Vietnam — Banned, Suppressed or
Hard-to-Find Articles and Information

      The great revolutionary struggle of the Vietnamese people for liberation from first French imperialism and then U.S. imperialism was one of the most important events of the 20th century. In the future we hope to post many more documents about this tremendous struggle.

      Unfortunately, however, the regime that then came to power in the finally reunified Vietnam was run by oppressive revisionist nationalists. At first they modelled their country along the lines of the state-capitalist Soviet Union which still existed, and incorrectly termed it “socialism”. But that form of state capitalism (“one big corporation”) grossly failed in Vietnam just as it did in the Soviet Union. After genuine socialism was overthrown in China by the capitalist-roaders there, Vietnam basically decided to follow that regressive example by openly shifting back to market capitalism. Starting in 1986 they began what they termed the “Doi Moi” (or “renewal”) which transformed their then Soviet-style state capitalist economy into market capitalism, with both a state sector and an ever expanding private capitalist sector, including participation by many foreign capitalist corporations from China, the U.S., and elsewhere. Because of the cheap labor in Vietnam, many foreign corporations have in fact opened factories there, just as they have in China, India and Bangladesh. And at present, Vietnam no longer even pretends to be an actual socialist country. Instead they say things such as that they support “national independence associated with socialism” (whatever that means), and claim that they are now “seeking to advance toward socialism” (however they imagine that might some day occur).

      Actual Marxist, revolutionary, and even democratic ideas (such as free speech and freedom of assembly) are now banned and suppressed in Vietnam. It will also be our goal on this site to locate and post news and information about this contemporary suppression of revolutionary and progressive ideas in Vietnam, and about opposition to that suppression. However, be forewarned that at present there is much more material here expressing the outlook of the current anti-democratic capitalist regime than there is actual criticism of it from an MLM point of view. We hope to locate and post much more criticism of the present capitalist regime in the future.

      In addition, we will attempt to seek out and post documents here from outside Vietnam which expose and criticize the undemocratic and revisionist nature of the country at the present time.

      If you know of additional documents that should be posted here, please contact us at:

Suppression of Revolutionary & Progressive Views in Contemporary Vietnam:

Government of Vietnam — Documents:

Historical Communist Movement in Vietnam:    The first unified Communist party in Vietnam was the Communist Party of Indochina, which was formed on February 3, 1930 by Ho Chi Minh and others. It was later split into 3 parties, for Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Around the end of World War II the Communist Party of Vietnam changed its formal name to the Vietnam Lao Dong Party (Vietnamese Workers’ Party). This is the party which ruled “North Vietnam” after the 1954 partition of Vietnam. Two decades later, after the victory of the war against American imperialism, at the fourth party congress in 1976, the Workers’ Party of Vietnam merged with the People’s Revolutionary Party of South Vietnam to re-create the Communist Party of Vietnam (Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam), usually abbreviated as CPV. Of course for decades now, at least since the late 1980s, this has no longer been a real Marxist party at all, and contemporary Vietnamese revolutionaries now face the necessity of working toward forming a completely new and genuine Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party. —Ed.]

Hô Chí Minh — Life and Writings:

Tru’ò’ng Chinh — Writings:

Le Duan — Writings:

General Võ Nguyên Giáp — Writings:

French Colonial Period:

The American Imperialist War against Vietnam:

Vietnamese Foreign Relations:

Art and Literature:


Some International MLM Documents in the Vietnamese Language:

Foreign Support for Vietnam:

Foreign Criticism of Vietnam: