Suppression of Publications and
Arrests of Journalists in Turkey
Turkey is a country where despite official claims that there is “democracy” and “a free press”, people are often arrested for their political beliefs and publications are often harrassed or suppressed.
We are also posting news here (which is generally suppressed in Turkey and internationally) of the revolutionary movement and related struggles such as in support of the huge number of political prisoners being held in Turkey’s notorious prisons.
Contact us at:
Turkish Militarism and “Sub-Imperialism”
Prisons and Prison Solidarity Movement:
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist
Communist Party of Turkey — Marxist-Leninist
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist Pre-2016 Split
Maoist Communist Party (MKP) of Turkey and North Kurdistan 2020s Third Congress
Maoist Communist Party (MKP) of Turkey and North Kurdistan 2013 Third Congress
Foreign and/or Academic Commentary on Turkey:
Turkish Militarism and “Sub-Imperialism”:
- “We Condemn ISIS Aggression and the Support of the Turkish State”, statement by the Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Armenian Battalion, September 2020, 1 page. (An included link also goes to a TKP/ML page which has versions in Turkish, Kurdish, and Armenian.) English: PDF format (50 KB); French: PDF format (83 KB)
Press Freedom Issues:
- “Turkey Leads the World in Jailing Journalists”, by Rick Gladstone, New York Times, Dec. 13, 2018. PDF format (70 KB)
- “Mass Arrests of Journalists Aimed at Suppressing Pro-Kurdish Information and Voices”, by Alliance for Kurdish Rights, Dec. 21, 2011, 2 pages. PDF Version (92 KB); MS Word (60 KB)
- “Press Freedom in Turkey: A Dangerous Place to be a Journalist”, The Economist, March 12, 2011, p. 61, 2 pages. Showing that even the mildest forms of exposures and criticisms within the ruling establishment itself are often being suppressed in a fascist manner. PDF Version (122 KB); MS Word (103 KB)
- “More than 100 Journalists Face the Threat of Imprisonment”, Hürriyet Daily News, Nov. 5, 2010, 2 pages. PDF Version (111 KB); MS Word (87 KB)
- “Two Kurdish Newspapers Suspended; Magazine Copies Seized”, IPS Communication Foundation, Sept. 7, 2010, 2 pages. PDF Version (92 KB); MS Word (68 KB)
- Suzan Zengin Case:
- “Revolutionary Journalist Suzan Zengin has Passed Away”, two news articles posted on the Frontlines of Revolutionary Struggle website, Oct. 17, 2011, 3 pages. PDF Version (116 KB); MS Word (191 KB)
- “For the Release of Suzan Zengin, Journalist and Political Prisoner”, statement from the International Association of People’s Lawyers, c. Sept. 5, 2010, 2 pages. PDF Version (128 KB); MS Word (38 KB)
- “Imprisonment Against Journalist of Progressive Revolutionary Socialist Paper ISCI KOYLU!”, statement about the arrest of Suzan Zengin, Sept. 1, 2009. PDF Version (151 KB); MS Word (45 KB)
Prisons and Prison Solidarity Movement:
- “Report back on March 18 Sympiosium In Stuttgart”, from UPOTUDAK – International Committee for Solidarity with Political Prisoners, 2023, 5 pages. PDF Version (41.8 KB);
- “Final Declaration” (On March 18 Sympiosium held in Stuttgart), from UPOTUDAK – International Committee for Solidarity with Political Prisoners, 2023, 1 page. PDF Version (25.8 KB);
- "18 March: International Day of Political Prisoners: Freedom For All Political Prisoners!", from UPOTUDAK – International Committee for Solidarity with Political Prisoners, 2023, 2 pages. PDF Version (29 KB);
- “Report on Rights Violations In Turkey Prisons”, from UPOTUDAK – International Committee for Solidarity with Political Prisoners, 2023, 6 pages. PDF Version (75 KB);
- “Prisoners Punished for Singing Political Slogans”, from the Weekly Freedom of Expression Bulletin, #25, 2011, 1 page. PDF Version (50 KB); MS Word (31 KB)
- “Inside, Outside Tear Down the Prisons!”, by the Solidarity Committee with Revolutionary Prisoners (Detudak), Dec. 6, 2009. PDF Version (153 KB); MS Word (32 KB)
- “Turkey: Prison Massacre [of December 2000]”, by the Revolutionary Communist Group (Britain), Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!, Feb./March 2001, 4 pages. PDF Version (106 KB); MS Word (41 KB)
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist
with websites at: [Note: government repression may sometimes force changes in this address.]
- 2022:
- “Declaration of the Unified Maoist International Conference (UMIC) [Draft]” together with A Critical Assessment by the TKP/ML, 79 pages. Neither is dated, but both were posted together on the TKP/ML website on Jan. 7, 2022, at:
- 2021:
- [To be added.]
- 2020:
- TKP/ML Central Committee Statement: “Glory and Honor to Comrade Nubar’s Commitment and the Passion of Comrade Rosa! Communist Leader Nubar is Immortal!”, September 2020, 5 pages. English: PDF format (84 KB); English: Microsoft Word format (.docx) (28 KB); English: Brief Press Notice in English, French and Spanish, MS Word format (.docx) (1 page, 14 KB)
- 2019:
- [Declaration of the TKP/ML on their 1st Congress]: “TKP/ML; On the Path of the 1st Congress, Gird on Proletarian Revolutionism, Challenge Liquidationism, Raise the Guerilla Warefare!”, May 2019, 15 pages. English: PDF format (237 KB)
- 2018:
- “May Day: Joint Announcement of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) and the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist”, May 1, 2018, 2 pages. English: PDF format (349 KB); English: MS Word format (.doc) (29 KB)
- “Joint Announcement of the Communist Party of Greece (marxist-leninist) and the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist”, April 2018, 4 pages. English: PDF format (281 KB); English: MS Word format (.doc) (43 KB)
Communist Party of Turkey — Marxist-Leninist [Formerly known as TKP-ML ÖK],
with websites at: and
This party resulted from the split within the long established TKP/ML in late 2016 or thereabouts.
- 2025: March
- “Being on the Right Side of History: Imperialism and the Struggle of the Peoples of the World”, TKP-ML, 101 pages. This brochure is an English translation of the first part of the document "Imperialism and the Struggle of the Peoples of the World and 'New Turkey': Preparing for the Storm!". English: PDF format (.pdf) (1,417 kb); English: MS Word format (.doc) (1,470 KB);
- “Kurdish National Question; 'The Call of the Century': Solution or Dissolution?”, TKP-ML, 20 pages (English) or 24 pages (Deutsch). This brochure is an evaluation of the ‘Call for Peace and Democratic Society’ announced by PKK leader A. Öcalan on 27 February 2025. English: PDF format (.pdf) (418 kb); English: MS Word format (.doc) (603 KB); Deutsch: PDF format (.pdf) (377 kb); Deutsch: MS Word format (.doc) (170 KB);
- “With the Struggle We Have Woven and Organized with Our Labor, Let Us Uproot and Destroy the Patriarchal System!”, TKP-ML KKB, 3 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (337 kb); English: MS Word format (.doc) (52 KB);
- 2025: February
- “Let's Organize the Party and the Revolution with the Decisions of the 2nd Congress!”, an interview with a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the TKP-ML, 57 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (470 kb);
- “Those Immortalised in the Struggle for Revolution and Communism Commemorated! ” 7 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (378 kb);
- “Revolutionary Greetings to the 5th National Congress of the Proletarian Party of Purbo Bangla (PBSP/Bangladesh)!” - TKP-ML International Bureau, 2 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (457 kb);
- 2025: January
- “A People Without an Army Has Nothing” - Interview With A Commander Of TKP-ML TIKKO Martyr Eylem Yildiz Battalion, 11 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (457 kb);
- “PFLP Leader Ebu Ahmed Fuad Immortalized” - TKP-ML International Bureau, 1 page. English: PDF format (.pdf) (65 kb); English: MS Word format (.doc) (16 KB);
- 2024: December
- “Constitution of the Communist Party of Turkey - Marxist Leninist” - 13 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (211 kb); English: MS Word format (.doc) (140 KB);
- “Program of the Communist Party of Turkey - Marxist Leninist” - 25 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (286 kb); English: MS Word format (.doc) (164 KB);
- “General Situation in the World, Our Duties, and the Situation in Turkey” - 78 pages. "This document is the short decisions of the TKP-ML 2nd Congress ‘Situation in the World and in Turkey’ agenda. The document was published under the title 'General Situation in the World and Our Tasks' in the Communist 78th issue, the party organ of the TKP-ML, as ‘Decision: 19’ and again 'Situation in Turkey' with the title 'Decision: 20' was published as. We publish the document as a brochure. Ed." English: PDF format (.pdf) (685 kb); English: MS Word format (.doc) (468 KB);
- “The path of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism remains the only road to genuine liberation: TKP-ML” - 8 pages. An interview with the TKP-ML on the occasion of the ‘Unity Congress’ of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal. English: PDF format (.pdf) (333 kb); English: MS Word format (.docx) (26 KB);
- “Message of solidarity and congratulations to the TKP-ML on their second congress” - 2 pages. A statement from the Communist Party of the Phillipines. English: PDF format (.pdf) (209 kb); English: MS Word format (.docx) (22 KB);
- “We Took Our Place on the War Fronts with the Instruction to Organize the Revolution, Win the Future!” - 4 pages. An interview with the TKP-ML TIKKO Şehid Eylem Yıldız Battalion, regarding the developments in Syria and the fight against the attacks of the Turkish state. English: PDF format (.pdf) (294 kb); English: MS Word format (.docx) (20 KB);
- 2024: November
- "Long Live Our 2nd Congress! ORGANIZE THE REVOLUTION, WIN THE FUTURE!" - 3 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (73 kb);
- 2024: July
- "Happy 12th Anniversary of the Rojava Revolution!"- 2 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (36.4 kb);
- 2024: May
- "Article on May Day (unofficial translation)"- 6 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (91 kb);
- 2024: March
- "Hunger strike by prisoners in Tekirdağ F Type Prison No 1" "TKP-ML and MLKP prisoners in Tekirdağ F Type Prison No 1 go on a hunger strike in support of the hunger strike by PKK prisoners against the isolation in İmralı Island and violations of rights in prisons since November."- 1 page. English: PDF format (.pdf) (21.3 kb);
- 2024: January
- "Those immortalized in the struggle for revolution and communism commemorated in Dersim and Izmir January 2024, 2 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (26.5 kb); See also associated images Dersiim 1 (.jpg) ; Dersiim 2 (.jpg) ; Dersiim 3 (.jpg) ; Dersiim 4 (.jpg) ; İzmir 1 (.jpg) ; İzmir 2 (.jpg) ;
- "TKP-ML TIKKO General Command: We Will Carry The Fight That Our Immortals Sacrificed Their Lives For To Victory!" (On the 100th Anniversary of Lenin's Immortality) January 2024, 2 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (26.5 kb); --> Arabic: PDF format (.pdf) (26.5 kb); See also associated banners 1 (.jpg) ; 2 (.jpg) ;
- "Speech for those mmortalized in the struggle for revolution and communism, commemorated at their graves...Visits to the families of martyrs in many regions will continue. January 2024, 3 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (26.5 kb); --> See also associated images 1 (.jpg) ; 2 (.jpg) ; 3 (.jpg) ; 4 (.jpg) ; 5 (.jpg) ; 6 (.jpg) ; 7 (.jpg) ; 8 (.jpg) ; 9 (.jpg) ; 10 (.jpg) ; 11 (.jpg) ; 12 (.jpg) ; 13 (.jpg) ; 14 (.jpg) ; 15 (.jpg) ; 16 (.jpg) ;
- "Commemoration event for women and LGBTI+ immortals on the occasion of the "Week of Commemoration of the Martyrs of Revolution and Communism". January 2024, 1 page. English: PDF format (.pdf) (25.4 kb); See also associated images from event 1 (.jpg) ; 2 (.jpg) ; 3 (.jpg) 4 (.jpg) 5 (.jpg) 6 (.jpg)
- "We commemorate those who fought for revolution and communism. Let us gather under Lenin's flag!" ("Tribute to those who have lost their lives in the struggle for a classless, exploitation-free world") January 2024, 3 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (40.7 kb); See also associated banners Turkish: JPEG format (.jpg) (3.6 mb); And Turkish: Jpeg format (.jpg) (3.3mb);
- 2023:
- "The Unequenched Torch of Communism TKP-ML, 51 Years Old!" by the TKP-ML, Central Committee, April 2023, 2 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (184.2 kb);
- "TKP-ML TIKKO Rojava Command: "We Will Not Allow Occupation Attacks!"" by the TKP-ML, Middle East Party Committee, April 2023, 1 page. English: PDF format (.pdf) (38.7 kb);
- "TKP-ML OPK Member Ünal Orhan: "In the New Year, We Will Strengthen Hope and Freedom!" January, 2023, 6 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (65.7 kb);
- "We stand with the working class of France, which is growing the strike and revolt against the attacks of the bourgeoisie!" by the TKP-ML, March 2023, 2 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (163.4 kb);
- "TKP-ML TIKKO fighters commemorated the martyrs of the Party and Revolution." TKP-ML Middle East Party Committee, March, 2023, 1 page. English: PDF format (.pdf) (30 kb);
- "TKP-ML Communist Women's Union commemorated the martyrs of the party and revolution." by the TKP-ML Communist Women's Union, February, 2023, 1 page. English: PDF format (.pdf) (42.28kb);
- Statement from March 8, International Women's Day "We Will Destroy This System With Our Rebellion Together With The Wreckage It Created! Jin Jiyan Azadi!”; "The Fascist Turkish State Collapsed on the Head of the People in the Earthquake!"; "This State is the Enemy of the People with its Ruling and Opposition Parties and with a Thousand Faces!"; "We Will Not Be Saved! We will liberate the whole world together with ourselves!" , by the TKP-ML Communist Union of Women, March, 2023, 3 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (124.3 KB);
- "Honoring LGBTI+ martyrs who filled their hearts with indescribable love" by the TKP-ML Communist Union of Women, March, 2023, 15 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (5.2 MB);
- 2022:
- "We Salute The 22nd Anniversary Of The PLGA, One Of The Cornerstones Of The Indian Revolution!", by the TKP-ML, International Bureau, December 2022, 2 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (176.8 kb);
- "Interview with International Fighters" (Rojava), December 29 2022, 11 pages. English: PDF format (.pdf) (83 kb);
- "FKP Founding Leader Jose Maria Sison Commemorated" December 2022, 1 page. English: PDF format (.pdf) (25 kb);
- "Glory to the Communist Party of the Philippines on its 54th Anniversary! Jose Maria Sison will live forever in the hearts of the peoples of the world!" TKP-ML Central Committee, December 2022, 2 page. English: PDF format (.pdf) (106.7 kb);
- 2021:
- “Communist tribute to Ka Oris, the senior commander and spokesperson of the New People’s Army! We will keep his memory alive in our struggle!”, by the TKP-ML International Bureau, November 2021, 2 pages. English: MS Word format (.docx) (62 KB); Turkish: MS Word format (.docx) (62 KB)
- “A Second Path: Organize with the United Revolutionary Struggle!”, an unsigned article which appeared in the Ozgurgelecek newspaper, n.d. (but received Nov. 11, 2021), 6 pages. English: PDF format (111 KB); English: MS Word format (.doc) (69 KB)
- “Comrade Gonzalo Has Become Immortal!”, by the TKP-ML Central Committee, September 13, 2021, 2 pages. English: PDF format (64 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (63 KB); Turkish: PDF format (63 KB); Turkish: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (122 KB)
- “Let’s Defend President Gonzalo’s Life! Freedom for President Gonzalo and All Political Prisoners!”, by the TKP-ML, International Bureau, August, 2021, 2 pages. (Received early September 2021.) English: PDF format (129 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (61 KB)
- “Analysis: KDP’s Love of the Republic of Turkey”, an English translation from an article in the Özgür Gelecek newspaper, late June, 2021, 2 pages. English: PDF format (73 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (161 KB)
- “Persistently Against Hate, Long Live the Pride Week! Long Live the LGBTQ+ Struggle!”, statement by the Communist Union of Women, of the TKP-ML, June 2021, 2 pages. English: PDF format (179 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.doc) format (280 KB)
- “Seyfo Cannot Be Forgotten”, statement by the Battalion of Martyr Nubar Ozanyan, on the anniversary of the 1915 massacre of Armenian-Syriac-Greek people, 14 June 2021, 1 page. English: PDF format (114 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (68 KB)
- “The Mafia Order is the Normal of Fascism”, an undated article translated from Özgür Gelecek newspaper, evaluating the recent period in Turkey, 3 pages. (Received by on June 10, 2021.) English: PDF format (58 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (18 KB)
- “We Commemorate Communist Leader Ibrahim Kaypakkaya on the 48th Anniversary of His Murder”, by the TKP-ML Polit Bureau, May 2021, 3 pages. English: PDF format (176 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (275 KB)
- “Action in Memory of Kaypakkaya from TKP-ML TIKKO Guerrillas”, posted on the TKP-ML website on May 18, 2021, along with a short video of the military action, 1 pages. English: PDF format (57 KB)
- “The Palestinian People Are Not Alone! We Stand By the Resisting Palestinian People!”, by the TKP-ML Middle East Party Committee, May 11, 2021, 2 pages.
English: PDF format (34 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (272 KB); Turkish: PDF format (156 KB); Turkish: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (271 KB); Arabic: PDF format (233 KB); Arabic: Open Office Document (.odt) format (264 KB)- “We are in Solidarity with the Colombian People: If there is no bread, there is no peace for the rich!”, by the TKP-ML International Bureau, May 2021, 2 pages. English: PDF format (42 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (58 KB)
- “May Day is Struggle against Imperialist-Capitalist System, the Real Virus”, by the TKP-ML Central Committee - Polit Bureau, April 2021, 3 pages. English: PDF format (98 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (275 KB)
- “Happy 49th Anniversary to Our Party Established in the Light of the Paris Commune! From Now to Future: More Persistent and More Determined!”, by the TKP-ML Central Committee - Polit Bureau, April 2021, 3 pages. English: PDF format (95 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (276 KB)
- “In Solidarity with the Just Struggle of Militant Peasant Farmers and Agricultural Workers in India”, statement by the TKP-ML International Bureau, February 2021, 4 pages. English: PDF format (112 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (59 KB)
- “Remembering Şehîd Tekoşer Piling”, statement by Tekoşîna Anarşîst, February 2021, 1 page. English: PDF format (37 KB)
- “Everywhere is Bogazici, Everywhere is Resistance!”, statement by the Political Buro of the TKP-ML (ÖK), February 2021, 2 pages. English: PDF format (116 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (58 KB)
- “We Remember with Respect Those who were Immortalized for the Revolution by Keeping Our Promises to Them!”, statement by the Central Committee of the TKP-ML (ÖK), January 2021, 2 pages. English: PDF format (118 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.doc) format (75 KB)
- “Martyr Numbar Ozanyan Battalion Commemorates Hrant Dink”, January 22, 2021, 1 page. English: PDF format (50 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (17 KB)
- 2020:
- Interview with a member of the TCP-ML Polit Bureau: “We Have No Other Option but to Struggle and Fight for Liberation”, posted on December 26, 2020. The .docx version is 35 pages; the PDF version (with page numbers added) is 37 pages. English: PDF format (260 KB); English: Microsoft Word (.docx) format (56 KB)
- “Welcoming More New Storms on the Horizon: Victory to the Militant Independent Haft-Tappeh Sugar Workers in Iran on Their 50th Day of All-out Strike!”, statement of the TKP-ML International Bureau, August 2020, 5 pages. English: PDF format (112 KB); English: Microsoft Word format (.docx) (60 KB)
- “Condolence Message from TKP-ML International Bureau to the Comrades of the NDFP for the Loss of Ka Fidel Agcaoili”, July 28, 2020, 2 pages. English: PDF format (123 KB); English: MS Word format (.docx) (55 KB)
- “The Mass Protests against Racism in the U.S. A Taste of the Gathering Storms against Imperialism and All Reactionaries”, by the TKP-ML International Bureau, June 13, 2020, 3 pages. English: PDF format (130 KB); English: Microsoft Word format (.docx) (58 KB)
- “Women Organize, Become Leadership, Raise the War in KKB!”, by Rosa Avesta, TKP/ML Central Committee, Women’s Commission, posted May 5, 2020, 15 pages. English: PDF format (234 KB) [Includes link to Turkish language version.]
- 2019:
- Statement on the First Party Congress in April 2019: “To the International Proletariat, the Oppressed People, the International Communist Movements and the Fraternal Communist Parties!”, June 11, 2019, 5 pages. English: PDF format (162 KB)
- With the Party Advance Towards the Revolution, Glory to Our 1st Congress!”, May 3, 2019, 5 pages. English: PDF format (106 KB)
- 2018:
- “Who We Are”, statement posted on their web page, April 29, 2018, 6 pages, with a link to the Party Programme. English: PDF format (120 KB)
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist [abbreviated as TKP/ML or sometimes TKP-ML],
and its military wing TIKKO (Liberation Army of Workers and Peasants of Turkey)
This is the party which which split into the two parties listed above at around the end of 2016. Our information about the reasons for
this split and the differences between the two resulting parties is fragmentary and confusing.
- 2013:
- “His Name is Our Pride, His Party is Our Honor, His Doctrine is Our Guide”, by the TKP/ML, International Bureau, April 2013. Document issued on the 40th anniversary of the murder of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, the founding leader of the TKP/ML. Turkish: PDF (19 sheets, 2,560 KB); English: PDF (15 pages, 227 KB); English: MS Word (15 pages, 108 KB); German: PDF (16 sheets, 2,165 KB); French: PDF (18 sheets, 2,696 KB)
- 2012:
- “The Nepalese Revolution in the Clasp of Reformism and Revisionism”, by the TKP/ML. This is the revised and improved English translation of this important paper, dated October 2012, 14 pages. PDF Version (400 KB); MS Word (40 KB)
- “Fully conscious of our responsibility towards the revolution in Turkey and in the world, TKP/ML at its 40th anniversary of its founding continues to stand for winning the future with protracted people’s-guerrilla war!”, by the TKP/ML, April 24, 2012. Turkish: PDF (22 sheets, 2,530 KB); English: PDF (17 sheets, 1,914 KB); German: PDF (21 sheets, 2,288 KB)
- 2011:
- “Five Martyrs of TKP/ML-TIKKO Died in Dersim”, statement by the TKP/ML International Relations Office, April 20, 2011, 4 pages. About the death of 5 women guerrillas in an avalanche on Feb. 2, 2011. PDF Version (190 KB); MS Word (96 KB)
- 2010:
- “The Crisis of the Imperialist System, the Consequences and the Tasks of the Class Movement”, by the TKP/ML, October 2010, 15 pages. PDF Version (358 KB); MS Word (603 KB)
- “The Situation in the World and People’s War”, by the TKP/ML, an essay published in the illegal journal Komünist, no. 64, after the 3rd CC meeting of the TCP/ML in February 2010, 5 pages. PDF Version (287 KB); MS Word (57 KB)
- 2007:
- “Either we Carry the Life to the Dead Stars or the Death will Come Down to Our World”, statement by the TKP/ML from the 8th Party Conference and on the 35th anniversary of the founding of the party, April 2007, 3 pages. PDF Version (172 KB); MS Word (42 KB)
- 2006:
- “On the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) and the 50th Anniversary of the Struggle Against Revisionism”, document issued by the TKP/ML on Oct. 31, 2006. Turkish: PDF (27 sheets, 2,923 KB); English: PDF (23 sheets, 2,758 KB); German: PDF (25 sheets, 2,800 KB)
- 2003:
- “Anti-Imperialism, Civil Society Politices and Our Tasks”, by the TKP/ML, n.d. (but circa 2003), 20 pages. English: Searchable PDF Format (2,136 KB)
- 2002:
- “Historical Background of Turkey”, n.d. (but included in a collection of articles published circa 2002), 3 sheets (6 pages). Includes short sections on “What is Kemalism?” and “Breaking with Kemalism”. English: PDF (397 KB)
- “The Life and the Struggle of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya”, two short biographies, n.d. (but included in a collection of articles published circa 2002), 2 sheets (4 pages). English: PDF (186 KB)
- “There Is No Death For Us! We have our revenge oaths and war cries!”, on the martyrdom of Mehmet Demirdag and the Black Sea Martyrs, n.d. (but included in a collection of articles published circa 2002), 6 sheets (12 pages). English: PDF (633 KB)
- “Turkish Comrades Release a Message on the F-Type Prisons, U.$. Imperialism”, Partizan, June 5, 2002, 5 pages. English: PDF (254 KB)
- “To the Turkish, Kurdish and Different Minorities in Turkey, To Our People”, statement by the TKP/ML on the 30th anniversary of the founding of the party, April 2002, 6 pages. PDF Version (82 KB); MS Word (43 KB)
- 1999:
- Statement on the Izmit Earthquake, “This Many Casualties is Out of the Common; the State is Responsible for It!”, Aug. 20, 1999. This earthquake needlessly caused the deaths of well over 20,000 people, and injured another 50,000 people. [HTML format.]
- May Day Statement: “Intensify the Struggle Against the Imperialist Offensive on the Occasion of May 1st”, by the TKP/ML, May 1, 1999. [HTML format.]
- 1998:
“Contemporary Marxism-Leninism-Maoism”, by the TKP/ML, Summer 1998, 39 pages. This is an extensive and important presentation of the views of the TKP/ML and a polemic against Enver Hoxha, Trotskyists, and other trends. PDF Version (367 KB); MS Word (159 KB)
- “Mao Zedong’s Theory of People’s War is the Military Strategy of the Proletariat and Oppressed Peoples of Semi-Colonies”, by the TKP/ML, Summer 1998, 13 pages. This article along with the next two is taken from the pamphlet “Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism: TKP/ML on Some Important Issues” (Summer 1998). PDF Version (1,127 KB)
- “The Strategy of ‘Low Intensity Warfare’ means blockade, embargo, force immigration, massacre, torture and exploitation! The People’s War Strategy means People’s Democratic Power!”, by the TKP/ML, Summer 1998, 16 pages. PDF Version (217 KB); MS Word (85 KB)
- “‘Low Intensity War’ is the strategy of counter-guerrilla and People’s War is the strategy of the proletariat”, by the TKP/ML, Summer 1998, 13 pages. This article is taken from the pamphlet “Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism: TKP/ML on Some Important Issues” (Summer 1998) which also includes the above two articles. PDF Version (989 KB)
- “Imperialism: The Problem of the Balkans and Kosovo”, by the TKP/ML, 1998, 10 pages. PDF Version (162 KB); MS Word (69 KB)
- 1997:
- “Imperialism: Petrol, the Middle East and the Caucasus”, by the TKP/ML, Autumn 1997, 12 pages. PDF Version (304 KB); MS Word (75 KB)
- “There is No Death for Us! We have our revenge oaths and war cries”, 1997, 8 pages. This is a lament on the murders of Mehmet Demirdag and the Black Sea Martyrs. (It appears that this document was issued by the leadership of the Party, though it may have been issued by a faction. It promotes what it calls “Party restructuring”.) PDF Version (85 KB); MS Word (49 KB)
- “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and its Teachings (Summary)”, by the TKP/ML, 1997, 15 pages. About the Cultural Revolution in China and its lessons for the world. PDF Version (202 KB); MS Word (115 KB)
- Early and Mid-1990s:
- “The General Characteristics of Imperialism”, by the TKP/ML, mid 1990s. [HTML format.]
- [Pamphlet:] “The Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist (TKP/ML) — Ideology, Policy and History”, by the TKP/ML, (not dated, but around 1991), 36 pages. English: Searchable PDF format (11,388 KB)
- Early Documents:
- “On Mao Tsetung”, by the TKP/ML, Sept. 1979, on the 3rd anniversary of the death of Mao, 2 pages. From Revolution, Vol. 4, #10-11 (Oct.-Nov. 1979), published by the RCP,USA. Searchable PDF image format (526 KB)
- [Book:] Selected Works — Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, (Nisan Yayimcilik/Nisan Publishing: July 2014), 432 pages. Printed copies of this fine volume are extremely difficult to locate, so we are providing it here in digital form. Searchable PDF format (24,179 KB)
- [Book:] Selected Works — Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, in Turkish, not dated, but from 2003 or a little later, 423 pages. Searchable PDF format (3,494 KB)
- “Ibrahim Kaypakkaya on the Kurdish National Question”, 1972, 15 pages. English: PDF Version (245 KB); English: MS Word (86 KB); German: PDF Version (80 pages: 5,653 KB)
- Ísçi Köylü Kurtulusu [“Salvation of the Peasants and Workers”], the central public organ of the TKP/ML, in Turkish:
- Number 132: Kasim [November] 2018, 20 pages. PDF format (14,412 KB)
- Number 131: Mayis [May] 2018, 16 pages. PDF format (4,811 KB)
- Number 130: [Not yet available.]
- Number 129: Haziran [June] 2017, 52 pages. PDF format (7,389 KB)
- Number 128: Mart [March] 2017, 36 pages. PDF format (1,688 KB)
- Number 127: Ocak [January] 2017, 36 pages. PDF format (1,047 KB)
- Earlier Issues: [Not yet available.]
- TKP/ML-TIKKO in winter and summer camps, with short statements by guerillas (circa 1995) [6:00 minutes]
- TKP/ML-TIKKO units (undated) [4:15 minutes]
- TKP/ML-TIKKO in the mountains of Kurdistan (2008) [1:35 minutes] Formerly at: [Apparently no longer available online.]
- TKP/ML-TIKKO unit (2008) [1 minute] Formerly at: [Apparently no longer available online.]
- Video on the martyrs of the revolution in Turkey, produced by the TKP/ML and the MKP [7:30 minutes] Formerly at: [Apparently no longer available online.]
Criticisms of the TKP/ML:
- “Maoism Versus Opportunism in Turkey”, a polemic against the line of the TKP/ML by the Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (CoRIM), mid-2001, 16 pages. [This is the excerpted version as published in RIM’s magazine, A World To Win, #28, 2002. We will also post a response to this criticism by the TKP/ML if it becomes available.] PDF Version (352 KB); MS Word (99 KB)
- “On the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Foundation of the TKP ML”, statement of the Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (CoRIM), A World To Win, #23, 1998, 3 pages. PDF Version (131 KB); MS Word (38 KB)
- “On the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Founder of the of the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist, Ibrahim Kaypakkaya”, statement of the Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (CoRIM), May 1993, 3 pages. In A World To Win, #19, 1993. PDF Version (18 KB); MS Word (36 KB)
[Note that the TKP/ML (above) and the TKP(ML) (below) are (or were) different parties, even though their names differ only in the punctuation!]
Communist Party of Turkey (Marxist-Leninist) [TKP(ML)]
- “Maoism—Lives, Fights, Wins and Keeps Winning!”, by the TKP(ML), from A World To Win, #24, 1997, 16 pages. PDF Version (189 KB); MS Word (82 KB)
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist (Maoist Party Centre)
[Split off from the TKP/ML in 1987. We do not know if this Party still exists.]
- “The Rabid Yankee Dogs and Their Allies Are Asking For It: Let’s Turn Every Inch of Land in the Region and the Gulf into their Graves!”, by the TKP/ML (Maoist Party Centre), Aug. 19, 1990, 4 pages. PDF Version (18 KB); MS Word (38 KB)
Maoist Communist Party (MKP) of Turkey and North Kurdistan [“Maoist Komünist Partisi”]:
Statements and Documents:
- Message to the International Revolutionary Movement with Regard to the Situation in the Maoist Communist Party of Turkey and North Kurdistan, June 17, 2021, 5 pages. PDF format (34 KB)
- “MKP/MGB: Kaypakkaya is the Weapon of Victory in the Hands of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan’s Proletariat!”, n.d. (but June 2021), 2 pages. PDF format (44 KB)
- “MKP CC-PB: Our Immortals are the Cornerstones of MLM Science, Thrown at the Forefront of Our March with the Slogan of Victory!”, June 2021, 4 pages. PDF format (66 KB)
- “Defend Party Principles, Advance on Kaypakkaya’s Route, Stand against Right Opportunism with MLM Ideology!”, by the Maoist Communist Party—Temporary Central Committee, June 2021, 8 pages. PDF format (70 KB); MS Word format (.docx) (25 KB)
- “MKP 3rd Congress Documents”, June 2021. (Not available in English.) Turkish: PDF format (299 pages: 1,717 KB)
- “MKP — Our 17 Comrades are Immortal in Our People’s War”, n.d. but issued or re-issued in June 2021, 6 pages. PDF format (170 KB)
- “Honour to the comrade ‘Rosa’, Leading member of the Communist Party of Turkey and North Kurdistan (MKP)”, who was murdered by the Turkish fascist regime on 16 June 2005 with 16 other communist leaders and fighters. This pamphlet includes the “Report of the meeting between the comrades of the PCm Italia and the MKP Turkey North-Kurdistan”, (March 8, 2004). (Taranto, Italy: Movimento Femminista Proletario Rivoluzionario, n.d.), 32 pages. PDF format (In pamphlet-printing layout; 1,745 KB)
- Video dedicated to the l7 leaders and members of the MKP massacred by the Turkish Army in 2005 [6:30 minutes] [Formerly on YouTube, but now apparently no longer available.]
- Video of MKP and affiliated contingents in urban areas [0:50 minute]
- Video of MKP-HKO meeting in the mountains of Kurdistan [3:15 minutes] [Formerly on YouTube, but now apparently no longer available.]
News Reports:
- “On the Massacre of 17 Revolutionary Leaders and Fighters in Turkey”, news report in the RIM magazine A World To Win, #32, 2006, about a massacre of MKP leaders and fighters which occurred on June 16, 2005. 2 pages. PDF Version (68 KB); MS Word (33 KB)
[Note that the MKP of Turkey and North Kurdistan (above) and the party with the same name in English (below) are different parties since 2013 and have slightly different names in Turkish.]
Maoist Communist Party (MKP) of Turkey and North Kurdistan [“Maoist Komünist Parti”]:
Statements and Documents:
- [To be added when available.]
Criticisms of the MKP from its “Third Congress” (2013) [actual beginning] on:
- “MKP’s III Congress: A New Stage in Liquidationism”, by Ibrahim Suphi, et al. This is the English translation of an article originally written in Turkish and published in a special edition of the magazine Partizan in June 2014. It is in response to the propositions, analysis and the general line presented in the documents of the 3rd Congress of the MKP (Maoist Communist Party of Turkey and North Kurdistan). The MKP Congress was held sometime in 2013 and its documents were made public in the Turkish language sometime in 2014., March 20, 2015, 57 pages. English: PDF format (A4 paper size) (1,904 KB)
Workers Party of Kurdistan [Parti Karkerani Kurdistan] (PKK) & its military wing HPG (People’s Defense Force)
[No longer a Marxist party since its leader Abdullah Öcalan was imprisoned in 1999 and then abandoned Marxism.]
- Video of PKK-HPG camps (some of the footage is from 2004) [3:30 minutes] [Note: It appears this video has now been deleted or moved.]
News Reports:
- “PKK Revokes Cease-Fire in Turkey”, Wall Street Journal, Feb. 28, 2011, 2 pages. PDF Version (72 KB); MS Word (29 KB)
- “Mass Violent Protests Rock Turkish Kurdistan”, A World To Win News Service, April 19, 2006, 2 pages. PDF Version (72 KB); MS Word (33 KB)
- “Turkey and Kurdistan: In the Cauldron of the Iraq War”, by B. Bahrumi & G. Malik, A World To Win, #30, 2004, 10 pages. PDF Version (46 KB); MS Word (63 KB)
- “Abdullah Ocalan Must Be Freed!”, statement by the Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (CoRIM), Feb. 18, 1999, from A World To Win, #25, 1999, 2 pages. PDF Version (11 KB); MS Word (30 KB)
Other Revolutionary Movement News and Information:
- “Syrians must unite to create a free and democratic Syria”, an interview with Ares Melkonyan, one of the commanders of the Shahid Nubar Ozanyan Armenian Brigade of the SDF. January 18, 2025, 3 pages English: PDF format (.pdf) (342 kb); English: MS Word format (.docx) (19 KB);
- “Oppressed Peoples Must Stand Against Turkey's Occupation Policies”, an interview with Lusin Hovsepyan, Commander of the Martyr Nubar Ozanyan Armenian Brigade, about the fall of the regime in Syria and the developments in the aftermath. December 20, 2024, 3 pages English: PDF format (.pdf) (291 kb); English: MS Word format (.docx) (18 KB);
- "Stand Up for Rojava and the Oppressed People of Syria!", a statement from the Federation of Workers from Turkey in Europe (ATIK). May 3, 2024, 2 pages Searchable PDF Format [90 KB]
Foreign and/or Academic Commentary on Turkey:
- “Turkey’s Radical Left: History, Current Situation and Differences of Opinion (a short summary) Author: Istämi Translator: Jason Bourne, Early 2024 48 pages. Searchable PDF Format [ 623kb] also see Chinese original: Searchable PDF Format [ 2.9 mb] Please contact the the editors at Bannedthought for replies or corrections to this analysis.
- “Rise and Fall of Communism in Turkey — 1 (1917-1980)”, by Arslan Ayan, May 6, 2019, (Internet: “The Circle”), 13 pages. Focuses mostly on the early history of the Communist movement in Turkey. Searchable PDF Format [229 KB]
- “Support the Patriotic and Just Struggle of the Turkish People”, (Peking: FLP, 1960), 42 pages. PDF Format [2,589 KB]
Due to the repressive legislation and judicial decisions in the United States, we at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET want to make it completely clear that we do not have any connection with any political party or organization in Turkey, or in any other country for that matter. We do not aid, promote, assist, support, coordinate with, or provide any sort of services or advice to any Turkish political party or organization, nor to any other party. However, we do support the right of free speech, and the right of the people in both Turkey and internationally to read the views and publications of these and all other parties and organizations. For this reason we do object to the suppression of the views and ideas put forward by revolutionary parties in Turkey by the Turkish government. And for this reason alone we are making copies of many of their documents available on this site, documents which the authorities in Turkey wish to suppress and keep from the people.
Also, we ask visitors to this site to please don’t ask us to try to contact any Turkish political parties for them. We have no way of doing that. Thank you.