The Raging Flame of Naxalbari

Reports From The Battle Front of Midnapore-Bankura-Purulia


Publisher’s Note

Since the last month the crackdown on the CPI (ML) (PW) by the CPI (M) has been regularly hitting the headlines of the West Bengal dailies. It has created a sensation throughout the State, reviving memories of the early 1970s. There is much confusion regarding the facts, with the revisionists resorting to systematic disinformation.

Given the widespread interest in the issue throughout West Bengal, and other parts of the country, we felt it necessary to bring forth the facts about the new resurgence of the Naxalbari-type struggle in the State and the CPI (M)’s response to it. Particularly interesting would be the extent of repression unleashed by a party calling itself Marxist, against a Party mobilizing the masses on Marxist-Leninist-Maoist principles. The facts would be a revelation for all.

In order to bring the truth before the people we are publishing here a booklet of collected articles from People’s March and other magazines that bring out the details behind the Midnapore movement and the CPM sponsored police action against it. We hope for responses from the readers so that a debate is initiated as to who really stands for the science of Marxism, taken not merely from its theory, but its reflection in practice.

August 1, 2002.






1. CPI (M) Bares its Fascist Fangs                                                                  


2. Resist Repression--Intensify Struggle !!                                                  


3. People of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa Revive their Glorious Tradition of Militant Struggle !!


4. A Report of the field Study from Gorbeta !!

                            Prof. D. N. Vasishtha

5. Intensify Mass resistance to defeat the fascist attacks of CPM - BJP - TMC on the people of

    West Bengal !!


6. West Bengal Panchayat Elections: CPM’s Social Fascist Terror At Its Peak !!

                            P. K. Chaterjee

7. Panchayat Raj — Raj of the Bureaucrats Vs Raj of the people !!

                            Subrata Das





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