It was a solemn
occasion. The evening of September 21 2004; somewhere in the thick jungles of
India. Senior leader of the new CC(P), Com. Shome, declared to the audience of
guerrilla fighters, cultural activists and senior Party leaders the birth of a
single, unified proletarian party in India — the Communist Party of India
(Maoist); the CPI(Maoist). This was the result of the confluence of two major
streams of the Indian revolution, that of the CPI(ML) and that of the MCCI, into
a mighty river of the CPI(Maoist). Except for a very brief period during
1969-1972, when the CPI(ML) was in existence, this is the first time that the
country has a single, unified proletarian party. The CPI/CPM revisionists, have
caused enormous damage to the great revolutionary traditions of the Indian
people. Though some genuine Maoist forces still remain out of this new Party,
the major two streams of the Indian Maoist are now one. The strong desire of the
revolutionary ranks and progressive forces of the entire country, together with
that of the aspirations of the more conscious sections of the oppressed masses,
including the South Asian and International Maoist forces
has, at last, been fulfilled. A genuine communist party is at last born
on the Indian soil, nurtured by the blood of over 6,000 martyrs. Above all, it
is a tribute to the aspirations and hopes of the heroic martyrs, who gave their
lives for the cause of the liberation of our country, firstly from despotic
British rule, and then from imperialism, feudalism, and Comprador Bureaucratic
History of Merger Process
It has been a long
and tortuous path of over two decades of discussions between the two parties.
The process witnessed many ups and downs. It saw even some dark periods. But
finally it emerged triumphant.
The first ever
meeting between the latter two parties began in 1981, when the then leaders,
comrade Kanai Chatterjee of the then MCC and com KS of the then CPI(ML)(PW) met
for over 12 days. After this very first meet both leaders, though belonging to
different streams, stated that the grounds to merge are strong as both were
basically traversing a similar path. Both parties set out the procedure for
preparation of the documents and then merger. Meanwhile, the erstwhile
CPI(ML)[Party Unity] also had good relations with the then MCC, both having
regular touch. This too continued until the early
1990s, after which relations soured and clashes
Though the desire for
unity of the PW and the MCC was strong it did not progress much, because of
various reasons. In 1982 com. KC died out of illness caused from the rigours of
underground life and com. KS was arrested. After that the PW was rocked by two
major internal crises in the CC, on both occasions involving the general
secretaries of the party. Though attempts to further the unity process
continued, particularly in the brief period between the two crises (1988-90), it
was only after its resolution that talks were again taken up in seriousness from
1992. This continued for three years, after which it finally broke down due to
some differences on international issues. Both parties issued a joint statement
for the failure of the talks, outlining the differences and its suspension for
the time being but vowing to take it up again later. Then relations to some
extent also soured between the MCC and the PW, particularly after the merger of
PW and PU.
Then in 1998 the two
major parties within the M-L trend, the PW and the PU, merged to form a single
party of this trend. But already the situation at the ground level in Bihar had
deteriorated and after 1998 the clashes between PW and the MCC continued and
intensified. Then the two parties entered the period now referred to as the
"Black Chapter" of the Indian revolution. Large numbers were killed from both
This situation caused
much damage to the revolutionary movement. This process continued even when
various genuine supporters of the movement opposed the retaliatory methods
adopted by both parties. Many intellectuals and progressive elements who support
revolution appealed to both the parties to stop these clashes. Different
communist revolutionary groups and parties in the country appealed to resolve
the clashes. Many South Asian Maoist parties, and other international Maoist
forces also appealed to stop the clashes. In due course the process of
rethinking was already going on inside the MCC. At the time of the PW/PU unity
itself the PW took a decision to unilaterally stop clashes, but neither did it
make it public nor convey it to the MCC, so it had little impact. In this
overall backdrop the MCC took the initiative in openly declaring a unilateral
ceasefire in January, 2000. Thereafter, PW also responded to stop the clashes.
Hence the negative relation between the two parties started turning into a
positive one. In the meantime the PW held its 9th Congress in August, 2001. Also
the MCCI had to face a major two line struggle with a small faction from within
on certain ideological-political and other issues.
Finally, the process
of talks between the two parties was once again started in August 2001. The
other important reason for the growing closeness of the two were the decisions
of the PW Congress which rectified some of its earlier understandings and also
adopted Maoism in place of Mao Thought. In the very first meeting the
delegations of the two parties offered a serious self-criticism, and decisions
were taken to initiate joint activities at the Bihar/Jharkhand level. The
written self-criticisms were taken publicly throughout the rank-and-file of the
Bihar/Jharkhand party and the situation further
developed in the positive direction.
Throughout the period
of the latter part of 2001 and entire 2002 major joint activities were taken in
Bihar-Jharkhand including the successful three-day economic blockade of the two
states in protest against POTA. Talks also continued between these two parties
through this period. Finally, it was in the important Feb. 2003 bilateral
meeting that a decision was taken to take concrete steps for starting discussion
on ideological-political issues of line with the clear direction and purpose of
merger of the two parties. In this meeting a serious and extensive
self-criticism was put forward by both parties for the "Black Chapter" and this
too was carried publicly. Both parties vowed never to repeat clashes with class
friends no matter how severe the difference. At this meeting the grounds were
also laid to advance and finalise the process of merger They were, firstly, on
the ideology of the Party — Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The other documents decided
to be drafted were on the Programme, Strategy & Tactics, Political Resolution on
the International and Domestic Situation, and the Party Constitution. The task
of drafting the five documents was divided amongst the two parties.
Then, in four rounds
of negotiations, between the high-level delegations of the two Parties and the
respective CCs, final agreement was reached after detailed discussions on these
documents on all major issues at a joint meeting of the two CCs on Sept.2004.
The documents were adopted and decided to be translated into about 10 regional
languages to be discussed throughout the party. Some minor differences that
remained were referred for further discussion and
study to be clinched at a later date. Finally the
joint CC meeting of both parties took the decision
of merger and a Central Committee (Provisional) was established.
The new CC(P) of the
CPI(Maoist) then took stock of the present-day situation in the country and
chalked out plans on how to advance the people’s war in the country. Besides, it
vowed to pursue unity measures with all the genuine Maoists in the country who
have not yet been united into the party. It also decided to involve all the vast
section of the masses in these struggles directed against imperialism, feudalism
and comprador bureaucratic capitalism. It decided to mobilize vast sections of
the masses against the growing onslaught of the imperialists on the country,
against state repression together with mobilizing support for all the movements
directed against imperialism and feudalism. It decided to continue to expose and
resist the expansionist designs of the Indian ruling classes along with their
imperialist chieftains, particularly the US imperialist. It also decided to more
actively stand by the side of the Nepali people led by the CPN(Maoist) and
oppose if the Indian expansionist and US imperialists designs of intervening in
Nepal with their military might. It also stated to continue to support the
people’s war led by the Maoist parties in Peru, Philippines, Turkey and
elsewhere. It decided to continue to support all people’s struggles directed
against imperialism and reaction. It will also support the working class
movement and other people’s movements in the capitalist countries. Further, it
decided to continue to stand by the side of the Iraqi and Afghan people in there
mighty struggle against US imperialist led aggression and occupation. The new
party would also continue to support the struggle of the nationalities for
self-determination including the right to secession and condemn brutal state
repression on these movements. It would pay special attention in mobilizing and
organizing the women masses as a mighty force of the revolution, and also
against caste oppression and untouchability. It would continue to expose,
isolate and defeat the more dangerous Hindu fascist forces, while exposing all
other fundamentalist forces. It would continue to do so while keeping the edge
of the people’s struggles directed against the new Congress rulers in Delhi
along with the CPI/CPM rulers and their imperialist chieftains.

A brief background of the Two Parties
It was the turbulent
period of the 1960s. Turmoil raged throughout the globe. The Vietnam war saw US
imperialism face major defeats at the hands of a small nation. In an
unprecedented experiment the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution raged in
China giving birth to the ideals of the new communist man. The Great Debate
between the revolutionary centre of the CPC, and the centre of modern
revisionism, the CPSU, polarised the Marxists of the world into two camps. The
lines of demarcation between Marxism and revisionism, in the process, got more
clearly drawn. It is in this context that many genuine and staunch communist
revolutionary forces along with many outstanding and front-ranking leaders like
comrades CM and KC started emerging on the scene in the fight against
revisionism. This fight was reflected in the 7th Congress of the CPM held in
1964 in the form of two diametrically opposite roads — the road of
parliamentarism and the road of protracted people’s war.
Thereafter, the
earth-shaking events of the GPCR further surcharged the political atmosphere in
India. The clarion call of the great Naxalbari movement led by Com. CM proved to
be a "Spring Thunder over India" as graphically described by the CPC. It
greatly unmasked the ugly face of the revisionist leadership of the CPI, CPI (M)
brand. The powerful slogans like "China’s Path is Our Path" and "Mao
Tsetung Thought is Our Thought" spread to the four corners of India and even
other parts of the Sub-Continent. Naxalbari thus marked a qualitative rupture
with age-old revisionism in the Indian communist movement and firmly established
the universal truth of MLM Thought in India. The Coordination Committee of
Communist Revolutionaries was formed at the All India level and finally the CPI
(ML) was formed as the reestablished Communist Party of India which firmly
upheld MLM Thought, and took correct ideological-political positions on the
major questions of the day, took up armed struggle along the path of PPW. The
formation of the CPI (ML) was recognized by most of the Communist
Revolutionaries in India and abroad. In this
atmosphere a clap of spring thunder burst over the plains of Naxalbari which
changed the face of Indian polity and brought armed struggle on to the agenda of
Indian revolution.
Founders of CPI(ML)(PW)

Com. Saroj Com. Charu Majumdar
Earlier itself
discussions had begun in India. Around the time of the 7th Congress of the CPM
in 1964 Comrade Charu Majumdar opposed the official line and began putting
forward a new line for the Indian revolution. He then formulated, as part of the
process of developing a new revolutionary ideological and political line for the
Indian revolution, his famous Eight Documents attacking revisionism and
neo-revisionism. In the process he put forward the new line which was
implemented through the historic Naxalbari peasant uprising. This was greeted by
revolutionaries throughout the country, the student, youth, intellectuals, and
more particularly thousands of peasants. Within a short time the flames of
Naxalbari spread throughout the country. Most revolutionaries of the country
were immediately consolidated into a coordination committee, AICCCR (All India
Coordination Committee of Communist Revolutionaries) and the revolutionary
party, the CPI(ML), was announced at a rally in 1969. The 8th Congress was held
in 1970 that established generally and basically the correct revolutionary line
for the Indian revolution. The 8th Congress was recognised by the communist
revolutionaries in India and by the CPC under comrade Mao Tse-tung.
Founders of MCCI

Com. Kanai Chatterjee
Com. Amulya Sen Com.
Chandrasekhar Das
At the same time
there emerged another revolutionary stream in the revolutionary movement of the
country. Comrades Kanai Chatterjee and Amulya Sen, while working amongst the
masses in Kolkata, Howrah and Hoogli and comrade Chandrashekar Das raised the
banner of revolt against the line of the CPM 7th Congress. The "Chinta"
group was formed in 1965 as a secret revolutionary centre within the CPM
carrying out revolutionary propaganda amongst its rank-an-file. In 1965/66 six
issues of the magazine were brought out which dealt with the following topics:
(a) the class character of the Indian state, (b) China’s path is our path, (c)
neo-colonialism and the weapon of PL 480’s role, (d) the Programme of the 7th
Congress, the nature of the revisionist leadership and the peasant question in
India, etc. The CPM’s English and Bengali organs launched a massive attacks on
the articles that appeared in the "Chinta". This resulted in big
discussions throughout the rank-and-file. In late 1966 the secret magazine, "Chinta",
was closed down and a magazine named "Dakshin Desh" was brought out
openly. The group came to be known as the "Dakshin Desh" group. In early
1967, before the Naxalbari uprising com. Kanai Chatterjee had a long discussion
with Com. CM. At this meeting they had a common understanding on advancing the
peasant movement and decided to maintain close relations.
But the relations did
not grow. From 1967 to 1969 the then "Dakshin Desh" group built up the
movement in Kolkata, Howrah, Hoogli, Midnapur, Bardhwan, Birbum and 24 Parganas,
together with some work in Assam and Tripura. They built the peasant movement
firstly in Sonarpur during the later part of the 60s and then in Kanksa in
Bardhwan district. Thereafter they
established some contacts with Bihar, it began work there. In October
1969 the MCC was formed. It was Com. Kanai Chatterjee who laid the basic line
for their Centre in the very first issue of "Lal Pataka" brought out in 1969.
The important topics dealt with were: (a) the importance of Maoism (then called
‘thought’) in the present era, (b) in the present situation the tactical line
and tactical slogans, (c) the correct policy towards the participation in
elections and a correct analysis of the boycott of elections, saying that though
it was a question of tactics, it acquires the significance of strategy in the
concrete conditions of India, (d) the Correct line regarding the armed agrarian
revolutionary war, that is, protracted people’s war including army building and
base areas (e) correct orientation towards forms of struggle (open and secret,
legal and illegal, peaceful and armed), (f) the programme, tactics and methods
of the peasant struggle, (g) approach and method
towards the UF, (h) political propaganda (i) on the
women’s question, the student movement and the nationality question in India,
and (j) methods of
These two trends of
the CPI(ML) and the MCC grew to be the two major streams of the Maoist movement
in India. Over the last three and a half decades the former evolved into the
CPI(ML)(PW) and the latter into the MCCI. The base of the first was primarily in
the South, particularly Andhra Pradesh, with some pockets in the North; while
the base of the latter was primarily in Bihar-Jharkhand and neighbouring areas,
including some pockets in the North and in the South With the merger
of these two streams into the CPI(Maoist), the major forces of Indian revolution
have, at last been able to establish a Centre to lead the peoples’ war in the
The Documents Adopted; Political and
Ideological basis for the Unity
Besides the five
documents adopted, both the erstwhile parties presented a self-critical
systematic review of their past with in depth analysis into all their
shortcomings in their respective PORs (Political and Organisational Reviews)
through the different phases of their history. The self-criticisms were sharp
and sincere and created the basis to rectify errors and thereby Bolshevise the
Party and rid it of its non-proletarian deviations. The process also helped
develop the political line of the new unified Party. These PORs, together with
the deep self-criticisms of the period of the "Black Chapter" has acted to
further cement the unity between the two parties.
Then the two CCs had
extensive discussions to finalise the five basic documents that became the basis
of the unification. Here, we will briefly look at the main content of the
high the bright Red Banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism’ showed how Com. Mao
developed Marxism- Leninism to a qualitatively new and third higher stage in the
fields of philosophy, political economy, military science, and scientific
socialism. He brought a leap in the understanding of the law of contradictions.
Mao pointed out that the law of contradiction is the fundamental law of motion
governing nature, society, and human thought. Mao masterfully applied the
relation between matter and consciousness to the relationship between theory and
practice, immensely contributing to the theory of knowledge. Before the Chinese
revolution, the path of armed insurrection, known as the Soviet model of
revolution, was considered as the general path for seizure of power. Mao solved
this question by adopting the new path i.e. Protracted People’s War. Mao said
that the semi-colonial, semi-feudal countries would pass through two different
but interlinked stages. The first stage would be the New democratic stage, which
will uninterruptedly pass over to the socialist stage directed towards
communism. And most importantly Mao led the historic and earth shaking GPCR. It
represented a qualitative leap forward in defending and exercising the
dictatorship of the proletariat. It was directed against the capitalist roaders
who emerged in the socialist society and dialectically sought to resolve the
contradiction that emerges between the development of the productive forces and
the relations of production. The GPCR and continuing the revolution under the
dictatorship of the proletariat is a completely new development in the arsenal
of MLM to prevent the restoration of capitalism.
Marxism arose as a
science of the laws of motion of nature, society and human thought, a science of
revolution at a moment in history when the proletariat made its appearance as a
revolutionary class capable of shaping the destiny of the society including its
own destiny. Marxism is the ideology of the proletariat that was further
synthesized and developed to new and higher stages. From Marxism it developed
into Marxism-Leninism. Thereafter, it further developed into
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. It is not a science pertaining to a particular field of
knowledge but a science representing a whole comprehensive philosophical system,
political economy, scientific socialism, and the strategy and tactics of the
proletariat in comprehending and transforming the world through revolution.
programme the CPI (Maoist) pointed out in precise terms that after the so-called
independence in 1947 the direct colonial and semi-feudal system of the British
imperialists was replaced with semi-colonial and semi-feudal system under the
new colonial form of indirect imperialist rule, exploitation and control. During
the subsequent years the comprador bureaucratic big bourgeoisie and big landlord
ruling classes continue to serve the imperialist faithfully.
After the end of
direct colonial rule, imperialism adopted new forms of indirect rule,
exploitation, and control of the nations and countries subordinated to
them. That is called neo-colonialism. This is a more deceptive and more sinister
form of colonialism. In this context the domination and control of imperialist
finance capital in every sphere of our life — economic, political, military and
cultural — continued to increase further and further. Actually, the imperialists
today control the key sectors of the Indian economy and even the administration.
Even today, our
country is fundamentally a country of the peasant masses as two-thirds of the
population live in the rural areas. The overwhelming majority of the peasantry
is the most exploited and oppressed class. They are forced to live in most
wretched and extremely poor conditions. Backward agriculture on fragmented land,
mainly dependent on primitive methods in some places and the vagaries of nature,
is subjecting a large population of peasantry, including an overwhelming number
of middle peasants, to live a miserable life. The countryside is dominated by
landlords, usurers, merchants and religious institutions. These exploiting
sections are the mainstay of semi-feudal relations of production in the country.
With the increasing
penetration of imperialist finance capital, its grip has been further tightened.
This has also further introduced some capitalist relations of production, but
this capitalism is very much distorted and disarticulated.
Viewing the dominant
position of India in over all South-Asia, the imperialists have always backed,
encouraged and instigated the expansionist designs of the comprador Indian
ruling classes, so that they could continue their unchallenged control over the
vast profitable market.
Due to these
expansionist ambitions and intervention and subversive activities of the Indian
comprador bureaucrat bourgeoisie, subservient to imperialism, Indian
expansionism has emerged as a great threat to the security and integrity of all
the South-Asian countries. The Indian Ruling classes interfere in the internal
affairs in Nepal has increasingly showed readiness to send its armies there, to
crush the people’s movements.
The Indian comprador
bureaucratic class is one of the chief instruments for imperialist exploitation
and control over India. It is completely tied with and dependent on imperialism
for its existence and development. Its interests are closely interlinked with
the interests of the imperialists in all fields. It is tied to imperialism and
allied with feudalism. This comprador bureaucratic capitalist class (or big
bourgeoisie or state monopoly bourgeoisie) is extremely reactionary, anti-people
and anti-national and subjects the vast Indian masses — the proletariat,
peasantry and the petty-bourgeoisie — to ruthless exploitation and oppression
and it is a hurdle for the development of the independent Indian economy.
In India the ruling
classes, subservient to imperialism, have transformed the country into a
prison-house of nationalities under the so-called slogan of "unity and
integrity" of the country. It is in such a context that the ongoing nationality
struggles in various parts of the country today are advancing by assuming
various forms including armed struggle. The Programme unequivocally support
these nationalities struggles. It stated to resolutely oppose the vicious
attempt of the Indian ruling classes to suppress these movements with their
military might. The right of self-determination including, and up to, the right
of secession, would be upheld and highlighted forcefully in all circumstances.
The Programme further
stated that the condemnable caste system and casteism, especially Brahminical
casteism, is a special feature of the semi-feudal system prevailing in India.
Casteism crushes the self respect of the individual, treats them as inferiors
and creates a social hierarchy with each rung in the ladder looking down on the
other. In this way it creates walls that divides the people and create hurdles
in the unity of the oppressed. The Party would fight for equal rights,
reservations and other special privileges for dalits and other backward castes.
Simultaneously it would expose the hollowness of the policies of the ruling
class parties and the state on these issues. It would also expose the
opportunist dalit leaders who build their own electoral fortunes in the name of
taking up dalit issues. It would take up struggles on these issues with their
own independent programme, through the mass and class organisations, without
forming separate caste-based organisations.
Constituting half the
population of the country women are subjected to male domination and suppression
through patriarchal institutions like the family, caste system, property
relations and culture, in addition to the imperialist and feudal exploitation
and oppression. Sexual harassment and atrocities on women have increased in
recent years, particularly because of imperialist globalization, liberalization
and consumerism. ‘Women represent half the sky’. Without unleashing the pent-up
fury of women as a mighty force of revolution, victory in revolution is
impossible. Hence, the Programme stated that the mobilization of women in
advancing people’s war against imperialism and feudalism is a must. It further
stated that, besides the class-struggle there is need to carry on the struggle
in the political, economic, ideological and cultural sphere for equal rights of
The religious
minorities constitute 15 percent of the Indian population. They are victims of
the discrimination, harassment and cruel oppression being perpetrated by the
ruling classes through fanning Hindu communalism by even using their state
machinery. The party would oppose, expose and fight against the growing threat
of these Hindu fascist forces ideologically, politically and also fight against
them at the local level by adopting all the appropriate means. At the same time
it would also continue to expose the fundamentalism of other religions.

The document, The Strategy & Tactics of Indian Revolution, stated that a
concrete class analysis of Indian society reveals that the character of Indian
society is semi-colonial, semi-feudal. This determines that the Indian
revolution would have to pass through two stages. The task of first stage is to
change the semi -colonial semi -feudal society into an independent new
democratic society.
The targets of the
revolution would be the imperialists, the comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie and
the big landlord classes. These three mountains are heavy weights on the back of
the people. These three enemies have blocked the development of the country and
people. The enemies of the revolution are imperialism, feudalism and comprador
bureaucrat capitalism. The motive forces of the revolution are the workers
peasants and petti-bourgeoisie, with the national bourgeoisie being vacillating
Therefore, the
immediate basic programme before the political representatives of the Indian
proletariat and its vanguard — the communist party — is to overthrow the
semi-colonial, semi-feudal rule of the big landlord-comprador bureaucratic
bourgeoisie classes, and imperialism that backs them, through armed struggle and
to establish the people’s democratic state under the leadership of
proletariat-the new democratic state in place of it, by smashing the reactionary
autocratic state.
The stage of
revolution is the new democratic revolution to be achieved through the path of
protracted people’s war. To carry on and advance the people’s war the basic,
principal and the immediate task of the present stage of the revolution would be
to arouse and organize the people, in a planned way, for agrarian revolutionary
guerrilla war in the countryside - specially in the remote countryside (which is
most favourable for the building up of the guerrilla war, the people’s army and
the base areas), and to build up the people’s army and the rural red base areas
through guerilla warfare. In this process the People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army
(PLGA) will advance and develop into a full-fledged People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
while the guerrilla zones will transform into Base Areas.
In India the
parliamentary system was imposed by British imperialism from above. Moreover,
bourgeois democratic revolution too has not been completed here. Hence no
bourgeois democracy ever came into being here. Actually, no viable solution of
the fundamental problems of the people can be sought through using any
parliamentary institution. Besides this, the experience of last 55 years has
amply confirmed the fact that whoever tried to participate in the elections in
the name of tactics of using it, most of them got entrenched in the mire of the
parliamentary system and revisionism, sooner or later. In fact, the tactics of
participation in the election in the name of using it is tantamount to
abandoning the tasks of building and advancing the armed struggle.
The S & T further
states that the three magic weapons of the revolution will be the Party, the
Army and the United Front. A correct understanding of these three questions and
their mutual relations will give the accurate direction for the entire Indian
revolution. Thus the S & T says it is extremely imperative for us to grasp the
importance of the construction of each of these weapons from the very beginning
as well as the masterful application of these to the concrete practice of the
Indian revolution based on the teachings of MLM.
This new democratic
state will be the people’s democratic dictatorship exercised by the united front
comprising the proletariat, peasantry, petty-bourgeoisie and the national
bourgeois class under the leadership of the proletariat based upon the
worker-peasant alliance. The state will guarantee real democracy for the vast
majority of the people while exercising dictatorship over the tiny minority of
the exploiters. The party’s ultimate programme is socialism and then advancing
towards communism on a world scale.
This document dealt with both the international and the domestic situation.
At the international
level it stated that the present day world is under great disorder, turbulence
and instability rarely witnessed after World War II. This ever intensifying
crisis exacerbated all the major contradictions and the principal contradiction
in the world, i.e. between imperialism and the oppressed nations and peoples.
After the 9/11 incident, in the name of fighting against terrorism, US
imperialism being the biggest terrorist of the world and the number one enemy of
the world people, is unleashing a series of wars of aggression and carrying out
attacks on the people all over the world. This has generated a powerful backlash
from the people in various forms. The people of Iraq and Afghanistan are leading
a heroic battle against US-led imperialist aggression. The dog fight for the
near stagnant world market, control over sources of raw materials and strategic
regions between these imperialist powers has further sharpened the contradiction
among them, thus transforming various regions of the world into a bone of
contention. The ongoing trade wars, the emergence of trade blocs and the intense
competition for economic resources and political control indicate the
intensifying inter-imperialist contradictions. Vast areas of Asia, Africa, and
Latin America are continuing as the storm centres of world revolution. Guerrilla
war against US occupation is intensifying in Iraq and Afghanistan. People’s war
under the leadership of the Maoist parties in India, Nepal, Philippines, Peru
and Turkey is advancing. The workers in imperialist countries are fighting
militantly against the policies of globalisation. Genuine revolutionary parties
based on MLM are emerging in several capitalist countries.
The PR states that
the objective situation to advance proletarian revolution in the capitalist
countries and the New Democratic Revolution in oppressed countries, into two
streams of the World Socialist Revolution, is excellent. But the strength of the
subjective forces, the organised strength of Maoist parties, is not yet strong
enough to carry out this task successfully. Due to this weakness vast sections
of the struggling masses, all over the world are under the influence/leadership
of fundamentalists, revisionists, social democrats and NGOs. It is an immediate
task of the Maoist parties to bring out the workers, peasants and other
oppressed masses out of their influence and organise them under their
leadership. Also, the unification of genuine Maoist forces should be taken as an
immediate task.
Regarding the
situation in the country the imperialist offensive around the world is also
clearly reflected in India. Today, particularly after 1990, with a major
offensive of finance capital under the banner of LPG, the Indian ruling classes
are more brazenly acting according to the naked dictates of the imperialists.
This process which got a fillip during the PVN-Manmohan govt has further
intensified and took a new turn after the BJP led NDA govt assumed office in
Delhi. Particularly the US imperialists assumed a more dominant position in all
affairs of Indian polity. This process was further accelerated after the 11
Sept. Events, because these events proved to be a new turning point in the world
situation. Hence the US imperialists declared India as their new "strategic
pillar" in Asia. While chanting the "swadeshi"
mantra they implemented all policies dictated by the US imperialists. The new
Congress govt is trying to hoodwink the people by implementing reform programmes
with a "human face". These developments have further intensified all
major contradictions including the principal contradiction, i.e. between
feudalism and the broad masses of India.
Due to imperialist
dictated policies of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation by the
central and state governments the living condition of the Indian people have
deteriorated. The working class has become victims of lay-off, retrenchment,
closure, wage freeze, scrapping of other social benefits, contract and
casualization of labour, curtailing minimum trade union rights etc. the vast
majority of peasants are still under the yoke of feudal exploitation. They are
forced to live in the most wretched conditions. The agricultural sector is
placed at the mercy of the imperialists and the CBB, for seeds, fertilisers, and
farm machines. The price hike of all agricultural inputs on the one hand and the
negligible price on their produce has virtually pushed the entire poor farmers
and a sizable section of middle farmers in handing over their lands to the big
landlords. Privatisation and commercialisation of education has deprived the
weaker sections of society from education. Large number of indigenous, small and
medium scale industries are being closed. Attacks on Dalits by castiest forces
are increasing day by day. Adivasis are deprived of their livelihood and
culture. Sexual harassment and other atrocities have increased in recent years,
particularly because of imperialist globalisation and consumerism. Communal
pogroms on the religious minorities, particularly the Muslims, are carried out
by the Hindu fascist forces in the interests of the Indian ruling classes and
their imperialist chieftains. Thousands of armed forces are sent to put down the
nationality struggles.
Finally, the document
states that the Indian people who have a very rich tradition of heroic struggles
and sacrifice are fighting militantly against the anti-people policies of the
Indian ruling classes and the imperialist monsters. People’s movements,
particularly the people’s war led by Maoist forces, are advancing in Andhra,
Jharkhand, Bihar, Dandakaranya and the adjoining
parts of India. The unification achieved by the two Maoist parties, the MCCI and
the CPI (ML) People’s War, is a big leap in the Communist movement in India and
will also have a positive impact in South Asia and the ICM. The revolutionary
movement is advancing by facing the all round attack of the ruling classes
subservient to imperialism, towards establishing Base Areas and transforming the
PLGA into the PLA. In this process thousands of martyrs heroically laid down
their precious lives for the cause of NDR, Socialism and Communism.

unified Party has put forward a new Constitution firmly based on the Bolshevik
principles of democratic centralism, with the core comprising of professional
revolutionaries. A wide network of Part timers will facilitate the Party to
exist deep within the masses. It will be underground for the entire period of
the New Democratic Revolution and its members will comprise the cream of society
— principled, selfless, courageous, dedicated, modest, hard-working and fully
committed to the cause of the Indian revolution and to socialism and communism.
All members will put the interests of the Party and the people before their own
personal interests. It will continuously view itself and its members
self-critically in order to correct non-proletarian tendencies that inevitably
enter the Party and seek to corrupt it from within. The ideological basis of the
Party is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. It will lead the two main weapons of the
Indian revolution — the people’s army and the United Front. It will strictly
adhere to the principles of proletarian internationalism and seek relations with
all other Maoist forces of the worlds on an equal footing. Its goal is communism
and the first step in that direction is the New Democratic Revolution in India
transforming to socialism.
The document states "During
the whole course the comrades throughout the party must cherish the
revolutionary spirit of daring to go against the tide, must adhere to the
principles of practicing Marxism and not revisionism, working for unity and not
for splits, and being open and aboveboard and not engaging in intrigue and
conspiracy, must be good at correctly distinguishing contradictions among the
people from those between ourselves and the enemy and thereby correctly handling
those, fighting left and right opportunism and non proletariat trend must
develop the style of integrating theory with practice, maintaining close ties
with the masses and practicing criticism and self-criticism."
The Constitution
presented the "Aims & Objectives" of the Party, the criteria for membership, the
rights and duties of party members, the organisational principles of the party,
party discipline, the party’s organisational structure, the party Congress, the
rights and duties of central committee, the method for internal debates in the
party, and the question of party funds.
The Unity Commune
The deliberations
went on for a month-and-a-half, and took place at a Commune located in a
Guerrilla Zone; and the joint meetings of the two CCs, and then the meeting of
the unified CC took place in the CM-KC Hall. On the front stage of the large
hall, built in the midst of the forest, were the photos of Marx, Engels, Lenin,
Stalin and Mao; below which were the photos of Comrades CM and KC. On the side
walls of the hall were photos of some of the leading martyrs of both the
On the arrival of the
two sets of delegates, in the inauguration meeting, the flag of the party was
hoisted and wreaths were laid at the memorial column of the martyrs. The meeting
was addressed by senior leaders, including the then respective general
secretaries of the two parties …… com. Kishanji of the MCCI and com. Ganapati of
the CPI(ML)(PW). The speeches were interspersed with poems and songs by Central
Committee members and culminated with a cultural programme by the local cultural
group. With dance performances, songs on the red flag, on Maoism, and on the
peoples’ army were presented by the troupe
Again immediately
after the unity of the party was announced at a programme on Sept. 21, 2004
speeches were presented by the main leaders of the merged CC.
The newly elected
general secretary of the unified party, Com. Ganapati, said that this unity was
just the first step in our effort to unite 90% of the masses of India who are
oppressed and ruthlessly exploited. He then briefly introduced the five
documents of the new Party and the need to spread their contents far and wide
throughout the country. He said that though the two parties have merged at the
top, the first task lay in uniting the entire party at the lower levels, the
PLGA and the PGA into a united people’s guerrilla army, and the unity of the
mass organisations throughout the country. He brought out the irony of the
situation, that on this very day that this new party was being founded, on that
very day a meeting at the highest level was taking place in Hyderabad on how to
crush the Naxalite movement. The meeting was called by the central Home Minister
and attended by the Chief Ministers and police chiefs from nine states. He
called on the entire Party to be alert against the enemy and intensify the armed
struggle to build Base Areas; and also to unite the vast masses of the people
into a mighty United Front.

This was followed by
a short speech by com. Kishan, a senior leader and the secretary of the
erstwhile MCCI. He said that from today not only are the two parties merged, but
also the two armies of both parties stand merged and will henceforth be called
the PLGA. He called on those assembled there to build the Party and PLGA
everywhere and to build a huge Base Area stretching all the way from the North
to the South. He called on all to fulfil the tasks set by the new CC.
The meeting was
conducted by senior leader of the new CC, com. Brajesh, and concluded with a
spirited performance by the cultural troupe. The very young troupe whose average
age would be around 15 years, had as its lead singer a young Mahila comrade. The
haunting tunes on the red flag, Maoism, and other such political themes,
including one newly written on the unity of the two parties, mesmerised the
entire audience. Their well rehearsed dance performance was performed with the
seriousness of a professional and the fervour of a revolutionary. The programme
ended with an hour long tribal dance, set to a political theme, in which all
participated. The atmosphere at the programme was emotionally charged and poems
were presented in about six languages by CCMs, PLGA fighters, computer staff and
even one in English by the head of the electrical team. All were the product of
the historic unity underway. It was an occasion difficult to forget.
The Commune itself,
set deep in the forest, was like a well equipped township of over 150 comrades.
The main meeting hall, 60 feet by 20 feet, was constructed with the precision of
an urban mason with 15 days of hard labour by the guerrilla fighters. It was
decorated inside by a red cloth all around. Then there were living halls with
toilets constructed, dining hall, kitchen, computer room, TV, lighting of the
entire township, a medical room and a young doctor (trained in the squads) who
systematically visited each tent every evening. Water was boiled, and on some
occasions sweets and food of different varieties was served.
The sincerity,
discipline, warmth of all at the commune was a picture of the new society being
born. Each went about their duties with a revolutionary dedication, always
willing to help, and with a gentle smile always on their face. Most enchanting
of all were the little children who were extremely affectionate, lively and
playful; but full of confidence and going about their duties with clock-work
precision. There was no element of ego, the cultural artists, the doctor and her
assistants would be seen serving food during meal-times. The dignity of labour
was respected. The doctor took real care of the patients, like true barefoot
doctors one read about in China …… with the approach to "Serve the people".
So were all others at the commune.
As the CPI(ML)(PW)
arrived in batches to the MCCI commune they were received by the entire camp
standing to attention and shaking hands with the new arrivals. This was followed
by a special welcome song/dance by the cultural troupe for the delegates,
followed by a short cultural programme. The unity meeting culminated with a
lively meeting, cultural programme, the lowering of the red flag and the singing
of the Internationals. In interesting aspect of the concluding function was that
besides the GS’s speech there was only one on the October Revolution — all
others were by the ordinary cadres present there who expressed their sentiments
on the unity that had just taken place. Those who spoke were not only SAC and
Regional Committee members, but also PLGA commanders, cultural activists,
computer staff members, mahila comrades and even the head of the children’s
group. They not only spoke, some even presented poems written for the occasion.
All left the commune with ever greater determination to cement the unity
achieved and advance the people’s war in India to still greater heights.
The Major Tasks Set
The CC(P) set the
basic, principal and immediate task to advance the ongoing People’s Democratic
Revolution by developing and intensifying the people’s war throughout the
country. It took up as its basic and principal task of building the PLA and
Liberated Areas by advancing the armed agrarian revolution. To orient all
activities to precipitate implementation of the central task. Foil every attack
of the state and central governments, aimed at liquidating the party and PLGA
and suppressing the peasant revolutionary struggles, by waging people’s war. To
strengthen the Party, PLGA, and United Front and intensify the guerrilla war
with the perspective of liberated area.
To strengthen the
Party the task set was to further Bolshevise it by struggling against all
non-proletarian trends and to unite all those genuine Maoists that are still not
part of the new party into the merged Party.
To strengthen the
PLGA the task set was the building a vast base of the people’s militia and
building up the platoons and companies into higher formations under a well
established command and control system.
To strengthen the UF
the task set was that the Party mobilise the huge mass of people of the country,
comprising roughly 90 crore (900 million) people against imperialism, feudalism
and comprador bureaucrat capitalism. Besides this strategic United Front,
tactical United fronts will have to built mobilising the masses around the main
political tactical slogans : to Intensify and Advance the People’s War!
Establish People’s Political Power; Build mighty mass movement against the
imperialist war designs and imperialist dictated Liberalisation, Privatisation,
and Globalisation; Expose, Isolate and defeat the more dangerous Hindu Fascist
forces, while exposing all other fundamentalist forces also; Resist and Defeat
growing state repression and fight for the repeal of all Black laws; Fight the
expansionist designs of the Indian ruling classes backed by Imperialism!
Finally, recognising
that the Indian revolution is part of the world revolution, the CC(P) decided to
unite even more deeply with all the genuine Maoist forces internationally
particularly those in South Asia, as part of its proletarian internationalist