Restrictions of Freedom of Speech in Bangladesh
Most countries in the world, including Purba Bangla (or Bangladesh), even if they claim to be “democracies”, do not allow the freedoms of speech and of the press to be extended to revolutionaries and their organizations and sympathizers. Even where they do occasionally permit revolutionary ideas to be published, they find ways—economic or otherwise—to greatly restrict their distribution so that most of the masses never see or hear such ideas. There can be no true democracy or freedom where only the ideas acceptable to the exploiting ruling class are allowed to reach the people. For this reason we at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET will attempt to present such suppressed or partially suppressed documents here on this website.
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Communist Party Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Bangladesh
- Documents
- “The Relationship Between Semi-Colonialism and Semi-Feudalism”, joint document by the CPMLM Bangladesh and the CPMLM France, August 1, 2012, 8 pages (English), 10 pages (French). English: PDF (93 KB); English: MS Word (62 KB); French: PDF (97 KB); French: MS Word (68 KB)
- “Declaration and Program”, by the Central Committee, CP MLM Bangladesh, May 1, 2012, 15 pages. English: PDF (891 KB)
- Statements
- “Not Vote but People’s War! Bourgeois Politics Means Misery for People!”, by the CPMLM Bangladesh, Dec. 4, 2013, 2 pages. English: PDF (114 KB); English: MS Word (31 KB)
- “Maoist Mass Leader and Follower of Siraj Sikder Thought Comrade Abdul Motin Died”, by the CPMLM Bangladesh, Sept. 29, 2013, 2 pages. English: PDF (73 KB); English: MS Word (40 KB)
- “Political Islamism, a Fascist Ideology”, by the CPMLM Bangladesh, April 8, 2013, 3 pages. English: PDF (100 KB); English: MS Word (77 KB)
- “Call of CPMLM Bangladesh”, Feb. 9, 2013, 2 pages. English: PDF (95 KB); English: MS Word (49 KB); Bangla: PDF (116 KB); Bangla: MS Word (54 KB)
- “Open Letter of the CPML Bangladesh, CPMLM France and Workers Organization of Afghanistan to the International Communist Movement”, distributed on Feb. 2, 2013, 3 pages. English: PDF (109 KB); English: MS Word (386 KB)
- “We are deeply shocked at the death of hundreds of workers in Garment prison in Dhaka and at the death of many people being crushed by the over way in Chittagong. This is a war of exploiting classes against the masses. Transform tears into strength. Confront war by means of war.”, statement by the CPMLM Bangladesh, Nov. 28, 2012, 1 page. English: PDF (21 KB); English: MS Word (47 KB); Bangla: PDF (100 KB); Bangla: MS Word (49 KB)
- Works of Siraj Sikder
- “Thirteenth Communique of the 1st Central Committee”, by Siraj Sikder, December 1974, 12 pages. PDF format (119 KB)
- “Some Problems of Building an Armed Force Under the Leadership of the Political Party of the Proletariat of East Bengal”, by Siraj Sikder, April 30, 1974, 23 pages. PDF format (163 KB); MS Word (.docx) (71 KB)
- “Class Analysis of East Bengal Society”, by Siraj Sikder, first published in 1970, republished in corrected form in changed political situation in 1972, 10 pages. PDF format (166 KB); MS Word (.docx) (33 KB)
- “Oppose the Reactionary Theory of the Conspirators”, by Siraj Sikder, 1972, 4 pages. PDF format (159 KB); MS Word (60 KB)
- “Rebellion of Revolutionaries against Reactionary Leadership, or That of Reactionaries against Revolutionary Leadership?”, by Siraj Sikder, 1972, 6 pages. PDF format (148 KB); MS Word (52 KB)
- “Exposure of the draft strategy and program of the so called East Bengal Communist party (The party that is ‘left’ in form but right in essence)”, by Siraj Sikder, March 1970, rewritten in corrected form in April 1972, 5 pages. (From ) PDF format (181 KB); MS Word (43 KB)
- “Open Letter of the Proletarian Party of East Bengal to the Government of Bangladesh”, by Siraj Sikder, January 1972, 5 pages. PDF format (88 KB); MS Word (62 KB)
- “Six Mountains’ Lackeys Disguised as Patriot”, by Siraj Sikder, October 1971, 10 pages. PDF format (194 KB); MS Word (58 KB)
- “Draft Constitution of the Proletarian Party of East Bengal”, by Siraj Sikder, September 1971, 8 pages. PDF format (134 KB); MS Word (50 KB)
- “Cadres of East Bengal Workers Movement, Be Brave! Firmly seize political power! Annihilate national enemies! Build National Liberation Army! Implement program!”, by Siraj Sikder, April 23, 1971, 4 pages. PDF format (131 KB); MS Word (36 KB)
- “Open Letter of East Bengal Workers Movement to Sheikh Mujiv and Awami League”, by Siraj Sikder, March 2, 1971, 3 pages. PDF format (120 KB); MS Word (32 KB)
- “Establish Independent East Bengal”, by Siraj Sikder, January 8, 1971, 4 pages. PDF format (171 KB); MS Word (39 KB)
- “The difference of Marxist-Leninist-Mao Thought follower proletarian revolutionaries of East Bengal with Huq-Toha neo revisionists, Deben-Motin Trotskyte-Gueverist and the conspirator traitor Kaji-Rono clique on determining principal contradiction at the present stage of social development of East Bengal”, by Siraj Sikder, early 1970, 9 pages. (From ) PDF format (195 KB); MS Word (60 KB)
- “Theses of East Bengal Workers Movement”, by Siraj Sikder. First published on Jan. 8, 1968; re-editied and re-published on Dec. 1, 1968. 15 pages. PDF format (117 KB); MS Word (74 KB)
Communist Party of East Bengal (Maoist)
[We have no other information about this organization, or whether it is the same as the party above.]
- 2022:
- Leaflet on Comrade Charu Majumdar on his 50th Martyr’s Day, in Bengali, July 28, 2022, 1 page. Bengali: PDF (89 KB)
- Leaflet on Comrade Rakesh Kamal on his 14th Martyr’s Day, in Bengali, July 27, 2022, 1 page. Bengali: PDF (98 KB)
- Leaflet on Comrade Kamrul Master on his 16th Martyr’s Day, in Bengali, July 14, 2022, 1 page. Bengali: PDF (102 KB)
- Leaflet on Comrade Tapan Mahmud on his 14th Martyr’s Day, in Bengali, June 18, 2022, 1 page. Bengali: PDF (98 KB)
- Leaflet on Comrade Manirujjaman Tara on his 47th Martyr’s Day, in Bengali, May 22, 2022, 1 page. Bengali: PDF (100 KB)
- Leaflet for May Day 2022, in Bengali, 1 page. Bengali: PDF (280 KB)
- Leaflet relating to “Mofakhkhar”, in Bengali, 1 page. Bengali: PDF (80 KB)
- Leaflet on the 18th Martys Day of Mofakkhar Chowdhury, in Bengali, 2022, 1 page. Bengali: PDF (126 KB)
Proletarian Party of Purba Bangla (Maoist Unity Group) [PBSP (MUG)] (Bangladesh)
- Documents
- “Founding Declaration of the Proletarian Party of East Bengal [Maoist Unity Group]/Bangladesh”, January 2, 2004, in both Bangla (Bengali) and English, 7 pages. PDF format (260 KB); MS Word (157 KB)
- Statements
- “Let’s Face Climate Change!”, joint statement by the Communist Party MLM (France) and the PBSP(MUG) [Bangladesh], November 7, 2011, 2 pages.
PDF format (111 KB) MS Word (32 KB)- “Statement Condemning the Open Brutal Beheading Murder of 8 Bangladeshi Workers by the Reactionary Fascist Saudi Barbarian State. Hate the Saudi Barbarian Fascists! Resist them!”, issued by Shovon Rahman, PBSP (MUG), Oct. 9, 2011, 2 pages. PDF format (66 KB); MS Word (33 KB)
- “Statement on the 36th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Comrade Siraj Sikder”, signed by the Preparatory Committee for the new coordination committee of Maoist parties and organizations of South Asia, Jan. 2, 2011, 2 pages. [This preparatory committee is an initiative taken by the Proletarian party of East Bengal [PBSP MUG] (Bangladesh) and the Kangleipak Communist party (Manipur). It has a website at:] PDF format (62 KB); MS Word (30 KB)
- “Pave the Way for a new Coordination for the Maoist Parties and Organizations of South Asia”, joint statement by the Proletarian Party of East Bengal (Maoist Unity Group) Bangladesh and the Kangleipak Communist party (KCP) Manipur, circa Nov. 28, 2010, 2 pages. PDF format (60 KB); MS Word (30 KB)
- “Salute to the People’s Resistance in Rupganj aginst the Army”, statement by the Provisional Leading Group, PBSP (MUG), Oct. 24, 2010, 2 pages. PDF format (264 KB); MS Word (14 KB)
- “More than a Thousand Bangladeshi people have been killed by the Indian Border Security Force in the last ten years”, statement by Tarun of the PBSP (MUG), Sept. 23, 2010. PDF format (71 KB); MS Word (61 KB)
- “Statement of PBSP (MUG) Condemning the Murder of Com. Azad and Com. Hem Pandey by the Indian State”, Aug. 1, 2010. PDF format (58 KB); MS Word (27 KB)
- Lal Tara [Journal consisting primarily of recent statements and documents from the PBSP(MUG)]
- Lal Tara, #1 [Not available]
- Lal Tara, #2 — February 26, 2012:
- Complete issue in Bangla (Bengali) [PDF: 771 KB]
- Editorial and Contents Page in English: PDF format (77 KB); MS Word (34 KB)
- Anubad Sahityo Potro [International Document Publishing Journal of the PBSP(MUG)]
- Anubad Sahityo Potro, issue #10, Editorial, December, 2009: PDF format (82 KB); MS Word (60 KB)
- Anubad Sahityo Potro, issue #9, Editorial, Oct. 24, 2009: PDF format (66 KB); MS Word (32 KB)
- Anubad Sahityo Potro, issue #8, Editorial, Aug. 16, 2009: PDF format (248 KB); MS Word (14 KB)
- Anubad Sahityo Potro, issue #7, Editorial, Feb. 28, 2009: PDF format (206 KB); MS Word (18 KB)
- Anubad Sahityo Potro, issue #6, Editorial, July 5, 2006: PDF format (250 KB); MS Word (19 KB)
- Anubad Sahityo Potro, issue #5, Editorial, Feb. 1, 2005: PDF format (230 KB); MS Word (18 KB)
- Anubad Sahityo Potro, issue #4, Editorial, Dec. 28, 2004: PDF format (159 KB); MS Word (19 KB)
- Anubad Sahityo Potro, issue #3, Editorial, April 23, 2004: PDF format (255 KB); MS Word (18 KB)
- Anubad Sahityo Potro, issue #2, Editorial, March 8, 2004: PDF format (248 KB); MS Word (19 KB)
- Anubad Sahityo Potro, issue #1, Editorial, Feb. 10, 2004: PDF format (245 KB); MS Word (18 KB)
Proletarian Party of Purba Bangla [Bangladesh] — General Information and PBSP-CC
Proletarian Party of Purba Bangla [Bangladesh] — General Information and PBSP-CC
- “Announcement on the Successful Completion of Party’s 5th National Congress (Bangladesh)”, by the CC-PBSP, February 3 2025, 9 pages. English: PDF format [537 KB];
- “Eradicate Hasina-Awami-Indian fascism completely and utterly”, by the CC-PBSP, August 2024, 4 pages. [Received by September 2024.] English: PDF format [81 KB];
- “A Call to Struggling Students-Mass People”, July 2024, 3 pages. [Received by September 2024.] English: PDF format [116 KB];
- “The Great Crisis of the Imperialist World Order” and “On the Iniative for Building a New International Organization/Forum of Maoists”, by the International Department, Central Committee, PBSP, November 2022, 4 pages. [Received by February 2023.] English: PDF format [160 KB]; Bengali: PDF format [176 KB]
- “Ukraine is the victim of Russian-US aggression and their war-conspiracy”, by the CC-PBSP, March 3, 2022, 4 pages. [The Bengali version we received did not display in the proper font.] PDF format (205 KB); MS Word format (.docx) (29 KB)
- “Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Party and the Initiation of Maoist People’s War”, by the Central Committee, PBSP/Bangladesh. This was originally issued in March, 2021; this is the revised and expanded version issued by the C.C. in June 2021, 3 pages. [Received by February 2023.] English: PDF format [158 KB]
- P & PW - 50th Centenary, CC statement, 2021, 2 pages. Bengali: PDF format [166 KB]
- PBSP-CC Statement on G-14, 2021, 2 pages, in Bangla (Bengali). PDF format (148 KB)
- Election Statement, CC statement, January 2019, 8 pages. Bengali: PDF format [176 KB]
- Rohinga: 1-7, Sep. 2017, 1 page. Bengali: PDF format [71 KB]
- Rohinga: 2-28, Sep. 2017, 2 pages. Bengali: PDF format [158 KB]
- Fourth Congress: Political Report (2017), 72 pages. Bengali: PDF format [523 KB]
- Fourth Congress: Party Constitution (2017), 26 pages. Bengali: PDF format [173 KB]
- “Communiqué of the 4th National Congress of the PBSP”, by the Central Committee of the Purbo Banglar Sharbohara Party (PBSP/Bangladesh), Alamgir Hossain, Spokesperson, April 14, 2017, 4 pages in both Bengali and English. PDF format (205 KB); MS Word (.docx) format (22 KB)
- A. K. Sangkolon: First Part (June, 2014), 340 pages. Bengali: PDF format [2,329 KB]
- “A Brief History of Purbo Banglar Sharbohara Party”, unsigned, August 2013, 2 pages. PDF format (61 KB)
- New Thesis - New Makeup (2011), 188 pages. Bengali: PDF format [1,064 KB]
- “Letter to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Iran (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist)”, from the International Department, Central Committee, PGSP/CC, October 2005, 7 pages. This document seems to have originally been a private communication between parties and not meant for open publication. For that reason it uses a number of abbreviations, such as RIM (for Revolutionary Internationalist Movement), MPP (for Peruvian People’s Movement), Jefetura (for the unquestioned “Great Leadership” concept of Chairman Gonzalo of the CP of Peru), and so forth. The PBSP also apologized for its difficulties in properly translating the document into English. (This document was previously posted on the now inactive website in 2015.) PDF format (79 KB)
- “Make the 21st Century a Century of Establishing Communism Worldwide”, by Anwar Kabir, Secretary, Central Committee, PBSP/Bangladesh, September 2005, 5 pages. PDF format (76 KB)
- “The Experience of Practice of Maoism in Bangladesh and Problems of Defending & Developing Maoism”, by Anwar Kabir, Secretary, Central Committee, PBSP/Bangladesh, November 2004, 8 pages. PDF format (211 KB)
- “Situation of the Maoist Movement in Bangladesh”, by Pronab, PBSP (CC), 2004, 2 pages. Briefly describes the 6 or 7 organizations active at that time that viewed themselves as Maoist or supporting Mao. PDF format (94 KB)
- “PBSP Holds Third Congress Amidst Suppression”, by the Proletarian Party of Purba Bangla (PBSP), February 1992, 4 pages. [From the RIM magazine, A World to Win, #19, 1993.] PDF format (70 KB); MS Word (40 KB)
- “The Tinderbox of Purba Bangla”, by Amir Ali and Taheruddin Ahmed, August 1985, 17 pages. [From the RIM magazine, A World to Win, #5, 1986.] PDF format (124 KB); MS Word (88 KB)
Soho, Cultural Voice of the Proletarian Party of East Bengal (Purba Banglar Sarbahara Party, PBSP), in the Bengali language:
- Soho #5, November 2020, 100 pages. PDF format (704 KB)
Andolanpotrika Bulletin A revolutionary newspaper in the Bengali language, which has MLM as its theoretical guideline. Its website (also in Bengali) is at:
Publications of Other Organizations in Bangladesh
- "People's Democratic Students Unity Condemns the Killing of Comrade Ka Maria Committee Member of the Communist Party of the Philippines", a commemoration of Comrade Myrna "Ka Maria" Sularte of the CPP, published by the PDSU's Central Convening Committee in text and slideshow format. English text: PDF (1,900 KB) English slides: PDF (142 KB)
- "What and why is PDSU?", an introduction to People's Democratic Students Unity, a recent MLM student group in Bangladesh, founded on November 18, 2023. English: PDF (1,900 KB)
Other Documents of Interest in the Bengali Language
- Charu Mazumdar [or Majumdar] — Writings and Commentary About:
- "Antaranga Charu Mazumdar: A Biographic Sketch", compiled by Amit Roy, 2013 (?), 92 pages. Bengali: PDF (5,371 KB)