《红旗》 杂志

Hóngqí [Red Flag] Magazine

The Theoretical Journal of the
Communist Party of China (1958-1988)

《红旗》 半月刊,1958年6月1日于北京创刊. 是毛主席年代中国共产党中央委员会主办的政治理论刊物。1958年5月25日,根据毛泽东的提议,中国共产党第八届中央委员会第五次全体会议决定“由中央主办一个革命的、批判的、理论和实际相结合的杂志,定名为《红旗》”。同年6月1日创刊。半月刊。 1965年1月改为月刊。 1976年10月反革命政变后反动派抓住了杂志的控制权。1988年6月停刊,易名为《求是》。

      Hóngqí [Red Flag] was the Chinese language theoretical journal of the Communist Party of China from 1958 to 1988. Depending on the year, it usually appeared monthly or twice-monthly. During the early-middle part of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution its publication was suspended (from December 1967 to July 1968), but after it resumed publication it again became an extremely important revolutionary leadership force during the rest of the Maoist socialist era, along with the newspapers People’s Daily and People’s Liberation Army Daily.

      Hóngqí was given its name by Mao and the Chinese characters used for the journal’s masthead were in Mao’s calligraphy. Its first editor was Mao’s secretary, Chen Boda. It was the successor to the earlier CCP theoretical journal Xuexi [Study]. The capitalist-roaders replaced the by-then already totally revisionist Hóngqí journal with a new twice-monthly journal, Qiúshì [“Seeking Truth” (Ha!)], in July 1988.

      Unless otherwise noted, the issues below are scans of the original Chinese language magazine. The scans are mostly of medium quality, but should be generally legible for readers of Chinese. There are a few extraneous circles and other markings on many pages; our apologies.

      The Joint Publications Research Service of the U.S. government translated into English many articles from issues of Hóngqí published during and after the Mao era, and also many entire issues. We have made as many of these translated issues and articles as we can locate available here. However, readers should keep in mind that these translations are unofficial and may not be entirely reliable.

      Another, much better, place to search for English translations of Hóngqí articles is in the English-language magazine Peking Review, all the issues of which from the Mao era and somewhat beyond that are available at:   We hope to eventually copy over all those official translations to this page, to make them easier to locate.

      We also have a separate web page for issues of Hóngqí in the years 1977-1988, which were published by the capitalist-roaders after Mao’s death. So far all we have there are English versions of issues from a number of years as translated and published by JPRS. See:

      If you have any additional issues of Red Flag in digital form, either in Chinese or in translation, please contact us at:

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| 1958 | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 |











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