To make sure that the
present big global topics will be put on the agenda under the demonstrations
connected to the EU-summit in Copenhagen the 12-14th of December, a number of
individuals and organisations have founded the new initiative Copen-hagen 2002.
The initiative is planning a demonstration in Copenhagen 13th of December 2002,
with Danish and international speakers under the slogans: Stop the terror
war! No to imperialist globalisation! No to the EU of the capital! We hereby
call on anti-war movements and peace organisations, anti-imperialists and
solidarity-organisations, anti-globalisation movements, opponents of the EU and
other progressive forces to join the initiative. It is possible to join only on
the basis of one of the slogans. All slogans are allowed, as long as they stay
inside the framework of the slogans mentioned.
Stop the war of
terrorism! With the Bush doctrine and the US strategy for hegemony, the world is
in a state of permanent war and armament. After Afghanistan a new big war is
prepared against Iraq, to deploy a puppet of the US and gain control over the
rich oil resources and the region itself. The Palestinian people is threatened
by new massacres and forced removal. The "war on terror", which is supported and
also waged by the EU, Russia and China, bear enormous consequences for the
people, who pay for the unrestrained armament through social cut downs and
falling real wages, and with restrictions of the democracy and the right to
protest (especially with the terror-laws). The Philippines, Colombia, Chechnya -
new countries are constantly being involved in the "terrorwar" - all in order to
crush the people´s resistance with military power.
No to imperialist
globalisation! The terrorwar is also the economical globalisation, carried out
by force of arms. It is the securing of the great multinational corporations,
exploitation of and control with the world’s countries, people, financial and
natural resources. It is the guarantee for continuing the robbing of the
overwhelming majority of the peoples of the world. 1.8 billion people live for
less than 1 US$ a day - and the number increases. Neo-liberalism with its
privatisation of everything and everybody for profit, has lead to increased
poverty, exploitation of entire nations and regions from Argentina and the Andes
Region in Latin America to Africa and great parts of Asia - and the former
Soviet Union too. WTO, The World Bank, IMF, FTAA, EU are all just a few of the
names of the instruments used in the imperialistic globalisation - all to the
advantage of the monopolies. No to the EU of the capital! From summit to summit
the resistance against the EU of the capital is expressing itself in the streets
of Europe. The resistance will also express itself in Copenhagen. Now the EU is
to be provided with its own constitution - the final political basis for a
UNITED STATES of EUROPE. It is even suggested to be its name. A new super-state,
a coming new global superpower: it is the dream of the European rulers and
monopolies, a dream which is on its way to coming true. It is not the EU of the
people’s, it is the EU of the capital. The expansion towards east with a number
of new member countries is a step in the construction of the EU superpower, a
step to maintain the superstate EU´s eastern backyard and "gather Europe" on a
neo-liberal and reactionary basis. It is the part of the basis for the
development of the EU as a global imperialist superpower - just like the USA.
The expansion of the EU to the east of Europe, will have serious consequences
for the population of the new member countries. By imposing customs duties,
barriers of trade and ruthless economical politics, another market for the
capital of EU is created. Under cover of fair trade Eastern and Central Europe
is being prepared for slavery under leadership of the multinational companies.
We say: NO to the United States of Europe! Stop the Europe of the reaction and
the capital!
The organisers