Documents and Publications of the
Communist Party of the Philippines
We are posting here a collection of some of the more important documents and statements issued by the Communist Party of the Philippines, and its allied military and mass organizations, focusing especially on more recent years.
It should be noted that the CPP itself, unlike some revolutionary parties, has over the years posted many of its materials on the Internet. However, most of its earlier public documents have not been posted, or are no longer available online, or else are very difficult to locate. The Philippine government (and/or reactionaries working with it) have also periodically blocked or sabotaged some CPP websites. However, as of October 2024 the best source for new CPP statements and materials is the Philippine Revolution Web Central, at:
We also have a separate page for the statements and documents of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, with which the CPP is associated.
Within each section here the most recent documents are at the top. We hope to greatly expand this archive in the future. If you know of additional documents or statements which should be posted here, or have any comments or suggestions, please contact us at:
Official Party Documents and Statements
Note: New and recent CPP statements can be found and read at: However, because of the software used there, it it can be difficult to download these statements without distorting them.
- “Strengthen utmost the Party on its 56th anniversary! Lead the people’s struggles against the US-Marcos regime and advance the revolution!”, CPP Central Committee, Dec. 26, 2024, 29 pages (Pilipino, Iloco, Bisaya), 25 pages (English), or 31 pages (Hiligayon). English: Searchable PDF format [571 KB] Pilipino: Searchable PDF format [580 KB] Basaya: Searchable PDF format [591 KB] Hiligaynon: Searchable PDF format [597 KB] Iloco: Searchable PDF format [579 KB]
- “Uphold Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as we mark the 75th anniversary of the Chinese revolution”, CPP, Oct. 10, 2024, 3 pages (Chinese), 4 pages (English, Basaya, Español), or 5 pages (Pilipino). English: Searchable PDF format [321 KB] Pilipino: Searchable PDF format [324 KB] Basaya: Searchable PDF format [322 KB] Chinese: Searchable PDF format [468 KB] Español: Searchable PDF format [347 KB]
- “Bureaucrat capitalism, corruption and crime under Duterte and Marcos”, Marco Valbuena, Chief Information Officer, CPP, Sept. 15, 2024, 8 pages (English) or 10 pages (Pilipino). English: Searchable PDF format [77 KB] Pilipino: Searchable PDF format [81 KB]
- “Anti-Imperialist Armed Resistance Needed Worldwide”, CPP, Nov. 7, 2023, 2 pages, in response to Palestine situation. From Ang Bayan. Searchable PDF format [45 KB]
- “Fight the Marcos Firewall!”, by Marco Valbuena, Chief Information Officer, CPP, June 22, 2022, 5 pages. Strongly condemns the Filipino government for its June 22, 2022, blocking of many websites which it says support the CPP. Online at:
Rough downloaded copy on (in case the above link some day no longer works): PDF format [1,131 KB]
A news report in the bourgeois press about this blocking, “Sites Identified with Maoist Group Ordered Shut”, is also available: PDF format (234 KB)2019:
- “Commemorate the 70th Year of the 1949 Victory of the Chinese Revolution”, by the Communist Party of the Philippines, October 1, 2019, 3 pages. Searchable PDF [205 KB]
- “Response to Jan Vic Mateo of Philippine Star’s Inquiry: On Social Media and Website Attacks”, by the Communist Party of the Philippines, Information Bureau, Feb. 2, 2019, 2 pages. [About nefarious attempts of the Philippine Government to block or corrupt public statements by the CPP.] Searchable PDF [68 KB]
- “Condemn the Duterte Regime for Murder of NDFP Consultant Randy Malayao”, by the Communist Party of the Philippines, Information Bureau, Jan. 30, 2019, 2 pages. Searchable PDF [146 KB]
- “Celebrate the Party’s 50th Anniversary and Lead the Philippine Revolution to Greater Victories”, by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines, Dec. 26, 2018, 15 pages. [Also published as the Dec. 26, 2018 special issue of Ang Bayan.] Searchable PDF [217 KB]
- “Communiqué: Second Congress of the the Communist Party of the Philippines”, first posted on the NDFP web site on March 29, 2017, 5 pages. [The Congress itself is said to have been held on Oct. 24-Nov. 7, 2016.] Searchable PDF [86 KB]
- “Ka Oris: No Factions Within the Revolutionary Movement”, statement by Ka Oris, spokesperson of the New People’s Army, Feb. 9, 2017, 2 pages. Searchable PDF [110 KB]
- “Red Salute to Comrade Fidel Castro!”, statement by the CPP, Nov. 27, 2016, 2 pages. Searchable PDF [64 KB]
- “Constitution and Program of the Communist Party of the Philippines”, adopted at the Second Party Congress on Nov. 5, 2016 (but not published in English until June 2018), 98 pages. Searchable PDF [2,303 KB]
- “US Counterinsurgency Guide 2009: Guide to Imperialist intervention and aggression and counterrevolutionary war”, by the Executive Committee, Central Committee, Communist Party of the Philippines, in a special issue of Ang Bayan, September 20, 2010, 8 pages. PDF only [210 KB]
- “Achieve Great Unprecedented Strides in Revolutionary Struggle under the New US-Aquino Regime”, by the Communist Party of the Philippines, June 29, 2010, 3 pages. PDF [94 KB] MS Word [62 KB]
- “A Reprise of the Recently Concluded Reactionary Elections”, by the Communist Party of the Philippines, May 22, 2010, 3 pages. PDF [74 KB] MS Word [35 KB]
- Statement by the CPP on Operation Green Hunt and the Revolution in India, Ang Bayan, April 21, 2010, 3 pages. PDF [241 KB] MS Word [35 KB]
- “Strive to Make a Great Advance in the People’s War for New Democracy”, statement by the Central Committee, Communist Party of the Philippines, Dec. 26, 2009, 11 pages. This important document announces a plan to advance to the stage of strategic stalemate in 5 years. PDF [200 KB] MS Word [64 KB]
- “CPP Statement on NPA Anniversary: Win Greater Victories in the People’s War”, March 29, 2009, 18 pages. PDF [202 KB] MS Word [96 KB]
- “Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of our Party and Lead the Philippine Revolution from Victory to Victory”, by Armando Liwanag, Chairman, Central Committee, CPP, Dec. 26, 1993, 39 pages. PDF [159 KB] MS Word [169 KB]
- “Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought as Guide to the Philippine Revolution”, a contribution to the International Seminar on Mao Zedong Thought, 6-7 November 1993, by Armando Liwanag, Chairman, Central Committee, Communist Party of the Philippines, Nov. 6, 1993, 44 pages. [This is one of the more extensive histories available of the refounding and further development of the CPP up to that date.] PDF [222 KB] MS Word [187 KB]
- “Relationship of the Party with the NPA and the United Front”, by the Executive Committee of the Central Committee, CPP, August, 1992, 5 pages. PDF [23 KB] MS Word [43 KB]
- “Five Kinds of Insurrectionism”, by the Central Committee, CPP, Feb. 24, 1992, 9 pages. PDF [159 KB] MS Word [57 KB]
- Excerpts from Stand for Socialism Against Modern Revisionism, by Armando Liwanag, Chairman, Central Committee, CPP, 1992, in 20 sections. (Only 3 sections are available here.) This is a major document from the rectification campaign of the early 1990s.
- “Reaffirm Our Basic Principles and Carry the Revolution Forward”, on the twenty-third anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines, by Armando Liwanag, Chairman, CPP (Central Committee), December 26, 1991, 28 pages. PDF [184 KB] MS Word [123 KB]
- “On the Concept of the ‘Pol-Mil’ Struggle”, by the Executive Committee of the CPP, March 19, 1991, 2 pages. PDF [108 KB] MS Word [33 KB]
- “Our Urgent Tasks”, by Amado Guerrero [Jose Maria Sison], c. 1975, 35 pages. PDF [228 KB] MS Word [163 KB]
- “Specific Characteristics of our People’s War”, by Simoun Riple [Jose Maria Sison], Spokesperson, Southern Mindanao Chapter (KM), Dec. 1, 1974, 28 pages. PDF [197 KB] MS Word [135 KB]
- “Pomeroy’s Portrait: Revisionist Renegade”, by Simoun Riple [Jose Maria Sison], April 22, 1972, 109 pages. This is an extensive criticism of the journalist William J. Pomeroy, who was associated with the ultra-revisionist Communist Party USA. PDF [673 KB] MS Word [407 KB]
- “Summing Up Our Experience After Three Years”, by the Communist Party of the Philippines, March 3, 1972, 25 pages. PDF [225 KB] MS Word [122 KB]
- [Book:] Philippine Society and Revolution, by Amado Guerrero [Jose Maria Sison], July 30, 1970, 4th edition, 150 pages. PDF [968 KB] MS Word [758 KB]
- “Program for a People’s Democratic Revolution”, ratified by the Congress of Reestablishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines, Dec. 26, 1968, 15 pages. PDF [85 KB] MS Word [78 KB]
- “Rectify Errors, Rebuild the Party!”, ratified by the Congress of Reestablishment of the Communist Party of the Philippines, Dec. 26, 1968, 39 pages. PDF [208 KB] MS Word [168 KB]
Jose Maria Sison (“Amado Guerrero”, “Armando Liwanag”) Writings
Founding Chairman of the reconstituted Communist Party of the Philippines
and long-time very influential Party leader and representative
- Selected Works:
- [Book:] Selected Writings of Jose Marie Sison 1968-1991: Foundation for Resuming the Philippine Revolution (1968-1972), (2013), 436 pages. Searchable PDF [2,546 KB]
- [Book:] Selected Writings of Jose Marie Sison 1968-1991: Defeating Revisionism, Reformism and Opportunism (1969-1974), (2013), 290 pages. Searchable PDF [1,058 KB]
- [Book:] Selected Writings of Jose Marie Sison 1968-1991: Building Strength through Struggle (1972-1977), (2013), 552 pages. Searchable PDF [4,646 KB]
- [Book:] Selected Writings of Jose Marie Sison 1968-1991: Detention and Defiance against Dictatorship (1977-1986), (2013), 664 pages. Searchable PDF [5,339 KB]
- [Book:] Selected Writings of Jose Marie Sison 1991-2009: Volume I — For Justice, Socialism and Peace, (Draft edition: n.d.), 256 pages. Searchable PDF [609 KB]
- [Book:] Selected Writings of Jose Marie Sison 1991-2009: Volume II — For Democracy and Socialism against Imperialist Globalization, (Draft edition: n.d.), 273 pages. Searchable PDF [735 KB]
- [Book:] Selected Writings of Jose Marie Sison 1991-2009: Volume III — Crisis of Imperialism and People’s Resistance, (Draft edition: n.d.), 298 pages. Searchable PDF [724 KB]
- [Book:] Selected Writings of Jose Marie Sison 2009-2015: Volume I — Crisis Generates Resistance, (2015), 400 pages. Searchable PDF [7,160 KB]
- [Book:] Selected Writings of Jose Marie Sison 2009-2015: Volume II — Develop the People’s Power, (2016), 497 pages. Searchable PDF [7,827 KB]
- [Book:] Upsurge of People's Resistance in the Philippines and the World: Selected Works in 2020 of Jose Marie Sison, (2021), 853 pages. Searchable PDF [3,930 KB]
Other Collections of Sison’s Works:
- “On Culture, Art and Literature”, Sison Reader Series, #1, (International Network for Philippine Studies, 2021), 428 pages. Searchable PDF [2,126 KB]
- “On the Philosophy of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism”, Sison Reader Series, #2, (International Network for Philippine Studies, 2021), 586 pages. Searchable PDF [2,821 KB]
Other Works by Sison:
- “Specific Characteristics of People’s War in the Philippines”, answers to questions by Jose Maria Sison, June 27, 2021, 10 pages. Searchable PDF [78 KB]; MS Word format (.docx) [20 KB]
- “On the Communist Party of China”, answers to questions by Jose Maria Sison, April 25, 2021, 11 pages. Searchable PDF [109 KB]; MS Word format (.docx) [19 KB]
- “On the International Situation, Covid-19 Pandemic and People’s Response”, by Jose Maria Sison, April 9, 2020, 10 pages. Searchable PDF [76 KB]
- “On the Duterte Legacy”, by Jose Maria Sison, February 1, 2020, 6 pages. Searchable PDF [99 KB]
- “On the Question of People’s War in Industrial Capitalist Countries”, by Jose Maria Sison, June 5, 2019, 9 pages. Searchable PDF [121 KB]
- “Questions on Mao Zedong Thought/Maoism”, an interview of Jose Maria Sison by Prof. Regletto Aldrich D. Imbong, Nov. 2019, 7 pages. Includes criticisms of Gonzalo-ites, Alain Badiou, and others who are incorrectly viewed as “Maoists”. Searchable PDF [64 KB]
- “On the Malicious and Futile Attempt of Duterte Regime to Summon Me to Manila”, by Jose Maria Sison, Feb. 13, 2019, 1 page. Searchable PDF [54 KB]
- “Expectations of the People in 2019”, by Jose Maria Sison, Jan. 1, 2019, 2 pages. Searchable PDF [99 KB]
- “Great Achievements of the CPP in 50 Years of Waging Revolution”, by Jose Maria Sison, August 23, 2018, 18 pages. Searchable PDF [276 KB] MS Word format (.docx) [236 KB]
- “Continuing Validity and Vitality of Marxism”, by Jose Maria Sison, May 5, 2018, 7 pages. [As posted on the website as of Aug. 3, 2018.] Searchable PDF [125 KB]
- [Book:] Basic Principles of Marxism-Leninism: A Primer, by Jose Maria Sison, written while in prison and originally smuggled out and published in 1982, (Paris: Foreign Languages Press reprint, 2020), 176 pages. Searchable PDF format [612 KB]
- [Book:] Philippine Society and Revolution, by Amado Guerrero [Jose Maria Sison], July 30, 1970, 4th edition, 150 pages. PDF [968 KB] MS Word [758 KB]
Criticsm by Other MLM Revolutionaries of Sison and His Leadership of the CPP: , by the Mass Proletariat organization (U.S.A.), Oct. 1, 2018, 20 pages. Searchable PDF format [134 KB]; [Also available on the MP website at: ]
- “The Revisionism of Jose Maria Sison”
“Jose Maria Sison: From Marxist-Leninist to Revisionist”, by a long-time Maoist observer of the Philippine revolutionary movement, 2014, 81 pages. This is a long and thorough polemic against Sison, and also includes some extensive discussion of Sison’s evaluation of Stalin; Sison’s pro-Soviet revisionism line during the 1980s; Sison’s attacks on the Cultural Revolution in China; the nature of the regimes in North Vietnam in the 1970s, Nicaragua, Cuba, North Korea and Angola; the reactionary “Three Worlds Theory” pushed by the capitalist-roaders in China; the revolutionary struggle in Greece in the post-World War II period; and other important topics. Searchable PDF [4,253 KB]
- “Jose Maria Sison’s Evaluation of Stalin, the CPSU and the United Front Against Fascism”, 2014, 19 pages. [This is a section from the above paper which is also available here as a separate document. It is an attempt to make a Maoist evaluation of the Soviet Union’s top-down forced collectivization campaign, its industrialization in the 1930s using capitalist methods, the grievous legacy of the Great Purges, and how the USSR fought World War II as a defense of Russian national interests.] Searchable PDF format [1,004 KB]
“Comments on Sison’s ‘Contradictions in the World Capitalist System and the Necessity of Socialist Revolution’”, by Scott Harrison, January 23, 2002. Discussion of Jose Maria Sison’s view of the world economic and political situation. HTML format
- For those who think it is “inappropriate” for a foreign revolutionary to criticize Sison in the way the above essays do, please see: “How Critical Should Revolutionaries Be of Each Other?”, by Scott Harrison, Oct. 21, 2004. HTML format
Rebolusyon [“Revolution”]
The theoretical and political publication of the
Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines
[Seems to have ceased publication at the end of 2001.]
- 2001:
- No. 3: July-September, 2001
- Complete issue in PDF format [32 sheets (64 pp.); 111 KB]
- “Contradictions in the World Capitalist System and the Necessity of Socialist Revolution”, by Jose Maria Sison, Founding Chairman, Communist Party of the Philippines, May 3, 2001, 22 pages. PDF [170 KB] MS Word [143 KB]
- Resolutions of the International Communist Seminar (Brussels, 2-4 May 2001)
- “Imperialist Globalization and the World Revolutionary Process”, General Resolution, May 4, 2001, 13 pages. PDF [177 KB] MS Word [111 KB]
- “On the 40th Anniversary of the Bay of Pigs: Support to the Cuban Revolution”, with list of signatories (not including the CPP), May 4, 2001, 3 pages. PDF [83 KB] MS Word [77 KB]
- “For the Reunification of Korea without Foreign Interference”, with list of signatories (including the National Democratic Front of the Philippines), May 4, 2001, 2 pages. PDF [82 KB] MS Word [75 KB]
- “Solidarity with the Political Prisoners in the Fight against Imperialism, in Turkey and the Rest of the World”, with list of signatories (including the National Democratic Front of the Philippines), May 4, 2001, 3 pages. PDF [89 KB] MS Word [105 KB]
- No. 2: April-June, 2001
- Complete issue in PDF format [32 sheets (64 pp.); 105 KB]
- “Seize Every Moment, Advance the People’s War”, by Armando Liwanag, Chairman, CC, CPP, March 29, 2001, 17 pages. PDF [82 KB] MS Word [127 KB]
- Statements on Estrada Fall and the Rise of Macapagal Arroyo
- “Statement of the Communist Party of the Philippines on the Victorious Edsa Uprising Against the Estrada Regime”, Central Committee, CPP, Jan. 20, 2001, 2 pages. PDF [81 KB] MS Word [75 KB]
- “In Solidarity with Mass Protests for the Ouster of Estrada Regime”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Sept. 20, 2000, 2 pages. PDF [23 KB] MS Word [775 KB]
- “Cardinal Sin’s Call is an Important Signal for Broadest Possible United Front Against Estrada”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Oct. 12, 2000, 1 page. PDF [20 KB] MS Word [71 KB]
- “Extreme Greed and Flagrant Immorality have Undone Estrada”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Oct. 13, 2000, 2 pages. PDF [22 KB] MS Word [74 KB]
- “Estrada’s Days are Numbered”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Oct. 22, 2000, 3 pages. PDF [26 KB] MS Word [78 KB]
- “Broad United Front Must Concentrate on Estrada Ruling Clique as Target”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Oct. 28, 2000, 3 pages. PDF [76 KB] MS Word [76 KB]
- “Nationwide Mass Protests Must Lead to Direct Encirclement of Palace”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Nov. 1, 2000, 2 pages. PDF [74 KB] MS Word [74 KB]
- “Comment on the Impending Fall of Estrada and the Rise of Macapagal”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Nov. 5, 2000, 2 pages. PDF [79 KB] MS Word [75 KB]
- “The People and Broad United Front Must Wage Far Bigger Mass Actions”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Nov. 13, 2000, 2 pages. PDF [22 KB] MS Word [74 KB]
- “Mass Actions to Compel Estrada Resignation are Far More Important than the Senate Trial”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Nov. 16, 2000, 2 pages. PDF [75 KB] MS Word [103 KB]
- “No Formal Alliance of CPP with GMA”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Nov. 23, 2000, 2 pages. PDF [71 KB] MS Word [73 KB]
- “Consensus of the Broad United Front”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Dec. 5, 2000, 2 pages. PDF [75 KB] MS Word [73 KB]
- “Condemn the Terror Bombings Perpetrated by the Estrada Gang”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Dec. 31, 2000, 2 pages. PDF [76 KB] MS Word [74 KB]
- “Mass Movement Must Surge Forward”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Jan. 18, 2001, 2 pages. PDF [73 KB] MS Word [102 KB]
- “Congratulations to the Filipino People, Carry the Struggle Through to the End”, by Jose Maria Sison, NDFP Chief Political Consultant, Jan. 20, 2001, 3 pages. PDF [25 KB] MS Word [76 KB]
- No. 1: January-March, 2001
- Complete issue in PDF format [30 sheets (60 pp.); 98 KB]
- “Mobilize the Broad Masses of the People to Deliver the Death Blow to the Estrada Regime”, by Armando Liwanag, Chairman, Central Committee, CPP, Dec. 26, 2000, 14 pages. PDF [70 KB] MS Word [117 KB]
- “Tactics in the United Front Against the U.S.-Estrada Regime”, by the Executive Committee, Central Committee, CPP, Dec. 4, 2000, 6 pages. PDF [37 KB] MS Word [87 KB]
- “The Struggle for Socialism”, the contribution of the Central Committee of the CPP to the International Conference on Socialism in the Twenty-First Century, Nov. 5, 2000, Katmandu, Nepal, 12 pages. [This conference was hosted by the revisionist Communist Party of Nepal (UML) at the same time a different party, the CPN (Maoist) was leading a people’s war in Nepal!] PDF [60 KB] MS Word [108 KB]
- “Memorial Tribute for Comrade Armando Teng: Great Proletarian Leader and Hero”, by the Executive Committee of the CC of the CPP, 4 pages. PDF [86 KB] MS Word [81 KB]
- 2000:
- Special Issue: December, 2000
- Complete issue in PDF format [18 sheets (36 pp.); 74 KB]
- No. 4: October-December, 2000
- Complete issue in PDF format [32 sheets (64 pp.); 112 KB]
- “Complete the Victory of the Second Great Rectification Movement! Resolutely Carry Out Our Two Important Tasks in the Cities! Five-Year Assessment of the SGRM and Our Tasks”, Summing-up of the Manila-Rizal Regional Party Committee, 33 pages. PDF [258 KB] MS Word [189 KB]
- “Intensifying Fascist Attacks Showcase the Further Decay of the US-Estrada Regime”, Ang Bayan editorial, July-August 2000, 4 pages. PDF [30 KB] MS Word [81 KB]
- 1999:
- No. 2: April-June, 1999 Complete issue in PDF format [53 pp.; 118 KB]
- 1998:
- No. 1: January-March, 1998 Complete issue in PDF format [24 pp.; 173 KB]
- 1997:
- No. 1: January-March, 1997
- Cover PDF [410 KB]
- “Raise the Armed Revolution to a New and Higher Level: Message to All Comrades”, by Armando Liwanag, Chairman, Central Committee, CPP, Dec. 26, 1996, pp. 1-25. PDF [1,287 KB]
- “Long Live Lenin and Stalin, Condemn the Modern Revisionists, Resume the Proletarian Revolution”, by Armando Liwanag, Chairman, Central Committee, CPP, Nov. 8, 1996, pp. 26-45. PDF [957 KB]
- “The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution: Impact on the Philippines and Continuing Global Significance”, by Jose Maria Sison, CPP Founding Chairman, Contribution to the Symposium Marking the 30th Anniversary of the GPCR, Dec. 14-15, 1996, pp. 46-59. PDF [687 KB]
- “Resolutions of the 5th Conference of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations”, October 1996 [mistakenly given as 1966 in the text], pp. 60-78. PDF [900 KB]
- “Celebrate the Great October Socialist Revolution, Wage Revolutionary Struggles Under the Leadership of the Proletariat”, Joint Declaration, Nov. 1996, pp. 79-84. PDF [266 KB]
- Special Issue 1: January 1997 Complete issue in PDF format [45 pp.; 2,110 KB]
- 1993:
- No. 1: January-March, 1993 Complete issue in PDF format [81 pp.; 585 KB]
- 1992:
- No. 2: April-June, 1992 Complete issue in PDF format [68 pp.; 495 KB]
- 1991:
- No. 2: April-June, 1991 Complete issue in PDF format [50 pp.; 229 KB]
Ang Bayan [“The People”]
The official news organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Published fortnightly in multiple languages. We will try to post many of the English language
issues here, both recent and older. (Where English language issues are not available, we will
try to post issues in Filipino (Pilipino) instead.) Issues are in PDF format unless otherwise
stated, most recent listed first. As of December 2019, the best place to find newly published
issues is now at:
- 2022 — Ang Bayan, Vol. LIII:
- #14 — July 21, 2022 [In English] [10 pp.; 2,462 KB]
- #13 — July 7, 2022 [In English] [9 pp.; 2,057 KB]
- #12 — June 21, 2022 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,691 KB]
- #11 — June 7, 2022 [In English] [9 pp.; 2,537 KB]
- #10 — May 21, 2022 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,631 KB]
- Special — May 13, 2022 [In English] [4 pp.; 401 KB]
- #9 — May 7, 2022 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,157 KB]
- #8 — April 21, 2022 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,133 KB]
- #7 — April 7, 2022 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,136 KB]
- Special — March 29, 2022 [In English] [14 pp.; 2,601 KB]
- #6 — March 21, 2022 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,481 KB]
- #5 — March 7, 2022 [In English] [10 pp.; 2,303 KB]
- #4 — February 21, 2022 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,133 KB]
- #3 — February 7, 2022 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,105 KB]
- #2 — January 21, 2022 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,043 KB]
- #1 — January 7, 2022 [In English] [10 pp.; 955 KB]
- Special — January 2022 “Balitang Bayan” [In Pilipino] [90 pp.; 313 KB]
- 2021 — Ang Bayan, Vol. LII:
- Special — December 26, 2021 [In English] [16 pp.; 1,406 KB]
- #24 — December 21, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,854 KB]
- #23 — December 7, 2021 [In English] [9 pp.; 862 KB]
- #22 — November 21, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 918 KB]
- #21 — November 7, 2021 [In English] [9 pp.; 862 KB]
- Special — November 2, 2021 [In English] [4 pp.; 199 KB]
- Special — October 2021 “Agrarian Situation Under Pandemic” [In English] [40 pp.; 722 KB]
- #20 — October 21, 2021 [In English] [9 pp.; 889 KB]
- #19 — October 7, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,163 KB]
- #18 — September 21, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,231 KB]
- #17 — September 7, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,235 KB]
- #16 — August 21, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,006 KB]
- #15 — August 7, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 925 KB]
- #14 — July 21, 2021 [In English] [9 pp.; 788 KB]
- #13 — July 7, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,161 KB]
- Special — July 4, 2021 [In Pilipino] [5 pp.; 634 KB]
- #12 — June 21, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 938 KB]
- #11 — June 7, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 741 KB]
- #10 — May 21, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,015 KB]
- #9 — May 7, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,643 KB]
- #8 — April 21, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,551 KB]
- #7 — April 7, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,561 KB]
- Special — March 29, 2021 “Frustrate the vicious counter-revolutionary war of the US-Duterte fascist regime!” [In English] [11 pp.; 978 KB]
Discussion Guide for this document, 26 pages. [In Pilipino] [1,562 KB]- #6 — March 21, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,463 KB]
- Special Tribute to Ka. Antonio “Manlimbasog” Cabanatan — March 17, 2021 [In English] [3 pp.; 438 KB]
- #5 — March 7, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,297 KB]
- #4 — February 21, 2021 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,263 KB]
- #3 — February 7, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,568 KB]
- #2 — January 21, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,653 KB]
- #1 — January 7, 2021 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,349 KB]
- 2020 — Ang Bayan, Vol. LI:
- Collection of Editorials in Ang Bayan in 2020 (Jan. 2021) [In English] [100 pp.; 1,195 KB]
- #24 — December 21, 2020 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,571 KB]
- Special Issue: Tributes — December 13, 2020 [In English] [3 pp.; 653 KB]
- #23 — December 7, 2020 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,194 KB]
- Special Issue: A Look into Duterte’s Dirty War in 2020 — December 4, 2020 [In English] [5 pp.; 692 KB]
- #22 — November 21, 2020 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,071 KB]
- #21 — November 7, 2020 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,157 KB]
- #20 — October 21, 2020 [In English] [9 pp.; 964 KB]
- #19 — October 7, 2020 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,290 KB]
- #18 — September 21, 2020 [In English] [10 pp.; 3,502 KB]
- #17 — September 7, 2020 [In English] [10 pp.; 3,832 KB]
- Special Issue: Sison: On the Current Character of Philippine Society — August 31, 2020 [In English] [7 pp.; 780 KB]
- Special Issue: Frustrate US-Duterte War of Suppression! — August 28, 2020 [In English] [14 pp.; 1,319 KB]
- Special Issue: Sison: Critique of Trotskyite Attacks — August 25, 2020 [In English] [3 pp.; 471 KB]
- Special Issue: Tribute to Ka Randall Echanis — August 23, 2020 [In English] [2 pp.; 483 KB]
- #16 — August 21, 2020 [In English] [9 pp.; 3,270 KB]
- #15 — August 7, 2020 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,214 KB]
- #14 — July 21, 2020 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,132 KB]
- Special Issue on the Reign of state Terror During the First Half of 2020 — July 12, 2020 [In English] [7 pp.; 1,511 KB]
- #13 — July 7, 2020 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,296 KB]
- #12 — June 21, 2020 [In English] [14 pp.; 1,564 KB]
- #11 — June 7, 2020 [In English] [12 pp.; 1,766 KB]
- #10 — May 21, 2020 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,737 KB]
- #9 — May 7, 2020 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,454 KB]
- #8 — April 21, 2020 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,319 KB]
- #7 — April 7, 2020 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,519 KB]
- Special Issue — March 30, 2020 [In English] [3 pp.; 788 KB] Tribute to Comrade Julius Giron.
- Special Issue — March 29, 2020 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,417 KB] On the 51st anniversary of the NPA.
- #6 — March 21, 2020 [In English] [8 pp.; 1,252 KB]
- #5 — March 7, 2020 [In Pilipino] [9 pp.; 1,758 KB]
- #4 — February 21, 2020 [In Pilipino] [13 pp.; 1,764 KB]
- #3 — February 7, 2020 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,390 KB]
- #2 — January 21, 2020 [In Pilipino] [8 pp.; 1,492 KB]
- #1 — January 7, 2020 [In Pilipino] [9 pp.; 1,535 KB]
- 2019 — Ang Bayan, Vol. L:
- #24 — December 21, 2019 [In Pilipino] [8 pp.; 1,533 KB]
- #23 — December 7, 2019 [In Pilipino] [8 pp.; 1,487 KB]
- #22 — November 21, 2019 [In Pilipino] [10 pp.; 2,081 KB]
- #21 — November 7, 2019 [In English] [8 pp.; 1,156 KB]
- #20 — October 21, 2019 [In English] [12 pp.; 2,341 KB]
- #19 — October 7, 2019 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,534 KB]
- #18 — September 21, 2019 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,345 KB]
- #17 — September 7, 2019 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,826 KB]
- #16 — August 21, 2019 [In English] [12 pp.; 1,489 KB]
- #15 — August 7, 2019 [In English] [10 pp.; 2,216 KB]
- #14 — July 21, 2019 [In English] [8 pp.; 1,262 KB]
- #13 — July 7, 2019 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,235 KB]
- #12 — June 21, 2019 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,427 KB]
- #11 — June 7, 2019 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,489 KB]
- #10 — May 21, 2019 [In English] [7 pp.; 1,114 KB]
- #9 — May 7, 2019 [In Pilipino] [11 pp.; 1,628 KB]
- #8 — April 21, 2019 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,626 KB]
- #7 — April 7, 2019 [In English] [13 pp.; 1,729 KB]
- #6 — March 21, 2019 [In Pilipino] [9 pp.; 1,302 KB]
- #5 — March 7, 2019 [In English] [8 pp.; 1,362 KB]; and In Pilipino [8 pp.; 1,331 KB]
- #4 — February 21, 2019 [In English] [13 pp.; 1,612 KB]; and In Pilipino [14 pp.; 1,764 KB]
- #3 — February 7, 2019 [In English] [13 pp.; 1,582 KB]; and In Pilipino [14 pp.; 1,917 KB]
- #2 — January 21, 2019 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,627 KB]; and Pilipino [10 pp.; 1,582 KB]
- #1 — January 7, 2019 [In Pilipino] [8 pp.; 1,528 KB]
- 2018 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XLIX:
- Special Issue — December 26, 2018 [In English] [13 pp.; 852 KB]; and In Pilipino [15 pp.; 1,967 KB]
- #24 — December 21, 2019 [In English] [10 pp.; 2,233 KB]; and In Pilipino [11 pp.; 2,372 KB]
- #23 — December 7, 2018 [In English] [7 pp.; 1,379 KB]; and In Pilipino [8 pp.; 1,260 KB]
- #22 — November 21, 2018 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,494 KB]; and In Pilipino [13 pp.; 1,608 KB]
- #21 — November 7, 2018 [In English] [13 pp.; 2,319 KB]; and In Pilipino [14 pp.; 1,978 KB]
- #20 — October 21, 2018 [In English] [13 pp.; 1,463 KB]; and In Pilipino [14 pp.; 1,521 KB]
- #19 — October 7, 2018 [In Pilipino] [15 pp.; 1,911 KB]
- #18 — September 21, 2018 [In English] [12 pp.; 1,746 KB]; and In Pilipino [12 pp.; 1,436 KB]
- #17 — September 7, 2018 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,215 KB]
- #16 — August 21, 2018 [In Pilipino] [8 pp.; 1,463 KB]
Editorial [in English]: “Celebrate with All Vigor the 50th Year of the Party” [The rest of this issue is not yet available in English] [3 pp.; 25 KB]- #15 — August 7, 2018 [In Pilipino] [13 pp.; 2,090 KB]
- #14 — July 21, 2018 [In English] [13 pp.; 1,838 KB]
- #13 — July 7, 2018 [In Pilipino] [13 pp.; 1,680 KB]
- #12 — June 21, 2018 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,190 KB]
- #11 — June 7, 2018 [In English] [12 pp.; 2,394 KB]
- #10 — May 21, 2018 [In English] [10 pp.; 6,415 KB]
- #9 — May 7, 2018 [In English] [7 pp.; 1,287 KB]
- Special — May 1, 2018, CPP May Day Statement, [In English] [2 pp.; 357 KB]
- #8 — April 21, 2018 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,319 KB]
- #7 — April 7, 2018 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,543 KB]
- Special — March 29, 2018 [In English] [9 pp.; 630 KB]
- #6 — March 21, 2018 [In English] [14 pp.; 2,139 KB]
- Special — March 11, 2018 [In English] [3 pp.; 705 KB]
- #5 — March 7, 2018 In Pilipino [11 pp.; 1,943 KB]
- #4 — February 21, 2018 In Pilipino [12 pp.; 2,171 KB]
- #3 — February 7, 2018 [In English] [13 pp.; 2,180 KB]
- #2 — January 21, 2018 [In English] [12 pp.; 2,314 KB]
- #1 — January 7, 2018 [In English] [7 pp.; 1,314 KB]
- 2017 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XLVIII:
- Special Issue — December 26, 2017, Second edition, [In English] [7 pp.; 646 KB]
- #24 — December 21, 2017 [In English] [8 pp.; 1,265 KB]
- Special Issue — December 8, 2017 [In English] [3 pp.; 694 KB]
- #23 — December 7, 2017 [In English] [9 pp.; 2,303 KB]
- Special Issue — November 25, 2017 [In English] [2 pp.; 519 KB]
- #22 — November 21, 2017 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,426 KB]
- #21 — November 7, 2017 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,604 KB]
- Special Issue on the 100th Anniversary of the October Revolution — November 7, 2017 In Pilipino [28 pp.; 27,437 KB]
- #20 — October 21, 2017 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,768 KB]
- #19 — October 7, 2017 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,855 KB]
- #18 — September 21, 2017 [In English] [11 pp.; 2,486 KB]
- #17 — September 7, 2017 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,704 KB]
- #16 — August 21, 2017 [In English] [13 pp.; 1,935 KB]
- #15 — August 7, 2017 [In English] [11 pp.; 8,743 KB]
- Special — July 26, 2017 [In English] [6 pp.; 1,326 KB]
- #14 — July 21, 2017 [In English] [11 pp.; 2,063 KB]
- #13 — July 7, 2017 [In English] [13 pp.; 2,352 KB]
- Special Issue — June 30, 2017 [In English] [6 pp.; 870 KB]
- #12 — June 21, 2017 [In English] [12 pp.; 2,258 KB]
- #11 — June 7, 2017 [In English] [14 pp.; 2,544 KB]
- #10 — May 21, 2017 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,846 KB]
- #9 — May 7, 2017 [In English] [8 pp.; 1,893 KB]
- #8 — April 21, 2017 [In English] [12 pp.; 1,795 KB]
- #7 — April 7, 2017 [In English] [13 pp.; 2,146 KB]
- Special Issue — March 29, 2017, on the Second Congress of the CPP. [In English] [4 pp.; 392 KB]
- #6 — March 21, 2017 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,823 KB]
- #5 — March 7, 2017 [In English] [7 pp.; 2,341 KB]
- #4 — February 21, 2017 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,823 KB]
- #3 — February 7, 2017 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,665 KB]
- #2 — January 21, 2017 In Pilipino [10 pp.; 2,583 KB]
- #1 — January 7, 2017 [In English] [9 pp.; 2,142 KB]
- 2016 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XLVII:
- Special Issue — December 26, 2016 [In English] [4 pp.; 557 KB]
- #24 — December 21, 2016 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,173 KB]
- #23 — December 7, 2016 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,682 KB]
- #22 — November 21, 2016 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,576 KB]
- #21 — November 7, 2016 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,642 KB]; and In Pilipino [12 pp.; 2,004 KB]
- #20 — October 21, 2016 [In English] [14 pp.; 1,993 KB]; and In Pilipino [14 pp.; 2,015 KB]
- #19 — October 7, 2016 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,166 KB]; and In Pilipino [11 pp.; 1,268 KB]
- #18 — September 21, 2016 [In English] [9 pp.; 1,616 KB]; and In Pilipino [9 pp.; 1,479 KB]
- #17 — September 7, 2016 In Pilipino [12 pp.; 1,356 KB]
- #16 — August 21, 2016 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,215 KB]; and In Pilipino [10 pp.; 1,155 KB]
- #15 — August 7, 2016 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,143 KB]; and In Pilipino [10 pp.; 1,111 KB]
- #14 [Labelled #12 on cover] — July 21, 2016 In Pilipino [13 pp.; 1,364 KB]
- #13 — July 7, 2016 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,337 KB]; and In Pilipino [12 pp.; 1,405 KB]
- #12 — June 21, 2016 [In English] [11 pp.; 582 KB]; and In Pilipino [13 pp.; 649 KB]
- #11 — June 7, 2016 [In English] [9 pp.; 463 KB]; and In Pilipino [10 pp.; 512 KB]
- #10 — May 21, 2016 [In English] [10 pp.; 456 KB]; and In Pilipino [10 pp.; 478 KB]
- Special Issue — May 15, 2016 [In English] [4 pp.; 120 KB]; and In Pilipino [5 pp.; 126 KB]
- #9 — May 7, 2016 [In English] [9 pp.; 987 KB] and In Pilipino [5 pp.; 126 KB]
- #8 — April 21, 2016 [In English] [11 pp.; 567 KB]; and In Pilipino [12 pp.; 695 KB]
- #7 — April 7, 2016 [In English] [9 pp.; 553 KB]; and In Pilipino [10 pp.; 471 KB]
- Special Issue — March 29, 2016 [In English] [10 pp.; 596 KB]; and In Pilipino [11 pp.; 583 KB]; and In Bisaya [11 pp.; 680 KB]
- #6 — March 21, 2016 [In English] [10 pp.; 1,211 KB]; and In Pilipino [11 pp.; 589 KB]
- #5 — March 7, 2016 [In English] [10 pp.; 311 KB]; and In Pilipino [11 pp.; 618 KB]
- #4 — February 21, 2016 [In English] [13 pp.; 554 KB]; and In Pilipino [13 pp.; 599 KB]
- #3 — February 7, 2016 [In English] [11 pp.; 1,148 KB]; and In Pilipino [12 pp.; 810 KB]
- #2 — January 21, 2016 [In English] [9 pp.; 493 KB]; and In Pilipino [10 pp.; 684 KB]
- #1 — January 7, 2016 [In English] [8 pp.; 614 KB]; and In Pilipino [9 pp.; 728 KB]
- 2015 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XLVI:
- Special Issue — December 26, 2015 [In English] [17 pp.; 270 KB]; and In Pilipino [21 pp.; 1,084 KB]
- #17 — December 21, 2015 [In English] [9 pp.; 489 KB]; and In Pilipino [9 pp.; 553 KB]
- #16 — December 7, 2015 In Pilipino [12 pp.; 712 KB]
- #15 — November 21, 2015 [In English] [13 pp.; 581 KB]
- #14 — November 7, 2015 [In English] [12 pp.; 1,528 KB]
- #13 — October 21, 2015 [In English] [11 pp.; 776 KB]
- #12 — October 7, 2015 [In English] [11 pp.; 825 KB]; and In Pilipino [12 pp.; 842 KB]
- #11 — September 21, 2015 [In English] [12 pp.; 1,495 KB]; and In Pilipino [13 pp.; 1,280 KB]
- #10 — September 7, 2015 [13 pp.; 782 KB]
- #9 — August 21, 2015 [13 pp.; 570 KB]
- #8 — August 7, 2015 [10 pp.; 616 KB]
- #7 — July 21, 2015 [In English] [12 pp.; 383 KB]; and In Pilipino [13 pp.; 581 KB]
- #6 — July 7, 2015 [11 pp.; 1,132 KB]
- #5 — June 21, 2015 [11 pp.; 534 KB]
- Special Issue — June 1, 2015 [In English] [16 pp.; 1,789 KB]; and In Pilipino [17 pp.; 1,356 KB]
- Special Issue — May 31, 2015 [In English] [3 pp.; 371 KB]; and In Pilipino [4 pp.; 505 KB]
- Special Issue — March 29, 2015 CPP statement on the 46th anniversary of the New People’s Army. [15 pp.; 113 KB]
- [Publication of regular issues of Ang Bayan was suspended during March through May 2015.]
- #4 — February 21, 2015 [14 pp.; 403 KB]
- #3 — February 7, 2015 [13 pp.; 335 KB]
- #2 — January 21, 2015 [9 pp.; 297 KB]
- #1 — January 7, 2015 [13 pp.; 272 KB]
- 2014 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XLV:
- Special Issue — December 26, 2014 [11 pp.; 149 KB]
- #24 — December 21, 2014 [10 pp.; 278 KB]
- #23 — December 7, 2014 [11 pp.; 292 KB
- #22 — November 21, 2014 [11 pp.; 244 KB]
- #21 — November 7, 2014 [13 pp.; 365 KB
- #20 — October 21, 2014 [12 pp.; 227 KB]
- #19 — October 7, 2014 [11 pp.; 237 KB
- #18 — September 21, 2014 [10 pp.; 350 KB]
- #17 — September 7, 2014 [9 pp.; 308 KB
- #16 — August 21, 2014 [9 pp.; 396 KB]
- #15 — August 7, 2014 [12 pp.; 441 KB
- #14 — July 21, 2014 [10 pp.; 261 KB]
- #13 — July 7, 2014 [9 pp.; 231 KB
- #12 — June 21, 2014 [9 pp.; 207 KB]
- #11 — June 7, 2014 [11 pp.; 340 KB
- #10 — May 21, 2014 [11 pp.; 233 KB]
- #9 — May 7, 2014 [14 pp.; 284 KB
- Special Issue — April 23, 2014 [5 pp.; 165 KB]
- #8 — April 21, 2014 [13 pp.; 233 KB]
- #7 — April 7, 2014 [13 pp.; 331 KB]
- Special Issue — March 29, 2014 [17 pp.; 233 KB]
- #6 — March 21, 2014 [13 pp.; 339 KB]
- #5 — March 7, 2014 [10 pp.; 231 KB]
- #4 — February 21, 2014 [12 pp.; 342 KB]
- #3 — February 7, 2014 [10 pp.; 264 KB]
- #2 — January 21, 2014 [11 pp.; 253 KB]
- #1 — January 7, 2014 [12 pp.; 329 KB]
- 2013 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XLIV:
- Special Issue — December 26, 2013 [13 pp.; 217 KB]
- #24 — December 21, 2013 [12 pp.; 413 KB]
- #23 — December 7, 2013 [12 pp.; 238 KB]
- #22 — November 21, 2013 [11 pp.; 415 KB]
- #21 — November 7, 2013 [8 pp.; 224 KB]
- #20 — October 21, 2013 [13 pp.; 424 KB]
- #19 — October 7, 2013 [11 pp.; 270 KB]
- #18 — September 21, 2013 In Pilipino [4 pp.; 242 KB]
- #17 — September 7, 2013 [14 pp.; 269 KB]
- #16 — August 21, 2013 [12 pp.; 398 KB]
- #15 — August 7, 2013 [12 pp.; 307 KB]
- #14 — July 21, 2013 [12 pp.; 277 KB]
- Special Issue — July 19, 2013 [11 pp.; 339 KB]
- #13 — July 7, 2013 [9 pp.; 210 KB]
- Special Issue — July 5, 2013 [7 pp.; 204 KB]
- #12 — June 21, 2013 [14 pp.; 329 KB]
- #11 — June 7, 2013 [12 pp.; 302 KB]
- #10 — May 21, 2013 [8 pp.; 283 KB]
- #9 — May 7, 2013 [12 pp.; 300 KB]
- #8 — April 21, 2013 [11 pp.; 227 KB]
- #7 — April 7, 2013 [13 pp.; 290 KB]
- Special Issue — March 29, 2013 [13 pp.; 234 KB]
- #6 — March 21, 2013 [11 pp.; 253 KB]
- #5 — March 7, 2013 [12 pp.; 312 KB]
- #4 — February 21, 2013 [11 pp.; 232 KB]
- #3 — February 7, 2013 [12 pp.; 257 KB]
- #2 — January 21, 2013 [13 pp.; 352 KB]
- #1 — January 7, 2013 [13 pp.; 296 KB]
- 2012 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XLIII:
- Special Issue — December 26, 2012 [17 pp.; 389 KB]
- #24 — December 21, 2012 [10 pp.; 288 KB]
- #23 — December 7, 2012 [13 pp.; 279 KB]
- #22 — November 21, 2012 [10 pp.; 198 KB]
- #21 — November 7, 2012 [13 pp.; 473 KB]
- #20 — October 21, 2012 [13 pp.; 325 KB]
- #19 — October 7, 2012 [13 pp.; 294 KB]
- #18 — September 21, 2012 [11 pp.; 361 KB]
- #17 — September 7, 2012 [11 pp.; 258 KB]
- #16 — August 21, 2012 [13 pp.; 332 KB]
- #15 — August 7, 2012 [11 pp.; 294 KB]
- #14 — July 21, 2012 [13 pp.; 374 KB]
- #13 — July 7, 2012 [13 pp.; 276 KB]
- Special Issue — June 29, 2012 [9 pp.; 280 KB]
- #12 — June 21, 2012 [13 pp.; 379 KB]
- #11 — June 7, 2012 [13 pp.; 383 KB]
- #10 — May 21, 2012 [14 pp.; 318 KB]
- #9 — May 7, 2012 [12 pp.; 321 KB] Includes several reports of NPA battles, including the seizure of arms in Butuan City.
- #8 — April 21, 2012 [11 pp.; 282 KB]
- #7 — April 7, 2012 [14 pp.; 373 KB]
- Special Issue — March 29, 2012 “Strengthen the People’s Army and Intensify the People’s War” [12 pp.; 373 KB]
- #6 — March 21, 2012 [10 pp.; 305 KB]
- #5 — March 7, 2012 [13 pp.; 310 KB]
- #4 — February 21, 2012 [9 pp.; 287 KB]
- #3 — February 7, 2012 [9 pp.; 261 KB]
- #2 — January 21, 2012 [10 pp.; 253 KB]
- #1 — January 7, 2012 [12 pp.; 287 KB]
- 2011 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XLII:
- Special Issue — December 26, 2011 [13 pp.; 421 KB]
- #24 — December 21, 2011 [10 pp.; 210 KB]
- #23 — December 7, 2011 [12 pp.; 259 KB]
- #22 — November 21, 2011 [13 pp.; 479 KB]
- #21 — November 7, 2011 [Not available in either English or Pilipino on the Ang Bayan web page.]
- #20 — October 21, 2011 [13 pp.; 521 KB]
- Special Issue on Ka Roger — October 9, 2011 [4 pp.; 324 KB]
- #19 — October 7, 2011 [14 pp.; 450 KB]
- #18 — September 21, 2011 [12 pp.; 328 KB]
- #17 — September 7, 2011 [14 pp.; 414 KB]
- #16 — August 21, 2011 [13 pp.; 309 KB]
- #15 — August 7, 2011 [13 pp.; 560 KB]
- #14 — July 21, 2011 [14 pp.; 311 KB]
- #13 — July 7, 2011 [10 pp.; 232 KB]
- #12 — June 21, 2011 [10 pp.; 419 KB]
- #11 — June 7, 2011 [9 pp.; 278 KB]
- #10 — May 21, 2011 [9 pp.; 241 KB]
- #9 — May 7, 2011 [13 pp.; 467 KB]
- #8 — April 21, 2011 [11 pp.; 278 KB]
- #7 — April 7, 2011 [11 pp.; 320 KB]
- Special Issue — April 2, 2011 [6 pp.; 111 KB]
- Special Issue — March 29, 2011 [11 pp.; 183 KB]
- #6 — March 21, 2011 [11 pp.; 1,835 KB]
- #5 — March 7, 2011 [12 pp.; 255 KB]
- Special Issue — March 5, 2011 [6 pp.; 187 KB]
- #4 — February 21, 2011 [9 pp.; 313 KB]
- #3 — February 7, 2011 [13 pp.; 327 KB]
- #2 — January 21, 2011 [9 pp.; 332 KB]
- #1 — January 7, 2011 [11 pp.; 298 KB]
- 2010 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XLI:
- Special Issue — December 26, 2010 [12 pp.; 268 KB]
- #24 — December 21, 2010 [12 pp.; 253 KB]
- #23 — December 7, 2010 In Pilipino [16 pp.; 292 KB]
- Special Issue — November 30, 2010 [3 pp.; 84 KB]
- #22 — November 21, 2010 [12 pp.; 186 KB]
- Special Issue — November 20, 2010 [40th anniversary of Sison’s Philippine Society & Revolution] [4 pp.; 198 KB]
- #21 — November 7, 2010 [12 pp.; 288 KB]
- #20 — October 21, 2010 [11 pp.; 232 KB]
- #19 — October 7, 2010 [13 pp.; 245 KB]
- #18 — September 21, 2010 [9 pp.; 204 KB]
- Special Issue — September 20, 2010 [8 pp.; 210 KB]
- #17 — September 7, 2010 [11 pp.; 307 KB]
- #16 — August 21, 2010 [11 pp.; 217 KB]
- #15 — August 7, 2010 [12 pp.; 234 KB]
- #14 — July 21, 2010 [8 pp.; 185 KB]
- #13 — July 7, 2010 [13 pp.; 233 KB]
- Special Issue — June 26, 2010 [7 pp.; 177 KB]
- #12 — June 21, 2010 [12 pp.; 310 KB]
- Special Issue — June 19, 2010 [8 pp.; 157 KB]
- Special Issue — June 11, 2010 [5 pp.; 116 KB]
- #11 — June 7, 2010 [10 pp.; 267 KB]
- #10 — May 21, 2010 [10 pp.; 256 KB]
- #9 — May 7, 2010 [10 pp.; 191 KB]
- Special Issue — May 1, 2010 [5 pp.; 126 KB]
- #8 — April 21, 2010 [11 pp.; 301 KB]
- #7 — April 7, 2010 [13 pp.; 312 KB]
- Special Issue — March 29, 2010 [10 pp.; 429 KB]
- #6 — March 21, 2010 [14 pp.; 270 KB]
- #5 — March 7, 2010 [11 pp.; 290 KB]
- #4 — February 21, 2010 [11 pp.; 213 KB]
- #3 — February 7, 2010 [9 pp.; 215 KB]
- #2 — January 21, 2010 [11 pp.; 211 KB]
- #1 — January 7, 2010 [12 pp.; 278 KB]
- 2009 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XL:
- Special Issue — December 26, 2009 [8 pp.; 128 KB]
- #24 — December 21, 2009 [13 pp.; 369 KB]
- #23 — December 7, 2009 [12 pp.; 354 KB]
- Special Issue — November 9, 2009 “Capitalist Crisis Makes Socialism Necessary”, by Prof. Jose Maria Sison, Chairperson, ILPS [3 pp.; 76 KB]
- #21 — November 7, 2009 [15 pp.; 412 KB]
- [Other issues from 2009 not available.]
- 2008 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XXXIX:
- Special Issue — December 26, 2008 [16 pp.; 126 KB]
- #24 — December 21, 2008 [12 pp.; 267 KB]
- #23 — December 7, 2008 [11 pp.; 350 KB]
- #22 — November 21, 2008 [11 pp.; 329 KB]
- #21 — November 7, 2008 [13 pp.; 286 KB]
- #20 — October 21, 2008 [11 pp.; 159 KB]
- [Other issues from 2008 not available.]
- 2007 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XXXVIII:
- Special Issue — December 9, 2007
“Tribute to Comrade Monico M. Atienza”, 4 pages. [PDF: 18 KB]; [MS Word: 40 KB]- #21 — November 7, 2007
- “Editorial: Prepare for a Decisive Confrontation with the Arroyo Regime”, 3 pages. [PDF: 42 KB]; [MS Word: 47 KB]
- “A Bunch of Liars”, 1 page. [PDF: 9 KB]; [MS Word: 29 KB]
- [Other articles from this issue are unavailable.]
- Special Issue — August 24, 2007
“Editorial: Surface Comrade Leo Velasco!”, 5 pages. [PDF: 106 KB]; [MS Word: 52 KB]- #16 — August 21, 2007 [Complete issue]
- “Editorial: Take Advantage of the Disarray and Widespread Demoralization in the AFP”, 3 pages. [PDF: 88 KB]; [MS Word: 43 KB]
- “Military Offensives in Mindanao Victimize 23,000 Civilians”, 1 page. [PDF: 12 KB]; [MS Word: 28 KB]
- “AFP Suffers Successive Losses”, 2 pages. [PDF: 65 KB]; [MS Word: 31 KB]
- “CPP Assails American Troops’ Presence in Combat Zone”, 2 pages. [PDF: 122 KB]; [MS Word: 35 KB]
- “Victorious NPA Offensives: NPA Punishes Notorious Military Unity”, 1 page. [PDF: 65 KB]; [MS Word: 28 KB]
- “Victorious NPA Offensives: NPA Continues to Frustrate Oplan Bantay Laya 2 in Bicol”, 2 pages. [PDF: 85 KB]; [MS Word: 40 KB]
- “Soldiers Figure in Misencounter in Masbate”, 1 page. [PDF: 12 KB]; [MS Word: 28 KB]
- “Fascist State on a Rampage: Arroyo Regime Harasses 3 Women Leaders”, 2 pages. [PDF: 79 KB]; [MS Word: 37 KB]
- “Fascist State on a Rampage: NDFP Files Another Case vs. Arroyo Regime at UN”, 1 page. [PDF: 67 KB]; [MS Word: 29 KB]
- “Fascist State on a Rampage: AFP Refuses to Release Report on Jonas Burgos Abduction”, 1 page. [PDF: 57 KB]; [MS Word: 28 KB]
- “Arroyo’s Health Program: Medical Tourism for Foreigners Who Could Afford to Pay”, 4 pages. [PDF: 148 KB]; [MS Word: 47 KB]
- “News Overseas: Workers at Chiyoda Win Strike”, 2 pages. [PDF: 73 KB]; [MS Word: 32 KB]
- “News”, 3 short articles, one on national minorities in mining, and two on Iraq. 2 pages. [PDF: 70 KB]; [MS Word: 31 KB]
- 2000 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XXX:
- Special Issue — December 4, 1999
- “There will be no Ceasefire Declaration by the NPA this Christmas”, statement by “Ka Roger” Rosal, spokesperson for the CPP, 2 pages. [From] [PDF: 46 KB]
- 1999 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XXIX:
- Special Issue — December 26, 1999
“Greet the 21st century and new millennium with the resolve to intensify the revolution”, by Armando Liwanag, Chairman, Central Committee, CPP, 16 pages. [PDF: 119 KB]; [MS Word: 85 KB]- #1 — January-February, 1999 [Complete issue]
- “Editorial: Impose Revolutionary Punishment on Imelda and Other Cohorts of the Marcos Dictatorship”, 5 pages. [PDF: 75 KB]; [MS Word: 49 KB]
- “Fascist Violence and Counterrevolutionary War in the Countryside”, 5 pages. [PDF: 74 KB]; [MS Word: 47 KB]
- “The Fascist Crimes of Gen. Panfilo Lacson in Cebu”, 2 pages. [PDF: 11 KB]; [MS Word: 32 KB]
- “Against Lacson’s Warrantless Arrest”, 1 page. [PDF: 52 KB]; [MS Word: 27 KB]
- “NPA Arrests AFP General, 2 Other Officers”, 2 pages. [PDF: 54 KB]; [MS Word: 33 KB]
- “Who is Considered a Combatant?”, 1 page. [PDF: 8 KB]; [MS Word: 28 KB]
- “Revolutionary Movement in Mindanao: Along the Path of Steadfast Advance”, 6 pages. [PDF: 74 KB]; [MS Word: 50 KB]
- “NDF-MILF Alliance: Unity and Cooperation Against the Reactionary Enemy”, 3 pages. [PDF: 16 KB]; [MS Word: 36 KB]
- “In the Name of the Law: Landgrabbing in Cagayan Valley”, 4 pages. [PDF: 25 KB]; [MS Word: 39 KB]
- “Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!”, 2 pages. [PDF: 11 KB]; [MS Word: 32 KB]
- “News”, 2 pages. [PDF: 12 KB]; [MS Word: 33 KB]
- 1998 — Ang Bayan, Vol. XXVIII:
- Special Issue — December 26, 1998
“Hail the 30th Anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines”, by Armando Liwanag. [In 5 parts, only 3 of which are now available.]
- Introduction, 2 pages. [PDF: 115 KB]; [MS Word: 34 KB]
- “I. Unprecedented Global Crisis and Disorder” [N/A]
- “II. Worsening of the Chronic Crisis of the Ruling Class”, 8 pages. [PDF: 101 KB]; [MS Word: 53 KB]
- “III. Revitalized Forces of the Revolution” [N/A]
- “IV. Long-term Fighting Tasks of the Communist Party of the Philippines”, 7 pages. [PDF: 177 KB]; [MS Word: 48 KB]
- Special Issue — December 10, 1998
- “The Tortuous Road of Peace Negotiations”, 2 pages. [PDF: 69 KB]; [MS Word: 33 KB]
- [Other articles from this issue are unavailable.]
- #4 — October-December, 1998
- “Capitalist System in Crisis”, 7 pages. [PDF: 84 KB]; [MS Word: 51 KB]
- “Prospects of the Revolutionary Workers’ Movement: Strengthening Towards a New and Higher Level”, 6 pages. [PDF: 67 KB]; [MS Word: 46 KB]
- “Samar: Rectifying and Advancing”, 3 pages. [PDF: 70 KB]; [MS Word: 34 KB]
- “Contras: New Trotskyite Group”, 2 pages. [PDF: 49 KB]; [MS Word: 31 KB]
- [Other articles from this issue are unavailable.]
- #3 — July-September, 1998
- “Erap for Danding”, 3 pages. [PDF: 129 KB]; [MS Word: 34 KB]
- “Real Criminals Unmasked: Corruption and Crime in the AFP and PNP”, 3 pages. [PDF: 81 KB]; [MS Word: 38 KB]
- “Reguarding the National Minimum Wage”, 3 pages. [PDF: 123 KB]; [MS Word: 35 KB]
- “News”, 4 pages. Includes these short items:
[PDF: 81 KB]; [MS Word: 37 KB]
- Ambus, Raid Launched in Samar
- Tactical Offensives, Continue in Bicol
- Enemy Bleeds from NPA Offensives
- Ilocos-Cordillera Holds Regional Conference
- Peace Forum Held in Mindanao
- Massacre in Aurora Exposed
- Estrada Signs Human Rights Accord
- [Other articles from this issue are unavailable.]
- 1972 — Ang Bayan, Vol. IV:
- Special Issue — October 1, 1972
“Overthrow the U.S.-Marcos Dictatorship to Achieve National Freedom and Democracy”, 44 pages. [PDF: 258 KB]- 1971 — Ang Bayan, Vol. III:
- Special Issue — March 19, 1971
“On the 100th Anniversary of the Paris Commune”, 21 pages, in Pilipino. [PDF: 4,867 KB]- 1969 — Ang Bayan, Vol. I:
- Special Issue — December 26, 1969
“Our Beloved Party Celebrates Its First Anniversary under the Supreme Guidance of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought”, 4 pages. [PDF: 44 KB]
New People’s Army: Reports of Activities
News Reports about the Communist Party of the Philippines
“[Internet] Sites Identified with Maoist Group Ordered Shut”, from the Business World Online website, June 22, 2022, 4 pages. PDF format (234 KB)
Foreign Criticism of the CPP [See also the section on Sison]
- “Muddying the Revolution”, by Alex De Jong, Jacobin magazine, September 2018, 4 pages. Accuses the CPP of assassinating other left-wing activists, both reformists and revolutionaries, including some Maoists. Searchable PDF format [131 KB]
Due to the repressive legislation and judicial decisions in the United States, we at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET want to make it completely clear that we do not have any connection whatsoever with the Communist Party of the Philippines, or its associated organizations, or with any other party in the Philippines or any other country for that matter. We do not aid, promote, assist, support, coordinate with, or provide any sort of services or advice to the CPP or to any other party. However, we do support the right of free speech, and the right of the people in both the Philippines and internationally to read the views and publications of this and all other parties and organizations. We object to the suppression of the views and ideas put forward by the CPP, whether past or present. And for this reason alone we are making copies of many documents from the CPP and its associated organizations available on this site, along with documents by its leaders, critics and other commentators.