A WORLD TO WIN    #19   (1993)


Support the Struggle of the Masses in Germany Against Racists, Facists, and their Reactionary Protectors!

- Statement by the Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement

10 June 1993

Over the past two years and more, racist and fascist forces in the Federal Republic of Germany have unleashed a series of criminal attacks against the foreign born and non-whites. This cowardly reactionary campaign reached a new low on 29 May when fascists firebombed the home of a peaceful family of Turkish immigrants, resulting in six deaths, four of whom were children. In the aftermath a storm of struggle and rebellion has swept across Germany. Based largely upon Turkish, Kurdish and other immigrants, this outbreak of struggle has drawn the support of wide sections of German rebel youth and other progressive strata. It is the most powerful movement of the proletariat and oppressed masses in Germany in several decades.

The Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement fully supports the struggling masses in Germany against the racists, fascists and their reactionary protectors. Waging this struggle is a vital component part of preparing for proletarian revolution in Germany, for no class that stood silent in the face of such vicious outrage would ever be fit to rule.

In Germany, as in most other imperialist countries, millions of proletarians have been recruited from the oppressed nations. These workers and their families have spent their lives enslaved to backbreaking labour to enrich the imperialist ruling class. They are not "marginal" to German society, they are at the very heart of it, and they will be at the very heart of the struggle to overthrow it.

Through the course of this struggle, the unity of proletarians of all nationalities in Germany can be further strengthened and even broader sections of the progressive forces in Germany can be drawn into the revolutionary process. As Marxist-Leninist-Maoist forces lead the struggle forward against the racists, fascists and their reactionary protectors, further strides can be taken in forging a genuine vanguard party of the proletariat.

The firebombing of children is a concentration of the anti-people character of this hideous monster, the new "united Germany", with a new, increased hunger pushing it to devour more and more of the labour of the working people, within and without its current borders. But the current storm of struggle is another example of how imperialism continually produces the army of its gravediggers. The monster of German imperialism can be toppled!