China — Writings of Specific Individuals
Most of the pages on China are organized according to topic, such as on the revolution which led to liberation in 1949, or on the Communist Party of China, or on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, or on Art & Literature, for example. This section, however, attempts to gather together the writings by (or in some cases about) specific individuals. Included of course is Mao Zedong and other heroes of the Chinese Revolution, but also many nefarious individuals such as Wang Ming, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, Lin Biao, and others. (Also included are some of the more prominent capitalist-roader successors to Deng Xiaoping.) The reason for doing this, of course, is to facilitate the study and investigation into political lines and the roles that specific individuals have played in China.
Some of the documents listed here are already posted elsewhere on (or other sites), and in those case we are merely providing links to those existing postings. We expect to greatly expand the materials available on this page in the future.
Except for Mao, whose huge importance to the Chinese Revolution of course demands that he be placed first, all the individuals below are listed in alphabetical order (usually on the basis of their Pinyin surname). In most cases the older form of the name, in the Wade-Giles system, is also added in brackets. We have also included a few Western authors who wrote extensively about China and/or participated in the Chinese Revolution, such as Rewy Alley and Norman Bethune, near the bottom of the page.
Some of the documents here have the file extension “.djvu”. These files require the WinDjView program to read them. This reader can be obtained for free at: (Linux users have the capability to read .djvu files integrated into their PDF readers of the major desktops: Okular in KDE, Evince in GNOME.)
If you have or know of additional items which should be listed here, please contact us at:
General Biographical Works About China:
- [Book:] “Chung-kung jen-ming-tien” [“Who’s Who of Communist China”] [in Chinese], edited by Chang Ta-chun, (Kowloon/Hong Kong: Freedom Press, 1956), 232 pages. [117 sheets] Chinese: Searchable PDF format [20,270 KB]; Chinese: WinDjView format [14,767 KB]
Multiple Authors:
- [Book:] “Ten Glorious Years — 1949-1959”, essays by 19 important Chinese leaders (other than Mao) on the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, including: Liu Shao-chi, Chou En-lai, Lin Piao, Teng Hsiao-ping, Soong Ching Ling, Chen Yi, Li Fu-chun, Ho Lung, Li Hsien-nien, Ko Ching-shih, Li Ching-chuan, Ulanfu, Kang Sheng, Po I-po, Wang Chia-hsing, Liu Lan-tao, Teng Tse-hui, Nieh Jung-chen, and Lo Jui-ching. (Peking: FLP, 1960), 384 pages. PDF format [19,809 KB]
Mao Zedong [Mao Tse-tung] (1893-1976):
- Other Important Internet Sites for Mao’s Works:
- Marxist Internet Archive “reference section” on Mao, at:
[The MIA was set up by Trotskyites who don’t like Mao so they put his works in the “reference section” for people they don’t count as “real Marxists”. (They do count such nefarious characters as Trotsky and Karl Kautsky as “real Marxists” however!) Despite this absurdity, the MIA collection of Mao’s writings is at present one of the largest and best that we know of on the Internet—though it is by no means “complete”. It encompasses not only all of Mao’s works from the official five volumes of his Selected Works but also many additional writings, including most of those from the unofficial volumes 6-9 which were published in India from English translations of Red Guard volumes (which appeared in China during the Cultural Revolution).]- Marx2Mao section for Mao’s writings at is also pretty good, though it includes only a few of Mao’s works beyond those from the official 5 volumes of Mao’s Selected Works.
- Left Side of the Road Blog, at, contains a much greater collection of works by Mao, and about Maoist China, even than the two sources above. A great resource!
- Works by Mao on [This may now be the most extensive collection of Mao’s writings available on the Internet. It especially focuses on Mao’s works in PDF format (many first prepared by the web site) as well as a number of individual pamphlet editions of specific works (sometimes in early editions in different translations than those included in the Selected Works). We will be adding more material later, including what we hope will eventually be an exhaustive list of links to Mao’s articles and quotations in Peking Review, some of which are as yet not available anywhere else.]
- Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung:
- [Note: All the individual articles in the 1st five volumes of Mao’s Selected Works are available in HTML format on both the Marx2Mao and Marxist Internet Archive web sites (see above). Most (but not all) of the individual articles from the unofficial volumes 6 through 9 are also available in HTML format on the MIA.]
- Book: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. I, (Peking: FLP, 1st ed., 1965), 362 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,470 KB]
- Book: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. II, (Peking: FLP, 1st ed., 1965), 484 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,938 KB]
- Book: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. III, (Peking: FLP, 1st ed., 1965), 356 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,479 KB]
- Book: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. IV, (Peking: FLP, 1st ed., 1961), 472 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,871 KB]
- Book: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. V, (Peking: FLP, 1st ed., 1977), 534 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,924 KB]
- Book: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. VI, (Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India: Kranti Publications, 1990), 343 pages. Searchable PDF Text format [2,042 KB]
Re-issue of Volume VI, 2nd edition, with corrections and name changes to Pinyin system, (Paris: Foreign Languages Press, 2020), 448 pages. Searchable PDF Text format [2,603 KB]- Book: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. VII, now finally available in complete form, (Paris: Foreign Languages Press, 2020), 464 pages. Searchable PDF Text format [2,572 KB]
About one-third of this volume, from an earlier edition, is also available in HTML format at: Book: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. VIII, (Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India: Kranti Publications, c. early 1990s), 353 pages. [Partial volume: Some articles not included.] Searchable PDF Text format [1,759 KB]
- Book: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. IX, (Hyderabad, India: Sramikavarga Prachuranalu, 1st ed., Decenber 26, 1994), complete volume, 490 pages. Searchable PDF format 18,155 KB]
[Note: Most (not all!) of the individual articles in this volume are also available in HTML format on the Marxist Internet Archive at: ]- Book: Index to Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung and Selected Military Writings of Mao Tse-tung, (Hong Kong: Union Research Institute, 1968), 190 pages. Searchable PDF format [7,487 KB]
- Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Older 5-volume Lawrence & Wishart edition with slightly different translations):
- Book: Volume 1: March 1926—July 1937 (London: L&W, 1954), 340 pages. PDF format [9,572 KB]
- Book: Volume 2: August 1937—November 1938 (London: L&W, 1954), 300 pages. PDF format [9,579 KB]
- Book: Volume 3: May 1939—May 1941 (London: L&W, 1954), 266 pages. PDF format [7,956 KB]
- Book: Volume 4: March 1941—August 1945 (London: L&W, 1956), 352 pages. PDF format [9,617 KB]
- Book: Volume 5: 1945-1949 (N.Y.: International, 1956), 468 pages. Searchable PDF format [21,147 KB]
- Concordance of Proper Nouns in the Five-Volume English-Language Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung [Index Volume], by Harry Lindquist & Roger Meyer, under Supervision of Robert Burton, (University of Kansas: International Studies, East Asian series, Center for East Asian Studies, September 1967), 76 pages. PDF format [7,329 KB]
- Volumes Attempting to Publish Mao’s Complete Works for Various Periods:
- Mao’s Road to Power: Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949, projected 10 volumes, 8 of which have now been published. Edited by Stuart Schram, Timothy Cheek, et al. These volumes are as complete, well translated into English, and accurate as the editors can make them. However, the editors are themselves bourgeois academics, something which has to be kept in mind. These volumes are not being produced for the benefit of the masses, but rather for academics and university libraries, and are outrageously high priced (often hundreds of dollars per volume!). It is almost as if the editors and publishers are determined to keep these writings away from the people! However, the first 8 volumes have nevertheless been scanned by individuals and made available at a number of places on the Internet. One such safe and reliable place is the “Left Side of the Road Blog”, at
- Book: Writings of Mao Zedong—1949-76, Vol. 1, September 1949—December 1955, (NY/London: 1986), 833 pages. PDF format [29,855 KB]
- Book: Writings of Mao Zedong—1949-76, Vol. 2, January 1956—December 1957, (NY/London: 1992), 985 pages. PDF format [42,339 KB]
- Book: 《建国以来毛泽东文稿》 [Writings of Mao Zedong in the Post-1949 Period], published in China, October 26, 2005, no other publication information available. With 526 articles, speeches, or other items, originally in HTML format, but here in PDF format, in Chinese, 9,030 pages(!). Chinese: PDF format [Gigantic file: 186,186 KB]
- “The Complete Works of Mao Zedong” in Chinese: [《毛泽东全集》 “Mao Ze Dong Quan Ji”], Zhang Dijie, editor-in-chief, (Hong Kong: 2013), 52 volumes. This is an unofficial, though carefully prepared edition, by a fervent admirer of Mao. [Note: The file sizes of most of these volumes have been reduced in size for quicker downloads (without altering the contents), and most of the volumes from #27 on have also been run through a OCR (optical character reading) program so they are searchable. (This feature may not be working properly at present.) The original files, in file sizes about 3-times as large, and without OCR, are available at: ]
- Volume 1: 1901-1919, 535 pages. PDF format [23,317 KB]
- Volume 2: 1919-1922, 536 pages. PDF format [20,993 KB]
- Volume 3: 1923-1927, 546 pages. PDF format [25,322 KB]
- Volume 4: 1927-1930, 558 pages. PDF format [32,704 KB]
- Volume 5: 1930-1932, 520 pages. PDF format [23,738 KB]
- Volume 6: 1932-1933, 526 pages. PDF format [18,817 KB]
- Volume 7: 1933-1935, 593 pages. PDF format [43,793 KB]
- Volume 8: 1935-1936, 551 pages. PDF format [14,416 KB]
- Volume 9: 1936, 535 pages. PDF format [35,245 KB]
- Volume 10: 1936-1937, 542 pages. PDF format [25,730 KB]
- Volume 11: 1937-1938, 559 pages. PDF format [16,462 KB]
- Volume 12: 1938, 557 pages. PDF format [16,730 KB]
- Volume 13: 1938-1939, 527 pages. PDF format [12,630 KB]
- Volume 14: 1939-1940, 545 pages. PDF format [22,210 KB]
- Volume 15: 1940-1941, 557 pages. PDF format [21,126 KB]
- Volume 16: 1941-1942, 536 pages. PDF format [24,955 KB]
- Volume 17: 1942-1943, 541 pages. PDF format [26,641 KB]
- Volume 18: 1943-1944, 536 pages. PDF format [15,111 KB]
- Volume 19: 1944-1945, 541 pages. PDF format [28,209 KB]
- Volume 20: 1945, 518 pages. PDF format [18,373 KB]
- Volume 21: 1945-1946, 544 pages. PDF format [26,774 KB]
- Volume 22: 1946-1947, 551 pages. PDF format [40,546 KB]
- Volume 23: 1947-1948, 550 pages. PDF format [14,925 KB]
- Volume 24: 1948, 549 pages. PDF format [19,100 KB]
- Volume 25: 1948-1949, 548 pages. PDF format [13,103 KB]
- Volume 26: 1949, 543 pages. PDF format [17,154 KB]
- Volume 27: 1949, 538 pages. Searchable PDF format [52,167 KB]
- Volume 28: 1949-1950, 542 pages. Searchable PDF format [47,373 KB]
- Volume 29: 1950-1951, 548 pages. Searchable PDF format [45,723 KB]
- Volume 30: 1951, 549 pages. Searchable PDF format [47,041 KB]
- Volume 31: 1951-1952, 547 pages. Searchable PDF format [46,070 KB]
- Volume 32: 1952-1953, 537 pages. Searchable PDF format [50,306 KB]
- Volume 33: 1953-1954, 540 pages. Searchable PDF format [50,761 KB]
- Volume 34: 1954-1955, 530 pages. Searchable PDF format [54,733 KB]
- Volume 35: 1955, 534 pages. Searchable PDF format [54,817 KB]
- Volume 36: 1955-1956, 529 pages. Searchable PDF format [50,029 KB]
- Volume 37: 1956-1957, 526 pages. Searchable PDF format [66,153 KB]
- Volume 38: 1957-1958, 533 pages. PDF format [12,102 KB] (With diagonal “watermark” slogan on photograph pages; our apologies.)
- Volume 39: 1958, 531 pages. Searchable PDF format [59,367 KB]
- Volume 40: 1958, 529 pages. Searchable PDF format [61,601 KB]
- Volume 41: 1958-1959, 534 pages. Searchable PDF format [57,044 KB]
- Volume 42: 1959, 536 pages. Searchable PDF format [58,034 KB]
- Volume 43: 1959-1960, 533 pages. Searchable PDF format [58,712 KB]
- Volume 44: 1960-1961, 535 pages. Searchable PDF format [60,282 KB]
- Volume 45: 1962-1963, 532 pages. Searchable PDF format [55,481 KB]
- Volume 46: 1963-1964, 528 pages. Searchable PDF format [57,960 KB]
- Volume 47: 1964-1965, 534 pages. Searchable PDF format [54,841 KB]
- Volume 48: 1965-1966, 528 pages. Searchable PDF format [57,733 KB]
- Volume 49: 1966-1967, 548 pages. Searchable PDF format [58,464 KB]
- Volume 50: 1967-1970, 539 pages. Searchable PDF format [54,359 KB]
- Volume 51: 1970-1975, 549 pages. PDF format [21,126 KB] (With diagonal “watermark” slogan on photograph pages; our apologies.)
- Volume 52: 1975-1976, 551 pages. Searchable PDF format [61,532 KB]
- Other Collections of Mao’s works:
- Book: Selected Readings from the Works of Mao Tsetung, (Peking: FLP, 1971), 516 pages. PDF format [25,071 KB]
- Book: Selected Military Writings of Mao Tse-tung, (Peking: FLP, 1st ed., April 1963), 415 pages. Searchable PDF format [10,245 KB]
[Note: The individual articles in this volume are available in HTML format on the Marxist Internet Archive at: ]- Book: Six Essays on Military Affairs, (Peking: FLP, 1972), pocket edition with red plastic cover, 416 pages. PDF format [11,938 KB]
- Book: Miscellany of Mao Tse-tung Thought (1949-1968), two volumes, (Arlington, VA: U.S. Department of Commerce, Joint Publications Research Service, February 1974). These are the U.S. government translations of Red Guard volumes from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Source: “Selected items from two Chinese-language volumes, Mao Tse-tung Ssu-hsiang Wan-sui (Long Live Mao Tse-tung Thought) totalling 996 pp, published in 1967 and 1969, with no other publication information or attribution. Those items in these two volumes which are already generally available in English-language translation in various publications were not selected for translation and publication in this report. The items in this report are arranged in chronological order irrespective of the Chinese language volume in which they were published.”
- Part 1:, 246 pages. (Has some underlining and marginal notes; our apologies.) Searchable PDF format [5,162 KB]
- Part 2:, 270 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,799 KB]
- Book: Mao Tse-tung: Four Essays on Philosophy, (Peking: FLP, 1966), 146 pages. [With a small amount of underlining and marginal notes.] Searchable PDF format [4,561 KB]
- Book: 《毛主席哲学思想 ( 摘 录 ) 历史唯物主义部分》 [Chairman Mao’s Philosophy: Historical Materialism Compilation], 北 京 大 学 哲 学 系 资 料 室, 1 9 7 8 年 3 月, [published by the Peking University Department of Philosophy Reference Room, March 1978], 465 pages. Chinese: PDF format [3,160 KB]
- Book: Mao Tse-tung on Literature and Art, (Peking: FLP, 3rd ed. (2nd revised translation), 1967), 178 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,426 KB]
- A Collection of “In Camera Statements of Mao Tse-tung”, 1943-1966 (but most from the late 1950s), unofficial translations which appeared in the Western academic journal Chinese Law and Government, Vol. 1, 34 (Winter 1968-69), 112 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,372 KB]
- Book: The Wisdom of Mao Tse-tung, (NY: Philosophical Library, 1968), 118 pages. [With some underlining.] PDF format [9,089 KB]
- Book: Mao Zedong: Report From Xunwu, (Stanford University Press: 1990), 278 pages. This is a report on the peasant movement and situation in Xunwu County in the southeastern corner of Jianxi Province, written in May 1930. It is not included in Mao’s Selected Works, and for many years was thought to be lost. This English translation, by Roger R. Thompson, was only published in 1990. The digital version is available for a free “1-hour borrowing” (access) at:
- Book: Chairman Mao Talks to the People: Talks and Letters: 1956-1971, ed. by Stuart Schram, (1974), 358 pages. [This copy has a lot of underlining; our apologies.] PDF format [21,400 KB]
- Book: The Secret Speeches of Chairman Mao: From the Hundred Flowers to the Great Leap Forward, (Cambridge, Mass: 1989), 594 pages. PDF format [22,574 KB]
- Book: Mao Zedong on Diplomacy, (Beijing: FLP, 1st ed., 1998), 516 pages. [Readers will of course need to use some appropriate caution with this volume, considering that those who produced it had already led China completely back to capitalism by this time.] Searchable PDF format [29,516 KB]
- Book: 《机密档案中新发现的毛泽东讲话》 [Newly Discovered Talks of Mao Zedong from a Confidential Archive], edited, with an introduction, by Song Yongyi, published by the National History Publishing House, June 2018, 344 pages, in Chinese. Although the editor is an anti-communist scholar who is opposed to the Cultural Revolution, the information in this book is nevertheless quite valuable. It is a collection of about 85 items by Mao, many of which are talks with foreign visitors, from 1955 to 1976, including Khrushchev, Nehru, Le Duan, and Kim Il Sung. Many important topics are discussed. For example, on p. 168, Mao and Yao Wenyuan discuss the Japanese revolutionary road with the visiting Japanese revolutionaries and Mao agrees with the strategy the Japanese comrades present. Mao says: “I think the opinion of Comrade Anshin is correct. My statement on the tasks of the proletarian party in capitalist countries in 1938 is still valid.” Here Mao is reaffirming his 1938 opinion that while protracted people's war was the correct strategy in countries like China, it was not the appropriate revolutionary strategy in advanced bourgeois democratic countries. Chinese: Searchable PDF format [1,486 KB]
- Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung:
- English:
- “Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung”, (Peking: FLP, 1966), 1st edition, 336 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,140 KB]
- “Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung”, (Marxist Internet Archive edition: 2019). Searchable PDF format [209 pages: 213 KB]; EPUB format [143 pages: 737 KB]
- Danish:
- “Citater fra Formand Mao Tse-tung”, (1967), 330 pages. Searchable PDF format [14,193 KB]
- German:
- “Worte des Vorsitzenden Mao Tsetung”, (Peking: FLP, small pocket edition, 1972), 388 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,798 KB]
- Italian:
- “Citazioni Dalle Opere Del Presidente Mao Tse-tung”, (Italy: Edizione Feltrinelli, 1969), 57 pages. Searchable PDF format [385 KB]
- Portuguese:
- “Citações do Presidente Mao Zedong”, (Brazil: Grupo de Estudos ao Povo Brasileiro, n.d.), 228 pages. Includes: “Sobre o Marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo” [“On Marxism-Leninism-Maoism”] by the Communist Party of Peru, and “Viva o Marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo!” [“Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism”] by the Movimento Revolucionário [RIM]. Searchable PDF format [1,251 KB]
- Spanish:
- “Citas del Presidente Mao Tse-tung”, (Pekin: ELE, 1967), 2nd edition, 212 pages. PDF format [6,317 KB]
- Vietnamese:
- “Trích lời của Mao Chủ tịch”, (Peking: 1967), 407 pages. PDF format [41,382 KB]
- Pilipino:
- “Mga Pangungusap Ng Tagapangulong Mao Tsetung”, (1977), 380 pages. PDF format [91,303 KB]
- Pamphlet versions of Mao’s works:
- “Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society”, by Mao Tse-tung, March 1926. (Peking: FLP, 1967), 4th ed. (2nd printing), 24 pages. Searchable PDF format [789 KB]
- “Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan”, by Mao Tse-tung, March 1927. (Peking: FLP, 1965), 2nd ed., 64 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,405 KB]
- “Why Is It That Red Political Power Can Exist In China?”, by Mao Tse-tung, 1928. (Peking: FLP, 1967), 2nd ed. (2nd printing), 28 pages. PDF format [965 KB]
- “A Single Spark Can Start a Prairie Fire”, by Mao Tse-tung, Jan. 5, 1930. (Peking: FLP, 1966), 28 pages. PDF format [965 KB]
- “On the Tactics of Fighting Japanese Imperialism”, by Mao Tse-tung, Dec. 27, 1935, 2nd edition, 52 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1960) PDF format [1,920 KB]
- “On the Tactics Against Japanese Imperialism”, by Mao Tse-tung, Dec. 27, 1935, 3rd edition, 52 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1965) PDF format [1,932 KB]
- “For the Mobilization of All the Nation’s Forces for Victory in the War of Resistance”, by Mao Tse-tung, Aug. 25, 1937. (Peking: FLP, 1966), 2nd ed. (revised translation 1966), 20 pages. PDF format [667 KB]
- “Urgent Tasks Following the Establishment of Kuomintang-Communist Co-operation”, by Mao Tse-tung, Sept. 29, 1937. (Peking: FLP, 1967), 24 pages. PDF format [5,751 KB]
- “On Protracted War”, by Mao Tse-tung, 1938. (Peking: FLP, 3rd ed. 1967), 132 pages. PDF format [4,510 KB]; Danish, 67 pages: PDF format [24,084 KB]
Alternate English version of “On Protracted War” in a single 8"x11" letter-sized format, 80 pages. Searchable PDF format [364 KB]- “The Orientation of the Youth Movement”, by Mao Tse-tung, May 4, 1939. (Peking: FLP, 1967), 24 pages. PDF format [3,760 KB]
- “To Be Attacked by the Enemy Is Not a Bad Thing But a Good Thing”, by Mao Tse-tung, May 26, 1939, small pamphlet format, 12 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1967) PDF format [508 KB]
- “China’s New Democracy”, by Mao Tse-tung. Introduction by Earl Browder[!]. (Toronto: Progress Books, 1944), 72 pages. [This major essay by Mao was written in January 1940, and appears in the different (authorized) translation under the title “On New Democracy” in the Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung, Vol. II, p. 339.] PDF format [20,222 KB]
- “Current Problems of Tactics in the Anti-Japanese United Front”, by Mao Tse-tung, March 11, 1940. (Peking: FLP, 1966), 24 pages. PDF format [1,351 KB]
- “Preface and Postscript to Rural Surveys”, by Mao Tse-tung, March-April 1941. (Peking: FLP, 1966), 16 pages. PDF format [569 KB]
- “Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art”, by Mao Tse-tung, May 2 & 23, 1942, 4th edition (2nd printing). (Peking: FLP, 1967), 52 pages. PDF format [569 KB]
- “Our Study and the Current Situation”, by Mao Tse-tung, April 12, 1944, including the Appendix: “Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party”, 3rd pamphlet edition (revised translation), 98 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1962) Entire Pamphlet: PDF format [5,018 KB]; Mao’s Essay Only (20 pages) - PDF format [985 KB]; Appendix Only (72 pages) - PDF format [3,945 KB]
- “Talk with the American Correspondent Anna Louise Strong”, by Mao Tse-tung, Aug. 1946; includes also “Some Points in Appraisal of the Present International Situation” (April 1946). (Peking: FLP, 1967), 20 pages. PDF format [3,788 KB]
- “On Strengthening the Party Committee System”, by Mao Tse-tung, Sept. 1948. (Peking: FLP, 1961), 20 pages. PDF format [1,069 KB]
- “On the People’s Democratic Dictatorship”, by Mao Tse-tung, 1949. (Peking: FLP, 9th ed. 1967), 30 pages. [With a small amount of underlining and marginal notes.] PDF format [1,098 KB]
- “On the Question of Agricultural Co-operation”, by Mao Tse-tung, July 3, 1955. (Peking: FLP, 1966), 3rd ed. (2nd revised translation 1966), 44 pages. PDF format [3,364 KB]; PDF format [smaller file] [961 KB]
- “Chairman Mao Tse-tung’s Important Talks with Guests from Asia, Africa and Latin America”, which took place in May and June 1960, 4th ed., 16 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1966) Searchable PDF format [676 KB]
- “Five Documents on Literature and Art”, by Mao Tse-tung, pocket edition, 20 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1967) Searchable PDF format [464 KB]
- Three Articles: “Serve the People”, “In Memory of Norman Bethune” and “The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains”, by Mao Tse-tung, 20 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1967) [These 3 short items are often called the “three constantly read articles”.] Searchable PDF format [593 KB]
- "Unser Studium Umgestalten" ["Reform Our Study"], by Mao Tse-tung, German, 25 pages. (Peking: FLP, 1969) Searchable PDF format [4,139 KB]
- [More to be added.]
- Comments by, and quotations of, Mao issued by the Central Committee of the CCP during the Cultural Revolution period:
- “《中共中央文件》 中发 [67] 219号” [“Recommendation of Chairman Mao to regulate the wasteful and superficial dissemination of figures and sayings of Chairman Mao as well as statue construction and associated things”], Central Committee of the CCP: Document Series 67, Number 219, July 5, 1967, 2 pages. Criticizes and regulates the excessive adoration of Mao. (Not yet available in English.) Chinese: PDF format [77 KB]; Chinese: MS Word format (.doc) [12 KB]
- “A Few Opinions of Mine”, comments by Mao Zedong, August 31, 1970, 3 pages in Chinese, 5 pages in English (with notes). Directed at the “theory of genius” promoted by Chen Boda and Lin Biao. English: PDF format [68 KB]; English: MS Word format (.doc) [46 KB]; Chinese: PDF format [123 KB]; Chinese: MS Word format (.doc) [16 KB]
- 《1975年5月3日毛主席同在京中央政治局委员的谈话》 [“Chairman Mao’s Talk with Members of the Politburo who Were in Beijing”], May 3, 1975. Chinese: PDF format [151 KB]; Chinese: Microsoft Word format (.docx) [17 KB]
English translation of this document with extensive notes and context information added, 15 pages. (This very careful translation was prepared by friends of in August 2021.) English: Searchable PDF format [182 KB]; English: Microsoft Word format (.docx) [38 KB]- “《毛主席重要指示》 1976.03.03;中发[1976]4号.” [“Chairman Mao’s Primary Directives: Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party: Document 4 (1976)”], issued by the General Office of the Central Committee, March 3, 1976, 2 pages. Includes critical comments by Mao on Deng Xiaoping and his associates. Chinese: PDF format [215 KB]; Chinese: MS Word format (.docx) [9 KB]
English translation of this document with additional notes and context information added, 9 pages. English: PDF format [146 KB]; English: MS Word format (.doc) [116 KB]- Works by Mao published in Peking Review/Beijing Review: [Often officially published there for the first time.]
- “Talk at an Enlarged Working Conference Convened by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China”, by Mao Tsetung, Jan. 30, 1962, 17 pages. From Peking Review, #27 (1978). [This very important speech was given at what was informally known as the “Seven Thousand Cadres Conference”. It addresses questions such as promoting democracy among the masses and within the Party.] Searchable PDF format [2,139 KB]
- Other individual works by Mao (or substantial excerpts):
- Mao’s discussions in various notes and works of the Cult of Personality, an initial collection. HTML index file
- “Record of Conversation Between Soviet Ambassador in China, Apollon Petrov, and Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Wang Ruofei”, October 10, 1945, (Wilson Center), translated from Russian into English, 4 pages. Searchable PDF format [80 KB]
- “Mao’s Remarks at the Banquet for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Delegation”, November 23, 1953, (Wilson Center Digital Archive), 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [69 KB]
- “Minutes of Mao’s Conversation with a Yugoslavian Communist Union Delegation, Beijing”, not dated but in September 1956, (Wilson Center Digital Archive: English translation from a Chinese historical archive of “Selected Diplomatic Papers of Mao Zedong”), 8 pages. These are very important comments by Mao, apologizing to the Yugoslavians for their treatment by both Stalin and China during the late 1940s period, with an extensive criticism of Stalin with regard to the Chinese Revolution, and an explanation as to why China had so far not been more publicly critical of Stalin. [Note, however, that soon after this, Yugoslavia moved strongly toward revisionism, of the market socialism variety, and the Soviet Union also soon became totally revisionist (though of the different state capitalist variety). In light of these new developments, both Mao and People’s China became very critical again of Yugoslavia and the USSR and at the same time found it necessary to greatly ease off on the criticism of Stalin, who the revisionists were so ferociously attacking. —Ed.] Searchable PDF format [117 KB]
- “Chairman Mao Tse-tung’s Speech at the Supreme State Conference”, September 8, 1958. This is the 2-page report of Mao’s speech which appeared in the pamphlet “Oppose U.S. Military Provocations in the Taiwan Straits Area — A Selection of Important Documents”, (Peking: FLP, 1958), 83 pages. (See pages 7 & 8.) PDF format [3,869 KB]
- “Mao’s Conversation with Albanian Women and Albanian Film Workers”, May 15, 1964, (Wilson Center Digital Archive), 7 pages. Searchable PDF format [101 KB]
- “Mao’s Conversation with Albanian Comrades Hysni Kapo and Beqir Balluku”, February 3, 1967, (Wilson Center Digital Archive), 11 pages. Searchable PDF format [81 KB]
- “Directives from Chairman Mao’s Commentary on the Water Margin and his Critique of Capitulationists”, August 18, 1975, 4 pages. PDF format [280 KB]
- Mao’s Poetry:
- “Mao Tsetung Poems”, by Mao Tse-tung. (Peking: FLP, 1976), 1st edition, 72 pages. PDF format [2,593 KB]
- Special editions of Mao’s works (sometimes with commentary added):
- Book: “Mao Tse-tung on Guerrilla Warfare”, a 1941 translation of a 1937 pamphlet entitled “Yu Chi Chan” [Guerrilla Warfare] by Mao which was widely distributed in “Free China” during the war against Japan. This unofficial translation, by Brigadier General Samuel B. Griffith, of the U.S. Marine Corps, includes his introduction from his own point of view. This is the publicly distributed 1989 edition by the USMC, 128 pages. PDF format [990 KB]
“Mao Tse-tung: La Guerra De Guerrillas”, Spanish translation of the above (without Griffith’s introduction), (Buenos Aires: Huemul, 1973), 96 pages. PDF format [5,623 KB]- Book: “A Critique of Soviet Economics”, by Mao Tsetung, including Mao’s “Critique of Stalin’s Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR”, (NY: Monthly Review Press, 1977), 158 pages. Note that this “standard” English language version of Mao’s commentary about Soviet economics is by no means complete! In particular, many of Mao’s comments to comrades about Soviet economics are not included along with the notes he wrote down while reading the Soviet textbook. This explains why this English language book (and the Spanish translation of it below) are so much shorter than even the “Short” Chinese language edition also available below. Questions have also been raised about the accuracy of the translations of Mao’s comments in some places. Searchable PDF format [7,603 KB]
Note: This English-language translation is included in Volume VIII of Mao’s Selected Works (see above), and is also available in HTML format on the website at: and on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
[Spanish edition:] “Commentarios sobre el Manual de Economía Política Soviético y sobre el Libro Problemas Económicos del Socialismo en la URSS de José Stalin”, (Lima, Peru: n.d.), 170 pages. PDF format [6,180 KB]
[Original Chinese edition:] “Short Version” [i.e., with all of Mao’s comments, but much shorter extracts from the full Soviet texts that Mao is criticizing], edited by Deng Liqun based on his extensive conversations with Mao, 619 pages. While this is called the “Short” Chinese version, it includes a whole lot of Mao’s comments about Soviet political economy that are not included in the MR English volume. Searchable PDF format [10,960 KB]
[Edited Simplified Chinese edition:] Mao Zedong’s Talk on Reading the Soviet Political Economy Textbook, Nov. 9-10, 1958, 162 pages. [This is probably the best version for people to at least begin on in studying Mao’s comments on the political economy of the Soviet Union during the Stalin era. It is a recently edited edition by a friend of this website, of the “Simplified Version” created on behalf of Deng Liqun long before, who himself prepared the “Original Chinese edition” listed above. In this book Mao’s own comments are in bold type, while the ordinary text presents the views of the Soviet textbook or Stalin. Although not yet available in English translation, it is fairly easy to use machine translation (such as from Google) to get some idea of the important material in this volume.] Microsoft Word (.docx) format [207 KB]; Searchable PDF format [711 KB]- “Mao Zedong’s ‘Talks at the Yan’an Conference on Literature and Art’: A Translation of the 1943 Text with Commentary”, by Bonnie S. McDougall, (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Center for Chinese Studies, The University of Michigan, 1980), Michigan Papers in Chinese Studies, No. 39, 132 pages. PDF format [7,585 KB]
- Book: “Mao Zedong on Dialectical Materialism: Writings on Philosophy, 1937”, edited by Nick Knight. (1990), 310 pages. Searchable PDF format [12,134 KB]
- Individual Letters by Mao:
- “Chairman Mao’s Letter to Comrade Chen Yi Discussing Poetry”, July 21, 1965, Peking Review, #2, January 13, 1978, 2 pages. Searchable PDF format [532 KB]
- “Letter from Comrade Mao Zedong to Comrade Lin Biao [Lin Piao] May 7, 1966:”, 2 pages. This letter elaborates on the concept of the “army as a great school” which was advanced during the Cultural Revolution, as well as expresses Mao’s note of caution about the army over-playing its role in multiple struggles. Mao also elaborates on his concern about the possibility of the outbreak of another world war at this time. (Translation from US Government Joint Publication Research Service, included in the volume Translations on Communist China: Political and Sociological, No. 413: Information from the Red Guard Press, Aug. 3, 1967.) Searchable PDF format [41 KB]
- Letter to Jiang Qing [Chiang Ch’ing], July 8, 1966. Discusses the situation in the early Cultural Revolution and Mao’s reluctant agreement to aspects of the personality cult around himself at that time, and Lin Biao’s role in promoting it. The first, rather poor translation, is from the American academic journal Chinese Law and Government, Summer 1973, pp. 96-100. The second version is a much more careful translation from the Chinese original done in 2021 by American Maoists. It also has extensive notes explaining the sometimes obscure references in the original letter.
Academic translation: Searchable PDF format [98 KB]
Maoist translation: Searchable PDF format [165 KB]; Maoist translation: Open Document format (.odt) [33 KB]- Commentary on Mao’s individual works:
- “Notes on Mao Tse-tung’s ‘Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan’”, by Chen Po-ta, written in the spring of 1944. The 3rd Chinese edition appeared in 1953, and this is the 2nd revised English translation of that edition. (Peking: FLP, 1966), 66 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,949 KB]
- “Notes on Mao Tse-tung’s ‘Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan’”, by the Editorial Board of Jiefangjun Bao [Liberation Army Daily] as a guide for the cadres and fighters of the PLA in their study of Mao’s work. (Peking: FLP, 1968), 36 pages. PDF format [1,755 KB]
- “Comrade Mao Tse-tung on ‘Imperialism and All Reactionaries are Paper Tigers’”, by the Editorial Department of Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], Oct. 27, 1958. (Peking: FLP, 1966), 3rd ed. (2nd revised translation), 34 pages. PDF format [2,660 KB]
- Revolutionary or Sympathetic Works about Mao:
- Book: The Early Revolutionary Activities of Comrade Mao Tse-tung, by Li Jui, (White Plains, NY: 1977), 404 pages. This is the English translation of the Chinese edition published in Peking in 1957. It has some underlining; our apologies. Searchable PDF format [28,405 KB]
- Book: Marxist Philosophy in China: From Qu Qiubai to Mao Zedong, 1923-1945, by Nick Knight, (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2005), 262 pages. (Though Knight is a bourgeois academic, this book still has a lot of interesting information. But there are also many erroneous views put forward in this book, starting with the standard claim by academics that Marx and Engels had different and opposed philosophical views.) Searchable PDF format [5,822 KB]
- Bourgeois and/or Academic Works about Mao:
- “On Mao Tse-tung: A Bibliographic Guide”, by Austin C. W. Shu, (East Lansing, Michigan: Asian Studies Center, Michigan State University, 1972), East Asia Series, Occasional Paper No. 2, 93 pages. WinDjView format [28,302 KB]
- Book: Mao Tse-tung, Ch’en Po-ta, and the Conscious Creation of ‘Mao Tse-tung’s Thought’ in the Chinese Communist Party, 1935-1945, Ph.D. thesis by Raymond Finlay Wylie, (University of London: Feb. 1976), 415 pages. Searchable PDF format [20,503 KB]
- “Private Writer VS. Private Doctor”, a very critical review by Mao’s former close secretary and aide, Qi Benyu, of the outrageously slanderous and fraudulent book, The Private Life of Chairman Mao [1994], written by one of Mao’s former doctors, Li Zhisui. The original Chinese version of these critical comments is available at: This English translation is 18 pages long: PDF format [87 KB]; MS Word format (.docx) [41 KB]
- “Egalitarian Inventions and Political Symptoms: A Reassessment of Mao’s Statements on the ‘Probable Defeat’ of Socialism in China”, by Alessandro Russo, Crisis & Critique magazine, vol. 3, #1, 2016, 22 pages. Searchable PDF format [326 KB]
* * *
Chen Boda [Chen Po-ta] (1904-1989):
- 1944:
- “Notes on Mao Tse-tung’s ‘Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan’”, by Chen Po-ta, written in the spring of 1944. The 3rd Chinese edition appeared in 1953, and this is the 2nd revised English translation of that edition. (Peking: FLP, 1966), 66 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,949 KB]
- 1945:
- “Criticism of the Book ‘China’s Destiny’ [Written by Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)]”, by Chen Po-ta, April 7, 1945. This is the English translation of Russian language version. (Wilson Center Digital Archive), 15 pages, but incomplete because of incomplete Russian source. Searchable PDF format [934 KB]
- 1951:
- “Mao Tse-tung on the Chinese Revolution”, by Chen Po-ta, written in April 1951. (Peking: FLP, 1953), 96 pages. PDF format [3,955 KB]
- 1952:
- “Stalin and the Chinese Revolution”, by Chen Po-ta, April 21, 1952. Focuses on, and lauds, Stalin’s supposed contributions in the 1920s to the development of the Chinese Revolution. (Peking: FLP, 1953), 68 pages. [Note: This scan has some bleed-through from the print on the reverse sides of the pages, but is still legible.] PDF format [11,094 KB]
- “A Study of Land Rent in Pre-Liberation China”, 2nd ed. (Revised Translation), by Chen Po-ta [Chen Boda], (Peking: FLP, 1966), 120 pages. [This work was originally written in 1945-46, and later revised and published in its first Chinese edition in 1952. The first English edition appeared in 1958.] PDF format [3,479 KB]
- 1955:
- “Explanatory Notes to the Draft Decisions on Agricultural Co-operation”, by Chen Po-ta, a speech delivered on Oct. 4, 1955 at the Sixth Plenary Session (Enlarged) of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Included in the pamphlet “Decisions on Agricultural Co-operation”, (Peking: FLP, 1956), on pages 35-55. PDF format [2,939 KB]
- 1958:
- “Yugoslav Revisionism—Product of Imperialist Policy”, by Chen Po-ta, an article which originally appeared (in Chinese) in Hongqi [Red Flag], June 1, 1958. This English version is from the pamphlet In Refutation of Modern Revisionism (Peking: FLP, 1958), 17 pages. Searchable PDF format [929 KB]
- Works about Chen Boda:
- Book: Mao Tse-tung, Ch’en Po-ta, and the Conscious Creation of ‘Mao Tse-tung’s Thought’ in the Chinese Communist Party, 1935-1945, Ph.D. thesis by Raymond Finlay Wylie, (University of London: Feb. 1976), 415 pages. Searchable PDF format [20,503 KB]
Chen Yi (1901-1972):
- 1958:
- “Foreign Minister Chen Yi’s Statement Refuting Dulles’ Speech at the U.N. General Assembly”, September 20, 1958. Included in the pamphlet “Oppose U.S. Military Provocations in the Taiwan Straits Area — A Selection of Important Documents”, (Peking: FLP, 1958), 83 pages. (See pages 9-13.) PDF format [3,869 KB]
Chen Yonggui [Chen Yung-kuei] (c. 1915-1986):
- Writings:
- About Chen Yonggui:
- [Book:] “Ninth Heaven to Ninth Hell: The History of a Noble Chinese Experiment”, a biography of Chen Yonggui and Dazhai (Tachai) county, written by Qin Huailu, edited by William Hinton, (NY: Barricade Books, 1995), 672 pages. (Many pages of the scan are quite light, but hopefully fully legible. We hope to eventually obtain a better scan.) Searchable PDF image format [31,567 KB]
Chen Yun (1905-1995):
- Selected Works:
- [Book:] “Selected Works of Chen Yun, Volume 1: 1926-1949”, 2nd ed., (Beijing: FLP, 2001), 419 pages. Searchable PDF image format [Huge file: 85,369 KB]
- [Book:] “Selected Works of Chen Yun, Volume 2: 1949-1956”, 1st ed., (Beijing: FLP, 1997), 359 pages. Searchable PDF image format [Huge file: 72,470 KB]
- [Book:] “Selected Works of Chen Yun, Volume 3: 1956-1994”, 1st ed., (Beijing: FLP, 1999), 409 pages. Searchable PDF image format [Huge file: 87,761 KB]
- 1958:
- “Vice-Premier Chen Yun’s Speech at the Reception Given by Bulgarian Ambassador Celebrating the National Day of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria (Excerpts)”, September 9, 1958. Included in the pamphlet “Oppose U.S. Military Provocations in the Taiwan Straits Area — A Selection of Important Documents”, (Peking: FLP, 1958), 83 pages. (See pages 9-13.) PDF format [3,869 KB]
Deng Xiaoping [Teng Hsiao-p’ing] (1904-1997):
- Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (3 volumes):
- [Book:] Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (1938-1965) This collection was first published in Chinese in 1989 and in English in 1992. The format here is compact PDF text style, and is not an image scan. It does not show any page numbers. Searchable PDF compact text format [253 pages; 1,301 KB]; Same volume in standard PDF image format (showing page numbers), but vastly bigger file: Searchable PDF image format [373 pages; 75,496 KB]
- [Book:] Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (1975-1982) This collection was first published in Chinese in 1983 and in English in 1984. The format here is compact PDF text style, and is not an image scan. It does not show any page numbers. Searchable PDF compact text format [299 pages; 1,576 KB]; Same volume in standard PDF image format (showing page numbers), but vastly bigger file: Searchable PDF image format [434 pages; 97,239 KB]
- [Book:] Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (1982-1992) This collection was first published in Chinese in 1993 and in English in 1994. The format here is compact PDF text style, and is not an image scan. It does not show any page numbers. Searchable PDF compact text format [250 pages; 1,284 KB]; Same volume in standard PDF image format (showing page numbers), but vastly bigger file: Searchable PDF image format [399 pages; 73,900 KB]
- Links to individual works from these volumes are also available online on a site devoted to promoting this notorious capitalist-roader, at:
- 1956:
- “Constitution of the Communist Party of China and Report on the Revision of the Constitution of the CPC by Teng Hsiao-ping”. This is the Party Constitution adopted by the Eighth National Congress on Sept. 26, 1956. The report of the revision of the Constitution was delivered by Teng Hsiao-ping [Deng Xiaoping] at that Congress on Sept. 16, 1956. (Peking: FLP, 1956), 118 pp. PDF format [4,546 KB]
- 1960:
- “Speech by Teng Hsiao-ping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, at the Mass Rally of People of All Walks of Life Held in Peking to Support the Just Stand of the Soviet Union and Oppose U.S. Imperialism’s Wrecking of the Four-Power Conference of Government Heads”, May 20, 1960, 6 pages. From the pamphlet “Support the Just Stand of the Soviet Union and Oppose U.S. Imperialism’s Wrecking of the Four-Power Conference of Government Heads”, (Peking: FLP, 1960), 45 pages. Deng’s speech in PDF format [536 KB]; Full pamphlet in PDF format [1,868 KB]
- 1961:
- “Record of a Conversation between Comrade Kim Il Sung and Comrade Deng Xiaoping”, Sept. 10, 1961, 8 pages. PDF format [94 KB]
- 1974:
- “Speech by Chairman of the Delegation of the People’s Republic of China, Teng Hsiao-ping, at the Special Session of the U.N. General Assembly”, April 10, 1974. (Peking: FLP, 1974), 28 pages. PDF format [1,039 KB]; Also available in a bi-lingual version (Chinese and English), 48 pages: PDF format [4,176 KB]
- 1985:
- “Build Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”, a collection of speeches and essays from 1982 to 1984. 1st edition, (Beijing: FLP, 1985), 88 pages. PDF image format [10,601 KB]
- 1987:
- [Book:] “Fundamental Issues in Present-Day China”, writings by Deng Xiaoping from Sept. 1982 to June 1987, (Beijing: FLP, 1987), 218 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,706 KB]
- Writings About Deng Xiaoping:
- [Book:] “On Deng Xiaoping Thought”, by Wu Jie, (Beijing: FLP, 1996), 304 pages. Searchable PDF format [25,357 KB]
Hu Jintao (1942- ):
- 2007:
- “Remarks on the Occasion of the Members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Seventeenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Meeting the Chinese and Foreign Press”, by Hu Jintao, October 22, 2007. (No publication data specified), 4 pages. Searchable PDF format [742 KB]
- “Speech at the Closing Session of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China”, by Hu Jintao, October 21, 2007. (No publication data specified), 5 pages. Searchable PDF format [928 KB]
- “Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive for New Victories in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects: Report to the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, on October 15, 2007”, delivered by Hu Jintao. (No publication data specified), 58 pages. Searchable PDF format [17,977 KB]
- 2011:
- “Speech at the Meeting Commemorating the Centenary of the Revolution of 1911”, by Hu Jintao, October 9, 2011. (No publication data specified), 9 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,170 KB]
- “Speech at a Meeting Commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China”, by Hu Jintao, July 1, 2011. (No publication data specified), 28 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,252 KB]
Hua Guofeng [Hua Kuo-feng] (1921-2008):
- 1975:
- 1976:
- “Speech at the Second National Conference on Learning from Tachai in Agriculture”, by Hua Kuo-feng, December 25, 1976. (Peking: FLP, 1977), 51 pages. PDF format [2,016 KB]
- 1977:
- “Continue the Revolution Under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat to the End — A Study of Volume V of the Selected Works of Mao Tsetung”, by Hua Kuo-feng. (Peking: FLP, 1977), 45 pages. PDF format [1,920 KB]
Jiang Qing [Chiang Ch’ing] (1913-1991) [Mao’s wife]:
- Collections of Her Works:
- [Book:] 《江青同志论文艺》 [“Comrade Jiang Qing’s Essay Art”], 扫描、整理:中国文革研究网制作 (2006 年,CHM), 重排:列宁格勒印刷三厂工人理论小组, prepared by the China Cultural Revolution Research Network, 2006; reissued by the “Theoretical Group of the Workers of the Third Printing Plant in Leningrad”, 2022, 196 pages. Chinese: Searchable PDF format [1,640 KB]
- [Book:] 《江青同志讲话选编》 [“Selected Speeches of Comrade Jiang Qing”], Chinese, 1968, 196 pages. Chinese: Searchable PDF format [158,539 KB]
Jiang Zemin (1926-2022):
- Selected Works:
- [Book:] “Selected Works of Jiang Zemin”, Vol. 1, (Beijing: FLP, 2010), 1st ed., 655 pages. Searchable PDF format [Enormous file: 138,958 KB]
- [Book:] “Selected Works of Jiang Zemin”, Vol. 2, (Beijing: FLP, 2012), 1st ed., 594 pages. Searchable PDF format [Enormous file: 127,933 KB]
- 1990s:
- “Eulogy at Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s Memorial Ceremony”, by Jiang Zemin, Feb. 25, 1997, 14 pages. [Also included in the “Selected Works of Jiang Zemin”, Vol. 1, pp. 611-624.] Searchable PDF format [3,010 KB]
- 2000s:
- [Book:] “On the ‘Three Represents’”, and other writings, by Jiang Zemin, (Beijing: FLP, 2002), 220 pages. Searchable PDF format [5,261 KB]
- [Book:] “On the Development of China’s Information Technology Industry”, by Jiang Zemin, written in 2008, published in Chinese in 2009, and in English translation in 2010, 337 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,478 KB]
- “Research on Energy Issues in China”, by Jiang Zemin, 2008, 101 pages. Searchable PDF format [946 KB]
Kang Sheng (1898-1975):
- 1958:
- “Yugoslav Revisionism is Just What U.S. Imperialism Needs”, by Kang Sheng, an article which originally appeared in Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], June 14, 1958. This English version is from the pamphlet In Refutation of Modern Revisionism (Peking: FLP, 1958), 13 pages. Searchable PDF format [705 KB]
Lin Biao [Lin Piao] (1907-1971):
- Collections of his writings:
- [Book:] “Selected Works of Lin Piao”, ed. by the China Problems Research Center, (Hong Kong: 1970), 496 pages. This volume was prepared at a time when Lin Biao was Mao’s designated successor and before his disgrace and death in late 1971. PDF format [4,818 KB].
- “Speeches and Instructions of Lin Piao, 1966-1967”, some translated by Western scholars, special issue of the academic journal Chinese Law and Government, Spring 1973, 108 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,581 KB]
- “Speeches and Instructions of Lin Piao, 1968-1971”, some translated by Western scholars, special issue of the academic journal Chinese Law and Government, Summer 1973, 108 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,970 KB]
- 1959:
- “March Ahead Under the Red Flag of the General Line and Mao Tse-tung’s Military Thinking”, by Lin Piao, originally in Hongqi, #19 (Oct. 1, 1959); in English translation in Peking Review, Vol. 2, #40, Oct. 6, 1959, 8 pages. PDF format [734 KB]; and in pamphlet form, (Peking: FLP, 1959), 34 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,589 KB]
- 1965:
- “Long Live the Victory of People’s War!”, by Lin Piao [Lin Biao], Sept. 3, 1965. This famous essay was written in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of victory in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japan. It is often still viewed as an important statement of the role of people’s war in the world despite Lin’s own personal treachery later on. (Peking: FLP, 3rd ed., 1967), 76 pages. PDF format [2,749 KB]
- 1966:
- “Chairman Mao Has Elevated Marxism-Leninism to a Completely New Stage With Great Talent”, letter from Lin Piao, March 11, 1966, 1 pages. [Also available in Peking Review, vol. 9, #26, June 24, 1966.] PDF format [70 KB]
- “Comrade Lin Piao’s Speech at the Mass Rally Celebrating the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution”, Aug. 18, 1966, 3 pages. [Also available in Peking Review, vol. 9, #35, Aug. 26, 1966.] PDF format [108 KB]
- “Comrade Lin Piao’s Speech at the Peking Rally to Receive Revolutionary Teachers and Students from All Parts of China”, Aug. 31, 1966, 3 pages. [Also available in Peking Review, vol. 9, #37, Sept. 9, 1966.] PDF format [127 KB]
- “The People’s Revolutionary Struggle Will Surely Triumph Over U.S. Imperialism’s Counter-Revolutionary Strategy” — In commemoration of the first anniversary of the publication of Comrade Lin Piao’s essay ‘Long Live the Victory of People’s War!’, by Tung Ming, 3 pages. [Also available in Peking Review, vol. 9, #37, Sept. 9, 1966.] PDF format [189 KB]
- “Comrade Lin Piao’s Speech at the Peking Rally to Receive Revolutionary Teachers and Students from All Parts of China”, Sept. 15, 1966, 2 pages. [Also available in Peking Review, vol. 9, #39, Sept. 23, 1966.] PDF format [329 KB]
- Lin Piao’s Inscription and Introduction to the Second Edition of “Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-tung”, Dec. 16, 1966, 4 pages. [After the fall and death of Lin Piao these pages were of course removed from the 3rd edition of the “Little Red Book”. (The 1st edition had Lin Piao’s inscription but not his introduction.)] PDF format [141 KB]
- 1969:
- “Report to the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China”, delivered by Lin Piao on April 1 and adopted on April 14, 1969. (Peking: FLP, 1969), small pamphlet format, 112 pages. PDF format [3,040 KB]
- “Vice-Chairman Lin Piao’s Speech at the Rally Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China”, October 1, 1969, 10 pages. From the pamphlet “Fight for the Further Consolidation of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat — In Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China”. (Peking: FLP, 1969) Lin’s speech only, in PDF format [267 KB]; Complete pamphlet, in PDF format [54 pages, 1,314 KB]
- Works about Lin Biao (Lin Piao): [See also the section on the Campaign to Criticize Lin Piao and Confucius in our collection of materials about the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.]
- “Great Victory for the Military Line of Chairman Mao Tsetung — A Criticism of Lin Piao’s Bourgeois Military Line in the Liaohsi-Shenyang and Peiping-Tientsin Campaigns”, by Chan Shih-pu, (Peking: FLP, 1976), 124 pages plus 2 large maps. Searchable PDF format [4,731 KB]
Liu Shaoqi [Liu Shao-chi] (1898-1969):
- Collections of His Writings:
- [Book:] “Selected Works of Liu Shaoqi”, Volume 1, (Beijing: FLP, 1984), 463 pages. Searchable PDF format [Enormous file: 96,515 KB]
- [Book:] “Selected Works of Liu Shaoqi”, Volume 2, (Beijing: FLP, 1991), 1st ed., 487 pages. Searchable PDF format [Enormous file: 105,957 KB]
- [Book:] “Three Essays on Party-Building”, by Liu Shaoqi, includes: “How to Be a Good Communist” (1939), “On Inner-Party Struggle” (1941), and “On the Party” (1945). This edition uses Pinyin versions of Chinese names. It may or may not have been altered in other ways from earlier English editions. (Peking: FLP, 1980), 316 pages. Searchable PDF format [17,291 KB]
- 1950:
- “On the Agrarian Reform Law”, by Liu Shao-chi. Included in “The Agrarian Reform Law of the People’s Republic of China — Together with other relevant documents” on pages 75-104. (Peking: FLP, 1950) PDF format [5,218 KB]
- 1951:
- [Book:] “How To Be a Good Communist”, by Liu Shao-chi. First English edition of the Chinese version published in December 1949. [Note: This is the notorious book on “self-cultivation” that was strongly criticized during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.] (Peking: FLP, 1951), 136 pages. PDF format [8,028 KB]
- 1952:
- “Internationalism and Nationalism”, by Liu Shao-chi. This pamphlet is probably the translation of an article that appeared in Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily] on Nov. 1, 1948, or else is based on that article. (Peking: FLP, n.d. [but probably 1952]), 63 pages. PDF format [3,162 KB] Also available in HTML format at:
- 1956:
- “The Political Report of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the Eighth National Congress of the Party”, by Liu Shao-chi, September 15, 1956. (Peking: FLP, 1956), 102 pages. Searchable PDF format [27,215 KB]
- 1958:
- “Report on the Work of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the Second Session of the Eighth National Congress”, by Liu Shao-chi, May 5, 1958, 51 pages. [This speech is taken from pages 16-61 of the 1958 pamphlet “Second Session of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China” (Peking: FLP, 1958), 99 pages.] Liu Shao-chi’s speech only [PDF format, 3,313 KB]; Full Pamphlet [PDF format, 5,807 KB]
- 1959:
- “Opening Speech by Chairman Liu Shao-chi”, at the meeting to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, Oct. 1, 1959. From the Supplement to Peking Review, Vol. 2, #39, Oct. 1, 1959, 2 pages. PDF format [323 KB]
- “The Victory of Marxism-Leninism in China”, by Liu Shao-chi, Sept. 14, 1959. An article written for the World Marxist Review in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. From Peking Review, Vol. 2, #39, Oct. 1, 1959, 10 pages. PDF format [3,020 KB]; Pamphlet version (Peking: FLP, 1959), 46 pages. PDF format [2,003 KB]
- 1961:
- “Address at the Meeting in Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China”, by Liu Shao-chi, June 30, 1961, with two appendices (editorials from Hongqi and Renmin Ribao). (Peking: FLP, 1961), 46 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,520 KB]; Version from Peking Review, July 7, 1961, 7 pages. PDF format [315 KB]
- 1963:
- “Joint Statement of Chairman Liu Shao-chi and President Choi Yong Kun”, on the conclusion of the visit by the President of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to China in June 1963. (Peking: FLP, 1963), 24 pages. Searchable PDF format [987 KB]
Lu Dingyi [Lu Ting-yi] (1906-1996):
- 1958:
- 1960:
- “Unite Under Lenin’s Revolutionary Banner”, by Lu Ting-yi. Included in the pamphlet “Long Live Leninism”, (Peking: FLP, 1960) Searchable PDF Text format [58 pages; 353 KB]
- 1964:
- “‘Let a Hundred Flowers Blossom, a Hundred Schools of Thought Contend!’”, by Lu Ting-yi, a speech on the policy of the CCP on Art, Literature and Science originally delivered on May 26, 1956. This is 3rd edition of the pamphlet with a revised translation. (Peking: FLP, 1964), 39 pages. PDF format [2,019 KB]
Lu Xun [Lu Hsun] (1881-1936):
- [Books:] Selected Works of Lu Hsun [4 volumes: Peking: FLP, 1956-1964]
- Volume One: 1956; 488 pages. PDF format [12,986 KB]; Second edition (1980): PDF format [31,483 KB]
- Volume Two: 1957; 378 pages. PDF format [16,452 KB]; Third edition (1980): PDF format [24,344 KB]
- Volume Three: 1964; 358 pages. PDF format [9,312 KB]; Third edition (1980): PDF format [11,071 KB]
- Volume Four: 1960; 326 pages. Searchable PDF format [15,820 KB]; Third edition (1980): PDF format [20,965 KB]
- Other Collections of His Writings:
- [Book:] “Selected Stories of Lu Hsun”, by Lu Hsun. (Peking: FLP, 1972), 282 pages. PDF format [11,239 KB]
- [Book:] “Old Tales Retold”, by Lu Hsun. A collection of 8 tales from 1922-1935. (Peking: FLP, 1972), 150 pages. PDF format [4,728 KB]
- 1921:
- “The True Story of Ah Q”, by Lu Hsun. Probably his most famous work. (Peking: FLP, 1972), 5th edition, 82 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,114 KB]
- 1923-1924:
- [Book:] A Brief History of Chinese Fiction, by Lu Hsun. (Peking: FLP, 1964), 2nd edition, 524 pages. Searchable PDF format [24,711 KB]
- 1926:
- [Book:] Dawn Blossoms Plucked At Dusk, by Lu Hsun, a collection of essays written in 1926 and first published in 1928. (Peking: FLP, 1976), 138 pages. PDF format [4,402 KB]
- 1927:
- “Wild Grass”, all 23 prose poems of Lu Xun which were written in 1924-26. (Peking: FLP, 1974), 82 pages. PDF format [2,387 KB]
- Works about Lu Xun:
- “Lu Hsun — Great Revolutionary, Thinker and Writer”, a loose-leaf collection of color paintings, (FLP: 1975), 36 pages. English: PDF format [24,664 KB]
“Lu Hsün — Der Grosse Revolutionär, Denker und Schriftsteller”, 35 pages. Size of originals: 22.5 cm x 22.5 cm. German: WinDjView format [Color plates scanned at 600 dpi; text at 300 dpi. 5,498 KB]
Peng Dehuai [P’eng Te-huai] (1898-1974):
Peng Zhen [Peng Chen] (1902-1997):
- 1958:
- “Mayor Peng Chen’s Speech at the Peking People’s Rally Supporting the Statement of the Chinese Government and Opposing U.S. Aggression”, September 7, 1958. Included in the pamphlet “Oppose U.S. Military Provocations in the Taiwan Straits Area — A Selection of Important Documents”, (Peking: FLP, 1958), 83 pages. (See pages 26-32.) PDF format [3,869 KB]
Qi Benyu (1931-2016):
- Writings:
- “Memoirs”, by Qi Benyu, English translation by Nick G. (Chairman of the Communist Party of Australia), January 2023, 676 pages. English: Searchable PDF format [4,153 KB] Original Chinese edition: “戚本禹回忆录” (2016) Available online at:
- About Qi Benyu: [Qi Benyu worked closely with Mao until mistakes he made early in the Cultural Revolution led to his dismissal and incarceration. Throughout the years of his imprisonment, he remained loyal to Chairman Mao and to Mao Zedong Thought, and when he finally wrote his reminiscences, he provided valuable insight into the two-line struggle within the Party and the eventual ascendancy of the capitalist-roaders.]
- “Qi Benyu’s Memoirs”, a review by Charles Andrews for Cultural Logic: Marxist Theory & Practice, Volume 27 (2023), pp. 162-166, May 2016, 6 pages. Searchable PDF format [329 KB]
- “Teacher Mao Zedong’s History Graduate Student Qi Benyu: I Miss Comrade Qi Benyu”, by Lao Tian, May 2016, from the website, 47 pages. Searchable PDF format [850 KB]
Song Qingling [Soong Ching-ling] (1893-1981):
- 1958:
- “Soong Ching Ling, Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress: Oppose the Military Provocations of U.S. Imperialism”, September 8, 1958. Included in the pamphlet “Oppose U.S. Military Provocations in the Taiwan Straits Area — A Selection of Important Documents”, (Peking: FLP, 1958), 83 pages. (See pages 33-35.) PDF format [3,869 KB]
- 1960:
- “The U.S. War-Mongers Must Be Thoroughly Exposed!”, article by Soong Ching Ling, May 1960, 3 pages. From the pamphlet “Support the Just Stand of the Soviet Union and Oppose U.S. Imperialism’s Wrecking of the Four-Power Conference of Government Heads”, (Peking: FLP, 1960), 45 pages. Article in PDF format [139 KB]; Full Pamphlet in PDF format [1,868 KB]
Wang Hongwen [Wang Hung-wen] (1935 - 1992):
- Collections:
- 1970s:
- “Taiwan Journal Publishes ‘Secret’ Speech by Wang Hung-wen”, consisting of an introductory note and then the speech, as translated into English by the Joint Publication Research Service of the U.S. government. The original Chinese version seems to date from January 1974. The Chinese version used here appeared in the Taipei journal Chung-king yen-chiu [“Studies in Chinese Communism”], Vol. 8, #12, Dec. 1974. We do not know the official title of this speech (if there was one), but one of its primary purposes seems to be to remind people of the central purposes of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, and the continuing tasks that have arisen from it. This English translation appears to be a little rough in places, but is still quite interesting, 18 pages. Searchable PDF format [532 KB]
Wang Jiaxiang [Wang Chia-hsiang] ( ? - ? ):
- 1958:
- “In Refutation of Modern Revisionism’s Reactionary Theory of the State”, by Wang Chia-hsiang, an article which originally appeared in Hongqi [Red Flag], June 16, 1958. This English version is from the pamphlet In Refutation of Modern Revisionism (Peking: FLP, 1958), 19 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,079 KB]
Wang Ming (1904-1974):
- 1935:
- “The Revolutionary Movement in the Colonial Countries”, by Wang Ming, the revised copy of the speech given on Aug. 7, 1935 in Moscow at the Seventh World Congress of the Communist International. (NY: Workers Library Publishers, 1935), 68 pages. PDF format [4,017 KB]
[German edition of the above report:] “Im Zeichen der chinesischen Sowjets: Die revolutionäre Bewegung in den kolonialen und halbkolonialen Ländern und die Taktik der kommunistischen Parteien", (Straßburg: Prometheus Verlag, 1935), 64 pages [missing pp. 40-41]. Searchable PDF format [20,393 KB]; WinDjView format [13,687 KB]- 1937:
- “China Can Win! The New Stage in the Aggression of Japanese Imperialism and the New Period in the Struggle of the Chinese People”, by Wang Ming, (NY: Workers Library Publishers, 1937), 52 pages. PDF format [10,408 KB]
Xi Jinping (1953- ):
- Collections of his writings:
- [Book:] Up and Out of Poverty, a collection of articles and speeches by Xi Jinping from over several decades. (Beijing: FLP, 2016), 260 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,888 KB]
- [Book:] “The Governance of China” [volume I], by Xi Jinping, a collection of speeches, writings, interviews, etc., from Nov. 15, 2012 to June 13, 2014, (Beijing: FLP, 2014), 1st ed. (3rd printing), 486 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,845 KB]
- [Book:] “The Governance of China, II”, by Xi Jinping, a collection of speeches, writings, interviews, etc., from August 2014 to September 2017, (Beijing: FLP, 2017), 676 pages. New, improved quality scan by the Internet Archive [2022]. Searchable PDF format [31,165 KB]
- [Book:] “The Governance of China, III”, by Xi Jinping, a collection of speeches, writings, interviews, etc., from October 18, 2017 to January 13, 2020, (Beijing: FLP, 2020), 718 pages. New, improved quality scan by the Internet Archive [2022]. Searchable PDF format [31,701 KB]
- [Book:] “The Governance of China, IV”, by Xi Jinping, a collection of speeches, writings, interviews, etc., from 2020 to 2022, (Beijing: FLP, 2022), 732 pages. Good quality scan by the Internet Archive [2022]. Searchable PDF format [31,832 KB]
- 2014:
- [Book:] “How to Deepen Reform Comprehensively”, by Xi Jinping, (Beijing: FLP, 2014), 206 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,923 KB]
- [Book:] “The Chinese Dream of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation”, by Xi Jinping, (Beijing: FLP, 2014), 118 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,234 KB]
- “A Bright Future for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”, by Xi Jinping, speech at a seminar commemorating the 110th anniversary of the birth of Deng Xiaoping, Aug. 20, 2014, 11 pages. [Also included in the collection “The Governance of China”, Vol. II, pp. 3-17.] Searchable PDF format [92 KB]
- 2015:
- [Book:] “Xi Jinping — Wit and Vision: Selected Quotations and Commentary”, Chief Editor: Chen Xixi, (Beijing: FLP, 2015), 302 pages. Searchable PDF format [Large file: 66,299 KB]
- 2017:
- [Book:] “Building Good Conduct and Political Integrity and Fighting Corruption”, by Xi Jinping, (Beijing: 2017), 186 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,180 KB]
- [Book:] “The Law-Based Governance of China”, by Xi Jinping, (Beijing: 2017), 148 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,216 KB]
- “Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era”, by Xi Jinping, speech delivered at the 19th Congress of the Communist Party of China, October 18, 2017, 66 pages. Searchable PDF format [447 KB]
Yao Wenyuan [Yao Wen-yuan] 姚文元 (1931-2005):
- See also the Yao Wenyuan section on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- Pre-Cultural Revolution Writings:
- “Disprove the ‘Communism Breeds Laziness’ Theory”, by Yao Wen-yuan, in Wen Hui Bao [“Literary Report”], a Shanghai daily newspaper, October 23, 1958, 4 pages. English: Searchable PDF format [47 KB]
- “On Mr. Chou Ku-ch’eng’s View of Contradiction”, by Yao Wen-yuan, (Peking: Renmin Ribao [People’s Daily], July 22, 1964), English translation, 14 pages. English: PDF format [932 KB]
- 1965-1969 (Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution period):
- “On the Historical Play ‘Dismissal of Hai Jui’”, by Yao Wenyuan, (Original in Chinese in Wen Huipao [Shanghai], then reprinted in People’s Daily, Nov. 30, 1965; English translation by the American Consulate in Hong Kong), 23 pages. This review is often considered the opening salvo of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China.
Available in HTML format on the MIA (see link above). Also available here as a PDF file prepared from that HTML page: Searchable PDF format [336 KB]
See also original Chinese version (中文): 《评新编历史剧》 23 pages Searchable PDF format [1.1 mb]- “On ‘Three-Family Village’ — The Reactionary Nature of Evening Chats at Yenshan and Notes from Three-Family Village” (May 10, 1966), 42 pages. From the pamphlet “The Great Socialist Cultural Revolution in China (1)”, listed in the China/MaoEra/GPCR section on PDF format [3,124 KB]
- “Commemorate Lu Hsun and Carry the Revolution Through to the End”, by Yao Wen-yuan, a speech on the 30th anniversary of the death of Lu Hsun, Oct. 19, 1966, 17 pages. [From the pamphlet “Commemorating Lu Hsun — Our Forerunner in the Cultural Revolution” (1967) available in its entirety in the China/MaoEra/GPCR section.] PDF format [907 KB]
- “Letter to Mao Zedong”, by Yao Wenyuan, October 11, 1967, (Original online version prepared by, 5 pages.
Available in HTML format on the MIA (see link above). Also available here as a PDF file prepared from that HTML page: Searchable PDF format [184 KB]- “On the Counter-Revolutionary Double-Dealer Chou Yang”, by Yao Wen-yuan. (Peking: FLP, 1967), 116 pages. PDF format [2,573 KB]
- “The Working Class Must Exercise Leadership in Everything”, from Hongqi, #2, 1968. (Peking: FLP, 1968), small pamphlet format, 16 pages. PDF format [744 KB]
- “Comments On Tao Chu’s Two Books” (1968), 44 pages. PDF format [2,013 KB]
- 1970s:
- “On the Social Basis of the Lin Piao Anti-Party Clique” (1975), 36 pages. PDF format [1,318 KB]
Zhang Chunqiao [Chang Chun-chiao] (1917-2005):
- Collections of Writings:
- 1950s:
- “Do Away With the Ideology of Bourgeois Right”, by Zhang Chunqiao, People’s Daily, Oct. 13, 1958, English translation, 6 pages. English: Searchable PDF format [134 KB]
- 1975:
- “张春桥主任1975年3月1日在全军各大单位政治部主任座谈会上的讲话 淮阳版,按“揭批查”版加注.pdf” [“Speech at the Symposium of Directors of Political Departments of Major Units”], by Zhang Chunqiao, March 1, 1975, 21 pages. Chinese: Searchable PDF format [384 KB]
Zhou Enlai [Chou En-lai] (1898-1976):
- Selected Works:
- [Book:] “Selected Works of Zhou Enlai”, Volume 1, (Beijing: FLP, 1981), 486 pages. Searchable PDF image format [Huge file: 90,382 KB]
- [Book:] “Selected Works of Zhou Enlai”, Volume 2, (Beijing: FLP, 1989), 558 pages. Searchable PDF image format [Enormous file: 109,562 KB]
- 1950:
- Four short notes from Minister of Foreign Affairs Chou En-lai to the U.N., regarding China’s rightful seat in the United Nations. These are included in the pamphlet “Complete and Consolidate the Victory” (Peking: FLP, May 1950), on pages 41-46. PDF format [2,365 KB]
- 1954:
- “Documents Concerning Premier Chou En-lai’s Visit to India and Burma”, 4 documents including speeches and joint statements by Zhou Enlai. A supplement to the magazine “People’s China”, 1954, #14, July 16, 1954, 8 pages. PDF format [892 KB]
- 1956:
- “Report on the Question of Intellectuals”, by Chou En-lai, Jan. 14, 1956, (Peking: FLP, 1956), 48 pages. PDF format [615 KB]
- “Political Report”, by Chou En-lai, delivered at the Second Session of the Second National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference on January 30, 1956. (Peking: FLP, 1956), 51 pages. PDF format [2,829 KB]
- “Report on the Proposals for the Second Five-Year Plan for Development of the National Economy”, by Chou En-lai, a speech delivered at the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China on September 16, 1956. This is the second part of a pamphlet which includes the “Proposals of the Eighth National Congress of the Communist Party of China for the Second Five-Year Plan for Development of the National Economy (1958-1962)” Chou’s speech only: Searchable PDF format [67 pages; 4,046 KB]; Full pamphlet: Searchable PDF format [110 pages; 5,970 KB]
- 1958:
- “Current Tasks of Reforming the Written Language”, by Chou En-lai, 23 pages. [This is from the 2nd edition (revised translation) of the pamphlet “Reform of the Chinese Written Language”, (Peking: FLP, 1965) Chou’s speech only: PDF format [3,374 KB]; Full Pamphlet: PDF format [3,374 KB]
- “Premier Chou En-lai’s Statement on the Situation in the Taiwan Straits Area”, September 6, 1958. Included in the pamphlet “Oppose U.S. Military Provocations in the Taiwan Straits Area — A Selection of Important Documents”, (Peking: FLP, 1958), 83 pages. (See pages 2-6.) PDF format [3,869 KB]
- “Premier Chou En-lai’s Speech at the Reception Given by Korean Ambassador Celebrating the National Day of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Excerpts)”, September 9, 1958. Included in the pamphlet “Oppose U.S. Military Provocations in the Taiwan Straits Area — A Selection of Important Documents”, (Peking: FLP, 1958), 83 pages. (See pages 22-23.) PDF format [3,869 KB]
- 1959:
- “Report on the Work of the Government”, by Chou En-lai, delivered at the Second National People’s Congress on April 18, 1959. (Peking: FLP, 1959), 80 pages. Searchable PDF format [18,575 KB]
- “A Great Decade”, by Chou En-lai, 1959. Summing up the achievements of the country in the decade since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. (Peking: FLP, 1959), 45 pages. PDF format [2,230 KB]
- 1962:
- “Memorandum of Conversation between First Vice Premier Hysni Kapo and Albanian Labor Party Politburo Member Ramiz Alia with PRC Premier Zhou Enlai [and others]”, June 27, 1962, 11 pages. (Wilson Center Digital Archive. Translated into English from the Albanian record.) Searchable PDF format [107 KB]
- 1966:
- “Memorandum of Conversation, between the Delegation of the People’s Republic of China, Led by Comrade Zhou Enlai, and the Leadership of the Party and Government of the People’s Republic of Albania [Excerpts]”, June 1966, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, Central State Archive, Tirana, 25 pages. (Wilson Center Digital Archive.) Translated into English from the Albanian notes taken of the meeting. Zhou explains to the Albanians what the newly developing Cultural Revolution in China is all about; tries to get them to agree that classes and class struggle continues in socialist society even after the economy is socialized; talks about foreign affairs, the situation in other socialist (or nominally socialist) countries, including Yugoslavia, Romania, the USSR, Vietnam, the DPRK (N. Korea), and Cuba; and begins a discussion on the evaluation of Stalin. Searchable PDF format [171 KB]
- 1968:
- “Premier Chou En-lai’s Speech at Rumania’s National Day Reception Given by the Rumanian Ambassador to China”, August 23, 1968, 9 pages. From the pamphlet “Total Bankruptcy of Soviet Modern Revisionism”, (Peking: FLP, 1968) Chou’s speech only, in PDF format [212 KB]; Complete pamphlet, in PDF format [92 pages, 2,259 KB]
- “Premier Chou En-lai’s Speech at Vietnam’s National Day Reception Given by the Vietnamese Ambassador to China”, September 2, 1968, 12 pages. From the pamphlet “Total Bankruptcy of Soviet Modern Revisionism”, (Peking: FLP, 1968) Chou’s speech only, in PDF format [301 KB]; Complete pamphlet, in PDF format [92 pages, 2,259 KB]
- 1969:
- “Premier Chou En-lai’s Speech at the Reception Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China”, September 30, 1969, 10 pages. From the pamphlet “Fight for the Further Consolidation of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat — In Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China”. (Peking: FLP, 1969) Chou’s speech only, in PDF format [258 KB]; Complete pamphlet, in PDF format [54 pages, 267 KB]
- Writings About Zhou Enlai:
- [Book:] “We Will Always Remember Premier Chou En-lai”, a collection of articles and photographs, (Peking: FLP, 1977), 220 pages. PDF format [6,327 KB]
- [Book:] “Zhou Enlai — Su adolescencia y juventud”, por Hu Hua, (Beijing: Ediciones en Lenguas Extranjeras, 1979), in Spanish, 137 pages. Searchable PDF format [19,731 KB]
Zhu De [Chu Teh] (1886-1976):
- Selected Works:
- 1945:
- “The Battle Front of the Liberated Areas”, by Chu Teh. This was the military report given on April 25, 1945 to the Seventh Congress of the CCP. This is the 3rd edition (with a revised translation) of the English pamphlet. (Peking: FLP, 1962), 89 pages. PDF format [4,431 KB]
- 1958:
- “Vice-Chairman Chu Teh’s Speech at the Reception Given by Vietnamese Ambassador Celebrating the National Day of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (Excerpts)”, September 2, 1958. Included in the pamphlet “Oppose U.S. Military Provocations in the Taiwan Straits Area — A Selection of Important Documents”, (Peking: FLP, 1958), 83 pages. (See page 21.) PDF format [3,869 KB]
- Writings About Zhu De:
- [Book:] “The Great Road: The Life and Times of Chu Teh”, by Agnes Smedley, (NY: MR Press, 1956), 492 pages. (Somewhat messy scan, with underlining, but quite legible.) Searchable PDF format [25,262 KB]
Alley, Rewi (1897-1987):
- 1950s:
- [Book:] “Yo Banfa!” [“We Have a Way!”], by Rewi Alley, (Shanghai: China Monthly Review, 1952), 230 pages. Searchable PDF format [Large file: 52,342 KB]
- [Book:] “The People Have Strength”, by Rewi Alley, a sequel to his earlier book “Yo Banfa!”, (Peking: September 1954), 310 pages. Searchable PDF format [14,305 KB]
Bethune, Norman (1890-1939):
- 1939:
- “The Wounds”, by Norman Bethune, 40 pages. (Guelph, Ontario: Alive Press, n.d.) Includes several short articles and speeches:
Searchable PDF format [2,067 KB]
- “Speech on Socialized Medicine (in Montreal)”
- “The Road From Malaga”
- “Wounds” [1939] This one item, which is a scathing critique of imperialist war, is also available in HTML format at:
- “In Memory of Norman Bethune”, by Mao Tsetung [Dec. 21, 1939]
- Writings About Norman Bethune:
- [Book:] “The Scalpel and the Sword: the Story of Dr. Norman Bethune”, by Ted Allan and Sydney Gordon, (Leipzig: Panther Books, 1956 (1952)), 400 pages. PDF format [15,096 KB]
Hinton, William (1919-2004):
Myrdal, Jan (1927- ):
- His writings on China and also on other topics are now available at:
Smedley, Agnes (1892-1950):
- Her writings on China and also on other topics are now available at:
Snow, Edgar (1905-1972):
- His extensive writings on China and also on other topics are now available at:
Strong, Anna Louise (1885-1970):
- Her extensive writings on China and also on other topics are now available at:
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