A WORLD TO WIN    #21   (1995)



Rally to the Defence of Our Red Flag Flying in Peru!

Two years ago, after having already received a dramatic blow with the capture of Chairman Gonzalo, the Communist Party of Peru saw the eruption of a major two-line struggle within its ranks. A line arose calling for peace negotiations with the US-backed Fujimori regime and for abandoning the People's War led by the PCP. This line based itself on claims that the international conditions for revolution today are bleak, and that the difficulties posed by the capture of Chairman Gonzalo and changes in the situation in Peru are unsolvable. This Right Opportunist Line is an attempt to re-route the revolution in Peru onto the well-travelled dead-end path of reformism and capitulation. The attention of the world's revolutionaries has been focussed on this two-line struggle, which raises basic questions on the assessment of the current situation in Peru and internationally, of the capacity of the Party to maintain and advance the People's War, and of the very process by which revolution will advance through twists and turns to achieve ­final victory. The major documents of this struggle are gathered here so as to help turn this battle into a great school of revolution and to render the greatest support possible to the PCP and the People's War it is continuing to lead, as part of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement's worldwide campaign to "Rally to the Defence of Our Red Flag Flying in Peru!"


Carry the Two-Line Struggle Through to the End!

Call by RIM Committee
Rally to the Defence of Our Red Flag Flying in Peru!


7 October 1993
PCP Central Committee Declaration

Report by the PCP Central Committee:
Reaffirm Our Party Basis of Unity and Build the Seizure of Power


On Negotiations and Turning Points:
Let the Lessons of the Past Fire the Way Forward!

It Is Right to Rebel!
Article by the Union of Communists of Iran (Sarbedaran)


Our Red Flag Is Still Flying in Peru!

Reprints from the PCP:
Reports From the Battlefield!

PCP Chairman Gonzalo:
The Fight to End the Isolation


Two Documents from the Right Opportunist Line
Take Up and Fight for the New Decision and the New Definition!

"Outline for a Basic Document"


RIM Committee
May Day 1995:
Two Opposing Roads of Accommodation vs. Revolution

Save the Life of Mumia Abu-Jamal!