Vietnam — Banned, Suppressed or
Hard-to-Find Articles and Information
The great revolutionary struggle of the Vietnamese people for liberation from first French imperialism and then U.S. imperialism was one of the great events of the 20th century. In the future we hope to post many more documents about this great struggle.
Unfortunately, however, the regime that then came to power in Vietnam was run by oppressive revisionist bourgeois nationalists. Over the decades it has become more and more evident that what is called “socialism” in Vietnam, is actually nothing of the kind. Actual Marxist, revolutionary, and even democratic ideas are banned and suppressed there. It will also be our goal on this site to locate and post news and information about this contemporary suppression of revolutionary and progressive ideas in Vietnam.
In addition, we will attempt to seek out and post documents here from outside Vietnam which expose and criticize the undemocratic and revisionist nature of the country at the present time.
If you know of additional documents that should be posted here, please contact us at:
Suppression of Revolutionary & Progressive Views in Contemporary Vietnam:
- Excerpt from a 2019 report by Freedom House on the suppression of ideas and the press in Vietnam, 5 pages. (Although “Freedom House” is an organization of the U.S. ruling class, and is funded by the U.S. government, they say they support bourgeois democracy and the rights of freedom of speech and the press in all countries around the world. Of course the U.S. government only actually does this to the extent that voices are raised against regimes in countries which the U.S. opposes. Nevertheless, their reports on the suppression of freedoms throughout the world are of some interest, even though they hypocritically oppose extending the rights of freedom of speech, press and organization to left revolutionary groups.) PDF format (57 KB)
- [More to be added.]
Government of Vietnam — Documents:
- [Book:] The Constitutions of Vietnam—1946-1959-1980-1992, (Hanoi: The Gioi Publishers, 1995), 220 pages. PDF format (7,318 KB)
- “Some Documents of the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam”, 3rd Legislature — 1st Session, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1964), 113 pages. Searchable PDF format (3,840 KB)
Communist Movement in Vietnam:
- “The Manifesto and Platform of the Viet-Nam Lao Dong Party”, issued as a supplement to People’s China magazine (Vol. III, #9, May 1, 1951), 8 pages. (The name of this party in English was the “Worker’s Party of Vietnam” or the “Vietnamese Worker’s Party”. This document was issued at the time of the re-establishment of the communist party after the huge disruption of World War II and the prolonged attacks by various reactionary forces including those of France, Japan and Chiang Kai-shek.) Searchable PDF format (723 KB)
- “Thirty Years of Struggle of the Party — Book 1 ”, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1960), 94 pages. Searchable PDF format (3,538 KB)
- “Peace or Violence?”, by the Vietnam Workers’ Party, (Peking: FLP, 1963), 40 pages. PDF format [1,762 KB]
- [Book:] An Outline History of the Vietnam Workers’ Party, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1970), 192 pages. Searchable PDF format (8,874 KB)
- [Book:] An Outline History of the Vietnam Workers’ Party (1930-1975), (Hanoi: FLPH, 1976), 196 pages. Searchable PDF format (9,307 KB)
- [Book:] History of the Communist Party of Vietnam, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1986), 340 pages. Searchable PDF format (10,787 KB)
- [Book:] Communist Party of Viet Nam — 4th National Congress — Documents, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1977), 260 pages. Searchable PDF format (27,398 KB)
- [Book:] Communist Party of Vietnam — 5th National Congress — Political Report, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1982), 171 pages. Searchable PDF format (7,051 KB)
- [Book:] Communist Party of Vietnam — 6th National Congress — Documents, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1987), 203 pages. Searchable PDF format (7,294 KB)
- [Book:] Vietnam: Urgent Problems, by Nguyen Van Linh, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, a collection of speeches and writings, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1988), 147 pages. (There is some bleedthrough from the backside of pages in places; our apologies.) Searchable PDF format (6,253 KB)
- [Book:] Vietnam Entering the 21st Century, by Le Kha Phieu, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, a collection of speeches and writings, (Hanoi: Thé Giói Publishers, 2001), 280 pages. Searchable PDF format (10,773 KB)
Hô Chí Minh — Life and Writings:
- “Solemn Pledge of the Thirty Million Vietnamese People”, a collection of statements and articles by Ho Chi Minh and other revolutionary leaders from both North and South Vietnam made during March and April 1965. (Peking: FLP, 1965), 56 pages. PDF Format [2,609 KB]
- [Book:] Ho Chi Minh: Selected Writings, 1920-69, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1977), 361 pages. Searchable PDF format (14,537 KB)
- [Book:] Ho Chi Minh on Revolution: Selected Writings, 1920-66, ed. by Bernard B. Fall, (NY: New American Library paperback ed., 1967), 710 pages. [Pages are yellowed and have some underlining, but are still quite legible.] Searchable PDF format (46,201 KB)
- [Book:] Selected Works of Ho Chi Minh, Vol. 1: Articles and Speeches, 1922-1926, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1960), 188 pages. (Poor scan, but legible.) PDF format (14,273 KB)
- [Book:] Selected Works of Ho Chi Minh, Vol. 4: Articles and Speeches, 1954-1960, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1962), 465 pages. (Missing pages 24-25, 98-99, and 106-107.) PDF format (Huge: 124,708 KB)
- [Book:] Prison Diary, by Ho Chi Minh, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1972), 140 pages. This is a collection of poems written by Ho Chi Minh while imprisoned by the Chiang Kai-shek regime in southern China in 1942-43, during World War II. Searchable PDF format (7,843 KB)
- “President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament”, (Hanoi: Central Committee of the Vietnamese Communist Party, 1995), 47 pages. Searchable PDF format (3,715 KB)
- “Ho Chi Minh’s Vestige in the Presidential Palace Area”, a visitor’s brochure with photos and captions in English, French, Chinese and Korean. Searchable PDF format (6,024 KB)
Tru’ò’ng Chinh — Writings:
- “The August Revolution”, by Truong Chinh, written on the first anniversary in 1946. (Hanoi: FLPH, 1958; reprinted Pittsburgh: Change Maker, 2013), 88 pages. Searchable PDF format (267 KB)
- “President Ho-Chi_minh, Beloved Leader of the Vietnamese People”, by Truong-Chinh, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1966), 86 pages. (Medium quality scan, but legible.) Searchable PDF format [14,619 KB]
- [Book:] “Forward Along the Path Charted by K. Marx”, by Truong-Chinh, a speech on the 150th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1969), 144 pages. Searchable PDF format [7,282 KB]
Le Duan — Writings:
- “Hold High the Revolutionary Banner of Creative Marxism, Lead Our Revolutionary Cause to Complete Victory!”, by Le Duan of the Vietnam Workers’ Party, a speech delivered in Hanoi on March 13, 1964 in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the death of Karl Marx. (Peking: FLP, 1964), 64 pages. Searchable PDF Format [3,143 KB]
- [Book:] On the Socialist Revolution in Vietnam, by Le Duan, 3 volumes, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1965, 1965 & 1967), in a single file, 560 pages. PDF format (56,259 KB)
General Võ Nguyên Giáp — Writings:
- “Unforgettable Days”, by General Vo Nguyen Giap, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1975), Epub reprint, 469 pages. About the General Insurrection against the French colonialists from August 1945 to December 1946. Epub format (957 KB)
- [Book:] Dien Bien Phu, by General Vo Nguyen Giap, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1964), 3rd ed. (revised and enlarged), 276 pages. Searchable PDF format (3,561 KB)
Maps and large photo from this book scanned separately: “Development of the battle of Dien Bien Phu”, map opposite page 38. JPG format (2,016 KB)
“General view of the entrenched camp after the surrender of the garrison”, fold-out photograph. JPG format (3,300)
“Situation of the belligerent forces following the Dien Bien Phu Battle”, map. JPG format (1,287)
“Situation of the Fronts in winter 1953 and spring 1954”, map opposite page 62. JPG format (1,390)- “Viet Nam People’s War Has Defeated U.S. War of Destruction”, by General Vo Nguyen Giap, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1969), 82 pages. Searchable PDF format (3,980 KB)
- [Book:] National Liberation War in Viet Nam: General Line — Strategy — Tactics, by General Vo Nguyen Giap, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1971), 148 pages. Searchable PDF format (6,416 KB)
French Colonial Period:
- “A Chronicle of Principal Events Relating to the Indo-China Question: 1940-1954”, by the Chinese magazine World Culture, (Peking: 1954), 82 pages. Searchable PDF Format [3,695 KB]
- [Book:] History of the August Revolution, (Hanoi: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1972), 194 pages. About the August 14, 1945 uprising led by the Viet Minh (League for the Independence of Vietnam) against French colonial rule and the Japanese occupation of Vietnam. Searchable PDF format (9,501 KB)
- “The August Revolution”, by Truong Chinh, written on the first anniversary in 1946. (Hanoi: FLPH, 1958; reprinted Pittsburgh: Change Maker, 2013), 88 pages. Searchable PDF format (267 KB)
- “Unforgettable Days”, by General Vo Nguyen Giap, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1975), Epub reprint, 469 pages. About the General Insurrection against the French colonialists from August 1945 to December 1946. Epub format (957 KB)
- “Cambodia and Laos Fight Hand-In-Hand With Viet-Nam”, by the Viet-Nam Central Information Service, April 1951, 46 pages. Searchable PDF format (1,706 KB)
- [Book:] Dien Bien Phu, by General Vo Nguyen Giap, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1964), 3rd ed. (revised and enlarged), 276 pages. Searchable PDF format (3,561 KB)
Maps and large photo from this book scanned separately: “Development of the battle of Dien Bien Phu”, map opposite page 38. JPG format (2,016 KB)
“General view of the entrenched camp after the surrender of the garrison”, fold-out photograph. JPG format (3,300)
“Situation of the belligerent forces following the Dien Bien Phu Battle”, map. JPG format (1,287)
“Situation of the Fronts in winter 1953 and spring 1954”, map opposite page 62. JPG format (1,390)
The American Imperialist War against Vietnam:
- “Who Will Win in South Viet Nam?”, by Nguyen Chi Thanh, (Peking: FLP, 1963), 20 pages. PDF Format [792 KB]
- “American Crimes In Vietnam”, by the Democratic Republic of Vietnam Commission for Investigation of the American Imperialists War Crimes in Vietnam, (Hanoi: Oct. 1966), 76 pages. PDF format (6,209 KB)
- “The N.F.L. — Symbol of Independence, Democracy and Peace in South Viet Nam”, by Tran Cong Tuong and Pham Thanh Vinh, (Hanoi: 1967), 100 pages. (Somewhat light scan.) Searchable PDF format (13,117 KB)
- [Book:] “South Viet Nam national Front for Liberation: Documents”, (South Viet Nam: Giai Phong Publishing House, 1968), 121 pages. Searchable PDF format (Enormous file: 91,558 KB)
- “The American Crime of Genocide in South Viet Nam”, Document supplied to the B. Russell International Tribunal by the South Viet Nam committee for denunciation of the war crimes of the U.S. imperialists and their henchmen, (South Viet Nam: Giai Phong Publishing House), 1968, 60 pages. PDF format (19,251 KB)
- [Book:] The Tet Mau Than 1968 Event in South Vietnam, by Ho Khang, (Hanoi: 2001), 156 pages. Searchable PDF format (5,178 KB) [Improved scan, Jan. 20, 2023]
- [Book:] U.S. War Crimes in Vietnam, (Hanoi: 1968), 354 pages. The original book was in rather poor condition, but this is a much improved scan prepared by a friend of this website, which is now available in a relatively small single file. Searchable PDF format (15,131 KB)
- “Viet Nam People’s War Has Defeated U.S. War of Destruction”, by General Vo Nguyen Giap, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1969), 82 pages. Searchable PDF format (3,980 KB)
- “Bases for a Settlement of the Viet Nam Problem”, published by Viet Nam Courier, (Hanoi: 1971) 52 pages. Searchable PDF format (1,931 KB)
- [Book:] National Liberation War in Viet Nam: General Line — Strategy — Tactics, by General Vo Nguyen Giap, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1971), 148 pages. Searchable PDF format (6,416 KB)
- [Book:] Quotations Vietnam: 1945-1970, compiled by William G. Effros, (NY: 1970), 260 pages. This is a collection of short quotations, almost all by representatives of the U.S. imperialist bourgeoisie, but from various political perspectives within that, including those “hawks” favoring the U.S. war in Vietnam (and its continuation and intensification) as well as those “doves” who thought the war was harming U.S. interests and was therefore “a mistake” which should be ended. Searchable PDF format (5,025 KB)
- [Book:] The Long Resistance (1858-1975), by Nguyen Khac Vien, (Hanoi: FLPH, 1975), 278 pages. About the long struggle of the Vietnamese people against foreign imperialism which culminated in their victory over the U.S. and national unification in 1975. Searchable PDF format (16,022 KB)
- [Book:] The Phoenix Program, by Douglas Valentine, (NY: Avon, 1990), 482 pages. “The shattering true account of the CIA’s bloodiest reign of terror—the most shocking covert operation of the Vietnam War.” [Note: This book has been removed at the request of the author. (January 8, 2025)]
- “Review of American Film-Maker Ken Burns’ TV Series on the Vietnam War”, by a long-time American Maoist, Oct. 2017, 3 pages. The photo at the above right helps to partially correct the pro-imperialist biases of this film. Searchable PDF Format [65 KB]
Vietnamese Foreign Relations:
- [Book:] “Kampuchea Dossier I”, prepared by the magazine Vietnam Courier, (Hanoi: 1978), 158 pages. Searchable PDF format (5,502 KB)
- “The Hoang Sa and Truong Sa Archipelagoes (Paracels and Spratly)”, dossier prepared by the magazine Vietnam Courier, (Hanoi: 1981), 64 pages. PDF format (12,289 KB)
Art and Literature:
- [Book:] The Ivory Comb, a collection of 7 short stories, by Anh Duc, Giang Nam, Nguyen Trung Thanh, Nguyen Sang, and Nam Ha. Though published in South Vietnam (when Vietnam was split into two countries), this volume is strongly opposed to both previous French colonialism and contemporary American imperialism. (South Viet Nam: Giai Phong Publishing House, 1968), 156 pages. PDF format (35,677 KB)
- Vietnam Courier
- 1975:
- March 1975 (#34), 32 pages. PDF Format [15,802 KB]
- 1978:
- October 1978 (#77), 36 pages. PDF Format [8,389 KB]
- November 1978 (#78), 36 pages. PDF Format [6,641 KB]
- 1979:
- # 6 — June 1979, 36 pages. PDF Format [7,023 KB]
- 1980:
- # 8 — August 1980, 36 pages. PDF Format [21,199 KB]
- # 9 — September 1980, 36 pages. PDF Format [8,231 KB]
- #10 — October 1980, 36 pages. PDF Format [8,851 KB]
- Vietnamese Studies
- # 9 — “With the Fighters of Quang Binh - Vinh Linh”, 1966, 114 pages. PDF format [11,875 KB]
- #25 — “25 Years of Health Work”, 1970, 152 pages. Searchable PDF format [9,230 KB]
Some International MLM Documents in the Vietnamese Language:
- “Lê-nin tuyển tập” [“Lenin: Selected Works”, in one volume], (Moscow: Progress Publishers [NXB Tiến bộ]), 1976, 928 pages. PDF format [Huge file: 181,425 KB]
Also available on the Internet Archive at: “Những vấn đề kinh tế của chủ nghĩa xã hội ở Liên Xô” [“Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR”, by Stalin], (NXB Sự thật) [Su That Publisher, 1976], 127 pages. PDF format [27,533 KB]
Also available on the Internet Archive at: “Sách giáo khoa chính trị kinh tế học” [“Political Economy: A Textbook Issued by the Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR”], [Nhà xuất bản Sự thật (Su That Publisher)], Hanoi, 1961, 954 pages. PDF format [Huge file: 132,125 KB]
Also available on the Internet Archive at: “Trích lời của Mao Chủ tịch” [“Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung”], (Nhà xuất bản ngoại văn (Bắc Kinh), 1967) [(Peking: Foreign Language Press, 1967)], 407 pages. PDF format [41,382 KB]
Also available on the Internet Archive at: “Tuyển tập Mao Trạch Đông, Tập 4” [“Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Vol. 4”], (Nhà xuất bản ngoại văn (Bắc Kinh), 1968) [(Peking: Foreign Language Press, 1968)], 613 pages. PDF format [58,610 KB]
Also available on the Internet Archive at:”],- “Bàn về mâu thuẫn” [“On Contradiction”], Mao Trạch Đông (Mao Zedong), [Nhà xuất bản Tháng Tám (August Publishers), 2024], 175 pages. PDF format [1,866 KB]
- “Vấn đề chiến lược trong Chiến tranh Cách mạng Trung Quốc” [“Problems of Strategy In China’s Revolutionary War”], by Mao Trạch Đông [Mao Tse-tung], (Nhà xuất bản Tháng Tám, 2024) [August Publishers], reprint, 175 pages. PDF format [965 KB]
- “Lịch sử cách mạng hiện đại Trung Quốc” [“A History of the Modern Chinese Revolution”], by Hồ Cán Chi [Ho Kan-chih], [NXB Ngoại văn (Bắc Kinh) (FLP: Peking)], in two volumes, 1959.
Volume 1: (May 1919 - July 1937), 294 pages. PDF format [Big file: 80,148 KB]
Also available on the Internet Archive at:
Volume 2: (July 1937 - June 1956), 278 pages. PDF format [Big file: 89,063 KB]
Also available on the Internet Archive at: “Hãy đoàn kết lại dựa trên hai bản tuyên bố Mát-xcơ-va” [“Let Us Unite on the Basis of the Moscow Declaration and the Moscow Statement”], a Vietnamese translation of the document published in Chinese in Renmin Ribao [“People’s Daily”) in Beijing on Jan. 27, 1963. (An English translation is available on this site on the Great Debate page in the China section.) This Vietnamese version was published by Nhà xuất bản ngoại văn (Bắc Kinh) [FLP: Peking], in 1963, 48 pages. PDF format (12,811 KB)
- “Vì đâu mà có những sự bất đồng? - Trả lời đồng chí Tô-rê và một số đồng chí khác” [“Whence the Differences? - A Reply to Thorez and Other Comrades”], [Nhà xuất bản ngoại văn (Bắc Kinh) (FLP: Peking)], 1963, 48 pages. (Has some underlining.) PDF format [7,694 KB]
- “Hai đường lối trong vấn đề chiến tranh và hòa bình” [“Two Different Lines on the Question of War and Peace”], [Nhà xuất bản ngoại văn (Bắc Kinh) (FLP: Peking)], 1964, 52 pages. PDF format [9,933 KB]
Also available on the Internet Archive at: “Thắng lợi vĩ đại của chủ nghĩa Lê-nin - Kỷ niệm 95 năm ngày sinh của Lê-nin” [“A Great Victory of Leninism”], [Nhà xuất bản ngoại văn (Bắc Kinh) (FLP: Peking)], 1965, 20 pages. (Some damage to the pamphlet; our apologies. But the text is undamaged.) PDF format [2,055 KB]
- “Những văn kiện quan trọng của cuộc Đại Cách mạng Văn hóa vô sản” [“Important Documents on the Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution in China”], [Nhà xuất bản ngoại văn (Bắc Kinh) (FLP: Peking)], 1970, 357 pages. This is a fairly poor quality scan, but still quite legible. It also appears that the photos in this book were torn out following Lin Biao’s death. Our apologies. PDF format [18,907 KB]
Foreign Support for Vietnam:
- China:
- “Support the People of Viet Nam, Defeat U.S. Aggressors”, a series of pamphlets from 1965 containing statements, editorials and commentaries in the Chinese press opposed to the U.S. imperialist war against Vietnam. (Peking: FLP, 1965)
- Pamphlet I: Fifteen items, including statements by the government of the PRC, speeches by Chou En-lai and other leaders, and editorials from Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], from February up to April 5, 1965, 90 pages. PDF Format [4,263 KB]
- Pamphlet II: With 6 editorials/commentaries from Renmin Ribao (April 11-16, 1965), 42 pages. PDF Format [1,855 KB]
- Pamphlet III: With a resolution of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and 4 editorials from Renmin Ribao (April 20-28, 1965), 44 pages. PDF Format [1,974 KB]
- Pamphlet IV: With a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and 6 editorials/commentaries from Renmin Ribao (May 2 - June 5, 1965), 48 pages. PDF Format [1,929 KB]
- “The People of Viet Nam Will Triumph! U.S. Aggressors Will Be Defeated!”, a series of at least five large format pamphlets (9" x 10.2") filled with hundreds of photographs of U.S. crimes in Vietnam, heroic Vietnamese resistance, and demonstrations around the world against this U.S. imperialist war in Vietnam. (Peking: FLP, 1965-67)
- #1 (1965): Searchable PDF Format [56 pages; 14,685 KB]
- #2 (1965?): [Not yet available.]
- #3 (1966): Searchable PDF Format [64 pages; 21,188 KB]
- #4 (1966): Searchable PDF Format [64 pages; 19,525 KB]
- #5 (1967): Searchable PDF Format [64 pages; 18,786 KB]
- “Smash the Big U.S.-Soviet Conspiracy!”, by Observer of Renmin Ribao, Feb. 20, 1967, about collusion and joint attempts by the U.S. and the Soviet Union to end the revolutionary war in south Vietnam. (Peking: FLP, 1967), small pamphlet, 22 pages. PDF Format [481 KB]
- “Welcome the Signing of the Paris Agreement on Viet Nam”, (Peking: FLP, 1973), 52 pages. PDF Format [4,500 KB]
- “The Vietnamese People’s Great Victory — Warm Congratulations to the South Vietnamese People on the Liberation of Saigon and All South Viet Nam”, messages of congratulations, speeches at a celebratory rally in Peking, and articles on the success of the revolutionary struggle and people’s war. (Peking: FLP, 1975), 62 pages. PDF Format [2,702 KB]
- Britain:
- [Book:] The British in Vietnam — How the 25 Year War Began, by George Rosie, (London: Panther, 1970), 156 pages. PDF format (12,127 KB)
- Vietnam Broadsheet [Britain-Vietnam Association]
- 1979 — Spring, 4 pages. PDF format (2,735 KB)
- Other Countries:
- [To be added.]
Foreign Criticism of Vietnam:
- Criticism from Foreign Revolutionaries:
- “Vietnam: Miscarriage of the Revolution”, a prescient and important unsigned article about the triumph of revisionism in Vietnam, which appeared in the RCP’s magazine Revolution, Vol. 4, No. 7-8, July/August 1979, 55 pages. So far as we know, this major critique of Vietnamese revisionism has not been reprinted and is not available elsewhere on the Internet. English: Searchable PDF Version (591 KB); English: MS Word (375 KB)
《越南:革命的流产》, Chinese Translation of this article, prepared by a friend and made available to, 35 pages. Chinese: Searchable PDF Version (1,029 KB); Chinese: MS Word (331 KB)- Criticism from Revisionist China:
- [Book:] “On Viet Nam’s Expulsion of Chinese Residents”, (Peking: FLP, 1978), 248 pages. PDF Format [15,435 KB]
- “China’s Indisputable Sovereignty Over the Xisha and Mansha Islands”, (Peking: FLP, 1980), 28 pages. Searchable PDF Format [4,265 KB]