The barbaric attack
of the US and British imperialists on the Afghan nation and people should be
condemned by all peace loving people and nations of the world. The US and
British imperialists rained bombs and cruise missiles and pounded the cities of
Kabul, Kandhahar, Jalalabad and Mazar-e-Shariff causing extensive damages to
military installations and civilian population. The two decades war waged by
Soviet imperialism has already ravaged Afghan life, economy and society to
unimaginable proportions. Afghanistan, one of the poorest countries in the world
is being attacked by a coalition of the richest states in the name of fighting
‘terrorism’! A human catastrophe and devastation is unfolding before our eyes.
Millions of refugees are already rotting in sub-human conditions in the camps of
Pakistan, Iran and near the Afghanistan borders. On the one hand the imperialist
gangsters are raining bombs and missiles on the Afghan land, resources and
people and dropping few crumbs of rations to show their "humanitarian concern"!
What a cruel irony it is! Billions of dollars are spent on war to pound already
ruined cities and hapless people! It is cruel and infinitive injustice.
This unjust War on the sovereignty on a poorest nation cannot be endured by
any freedom loving people.
Day in and day out
the imperialist club in shouting to fight against "terrorism"! State terrorism
of US imperialism far surpasses, and puts the "terrorists" whom the imperialist
gangs want to fight into shame. The world people cannot forget the American
horrendous crimes against humanity in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Their war crimes
in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Korea can never be forgotten. Their attacks on Iraq,
Sudan, Kosova cost so much human misery and death. Their punitive sanctions on
various countries like Iraq, Libya, Cuba can not be brushed away. The US
sponsored pogrom in Indonesia in the sixties when lakhs of people and communist
were killed – history cannot obliterate. The crimes of the British, French,
Germans throughout the world cannot be wished away. The imperialists brought
death, decay and destruction in the two world wars. They waged wars on various
nations in the post world war period killing millions of people. They plundered
the nations, looted their resources. 40,000 die every day due to hunger and
poverty! It is imperialism that is the chief culprit. The leader of the
imperialist gangsters is America – the Terrorist No.1 and No 1 enemy of the
world people.
Till the other day
American imperialism was hand in glove with Osama Bin Laden. Till yesterday it
was hobnobbing with the Taliban. Now Bin Laden has become terrorist No.1.
American imperialism supported most hated dictators like Marcos, Suharto,
Pinochet who did uncountable terror and crimes on the people. Who did harbour
all these criminals! Who did give financial, military support to these state
terrorists! Who has been all along supporting the state terrorist in West Asia,
America’s puppy – Israel, which has done unprecedented crimes against Arab
It is not Bush Vs Bin
Laden, it is imperialism Vs the oppressed nations and people. People and
nations at this hour should decide either they are with Number One enemy of the
World people i.e. US imperialism or with the Afghan people. Yesterday it was on
Iraq, today it is on Afghanistan, tomorrow it may be on any other country.
imperialism’s ultimate motive has to be understood. It is the lure of oil
through the control and hegemony over Central Asia that is driving US to this
frenzy of war mongering. It is the unprecedented recession in the US and
worldwide that is prompting the Americans, British and other imperialists to
join and support the American unjust war to divert their country’s attention
from their failing economies.
The American people
have a history of fighting against their own regime’s unjust wars. They stood
against their governments atrocities in Vietnam. The European people have a
glorious tradition of fighting against unjust wars. There is a strong tradition
of peace movements. The Japanese people have not forgotten American crimes.
People in Tokyo have already come out onto the streets against war and
aggression by America.
The Afghanistan
people have a heroic tradition of fighting against the colonial powers. They
made enormous sacrifices in their fight against the Soviet Union agression. They
have sacrificed 10 lakh people to defeat Soviet imperialism. Once the coward
American mercenaries descend on their land, the Afghan people will show their
prowess and will prove how "Imperialists are paper tigers!!"
The Indian people and
people of the sub continent have a glorious tradition of fighting against
Imperialism and its aggression. The People of India cannot be deceived by the
rhetoric of the BJP government that they are joining the alliance of the
International coalition under US leadership with the lofty aim of fighting
terrorism. Devils are chanting Mantras!! The Indian state has killed thousands
of Sikhs in Punjab, and has already killed more than 50,000 kashmiris, and
thousands of Nagas. The people of various nationalities have faced brutal
oppression under the Indian state in their fight for genuine demands. The
working class, Peasant masses, and various sections faced cruel repression in
these 50years in their fight for land, bread, and liberation. In the name of
fighting against terrorism, India wants to become a firm ally of the US
imperialists and so that its dream of remaining as a Regional boss in the sub
continent can continue. The Indian people should oppose the alliance, with all
its might, of the ruling classes attempts to make India part of the present war
of aggression by the US and its allies. We should never allow the use of Indian
bases to the US for its war purposes.
The engulfing
People’s war of AP, Dandakaranya, Bihar in India and various just struggles of
the nationalities, the struggles of Tamil people of Srilanka for their homeland,
the ongoing people’s war in Nepal will rally the South Asian people to fight
against the unjust war perpetrated by the US and its allies by intensifying our
war against our respective regimes.
for CC