Volume 4, No. 6, June 2003



US Aggression & Occupation of Iraq

A Charter for US Imperialist Colonization Worldwide



It was a victory of the cowards. They first pulverized Iraq in 1991 with a brutality far outstripping the needs of ‘countering’ the aggression of Kuwait. Next they destroyed its economy and people through a decade of sanctions and periodic bombings. They further disarmed the country of its effective weaponry through years of UN sponsored "weapon’s inspections". They spied on every detail of the country’s security during these humiliating weapon’s inspections. And now, on the eve of the present attack, the few remaining effective missiles were also destroyed in the name of searching for ‘weapons of mass destruction’. Then, after having devastated the country and, to a large extent disarmed them, they bombarded Iraq night and day for three weeks, raining over 30 Hiroshimas over the populace.

Hundreds of thousands of civilians killed; massacred by bombs with devastating killing power; and murdered by disease through wanton destruction of water and electricity supplies and looting of the hospitals. An equal number maimed, and thousands more affected by the depleted uranium used in the mini atom bombs. And over the corpses of thousands the ‘victors’ marched in, with the sacking of Baghdad and every other town in the country. Chenghais Khan would look mild compared to these bandits of modern day, who claim to be the most advanced in this so-called ‘clash of civilizations’.

They claimed to be the ‘liberators’; they were in fact the savages. They claimed to be their saviours from Saddam’s ‘despotism’; they are in the process of installing their despotic colonial rule, far more ruthless. They claim to be the apostles of modern civilization; they were the most uncivilized brutes that ransacked centuries of treasures of the ancient Mesopotamian civilization from the museums, libraries and palaces. They acted like the Hitlerian hordes massacring even innocent women and children. There was no remorse; it was mere ‘collateral damage’.

Not only has an entire nation been maimed; a major casualty of the war has been, the truth. Lies and falsehood have been churned out by the monopoly media on a scale unimaginable. Blatant falsehoods are repeated again and again by the monopoly medias CNN, BBC, Fox TV, NBC, etc, which then go to feed the rest of the world. Many independent journalists were consciously killed and Arabic media was sought to be suppressed. The ‘embedded’ journalists, were nothing but part of the US/UK war machine. It was Goebbelian propaganda magnified thousand-fold.

The Bushes, Blairs, Rumsfelds, Cheneys, et al, were spewing their poisonous hatred, with an arrogance of feudal monarchs. They were threatening, bribing, cajouling, arm-twisting one and all, following the Bush dictum "those who are not with us, are against us". Though lakhs, nay millions, poured out onto the streets in opposition to the war in their own countries, they could not care. Though crores opposed the war throughout the world in an unprecedented show of international solidarity with the Iraqi people, these fascist marauders merely changed their vocabulary from ‘international community’ to ‘coalition of the willing’, and went about their job with even greater ferocity. They cared little even for the UN and its pathetic whimperings.

Every country knows, that today it is Iraq, tomorrow it could be us. As long as servile rulers, like Vajpayee and gang, cringe before US dictates, there is no need for aggression, as US/imperialist policy is implemented in India willingly. Only if there is resistance there will be aggression. In Iraq, the US big corporate houses will take direct control of the oilfields, giving gigantic profits to their new owners. In India with the government totally prostrating before imperialist dictates, the US (and other) multinationals have anyway been allowed free play to make and take away huge profits. What the US achieves overnight in Iraq, is being achieved piecemeal in India. Vajpayee may not yet be a Chalabi, but he, or others of his ilk, are well on the road to become one. Did not the VHP strongly applaud US aggression on Iraq? And did not the Central government refuse to take any coherent stand on the war till the very end, indulging in typical doublespeak? And, is there now not talk that the GOI is prepared to help the US policing of Iraq? Have not India’s compradors received fat contracts as part of the US’s spoils of war?

Forget Iraq, even after opening up the entire economy for imperialist loot the Vajpayee government is now aggressively pushing three more major policies, which will make the US and other imperialists ecstatic, while devastating the people of the country even more.

First, is the passing of the Contract Labour Bill, to bind the working class and allow big-business even larger profits. Second, it plans the total dismantling of the Public Distribution System, and handing it over entirely to private traders, the major ones being US agri-business. Third, they plan the imposition of IMF-style conditionalities on state governments to force them to reduce their fiscal deficits, by massively cutting down on social welfare expenditure and removing the subsidy on electricity charges.

Vajpayee’s government has, in addition, recently announced a plan to privatize the coalmines of the country; Chalabi’s gangsters have openly stated their intention to set the trend for the de-nationalisation of the oil fields in the region. So, though different, the line of demarcation between the politics of ‘ peaceful’ globalisation and the politics of war globalisation, is indeed thin.

With such compliant rulers, the US is, to a large extent, in the process of achieving in India ‘peacefully’ what it will achieve though war in Iraq. War after all is merely the continuation of politics by other means. So, fighting the policies of globalisation in India, is part of the fight against US war-mongering and its aggression and occupation of Iraq. The two are not distinct, but a part of the common entity of fighting the latest offensive of imperialism, particularly that of the US.

A call to boycott all US and British goods, and a mass awakening of the citizens of our country against imperialist devastation, will act as a landmark in this forthcoming struggle — for fighting back the offensive of foreign capital in our country; and for joining the international coalition of democratic and revolutionary forces to counter the US/British war machine.

With this war and the occupation of Iraq, a number of questions arise before the people of the world, and particularly those of the backward countries like India: Who will be the next target? How much must governments of backward countries buckle under US dictates to avoid direct intervention? What was the nature of the European opposition? What are the reasons for the US turning so aggressive? Why did the massive outpouring of anti-war sentiment throughout the world have little impact on the course of the war? Finally, how can the US juggernaught be stopped, or are the peoples of the world entirely helpless before this superpower monster? These and many more questions arise which we shall try and answer in the course of the following articles.

But, let it be remembered, that the Iraqis, inspite of all odds, fought heroically. Mass demonstrations against the US continue every day. Guerilla warfare, which created such panic to the aggressor forces during the first two weeks of the war, continues, and will, no doubt, become a nightmare not only to the occupation forces, but also to the puppet regime set up by the US. Fedayeen forces across the Arabian countries are already in Iraq. A few days back mass demonstrations against US occupation shook all the major cites and towns of Iraq. Panic-stricken, the US fired into the crowds, killing an unknown number and injuring hundreds. This is just the beginning of a new resistance.

Worldwide too, and in India, millions have taken to the streets. Everywhere the call to boycott US/British goods is gaining momentum. Let us, in India, intensify the seeds of this new awakening against these rapacious monsters and their local agents, not only to safeguard the interests and rich wealth of our country, but also for the sake of humanity worldwide.

May 1, 2003



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