Suppression of News in Ecuador and Political
Statements Prevented from Reaching the People
In Ecuador, as in so many other countries, much of the real news about what is happening to the working class and the poor, is suppressed, or at the very least is not widely reported. And for reasons like this the claims that Ecuador enjoys a true “democracy” and “a free press” are gross exaggerations of the real situation. We at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET will try to help break down this government and media news embargo.
If you know of other suppressed documents and news reports that should be posted here, contact us at:
Communist Party of Ecuador (Red Sun) [Partido Comunista del Ecuador—Sol Rojo (PCE-SR)]
[Web site at:]
- 2016:
- “El 122 aniversario del natalicio del Presidente Mao Tse-tung y las perspectivas del Maoísmo”, Puka Inti, January 2016, 3 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (614 KB)
- 2015:
- “FARC-Viejo Estado de Colombia. Necrología de una Falsa Paz”, Puka Inti, October 2015, 7 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (363 KB)
- “Honor y gloria al camarada Leoncio Pitao — Ka Parago”, Puka Inti, July 2015, 2 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (475 KB)
- “¡Viva el Aniversario del Inicio de la Lucha Armada en el Perú!”, Puka Inti, May 2015, 3 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (742 KB)
- 2014:
- “¡Larga Vida al Presidente Gonzalo!”, Puka Inti, December 3, 2014, 2 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (286 KB)
- “La Masacre de Estudiantes Normalistas en México, un Crimen más de la Dictadura Burgués-Terrateniente”, Puka Inti, October 2014, 2 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (313 KB)
- “¡La Resistencia de Kobane en el Corazón de los Pueblos del Mundo!”, Puka Inti, October 2014, 1 page. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (292 KB)
- “Proletariado y Pueblo de Colombia: ¡No Votar!”, Puka Inti, June 2014, 3 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (1,128 KB)
- 2013:
- “VIVA 120 ANIVERSARIO NATALICIO PRESIDENTE MAO TSE-TUNG”, Puka Inti, December 2013, 1 page. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (305 KB)
- “Mandela, el Siervo del Imperialismo”, Puka Inti, December 2013, 10 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (961 KB)
- “YASUNÍ: LA REESTRUCTURACIÓN DEL VIEJO ESTADO Y LA REPRIMARIZACIÓN DE LA ECONOMÍA”, Puka Inti, August 2013, 6 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (406 KB)
- “¡VIVA LA GUERRA POPULAR EN LA INDIA! ¡HONOR Y GLORIA AL CAMARADA AZAD!”, Puka Inti, July 2013, 3 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (387 KB)
- “¡DEFENDER LA VIDA DEL PRESIDENTE GONZALO!”, Puka Inti, June 2013, 3 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (262 KB)
- “VIVA EL ANIVERSARIO DEL INICIO DE LA LUCHA ARMADA EN EL PERÚ (17 DE MAYO 1980)”, Puka Inti, May 17, 2013, 4 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (406 KB)
- “8 DE MARZO, DÍA DE LA MUJER TRABAJADORA, EXPLOTADA Y DISCRIMINADA.”, Puka Inti, March 2013, 4 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (573 KB)
- “LAS ELECCIONES. PROCESO-RESULTADOS”, Puka Inti, February 2013, 8 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (3,285 KB)
- “¿EL MRI, UN CADÁVER INSEPULTO?”, Puka Inti, January 2013, 9 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (643 KB)
- 2012:
- “The International Unity of the Communists Requires the Defeat of Avakianist Revisionism, Centrism and All Forms of Revisionism!”, joint declaration of:
Arab Maoists
Centre Marxiste-Léniniste-Maoïste - Belgique
Colectivo Odio de Clase – Estado Español
Grupo Reconstrucción - PERUCRPM – Estado Español
Organización Comunista Bandera Roja – Estado Español
Partido Comunista de Ecuador – Sol Rojo
Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) de Panamá
Partido Comunista de Perú – Comité Base Mantaro Rojo
Unión Obrera Comunista (MLM) – Colombia
December 26, 2012, 3 pages. English: MS Word (83 KB); Spanish: MS Word (84 KB)- “¡La Sangre Obrera es Abono Para la Revolución!”, December 2012, 2 pages. [Spanish only.] PDF (381 KB); MS Word (170 KB)
- “Joint Declaration: Statement of Support to the People’s War in India”, by Arab Maoist; Centre Marxiste-Léniniste-Maoïste - Belgique; Colectivo Odio de Clase – Estado Español; Grupo Reconstrucción - PERUCRPM – Estado Español; Organización Comunista Bandera Roja – Estado Español; Partido Comunista del Ecuador Sol Rojo; Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) de Panamá; Unión Obrera Comunista (MLM) - Colombia, Nov. 15, 2012, in Spanish, English and French, 9 pages. MS Word (.doc) (143 KB)
- “CONDENA A LA CRUENTA AGRESIÓN DE ISRAEL A PUEBLO PALESTINO”, November 15, 2012, 2 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (.docx) (318 KB)
- “15 De Noviembre de 1922, La Sangre Necesaria”, November 2012, 3 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (.docx) (412 KB)
- “20 AÑOS DESPUÉS: El Discurso del Presidente Gonzalo ha Sido y Seguirá Siendo Poderosa voz de Mando para los Comunistas en el Mundo”, joint statement by the Partido Comunista del Ecuador - Sol Rojo and the Organización Maoísta para la Reconstitución del Partido Comunista de Colombia, October 2012, 8 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (rtf) (7,057 KB)
- “Carta Abierta a los Camaradas el Dazibao Rojo”, by the PCE-SR, August 2012, 7 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (199 KB)
- “A Propósito de la Visita de Kiran a China”, statement by the PCE-SR, July 2012, 5 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (546 KB); PDF format (579 KB)
- “Viva el 32 Aniversario del Inicio de la Lucha Armada en el Perú”, statement by the PCE-SR, May 17, 2012, 3 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (255 KB)
- “La Marcha del 1 de Mayo”, statement by the PCE-SR, May 4, 2012, 3 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (727 KB)
- “Primero de Mayo: ¡Atrincherados en el Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo, bregamos por un nuevo amanecer!”, statement by the PCE-SR, May 1, 2012, 5 pages. [Spanish only.] MS Word (docx) (247 KB)
- “¡Viva el Primero de Mayo internacionalista y revoluticionario!”, May 1, 2012, joint statement by:
Partido Comunista de Brasil – Fracción Roja
Partido Comunista de Ecuador – Sol Rojo
Frente Revolucionario del Pueblo (Marxista-leninista-maoísta) de Bolivia
3 pages. [Spanish only] MS Word (docx) (138 KB)- “Viva el 40 Aniversario del PKT/ML; Viva la Guerra Popular en Turquía; Honor y Gloria al Camarada Kaypakkaya”, April 2012, 2 pages. [Spanish only] PDF version (252 KB) MS Word (776 KB)
- “El Viejo Sainete de la Confrontación Inter Burguesa”, c. March 27, 2012, 4 pages. [Spanish only] MS Word (415 KB)
- “Sol Rojo” and the National Context, March 2012, 8 pages. [Spanish only] MS Word (311 KB)
- Statement on the 100th anniversary of the death of Eloy Afaro, January 28, 2012, 5 pages. [Spanish only] MS Word (364 KB)
- 2011:
- Call for a joint declaration against revisionism and centrism, Dec. 28, 2011, 6 pages. [Spanish only] MS Word (105 KB)
- On the Anniversary of Mao’s Birth, Dec. 26, 2011, 3 pages. [Spanish only] MS Word (355 KB)
- Honoring Comrade Kishenji of the CPI(Maoist), Nov. 2011, 2 pages. [Spanish only] MS Word (408 KB)
- Celebrate the Great October Revolution, October 2011, 4 pages. [Spanish only] MS Word (713 KB)
- Statement one year after the events of September 30, 2010, 4 pages. [Spanish only] MS Word (548 KB)
- Profound Class Hatred Against Traitors, a statement against the line of Prachanda and Bhattarai in Nepal, expressing class hatred against revisionism and centrism. Sept. 2011, 2 pages. [Spanish only] MS Word (2,905 KB)
- Imperialism is a Paper Tiger: Statement on the Anniversary of 9/11, 2 pages. [Spanish only] MS Word (377 KB)
- Long Live the Communist Party of Peru!, Sept. 2011, 2 pages. [Spanish only] MS Word (231 KB)
- 2010:
- “On the Violent Conflict within the Bourgeoisie of Ecuador”, statement by the PCE-SR, October 1, 2010, in Spanish with an English translation, 6 pages. PDF Version (290 KB); MS Word (120 KB)
Other Reports and Documents
- “Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador on Coup Attempt”, statement by CONAIE, October 2, 2010, in English, 3 pages. PDF Version (198 KB); MS Word (74 KB)
Due to the repressive legislation and judicial decisions in the United States, we at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET want to make it completely clear that we do not have any connection whatsoever with the Communist Party of Ecuador (Red Sun), or with any other party in Ecuador or any other country for that matter. We do not aid, promote, assist, support, coordinate with, or provide any sort of services or advice to the PCE-SR or to any other party. However, we do support the right of free speech, and the right of the people in both Ecuador and internationally to read the views and publications of this and all other parties and organizations. And for this reason alone we are making copies of many of their documents available on this site.