Volume 4, No. 10, October 2003


Police Brutality in AP goes beyond all Bounds

— Bhaskar

Not only was the PW AP state committee member and a deputy commander mahila comrade killed in a false encounter, but the writers and lawyers who went to claim the body were brutally lathi-charged, beaten, abused and arrested. Such is the’ democratic space’ offered by the Naidu government in Andhra Pradesh.

Shepherds, who had come to graze their sheep were witness to the fake encounter that took place on May23, 2003 at Chairbanda, Cuddapah district of AP. As deputy commander, Sandhya was taking out water in a pitcher from a streamlet she was spotted by the Greyhound police and shot at. She collapsed there itself. Two others were also injured. The police said they will take them to hospital and asked them to descend the hill. But the shepherds soon heard shots again. These two were also shot dead. The next day the police announced that four naxalites were shot dead, including AP state committee member, Karumanchi Prasad, Sandhya and two shepherds.

It is clear that all four were killed in fake encounters. Two shepherds who received bullet injuries testified to this. They informed the press on the 24th and again on the 31st. The two shepherds who were an eye-witness to the killing of an unarmed Sandhya were silenced. Prasad, who it is believed was ill and not in a position to use the weapon, was probably arrested and then shot dead in cold blood.

Comrade Prasad was a member of the Revolutionary Writers Association from 1982 to 85 when he went underground. He had attended the inaugural conference of the AILRC in 1983 in Delhi. Not only did he actively participate in the cultural activities of Prakasham district, but firmly on the side of the Karemchedu dalits. Later, while leading the revolutionary movement in the Nallamalla forests, he continued his writing of poems, short stories and critiques.

In 1998 when landlords and armed gangs attacked the weaker sections and dalits, several intellectuals took varied stands on that incident. In a reply to them all he wrote an explanatory piece in the daily newspaper ‘Vartha’ under the name Yadanna. In 2000 he developed this into a socio-economic and political analysis of the carnage. This was published by Dikchuchi Publications in the name of Guravaya, who had taught him politics.

In his 20 years of political life he continued as a member of the RWA till the end. So, it was no wonder that to wrap his immortal body in the RWA’s red flag, members of the RWA, including its general secretary, Pinaka Pani, and Cuddapah district convenor, Ravi, received the body in front of the mortuary.

Draped in the red flag the procession came towards the gate of the hospital raising slogans. They had not even reached the gate when they were brutally lathi-charged. Many were caught, thrown to the ground and beaten. They were abused in the most filthy language. Those beaten and arrested included APCLC joint secretary Advocate Kranti Chaitnya, APCLC state treasurer, Shameer Basha (lecturer in Cuddapah Polytechnic College), and district representatives, Murali Krishna, Bhaskar, Jawhar, Ravishankar and others. Six from the APCLC, three from the RWA and another student were kept in the police station, made to sit on the floor and beaten again and again on the existing wounds. Shameer Basha’s right hand was broken and left eye injured, Kranti Chaitanya’s whole body was bruised and foot severely injured, Pinakapani, Ravi, Shafi, and Murali Krishna, were in severe pain, had blood clots and were unable to walk for many days. All were hospitalized and the doctor advised them three weeks rest.

Not only did the SP personally partake in the beating he threatened Basha that he would be encountered. He abused and kicked the injured Kranti Chaitnaya. Obviously he had orders from the top to terrorise the intellectuals. In fact just a few days earlier the police had publicly threatened to arrest all the leading comrades of the APCLC under POTA. Such is the fascist terror in AP, where not only are revolutionaries no longer arrested, but tortured and killed in fake encounters, but intellectuals to are being harassed, beaten, arrested and even killed. The crimes of the Naidu government surpass that of any tin-pot dictator.




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