The assumption of office by the Left Front in 1977 like an unexpected
windfall led the CPM leadership to think over the prospect of winning
the poor peasants in favour of the party, taking recourse to
constitutional measures. In the first flush of enthusiasm, the ‘Left’
Front in 1977, started implementing the old land reform acts including
the amended parts under the S.S. Ray ministry. What was new was the
acceptance of fact that henceforth the bargadar shall not be
required to prove himself as a bargadar, instead the landowner
whose land the bargadar cultivates has to prove his/her
raiyati right on the land. This helped check the ejection of
bargadars at will. Later the ‘Left’ Front further lowered the land
ceiling but this could not alter the situation in any considerable way.
Even the Supreme Court in one case observed that the ceiling could be
still rationally changed and more ceiling surplus land could be
detected. It should be mentioned here that even in the high sounding ‘Operation
Barga’ the ‘bargadars’ did not become rightful owners of land by
destroying the feudal system.
In the early years of the ‘Left’ Front, between 1978 and 1981,
‘operation Barga’ was started with much fanfare. The victory in the
general elections in 1982 and the victory in the Panchayat elections in
1983 saw the steady ebbing of interest in Barga and waste–land
distribution. Firstly, under ‘Operation Barga’ they registered about 14
lakh bargadars cultivating only 8% of the land in West Bengal.
(Economic Survey 2002-03) For argument’s
sake, if unregistered bargadars too enjoy some sort of stability
and constitute another 14 lakh peasants, then the impact of ‘Operation
Barga’ is found only in 16% of the land.
It is learnt from various researches that in no case was sharecropping
in more than 20% of the land. Naturally, 80% of the West Bengal land is
free from the impact of Operation Barga. It must be added here that
‘Operation Barga’ has not dislodged the landowners or stripped them of
their ownership title to their lands. Instead, avoiding all risks and
production cost they enjoy at least 25% of the produce in the
semi-feudal pattern by virtue of being landowners as a parasitic class.
It is learnt from various studies that share-cropping is basically
limited to paddy cultivation and a bargadar earns in a month as
much as a contract labourer in a factory; the only difference being that
such factory labourer works as an individual while the labour of a
share-cropper is family-based.
More than that it is an irony on the peasant front where 3.02 percent
bargadars have been forced to part with their rights i.e. they got
ejected from the land. Now take a look at the CPM peasant front’s
dictate to its cadres in its 32nd session in 2003
: "…. Is highly important to initiate movement among bargadars
against the opportunist tendency prevailing among bargadars about
not to cultivate properly or not to part with the share of the owners of
the lands…"123 This warning against
so-called dereliction of duty, avoidance of looking after the interests
of the owners and productivity, etc., in all sectors characterizes the
so-called More-improved Left-Front functioning.
The ‘Left’ Front could not produce any real alternative, but ensured, in
reality, as in the rest of India, the retention of an increasing number
of landless or bargadars alongside the land owning sections.
In West Bengal from 1971 to 1981 and from 1981 to 1991 (covering both
the period of Congress and ‘Left’ Front rules) the rate of increase of
the number of landless peasants surpassed the landowning peasants.
In this period small land owners have increasingly been dispossessed of
their lands.
On the other hand while the percentage of marginal peasants has
increased, the middle and small peasants have come down in number.
(Subhendn Dasgupta, Sarkari Krisiniti: Aamader Bhabna, In
Paschimbanger Krisiniti, Mrittlika, Jan. 2003 Kolkata, pp. 50-51)
Even the 32nd session of the CPM led peasants’ front Paschim Banga
Pradeshik Krishak Sabha held on January 23-26, 2003 admitted this
crucial reality. It stated that in West Bengal "… capitalist relations
are developing steadily, but have not completely developed …… replacing
the big jotedars and Zamindars, owners of small plots within
ceiling have come up who have grown as owners of so many things like
water, manure and agricultural implements. A section of them has also
turned into usurers (Mahajan) ....."124
In reality the agrarian sector in West Bengal provides a dismal picture
with the landless peasants having no job as agricultural labourers
throughout the year in addition to non-receiving of just wages; the
marginal, small, and middle peasants keep losing out for want of
remunerative price and storing of the produce, the problem of escalating
agricultural expenses, the chronic problem of obtaining loans for poor
peasants, etc. It goes without saying that one of the major reasons for
those problems lies in the crucial emergence of the new jotedar usurer
class which control and exercise power in rural Bengal.
It is a fact that the old type of jotedars or landlords are very
few now-a-days, but this does not mean the poor and landless peasants
have been liberated from feudal type control, extra-economic
exploitation and coercion. It is also a fact that in respect of land
possession the new rich do not match the earlier landlords, yet this new
class does not till the land on its own, and they continue in tandem,
both in the supervision of cultivation and various types of business.
They are the suppliers of pump sets, tractors on hire, they deal in
seeds, manures, pesticides, etc., they own the husking machines and
control the wholesale market of rice and other produce from land. Most
of them are close to the parties in power, many have also turned into
leaders of the CPM.
What is notable is that instead of eliminating feudalism, this new rural
rich retain the features of feudalism. The deception of the poor
peasants, through under-payment of wages; the colossal presence of
agricultural labourers without jobs for half of the year; the leasing
out of land or giving out in barga; forcible sale of produce by
the peasants much below the market price; the widespread tentacles of
usurers charging high interest rates; the strong correlation between
poverty level of manual labour on the one hand and the caste status;
etc. — are all pointers to the distorted capitalist penetration
retaining semi-feudal relations.
This apart, in West Bengal like other states in India, exploitation
through semi-feudal and distorted capitalist cultural exploitation is
sustained on the basis of domination by the priesthood, the dominant
cultural elite orienting the consciousness of the peasantry towards
fatalism, superstition, obscurantism, casteism, fundamentalism, etc. The
‘Left’ Front rule in its compromise with imperialism, semi-feudalism and
the Indian big bourgeois class has in every way retained the feudal
cultural practices. Its cultural elite have displayed all pretence,
particularly in cities as carriers of progressive culture, but those
opportunists and careerists themselves preach and nurture orthodoxies,
Brahmanism etc. in order to save the ‘Left’ Front and themselves.
Let us set down a few facts about land reforms in West Bengal. Way back
in September 1970, the Chief Ministers’ Conference noted with concern
the all India struggles for land occupation. The Central Government
called it the land grab movement and called for remedial measures to
check the situation. The conference was inaugurated by Indira Gandhi and
presided over by Babu Jagjivan Ram. It formulated the guidelines by
making the family as the unit comprising 5 members for the distribution
purposes. Ceiling limits were reduced to between 18 and 54 acres in
irrigated and non-irrigated lands respectively.
The Naxalbari struggle and its increasing impact turned out to be the
most compelling reason behind legal measures or guidelines for official
land reforms. With total support of the Indira Congress, the CPI – led
Achutha Menon government in Kerala went in for a constitutional way of
land reforms. The earlier CPI General Secretary C. Rajeswara Rao
observed about the success in this regard expressing pride in this way
in December 1988: "This type of thing was done, and I am proud, under
Achuta Menon’s government. The Congress Party also had to agree and
could not object. So, thorough-going reforms were implemented in Kerala….
Now the same thing is being done in West Bengal by the Left-Front
government of Jyoti Basu…."125
Before certifying the West Bengal ‘Left’ Front’s land-reform measures
Rajeswara Rao referred to the wrongs done by militant peasants in the
1970s: "…. Groups of persons taking the law into their own hands and
forcibly occupying what they considered to be land wrongfully held by
rich or absentee landlords or owned by the government. State governments
as well as the government of India understandably disapproved of such
movements based on forcible occupation of land. State governments took
action to suppress it…."126
It makes it abundantly clear that Jyoti Bassu’s government received the
accolade from the staunch supporter of the Indira Govt. imposed Internal
Emergency in 1975 and the then top most leader of the CPI, dismissing
the efforts of the peasants forcibly seizing lands beyond ceiling going
out of the tame constitutional legal way. The CPM in West Bengal after
assumption of power in 1977 became double cautious about the seizure of
lands by peasants.
On the occasion of the West Bengal ‘Left’ Front government’s stepping
into 26 years, Buddhadeb Bhattacharya as C.M. and CPM Polit Bureau
member went into his dramatic best. In an ebullient mood he asserted "….The
most distinct picture of our success lies is the fact that in our State
72 percent cultivable land is in the hands of poor and marginal peasants
… 15 lakh bargadars have been recorded! It is a fundamental matter.
After coming to power we have rescued 11 lakh acres of land and got it
distributed … This ownership character of cultivable land, what we call
land reforms – within this structure, it is this which stands out as the
most important aspect of our political programme in the 25 years."127
This is the demagogy of a leader continuously floundering into the
swampy land of parliamentarism. One can easily match such propagandist
claims with similar endeavours of Central and State governments run by
other political parties. Facts, reality in the fields do not
substantiate the tall claims. The World Bank, other international
bodies, non-Marxist economists and such other people having unflinching
faith in constitutional, legal reform measures have patted the ‘Left’
Front government on its back as a model to avert agrarian revolution.
Sunil Sengupta and Haris Gazdar128 discovered that
out of the total cultivable land in West Bengal, the Khas or
vested land has not crossed even 10 percent till 1977.
As the tempo of land acquisition has distinctly ebbed since 1977 some
people like to think that there is not enough land for further
acquisition. Upto June 1986 the vested land distributed in West Bengal
was to the tune of 8.28 lakh acres and out of that only 2.02 lakh acres
was distributed since the ‘Left’ Front came to power in 1977. The
Recorded barga land of about 8 lakh acres and the distributed
2.02 lakh acres under the ‘Left’ Front i.e. about 10 lakh acres provided
some incentive to the poor peasants in West Bengal. What is notable is
that this total land constitutes nearly 7% of the net cultivable land in
West Bengal. Even upto September 2001 the total vested land distributed
in West Bengal was 10.58 lakh acres and the bargadars registered
were on 11.08 lakh acres. They together constitute only 15.5% of the net
cultivable land. The rest 85.5% land ownership, remained outside this
Thus, it is the glaring fact that the much-touted land reforms in West
Bengal have touched around only 15% of the land; the rest 85% land
ownership remained outside the land-reform measures. This is a fact
about the land reforms in West Bengal, dependent on the state
bureaucrats.129 More than that what puts to shame
the parliamentary Marxists is the unsavoury fact that out of the 10.73
lakh acres distributed vested land around 60% i.e. 6.28 lakh acres was
distributed during the earlier Congress regime even before the Left
Front’s Land reform programme was kick started.
According to the West Bengal government data in the ‘Left’ Front period
the number of landless agricultural workers between 1981 and 1991 rose
from 45.9% to 46.4%. In the whole of the 1970s their number increased by
6 lakh while in the decade 1980 it jumped twice that number i.e. 12 lakh.
It shows clearly that the lands owned by peasants through vest land
acquisition is much less than the dispossessed lands of the peasants who
sold out their lands being thrust into economic distress.130
Ajit Narayan Bose found that in the last 30 years in West Bengal the
number of land owners and share croppers have increased by 16.58 lakh.
And many of the owners themselves do not till land, they supervise the
agricultural activities. Such supervising families are basically engaged
as teachers or in services in the government or private sector.131
It should be mentioned here that the above rural elite class is the main
beneficiary of the ‘Left’ Front largess. This opportunist section is the
prop of the ruling parties in rural West Bengal. The ‘Left’ Front is now
the protagonist of market-assisted land reform. The landless peasants
who were given land now face dispossession. In 1995 when the director of
Agriculture of Burdwan district was asked about the status of the
peasants who were distributed lands he quipped that in that district 60%
i.e. 2,24,051 of them, who owned 80 thousand hectare land, were being
compelled by economic pressure to sell out those lands. And in most
cases the purchasers were big landowners or the nouveau riche in West
In another study it was found in 2002 that for various reasons 13
percent of the Pattadars who obtained pattas from the
government lost their lands.133 According to the
latest National Sample Survey in 1992, while 58.3% rural poor families,
comprising mainly the families of agricultural workers or sharecroppers,
owned only 6% of the land in India. In West Bengal the poor peasants
families comprising 55.4% owned only 3.9% land. In "Marxist"-ruled West
Bengal in 1992 38.2% agricultural families had no land. The same survey
states that the all India figure of the landless peasants was 34.1% in
that year.134 This clearly proves that the land
control and ownership pattern in Left Front’s rule in West Bengal is not
significantly different from India as a whole. In addition to that the
major failure of the West Bengal Government lies in non-implementation
of minimum wages of the agricultural workers.
The steady increase in the agricultural workers, who do not get work
many months in a years, the rise in the new rich, continuous increase in
dispossession of land, etc. belie the claim of the massive change in
West Bengal under ‘Left’ Front rule.
123. Paschimbanga Pradeshik
Krishak Sabha, 32nd session, January 23-26, 2003, p. 15
124. Paschimbanga Pradeshik
Krishak Sabha, 32nd Rajya Sammelan, January 23-26, 2003 p. 68
125. C. Rajeswara Rao, Inaugural
speech, Y. V. Krishna Rao (ed), Trends In Agrarian Economy, People’s
Publishing House, 1989, p. 5
126. Ibid P.4
127. Buddhadeb Bhattacharya,
Rananiti- Ranakaushal, Bam front Sarkar, Ibid p. 18
128. Agrarian Politics and Rural
Development in West Bengal, In Dreze and Sen (eds) 1977
129. Ajit Narayan Bosu, Paschim
banger Arthaniti o Rajniti, Prakashak Nagarik Manch, Kolkata, 2003, pp.
130. Ibid. p. 123
131. Ajit Narayan Bose,
Pasachimbanger Khetmajor : Samasya nasanpat? (West Bengal’s agricultural
workers: Problem or asset?) In Paschimbanger Krishiniti, Krishaker
Bhabisyat, Mrittika, Kolkata, Jan. 2003, p. 59
132. The Statesman, Feb. 25,
133. Times of India, August 23,
134. Ajit Narayan Bosu, Paschimbanglar Arthaniti
o Rajniti, Ibid. p. 123