A WORLD TO WIN    #19   (1993)


Message to the Third Congress of the Proletarian Party of Purba Bangla (PBSP)

From the Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement

Dear Comrades,

On the occasion of this important congress of the Proletarian Party of Purba Banglar, the Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement extends its warm revolutionary greetings.

Your Congress is taking place at an important juncture in world history. U.S. imperialism has declared its intention to impose a "New World Order", but actually great disorder and turmoil exists, and the crisis of the world imperialist system is deepening.

The imperialist bourgeoisie in the USSR and other East European countries has finally abandoned the red flag behind which they tried to conceal their ugly capitalist nature and which they had been soiling for almost forty years. The imperialists and reactionaries have launched a frenzied and boisterous campaign to pronounce the "death of communism". This self-serving lie must be refuted in theory and in practice, in ideological struggle and on the battlefield.

Our red flag is flying high in Peru, where our comrades of the Communist Party of Peru have been leading the people in waging protracted people's war. Participating parties and organizations of RIM, in the imperialist citadels as well as in the oppressed countries, are preparing to hoist the red flag in their countries in a revolutionary war of the masses. Throughout the world, proletarian revolutionaries have their eyes on Bangladesh and your 120 million people, which represent an important contingent of the world revolution. The world is pregnant with revolution, and we know the day is not far off when the people of Bangladesh will play their full role as gravediggers of the world imperialist system and midwives of the new communist society.

Comrades, the people of Bangladesh, and most especially the workers and peasants, suffer tremendous hardship and deprivation. Hunger, malnutrition and preventable disease are the lot of the great majority of the masses. Natural disasters repeatedly take a monstrous toll. The reason for this inhuman state of affairs is the three great mountains of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism which weigh heavily on the people of Bangladesh. Only the new democratic revolution led by the proletariat can succeed in eliminating these mountains, liberate the country and open the door to socialist revolution.

In the countries oppressed by imperialism such as Bangladesh, the basic point of reference for the elaboration of revolutionary strategy and tactics is the teachings of Mao Tsetung, developed in the course of long years of revolutionary warfare.

Mao taught that the revolution in these countries will take the form of a protracted people's war, in which the revolutionary armed forces wage struggle mainly in the countryside, build revolutionary base areas step by step, and prepare to capture the enemy's strongholds in the cities.

This war is a war of the masses. It is the form in which the worker-peasant alliance is formed under the leadership of the proletariat and its party; it carries out the agrarian revolution; it fulfills the slogan "Land to the Tiller" in a revolutionary way; it thoroughly eradicates the scourge of feudalism and uproots the basis for imperialism and bureaucrat capitalism in the countryside as well as the city. In this process, a broad united front is built under the leadership of the proletariat.

Comrades, the PBSP has a long history of over twenty years of revolutionary struggle. During this time many comrades have given their lives for the liberation of Bangladesh and the cause of communism, including Comrade Siraj Sikder, the founder of the Party, and we join you in honouring the memory of these martyrs. A great deal of precious experience, positive and negative, has been achieved through sacrifice and struggle. Your Congress has the heavy responsibility of correctly summing up this experience on the basis of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought in order to facilitate the initiation of people's war in your country. In this process of summing up past experience and charting the road ahead, we are sure you will make full use of the experience of the participating parties and organizations of RIM, especially the advanced experience of the Communist Party of Peru in initiating, sustaining and leading toward victory the People's War in Peru.

Comrades, in the past several years the PBSP has undergone savage attacks by the reactionary enemies. Yet the blows of the reactionaries have only strengthened the resolve of the Party to overcome all obstacles and fulfill its responsibilities. You can count on the support of the Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement as you boldly and carefully prepare the next stage of the struggle.

Long Live the PBSP!

Long Live RIM!

Bangladesh Will be Crimson Red!

Rid the World of Imperialism!

Long Live Communism!

22nd January 1992