An Attack on India's Sovereignty
Publisher Note
Dynamics of Globalisation in India & the Comprador Bureaucrat Class
I. History of Foreign penetration in India
(i) Pre-Globalisation Period
(ii) Seeds of Globalisation
(iii) The Big Leap
II. Traitorous Policies of India’s Ruling-classes
(i) Congress(I) Initiation
(ii) The UF Capitulation
(iii) The BJP’s Outright Sell-Out
III. Globalisation = Huge Foreign Investments
(i) Foreign Direct Investment
(ii) Portfolio Investments
(iii) Foreign Debt Trap
IV. The Financial Attack
(i) TNC Take-over of Indian Industry
(ii) The Compradors, as Vehicles for Foreign Capital
(b) Reliance
(c) The Tatas
(d) The Birlas
(e) Other Comprador houses
(f) The NRIs
V. The Trade Syndrome
(i) Growth in Foreign Trade
(ii) Nature of Exports & Imports
(iii) The Trade Deficit & BoP
(iv) From Dunkel to Doha
(v) The New Slave Trade
VI. Rural Stagnation
(i) History
(ii) Globalisation and Agriculture
(iii) Impact of Globalisation on Rural Sector
(b) Low Agricultural Investment
(c) Dismantling of The PDS
(i) Back-door Entry
(ii) The Oil Rush
(iii) The Disinvestments Mania
VIII. State Govt.’s Entanglement
(i) Davos & GIM
(ii) Structural Adjustments at State Level
(iii) Dismantling of SEBs
IX. The Foreign Loot
X. Industrial Stagnation & Economic Retrogression
(i) Massive Unemployment
(ii) Threat to Small-scale Sector
(iii) The Home Market
(iv) Backwardness, Inevitable Product of Globalisation
(i) Law of the land sabotaged
(ii) The political Parties
(a) Saffron Combine’s Fake Swadeshi
(b) Revisionist CPI/CPM’s Sham Anti-imperialism
(iii) NGO Factor
XII. State Machinery Enmeshed in Imperialist Ties
(i) Growing US-India-Israel Military Axis
(ii) Growing internal security ‘co-operation’
(iii) Making India a link in the US Foreign-Policy Chain
(iv) India Expansionism
(v) The Growing Fascist State
XIII. Impact on the various Classes
(i) Workers
(ii) Peasants
(iii) Urban Middle-classes
(iv) National Bourgeoisie
XIV. Impact on Various Social Groups
(i) Women
(ii) Dalits
(iii) Tribals
(iv) Minorities
(v) Nationalities
XV. Social & Cultural Impact of Globalisation
(i) Poverty
(ii) Welfare Measures
(b) Education
(iii) The Rich & Powerful
(iv) Infusion of Imperialist and Feudal Culture
XVI. People for a Free India
(i) Peoples’ Demands
(ii) United Peoples’ Front
(iii) Attitude Towards various Parties
(iv) Economy of Self-reliance
(v) Politics of Seizure of Power
Imperialism And NGOs In Latin America
The World Bank & India
The Bank-India Relations [1944-1994]
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