A WORLD TO WIN    #23   (1998)



Workers of All Countries, Unite!

An AWTW editorial leads off a section on the international communist movement (ICM) by reaffirming what unites the workers of the world and showing the need for an "International of a new type". It rejects views that would deprive the ICM of an organized centre, or that objectively promote unity against Maoism. (For cover photo captions see p. 74)


Thirty years ago the armed revolt of peasants in the area of Naxalbari ushered in a new chapter for the struggle of the masses in India. Led by Charu Mazumdar and other communist revolutionaries, the Naxalbari struggle constituted a dramatic break that transformed the political landscape in India.

People's Wars

People's Wars are simmering in Peru and Nepal. The Nepal People's War, in its second year, is sinking roots and spreading to new areas, amidst calls from reactionaries to bring in the army. In Peru, the PCP is proving its ability to maintain the 18-year-old War, despite the losses inflicted on its leadership and attacks on its line. Both show the power of Maoism, and are bright new bases for world revolution.

Workers of All Countries, Unite!

From One Corner of the World to the Other:Raise Funds for RIM!

Readers Write

On the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Soviet Union)

CP of Philippines:   Putting Mao at the Heart of Party Life

For Your Reference:Proposals for the Unification of the ICM


Naxalbari Zindabad! means "It's Right to Rebel"

India Maoists on Naxalbari

Maoist Unity Centre CPI(ML)

Maoist Communist Centre 

CPI(ML) People's War

Charu Mazumdar: From the Pioneer of Maoism in India [PDF file: 694 KB]


People's War Perseveres, Regime in Crisis [Large PDF file: 1,200 KB]

PCP DocumentOvercome The Bend In The Road by Developing the People's War!

MRTA: A Massacre Carried Out On Washington's Orders [PDF: 136 KB]


The People's War Is Sinking Roots

CPN(M) Document Strategy and Tactics of Armed Struggle in Nepal

RIM Committee

On the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Foundation of the TKP ML

Let Red May Day 1997 Thunder Around the World!