Volume 4, No. 6, June 2003


Joint Statement




We join the people of the world in condemning the US war of aggression against Iraq. Together with Britain, the US aims with this war to recolonýze Iraq, to undermine the Palestinian, Arab and other peoples’ struggle for national and social liberation and to further consolidate US imperialist hegemony over the Middle East and Eurasia.

The US clearly aims to seize the victors’ spoils as in its previous wars of aggression against Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. It wants to seize control over Iraq’s 112 billion barrels of proven oil reserves and over 250 billion of potential reserves. The US thereby hopes to dominate and neutralýze the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and thereafter have undisputed hegemony over the oil resources in all parts of the world.

The contradictions among imperialist powers are rapidly sharpening. France, Russia and China all have oilfield concessions in Iraq, while Germany has engineering and supply contracts to rebuild Iraqi infrastructure and industry. They can see that a US-led war on Iraq will threaten their economic and geopolitical interests in the region and therefore refuse to take part in the war coalition the US is building.

The fascist Turkish state is taking part in this aggression because it is a puppet state of US imperialism. However, through this war of aggression Turkey will not only serve the interests of US imperialism but will also stand to gain something for itself. It is in deep economic crisis and it is dependent on assistance from the US. It wants to prevent the formation of a Kurdish state in northern Iraq because this would influence the Kurds in Turkey. This war means that the people of Turkey and especially the Kurds will suffer even more oppression at the hands of the ruling classes.

While the whole world is concerned with the US war of aggression on Iraq, the US continues to support the fascist Sharon government to massacre Palestinians, expand the Zionist settlements and dismantle the Palestinian Authority. It also continues to increase its military intervention and aggression in the "second front against terrorism" in Southeast Asia, especially in the Philippines.

US imperialism undertakes counterrevolutionary activities in Nepal, Colombia, Venezuela and several other countries under the guise of wars against drugs and against terrorism. To augment and secure its oil resources, the US is tightening its hold on the Philippines, Indonesia, Colombia and Venezuela. For the same reason and in the same way, it is also actively securing oil concessions in Angola, Nigeria, Congo, Gabon, Cameroon and the Equatorial Guinea, from which it aims to obtain 25 per cent of its oil needs by 2015.

US imperialism has been mired in prolonged recession since the US stock market and industrial production plunged in 2000. In a desperate attempt to pump-prime the economy, it is concocting a dangerous combination of neoliberal rapacity and military Keynesianism: tax cuts, research and development subsidies and military production contracts for the monopolies.

The Bush government’s scheme is to whip up war hysteria, launch wars of aggression whenever possible, seize the oil and other resources from other countries by war or threatening war and sell weapons while keeping the high technology required to produce these. It is whipping up jingoism, racism and fascism and fomenting disturbances all over the world in order to justify its self-proclaimed role as world policeman.

We must resolutely and militantly struggle against US imperialism, its allies (Britain, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands, and the like) and all the puppet states that are actively supporting the US war plan against Iraq. It is clearly the time for the people to rise up along the line of the broad anti-imperialist united front and for revolutionary forces to develop their strength so that in due time they can convert the imperialist war to a revolutionary civil war.

We must direct our main struggle in this specific war of aggression against the US and British imperialists. But while this is the case, we should not forget that the other major states such as France, Germany and Russia are opposed to this US-British war because of their own imperialist interests; and we must also be aware of the special roles of the most reactionary states in the region, like Turkey and Israel. We must further take into account the reactionary character of the Saddam regime even as it is now the target of its former imperialist master, the US.

Our struggle against this imperialist war of aggression on Iraq is inseparable from our general class struggle. The imperialist war of aggression is bound to create more favorable conditions for the armed revolution in the imperialist countries as well as in the oppressed countries of the world. It is our task as Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties to further intensify the people’s war and overthrow imperialism and all reaction in our countries. People’s war can also further develop and advance in other countries where it is being waged.

The world people’s struggle for national and social liberation against imperialism and all reaction surges forward precisely when the crisis of the world capitalist system sharpens and a lone imperialist superpower or a group of imperialist powers goes on a rampage of unbridled plunder and aggressive wars, doing the worst to the people.

- All patriotic, progressive and revolutionary forces and people in the Middle East, arise and unite to struggle against the US war of aggression!

- Down with unjust and reactionary wars and long live all just and progressive wars!

- Carry forward the struggle for national and social liberation in all regions of the world!

- Workers of the world and oppressed peoples of all countries unite to overthrow imperialism and all reaction!

- Long live the national liberation movements!

- Long live the world proletarian revolution!

- Long live Peoples War!

- Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!


Communist Party of India (Marxist- Leninist) [People’s War]

Communist Party of the Philippines

Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist- Leninist

20 March 2003




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