Sections: ZNet Toons / Online Museums / Political Art / Other Art

One of ZNet's most
amazing facilities, cartoonists are uploading their original artwork

Museums Online
The Museum of Modern Art -- An elegantly designed site with superb reproduction of
images and objects. But there are only a relative handful of works
available online from MOMA's vast

Political Art
Critical Eye -- Site with some original, critical artwork. Not
ZNet's perspective exactly, but worth a look
Adbusters -- The clever art you have come to expect from

Other Art Links
World Wide Art Resources -- One of the most comprehensive fine arts sites on the
Web. In addition to links to almost 1,000 museums on the Web
worldwide, there's links to art publications, galleries, art schools
and children's resources
artnetweb -- An online arts newsletter. Very funky. Information
about shows and exhibits, news about artists. Can also view images
of independent artists. Includes audio interviews and updates on
The Incredible Art Department --
Art and design news, gossip, cartoons,
Sections: Creative / Reviews / Political Writers / Collections / More

ZNet Creative
ZNet has an
interactive facility where ZNet users submit poetry, short fiction,
and song lyrics. Take a look at what ZNet's own users have
been producing.

Another interactive
facility, ZNet users can submit reviews of books, movies, albums and
more. Read the reviews, and upload your own!
Reviews Facility

Political Writers
Some of ZNet's
contributors, like Lydia Sargent and Howard Zinn, are
playwrights. Others, like Arundhati Roy and Tariq Ali, are
novelists. Here are some sites dedicated to writers of fiction
with a political bent, both ZNet contributors and
Arundhati Roy fan site - A fan in
the UK has compiled interviews and articles by Roy
Howard Zinn fan site - Howard Zinn
is a historian and a playwright
Tariq Ali's 'Saladin' - Tariq Ali
has written many novels. Here is Verso Press's description of
Eduardo Galeano - (espanol)
Galeano is an incredible writer and we try to translate and
reproduce as much of his writing as we can.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Another
extraordinary writer, Garcia Marquez is from Colombia
Jose Saramago - A great Portuguese
writer, Nobel Laureate, and supporter of social
Leslie Marmon Silko - Laguna
Puebla Indigenous writer, author of "Ceremony", she's not a ZNet
contributer, but she is an excellent writer
Sandra Cisneros - Chicana author
of 'House on Mango Street'
Alice Walker - Black lesbian
novelist, author of 'The Color Purple', pulitzer prize
James Baldwin - died in 1987, but
if he were alive, we would be doing everything we could to publish
his work on ZNet!
Toni Morrison - A fan site
dedicated to this extraordinary Black woman Nobel laureate and
Pulitzer prize Winner

NativeLit-L -- A very comprehensive site. Includes short stories,
poetry and native narratives. Also has historic writing from a
variety of sources. Includes links to reviews and
Black Cultural Studies Web Site--
Just getting started, this is already one of the
better sites on black cultural studies. Right now it features
biographical information and bibliographies about modern African
American scholars and writers.
Writing Black --Mostly biographical and bibliographical information
about major African American writers.
Voices in the Gaps -- Women of Color
A Celebration of Women Writers
-- A site-in-progress, there are links to some
full-length works, biographical information and
Room of One’s Own --Original, unpublished poetry, short fiction, creative
documentary and book reviews from women writers. Submissions are
reviewed and selected by a panel of

For More Links
Banned Books
On-Line --
A brief history of the major books banned or censored over the past
300 years in Europe and the United States. Also has excerpts from
Herbert Foerstel’s book, "Banned in the USA."
The English Server at Carnegie Mellon
University-- The grand-daddy of humanities
indexes. This index has been up since 1990 - you can now search over
15,000 texts covering a wide range of subjects. There are also two
journals at this site: Bad Subjects, which discusses current
progressive issues and Cultronix, a journal of contemporary art and
cultural theory.
Classics Archive Search -- Search for selections of works by over 30 classical
authors, from Aeschylus to Virgil.
Poet’s Corner -- Hundreds of American and English poets represented. A
decent selection for most of the major poets (apparently copyright
law restricts the site from offering more complete selections).
Longer works just have excepts. Well-designed, and easy to
The Literary Calendar -- Literary events for every day of the year. This site
is a lot of fun.
Yahoo! - Literature -- One of the better literature search engines on the
Web. Includes the standard information on authors and libraries, but
also has links to writing and storytelling sites, reviews, criticism
and theory, and more.
Books in Chains -- Despite its title, this site is not principally about
censorship. But it’s one of the better surveys of the various Web
literature resources, from libraries to
Author’s Search --You can search for thousands of authors at this site.
The full text of many works is available online, through links with
a variety of libraries.
Shakespeare -- Search all of Shakespeare's tragedies, histories,
comedies and poetry.
Emily Dickinson -- This site has over 440 of Dickinson’s poems online,
plus some biographical and reference material and links to other