Volume 3, No. 6, June 2002


May Day in Delhi


May Day was celebrated in nearly all the working class slums and industrial belts of Delhi. Here we shall recount May Day functions in just 3 areas to give a picture of the working-class’s rising consciousness.

1. Okhla

Okhla is a big industrial belt having workers from all over the country. Here there are various types of workers —those on fixed pay, contract labourers and vast numbers of daily wage workers. The bulk of the workers are employed in the leather and garment industries. Most of these workers are muslims.

The May Day programme was organised in the area jointly by four Organisations — Leather Garment Mazdoor Union, Progressive Mazdoor Trade Union, Nepali Mazdoor Ekta Sangh and the Jan Pratirodh Sangh. It began with a lengthy rally through the lanes of Okhla culminating in a public meeting. At the begining there were 300 workers, but as the rally wound its way through the by-lanes of Okhla, it increased to 650.

Most of the speeches presented by the leaders of these worker’s organisations attacked the New Economic Policies, and the new Trade Union Acts and their disastrous impact on workers. With the new policies, they explained, that not only would the hours of work increase beyond eight, but women would be forced to work at nights.

The speakers also spoke against the pogroms in Gujarat by the Hindu Fascists against muslims and appealed for unity of the oppressed masses from all religions against the fascists.

The speaker from the Nepal organisation spoke of the growing peoples movement in Nepal and the Nepales government’s repression on it. He called on all worker’s to support the growing movement in Nepal, condemn the Nepalese government and oppose the danger of US and Indian intervention in the Nepali conflict.

2. Shahdara

Here too various worker’s organisation jointly gave a call for a May Day rally. From three days earlier handbills were distributed in the entire area. On May Day, from early morning itself workers began gathering outside factory gates appealing to workers to close the factories and join the rally. They also did a dharna (protest) before factory gates demanding a holiday. After some time workers from some industrial units joined the rally, as did students from Delhi University. The rally wound its way around the entire industrial belt of Shahdara ending in a public meeting. Women and children also participated in the rally.

The public meeting began with a cultural programme where the songs and street play depicted the struggle of the workers and exposed, the revisionist leatership who betrayed these strugges. After this speeches were presented by workers and students.

The workers recounted the history of May Day, the growing attacks on the rights of workers by the fascistic NDA government, the impact of the policies of economic reforms, the attacks on muslims in Gujarat by Hindu fascist goons, a condemnation of the draconian POTA, etc.

After this students from Delhi attacked the privatisation of education policy of the government, which resulted on large sections of the working and middle classes being unable to go for proper education. They also attacked the growing unemployment of educated youth due to the imperialist-dictated economic policies of the government.

The meeting finally ended with a cultural programms.

3. Noida

In Noida two meetings were held attended by about 150 workers each. Most of these workers were from engineering plants in the Export Processing Zone. Here the speakers focused on the cruel exploitation of workers in these zones and called on them to intensify their struggle. They also explained the significance and significane of May Day.




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