A WORLD TO WIN    #19   (1993)



Talk by PCP Chairman Gonzalo
Speech given at a meeting held in conjunction with the rectification campaign carried out in 1991 by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP). Here Comrade Gonzalo, chairman of the PCP, addresses questions of philosophy, China's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the current political situation in Peru and the world, and the rectification campaign itself.

IEC Delegates Convene Successful Founding Conference
With a bold internationalist spirit and surmounting many obstacles, the International Emergency Campaign to Defend the Life of Abimael Guzman (Chairman Gonzalo) successfully held its Founding Conference and forges a structure. AWTW analyzes various questions of debate within the IEC, as well as the activities and future of the worldwide campaign.

Chiang Ching
Chiang Ching's little-told story is one of daring to go against the tide to make revolution - as a woman Communist leader and as the wife of Mao Tsetung. In a path-breaking new survey of the remarkable life and contributions of Chiang Ching, AWTW explores the trajectory of the Chinese revolution, retracing the steps of one of its outstanding leaders.

Celebrate the Mao Centenary!-Editorial
Celebrate the Mao Centenary in an Unforgettable Way!


- Statement by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru
- Victory to the Armed Strike May 17, 18 and 19
- Crush Down the Genocidal Plan Against the Prisoners of War
- On the Rectification Campaign Based on the Study of the Document Elections, No! People's War, Yes! by PCP Chairman Gonzalo
- IEC Founding Conference

Comrade Sanmugathasan:

- RIM Committee on the Death of Comrade Sanmugathasan
- The Bright Red Banner of Mao Tsetung Thought
- Reminiscences on Com. Sanmugathasan
- Comrade Shan: Unrepentant Communist

Chiang Ching:
The Revolutionary Ambitions of a Communist Leader

Revolutionary Internationist Movement (Reprinted below are some older RIM Statements AWTW could not print in previous issues)
- Support the Struggle of the Masses in Germany Against Racists, Fascists and Their Reactionary Protectors!
- May 1st 1993: Spread Mao's Legacy Far and Wide!
- Imperialist Troops Out of Somalia! Yankees Go Home!
- On the 20th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Founder of the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist, Ibrahim Kaypakkaya
- Civil War in Yugoslavia
- Support the Los Angeles Rebellion! Spring Thunder in the West
- To the Oppressed Struggling Masses of Nepal
- On the Life of Comrade Nat Gould
- Proletarian Party of Purba Bangla(PBSP) Holds 3rd Congress
Amidst Suppression

- RIM Committee Message to PBSP Congress