Convergence - A call for everyone opposed to capitalist globalization
to join forces on the streets of D.C
Global Economics Subsite - an in depth and diverse collection of
articles, links, etc.
War on Want/Globalization -
Looks at Globalization from the perspective of unions and organized
Global Exchange-- a human rights
organization dedicated to promoting environmental, political, and social
justice around the world.
Focus On the South - is an excellent
web site analyzing trade from a third world perspective
Jubilee 2000 -- an effective
organization fighting for debt relief for third world
Sweatshop Watch -- committed to
eliminating sweatshop conditions in the global garment
No Logo - Mostly writings by Naomi Klein
on capitalist globalization. Also contains writings by others on growing
anti-capitalist movements.
Economic Policy Institute -- A motherload of
reliable left-liberal reports. Great for wage, poverty and inequality
Center for Economics and Policy Research
-- This excellent website provides an enormous amount of research and
analysis of current economic issues.
Institute For Research on Poverty
-- Answers some common questions on poverty.
Inequality.org -- Facts, figures,
essays, photos...the gamut on inequality in the U.S.
United for a Fair Economy -- An excellent
organization providing information and original research on poverty,
taxes, wealth and income distribution.
Economic Security Project -- Links
and information to help combat poverty, unemployment, inequality, greed
and economic insecurity.
Citizens for Tax Justice -- Analysis of
various tax proposals and laws, with a nice left-of-center
Union of Radical Political Economists -
URPE presents a continuing critique of the capitalist system and all forms
of exploitation and oppression while helping to construct a progressive
social policy and create socialist alternatives.
Census Bureau -- Statistics on all sorts
of economic issues. Very useful and interesting.
Department of Labor -- another decent
source for official facts and figures.
Leading Economic
Indicators -- A searchable database of major economic figures,
published monthly for the Joint Economic Committee, by the Council of
Economic Advisers.
These links do not imply endorsement or affiliation.