Contents Previous Chapter
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The Birth of Marxism
Early Life of Marx and Engels
The Hegelian Left
Contact with Socialist and Revolutionary
Study of Political Economy
Discovery of the Materialist Conception
of History
Elaboration of Basic Principles of
Revolutionary Activity
The Communist Manifesto
Early Life of Marx and Engels
Karl Marx was
born May 5th , 1818, in the city of Trier (Rhenish Prussia). His father
was a lawyer, a Jew, who in 1824 adopted Protestantism. The family was
well-to-do, cultured, but not revolutionary. Marx entered university, at
Bonn in 1835 and later at Berlin in1836, where he first took up law, but
soon devoted most of his attention to history and philosophy. He
completed his doctorate in 1841. In Berlin he belonged to the circle of
"Left Hegelians" who sought to draw atheistic and revolutionary
conclusions from Hegel’s philosophy. Soon after leaving university, Marx
plunged directly into the turbulent political life of that period. His
very first article, written against the Prussian press censorship,
resulted in the confiscation of the issue of the German Yearbook
in which it was published. He however continued to write for Left
Hegelian journals. In 1842, Marx was appointed as chief editor of a
radical democratic newspaper in Cologne, the Rheinische Zeitung. However
his revolutionary writings were too much for the censor and he was soon
forced to leave this post. During this time, apart from articles on the
freedom of the Press, he wrote analyses of the debates in the provincial
assembly, in which for the first time he devoted his attention to
economic questions and the standard of living of the deprived classes.
Adopting a radical democratic standpoint, he denounced the
pseudo-liberalism of the Prussian government and stood up for the
oppressed peasantry. In 1843 he moved to Paris where he became the joint
editor of a journal, The German-French Yearbooks. In Paris he was
in close contact with various revolutionary groups. It was here that he
developed the foundations of Marxist theory which he to some extent
generalised in the only issue of his journal that came out in February
Engels was born on September 28th 1820, in Barmen, Rhenish Prussia. His
father was a manufacturer. In 1838 Engels, without having completed his
school studies, was forced by family circumstances to enter a commercial
firm in Bremen as a clerk. Commercial affairs did not prevent Engels
from pursuing his scientific and political education. He had come to
hate autocracy and the tyranny of bureaucracy while still at school. As
a result of practical contact with trade and industry he soon became
interested in social questions. The study of philosophy led him further.
In the course of private study he imbibed liberal-democratic ideas and
was attracted to Left Hegelian radicalism. His first press articles
written in1839 attacked German bigotry and the hypocrisy of
petty-bourgeois pietism. He also described industrial conditions and the
oppression and poverty of the workers. In 1842, he moved to Manchester,
then the centre of British industry, where he entered the service of a
commercial firm of which his father was a shareholder. He spent much
time observing the conditions of the British working class and studying
political economy and socialism. It is here that he contacted the
Chartist and Owenite movements and became a revolutionary. He wrote for
various journals including the Chartist Northern Star, and
participated extensively in the activities of the various revolutionary
groups of that time. The same issue of The German-French Yearbooks
which contained Marx’s first preliminary exposition of the materialist
conception of history also contained Engel’s essay entitled ‘Outline of
a Critique of Political Economy’. Though he was corresponding with Marx
earlier too, it was during a visit to meet Marx in Paris in the summer
of 1844, that they found complete agreement in all theoretical fields.
This marked the beginning of the fruitful partnership of these two
magnificent fighters for and with the working class.
As can be
seen from the above, the early intellectual and practical experiences of
Marx and Engels equipped them considerably to absorb all that was best
in European society at their time. Besides their grounding in classical
German philosophy, they were within a short span exposed to and
participated in the development of revolutionary theory and practice in
the two main centres of France and England. Further, the period was one
of the greatest revolutionary ferment throughout Europe — a period when
both the bourgeoisie and proletariat often expected revolution to break
out. In order to trace how Marx and Engels established Marxism in these
conditions let us begin at their starting point - the Left Hegelian
The Hegelian Left
immediately after the death of Hegel in 1831, some of his radically
minded interpreters took up the task of breaking free from the political
conservatism of the founder. To them it seemed evident that a philosophy
which proclaimed the principle of universal negativism, treating each
successive phase of history as the basis of its own destruction, could
not consistently tolerate the endorsement of a particular historical
situation, or recognise any kind of state, religion, or philosophy as
irrefutable and final. This led by degrees to an attitude of radical
criticism in politics, certain forms of which supplied the philosophical
basis of communism.
This Left
Hegelian or Young Hegelian movement was the philosophical expression of
the republican, bourgeois-democratic opposition which criticised the
feudal order of the Prussian state. Prussia’s western provinces, the
Rhineland and Westphalia, had been under French rule for the most part
of two decades and had benefited from the Napoleonic reforms - abolition
of feudal estates and privileges, and equality before the law. They were
also the centre of early modern industrial centres like Cologne. After
their annexation to Prussia in 1815 they were a natural centre of
repeated conflict with the monarchical system. Both Marx and Engels
being natives of the Rhineland they were naturally imbued from a young
age with this spirit of anti-feudal radical opposition.
opposition in the field of literature was led from the late thirties by
a group of Hegelian radicals mainly centred in Berlin with whom Marx
came into contact at the time when he was beginning to formulate his own
ideas. One of the prominent figures with whom Marx collaborated was
Bruno Bauer (1809-82), a former Protestant theologian, who wrote
numerous anti-Christian pieces from a Left Hegelian atheistic viewpoint.
While being a part of the Left Hegelian group Marx at this early stage
itself had a differing viewpoint in his emphasis on the philosophy of
praxis (of linking with the practical world). This emphasis appeared in
his doctoral thesis of 1841.
At the same
time in 1841 appeared two books which helped Marx in freeing himself
from the boundaries of Left Hegelian thought. The first was The
European Triarchy by Moses Hess (1812-75) who had composed a
communist philosophy on the basis of a combination of French socialist
and Left Hegelian ideas. In this book Hess attempted to strip
Hegelianism of its contemplative backward looking tendencies and
transform it into a philosophy of action. Hess from 1841 became Marx’s
friend and collaborator and many of his ideas helped to form Marx’s
conception of scientific socialism. The other influential work of 1841
was The Essence of Christianity by Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-72)
which presented a materialistic critique of religion expressed in
Hegelian language. This and other works of Feuerbach played an important
role in converting many Left Hegelians including Marx and Engels to
transformation thus coincided with a process of radicalisation and then
break-up of the Hegelian Left. The radicalisation of Left Hegelian
philosophy led to them raising anti-feudal demands like the abolition of
privileged estates, public office open to all, freedom of speech and
property - in short, a bourgeois egalitarian state. This brought upon
them the repression of the Prussian state. At the same time as the
censor’s attacks on Marx’s Cologne newspaper, the authorities in1843
also suppressed an important Left Hegelian philosophical journal The
German Yearbooks edited by Arnold Ruge. It was this journal that was
attempted to be revived in Paris under the name of The German-French
Yearbooks under the joint editorship of Marx, Ruge and Hess. The
process of the break-up of the Left Hegelian group had however already
begun and differences between Marx and Ruge led to the journal’s closure
after one issue came out in February 1844.
Contact with Socialist and Revolutionary Thought
From the time
of leaving university in 1841 the key role in Marx’s development was
played by a deep involvement in revolutionary practice. During the
period of his activity in Germany among bourgeois radicals itself Marx
acquired some acquaintance with French socialist thought. However it was
only after his shift to Paris that he got the opportunity to get deeply
involved with both the French revolutionary and socialist-communist
groups as well as the German emigrant communist organisations. Though he
did not adopt any of the various socialist doctrines, Marx’s study and
interaction with the socialists helped to form his initial views
regarding scientific socialism and the revolutionary role of the
At the same
time Engels was going through the process of becoming a revolutionary in
the main centre of the working class, England. He developed through
interaction and participation in activity with the revolutionary
Chartists and the reformist Owenites, observation of the conditions of
the British working class and a study of political economy and
Study of Political Economy
The initial
work in this respect was done by Engels who being in England was first
exposed to the works of the great English classical economists. This
study was reflected in his essay on political economy published in
February 1844. He argued that the contradictions of capitalist economy
could not be resolved on the basis of that economy; that periodical
crises of overproduction were the inevitable consequence of free
competition, etc. Private property led necessarily to antagonism between
classes and an incurable conflict between private and public interests;
it was also bound up with anarchy in production and the resultant
crises. The abolition of private property was the only way to save
humanity from crises, want, and exploitation. Planned production would
do away with social inequality and the absurd situation in which poverty
was caused by an excess of goods.
This was
followed up by Marx who spent much of 1844 in Paris in studying the
fathers of political economy like Adam Smith, Ricardo, Say, James Mill,
Quesnay, as well the German philosophers and socialist writers. He was
attempting a critique of political economy in which he attempted to
provide a general philosophical analysis of basic concepts: capital,
rent, labour, property, money, commodities, needs, and wages. This work
which remained unfinished was published for the first time in 1932 as
the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. In it he
tried to present socialism as a general world-view and not merely a
programme of social reform, and to relate economic categories to a
philosophical interpretation of man’s position in nature.
Discovery of the Materialist Conception of History
It was during
this period that the historical meeting between Marx and Engels took
place in Paris in August-September 1844. Though they had exchanged ideas
through correspondence the meeting helped to established a oneness of
views and the beginning of a forty years’ collaboration in revolutionary
This was also
the period when Marx made the first of his most important discoveries,
which revolutionised the whole conception of world history. Engels
describes the process in the following words, "While I was in
Manchester, it was tangibly brought home to me that the economic facts,
which have so far played no role or only a contemptible one in the
writing of history, are, at least in the modern world, a decisive
historical force; that they form the basis of the origination of the
present-day class antagonisms; that these class antagonisms, in the
countries where they have become fully developed, thanks to large-scale
industry, hence especially in England, are in their turn the basis of
the formation of political parties and of party struggles, and thus of
all political history. Marx had not only arrived at the same view, but
had already, in the German-French Yearbooks (1844), generalised it to
the effect that, speaking generally, it is not the state which
conditions and regulates civil society, but civil society which
conditions and regulates the state, and, consequently, that policy and
its history are to be explained from the economic relations and their
development, and not vice versa. ....When, in the spring of 1845, we met
again in Brussels, Marx had already fully developed his materialist
theory of history in its main features from the above-mentioned basis
and we now applied ourselves to the detailed elaboration of the
newly-won mode of outlook in the most varied directions." (Engels, On
the History of the Communist League, Marx-Engels, Selected Works, p.
Thus the
discovery of the materialist conception of history in a sense laid the
basis. Drawing from the sources of German classical philosophy, English
classical political economy, and French revolutionary and socialist
doctrines, the basic foundation of Marxism had been laid. Standing on
this foundation it was now possible to elaborate the component parts of
the world outlook of the modern proletariat.
Elaboration of Basic Principles of Marxism
This was the
task that Marx and Engels devoted a large part of their energies in the
immediate following years. While taking an active part in intense
revolutionary activity they worked out the theory and tactics of
revolutionary proletarian socialism or communism. The basic principles
in all three component parts of Marxism — philosophy, political economy,
and scientific socialism — were laid out in the course of intensive
study and a battle against wrong trends in all these spheres.
In the sphere
of philosophy, they in 1844, in a joint book, written mainly by Marx,
(The Holy Family, or a Critique of Critical Criticism), launched a
severe attack on the contemplative idealism of Bruno Bauer of the Left
Hegelian circle, which Marx and Engels were earlier a part of. It is an
important document signalling Marx’s final break with Left Hegelian
radicalism: for its proclamation of communism as the ideology of the
working class movement is not presented as a supplement to the critique
of Left Hegelianism, but as something opposed to it.
In 1845-46,
Marx and Engels "resolved to work out in common the opposition of
[their] view to the ideological view of German philosophy, in fact, to
settle accounts with [their] erstwhile philosophical conscience."
This resulted in a two volume work, The German Ideology, which
first shaped the materialistic conception of history as the
philosophical basis for the theory of scientific communism. It was
primarily an attack on Feuerbach, Max Stirner (a Left Hegelian who stood
for the absolute sovereignty of the Ego), and German ‘true socialism’.
It was published, however, only after the October Revolution. And
according to Engels, the exposition in this work proved "only how
incomplete [their] knowledge of economic history still was at that time".
Yet it served at that time the very important purpose of
self-clarification of these two great working class teachers.
Another short
document written by Marx at that time (1845), and only published after
his death, served a similar purpose. It was his eleven Theses on
Feuerbach, which according to Engels, was "invaluable as the first
document in which is deposited the brilliant germ of the new world
outlook." 6 It briefly and
sharply pointed out the principal defect of Feurbach’s and other
materialism, as its contemplative nature and its failure to understand
that man’s activity is revolutionary. In fact one common string running
through Marx and Engels’ philosophical writings of this period was that
they demanded of the philosopher, not contemplation, but a struggle for
a better order of society. This was best expressed in Marx’s oft quoted
eleventh thesis on Feuerbach, "The philosophers have only interpreted
the world, in various ways; the point, however, is to change it."
In the sphere
of political economy, Engels, in February 1844 itself, brought out his
Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy. The next year he
published The Condition of the Working Class in England, where he
became the first one to proclaim that the proletariat was not only a
suffering class, but a fighting class which would help itself; and that
socialism would become a force only when it became the aim of the
political struggle of the working class. After his contact with Engels,
Marx too decided to study political economy which resulted in the
already mentioned unfinished Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of
1844. And in 1847 he gave a series of lectures to workers in
Brussels, which was later published as a pamphlet, ‘Wage-Labour and
Capital’. This gave a popular outline of the economic relations forming
the material basis for the class struggle in capitalist society.
it was
however in the sphere of socialist theory and practice, that Marx and
Engels, in this period, put in the most intense efforts. While
participating energetically in the activities of the secret
revolutionary groups, they made all efforts to win over the maximum
possible forces to the side of proletarian revolutionary socialism. To
do this they had to fight the numerous reactionary and petty bourgeois
trends which were confusing and misleading the genuine elements in these
organisations. Thus the second volume of their earlier mentioned work,
The German Ideology, was an exposure of the reactionary, petty
bourgeois, German ‘True’ socialism. However, the more major battle was
against Proudhon’s bourgeois socialism which was very influential among
the French socialists and revolutionaries at that time. In 1846,
Proudhon published his most important work, The Philosophy of Poverty,
which as Marx himself said, "produced a great sensation." Marx replied
in a sharp polemic which tore to shreds the Proudhonist system. He
called his reply The Poverty of Philosophy. He criticised
Proudhon’s ignorance of economics, misuse of Hegelian concepts,
moralistic conception of socialism, and a reactionary petty-bourgeois
Utopia. This marked the beginning of a 20 year long battle with Proudhon
and Proudhonists who continued to maintain a strong presence within the
international socialist workers movement.
Revolutionary Activity
All the above
theoretical work was done in the midst of continuous revolutionary
activity. Marx in Paris took an active part in the meetings of socialist
organisations and especially the League of the Just, while Engels, who
had returned to Germany spread the word of communism in speeches and
writings and endeavoured to weld scattered socialist groups into a
single organisation. In February 1845 Marx was deported from Paris at
the instance of the Prussian government and had to move to Brussels,
where Engels joined him in the spring. In summer they visited England,
where they made contact with the Chartists and took steps to establish a
centre of co-operation of the revolutionary movements of different
countries. Returning to Brussels, they continued to work for the
unification of revolutionary associations.
This was a
period of intense revolutionary ferment throughout Europe. The revival
of the bourgeois revolutionary movement from 1830 was, by the 1840s,
having its impact throughout Europe. It was becoming more and more clear
that the old feudal aristocracy who still commanded large parts of
Europe would no longer be able to rule in the old way and would have to
concede power wholly or partially to the industrial classes. The
pressure for the abolition of serfdom and for bourgeois rights was
growing everywhere. This crisis of the old system which was all
encompassing, then combined with a crisis of the new capitalist system -
the severe periodic economic crisis of 1846-48. Harvests failed, food
prices rose, and entire populations, such as those of Ireland, starved.
Industrial depression multiplied unemployment, and the masses of the
urban labouring poor were deprived of even their tiny incomes at the
very moment when their cost of living rocketed. The situation varied
somewhat from country to country, but taking Western and Central Europe
as a whole, the situation was explosive.
Parallel with
the unrest among the working class and urban poor was the process of
radicalising of the young communist movement. The Communist League which
had been formed in 1847 had united various revolutionary groups
consisting chiefly of exiled workers and intellectuals — French, German,
Swiss, Italian, Russian, etc., — in London, Paris, and Brussels. The
League soon came under the guidance of Marx and Engels and they were
asked to prepare the programme of the new organisation. This programme
written during the period of tremendous revolutionary anticipation
leading up to the 1848 Revolution was the first revolutionary programme
of the modern proletariat. It brought together in one document, ‘The
Communist Manifesto’, the basic principles of Marxism, which even after
150 years stand firm, altogether impervious to the attacks of capitalist
The Communist Manifesto
Manifesto of the Communist Party published around 24th February
1848, was a document of unparalleled historical importance. It was
intended to be immediately published in English, French, German,
Italian, Flemish and Danish, though it was also published in Polish and
Swedish before the year was completed. It has since been translated and
published in innumerable languages around the globe.
The Manifesto
was not only a programmatic document, analysing society and outlining
the programmatic tasks of the proletariat. It laid down the very basis
of scientific socialism and the approach to all other types of
socialism. It also gave the approach to other opposition parties of that
time. With regard to the Manifesto, Lenin puts it like this, "With the
clarity and brilliance of genius, this work outlines a new
world-conception, consistent materialism, which also embraces the realm
of social life; dialectics, as the most comprehensive and profound
doctrine of development; the theory of the class struggle and of the
world-historic revolutionary role of the proletariat - the creator of a
new, communist society" (Lenin, Marx-Engels-Marxism, p. 11).
Thus the
Communist Manifesto contained the basic conclusions of Marxism in all
its three component parts — philosophy, political economy and scientific
socialism. With its appearance, we can say that Marx’s theory of society
and his precepts for action had attained completion in the form of a
well-defined and permanent outline. His later works did not modify what
he had written in any essential respect, but enriched it with specific
analyses and transformed what were sometimes no more than statements,
slogans, or heads of argument into a massive theoretical structure. Marx
and Engels themselves saw little cause to revise subsequent editions of
the document as far as its theoretical bases were concerned. They had
this to say in their joint preface to the 1872 German edition, "However
much the state of things may have altered during the last twenty-five
years, the general principles laid down in this Manifesto are, on the
whole, as correct today as ever."
statement remains as true even today. But in order to grasp this truth
let us follow the destiny of Marx’s doctrine during the various periods
of the last 150 years of world history.
For this
purpose history can be divided into the following six main periods :
1. From the
Revolution of 1848 to the Paris Commune (1871) ;
2. From the
Paris Commune to the Russian bourgeois revolution of 1905 ;
3. From the
Russian 1905 revolution to the Great October Socialist Revolution (1917)
4. From the
Great October Socialist Revolution to the Chinese People’s Revolution
(1949) ;
5. From the
Chinese People’s Revolution to the death of Mao and loss of China, the
last Socialist Base (1976) ;
6. Since the
loss of China, the last Socialist Base.
4. Marx-Engels, Selected Works, p. 182. (Marx, Preface to The
Crtique of Political Economy)
5. Marx-Engels, Selected Works,
p. 585. ( from the Foreword to Ludwig Engels)
6. same as above.
7. Marx-Engels-Lenin, On Historical
Materialism, p. 13. (from Theses on Feuerbach by Marx)