Revolutionary Communist Party, U.S.A.
Theoretical Journals
Since its founding in October 1975, the RCP has had three different theoretical journals: The Communist [1976-1978], Revolution [1975-1994], and Demarcations [2009- ]. We have now posted all the issues of these first two journals, and all the complete issues which have been made available by the RCP of Demarcations.
If you know of other issues or relevant documents which should be made available here, contact us at:
The Communist (1976-1978)
[“Theoretical Journal of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA”. Only 5 issues appeared. These were first made available online by other websites.]
- The Communist, Volume 1, #1, October 1976 PDF format, 124 pages [69 printed sheets], 8,250 KB. Includes these articles:
- “Commodities, Capitalism, Class Divisions—and their Abolition with the Achievement of Communism”, by Owen Natha [Bob Avakian?]
- “Soviet-Imperialism and Social Democracy, Cover-Up of Capitalism in the USSR (or How Martin Nicolaus and the October League Have ‘Restored’ Socialism in the Soviet Union)”, by C.R.
- “Some Preliminary Thoughts on Bourgeois Democracy and the U.S. Working Class”, by J. Werner
- “On the Character of World War 2”, by John B. Tyler
- “Bourgeois Right, Economism, and the Goal of the Working Class Struggle”, by Matt Butler and Lee Korsznecki
- The Communist, Volume 1, #2, May 1, 1977 PDF format, 169 pages [90 printed sheets], 10,601 KB. Includes these articles:
- “On the Relationship Between the Forces and Relations of Production and the Base and Superstructure”, by Owen Natha [Bob Avakian?]
- “Communism Not Pan Africanism Is the Guide to Socialist Revolution and Black Liberation”, by John Henry
- “Reformist and Revolutionary Views of Capitalist Crisis: A Critique of ‘New Marxism’”, by M.F.Z.
- “Anatomy of a Puerile Leftist Sect: The Religious Disorder of the Workers Viewpoint Organization”
- “WVO: Undaunted Dogma from Puffed Up Charlatans”, by Owen Natha [Bob Avakian?]
- “WVO’s Opportunism in Theory and Practice”, by John B. Tyler
- “Living Socialism and Dead Dogmatism: The Proletarian Line and the Struggle Against Opportunism on the National Question in the U.S. (Reprinted from Red Papers 6, published by the Revolutionary Union, June 1974)”
- The Communist, Volume 2, #1, Fall/Winter 1977 PDF format, 173 pages [89 printed sheets], 9,546 KB. Includes these articles:
- “On the Origins of World War 2”, by John B. Tyler
- “Against Sweezy’s Political Economy: Reformist and Revolutionary Views of Capitalist Crisis, Part 2”, by M.F.Z.
- “Marxism, Nationalism and the Task of Party Building: History and Lessons of the National Liaison Committee”, by D.B.
- The Communist, Volume 2, #2, Fall/Winter 1977 PDF format, 202 pages [104 printed sheets], 10,181 KB. Includes these articles:
- “Against Pragmatism: Bourgeois Philosophy ‘Made in U.S.A.’”, by J.S.
- “On the Outcome of World War 2 and the Prospects for Revolution in the West”, by C.R.
- “On the Mensheviks’ Views of Crisis: ‘Capitalism Works After All’”, by R. Lotta
- “The ‘Tarnished Socialism’ Thesis: Some Recent Publications in Defense of Soviet Capitalism”, by C.R.
- The Communist, Number 5, May 1979 PDF format, 241 pages [126 printed sheets], 13,968 KB. Includes these articles:
- “Beat Back the Dogmato-Revisionist Attack on Mao Tsetung Thought: Comments on Enver Hoxha’s Imperialism and the Revolution”, by J. Werner
Separate French translation of this one article: “Riposter a l’attaque Dogmato-Revisionniste sur la Pensée Maotsetoung”, (Chicago: RCPUSA, 1979), 114 pages. Searchable PDF format (5,712 KB)- “Some Notes on the Study of What Is to Be Done? and Its Implications for the Struggle Today”, by J.P.
- “Plato: Classical Ideologue of Reaction”, by J.S.
- “China, the Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Professor Bettelheim (or How Not to Criticize Revisionism)”, by C.R.
Revolution [Theoretical Journal] (1975-1994)
[Founded as the monthly “Organ of the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA”, in October 1975, and as the continuation of the monthly newspaper of its main predecessor organization, the Revolutionary Union. During the first three years this was the national newspaper of the RCP, and included theoretical articles and polemics as well as commenting on the views and activities of the Party and the events of the day. Starting with volume 4 in January 1979, it switched to magazine format, and became a more focused theoretical journal. Note that this is not the same publication as the current weekly newspaper by the same name which the RCP has published since 2005.]
- Revolution, Vol. 1, #1, October 1975, 11 pages in English, 5 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [7,714 KB] Articles include:
- “Revolutionary Communist Party Founded!”
- “Minders Go Back, After Dealing a Powerful Blow”
- “The Working Class Movement and the Tasks of the Party”, by Bob Avakian
- Editorial: “Revolution is Paper of Class and Its Party”
- Editorial: “U.S. Cities are Falling Apart as Crisis Grows”
- “P.O. Contract Battle: Summing Up to Build on the Advances”
- “Louisville Busing Plan: Mass Resistance to Ruling Class Attack”
- “Boston: Battle vs. Phase 2 Continues”
- “Demand Grows Sharper: ‘Jobs — Now!’”
- “New Mideast ‘Agreement’: Step Toward Peace? Just the Opposite”
- “Meany & Co. Peddling ‘National Unity’: Grain Deal: It’s the People Who Pay”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,542 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 1, #2, November 15, 1975, 15 pages in English, 5 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [10,762 KB] Articles include:
- “Milwaukee Meatcutters Step Up 10-Month Battle”
- “AFL Chiefs Back Capitalist Attacks”
- “Elections in [Coal] Fields Bring New Stage in Struggle”
- “On the World Situation, War and Revolutionary Struggle: Class Analysis Key”
- Editorial: “Zionism Hit in UN Vote; U.S. Rulers Feel Heat”
- Editorial: “Capitalists, Not Masses Must Pay for NY Crisis”
- “Across the Country: Celebrations Mark Formation of Party”
- “A Statement from the RCP Central Committee”
- “RSB Now Student Group of Party: Meets to Build Student Movement”
- “Workers Rock Spain Government: Upsurge Threatens U.S. Interests”
- “Lebanon: Civil War Shakes U.S. Hold”
- “Exploitation Award to US, USSR Experts ”
- “Headlines for Patty, Squeaky, Sara Moore: Why the Big Splash?”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,623 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 1, #3, December 15, 1975, 15 pages in English, 5 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [10,804 KB] Articles include:
- “Angola Fighting Fueled by U.S., U.S.S.R. Control Bids”
- “Cars and Crisis: Workers Buck Auto Bosses’ Profit Drive”
- “Shipyard Strike Sabotaged by Hacks” [Groton, Conn.]
- “Mass Line is Key to Lead Masses in Making Revolution”
- “Ford China Trip Underlines War Danger”
- “[Eldridge] Cleaver Crawls Back, Slanders Struggle”
- “City ‘Saved’: New Plan to Squeeze N.Y.C. Masses”
- “S-1 Bill: Capitalists Prepare for Storms Ahead”
- “Dirt on FBI and CIA Exposes Class Rule”
- “Rapid Changes in Portugal Situation”
- “W. Europe Revisionists Barrier to Revolution; Aid to USSR”
- “Seattle Steelworkers: Walkout Sparks Layoff Fight”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,667 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 1, #4, January 15, 1976, 16 pages in English, 4 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [11,493 KB] Articles include:
- “Chou En-lai 1898-1976: A Communist All His Life”
- “Fight Back July4! 200 Years is Long Enough!”
- “Post Strikers Slam Union Busting”
- “’76 Contracts Call For Struggle”
- “December Demos Demand ‘Jobs or Income’: Jobless March Nationwide”
- “Meatcutters Strike Enters Second Year”
- “Students Beat NJ Tuition Hike, Tax Increase”
- “[President] Ford Vetos Construction Bill”
- “High Stakes in Angola Civil War: U.S., USSR Face Off in Africa”
- “Crisis Hits Steel, Rank & File Organize”
- “Coalfield Wildcats Continue: Miller Launches Wave of Attacks on Miners”
- “Teamster Sellout in the Works: Fitz: ‘Strikes are Bad for Business’”
- “British Chrysler ‘Saved’ at Workers Expense”
- “History Punches Holes in JFK Myth”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [2,750 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 1, #5, February 15, 1976, 20 pages in English, 4 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [14,909 KB] Articles include:
- “Cuba: Evaporation of a Myth — From Anti-Imperialist Revolution to Pawn of Social-Imperialism”
- “Election Babble Begins: Ford Budget Debate Covers Real Attacks”
- “Battle Brews in Garment Industry”
- “People Resist Detroit Busing Plan”
- “Editorial: Important Workers Organization Formed in NY-NJ Area”
- “Editorial: The Stronger the Role of Women, the Stronger Will Be Our Movement”
- “‘Equal Rights’ Used as Cover: Cal. Women Robbed of Overtime Pay Law”
- “4000 Demonstrate for Jobs in Atlanta: March Leaders Push Dead-End Schemes”
- “Houston Fight Against Union Busting”
- “Fight Mounts as Jobless Benefits Cut”
- “40,000 Apply for 2,000 Jobs”
- “Imperialism Guilty in Guatemalan Tragedy”
- “Fight Continues to Jail Police Killers” [Oakland]
- “1776: Cleared Way for Capitalism”
- “Meetings Held to Honor Life of Chou En-lai”
- “Paul Robeson: Freedom Fighter”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [2,921 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 1, #6, March 15, 1976, 16 pages in English, 8 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [11,845 KB] Articles include:
- “We’ve Carried the Rich for 200 Years; Let’s Get Them Off Our Backs!”
- “Jobs Convoys Roll Through New Jersey and Ohio”
- “6000 Students Battle NJ Tuition Hikes”
- “Mass Line Is Key to Methods of Leading Struggle”
- “Editorial: On to May Day!”
- “Editorial: China Puts Fat in Fire by Inviting Nixon to Peking”
- “Revolution and Superpower Drive to War: Angola Spotlights World Trends”
- “Key Contract Fight Looms in Rubber: Workers Say: No Repeat of ’73 Sellout!”
- “20,000 Wildcat, Demand Black Lung Benefits”
- “Miners’ Blood on Bosses’ Hands”
- “Utility Rates Soar; Masses Raise Hell”
- “1,500 March Through Honolulu: Hawaii Eviction Fight Builds”
- “Face-lift for Repression Law: Rulers Haggle Over S-1”
- “Paris Commune: They Dared to Storm Heaven”
- “New Tsars Hold Party Congress” [U.S.S.R.]
- “Defeats Slave System: Civil War Opens New Era of Class War”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [6,065 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 1, #7, April 15, 1976, 17 pages in English, 3 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [12,382 KB] Articles include:
- “Capitalist Economy: Deeper Crisis, Not Recovery”
- “Auto Contract Battle Lines Drawn”
- “Forces Gather for July 4th Demo”
- “April 1975 DC Jobs Rally: Using Mass Line to Sum Up Struggle”
- “Party Must Answer Questions of Masses On War”
- “Gert Alexander: A Great Loss, A Great Example”
- “First Anniversary of Liberation: Vietnam: Struggle Continues”
- “All Out for May Day!” [Full page poster]
- “Portland UWOC Defends Workers: Fight, Don’t Starve!”
- “Fitzsimmons Takes Bosses’ Stand, But..." Truckers Force National Strike”
- “Palestinian Risings Shake Zionist Rule”
- “Angry Workers Slam Ford on Safety, Speedup”
- “Auto Contract Battle Lines Drawn...”
- “ISST Out to Split Industrial Unions”
- “Big San Francsco Strike: City Workers Fight Massive Wage Cuts”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [2,244 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 1, #8, May 15, 1976, 17 pages in English, 7 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [12,733 KB] Articles include:
- “May Day Celebrated Nationwide”
- “Momentum Builds for July 4th Demo”
- “Rubber Workers Clash With Big 4”
- “Capitalist Attack Staved Off By S.F. City Strike”
- “The Day to Day Struggle and the Revolutionary Goal”, by Bob Avakian
- “Bosses, Hacks Lash Out at Rank and File in Mine Union”
- “World War: The Correct Stand Is a Class Question”
- “Can a Leopard Change His Spots? U.S. Tries ‘New Policy’ in Africa”
- “Opportunists Plan Rally: Deadend Approach to the Bicentennial”
- “China: New Victories in Revolution”
- “New Upsurge Among French Students”
- “Proletarian Dictatorship Vs Bourgeois ‘Democracy’”
- “FBI Exposed in Panther Killings”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [5,099 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 1, #9, June 15, 1976, 15 pages in English, 5 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [11,395 KB] Articles include:
- “On to Philly July 4th!”
- “Superpowers Grab for Lebanon: Lebanese, PLO Battle Syria”
- “Rank & File Organize, Win Foundry Strike” [West Coast]
- “On the Slogan ‘We Won’t Fight Another Rich Man’s War’”
- “Debate Challenge to PSP [Puerto Rican Socialist Party]”
- “18,000 Shut Phone Co.: Ohio Bell Wildcat Against Job Cuts”
- “VVAW Seizes Statue of Liberty”
- “Garment, Textile Unions Merge: New Union Calls Textile Campaign”
- “Praise Speedup: Garment Bosses, Hacks Force Sellout”
- “Rank and File Miners Resist Miller’s Attack”
- “H.S. Students Unite for Equal and Quality Education” [Milwaukee]
- “People Say, ‘Lousy Housing Has to Go’”
- “Women Workers Attacked: Ruling Class Slashes Day Care”
- “Strikes, Demos Rock Greece”
- “General Electric: Contract Up for 125,000 Workers”
- “Jimmy Carter: New Skin on Old Baloney”
- “Rubber Workers Hang Tough”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,925 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 1, #10, July 15, 1976, 20 pages in English [plus middle portion of center double-page fold-out, for easier reading]; 4 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [15,582 KB] Articles include:
- “Big Victory for Working Class: Battle of the Bicentennial” [Including center-spread with many photos.]
- “Carter Gets the Nod from Capitalists”
- “Rank & File Plan August Demo: Honeymoon Vibes at Auto Talks”
- “Lessons of Class Struggle Around July 4th: Build On Advances Won in Battle”
- “Chu Teh, Revolutionary (1886-1976)”
- “Political Struggle in Olympic Arena”
- “Rubber Strikers Holding Firm”
- “Milwaukee Meatcutters’ Strike: Grasp of Mass Line Deepens in Struggle”
- “Humphrey-Hawkins Bill: Sky High Promises, Low-Life Attacks”
- “UWOC Maps Plans at Conference”
- “1,500 Erupt Against Cops in Ohio Walkout”
- “Youth Meet After 4th, Discuss YCL Proposal”
- “Party’s Speech at July 4th: ‘We Make Society Run, Why Can’t We Run Society?’”, by Bob Avakian
- “Call Flails at July 4 Demo: Pathetic Attack Exposes Class Role” [On October League (OL)]
- “Strikes in Poland Rock Regime”
- “European Revisionist Conference: Disarray and Self-Exposure”
- “Steel Workers Shake Hacks Grip”
- “Wave of Rebellions Against Apartheid”
- “1st Strike in 20 Years Hits Westinghouse”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [2,893 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 1, #11, August 15, 1976, 15 pages in English, 5 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [11,465 KB] Articles include:
- “Rubber Strike Wins Big Gains”
- “120,000 Wildcat: Miners Say ‘Don’t Sic Your Courts on Us’”
- “Line on USSR, World Situation: Guardian Sows Confustion, Caves In to Imperialism”
- “Imperialist War and the Interests of the Proletariat”
- “Editorial: Third U.S.-China Friendship Convention”
- “Editorial: Down With San Quentin 6 Frame-Up”
- “Editorial: Tal Zaatar Will Be Avenged”
- “Auto Rank and File Make Contract Plans”
- “Eviction Battle Grows in S.F.” [I-Hotel]
- “Struggle in South Africa Escalates”
- “Tanzam Railway a Blow to Imperialism”
- “Swine Flu Threat? Vaccine Bottled Up in Profit System”
- “Hawaii UWOC Campaign: Mass Line Guides Unemployed Demo”
- “Milwaukee United Workers Organization: Area-Wide Workers Group Founded”
- “Chinese People Battle Quake”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,714 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 1, #12, October 1, 1976, 11 pages in English, 5 pages in Spanish, plus 16-page English Supplement on the death of Mao Tsetung.
- Entire Regular English part: Searchable PDF image format [7,842 KB] Articles include:
- “Message on the Death of Mao Tsetung from the RCP,USA to the Communist Party of China”
- “Fight Hacks Plans for Phoney Strike: Ford Strikers in Tough Battle”
- “Steel Workers Carry Struggle to Convention”
- “Carter & Ford Road Show: ’76 Elections a Trap Not a Solution”
- “Politicians Fight for $ Interests, We Must Fight for Our Own!”
- “Celebrate the Victories of the Working Class! Carry Forward the Revolutionary Tradition!”
- “Important Conference Planned” [In New York City; on the International Situation]
- “Azania Rises Up Righteous & Mighty”
- “Workers Beaten, Shot at Union Meeting: Hacks’ Assault Fails to Stop Struggle” [Dayton, Ohio]
- “What Is U.S. Doing in Korea?”
- Supplement on the Death of Mao Tsetung, in English, 16 pages: Searchable PDF image format [12,903 KB] Articles:
- “We, the Working People of the World, Are Mao’s Successors”, speech by Bob Avakian at a memorial meeting for Mao.
- “Mao Tsetung on the Black People’s Struggle in the U.S.”
- “Memorial Speech by Hua Kuo-feng”
- “A Lifetime of Hard Struggle and Great Contributions”
- “Cultural Revolution: Breakthrough on the Road to Communism”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,364 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 2, #1, October 1975, 19 pages in English, 5 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [13,009 KB] Articles include:
- “Actions Combat Capitalists’ Election Offensive”
- “Despite Ford Sellout: Auto Workers Advance Struggle”
- “Big Advance in NYC Crisis Fight”
- “Class Struggle Key Link: Chinese People Will Carry Out Mao’s Line, Continue Revolution”
- “UMWA Convention: Top Hacks Feud, Attack Rank & File”
- “Reactionary Coup in Thailand”
- “Kissinger Rhodesia Scheme Attacked”
- “Nov. 13, New York City: Conference on Int’l Situation”
- “Takeover Exposes GI Bill Cuts: Free Ashby Leach!”
- “I Hotel Eviction Battle Heats Up” [San Francisco]
- “UFW Leaders Chart Dead-End Course”
- “UWA Ag-Implement Contract Struggle”
- “RCP Holds Elections Forums”
- “E. Europe and the Great Liberators”
- “CP & SWP Election Campaigns: Fresh Paint on ‘Democracy’ Facade”
- “Chicago’s Southwest Side: Behind the Conflict in Marquette Park”
- Index to Volume 1
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,870 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 2, #2, December 1976, 16 pages in English, 4 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [12,288 KB] Articles include:
- “Carter In, Ford Out—Future Holds More Struggle”
- “Conference Big Succcess: 2300 Meet On Int’l Situation”
- “Bob Avakian, Chairman of CC, RCP: Excerpts from Conference Speech”
- “Rank & File Utilize Sadlowski Race” [Steel]
- “Steel Victory—Local 3059 Freed!”
- “Message to the Party of Labor of Albania [From the RCP,USA]”
- “USCPFA Convention: Build Peoples’ Friendship Broadly”
- “Ashby Leach Battle Heats Up”
- “Angry Vet Speaks Out”
- “Plans Nationwide Fight: UWOC Mobilizes to Free Bornson, Davis”
- “Attack on ISA by Shah and U.S., French Imperialism”
- “Students Hit Shah, S. Africa Rulers”
- “Settlements at GM, Chrysler Bad News”
- “‘Peace’ Imposed in Lebanon War”
- “Castro’s Cure for Sugar Woes: More Sugar!”
- “UFW Ballot Defeat in California”
- “Woody Allen in The Front: New Movie Dumps on ’50s Red Hunts”
- “Some Lessons of July 4th: The Mass Line in Political Struggle”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,091 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 2, #3, January 1977, 17 pages in English, 3 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [13,072 KB] Articles include:
- “New Carter ‘Promise’: Inflation and No Jobs”
- “Seize Land, Fight Authorities: Storm of Struggle in Rural Mexico”
- “Chicago Nurses Gain in Long Strike”
- “Theoretical Struggle Crucial Part of Working Class Movement”
- “Death Toll Rises in Gum Plant Blast” [NYC]
- “Long Battle to Save I-Hotel Still Hot”
- “Suicidal Killer Used to Bring Back Death Penalty”
- “Int’l Conference Provokes OL, Guardian”
- “Letter Responds to Call Distortions”
- “High Court Judges Attack Women: No Disability Pay for Pregnant Workers”
- “New Rulings Attack Minorities: Capitalists Play Up ‘Reverse Bias’ Bunk”
- “Kissinger Leaves, Policies Remain: Capitalists Change Guard at State Dept”
- “Victory at Entebbe: TV Movie Glorifies Zionist Aggression”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [2,428 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 2, #4, February 1977, 20 pages in English, 4 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [15,189 KB] Articles include:
- “Unemployment Campaign Launched: Fight Benefit Cutoff!”
- “Thousands Roll Back I-Hotel Eviction Attempt”
- “Rank & File Advances in Steel Fight”
- “Free Puerto Rico Right Now! Statehood Ploy Can’t Hide Colonialism”
- “Cutbacks, National Oppression at Root: Dozens Perish in Chicago Fires”
- “One China! U.S. Out of Taiwan!”
- “Ailing AMC Hands Workers Ultimatum”
- “OL Bloodies Own Nose With Its ‘Main Blow’”
- “Leach Campaign Focuses Anger of Veterans”
- “Outrageous 2nd Carter-Artis Frameup” [Hurricane Carter & John Artis]
- “Oil Tanker Wrecks Expose Criminal Profit Drive”
- “OPEC Price Hike Hits Imperialism”
- “Armed Struggle Continues: Zimbabwe Battles On Many Fronts”
- “Brass Busts Black GIs, KKK Goes Free”
- “School Closings Blamed on Taxpayers”
- “Hundreds Occupy Valley in Hawaii: Big Victory in Land and Housing Fight”
- “Advances in Struggle of Wisconsin Indians”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,014 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 2, #5, March 1977, 20 pages in English, 4 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [15,017 KB] Articles include:
- “UWOC Hits Benefit Cuts; Calls Mar. 5 Demo in DC” [Unemployed Worker Organizing Committee]
- “Fans Hatred of Oppression: Millions Discuss, Debate Roots”
- “Rank & File Take On UMWA Elections”
- “Soaring Gas Bills Spark Struggle”
- “Gas Blackmail and What’s Behind It”
- “Celebrate International Women’s Day”
- “Bay Area United Workers Organization: Workers Conference Make Changes, Plans”
- “Crime: Scourge of Masses, Child of Capital”
- “Soviets Seek to Edge Out U.S.: Argentina—Masses on Move”
- “Vile Letter Attacks Vietnam”
- “Workers Take Over Star Sprinkler Plant”
- “GM, UAW Bigwigs Buddy Up to ‘Honor’ Flint Strike”
- “Forward from Sadlowski Campaign: Steel Demo Kicks Off Contract Fight”
- “New Law Attacks Immigrants”
- “Political Turmoil Spreading in Spain”
- “O.L., Where Are You?”
- “International Situation: 500 Attend LA Conference”
- “Egypt Hit by Mass Rebellion”
- “ISA, RSB Actions Hit At Shah’s Repression”
- “Protest Marks Year of Campaign to Free Davis and Bornsen” [Portland]
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,006 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 2, #6, April 1977, 24 pages in English, 4 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [18,029 KB] Articles include:
- “1000 in DC Rip Cuts, Carter ‘Jobs’ Scheme”
- “Buzzards Screech at Vultures: ‘Human Rights’: Ploy in U.S.-USSR Rivalry”
- “Summing Up the Steel Election Battle”
- “Student Rage Storms Thru Italy”
- “Lessons in Applying Mass Line in I-Hotel Fight”
- “Raises Main Tasks and Demands: Mayday Focuses and Builds Class Struggle”
- “A Final Word On the OL’s Cowardice”
- “Workers Viewpoint Organization—Theoretical Mishmash: Opportunism In Its Own Right”
- “Letters: Reader Raises Busing Questions”
- “1500 Rout KKK in Florida”
- “RSB Rallies Students Vs. Racist Regimes in Africa”
- “Amin Used to Hit African Liberation”
- “Growers Counting on UFW Leadership: Teamsters Forced Out of the Fields”
- “In Memory of Comrade Gert Alexander”
- “AFL-CIO Miami Meeting: Snakes Bask in Sun, Prepare More Poison”
- “Jailed Freedom Fighter in Puerto Rico: Thousands Hail Lolita Lebrón”
- “A-C Workers Force Strike: Anger Boils Into Walkout”
- “The Real Dynamics of the Arms Race”
- “5000 Supporters Attend Benefit: New Victories in Hawaii Land Struggle”
- “Leach Campaign Puts System On Trial”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,079 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 2, #7, May 1977, 23 pages in English, 5 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [17,603 KB] Articles include:
- “Another Call for ‘Equal’ Sacrifice: Carter’s Energy ‘War’ Aimed at the People”
- “Soviet Backed Mercenaries Invade Zaire”
- “March on White Hous African Liberation Day!”
- “Building a National Organization: Workers Prepare Bold Step Forward”
- “Call For a National Workers Organization”
- “Jobless Advance Off of Campaign”
- “Workers Hit Union-Busting Roadshow”
- “First Battle Vs. Carter’s Energy War”
- “Philly Transit Strike Hits Hacks, City: Thumbs Down On Attempted Sellout”
- “Plan Laid for a Young Communist Org: Militant Youth Meet, Map Road Ahead”
- “Steel Local 3059: Workers Wildcat, B&W Counterattacks”
- “Steel Contract Has Feathers, Gobbles”
- “UAW Local Wages 11 Day Wildcat”
- “One More Outrage in Fred Hampton Murder”
- “Anti-Imperialist Fighter: Shirley Graham DuBois 1907-1977”
- “Leach Trial Victory: Major Charges Beaten”
- “Repression, Struggle Mount in Ethiopia”
- “Castro/Podgorny Take African Safari”
- “Push for Tariff War: Garment Hacks Go to Bat for Bosses”
- “Indira Gandhi Booted Out of Office”
- “OL’s Draft ‘Program’: Trite—and Wrong”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,857 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 2, #8, June 1977, 25 pages in English, 3 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [19,180 KB] Articles include:
- “All Africa Is Rising Up!”
- “Salt Talks No. 197...: U.S., USSR Each Out to Disarm—the Other”
- “Plan for New Workers Group Picks Up Steam”
- “Workers Move to ‘Bust the Union Busters’”
- “Revolutionary Work In A Non-Revolutionary Situation, Excerpts from C.C. Report (Part One)”
- “Atlanta City Strikers Stabbed by ‘Friends’ in Government”
- “UAW Convention Steps Up Treachery”
- “Carter’s UAW Convention Speech Picketed”
- “Ghost of Nixon Haunts Bourgeoisie”
- “Thousands Say No to Nuclear Plant” [New Hampshire]
- “University of Miami: Stop Tuition Hikes!”
- “Students Defend Memory of Kent Martyrs”
- “Building Seizure Hits Apartheid” [Stanford University]
- “May Day Celebrated in 24 Cities”
- “Statement on May Day, 1977”, by the Central Committee, RCP,USA.
- “Not Guilty! Framed Warrior Freed” [Menominee struggle in Wisconsin]
- “Angry Steel March in Pittsburgh”
- “Editorial: Hail African Liberation Day!”
- “Black Liberation: A Mighty Force”
- “43 Day SEPTA Strike Sabotaged” [Philadelphia]
- “‘Drop’ in Unemployed Covers Real Attacks”
- “Can’t Solve Contradictions: Western Leaders Talk Unity”
- “Students in Moscow Hit Ethiopian Regime”
- “4000 Attend Nationwide: International Conferences Conclude on West Coast”
- “Chicago and Louisville, Ky.: Workers Take On Police Repression”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [2,278 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 2, #9, July 1977, 22 pages in English, 6 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [17,145 KB] Articles include:
- “Puerto Ricans Rise Up in Chicago: Righteous Rebellion in Humboldt Park”
- “Masses Mobilize to Stop New I-Hotel Eviction Try”
- “Down with Krugerrand—Crutch for Apartheid”
- “1600+ March for African Freedom”
- “
Revolutionary Work in a Non-Revolutionary Situation” - “On the Three Worlds and the International Situation”
- “Latrobe Strike Ends in Victory”
- “New Film on the Battle of the Bicentennial”
- “Trico Workers Wipe Out Company Union”
- “Court Rulings Aimed at Strike Weapon”
- “Battle Vs. Union Busting in St. Louis”
- “Iowa Meatcutters in Contract Fight: Nation’s Largest Packer Struck”
- “New Czars Unveil Constitution”
- “Zionist Hoodlum Wins Israel Vote”
- “Garment Sellout Sparks Buffalo Wildcat”
- “Mozambique, ZIPA Beat Back Invasion”
- “Harry Bridges Retires: The Rotting of a Union Leader”
- “Angola’s Rulers Exposed in Coup Attempt”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [4,630 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 2, #10, August 1977, 15 pages in English, 5 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [11,339 KB] Articles include:
- “Launch a Nat’l Workers Group: All Out to Chicago September 3-4!”
- “Angry Actions Rip Fascist Grouplets”
- “St. Louis O.C. Helps Build Strike”
- “Party’s Basic Organization Rooted in Making Revolution”
- “Mass Flare-Up in NY Blackout”
- “Two Superpowers: Equally Enemies of World’s People”
- “Battle Lines at Kent State”
- “2nd National Conference: UWOC Convenes, Maps Battle Plans”
- “Miners Wildcat Vs. Health Blackmail”
- “Youth Plan to Take Jobs Fight to Wall St.”
- “Eurocommunism and the New Czars”
- “B-1 Out, Neutron Bomb In: U.S. Steps Up Arms Development”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [4,155 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 2, #11, September 1977, 20 pages in English, 4 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [15,307 KB] Articles include:
- “Convention to Mark Big Advance: Seize the Time in ’77!” [Forming a workers’ organizaion.]
- “Eviction at I-Hotel”
- “Kent State Gym Battle Still Hot and Heavy”
- “Stock Prices Fall: Youth Slam Wall St. with Jobs Demand”
- “The Tasks of Party Branches, the Task of Revolution”
- “Wars Flare on Horn of Africa”
- “Miners Battle On, Continue Wildcat”
- “Convention Plans Set”
- “Free Buddy Cohran!”
- “Workers Unite to Lead the Fight Against All Oppression”
- “New Busts in Anti-Klan Fight”
- “Major Steel Strike Erupts in Iron Ore”
- “Johnstown Pa.: Reopen the Mill, Rebuild the Town”
- “Court, Hacks Go All Out to Bust Strike” [St. Louis]
- “New Treaty Keeps U.S. Grip on Canal”
- “No Peace for South African Racists”
- “New Plan Attacks ‘Illegal’ Workers”
- “Tear Down the Boards, Open the Doors, Reopen the I-Hotel!”
- “Welfare ‘Reform’: Slave or Starve”
- “Vance Ups U.S. Bid for MidEast Control”
- “Heat Wildcats Burn Auto Giants”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,057 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #1, October 1977, 22 pages in English, 6 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [16,239 KB] Articles include:
- “1500 Unite at Convention: Fighting Workers Organization Founded”
- “Plan Should Be Upheld: Reaction Erupts Over Chicago Busing”
- “History and Lessons of the National Liaison Committee: Marxism, Nationalism and the Task of Party Building”
- “Youth Set Agenda for Convention” [About upcoming founding convention of a national Communist youth organization]
- “Marcos Manuevers: Philippine Struggle Forges Ahead”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [4,444 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #2, November 1977, 16 pages in English, 4 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [11,987 KB] Articles include:
- “Killer Cops Walk Free, Houston Masses Fight Back”
- “60th Anniversary of Bolshevik Revolution: Learning From October: The High Road to Revolution”
- “Message to the Communist Part of China on October 1, 1977”
- “Some Comrades’ Experience: The Fight to Grasp Theory”
- “Actions Coast to Coast: Bakke Case Under Heavy Fire”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,091 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #3, December 1977, 16 pages in English, 4 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [11,991 KB] Articles include:
- “Revolutionary Communist youth Brigade Founded!”
- “5000 Battle SAVAK, Cops: Anger Explodes as Shah Visits Carter”
- “Revolutionary Potential: Veterans a Key Force in Class War”
- “Miners Struggle at a Crossroads”
- “Jobs Campaign Moves Forward: NUWO Leaders Meet to Plan Strategy”
- “Old Age Under Capitalism: Crisis Endangers Social Security”
- “2000 March in Mesabi Mine Strike”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,064 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #4, January 1978, 18 pages in English, 6 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [13,698 KB] Articles include:
- “Strike Chokes Off Coal Production: Capitalists Hit Hard by Miners Strike”
- “Editorial: Repudiate the Call for Menshevik Unity!” [Nominally against the CP(ML), but probably primarily directed against rightists then in the process of splitting from the RCP.]
- “Driven Under—Farmers Rebel”
- “U.S.-Sadat-Zionist Collusion: Palestinians Attack ‘Peace Plan’”
- “Communism—Road Forward for Youth”
- “Book Review: Who Should Play God?”
- “Militant Demonstrations Slam Krugerrand”
- “Pullman Strikers Picket Wall St.”
- “Steel Workers Fight for Every Job”
- “2000 Plus Attend ISA Convention” [Iranian students]
- “AFL-CIO Backs Carter Attacks”
- “Ohio Klan-Busters Acquitted” [3 NUWO members]
- “Federal Reserve & Finance Capital: Carter Axes Arthur Burns”
- “Free José Maria Sison! Philippine CP Leader Arrested”
- “Frame-up of Filipina Nurses Overturned”
- “Lockheed Workers Wage 84 Day Strike”
- “NCOB Refuses to Unite: Professionals Meet on Bakke Case”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [4,513 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #5, February 1978, 23 pages in English, 5 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [17,950 KB] Articles include:
- “Miners Press On Despite Sellout Attempt: Support Struggle in the Coalfields!”
- “RCYB Consolidates on Correct Line: Arrogant Clique Suffers Defeat” [Related to rightist split-off from RCP]
- “Jan. 21 Unemployment Demo: 250 March in California”
- “Party of Proletariat Strengthened: How Bolsheviks Defeated Mensheviks” [Relevant to current RCP internal struggle.]
- “Editorial: First Time Tragedy, Second Time Farce” [Related to hostile “left” newspaper coverage of rightist split-off from RCP]
- “Summing Up Advanced Experience: The High Road in Vets’ Work”
- “Crisis Grips Auto Giants”
- “Chrysler Strikers Regain Jobs”
- “District 65 Hacks Exposed: NYC Steelworkers Wage Militant Strike”
- “Chile Election Hoax Meets Resistance”
- “Youngstown Steel Shutdown: ‘Worker Ownership’ Dead End Scheme”
- “Important Analysis of Revisionism and Capitalist Restoration”
- “J.P. Stevens Union Drive”
- “Wilmington Ten Frame-up Continues”
- “U.S. Cries Foul in Trade Wars: But ‘Free Trade’ Still Main Banner”
- “HHH [Hubert Humphrey]: Happy Warrior for the Bourgeoisie”
- “UAW Int’l Sells Out Essex Strikers”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,952 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #6, March 1978, 20 pages in English, 4 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [15,599 KB] Articles include:
- “Miners’ Struggle Confronts Capitalist State: Down with Taft-Hartley! Down with Federal Seizure!”
- “U.S. Scurries for Comeback: Horn of Africa: Soviet Forces Roll”
- “Wrong Line on ‘Carter’ Offensive: Reject Revisionism in Unemployment Work”
- “The Paris Commune: First Proletarian Dictatorship”
- “International Women’s Day: Why the Proletariat Celebrates IWD”
- “Smith, Black Collaborators Connive: Sham ‘Majority Rule’ for Zimbabwe”
- “Mighty Upsurge of Struggle in Iran”
- “People Rise Up Against Somoza”
- “CP(ML) Tells Masses ‘Let’s Go Backwards’: Two Lines in Hawaii Eviction Fight”
- “D.C. Jobs Gathering: Reformism—Key Link in CP(ML) Campaign”
- “Support Grows Nationwide: Rank & File Actions in Coalfield Battle”
- “NUWO Defeats Wreckers” [About role of Mensheviks who split from RCP]
- “How to View Results of I-Hotel Struggle”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,268 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #7-8, April-May 1978, 26 pages in English, 6 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [20,844 KB] Articles include:
- “2nd Party Congress Deepens Victory: Opening Remarks at Congress”
- “2nd Party Congress: Communique”
- “Party Routs Revisionist Clique: The High Road vs. the Well-Worn Rut”
- “Mao Tsetung’s Immortal Contributions: Part I: Revolution in Colonial Countries”
- “Opportunists Let Enemy Off Hook: 15,000 Hit Bakke Decision”
- “Call Attacks Dictatorship of Proletariat: Mao’s Line Offends CP(ML)”
- “Fight Imperialism and National Oppression from the USA to the USA: African Liberation Day”
- “Miners, All Workers Advance in Strike: Contract Itself Stinks”
- “Panama Canal Treaties: New Face Lift for Colonialism”
- “Masses Hit Shah, U.S. Imperialism: Uprising Spiral in Iran”
- “Neutron Bomb—A Phony Delay”
- “UWOC Reaffirms Fighting Stand: Hold Nat’l Meeting in St. Louis”
- “Mass Support Key in I-Hotel 10 Victory”
- “Holocaust Promotes Zionism: Masses Blamed for Nazi Genocide”
- “No Tears for Italy’s Aldo Moro: Revisionists Fret for Class Brother”
- “Japanese Farmers, Workers, Students Unite: Militant Struggle Halts New Airport”
- “Spanish CP Dumps Lenin”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [4,966 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #9, June 1978, Section I: 17 pages in English, 3 pages in Spanish; Section II: 9 pages in English, 7 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part of Section I: Searchable PDF image format [15,023 KB] Articles include:
- “Capitalists Hit Back With Heavy Charges: Mass Uprising In Houston Against Police Terror”
- “Imperialists Claw at Zaire”
- “Uprisings Intensify in Iran: General Strike in Tehran”
- “Chicago Cops Bust 173 Iranian Students”
- “Two-Line Struggle Deepens Understanding: Sharpen Weapon of the Party’s Press”
- “Mensheviks Teach by Negative Example: RCP Coalfield Work Advances in Struggle”
- “May Day Charts Revolutionary Course”
- “CPML Takes Side of Houston Police: Denounces ‘Adventurists’”
- “‘Blue Collar’ Movies Do O.T. for Bourgeoisie: Some Call Them ‘Proletarian’”
- “Soviet Aggression Against China”
- “1500 Rally at Kent State on May 4 Anniversary”
- “2nd Congress Drives CPML to Frenzy”
- “Soviet/Cuban Troops Aid Mengistu: New Offensive Launched Against Eritrea”
- “King Legacy: Reformism and Capitulation: Opposed Black Liberation Struggle”
- Entire English part of Section II: Mao Tsetung’s Immortal Contributions, “Part 2: Revolutionary War and Military Line” Searchable PDF image format [7,333 KB]
- Entire Spanish part of Section I: Searchable PDF image format [2,415 KB]
- Entire Spanish part of Section II: Las Contribuciones Immortales de Mao Tsetung, “Primera Parte: Revolución en Países Coloniales” Searchable PDF image format [6,050 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #10, July 1978, Section I: 24 pages in English, 4 pages in Spanish; Section II: 7 pages in English, 9 pages in Spanish. (Note: The English edition is incorrectly labelled Vol. 3, #9 on the cover.)
- Entire English part of Section I: Searchable PDF image format [20,357 KB] Articles include:
- “Bakke Ruling: Legal Seal for Reactionary Onslaught”
- “2nd Convention of RCYB: Firm Ground for New Advances”
- “ALD: Support African Peoples’ Struggles”
- “Economic Struggle & Revolutionary Tasks: ‘Center of Gravity’ Repudiated”
- “The Hand that Lurks Behind the Nazis”
- “June 5 General Strike in Iran”
- “‘Tax Revolt’ Won’t Ease Masses’ Burden”
- “NATO, Zaire Meetings: U.S. Talks Tought, Sharpens Knives”
- “Mensheviks in the Slag Heap: Forging Correct Line in Steel”
- “Auto Elections Used to Hit Two-Headed Monster”
- “Steering Committee Meets: NUWO Sums Up, Plots Advance”
- “Party Speech at RCYB Convention: ‘Promote Revolutionary Struggles’”
- “18,000 Hit Seabrook Nuclear Plant”
- “Executed 25 Years Ago: Rosenbergs: Martyred by Imperialist Offensive”
- “Postal Crisis is Capitalist Crisis: Strike Weapon Needed as Contract Nears”
- “Covers for the Capitalists: OSHA Fiddles While Workers Burn”
- “France, May 1968”
- Entire English part of Section II: Mao Tsetung’s Immortal Contributions, “Part 3: Political Economy, Economic Policy and Socialist Construction” Searchable PDF image format [6,630 KB]
- Entire Spanish part of Section I: Searchable PDF image format [3,620 KB]
- Entire Spanish part of Section II: Las Contribuciones Immortales de Mao Tsetung, Parte 2. Searchable PDF image format [7,516 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #11, August 1978, Section I: 16 pages in English, 4 pages in Spanish; Section II: 12 pages in English, 8 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part of Section I: Searchable PDF image format [13,578 KB] Articles include:
- “Postal Wildcats Deliver Blow to Sellout”
- “Demos Target Shah, U.S. Imperialism: Iran: 25 Years of Bloody Rule”
- “Crown Heights, N.Y.: Struggle Builds Against Police Terror”
- “Ad for Mao Tsetung Memorial Meetings in New York City and San Francisco”
- “Cleveland March Commemorates ’68 Rebellion”
- “Six Cities: Nationwide Actions Defend Houston Rebellion”
- “Mensheviks Sow Confusion on Fusion” [On the fusion of Marxism and the workers’ movement]
- “‘Test Tube Baby’ Ires Vatican: Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t”
- “Decked Nazi with 2x4: Oregon Court Railroads Steelworker”
- “Ridiculous Attack on RCP: Communists ‘Discovered’ in Alabama”
- “USSR Sponsors Coup in South: Yemen: Superpower Battleground”
- “What’s Behind Flap Over Soviet Dissident Trials?”
- “Native Americans ‘Longest Walk’ Hits Government”
- “Cops Protect Nazis in Chicago: Capitalist Promote Nazi Trash”
- “Zimbabwean Liberation Fores Advance: U.S., Britain Prop Up ‘Internal Settlement’”
- “1100 Strike Safeway’s Killer Production Plan”
- Entire English part of Section II: Mao Tsetung’s Immortal Contributions, “Part 4: Philosophy” Searchable PDF image format [10,776 KB]
- Entire Spanish part of Section I: Searchable PDF image format [3,359 KB]
- Entire Spanish part of Section II: Las Contribuciones Immortales de Mao Tsetung, “Parte 3: Economía Política, Política Económica y Construcción Socialista” Searchable PDF image format [7,462 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #12, September 1978, 9 pages in English, 7 pages in Spanish. Special Mao Tsetung Memorial Issue.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [7,594 KB] Articles include:
- “Uphold the Banner of Mao Tsetung! Statement by the C.C. of the RCP, USA.”
- “The Struggle Over China in the RCP”
- “Aid to Albania Cut Off: Chinese Revisionists Trail in Khrushchev’s Path”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [6,510 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #13, October 1978, 20 pages in English, 16 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [16,741 KB] Articles include:
- “Historic Mao Memorials Combat Revisionism”
- “7 ½ Million March Vs. Shah’s Regime”
- “Free the Moody Park 3!”
- “Struggle Over ‘Gang of 5’ Hits US-China Peoples Friendship Association”
- “Party Calls for Mao Tsetung Enrollment”
- “NUWO Demonstrates in Atlantic City Steel Convention: Company-Union Circus”
- “Civil War Erupts in Nicaragua”
- “Embraces Tito, Shah — Hua’s Trip: All-Round Capitulation to Imperialism”
- “Ex-Member Exposes CPML: Blind Tagging Behind China Demanded”
- “Camp David Sellout: U.S. Imperialism’s House of Cards”
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [14,106 KB] Includes:
- “Las Contribuciones Inmortales de Mao Tsetung, Parte 4: Filosofia”
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #14, November 1978, Section I: 20 pages in English, 4 pages in Spanish; Section II: 8 pages in English.
- Entire English part of Section I: Searchable PDF image format [17,566 KB] Articles include:
- “Down, Down, Down with the Shah!”
- “Moody 3 Fight Hits Raw Nerve”
- “‘Three Worlds’ Strategy: Apology for Capitulation”
- “Wage-Price Speech [by Carter] Confession of Crisis”
- “Bourgeois Liberalism—A Tattered Cloak: Legislation, Elections ’78”
- “Mao Memorial Month Final Events: Forward with Revolution Never Wavering!”
- “‘Stop Rizzo’ Dead-End Trap” [Philadelphia]
- “Vets Struggle Against Imperialist War”
- “Interview Provokes Foaming CPML Response: Stuck Pigs Squeal”
- “New Pope Blessing for West: Old Pope ‘Recalled’”
- “Tupelo, Mississippi: Fight Against National Oppression”
- “Safeway Strike in Fourth Month”
- “‘Let Bourgeois Art Do Its Thing’”
- “U.S. Schemes to Hold Zimbabwe”
- Entire English part of Section II: Mao Tsetung’s Immortal Contributions, “Part 5: Culture and the Superstructure” Searchable PDF image format [6,825 KB]
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [3,356 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 3, #15, December 1978, Section I: 20 pages in English, 8 pages in Spanish; Section II: 9 ½ pages in English, 6 ½ in Spanish.
- Entire English part of Section I: Searchable PDF image format [18,091 KB] Articles include:
- “Iran: New High Tide Defies Military Gov’t.”
- “Reactionary Mantle of Chou En-lai: Used to Attack Mao’s Line”
- “Actions Support Houston Rebellion: Momentum Builds as Trial of 3 Nears”
- “On the Role of Agitation and Propaganda”
- “Vets Day Actions: VVAW Disrupts Patriotic Circuses”
- “Crown Heights, N.Y.: Thugs in Blue Kill Again”
- “High Stakes in NATO War Games”
- “Jim Jones: In His Master’s Image”
- “Chicago Worker Conference: Mobilizing for Bi-Weekly Worker”
- “Steelhaulers Strike: Demands Have Dual Character”
- “Big March in Tupelo” [Mississippi]
- “Indochina Armed Clashes: Bitter Fruit of Revisionism”
- “Furious Demonstration Against the Shah”
- “Harry Haywood: ‘My Life as a Bundist’” [Review of Haywood’s book Black Bolshevik: Autobiography of an Afro-American Communist]
- “Nationwide Actions vs. U.S. in Iran: Tallahassee: Students Battle Cops”
- “CPML Discovers Struggle in Iran: One Step Behind Bourgeoisie”
- “Volume 3 Index”
- Entire English part of Section II: Mao Tsetung’s Immortal Contributions, “Part 6: Continuing the Revolution under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat” Searchable PDF image format [8,684 KB]
- Entire Spanish part of Section I: Searchable PDF image format [7,455 KB]
- Entire Spanish part of Section II: Las Contribuciones Immortales de Mao Tsetung, “Parte 5: Cultura y Superestructura” Searchable PDF image format [6,013 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 4, #1, January 1979, 41 pages in English, 31 pages in Spanish. (This was the first issue after the switch from newspaper format to magazine format.)
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [8,735 KB]
- “Editorial: Enver Hoxha Exposes Opportunism—His Own”, 1 page, Searchable PDF image format [180 KB]
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [6,927 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 4, #2-3, February-March 1979, 41 pages in English, 23 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [9,621 KB]
- Single article: “Mao Tsetung Thought vs. Hoxha’s Hollow Hatchetry”, 5 pages, Searchable PDF image format [1,038 KB]
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [5,167 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 4, #4, April 1979, 43 pages in English, 21 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [9,924 KB]
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [4,408 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 4, #5, May 1979, 36 pages in English, 20 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [7,690 KB]
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [4,141 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 4, #6, June 1979, 50 pages in English, 22 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [10,439 KB]
- Single article: “A Critical Appraisal of the Communist Party of China’s ‘Proposal Concerning the General Line of the International Communist Movement’ (1963)”, together with the appendix “The CCP’s Struggle Against Khrushchev, 1956-1963”, English, 21 pages. Searchable PDF image format [4,186 KB]
- The English part of this issue also includes:
- “May Day 1980—Historic Step Forward”
- “SALT II: Preparing the Missiles—and the Masses—for War”
- “Busing and the Fight Against National Oppression and for Revolution” [A self-criticism of the previous line of the RCP (and earlier the RU) on the busing issue].
- “New Chinese Leaders Paving the Way to Shelve Mao to Justify Their Policies”
- “Closet ‘Maoists’ Expose Themselves” [About the Workers Viewpoint Organization.]
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [4,204 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 4, #7-8, July-August 1979, 47 pages in English, 49 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [10,908 KB]
- The English part of this issue includes:
- “Free the Mao Tsetung Defendants: Stop the Railroad of Bob Avakian”
- “Vietnam: Miscarriage of the Revolution”
- “Uphold Rebellion—Prepare for Revolution”
- “A Wrong Phrase” [Correcting an error in the criticism of Enver Hoxha in an article in the Communist, #5.
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [10,158 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 4, #9, September 1979, 47 pages in English, 33 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [10,180 KB]
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [7,156 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 4, #10-11, October-November 1979.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [10,050 KB]
- The English part of this issue includes:
- “Lenin’s Struggle Against International Opportunism: 1914-1917”, major unsigned article, available separately, 21 pages. Searchable PDF image format [4,430 KB]
- “The Prospects for Revolution and the Urgent Tasks in the Decade Ahead”, Documents from the third plenary session of the Second Central Committee of the RCP,USA.
- Two Statements Upholding Mao Tsetung
- Ceylon Communist Party: “In Defence of Mao Tsetung Thought”, by M. Sanmugathasan, General Secretary, adopted at a special congress of the CCP in July 1979, available separately. Searchable PDF image format [1,658 KB]
- Communist Party of Turkey (Marxist-Leninist) [TKP/ML]: “On Mao Tsetung”, Sept. 9, 1979, 2 pages, available separately. Searchable PDF image format [526 KB]
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [12,068 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 5, #1, (whole number 46), January 1980, 57 pages in English, 39 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [8,070 KB]
- The English part of this issue:
- “Government Retreats, Attacks Again...: Bob Avakian Must Stay Free”
- “Statement Upholding Mao Tsetung”, by the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile
- “There Will Be Revolution—But Wishing Won’t Make It So: Voluntarism, Metaphysics and the Communist Workers Party”
- “Kennedy: Knight of the Living Dead”
- Index for 1979 issues.
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [8,213 KB]
- Revolution, Vol. 5, #2-3, (whole number 47), February-March 1980, 54 pages in English, 34 pages in Spanish.
- Entire English part: Searchable PDF image format [6,390 KB]
- The English part of this issue:
- “A Call to Battle, A Challenge to Dare” [On the draft of the new Party Programme]
- “The Movement Against Nuclear Madness”
- “America in Decline—Crisis and War: The Mood and Conditions of the Masses”
- “Slipping into Darkness: ‘Left’ Economism, the CPUSA and the Trade Union Unity League (1929-1935)” [This is part of the theoretical thinking which led to the growing isolation of the RCP from the working class. —Ed.]
- Entire Spanish part: Searchable PDF image format [6,724 KB]
- The Spanish part of this issue:
- “Una Llamada al Combate, Un Reto a Atreverse”
- “Comentarios sobre la Crisis y la Economica Politica”
- “La Lucha de Lenin en Contra del Oportunismo Internacional: 1914-1917”
- Revolution, Vol. 5, #4, (whole number 48), July 1980, English edition, 65 pages. Searchable PDF image format [10,291 KB]
- Memorial for murdered RCP comrade Damian Garcia
- “Communique from the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile and the RCP, USA”
- “The International Unity of the Proletariat: What It Is and How to Fight for It”
- “International Workers Day, May 1st 1980: The Welding of a Class-Conscious Force”, with photo section
- “The Historic Announcement from the RCP Central Committee given by its Chairman Bob Avakian at the 1979 May Day Rallies Calling for Revolutionary May Day 1980” [Announcing a year-long campaign to build for May Day 1980]
- “Messages to the RCP, USA from Communists and Revolutionaries around the World on May Day”
- Revolution, #49 [Vol. 6, #1], June 1981, English edition, 80 pages.
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [Very large: 72,993 KB]
- “Outline of Views on the Historical Experience of the International Communist Movement and the Lessons for Today”
- “Some Notes on the Military and Diplomatic History of World War 2”
- “On the Question of So-called ‘National Nihilism’: You Can’t Beat the Enemy While Raising His Flag”
- “... But the MLPUSA Tries It”
- “The Line of the Comintern on the Civil War in Spain”
- “Joint Communique of 13 Marxist-Leninist Parties & Organizations”
- Revolution, #50, n.d. (but from December 1981), English edition, 52 pages. Special issue: “Conquer the World? The International Proletariat Must and Will”, by Bob Avakian.
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [17,644 KB]
- Revolution, #51, Spring 1984, English edition, 92 pages.
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [7,199 KB]
- “Advancing the World Revolutionary Movement: Questions of Strategic Orientation”, by Bob Avakian
- “Angola: A Case Study in Soviet Neocolonialism”, by Nicholas Cummings
- “Observations on the French Left During the Algerian War”, by Albert Lefevre
- “The Military Line of the PLO and the Lessons of Beirut: A Letter”, by Paul Case
- Revolution, #52, Summer 1984, English edition, 80 pages. More on the Soviet Union: Aspects of an Imperialist Society.
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [6,541 KB]
- Cover Image
- Contents Page & Editor’s Introduction
- “Notes Toward an Analysis of the Soviet Bourgeoisie”, by Lenny Wolff & Aaron Davis, 39 pp. [PDF Version: 368 KB]; [MS Word Version: 200 KB]
- “Against the ‘Lesser Evil’ Thesis: Soviet Preparations for World War 3”, by Mike Ely, 27 pp. [Searchable PDF image format: 3,881 KB.]
- “Soviet Education: Reading, Writing, and Revisionism”, by Leona Krasny, 22 pp. [Searchable PDF image format: 2,887 KB.]
- Revolution, #53, Winter-Spring 1985, English edition, 112 pages.
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [3,537 KB]
- “The ’60s-’70s Shift”, by Bob Avakian
- “The Disarmament Mirage”, by R. Ulin
- “Not in Our Genes and the Waging of the Ideological Counteroffensive”, by Ardea Skybreak
- “The Political Anatomy of the ERA: Bourgeois Feminism and Prewar Politics”, by Li Onesto
- “Guevara, Debray, and Armed Revisionism”, by Lenny Wolff
- Revolution, #54, Winter/Spring 1986, English edition, 64 pages. “Questions for These Times: An Interview with Bob Avakian.”
- Revolution, #55, Winter/Spring 1987, English edition, 77 pages.
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [5,597 KB]
- “Since the ’60s: Trends of Impoverishment, Oppression, and Class Polarization in the Black Nation”, by Clyde Young with Steven Anders
- “Considerations on a Revolutionary Situation in the United States”, by M. Upshaw
- “Historical Document: Self-Criticsm by the Indonesian Communist Party, 1966”
- Revolution, #56, Spring 1988, English edition, 81 pages.
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [6,426 KB]
- “Commemorating a Major Struggle in the RCP,USA: Upholding Mao’s Revolutionary Line: A Turning Point”
- “What’s Behind Iran/Contragate?”, a talk with Raymond Lotta
- “The United States and Mexico: Anatomy of Domination”, by David Nova
- “On the Question of Homosexuality and the Emancipation of Women”
- “When John Wayne Went Out of Focus: GI Rebellion and Military Disintegration in Vietnam”, by Nick Jackson
- Revolution, #57, Summer/Fall 1988, English edition, 40 pages.. “Bob Avakian: Two Talks on Preparations and Possibilities.”
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [2,594 KB]
- “Some Thoughts”, Fall/Winter 1987.
- “Some Further Thoughts”, early 1988.
- Revolution, #58, Fall/Winter 1989, English edition, 80 pages.
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [5,822 KB]
- “Eye on the Prize”, by Bob Avakian
- “Upheaval in China: Mao More Than Ever”
- Bob Avakian on China: Excerpts on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the Restoration of Capitalism, and Genuine Proletarian Dictatorship
- Raymond Lotta: Revolt in China—The Crisis of Revisionism, Or... Why Mao Tsetung Was Right
- “Islamic Revivalism and the Experience of Iran”, by Larry Everest
- Book Review: “Knowing the Enemy: The Pentagon Doctrine of Low-Intensity Conflict”, by Lenny Wolff
- Correspondence on Black GIs
- Revolution, #59, Spring 1990, English edition, 40 pages.
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [2,846 KB]
- “Making New Leaps in Preparing for Revolution”, Winter/Spring 1989, by Bob Avakian
- “The Latin American Debt Crisis in Perspective: The Political Economy and Strategic Implications of Global Financial Disorder”, by Raymond Lotta
- “Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 1943”
- “Step Forward to Build Revolution Magazine”
- Revolution, #60, Fall 1990, English edition, 48 pages.
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [3,379 KB]
- “The End of a Stage—The Beginning of a New Stage”, Late 1989, by Bob Avakian
- “Radical Ruptures, or Yes, Mao More Than Ever”, Early 1990, by Bob Avakian
- “A Final Note: Principles in Carrying Forward the Revolution under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Preventing Revisionism and the Rise to Power of the (New) Bourgeoisie”
- Revolution, #61, Spring 1991, English edition, 55 pages.
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [3,854 KB]
- “Know the Enemy: A Statement of the Persian Gulf War”, by Bob Avakian
- “Behind the U.S. War on Iraq”, by Larry Everest
- “Lenin on War and Peace”
- “All-the-Way Revolution vs. Other Strategies”, by Carl Dix
- “After the Revolution... Uprooting National Oppression”
- “Germany: And the Wall Came Tumbling Down”, by Köklu Köpus
- “Bob Avakian on the Myth of Totalitarianism”
- Revolution, #62, Spring 1992, English edition, 63 pages.
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [4,203 KB]
- “On Today’s Strategically Favorable Situation”, by Bob Avakian
- “The Theory and Practice of Maoist Planning: In Defense of a Viable and Visionary Socialism”, by Raymond Lotta
- “Talk on the Third Five-Year Plan”, by Mao Tse-tung
- “After the Revolution: The Proletariat, upon seizing power, will immediately take up the transformation of society”, from The New Programme of the RCP, USA
- “Breaking ALL Tradition’s Chains: On Revolutionary Communism and Women’s Liberation”, an interview with Mary Lou Greenberg [Part I].
- Revolution, #63, Fall 1994, English edition. [This was the final issue of the RCP theoretical journal Revolution.]
- Complete issue in Searchable PDF image format [4,748 KB]
- “The October Revolution and the Military Leadership of Lenin”, by Toby Preparado
- “The Yankee Hand Behind the Crisis in Peru”, by Raymond Lotta
- “Breaking ALL Tradition’s Chains: Revolutionary Communism and Women’s Libration”, Part II of an interview with Mary Lou Greenberg.
Demarcations [Theoretical Journal] (2009- )
The current, quite sporadic, RCP theoretical journal. There have only been 5 issues so far. The home page for this journal is at: Some of the separate articles from these issues are available there in English, Spanish and in a few cases in other languages. Here we are mostly only posting the complete issues which are available in a single PDF file.
- Demarcations, #1, Summer-Fall 2009: Spanish: PDF format, 159 pages, 3,055 KB.
- Demarcations, #2, Summer-Fall 2012: English: PDF format, 79 pages, 916 KB. Spanish: PDF format, 67 pages, 1,496 KB.
- Demarcations, #3, Winter 2014: English: PDF format, 144 pages, 1,226 KB. Spanish: PDF format, 140 pages, 2,778 KB.
- Demarcations, #4, Winter 2015: Spanish: PDF format, 260 pages, 2,480 KB.
- Demarcations, #5, Late 2019, Special Issue: “Breakthroughs: The Historic Breakthrough by Marx, and the Further Breakthrough with the New Communism. A Basic Summary, by Bob Avakian” English (Nov. 2019): PDF format, 81 pages, 549 KB; Spanish (3 Aug. 2019): PDF format, 87 pages, 1,483 KB; Farsi: PDF format, 128 pages, 948 KB; Portuguese (28 Oct. 2019): PDF format, 67 pages, 896 KB; Arabic (2020): PDF format, 57 pages, 1,061 KB; German (complete): PDF format, 75 pages, 429 KB; Turkish (Partial): PDF format, 39 pages, 1,088 KB
Note: The Revolutionary Worker Newspaper (1979-2005), and its weekly newspaper successor, Revolution, also have occasional theoretical articles, usually by Avakian, often ones which are also available in the above journals.
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