The US imperialists
have at last taken Baghdad through the most brutal means ever employed in the
history of humankind. Possessing weapons of mass destruction that could wipe out
the world many times over, these international terrorists had chosen a
militarily weak country, ravaged by 12 years of inhuman economic sanctions, that
had blocked food and medicines and killed over 1.5 million people since 1991,
ensured that it was stripped of its military capabilities by destroying even the
few Al Samoud missiles it had through the servile tool of the American
imperialists, the UN, in the name of weapons inspections, and occupied the
country through the worst imaginable forms of treachery, carpet bombing, mass
murder and media lies. The story of the US-British conquest of Iraq is a
ghastly, bizarre, brutal story of atrocities committed on a helpless population
through the deadliest weapons of mass slaughter the world has ever known. The
magnitude of the atrocity may never be known as the entire media that is tied to
the apron-strings of the blood-thirsty capital that is soaked in the blood of
millions of dead, has chosen to deliberately hush it up in the most unabashed
and criminal way. The so-called Gulf War II—as the media shamelessly describes
it, just as it did it during the first war of US-led aggression against Iraq in
1991—is not a war in any sense of the term, but one-sided mass slaughter of
The news that at
least a hundred casualties are being brought to the hospitals in Baghdad alone
every hour, not to speak of the thousands of dead that lie under the debris of
buildings brought down by the carpet bombing by the B-52s and cruise missiles,
cluster bombs and bunker busters, and other deadly weapons used by the White
House terrorists, shows the holocaust created by the criminal gangsters in
Washington and London with the UN acquiescing as a silent accomplice. It is
indeed sickening to see the entire world watch with incredulity and helplessness
as thousands upon thousands of bombs and missiles pounded Iraqi cities bringing
down the basic infrastucture, hospitals, residential buildings, historical
sites, mosques, sewage systems, food godowns, water pumping stations, power
supply lines and so on. It is a cruel joke on humanity to describe the
Anglo-American conquest in this most unequal match of strength that could be
compared only with the European conquest of the Indians in America five
centuries ago, or the colonization of Africa by the White racists, as a
"victory" achieved by the "bravery" of the mercenaries.
In fact, the
war-mongering gangsters expected a quick takeover of Iraq, in a matter of a few
days if not hours, when they first commenced their brutal campaign. But the
heroic resistance of the Iraqis, least expected by the invaders, the failure of
the invading forces to capture any city even at the end of the first week of
invasion, made these criminals even more desperate and resorted to virtual
carpet bombing of anything that came in their way. Hundreds of fleeing civilians
were shot down by tanks and rocket-propelled grenades at check points and roads,
so nervous was the mental state of the invading mercenaries. These cowardly
mercenaries were hardly prepared for real fighting but were totally dependent on
carpet bombing, only after which they would step in like "heroes". Celebrating
the most unequal fight in human history and covering up the death and
destruction wrought upon an entire population shows the sadistic drives of the
militarist capitalists and their media that is ruling the world. These racist
mercenaries had not even spared the journalists who dared to report a bit
objectively regarding the war, bombed their hotel rooms or killed them in
"friendly fire". The attention of the world is being diverted from the havoc
caused by the racist mass murderers in their three-week-long non-stop
bombardment by showing images of a handful of paid agents and lumpen elements
among the Iraqis dancing in jubilation and cheering the invaders when they
entered Baghdad.
And, as usual, the
Right-wing Conservative hawk and the new incarnation of McCarthy , Donald
Rumsfeld, used the occasion of the stage-managed toppling of the statue of
Saddam Hussein to lash out at Lenin and Stalin by placing Saddam alongside these
great men listed as "failed dictators". So much is the fear of the reactionary
paper tigers ruling Washington at the prospect of the resurrection of the
communist revolutions, that they missed no chance to launch their slander
campaign and distortion of the lives of the greatest men in world history. It is
inevitable that some day the entire history of lies and falsehood woven by the
greatest perpetrators of crimes against humanity would be rewitten. Bush and
Blair are already war criminals in the eyes of the vast majority of the world
people and the day of their trial in the people’s court is not far off.
These 21st century
Nazis, in spite of their non-stop propaganda about their act of "liberation" of
the Iraqi people by bombing them and killing at will, had utterly failed to fool
the world people. Even a schoolchild in any part of the world is aware that the
dirty aims of this massacre of an entire population are: to grab the rich oil
resources of Iraq and the entire Middle East, divert the American people from
the unprecedented social and economic crisis afflicting the US with unimaginable
social inequalities, and the grandiose ambition of the US imperialists to
establish unfettered world domination. Now that the first phase of this bloody
war of aggression has come to a close, the white lies emanating from the White
House and the real aims of the war have become so stark that no one barring the
racist colonisers and their running dogs, can believe the BBC (Bush-Blair
Corporation), CNN (Criminal Nazi News), NBC (Nazi Broadcasting Corporation)and
so on. With not a single weapon of mass destruction being found, the entire
world has now realised that it is not Saddam but Bush who is the biggest liar,
it is not Saddam but Bush who is the real terrorist. Even if these neo-Nazis
plant some chemical and biological weapons in Iraq, now that they are in a
position to do so, it will fool none. That Saddam regime would have used the the
WMD as a last resort if it really had them is a question of common sense that
only stupids of the likes of a Bush and Blair can think of denying. At the same
time, people all over the world are a live witness to the worst atrocities by
these modern-day counterparts of Hitler and Mussolini, to their reckless use of
WMD like cluster bombs, bunker busters, MOABs, etc., and the massacres of
civilians by thousands. That is why, there have been unprecedented mass protests
and continuous mass mobilizations against the war of aggression, and world-wide
condemnation of Bush and Blair as modern-day Hitlers and Mussolinis, and the
growing demand for trying these gangsters and their mercenaries who invaded
Iraq, spelling death and destruction to millions of innocent people, for the
worst war crimes in history.
No wonder that the
looting, plunder and arson by the anit-social thugs and lumpens that had
accompanied the Anglo-American occupation of Baghdad and other cities of Iraq,
are justified by the lumpenised White House oligarchy that describes the
lawlessness as the new-found liberty and liberation of the people. Such is the
conception of Iraqi freedom in the lexicon of the criminal Anglo-Saxon
gangsters. What is taking place in the streets of Baghdad and other cities is
only a pale shadow of the even more repulsive, sinister plans for loot and
plunder of the vast oil resources of Iraq being hatched in Washington and London
and the ensuing inter-imperialist dog-fights on sharing the spoils of the war.
Even the national museum and Archives with priceless archaelogical remains of
the dawn of civilization had become the targets of looting by the lawless
elements even as their "liberators" looked on. Such is the culture of plunder of
these 21st century barbarian hordes, the gun-toting, trigger-happy American
cowboys from the streets of Baghdad to the portals of the White House.
The stage-managed
scenes of jubilation of the Iraqis at the conquest of their motherland by the
racist invaders amidst unprecedented anarchy and lawlessness were answered with
massive anti-war protests on April 12-13 with millions of people turning out and
demanding that the invaders should get out of Iraq and leave Iraq to the Iraqis.
The people of Iraq have begun demonstrations with the demand "Yankee Go Home!".
These will increase in the coming days as the invaders settle down to
systematically loot the resources of Iraq. The Iraqi people, with the support of
the world people, will inevitably throw out the occupation forces no matter how
long and bloody the war may be. The invaders will have no peace and will face
the same fate as they did in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Somalia, or as Hitler’s
mercenaries faced all over the world. No Iraqi can be fooled by the propaganda
unleashed by the new incarnations of Goebbels sitting in Washington and London
that Iraq is "liberated" from Saddam’s oppressive regime. From the hoisting of
the American flag after the capture of the first town of Umm Qasar to the
wrapping of the US flag on the statue of Saddam that was pulled down by American
tanks that was projected as the final phase of the invasion, the message is
clear. Americans are on a colonising mission in the classical style. No big
imperialist power in history could succeed in keeping the weaker countries as
colonies for long and had to turn tail faced with the people’s wrath. It will
not be long before the Iraqi people too kick out these colonisers from their soil.
The sickening images
on TV screens and the print media of people who are bombed and deprived of even
drinking water, thanking and welcoming the invaders, is the cruellest joke of
the century—a feat that could be achieved only under a Bush and a Blair whose
trick is to repeat a lie endlessly until the people are forced to believe it.
These hypocrites and tricksters can only survive on lies and on the premise that
people’s memory is short. Or else, with what audacity can they talk of
"liberating" the Iraqis from the oppressive regime of Saddam when all the
greatest and most notorious tyrants and fascist military dictators in the world
owe their survival to these very gangsters—a Pinochet in Chile who was brought
into power after murdering an elected President Allende in a CIA-ITT plot in
1973 and who murdered lakhs of people during his fascist regime; a Suharto in
Indonesia who was actively assisted and directed by Washington to enact a
genocide of over a million communists in the 1960s; a Marcos in the Philippines
who suppressed all democratic rights, murdered hundreds of thousands of people
and looted the wealth of the country; a Mobutu in Zaire whose atrocities and
rape of the country are indescribable; a Duvalier, a Batista, a Botha, a
Noriega, a Fujimori, endless list of the US clients in the countries
of Asia, Africa and Latin America whose crimes against humanity are
well-recorded. The US itself has the unique notoriety of using the nuclear bombs
against the innocent people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 when another big
liar, Harry Truman, tried to mislead the world that it was dropped on military
targets; it also takes the credit for using Agent Orange, Napalm and several
other chemical weapons in Vietnam (and it was the same Colin Powell who tried to
cover up the worst war crimes by the American mercenaries in Vietnam such as the
My Lai massacre of 400 civilians); of dropping depleted uranium in Iraq in 1991
and again between 1996-98 leading to thousands of cases of cancer among Iraqi
children; of supplying chemical, biological and nuclear weapons to brutal
regimes all over the world. It has turned its own country into a vast
prison-house with over 2 million people behind bars—the highest record for any
country in the world. And 12 per cent of the entire Black population in the US
in their 20s and 30s are languishing in jails vindicating the racist, criminal,
and oppressive nature of the reactionary regime in the US. The US and their
hangers-on have no moral right to talk of the oppressive regime of Saddam or
anyone else.
Today, the world is
facing the gravest crisis in its history—the danger to the very survival of the
human species due to the insatiable greed of the imperialists, particularly the
US imperialists, who are scheming to establish their world hegemony by any means
even exterminating entire populations through the deadliest WMD. Tactical
nuclear strikes are being planned to "disarm" North Korea. Diabolic schemes are
hatched to destroy Syria, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, and any country that defies
the dictates of the US. Sovereignty of nations is trampled under the iron wheels
of the American war machine. Even the inherently imperialist-biased
international laws and norms governing relations between the countries are
flouted by the White House gangsters with impunity. By openly declaring that it
reserves the right to invade any country any time if it is suspected of being
detrimental to the interests of the US at any point of time in the future, of
affecting ‘regime change’ in any country, and threatening every country that if
it is not with the US then it is against it, the American imperialists have
emerged as the biggest and the most dangerous terrorists in the present-day
world. They have become the gendarmes, judges and executioners with their
self-usurped right to act unilaterally and their refusal to account for their
actions to any international body. It is the urgent task before the world people
to check the arrogance and lawlessness of these gangsters and put their
barbarian campaign of global invasion on leash. The fascist Israeli zionist
rulers under Ariel Sharon have stepped up their brutal campaign of terror
killing and maiming thousands of Palestinian youth, women and children in the
occupied territories. The US imperialists are supplying chemical weapons to
these Tel Aviv gangsters even as they bombard Iraq in the name of non-existent
WMD. Such is the hypocrisy and double-standards of these imperialist bandits and
first-rate liars who are hated by the entire world people.
The invasion of Iraq
will give a fillip to the proliferation of WMD all over the world as it has
taught every country that possession of WMD alone will act as a deterrent to a
devastating assault by the US. The European Union, led by the three core
countries of France, Germany and Belgium who opposed the unilateral war by the
US, has made plans to beef up its military might and mutual military cooperation
to face a possible assault by the US in future. The militarization of the entire
world will increase at a frantic pace which is what the merchants of death in
the US and other countries aspire for. Fight against miltarization and war
should be a major plank for the people’s struggles world-wide.
The war on Iraq has
also convinced the Arab and Muslim masses that a more militant, organized and
united struggle against the US imperialists and their running dogs in their own
respective countries alone can save them from the predicament of being enslaved
like the Iraqis. Having nothing to rely upon and confronted with the awesome
destructive power of the US imperialists, the Arab and Muslim masses are bound
to take the path of terrorism as long as they see no other alternative. This too
is a fond wish of the neo-Conservative hawks in Washington. The spread of
terrorist acts will give them greater licence to further boost their permanent
war economy, create a sense of mass insecurity and jingoist frenzy, curtail even
the nominal democratic rights and personal freedoms of the American citizens,
externalise the root causes for the ills of the American economy and society
thereby diverting the attention of the American masses, and keep the imperialist
war machine in a state of continuous motion. Hence it is necessary for the US
imperialists to create an enemy in the form of terrorism in order to achieve all
the above aims.
Today, the
Anglo-American imperialists are totally isolated from the rest of the world;
there is a growing consciousness among the people about the cruel nature of the
capitalist system and a realisation that war is an inbuilt feature of
imperialism; and that it is only through united struggle of the world’s
oppressed people that war can be averted. All these are favourable factors for
advancing the people’s wars in the backward countries and building mighty
revolutionary movements in the imperialist countries. In this favourable
situation, it will not be long for the people to understand the need for waging
revolutionary war to defeat imperialism and thereby completely eliminate the
danger of war.
The CPI(ML)[People’s
War] has called upon the people: to build a mighty mass movement in support of
the just cause of liberation of the Iraqi people from the yoke of the
Anglo-American colonizers; to boycott the Anglo-American goods and their
Goebbelsian media; to kick out their blood-soaked capital from our country; to
demand the trial of Bush and Blair for their heinous war crimes against the
people of Iraq and punish the Anglo-American mercenaries shooting down Iraqi
children and other citizens without any provocation; to bring pressure on the
comrador BJP-led government in Delhi to sever all diplomatic ties with the
Anglo-American invaders until they withdraw from Iraqi territory; and not to
recognize the stooge government of the US imperialists being set up in Iraq.
Intensification of the people’s war and class struggle worldwide, complete
elimination of the imperialist system and the establishment of socialism alone
can ultimately eliminate the scourge of war and bring permanent peace on the
April 15, 2003