Q. Presently not
much news is coming from the revolutionary movement in Peru. There was a bend in
the road after the arrest of Chairman Gonzalo. What is the situation now?
Red Sun: This was
not an accident of any kind. It is a part of the strategy of low intensity
warfare, part of psychological warfare. It is not only abroad that it is
difficult to get information about the people’s war in Peru. It is an obviously
sinister attempt of imperialism, Yankee imperialism and their Peruvian running
dogs. They cannot hide the people’s war particularly from the people. But this
subversion of the news is to a great extent a campaign led by imperialism. When
something happens in Palestine it is in the media. But when the revolutionaries
do it, the media does not report. Unfortunately, some comrades who have the
ability to spread news about people’s war did not do it due to political
intentions. As a matter of fact, since 1991 the people’s war is unfolding in a
state of strategic equilibrium. From September 1992 there was a bend in the
road. This got reflected in a situation of flux. It took the form of temporarily
diminishing of the key instru-ments of the revolutions: the Party, the Army and
the United Front / New Power.
At this time and in
1993, the Peruvian reactionaries and particularly the armed forces of Yankee
imperialism launched the peace letters. They did that in collaboration with a
group of traitors, revisionists/capitulators who from the prison put forward the
line of capitulation. These revisionists did not put their line inside the party
but publicly.
When they did so they
were in prison. This line and their hopes were crushed by the party in a
masterly way through the two line struggle. So not for one short second did the
people’s war stopped. On the contrary, even in these years the enemy attack
continued on the new power, and particularly most severe repression was carried
out. In spite of a massive genocide the new power was defended and maintained.
Of course, some base areas could not be retained due the fluidity in people’s
war. In this situation the party has come to a situation where the steps to
overcome the bend in the road will get reflected in the three weapons of
revolution. For example, in people’s war there was one very important and
significant action this summer in Ayacucho against a company called Techint.
This company is an imperialist company and is involved in a gas project. There
was a big construction camp protected by armed police forces. One of the main
forces of the PLA took control over the entire area, took them prisoners and
held them for 24 hours and organised a meeting with the workers there.
Meanwhile, a message was received from the bases. Twelve dumps of dynamite,
communication equipment and medicines etc were taken to the bases.
After that when they
retreated the reactionaries were in panic. The reactionaries sent elite
commandoes in helicopters to the area. But they could not capture a single
comrade. The whole of the elite troops were surrounded and annihilated. A high
ranking officer was also among them.
Now in the last year
there has been a huge campaign of annihilation against the New Power in an area
called Huanaco, one of the strongholds of the people’s war. This started in
October 2003. This military operation of the armed forces is called fiaero
(iron) 2003. This campaign against revolution was led by Yankee imperialism,
doing so in the disguise of war against drugs. Here is one important footnote.
Yankee imperialism is still using the pretext of war against drugs because they
fear most the anti-imperialist movement led by Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties.
Therefore they don’t want the people to of the world to know of the shining
light of people’s war in Peru.
In this campaign they
have used helicopter gunships, advanced ground forces but the party applied
active defence and passed on to develop a counter campaign. Several ambushes
were made and the enemy suffered heavy casualties. The Party secured victory in
its counter campaign.
Regarding the cities.
Previously it was more easy to work in cities but after the bend in the road
there has been extreme repression. For example, merely for slogan painting you
may be imprisoned or tortured. Now they kill. There were also many attacks on
the leaders of popular movements. So, the party is applying mass line in the new
situation in a more clandestine way. For example, in a recent strike of
teachers, and also among the workers, health workers, and peasants the party at
present is leading them in many of their struggles.
Q. What is the
relationship between the PCP and the RIM?
RS. The PCP is a
member of the RIM and considers it a step forward in the reunification of the
communists at the world level, as long as it follows a correct ideological and
political line. Inside the RIM, and particularly among some members of the
committee there has been expressed revisionist positions that converge with the
right opportunist line. We are developing the two line struggle against these
positions. We firmly reject those who claim that we are against the RIM. That is
false and a lie. We are for unity on the basis of MLM mainly Maoism, the
impeccable struggle against revisionism, and are serving the world proletarian
revolution. Our party since the very initiation of the people’s war on 17 May
1980 has claimed that we develop people’s war to serve the world proletarian
revolution. That is why we develop two line struggles. That is not a bad thing,
that is a good thing, as Chairman Mao has said.
Q. Has any
communication been established with the Chairman Gonzalo in the jail? Is there
any word about his health presently?
RS. The question
is that since 1992 Chairman Gonzalo is in complete isolation. No one except his
personal guards have any contact with him. That is the bottom line. Anyone who
claims that he has seen or spoken with Chairman Gonzalo is either a member of
the reactionary power or its rogue opposition. There is no communication with
him since his masterful speech of 24 September 1992 where he called upon each of
us to fulfil the tasks and plans of the Party and to continue the people’s war.
All this montage (fake videos) of so-called meetings and so forth are all
thoughts of the hoax of the peace accord. The Party is putting forward a just
and correct demand for a live and direct presentation of Chairman Gonzalo before
the televised national and international media, and he should be allowed to
present himself in person, because this will break the isolation but the enemy
does not allow it because they know that that would be the victory of the people
of the world, for the world revolution and they are also afraid that the people
will assimilate Gonzalo Thought. Thus they won’t allow him for five seconds
even. Now they are speaking about making a new (trial) which will be another
show. And they are saying that Chairman Gonzalo has refused to speak. Why should
he refuse to speak? It is a hoax. The concrete situation about Chairman Gonzalo
is that his life is in bigger danger than ever. Even before he was imprisoned he
had some typical physical problem and Fujimori himself stated in 1993 that no
one lives longer in those conditions in which he is held and that was ten years
ago. Since then no one has seen him. We cannot accept this and the people of the
world must rise up to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo because he is a great
great leader of the people’s revolution and the greatest living Marxist-Leninist
on the face of earth. And here it is also necessary to point out that the
defence of Chairman Gonzalo’s life is not a turn off and turn on campaign but a
strategic task of the communist movement.