Interview : DVC Member and Squad
Commander Comrade Sujata
May 2000
Interview with Squad Commander and
SAC Secretary, Com. Vijay
July 2000
“None can Stop us from Organising the
Oppressed” (interview with Karnataka comrades)
August 2000
Interview with Com. Jose Maria Sison
— Founding Chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines
September 2000
Interview with the Chairman of the
GRC of TR village in South Bastar
January 2001
Interview with DKSZC Secretariat
Member, Com. Latchanna
November 2002
Interview with Com. Sukdev
December 2002
On Armed Clashes Between
Revisionist Liberation and PW
(interview with
Parkash, Secretary of Magadh Regional Committee of
People’s War)
July 2003
Interview with polit bureau
member of CPN(Maoist) Com. Gaurav on the issue of Revisionism
August 2003
Interview with MCCI leader, Com.
September 2003
Interview with CPI(ML)(PW)
Polit-bureau member, Com. Pradeep
I Joined The Squad Because..,
(interview with squad members)
Interview with Comrade Prachanda,
Chairman, CPN(Maoist)