Conversion of Parliamentarism to

Social Fascism:

An Indian Experience


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Degenerated Stand of CPM on Nationalities

The Political Resolution of the 8th Party Congress of the CPI(M) only casually mentioned the nationalist aspirations of the "border nationalities and tribal people" requiring "a just and democratic solution" keeping mum over the very question of the right to self-determination of nationalities.64 The 11th Congress of the CPI(M) charged the missionaries working in the "Adivasi areas" propagating separation, particularly in the North-East region of India.65 So also perturbed by the concern for national unity the 12th Party Congress of the CPI(M) expressed its chauvinistic bias stating that "The entire north-eastern region is full of discontent, insurgency and secessionist challenges" and lamented that the backwardness of the region was being fanned by "Reactionaries, Christian missions and foreign agencies."66

How reactionary anti-nationality bias and communalistic trend are buttressed by the revisionist CPM and CPI, rejecting the aspirations of the nationalities to determine their own fate and branding all leadership of those nationalitists as mere tools in the hands of imperialism or reactionaries, is pure and simple worship of the powerful Indian state imposing its class rule of oppression and exploitation on those nationalities. This refrain of fighting against the "divisive and separatist forces" is heard in all the later party Congresses in order to strengthen the role of the Indian state machinery.

The CPI(M) dismissed the independent aspirations of the Kashmiri people to determine their own fate and has consistenly remained silent or ambiguous like all present and past central governments. The parliamentary revisionists ignore the massive blood-shed of the Kashmiri people for the right of self-determination, the enormous presence of the military over years, the "disappearance" of 3,734 Kashmiris67 since 2000, the manufactured story by the BJP Government about the large-scale massacre of peace-loving Sikhs in Kasmir during the U.S President Clinton’s visit to India and such brutalities perpetrated on the Kashmiris.

Both the BJP and the CPI(M) prefer only to see the subversive acts of Pakistan and fall in line to rope in by any means, the Kashmiri people in the mainstream of parliamentary politics abandoning their aspirations for freedom from India or Pakistan. A sham election was foisted on the Kashmiri people in Sepetember 1996 and the CPI(M) hailed it as an "important stage in the struggle against the secessionist forces backed by Pakistan." This particular election held literally against the aspirations of decision from democratic minded people and media was glorified in the same CPI(M) Party Congress document shamelessly singing the Congress-BJP tune: "The initiative taken to hold the elections at the appropriate time with about 50 percent of the voters participating, was an achievement of the United Front government."68 Even most of the media people confirmed that only a miniscule percentage of people really cast their votes.

CPM documents also confirm the failure of the ‘Left Front’ to implement the Government stipulated wages. Then where has gone all the euphoria about providing "relief" to the common people through such CPM led government ? Is there any basic difference between the performance of such government and the governments run by the Congress(I) or the BJP in other states ? One can not afford to ignore the thorny and bitter reality.

Both the CPM and the CPI, like all reactionary parties, simply ignore to listen to the voice of the Kashmiris. Nor do they believe that all Kashmiris are not Islamic fundamentalists inviting Pakistan as saviour. It is the extreme brutality on the people, which makes room for negative forces to divert any movement in the absence of a sufficiently powerful revolutionary party. But what the revisionists are at is to derail the Kashmiri people’s growing aspirations for freedom in order to force them to rest satisfied with autonomy "within the framework of the Indian Union."69 Not being satisfied with this prescription the 16th Party Congress provided a lot of satisfaction and elation to the Indian ruling classes by dishing out the policy of inciting the Indian people against the Kashmiri fighters. It gave the inflammatory call: "There has to be a massive campaign in Kashmir and the rest of the country to explain how the extremist activities have disrupted the economic and social life in the valley and to rally the people for the defence of secularism and national unity."70

This is the culmination of parliamentary revisionism in India, which has long officially abandoned the policy of propagating the need for armed revolution in India and the solution to nationality problems as per people’s demands in the Leninist way. The present revisionist call for national unity reminds us of the CPI CC led by the die-hand revisionist leader P.C. Joshi’s line in the British colonial period with surging waves of people’s struggle. It rejected the minority trend in the CPI which relied on armed struggle Joshi argued, "on the elemental upsurge", a "narrow strategy, of class Vs class and Left Vs Right instead of the correct strategy of national unity Vs national disruption."71 While emphatically dismissing that trend the then CPI CC did not, however, shirk its duty like the present CPI and the CPI(M) to appease the discontented activists by voicing against the tendency towards imminent electoral politics.


64. People’s Democracy, October 27, 1968, p. 18.

65. Documents of the Eleventh Congress of the CPI(M), Vijayawada, January 26-31, 1982 p. 53.

66. Political Resolution of the Twelfth Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), December 25-30, 1985, pp. 45-49.

67. Hindustan Times, April 24, 2003

68. Communist Party of India (Marxist), Draft Political Resolution, 16th Party Congress, Calcutta, October 5-11, 1998, p. 26

69. Ibid . p. 27.

70. CPI(M), Political Organisational Report, Adopted By 16th Congress of CPI(M), 5-11 October 1998, Calcutta, p. 34.

71. The New situation And Our Tasks, Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPI (passed by session of the Central Committee on 16.12.’45), CPI Publication, 1945, pp 3-4.


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