (281 KB) Number 49 June-August 2013 PDF format (271 KB) MS Word format (.docx) (238 KB) Number 48 February-March 2013 PDF format (282 KB) MS Word format (411 KB) Number 47 Oct. 2012 - Jan. 2013 PDF format (259 KB) MS Word format (339 KB) Number 46 July-September 2012 PDF format (261 KB) MS Word format (384 KB) Number 45 April-June 2012 PDF format (418 KB) MS Word format (360 KB) Number 44 January-March 2012 PDF format (266 KB) MS Word format (359 KB) Number 43 December 2011 PDF format (326 KB) MS Word format (414 KB) Number 42 September 2011 PDF format (343 KB) MS Word format (408 KB) Number 41 June 2011 [Internet Edition] PDF format (345 KB) MS Word format (1,503 KB) Number 40 “November 2010” [March 2011?] PDF format (376 KB) MS Word format (365 KB) Number 39 November 2010 PDF format (435 KB)
Number 38 “May” [August?] 2010 PDF format (336 KB) MS Word format (417 KB) Number 37 May 2010 PDF format (332 KB)
Number 36 February 2010 PDF format (299 KB)
Number 35 November 2009 PDF format (320 KB)
Number 34 August 2009 PDF format (207 KB)
Number 33 May 2009 PDF format (214 KB)
Number 32 February 2009 PDF format (207 KB) MS Word format (333 KB) Number 31 November 2008 PDF format (216 KB) MS Word format (378 KB) Number 30 August 2008 PDF format (302 KB) MS Word format (308 KB) Number 29 May 2008 PDF format (172 KB) MS Word format (260 KB) Number 28 February 2008 PDF format (186 KB) MS Word format (269 KB) Number 27 December 2007 PDF format (162 KB)
Number 26 September 2007 PDF format (245 KB)
Number 25 June 2007 PDF format (197 KB)
Number 24 March 2007 PDF format (187 KB)
Number 23 December 2006 PDF format (192 KB)
Number 22 September 2006 PDF format (183 KB)
Number 21 June 2006 PDF format (188 KB)
Number 20 March 2006 PDF format (182 KB)
Number 19 November 2005 PDF format (192 KB)
Number 18 August 2005 PDF format (170 KB)
Number 17 April 2005 PDF format (208 KB)
Number 16 January 2005 PDF format (188 KB)
Number 15 [October?] 2004 PDF format (172 KB)
Number 14 August 2004 PDF format (145 KB)
Number 13 [Spring 2004?] PDF format (153 KB)
[Documents from other parties and sources in Sri Lanka to be added as we learn of them.]
Comments about Sri Lankan politics and struggles from foreign parties and sources
- “Two Years after the Eelam War: The Flames of Liberation Continue to Expose the Oppressors and their Apologists!”, by the Democratic Students’ Union [India], May 18, 2011, 2 pages. PDF format (175 KB); MS Word format (43 KB)
- “Tamil Eelam Struggle and its Lessons”, by Ravindran, People’s Truth, #7, Sept. 2009, 17 pages. An important analysis from an Indian revolutionary magazine. PDF format (270 KB); MS Word format (114 KB)
- “Condemn the genocide of the Tamil people by the Sinhala chauvinist, neo-Nazi fascist rulers of Sri Lanka! Let us unite to fight against UPA government’s support to Rajapakse’s genocidal war on Tamil nation!!”, press statement by Azad for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), April 24, 2009. PDF format (210 KB); MS Word format (37 KB)
Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Revolutionary Classics in the Sinhalese Language
- “Communist Manifesto”, by Marx & Engels, 1848, 63 pages. PDF format (436 KB)
- “Principles of Communism”, by Engels, 1847, 21 pages. PDF format (155 KB)