“The only correct strategy to deal with Trump is to fight without compromise”, Xiang Guanqi, February 24, 2025, 13 pages. English translation by Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist).
English: Searchable PDF format (447 KB);
English: MS Word format (.docx) (31 KB)

“Victory will definitely belong to the heroic Ukrainian people!”, Xiang Guanqi, February 24, 2025, 6 pages. English translation by Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist).
English: Searchable PDF format (396 KB);
English: MS Word format (.docx) (25 KB)
“We must have a correct understanding of Putin”, Xiang Guanqi, 2022, 32 pages. An excerpt from a larger work, "Persisting in Using Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to Correctly Understand the Russo-Ukrainian War". English translation by Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist).
English: Searchable PDF format (660 KB);
English: MS Word format (.docx) (66 KB)
“The Voice of Slaves, Volume 2”, Xiang Guanqi, Laiyin Publishing House, March 2022, 199 pages. A second set of articles by Xiang Guanqi criticizing Xi Jinping. English translation and brief preface provided by Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist).
English: Searchable PDF format (2,462 KB);
English: MS Word format (.docx) (326 KB)
“The Voice of Slaves, Volume 1”, Xiang Guanqi, Laiyin Publishing House, March 2018, 115 pages. Further writings from Xiang Guanqi, primarily criticizing Xi Jinping. English translation and preface provided by Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist).
English: Searchable PDF format (1,685 KB);
English: MS Word format (.docx) (201 KB)
“On Maoism”, Xiang Guanqi, Laiyin Publishing House, 2023, 275 pages. A contemporary primer on Maoist theory, written by the former head of the rebel mass organization in Shandong Province during the Cultural Revolution. The bulk of the text, Chapters 5 and 6, concerns Mao's theory of continued revolution under socialism and the concept of "re-revolution", and has particular relevance to the situation for revolutionaries in contemporary China. English translation and preface provided by Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist).
English: Searchable PDF format (3,608 KB);
English: MS Word format (.docx) (346 KB)
“Cold Wave”, 2013, 94 pages. A revolutionary programme document written by Chinese Maoists which summarizes important criticisms the Chinese left-wing camp, including misapprehensions regarding Chairman Mao's theory of continued revolution, the characterization of the Bo Xilai affair, and the correct proletarian stance. Provides analysis on China’s trend towards social-imperialism and the path to the re-liberation of the working class.
级再解放之路", original work in Chinese:
Chinese: Searchable PDF format (1.5 MB);
English Version of this Document, translated and with an extensive summary and introduction by Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist),
October 2024, 67 pages.
English: Searchable PDF format (692.3 KB)
English: MS Word format (.docx) (136 KB)
- [Book:]
“Chinese Society Research — Phase I”, a volume in Chinese, December
2020, 147 pages. Prepared by contemporary Chinese Maoists and presenting their extensive investigations into
the current organization of capitalist production in China, industrial zones, factory conditions, class
relations, wages & benefits, the attitudes of the workers and of management, the living conditions of the
workers, etc. Includes investigations of a number of specific workplaces, interviews with some individuals,
and a discussion of both the traditional and newly emerging petty bourgeois strata.
Chinese: Searchable PDF format (1,473 KB);
Chinese: MS Word format (.docx) (701 KB)
English Version of this Book, translated by Nick G., Chairperson of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist),
August 2022, 173 pages.
English: Searchable
PDF format (1,360 KB)
- “Poor Households Mired in the Cycle of Poverty and Illness”, author unspecified, January 2020, 21 pages.
PDF Version (242 KB)
- “China is Turning Ethiopia Into a Giant Fast-Fashion Factory”, by Bill Donahue, Bloomberg
Businessweek, Asia Edition, March 5, 2018, 12 pages. About the export of Chinese capital to
Ethiopia and the effects it is having there.
PDF Version (1,567 KB)
- “Capital Accumulation, Private Property and Rising Inequality in China, 1978-2015”, a scholarly
study by Thomas Piketty, Li Yang, and Gabriel Zucman, Oct. 7, 2018, 41 pages.
PDF format (3,417 KB)
- [Book:]
“Is China an Imperialist Country?”, by N.B. Turner, et al. An extensive essay on the growth
and development of China as a major contending imperialist power, together with discussion of the
nature and changes within the current world imperialist system and of the contradictions within it.
Red-Path.net, March 2014, 129 pages.
PDF format (A4 paper size) (1,932 KB);
PDF format (8.5" x 11" paper size) (1,489 KB)
- “The Political Economy of Chinese State Capitalism”, by Li Xing & Timothy M. Shaw, JCIR 1:1 (2013),
26 pages.
Searchable PDF Version (325 KB)
- “How China Became Capitalist”, by Ronald Coase and Ning Wang, CATO Policy Report,
January/February 2013. [This article is from a deeply reactionary bourgeois perspective, and suffers
from all the usual capitalist biases, but is still of interest. It shows how the ideologists of the
Western capitalists themselves have long ago recognized that China is no longer “socialist” in any way,
shape or form. —Ed.] Online at:
- “Billions in Hidden Riches for Family of Chinese Leader [Wen Jiabao]”, by David Barboza, New
York Times, Oct. 25, 2012, 12 pages. [In reaction to this article, the Chinese government blocked
access to the New York Times website.]
PDF Version (231 KB);
MS Word Version (141 KB)
- “‘Princelings’ in China Use Family Ties to Gain Riches”, New York Times, May 17, 2012,
5 pages.
PDF Version (144 KB);
MS Word Version (45 KB)
- “May Day Means Pay Day for University Student Swindlers in Lanzhou, China”, by Jerry
Leonard and Xie Yingjun, May 4, 2012, 7 pages. A telling little personal story illustrating how
the once very militant workers’ holiday in Mao’s China has changed into just a vacation period,
and one in which you might very well get swindled by the new class of “entrepreneurs”!
PDF (285 KB)
- “The Chinese Communist Party’s Capitalist Elite”, an article about the huge number of members
of the National People’s Congress who are capitalist billionaires, Bloomberg Businessweek,
March 1, 2012, 2 pages.
PDF Version (118 KB);
MS Word Version (33 KB)
- “The Rise of China and Its Implications”, by Fred Engst, University of International Business
and Economics, Beijing. This is the edited and approved version of this important essay, parts of
which were presented at the ILPS 4th International Assembly in the Philippines on July 9, 2011.
15 pages.
PDF Version (204 KB);
MS Word Version (60 KB)
- “China’s ‘State Capitalism’ Sparks a Global Backlash”, Wall Street Journal, Nov. 16, 2010,
7 pages.
PDF Version (284 KB);
MS Word Version (972 KB)
- “Chinese Military Seeks to Extend Its Naval Power”, New York Times, April 23, 2010, 5 pages.
PDF Version (211 KB);
MS Word Version (481 KB)
- “China Emerges as a Major Exporter of Capital”, by John Chan, World Socialist Web Site,
May 19, 2009, 3 pages. [Note: While this article is from a Trotskyist publication, it seems accurate and
quite useful to us.]
PDF Version (191 KB);
MS Word Version (38 KB)
- “China-India Maritime Rivalry”, by Cdr. Gurpreet S. Khurana, Indian Defence Review, Oct.-Dec.
2009, 8 pages.
PDF Version (369 KB);
MS Word Version (90 KB)
- “The Realities of China Today”, by Martin Hart-Lansberg, Against the Current, #137, Nov.-Dec.
2008, 15 pages. Though the author is not a Maoist, and makes at least one very unsupported and unjustified
criticism of Maoist economic policies, overall this article strongly debunks the notions of some people
on the “left” today that China is still a socialist country, or that it at least is supposedly advancing
the welfare of the Chinese masses. It shows that nothing could be further from the truth!
PDF Version (183 KB);
MS Word Version (81 KB)
- “China’s Emerging Role in the International Financial System”, speech by Chen Yuan, Governor, China
Development Bank, Shanghai, Nov. 10, 2008, 9 pages.
PDF format (25 KB)
- “China Offers India Help to Defeat Maoists”, UPI Press report, Oct. 27, 2005, 1 page.
PDF format (25 KB)