Marxism-Leninism-Maoist Theory and Issues Page
Suppressed or difficult to find articles, books, discussions,
etc., on various political topics, issues and questions.
This section on BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET contains materials on various political topics which are not specifically related to some particular country, but which have nevertheless been suppressed, or are at least very difficult to find.
Among the many topics we hope to provide information on are: historical materialism, revolutionary strategy, revisionism and opportunism, the national question, the mass line and methods of work among the masses, and the various differences and disagreements which arise from time to time within revolutionary and mass movements.
If you know of other documents or items which should be made available here, contact us at:
Introductions to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism:
- [Book:] Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Basic Course, by the Communist Party of India (Maoist), (Utrecht: Christophe Kistler, 2016), 256 pages. [The publisher of this edition states that this book was originally published by the CPI(Maoist), but gives no publication information or date for the original edition.] English: Searchable PDF format [3,638 KB]; Spanish: Searchable PDF format [879 KB
- [Book:] Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Study Notes, prepared by Maoists in India, (India: New Vistas Publication, April 2002). HTML format
- [Book:] From Marx to Mao Tse-tung: A Study in Revolutionary Dialectics, by George Thomson, (London: China Policy Study Group, 1971), in searchable PDF format, 96 double pages, 9,790 KB. Though written over 40 years ago, this is still a fine introduction to revolutionary Marxism. It includes a great many quotations from Marx, Lenin, Mao and others, all arranged in a way to illustrate the overall coherence and unity of MLM theory.
- [Book:] Capitalism and After: The Rise and Fall of Commodity Production, by George Thomson, (London: China Policy Study Group, 1973), in PDF format, 162 pages, 11,007 KB. A continuation of the above volume, focusing here on the political economy of capitalism and socialism. Like the first volume, it includes many quotations from Marx, Lenin, Mao and others, all arranged in a way to illustrate the overall coherence and unity of MLM theory.
- [Book:] The Human Essence: The Sources of Science and Art, by George Thomson, (London: China Policy Study Group, 1974), in PDF format, 132 pages, 8,694 KB. The third and final volume of Thomson’s introduction to Marxism, which together “cover the political, historical and ideological aspects of the subject.” This volume, however, is based to a somewhat greater degree on Thomson’s own thinking and work.
- [Book:] The Science of Revolution: An Introduction, by Lenny Wolff, 254 pages. (Chicago: RCP Publications, 1983), PDF format, 8,281 KB.
Dictionaries of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism:
- Dictionary of Revolutionary Marxism, online at: This MLM dictionary is under slow but steady expansion and improvement.
General Guides to MLM Works:
- [Book:] Readers’ Guide to the Marxist Classics, prepared and edited by Maurice Cornforth, (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1952 [reprinted 1953]), 132 pages. PDF format [16,119 KB]
Writings of Marx & Engels:
- Marx-Engels Collected Works, (Moscow/London/New York), 50 volumes. These volumes are available at various places on the Internet, including The Left Side of the Road website at:
- Individual Works of Marx and Engels are also available on the web site at: and on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
- [Book:] Marx-Engels: Selected Works in One Volume, (Moscow: Progress, 7th printing 1986), very large book, 788 pages. Searchable PDF format [37,315 KB]
- [Books:] Marx-Engels: Selected Works in Three Volumes, (Moscow: Progress, 2nd printing 1973), large books.
Volume 1: Searchable PDF format [596 pages: 30,481 KB]
Volume 2: Searchable PDF format [502 pages: 25,652 KB]
Volume 3: Searchable PDF format [577 pages: 28,830 KB]- [Book:] Capital, Vol. 1, by Karl Marx. This is the original English edition translated by Moore and Aveling and edited by Engels. Searchable PDF format [549 pages: 3,385 KB]; Epub format [1,469 pages: 1,080 KB]
- [Book:] Capital, Vol. 2, by Karl Marx. Original English language edition. Searchable PDF format [319 pages: 2,361 KB]; Epub format [871 pages: 495 KB]
- [Book:] Capital, Vol. 3, by Karl Marx. Original English language edition. Searchable PDF format [645 pages: 3,732 KB]; Epub format [1,548 pages: 861 KB]
- [Books:] Theories of Surplus Value, [Volume IV of Capital], by Karl Marx, in three volumes, (Moscow: Progress, 1968-1971), Marx to Mao Digital Reprints.
Volume 1: Searchable PDF format [518 pages: 3,472 KB]
Volume 2: Searchable PDF format [678 pages: 3,092 KB]
Volume 3: Searchable PDF format [648 pages: 3,166 KB]
Complete in Epub format [1,548 pages: 861 KB]- [Books:] Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy (Rough Draft), by Karl Marx, written in 1857-1861, English translation by Martin Nicolaus, Marxist Internet Archive edition, 862 pages. Searchable PDF format [3,959 KB]
- [Book:] Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations, by Karl Marx, mostly being a section of the Grundrisse, circa 1857-1858 (as translated by Jack Cohen) and also of few letters by Marx, (NY: International, 1965), 158 pages. Searchable PDF format [13,343 KB]
- “Wage-Labour and Capital”, lecture by Marx, 1847, as edited by Engels in 1891. Searchable PDF format [25 pages: 222 KB]; Epub format [70 pages: 95 KB]
- “Value, Price and Profit”, lecture by Marx, 1865, MIA edition. Searchable PDF format [32 pages: 516 KB]; Epub format [99 pages: 111 KB]
- [Book:] The Poverty of Philosophy, by Karl Marx, a critique of the ideas of Proudhon, written by Marx in 1846-47, (London: Martin Lawrence, n.d. [1930s?]), 218 pages. Searchable PDF format [218 pages: 7,513 KB]
- “Critique of the Gotha Programme”, by Karl Marx, (Peking: FLP, 1972), 106 pages. Includes supplementary material, such as lettters by Engels. Searchable PDF format [106 pages: 2,822 KB]
[Reprint (Paris, 2021):] Searchable PDF format [88 pages: 2,507 KB]
[Commentary on this work from various perspectives:]
- “Marx’s ‘Critique of the Gotha Programme’”, by L. Vasina & Yu. Vasin, (Moscow: Progress, 1988), 108 pages. Searchable PDF format [1,191 KB]
- [Book:] Marx-Engels Correspondence, from the Marxist Internet Archive, 608 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,645 KB]
- [Book:] Marx-Engels: Selected Letters, (Peking: FLP, 1977), 148 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,151 KB]
Writings of Lenin:
- On we have a nearly complete collection of Lenin’s works in English (in PDF format) at:
- The Left Side of the Road website at also has a nearly complete collection.
- The web site prepared the best digital versions of Lenin’s Collected Works, which we have now also copied over to Their Lenin page is at:
- Individual Works of Lenin are also available, often in HTML format, on the Marxist Internet Archive at:
Writings of Mao:
- On we have a nearly complete collection of Mao’s works in English (mostly in PDF format) at:
- The Left Side of the Road website, also has a nearly complete collection of Mao’s works, at:
- The Marxist Internet Archive also has a large selection of Mao’s works (in both HTML and PDF format) at:
Writings of Other Important Marxists:
- Stalin:
- On we have Stalin’s Works and some individual writings, at:
- The Left Side of the Road website has most of the above writings by Stalin, plus others, and a very good selection of biographies of Stalin, at:
- Individual Works by Stalin are also available on the Marxist Internet Archive (usually in HTML format) at:
- Plekhanov:
- On we are starting to post works by Plekhanov at:
- Individual Works by Plekhanov are also available on the Marxist Internet Archive (usually in HTML format) at:
- Links for Others may be added later.
Writings of the Major MLM Creators — Collections on Specific Topics:
- [Book:] Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism: Seleced Writings by Marx, Engels, and Lenin, (NY: International, 1972), 370 pages. Searchable PDF format [12,749 KB]
- [Book:] Marx-Engels-Lenin — On Scientific Communism, (Moscow: Progress, 1967), 545 pages. Searchable PDF format [13,492 KB]
- [Book:] Marx-Engels-Lenin — On Communist Society, (Moscow: Progress, 1978), 170 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,193 KB]
- [Book:] On the Communist Press: Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tsetung, (Canadian Communist League (M-L): n.d.), 214 pages. Searchable PDF format [8,992 KB]
- [Book:] Marx-Engels-Lenin: On Historical Materialism — A Collection, (Moscow: Progress, 1972), 778 pages. Searchable PDF format [15,285 KB]
History of the World Revolutionary Movement:
- [Book:] Short History of the International Communist Movement: 1848-1917 This volume was originally published in Chinese in Shanghai in 1976. It was translated and published in German in 1977. It has also been translated into French, and from the French edition at least part of it has been translated into English.
- Kurze Geschichte der internationalen kommunistischen Bewegung: 1848-1917, (Verlag Rote Fahne, 1977), available in two parts:
Teil 1 [Chapters I-VII, to page 177: PDF, 22,580 KB]; Teil 2 [Chapters VIII-XII, pp. 178-324: PDF, 16,288 KB]- History of the International Communist Movement, 1848-1917, Vol. 1 — Origins and Development of Marxism, (Red Star Publishers: 2021), 162 pages. English: Searchable PDF format [13,165 KB]
- Marxist Study Courses: History of the Working Class [Prepared by the Communist Party of Great Britain in the early 1930s.]
- Lesson 1: The Great French Revolution [1931, 28 sheets, 52 pages + cover, PDF format, 3,341 KB]
- Lesson 2: The English Industrial Revolution and Chartism [1932, 26 sheets, 52 pages, PDF format, 13,936 KB]
- Lesson 3: The Revolution of 1848 in France and Germany [c. 1931, 26 sheets, 49 pages + cover, PDF format, 3,365 KB]
- Lesson 4: The First International and the Paris Commune [c. 1931, 25 sheets, 47 pages + cover, PDF format, 2,965 KB]
Revolutionary Strategy (People’s War, October Road, Capitalist Counter-Strategies, etc.):
The October Road:
- [Book:] Letters on Tactics: A Collection of Articles and Letters, by V. I. Lenin, (Moscow: Progress, 1970), 104 pages. [Note that Lenin used the word ‘tactics’ to include both of what we now call strategy and tactics. Also, the volume scanned has a small amount of underlining in it; our apologies!] [PDF format: 6,782 KB]
- [Book:] Strategy and Tactics of the Proletarian Revolution, International (1936), 95 pages. Consists of a series of brief extracts mostly from the works of Lenin, Stalin and from some reports of the Comintern. [PDF format: 1,349 KB]
- People’s War:
- [Book:] “Selected Military Writings of Mao Tse-tung”, individually available on the Marxist Internet Archive.
- [More to be added.]
- The ‘Universality of PPW’ and Urban Guerrilla Warfare:
- “Protracted People’s War is Not a Universal Strategy for Revolution”, by the Mass Proletariat organization (USA), Jan. 19, 2018, 55 pages. A thorough discussion of this important topic. Searchable PDF format [263 KB]; Also available on the MP website at:
- “The False Path of the W. European ‘Urban Guerrilla’”, by P. Becker. From the RIM magazine, A World to Win, #4 (1985).
- Focoism:
- “Understanding Che Guevara—42 Years After His Murder” by Mike Ely, originally in the Revolutionary Worker [RCP], #927, Oct. 12, 1997. Available separately online at:
- “Guevara, Debray and Armed Revisionism”, by Lenny Wolff, Revolution [RCP], #53, Winter/Spring 1985, 36 pages.
- Capitalist/Imperialist Counter-Revolutionary Strategies:
- [Book:] LIC is the Latest Counter-Insurgency Doctrine of the Imperialists! Defeat LIC through Protracted People’s War!!, by the Central Committee, Communist Party of India (Maoist), December 2008, 128 pages, in PDF book layout format, 395 KB. [About the capitalist-imperialist counter-revolutionary strategy against People’s War called “Low Intensity Conflict”.]
- “Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism: TKP/ML on Some Important Issues”, by the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist. This pamphlet from the summer of 1998 is comprised of the following three articles which discuss Maoist People’s War and contrast it to the counter-revolutionary strategy of ‘Low Intensity Warfare’ which the enemy uses to try to suppress People’s War.
- “Mao Zedong’s Theory of People’s War is the Military Strategy of the Proletariat and Oppressed Peoples of Semi-Colonies”, by the TKP/ML, Summer 1998, 13 pages. PDF format [1,127 KB]
- “The Strategy of ‘Low Intensity Warfare’ means blockade, embargo, force immigration, massacre, torture and exploitation! The People’s War Strategy means People’s Democratic Power!”, by the TKP/ML, Summer 1998, 16 pages. PDF format [217 KB]; MS Word [85 KB]
- “‘Low Intensity War’ is the strategy of counter-guerrilla and People’s War is the strategy of the proletariat”, by the TKP/ML, Summer 1998, 13 pages. This article is taken from the pamphlet “Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism: TKP/ML on Some Important Issues” (Summer 1998) which also includes the above two articles. PDF format [989 KB]
War and Peace:
- [Book:] Engels As a Military Critic, articles by Engels reprinted from the Volunteer Journal and the Manchester Guardian in the 1860s, ed. by W. H. Chaloner & W. O. Henderson, (Manchester Univ. Press, 1959), 174 pages. Searchable PDF format [16,207 KB]
- [Book:] Lenin on War and Peace, 2nd ed., (Peking: October 1960), excerpts and quotations, 84 pages. Issued as part of the great line struggle between Soviet revisionism and Maoist China. [PDF format: 19,213 KB]
- “On the Causes of World War I, 1900-1914”, by a long-time American Maoist, January 2018, 14 pages. Searchable PDF format [121 KB]
National Question:
- [Book:] Selections from V. I. Lenin and J. V. Stalin on the National and Colonial Question, (Calcutta: 1970), 244 pages. Searchable PDF format [12,871 KB]
Women’s Liberation:
- “Philosophical Trends in the Feminist Movement”, probably written by Anuradha Gandhi, published unsigned as part of a supplement to the Indian revolutionary magazine People’s March, Vol. 7, #3, March 2006. Anuradha Gandhi (1954-2008) was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). HTML format [171 KB]
Revolutionary Work Among the Masses:
- [Book:] V. I. Lenin: Party Work in the Masses, articles and speeches, including excerpts from his longer works, (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1969), 170 pages. This is a collection of some of Lenin’s important writings about how to carry out work among the masses, which every communist should be very familiar with. [Note: This book is available in searchable PDF image format. Because of the large size of the scanned book, each separate article has been made available as a separate file.]
- Cover Image [JPG: 242 KB]
- Photo of Lenin [HTML: 32 KB]
- Title and Contents Pages [114 KB]
- German translation of these Title and Contents pages, which provides references to the relevant sections of the German edition of Lenin’s works. [Thanks to K.S.] [11 KB]
- “The Urgent Tasks of Our Movement” [351 KB]
- “On the Tasks of the Social-Democratic Movement” [96 KB]
- “New Tasks and New Forces” [627 KB]
- “On Confounding Politics with Pedagogics” [210 KB]
- “Lessons of the Moscow Uprising” [500 KB]
- “The Attitude of the Bourgeois Parties and of the Workers’ Party to the Duma Elections” [308 KB]
- From “Draft Resolutions for the Fifth Congress of the R.S.D.L.P.” [140 KB]
- “The Assessment of the Present Situation” [829 KB]
- “On the Road” [554 KB]
- “Once More on Partyism and Non-Partyism” [155 KB]
- “On the Eve of the Elections to the Fourth Duma” [292 KB]
- “Congress of Peasants’ Deputies” [199 KB]
- From “Greetings to Italian, French and German Communists” [382 KB]
- From “‘Left-Wing’ Communism—An Infantile Disorder” [1,266 KB]
- “Theses on the Fundamental Tasks of the Second Congress of the Communist International” [1,125 KB]
- “Speech on the Role of the Communist Party at the Second Congress of the Communist International” [268 KB]
- “Report of the Commission on the National and Colonial Questions at the Second Congress of the Communist International” [366 KB]
- “Letter to the Austrian Communists” [165 KB]
- “Speech in Defence of the Tactics of the Communist International at the Third Congress of the Communist International” [698 KB]
- End Notes [619 KB]
- Name Index [307 KB]
Revisionism and Opportunism:
- [Book:] Lenin’s Fight Against Revisionism and Opportunism, compiled by Cheng Yen-shih, (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965), 275 pages. [Note: This book is available in searchable PDF image format. It is now available as a single large PDF file, but because of the large size of the scanned book, each chapter has also been made available as a separate file.]
- Entire Book in one large PDF file [11,999 KB]
- Cover Image [JPG: 237 KB]
- Title Page and Contents [259 KB]
- Chapter 1: Repudiating Economism and Bernsteinism [664 KB]
- Chapter 2: The Struggle for the Creation of a Revolutionary Proletarian Party of a New Type [502 KB]
- Chapter 3: The Fight Against the Opportunist Tactical Line in the 1905 Russian Revolution [638 KB]
- Chapter 4: The Struggle at the Stuttgart Congress [442 KB]
- Chapter 5: The Theoretical Struggle Against the Revisionists During the Ebb Tide of the Revolution [504 KB]
- Chapter 6: The Struggles Against the Liquidators, the Otzovists and Trotsky [396 KB]
- Chapter 7: The Copenhagen and Basle Congresses [353 KB]
- Chapter 8: The Struggle Against Social-Chauvinism [369 KB]
- Chapter 9: Exposing and Refuting Kautskyism [558 KB]
- Chapter 10: The Struggle Against Social-Pacifism [294 KB]
- Chapter 11: The Struggle Against Opportunism on the National Question and the National and Colonial Question [541 KB]
- Chapter 12: Uniting the Left and Holding Aloft the Banner of Proletarian Internationalism [441 KB]
- Chapter 13: The Struggle for the Great October Socialist Revolution [800 KB]
- Chapter 14: The Effort Which was Made Through Struggle to Achieve Peace and Peaceful Co-Existence [631 KB]
- Chapter 15: Upholding the Dictatorship of the Proletariat and Class Struggle During the Period of Transition [760 KB]
- Chapter 16: The Establishment and Consolidation of the Third International on the Basis of the Surging Revolutionary Movement [551 KB]
- Chapter 17: Criticism of the “Left-Wing” Infantile Disorder in the Communist Movement [939 KB]
- Chapter 18: The Period of Transition to the New Economic Policy; the Struggle Against the Opportunist Factions of Trotsky, Bukharin and Others [466 KB]
- Chapter 19: Resolute Support for the Proletarian Revolution and the National-Liberation Movements Throughout the World [595 KB]
- Conclusion [276 KB]
- Bibliography: Lenin’s Principal Writings Against Revisionism and Opportunism [239 KB]
- German translation of this Bibliography [Thanks to K.S.!] [18 KB]
- Index [532 KB]
Revisionist Political Texts (For Reference):
- [Book:] Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism: Manual, (Moscow: FLPH, first edition, first printing n.d. [but was probably issued in 1961 as was the second printing]), 900 pages. Digital scan by the Internet Archive, 2019. Although this first edition appeared in what was already the beginning of the revisionist era, much of the writing probably occurred near the end of the socialist period and still reflected the ideas of the socialist epoch. There had not yet been time to revise most of the philosophical, economic and political views in the newly developing revisionist direction. For this reason this first edition is much better than the second edition below. The most obvious changes from views in the socialist past are the criticisms and attacks on Stalin. (This copy has some underlining; our apologies.) Searchable PDF format [34,434 KB]
Revised Second Edition, (Moscow: FLPH, 1963), 638 pages. From the Preface: “The present, second edition, while preserving the structure and main content of the first edition, has been enriched by the valuable new ideas of the most outstanding work of modern Marxist-Leninist thought—the Programme of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union—and by the basic propositions of the other documents of the Twenty-Second Congress of the C.P.S.U. Account has also been taken of the very important conclusions and appraisals of the Meeting of Representatives of Communist and Workers’ Parties held in 1960.” Searchable PDF format [4,415 KB]- [Book:] A Dictionary of Scientific Communism, (Moscow: Progress, 1984), 285 pages. Searchable PDF format [29,960 KB]
- [Book:] Scientific Communism, ed. by P. N. Fedoseyev, (Moscow: Progress, 1986 [translation of original 1983 Russian ed.]), 424 pages. Searchable PDF format [34,373 KB]
- [Book:] Trotskyism: Counter-Revolution in Disguise, by M. J. Olgin, 1935, 166 pages. Searchable PDF format [7,382 KB]; Epub format [1,581 KB]
- [Book:] Against Trotskyism: The Struggle of Lenin and the CPSU Against Trotskyism: A Collection of Documents, by the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the Central Committee of the CPSU, (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1972), 271 pages. Searchable PDF format [2,903 KB]
The State and Class Dictatorships:
- The State and the Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie
- [Book:] Engels’s “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State”, by I. L. Andreyev, (Moscow: 1985), 164 pages. This is a book about Engels’s book which provides background information and commentary about more recent findings in anthropology. Of course it should be kept in mind that this book was published in the revisionist, state-capitalist Soviet Union, but we feel it may still be useful. Searchable PDF format [6,020 KB]
- Dictatorship of the Proletariat
- [Book:] The Dictatorship of the Proletariat, articles and extracts from the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, compiled and arranged by V. Bystryansky and M. Mishin, “Readings in Leninism” series, (NY: International, 1936), 132 pages. Searchable PDF format [4,905 KB]
- “Marx, Engels and Lenin: On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat”, a collection of quotations, (Peking: FLP, 1975), 52 page pamphlet. (With some underlining; our apologies.) Searchable PDF format [1,060 KB]
This collection also appeared in Peking Review on Feb. 28, 1975. It is available in HTML format from that source at: and the entire issue is available in PDF format at: Economy (Economics):
- Dictionaries and Other General Works: Separate Page
- The Political Economy of Capitalism: Separate Page
- The Political Economy of Socialism and Communism: Separate Page
Dialectical Materialism (Marxist Philosophy): Separate Page
Other Topics:
- [To be added]