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Globalisation = Huge Foreign Investments
(i) Foreign Direct Investment
(ii) Portfolio Investments
(iii) Foreign Debt Trap
Foreign investments basically come in two forms, Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) and Portfolio Investments. The latter include Foreign
Institutional Investments (FIIs) and financial instruments like GDRs, ADRs, etc
and also NRI (non-resident Indian) deposits. Foreign investments also come in
the form of foreign ‘aid’, loans, etc., which comprise part of the foreign debt.
FDI is that capital which enters the country from abroad,
that is involved in the setting up of (or taking over) of business within the
country. They comprise capital chiefly of TNCs that seek to grab India’s markets
and sources of raw materials. This capital is of a more fixed nature, and sucks
away vast quantities of India’s wealth through profits in the form of interest,
dividends, technical (and other) fees, and through various dubious means like
under and over invoicing. 2 It also
indirectly extracts wealth through numerous other means like paying huge
salaries and perks to foreign (expatriate) directors and massive fees to
technical ‘experts’.
FIIs comprise chiefly flighty speculative capital that moves
in and out of the country, making gigantic profits overnight through speculation
on India’s Stock Exchanges (buying and selling of equity and now derivatives) 3,
on the rupee exchange rate and in real estate. This is done chiefly by the
powerful investment banking companies, like Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, etc.
and the investment banking wings of the traditional foreign banks. As they have
at their disposal enormous amounts of capital, they de facto control the stock
markets and govern the price fluctuations, thereby assuring themselves of
windfall profits. Losses for them are rare in countries like India, as it is
their own fund manipulations that determine the rates of various instruments. It
is like a casino owner who pre-fixes gambling results; or like the fixed test
matches that gives a definite return to the fixers.
NRI deposits are basically money of the wealthy business
families of Indian origin settled abroad. With the Indian government offering
them huge interest rates (compared to the measly 2% in international markets)
and now full liberty to repatriate interest and capital, large amounts have, of
late, been flowing into the country.
Earlier ‘aid’ was a major instrument of imperialist
intervention into backward countries. It still continues today. Making countries
dependent on huge loans, at high interest rates, was used as a method of
controlling them. This reached gigantic proportions in the 1980s with the vast
quantities of petro-dollars floating around the world. India, from its very
inception in 1947, has been dependent on ‘aid’, of the notorious PL-480 type
first, and later through multilateral agencies like the IMF, World Bank, etc. In
the 1980s this ‘aid’ peaked in India as well. In the 1990s, though ‘aid’
continues as a weapon of neo-colonial control, it has been complemented with a
wide network of other controls, like FDIs, FIIs, exchange-rate manipulations,
Now having got some idea of what these terms actually mean,
let us now look at the real ground-level penetration of foreign capital in this
period of globalisation.
i) Foreign Direct Investment
We have seen in
Chapter II how the existing policies of the
government are being continuously changed in favour of foreign capital. What we
present now, is merely some of the major changes. But, thousands of other minor
changes are taking place each week in some sector of the economy or the other,
creating a vast network of incentives for FDIs that help it grow in both depth
and extent. The pace of its growth in India, at both the Central and State
levels, shows quite clearly that policy is now fully dictated by the
imperialists and their TNCs, with the local Central governments acting as mere
Now the question that arises is that what is the problem with
allowing FDI into the country? All parliamentary parties favour it, the entire
media (visual and print) keep extolling its advantages, the bulk of the
economists favour it (even the ‘left’ type say that it is needed in the core
sector), and most liberals find it inevitable, even if undesirable. So what is
the problem with it? Why then are we opposed to it?
There are a number of reasons:
First, international finance capital enters India, or any
other third world country for that matter, not for philanthropic reasons, but to
extract profits. And their profits go to their parent company, based in New
York, London, Tokyo, Berlin, etc. So, whereas in indigenous companies the
surplus generated stays within the country, and its expansion results in further
industrialization (capitalist) and therefore employment growth; with these
foreign companies (or foreign collaborated companies) the cream is siphoned out
abroad, with no benefit to India.
Second, the rate of return on imperialist capital invested
here is triple, quadruple, or even more than what it would earn in their home
country. Ruthless exploitation of Indian labour, extraction of cheap raw
materials, and little or no environmental restrictions give them windfall
profits, which they could never even imagine in their home country. So, we find
that the amounts actually taken out far exceed that put into the country.
Third, it is said that India lacks capital for investment,
like on infrastructure, energy, etc. This is a big hoax. If the drain on monies
extracted by the imperialists is stopped, if the over 100 billion in Swiss Banks
by India’s comprador bureaucrat class is recovered, if the vast black money
economy is confiscated (a mere demonetisation is enough), and if the gigantic
wasteful unproductive expenditures on ministers, bureaucrats, MPs, MLAs, police
and defense is drastically reduced — if all this is done, the country would
generate ten times the capital that is now being got from abroad.

Fourthly, it is maintained that for advanced technology we
need foreign help and collaboration. History has proved that the erstwhile
socialist countries were able to undertake leaps in technology on their own, and
their growth was in no way impaired by the imperialist embargo. Besides, what
India needs is appropriate technology to develop the productive forces in the
vast backward hinterland; not oasis of hi-tech amidst a vast desert of extreme
backwardness. In addition, are not India’s best scientific brains serving in
America for want of opportunity here?
And lastly, the type of industrialization promoted by these
FDIs is anti-people, comprising luxuries and not the necessities of life, as
profit margins with the former are much larger than those of the latter. This
foreign capital has no social orientation whatsoever and develops an economy in
its own image. With a market primarily geared to luxuries, it cares only in
enhancing the purchasing power of the already wealthy (and an upper section from
the middle-classes) while reducing the masses to further penury. But, as the
vast masses are impoverished, it retards growth of the Indian home market, and
therefore industrial development, leading to structural retrogression of the
Indian economy.
In fact, of the total FDI coming into the country it is
estimated that roughly 70% goes to buy up existing businesses in the country and
only a small amount goes in setting up new enterprise. In other words, such
capital is not employment generating. In fact, it enters bringing with it its
sophisticated machinery (imported to India at inflated rates) thereby displacing
a large number of jobs.
In this period of liberalization the quantum of FDI has been
increasing at an exponential rate, from $74 million in 1991
to $4,060 million in 2001.5
In just the one month of May 2002 the FDI that entered the country was $500
million. 6 In other words in just the
one month of May this year the amount of FDI was over seven times that got in
the entire year of 1991!!
The rate of FDI invasion is increasing at an exponential
rate, particularly since the last 20 months. In the 2001/02 there was a massive
65% increase in inflows (over the previous year) to a record $4.06 billion.
And in the first five months of 2002 (up to May) there was a further 60%
increase (over the same period in the previous year) to $1.9 billion. In the
year 2001, while world FDIs fell by half (the larest fall in three decades), FDI
flows into India increased by as much as 47%, indicating that with the
imperialist economies in a crisis, they have turned more aggressive seeking more
and more domination over economies of backward countries like India. In such
periods of crisis foreign capital turns more aggresive against backward
countries, using its brute power to swallow up the relatively smaller companies
in the undrdeveloped world. With share prices in India at rock-bottom rates and
a pliable government, the FDIs can swallow up companies at throw-away prices. In
fact even these figures do not give the real picture, as they do not include the
reinvestment of TNC earnings within the country. Nor do they include direct
capital flows to these companies. If these are included (which is the norm in
IMF calculations) the actual FDI inflows in 2001/02 was a massive $8 billion —
or 1.7% of India’s GDP. In other words total inflows since 1991 till date would
be $26 billion; and together with reinvestments it would be well over $50
billion — i.e. at the current exchange rate it would mean a massive inflow in
the decade of over Rs 2.5 lakh crores.
We find that FDIs have penetrated virtually every sector of
the Indian economy. Table III.1 gives a picture of the extent its tentacles have
Table III.1
Sector wise breakup of FDI Approvals during the period Aug. 1991 to Feb. 1999
Number of
Approvals |
Amount in
Rs crores |
Fuel (power and refinery)................
Service Sector...................................
Chemicals (other than fertilizers)...
Metallurgical Industries..................
Electrical Equipment........................
Food Processing Industries...........
Hotels & Tourism.............................
Though the actual inflows are barely 21% of the approvals
granted by the government, the above list shows the wide reach of the FDIs,
penetrating all sections of the economy. Also, the large number of approvals in
chemicals, electricals and transportation, with relatively less FDI amounts,
indicates an extent of its penetration into the medium and even small scale
sector. In fact, the de-reservation of a large number of items from the
small-scale sector is to allow the FDIs of TNCs to swallow them up.
If we look at the country-wise pattern of FDI in the country,
the US tops the list accounting for 22% of the total FDI approved between 1991
and end 1999; the UK was next with 7.6%; followed by Japan with 4.3% and Germany
with 3.8%. 9 In the 1991-1999 period
FDI approved from the US was Rs 46,184 crores; from the UK Rs 15,977 crores and
from the rest of Europe Rs 30,683 crores. But this does not give the full
picture as, of late, large amounts of investments have been routed through the
tax haven, Mauritius. In fact, it is estimated that roughly 35% of all FDI is
routed through Mauritius in order to avoid tax payment in India.
As a large number of these are from America, the percentage of US FDI would be
much larger than that shown above.
Also the character of the FDI has been slowly and
surreptitiously changing. First they came as minority holdings in joint ventures
with the Indian collaborators. Once in, they soon began demanding a 51% stake in
the company — i.e. a majority stake in the company, with management control.
Having achieved that, they have now been continuously increasing their holdings
at the expense of the collaborator with the aim of having wholly owned
subsidiary (i.e. 100% ownership). In fact, while earlier approvals were for a
minority stake in a company, now the bulk is for majority control or for wholly
owned subsidiaries. This is clearly to be seen from the fact that in 1995
minority equity participation of FDI amounted to 73% of the amount approved. In
just two years, in 1997, it amounted to just 13%. In fact, seen as a whole in
the nine years of liberalization, fully owned FDI approvals comprised one-third
of the total amount. 11
From this it is clear that FDIs seek total control of
companies in which they invest. This we shall see in more detail in the section
on take-overs.
So we see there is no stopping of the pernicious tentacles of
FDI in India. The government has gone so far as to allow FDI into such sensitive
areas as, insurance, banking, mining, defense production, media and now even the
small scale sector, agriculture and handicrafts.
ii) Portfolio Investments
Portfolio investments are even more dangerous than FDI, as it
only loots the country’s wealth without giving anything in return whatsoever.
Today, the bulk of this is dominated by America, whose gigantic investment
banking institutions dominate the world’s financial markets. It comprises part
of the gigantic $ one trillion that roam the markets daily in the form of
speculative capital. In India it plays havoc with our stock exchanges, rupee
exchange rates, and now even commodity prices (including agriculture), which are
being speculated on in the form of ‘derivatives trading’ (i.e. futures options,
Prior to 1990 there was barely any FIIs coming to India. In
fact, even at an international plane, it was only in the last decade of the
twentieth century that this type of capital came to dominate the world’s
financial markets. There has been a spurt of such investment in India in the
last few years. In the last financial year the amount of FII that entered India
exceeded that of FDIs. A continuing loosening of controls has facilitated this
penetration by successive governments — particularly by that of the BJP.
It was first the Congress(I) government that allowed the FIIs
to invest as much as 24% (of paid-up capital) in any Indian company. This itself
was a serious blow to indigenous capital as a block 24% can give virtual control
to the foreign investors. But, the imperialists were not satisfied — they
demanded more and more control. The UF government increased this cap to 30% in
Chidambaram’s ‘dream budget’ of 1997/98. The BJP government then increased this
to 40% and in Dec.2000, to 49%. 12
And once again, in Sept.2001, under instructions of the finance ministry, the
RBI allowed FIIs to make equity investments equal to that of the FDIs , which
itself was enhanced in some sectors from 74% to 100%.
So we find that the net FIIs coming into the country were a
mere Rs 13.4 crores ($4 million) in 1992. This increased to a gigantic Rs 13,061
crores ($2,795 millions) in 2001. The total FII in the period from 1992 to 2001
was a huge Rs 55,040 crores ($14.5 billion). 13
But this net figure does not give a full picture of
the total FII operations in the country, which entails vast sums coming in and
equally vast sums going out ( in their speculative activities) — and it is only
the net figure that is quoted above. But it is the huge total figures that act
to flood the financial markets of the country, resulting in a vice-like grip
over them. For example, in the two years 2000 and 2001 a massive Rs 1,27,036
crores was infused into the country, while an equally large Rs 1,07,464 crores
was taken out. Though the figures stated above are the net amount from these
transactions, the actual profits made are from the gross figures taken in and
out — through speculation.
Besides, when the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) itself has a
market capitalization of a mere Rs 6,61,445 crores — of which only about 40%
(i.e. about rupees 3 lakh crores) comprise floating stock (i.e. stock which is
bought and sold, the rest being controlled by the promoters of companies) — the
extent of the domination of FIIs on the BSE can well be imagined. In fact it is
estimated that the FIIs defacto control 20% of the stock that is traded on the
BSE. With such domination over the BSE they, in effect, control stock prices,
pushing them up through heavy purchases and making them crash by overnight
sales. This gives them windfall profits, the bulk of which is not even taxed by
the India government. While going after the ordinary middle-class person with
newer and newer stringent tax regulations, the government has allowed these FIIs
to loot thousands of crores from the country, without paying a single paisa of
tax, by allowing them to register in the tax-haven Mauritius. The Indian
government specifically signed a ‘Double-Taxation Avoidance Agreement’
with Mauritius, in order to facilitate this tax-avoidance. In fact of the 525
FIIs operating in India 136 have registered in Mauritius, and these account for
60% of the total FIIs entering the country. 14
In addition to this, companies have raised a huge $8.7
billion in GDRs (Global Depository Receipts) between 1992 and 2000. These are
basically shares of companies sold in the European financial markets and held by
foreign companies. They receive their dividends in the form of foreign exchange.
Therefore the total FII figure invested in India amounts to
over $23 billion.
Now, with the BJP-led government opening out insurance,
banking, mutual funds, etc. the entire financial sector of the country is coming
under control and domination of international finance capital. The extent of
control we shall see in the next Chapter; meanwhile, let us take a look at
India’s huge foreign debt.
iii) Foreign Debt Trap
Among the underdeveloped countries India continues to be one
of the largest recipients of foreign ‘aid’. The average annual disbursement of
‘aid’ in the first half of the 1990s was close to $2.9 billion. On a yearly
basis it financed over 4% of the combined spending of the central, state
governments, and public sector enterprises. 15
In fact there was a spurt in the flow of foreign ‘aid’ during the period of
‘economic reforms’, which averaged roughly Rs 3,500 crores during the 1980s,
which jumped to an average of Rs 9,650 in the first five years of globalisation
from 1991 to 1996. What is more this ‘aid’ grew more expensive in this latter
period, with the percentage of grants to total ‘aid’ dropping from an average of
abut 15% to about 9%. 16
In the post World War II period, so-called aid has been an
important tool of imperialist neo-colonial domination of the backward countries
of the world. This ‘aid’ has gone to promote imperialist TNC interests in the
country and for purposes of outright subversion. For example, ‘aid’ poured into
the country to promote the ‘green revolution’ to further US agri-business
interests in the country. Today vast quantities of World Bank ‘aid’ is flowing
to the TDP government in Andhra Pradesh for supposed ‘rural projects’; but in
fact to try and wean away the masses from the growing Maoist movement in the
State. Those enormous funds are for nothing but counter-revolutionary subversion
of the popular peoples’ movements to enable the government and police win over
the ‘hearts and minds of the people’. They also come with stringent
conditionalities and Structural Adjustment Programmes. The TDP’s various ‘Vision
Plans’ are nothing but World Bank dictated reforms to be implemented in
return for the loans taken.
Till March 2001 the total foreign debt was over $100 billion,
(excluding NRI deposits) having increased from about $20 billion in 1980 and
$83.7 billion in 1990. Of the $100 billion only 40% is at concessional rates of
interest, while a huge $60 billion is paid back at market rates. The reason for
the relative slowing down of net foreign ‘aid’ in the 1990s compared to the
earlier decade, is that in this latter period most of the capital flows are now
taking the form of FDIs and FIIs in which the return on capital invested is much
In addition the actual interest rates work out much higher
than the market rates due to the continuous devaluation of the rupee, which has
dropped from Rs 18 to the dollar in 1990 to Rs 49 today — a drop of 170%. This
has a double impact on the amount to be repaid. As both repayment and interest
are to be given in dollars, both the figures would increase by 170% over the
decade; as for the given amount to be paid in dollars, a far larger quantity of
rupees would be required. So, we find that interest payments have increased from
Rs 1,954 crores in 1990/91 to Rs 5,480 crores in 1999/2000; while debt-servicing
charges (i.e. repayments plus interest on the foreign loans) have gone up from
Rs 4,283 crores in 1990/91 to Rs 15,166 crores ($3.5 billion) in 1999/2000.
Infact the situation is so bad, that since 1995/96 the entire
new loans were not sufficient to cover debt-servicing charges. In other words,
the entire new loans were being used only to pay back the international
creditors. This is nothing but a debt trap.
Now let us turn to understand the impact this type of
investment is having on industry and finance in the country and the extent of
the control foreign finance capital asserts on Indian enterprise.
1. Global Depository Receipts and American Depository
Receipts are shares by big comprador companies floated in Europe and purchased
in dollars.
2. Over/under invoicing refer to the mainipulation of
prices of imports/exports in order that illegal transfer of funds takes place
3. Derivatives are trading in futures, stocks, options etc.
into which gigantic amounts of international finance capital flows.
4. EPW; Sept. 15, 2001
5. The Hindu; July 12, 2002
6. Hindusthan Times; July 4, 2002
7. The Hindu; July 12, 2002
8. Deccan Herald; July 5, 1999
9. Tata Year Book; 2000-2001
10. Economic Times; Nov. 21, 2001
11. Economic Times; Dec. 17, 2001
12. Economic Times; Dec. 22, 2000
13. Tata Year Book; 2001-02
14. Times of India; Oct. 23, 2000
15. EPW; May 8, 1999
16. ibid
17. Tata Year Book; 2001-02