A WORLD TO WIN    #21   (1995)


Take Up and Fight for the New Decision and the New Definition! (Asumir)

This document was originally published in La Republica in Peru, January 1993 and circulated abroad by pro-negotiations forces. All underlining is from the original document, however, the notation "io", for "italics ours", has been left wherever it appeared in the La Republica edition. Any explanations by AWTW are given in brackets [ ]. The translation retains the feel of the original as much as possible (abbreviations, elliptic references, etc.). - AWTW


1. MLM,GT [Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought] is invincible and untarnishable (never defeated), reason: it is the ideology of the last class in history.

2. We are communists, Maoists, soldiers of the proletariat, our essence is Maoism; wherever we may fight, we fight with the arms we have.

Very much keep in mind what Chairman Mao taught: "The next 50-100 years... new things, new problems, which must be resolved."

It is necessary to continue playing our role; there is a certain fear in the face of taking a decision.

Those who have always fought against us are doing so now, why? (io)

3. MLM,GT is our special weapon... Keep in mind what was agreed in the Third Plenary Session (III P.S.). We are facing new problems, resolve them by applying Gonzalo Thought (GT).

4. Take responsibility for and fight for the New Decision and the New Definition.

These guiding ideas should preside over our outlook.


We base ourselves on our ideological outlook: Marxism. Apply it to our concrete conditions.

* Quotations from Chairman Mao

* Chapter V ("War and Peace") study and apply.

* "...This ML revolutionary principle is universally valid".

The principle is not in question. The question is its application according to concrete conditions. (Keep in mind the experience of the 1960s and '70s). (io)

This application is what gave rise, within the Party, to the Organized Masses and Public Opinion, to the conditions for Initiating the Armed Struggle (IAS).

Quote no 1 from Chapter 5: "War is the highest form of struggle for resolving class contradictions...."

War is initiated and develops according to concrete conditions, and as these change, the forms of struggle must change.

Quote no 3 from Chapter 5: "The division of wars into just wars and unjust wars... what should be done when an unjust war breaks out... The way to oppose it is to prevent it before it breaks out, and if it breaks out, to oppose unjust war with just war, whenever possible." "Whenever possible" also applies to us when we face an unjust war as a reply to a just war (including as a reply to our actions; don't read this in an abstract way, but understand its application).

* Quote no 2 from Chapter 5: Relationship between war and politics. "If the obstacle is not completely swept away, the war will have to continue" (Text from 1934, in 1937 analyze the contradictions). Look at Chungking talks in 1945, volume IV: implies not finishing the democratic revolution.

Did Chairman Mao negate this principle? No, he applied it in a creative way to the end of the war with Japan: public opinion was for peace. Chairman Mao strove to take public opinion into account, and that led him to these talks. There were big concessions. What was the problem? After the agreement was signed by Chairman Mao in the name of the CCP and the KMT headed by Chiang Kai-shek, the latter violated the agreement and launched a counteroffensive. Mao didn't violate any principles. We should not read in a general way but rather see the application to reality. Thus it can be said that politics is war without bloodshed, just as war is politics with bloodshed. (io)

The people's law, "Struggle, fail, ...provoke, make trouble".

This is a Great Law of the Class Struggle, describing the laws of imperialism and reaction, and the people.

The Class Struggle is a great and constant class war directed by political leaders. It has two forms:

1. Bloodless: "Politics is war without bloodshed."

2. Bloody: "War is politics with bloodshed."

Both are forms of the great political war that is the class struggle, and the latter is the development of the contradiction between Revolution and Counterrevolution, whose essence is: Fight and make trouble. The two laws are a Great Law of the Class Struggle, a contradiction whose terms are: on the one side, make trouble, which inevitably leads to ruin, and on the other side, fight, which inevitably leads to victory. Both processes pass through failures; while the old leads to ruin, the new leads to victory. This is a great, inexorable Law. Do not fear failure; the problem is to struggle, and thus the importance of the great Marxist truth: "It's right to make revolution." Study it and apply it. Very important.

* Quotes page 237.

* Quotes page 221. Don't be subjective, one-sided, superficial. Very important.

Being subjective means not weighing the circumstances. See things in an all-around way.

* Chapter 7, "Left-Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder": "The Communists of today are communists because throughout all the intermediate stages and all the compromises created, not by them but by the forward march of the process of history, they clearly and precisely see and constantly pursue their final objective; thus, the abolition of classes and the creation of a society in which there will be neither private ownership of land nor private ownership of the means of production."


1. Struggle for a Peace Agreement! (principal, and political guide)

2. Uphold and Apply the Call!

3. Take Up and Fight for a New Great Decision and Great Definition!

4. Close ranks around CG and the Central Leadership!

5. Uphold the New Great Decision and Definition!

6. Glory to MLM!


Do we or do we not grasp this historical process; are we objective or subjective? Either we deal with reality, or it will deal with us. Communist see things clearly (there can be disconcerting confusion).

"The 33 Blanquists are communists because they think they can skip intermediate stages... and that the seizure of power will begin in the next few days - they are completely certain of that - and once power is seized, that communism will be established the day after. If this proves impossible to do immediately, they are not communists."

What childish disingenuousness it is to present impatience as a convincing theoretical argument!

Naturally, very young and inexperienced revolutionaries, as well as petty-bourgeois revolutionaries who may even have attained a respectable age and accumulated much experience, consider it extremely dangerous, incomprehensible and erroneous to "grant compromises".

Many sophists, politicians, etc., think the same way, but what do they do every day? They make capitulationist compromises.

"Nevertheless, the proletarians have undergone the schooling of numerous strikes... they assimilate the profound truth."

"PHILOSOPHICAL TRUTH": In conformity with contradiction, the road is full of twists and turns.

"HISTORICAL TRUTH": In the process of development of revolutions, the class struggle is the same.

"POLITICAL TRUTH": The daily struggle for political power expresses this necessity.

"PSYCHOLOGICAL TRUTH": How to understand things from the class point of view, to see the differences that imply compromises demanded by objective conditions... compromises that in no way diminish our revolutionary abnegation, nor our determination to continue the struggle by means of the compromises obtained by the Workers. Differentiate these from subjective compromises serving private interests, from traitors pursuing their own interests....

Strikebreakers also undertake compromises! Their cowardliness, their desire to adulate the capitalists... before crumbs... they seek to flatter the capitalists.

- Not all compromises are so simple; there are international and national compromises. In our case, we should see the two situations! -- that's what Lenin says, a direct application to our case. "No compromise" is absurd.

What does it mean to speak of a mature Party of the Class, that merits the name, and leaders who deserve to be considered as such?... It means, in reality, acquiring, through prolonged efforts, all the representatives of a given class capable of thinking. Lenin: in every class there are and always will be... representatives of the class who don't think, who are incapable of thinking for themselves; if it weren't like that, imperialism would not be the class oppressor that it is. The leaders are those who have the knowledge, the experience, and the political wisdom necessary for a prompt and just solution to complex political problems (have commitment and enough decisiveness to do it, not just to understand, but to decide).

Volume IV - 151 CM pages 430-443

The El Diario Interview given by CG:

- Thought, lessons of the People's War, the question of leadership: "The forging of a leadership, clearly, can't be improvised... Leadership of the People's War". Page 8 (El Diario edition). Heads and Headquarters, there are groups, heads and headquarters - page 11 (idem).

- Experience of the Commune. Don't strike the flag, uphold it gloriously until victory, no matter what the cost. Page 20 (idem).

- Page 32 (idem) on dialogue: this refers to the final part of the war, don't apply this mechanically.


1. A stage of the Revolution has ended. Fight for a future wave of the World Proletarian Revolution (WPR)!

A grandiose and indelible stage of the WPR has ended.

There is a World Political Ebb (It is strategic and global); this stage has left us three great banners: Marx-Lenin-Mao, which are concretized in the fact that MLM is unconquerable and untarnishable.

In 1891, Engels, in the "Introduction to The Civil War in France", taught that there would be an ebb in the WPR and that it was not possible to seize power. It was necessary to resolve the problem of new forms of struggle and organization, principally military questions. He makes a summation of 50 years of the WPR: there was a general political ebb (GPE); Marx himself referred to this when he founded the First International (International Working Men's Association). There is a difference between the Manifesto of the Communist Party and the basic argument for the International Workingmen's Association.

In 1891, imperialism was undergoing a restructuring; a new division of the world was underway. For 30 years it was not possible to seize power, nor resolve the problem of forms of struggle and organization. It is not the same today. In 1917, Lenin resolved it, and in 1949 Chairman Mao resolved the problem of the road to revolution in semifeudal, semicolonial and bureaucrat capitalist countries, and in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), he resolved the problem of the continuation of the socialist revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat.

- Chairman Mao: Chapter on Cadres, in the 1st quote where he speaks about training successors.

Thus, previously we held that the Strategic Offensive of the World Revolution (SOWR) began in the 1980s; today we have developed and we consider that the period 1976-1980 represents only a few years. The SOWR began with the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, because it is the highest peak reached by the WPR and the National Liberation Movement (NLM) under the leadership of the proletariat. Thus Chairman Mao sought to develop and deepen the WPR.

See Chairman Mao's Quotations, chapter on imperialism, page 72: There are two winds, the east wind is prevailing. In 1957, page 77: "Imperialism will not last long."

Strive to grasp the great stages, recall Chairman Mao: "the next 50-100 years...". This means 2010 to 2060; therefore, a new wave is gestating, understand it as part of the development of the contradiction between restoration and counter-restoration. Keep in mind historical experience, the law of the development of the Class Struggle. The Bourgeois Revolution took 300 years to consolidate itself. In the sixteenth century, the revolution took place in Holland, which was smashed by Spain in the seventeenth century. In England, the triumph of the Bourgeois Revolution took place in two parts: the revolution led by O. Cromwell in 1640 failed, and in 1688 the "Glorious Revolution" triumphed, with 48 years between the two. In the eighteenth century, the emancipation of the United States occurred in 1776; the Revolution triumphed in France in 1789. England became the world's leading power after the defeat of the "Invincible Armada" (Naval Battle), so that it took England almost 90 years before the bourgeoisie won out and consolidated.

If the bourgeoisie as a class needed 300 years to consolidate its power, it cannot be demanded that the proletariat resolve it in the 66 years (2/3 of a century) that it has exercised its dictatorship in a State, leading Socialist Revolution.

There is a difference with the GPE of 1891 (Engels summed it up).

The present GPE derives from the process of restoration, from the creation of unfavourable public opinion of this whole stage of the Revolution (140 years). So far, the GPE has lasted 3 years. In the light of Marxism - and this is decisive and key in order to sketch out the strategy of the WPR in the New Great Wave - we understand why this period is a hinge between the culmination of a stage of the WPR and the future Great Wave of the WPR. This is the argument for the general political withdrawal, among other questions.

LENIN: "Karl Marx taught the analysis of the problem of tactics". Dare to think, dare to act, dare to decide, going against the tide is a Marxist principle. Does everything we have analyzed go against what we've been upholding, that "Revolution is the main trend"? We must make a distinction.

1. TENDENCY. From the historical point of view, it is incontrovertible and inexorable that revolution is the main trend; it's enough to invoke the process of development of the new, of contradiction; take into account the example: the Pampas River arises and through a long, zigzagging course full of bends and setbacks, it always reaches the sea. We have to understand that history cannot go backwards, development takes place in spirals and is uneven. Time is counted in decades, not years; historical steps are not so brief. See the accompanying general diagram.

2. REVOLUTION AS A POLITICAL TENDENCY (Study very well). It will take at least 5 to 6 years for the international situation and panorama to clear up. (io) How is the United States' unshared hegemony being concretized? How is the disintegration of Russia being concretized? The strengthening and role of the other powers, Japan and Germany? As for the camp of revolution, how is the General Political Ebb (GPE) of the Revolution manifesting itself? What is the opinion of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) regarding these questions? Chairman Mao teaches us that there are 100 paper communist parties. How is this manifesting itself today? See what is the situation of the proletariat's parties and organizations. What is the situation of the unions? These are realities that we must thoroughly analyze. What is the situation of the class organizations, the peasant organizations, of national and world public opinion? The key is the leadership of the Communist Parties, the question of the class, of the Anti-imperialist Movement.

IN SYNTHESIS, thoroughly analyze the development of the class struggle, its laws, tendencies and perspectives. The old mole, as Marx taught, has not disappeared, he continues his work.

If the political tendency doesn't exist, the historical tendency doesn't exist. Today it is underground; we have to be able to understand this. (io)

It has fallen on us, and we are carrying the rubble of the disintegrations, the restorations (USSR and China), but it exists daily within the Communist Parties, in the communists, in the class, in the anti-imperialist struggle. Socialism has existed, we've seen it, the main right is the right to seize political power: it's right to rebel! And as a consequence, it does not disappear, it is an underlying political tendency. Marx analyzed this process; he taught us about the "deep waters", "the old mole once again [grubs] the earth", thus it manifests itself politically as underground waters; the political question is decisive: the leadership of the Communist Parties. It's necessary to go back and study this; it is very important to reaffirm revolution as the main historical trend; politically it is operating daily. On the world level, there is a new redivision of the loot, new contradictions are gestating.

Slowly but surely imperialism is dying - Third Plenary Session (IIIP.S.).

How is this manifesting itself today? It continues unfolding, slowly but inexorably dying. (Keep in mind the IIIP.S. on the sinking of the various imperialists); but at the same time, there is a transitory recovery. What Lenin taught in "Imperialism Highest Stage", "Social... and Imp...", "Revis... and Imp..." is correct and fully valid.

How should we see the question of imperialism today? We see it in the light of MLM to resolve the new problems.

What are the material bases of this situation? The economic base that determined it was the oil, coal and steel industries. Today new sources of economic work are developing, some very advanced: there are computers, electronic communications, these are great processes of development, genetics, the monopolies are paying attention to genetic modifications (manipulation in plants and animals), even in new varieties; this is a new line of oppression and exploitation. Always see the two sides of a contradiction. All oppression gives rise to a class movement against oppression.

If we look at the question of war, the development of strategic weapons generates a greater militarization of industry, greater investments linked to electronic warfare, armament that is expensive to produce and maintain and which rapidly becomes obsolescent. Their problems with economic recession and its restrictions lead to the development of conventional weapons. The privatization of the means of production accumulated by the state is another worldwide phenomenon. How much have the states accumulated with the means of production in their hands? All this is being passed to the monopolies, to strengthen their power. All these are questions that determine the bases for this transitory economic recovery.

If we look at the question of the state in particular, we see a tendency to decrease its social functions. Who will assume its functions? In the imperialist countries, the monopolies, for example, are taking on the organization of insurance (in this country, the AFP), health care, and educational services. A similar phenomenon is taking place in regard to security, not only in terms of armament but also to thwart or carry out industrial espionage. All this poses the question of the various situations that form the context of the process of the reactionary state of the dictatorship of the big bourgeoisie (in our case, the big bourgeoisie and the landlords subjugated by imperialism). Today their Armed Forces are being strengthened and have a greater capacity to take political decisions. (io)

See the role being taken on by the monopolies. Yesterday they divided up the world; today they take on state functions.

Regarding the international situation, the superpowers have not changed. Russia continues to be a superpower based on its military capacity, its strategic atomic power. It has problems in terms of its influence abroad; its national problems are escalating, along with external security problems. In Japan, Yeltsin told them not to claim the four disputed islands. Russia continues to be a pole of influence. See its international policy as undergoing a process of readjustment and how it's going to back U.S. hegemony. Japan is becoming the second power - it pays growing attention to its military weakness and seeks to become more powerful, aiming to develop its own military power. Germany is sinking France (its famous ally) to strengthen its own currency.

Ideologically, they are not erecting a new ideology, they are expressing its decrepitude. They increasingly make use of the "failure of socialism", and with this shore up their economic recovery; they say they have no ideology, but they uphold liberalism. These are old banners they are dusting off and using to manipulate public opinion.

Pay a lot of attention to and be concerned with seeing their slow agony and transitory recovery. The question of ebb -- if it is not seen in this way, imperialism can't be fought. Lenin taught that imperialism overall holds back the development of the productive forces. This is a general law, it will be determinate at the end of the day. On one side we see great abundance, and on the other side of the contradiction we see 15 million children die every year before their first birthday. Both questions can't be surmounted, they form a contradictory unity.

How are the empires sinking? (III.PS.) We analyze that this process takes place through long periods, not short ones. Under slavery, the most developed imperialism was Rome, and it sank through a process that lasted over five centuries; under feudalism, the most outstanding imperialism, Spain, also sank over the course of two centuries; under capitalism, England did the same through a long period, over a century; Yankee imperialism consolidated its position as a superpower after the second world war, in a process that lasted five decades. Consequently, one can predict that the process will be long, but obviously it will be briefer than the previous ones, though clearly these are long periods.

Revisionism and Revolution: we have fought two revisionisms, the old one that opposed the seizure of power after the second world war, and the revisionism we are fighting now whose essence is restoration. In synthesis, we always fight revisionism. (io)

* CONCLUSION. Fight for the future wave of the World Revolution; Guide: Maoism!

2. The bureaucrat road is laying a foundation for itself and becoming viable.

* Our starting point is the analysis of how they are laying the bases and developing a coherent strategy in the face of the People's War. Economically, clearly they are establishing a basis, not only passing laws, but applying them.

Since 1988, there have been five years of recession. In 1993, the GDP grew by 6% after five years of growing recession. Inflation is also being reduced. If we look at '82 to '93 from a strategic perspective, the GDP fell by 26% and the population grew by 30%, so that they still need to recover by 20% even without taking the population increment into account. We must strive to see the steps being taken, the increments obtained, as objective facts.

Regarding Politics and State, they've elected their constitutional councils, worked out the Constitution, they won the referendum, the way is being opened for his re-election. This means establishing the basis for the restructuring of the state.

Regarding Pacification, their counter­subversive war, they began with civic action, then they proceeded to control the population, then the rondas, their psy ops and intelligence operations that led to the captures.

This whole period of bureaucrat capitalism is going in a particular direction. The concentration of political power. That's a necessity of this process: A long-term plan and long-term government to push it forward, lead it and apply it. Therefore bureaucrat capitalism is being jump-started. (io)

* With the capture of the Headquarters and the Central Leadership, imperialism did not consider it necessary to intervene.

* On 24 September, Chairman Gonzalo, in his Speech, derived the Programme, the PLF, the PLA, the New State and its relative stability; regarding the people's war, the shift of the centre and all which that implies, and he laid the basis for the masterful plan for a general political withdrawal.

* The whole process of the counter-revolutionary war led it to be successful.

* The jump-starting of bureaucrat capitalism entrains a greater imperialist domination: "Reinsertion".

* The border problems with Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile and Brazil are putting the Nation in peril.

In synthesis, what is the situation with bureaucrat capitalism today?

There is no powerful liberation movement, the struggle of the proletariat and the people is weakened, and consequently is neither powerful nor strong. Therefore, bureaucrat capitalism is being given a new impulse and its plan is becoming viable, political and social rights are becoming more restricted, all this is leading to the fact that the deep class struggle will nourish the old mole.

Know how to get one's bearings and deal with the laws of a process, see it in perspective, the direction things are going in.

The strong point, the most developed aspect of the democratic road: the People's War. (io)

3. THE PEOPLE'S WAR CANNOT DEVELOP BUT ONLY MAINTAIN ITSELF. (io) There are six indispensable questions for victory in people's war:

1. Proletarian leadership,

2. Base amongst the masses,

3. Strategic centralization,

4. Army of a new type,

5. Protracted people's war,

6. Favourable international conditions.

Number six does not exist; it's not principal, but it is necessary. The principal question is no. 1, that it maintains a just and correct political line, that it is capable of developing the people's war, giving it a direction and the leadership of the Class.

We have problems with numbers 1 and 3. They (the leadership outside) do not analyze the new problems, the direction; number 4 needs to be built and developed, "PLA" is not just a name; number 2 is not being taken up and led as it should be under the new conditions. Who represents the people in the elections? No one... Thus it all comes back to protracted people's war, the problem is proletarian leadership. (io)

* What have we achieved?

- First, we worked for a long time to launch the Armed Struggle and develop the people's war, the Revolutionary Peasants' war led by the Party, relying on its own bases, forces and on the masses, with class independence -- the people's war has lasted 13 years.

- We have dealt blows at the three mountains, there is more sweeping away of semifeudalism, tearing apart of the system, we've fought bureaucrat capitalism, we've shown what it means to evolutionize semifeudalism: run the Peruvian state in opposition to revolution.

- We've fought Imperialism in head-on struggle, the development of our war has been a security problem for the U.S. since 1989.

- The People's War has generated an Army of a New Type. (io)

- We have formed a State of a New Type, that the class can lead, which never happened before.

- Its repercussions are enormous.

- In synthesis: the people's war has given us five successes. (io)

1. The people's war is the greatest revolutionary social movement in all of Peruvian history, in terms of its programme, development and duration. (io)

2. It has served to defend Maoism as a third, new and higher stage, fundamentally for strategic development on a world level.

3. It has raised the Party's prestige to the highest level in its history, with greater impact on the world.

4. We have accumulated the most enormous revolutionary experience in Peru and Latin America and one of the greatest in today's world.

5. It is a great support to the proletarian world revolution, recognized by the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM) as a vanguard theatre of the World Proletarian Revolution; it is a moment when the revolution is ending a great period. It is a hinge between two waves.

It is an example of how to base yourself on your own efforts and it has shown that people's war is invincible. (io)




Uphold still higher MLM,GT, struggle for a Peace Agreement and its application; define the far-reaching impact of the people's war: the great Revolutionary Social Movement in Peruvian history; link ourselves more deeply to the broad masses, develop proletarian internationalism more. Quote from Chairman Mao: "If a Revolutionary Party..." this is the single axis and the great strength, defend it and strengthen it against wind and tide, persist in taking the ideological-political line as decisive for the people's war.

Culminate the propaganda.




1. First contacts.

2. Rounds of conversations. Ceremonies, peace agreements, first letter, general outline, second letter.

3. Present situation.

4. Circulation of petition for an agreement.

5. Perspectives.


1. Take up and fight for a New Great Decision and Definition... Struggle for a peace agreement and lay the basis...

2. Concrete Party tasks.

3. Specific tasks.


1. Peruvian public opinion is for peace. "It has become a necessity...."

2. Public opinion is in favour of a diplomatic resolution. It is a necessity for imperialism and the other imperialist powers.

3. It is a necessity for the State and the government, so that they can continue developing their evolutionary road. Problems of its present cost: terms, re-election and long-term plan.

4. The Party's actions: how does it take this up and carry it forward? Its ability to put forward conditions depends on this. Commission of Delegates. (io)


1. No confrontations, neutralize and respond measure for measure.

2. Change our language, we are involved in diplomacy, which doesn't mean tailing it. (io)

3. Distinguish the main target to attack today, at this conjuncture.

4. The question is the wise handling of the field of objective convergences. R' [=] Rx'. (io)

5. This is a Peace Agreement between the PCP and the Armed Forces by means of the Government. Our political positions are confirmed, we said how to resolve the contradictions between the Communist Party and the Armed Forces and that is what is happening. (io)

- Develop the two-line struggle, aiming to unite, fight so that there is as little dispersal as possible; the Party is strong in politics, but we are willing to have it that only a few remain; we will be the most tested, the best defence is to attack. Let the membership be seen as a relay mirror in the infamous attacks of the enemy; not even the Armed Forces act like that.

- The other hill also has its clear objective: that we never raise our heads again and that the people's war is never repeated; and it can't be denied that it is using this to win the referendum today and tomorrow win re-election, because as the Peruvian state what it needs is a long-term plan to restructure and restart. Demarcate and be alert to alien machinations. (io)

- "Let us trade a present of uncertain possibilities for a future with real and certain perspectives."


1. "We Communists struggle with absolute conviction in our goal, communism, no matter how many battles we fight nor how many setbacks and difficulties and even defeats we suffer in the twists and turns of the road to victory."

2. "Risk doesn't stop us, danger doesn't scare us. What must be done is done."

3. "We Communists expect nothing and want everything; we want nothing for ourselves as individuals and everything for humanity. Let communism shine upon the Earth."

4. "We Communists have only one interest, communism, and for it we would give the only thing we have: our lives."

5. "Outside of the Party we are nothing; inside the Party we are everything."

6. "A clear mind, a resolute will and an inextinguishable passion" (Trilogy).

7. "We Communists are free men because we deal with the laws with which we will transform reality."

8. "We Communists fight unflinchingly, even though we know that as individuals we will be ground up, and extinguished in terms of the class from which we arose."

9. "Man will be truly man when communism is established upon the Earth."

10."We Communists are the mortar of communism."

11. "Know how to see sudden changes and take great decisions."


1. "Thoroughgoing materialists are fearless. We hope that all those who struggle beside us will valiantly assume their responsibilities, overcome difficulties and have no fear of setbacks or mockery, and not hesitate to criticize us communists and give us their suggestions."

2. "He who does not fear the death of a thousand cuts dares to unhorse the Emperor. This is the intrepid spirit we need in our struggle for socialism and communism."

3. "Going against the tide is a Marxist principle."

4. "Dare to think, dare to speak, and dare to act."


- "You must have the courage to look at the bitter truth in the face."

- "Tell the truth though you burst."

- "To know men and deeds, you have to know them close up and judge them from a distance" (Bolívar).

- "Men come and go but deeds remain."

- "The most effective weapon against the enemy is the unity of the leadership and the led." (io)

- "It would be easy to undertake a battle with the absolute assurance of winning it" (Marx).


- "Struggle for a Peace Agreement!" (This is the principal slogan and political guide).

- "Uphold and apply the call!"

- "Assume the Responsibility and Fight for a New Great Decision and New Great Definition!"

- "Glory to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!"

- "The PCP wants Peace, no more repression!"