Volume 2, No. 10, October 2001


Girl-next-door becoming a PGA leader


Bhavani would have been any other girl, sweating it out in the kitchen through her life. Her transformation into Kavitha, a squad area committee member in the PGA, shows the power of the people’s movements, which turn hoi polloi into better human beings. A high scool dropout, Bhavani was born into a typical lower middle-class family, which could hardly feed its members, not to speak of educating its children. Understanding the ground realities well, she had decided to put a full stop after she passed seventh class. She asked her elder and younger brothers to carry on their educational careers, while finding her place at home, taking care of the household activites. The shifting of the family to Hyderabad opened a new chapter in her life. Gradually, Bhavani came into contact with women’s ogranisations. She never looked back after being convinced that the only way to liberate the downtrodden and women is to overthrow the rulling classes. After working for about two yeras in the mass organisations, she went underground and worked in a number of villages in Nalgonda and Mahboobnagar districts, educating the people and preparing them for the struggle. As she headed further in the movement, she found in Rameshwar, the then city secreatary, her compaion. She always preferred to be an ordinary activist and never tried to show off. In 1997, her companion was killed in a fake encounter. But this failed to dishearten her. She had decided to march ahead to carry on the unfinished tasks of Rameshwar and other top leaders whom she knew from close quarters.

She became a SAC member in Nalgonda district. She laid down her life while fighting the enemy in the encounter on June 8, leaving a trail of wonderful memories. As a revolutionary poet put it, she was a diamond shaped up by people.

The funeral rally turned into a protest rally, with hundreds of friends, sympathisers and members of various people’s organisations taking out a long procession. The rally which began at Malkajgiri in the city culminated in a public meeting at the Amberpet graveyard, 22 km away from her parent’s place. AILRC secretary Gaddar, AIPRF general secretary Saibaba, Andhra Pradesh Chaitanya Mahila Samakhya president B Jyothi, APCLC president Ratnamala, Virasam leader Chalasani Prasad and leaders of various mass organisations were present. Gaddar sang songs, paying tributes to the Kanagal martyrs. As the body of Kavitha was consigned to the flames, an impromputu meeting was organised where several speakers reminisced Kavitha. 15/4/2001




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