The Kashmir question continues
to trouble the minds of the rulers and politicians ever since the struggle for
liberation started in 1989. After having tried all military means to crush the
movement without any success for twelve long years the Indian rulers have
started looking for the other option, i.e.; political. For India the possibility
to try for the political options only came up in the wake of the sudden
announcement of the unilateral cease-fire made by the Hizbul Mujahideen group in
July 2000. Since then many a proposal for a political settlement of the question
has been put forward and discussed in the mainstream (bourgeois) press in both
India and Pakistan and also internationally.
Many experts commented upon the
Hizbul Mujahideen’s July 2000 offer as an indication and recognition of the
futility of armed struggle, which has continued to rock the valley.... that the
"Kashmiris have realised that azadi is not likely to materialize."
Working on this understanding the Indian government sought to explore ways and
seek channels to strike a political deal with those forces who would be ready to
dump the gun and accept a "within India" solution of the Kashmir problem.
What one of the biggest and powerful armies in the world could not achieve
through its deadly firepower and widespread repression is being tried out
through the political process. Not that there won’t be any weak forces among the
armed resistance groups and the political organisations that have taken up the
cause of the liberation of Kashmir. Such a thing is always there in all
societies. But the important thing here is that the Indian rulers themselves
have been unsuccessful to defeat the armed struggle of the people of Kashmir
because the righteousness of the cause is not on their side. Righteousness lies
with the Kashmiris. The Kashmiris are fighting and making sacrifices for a just
cause and this is their real power that can endure in the worst of
circumstances. Hence, all moral and human strength is on their side and it is
the ground for their future victory. The Indian armed forces lack this power
though they have far more superior and sophisticated arms and technology at
their disposal. What the Indian rulers, having failed in suppression campaigns,
can do is only to try their hands at manoeuvers that can create a wedge in the
liberation forces and organisations that are active in the struggle. On the part
of the Indian government the "political process" is directed towards this
Imperialist Intrigues
Political proposals for the
solution of the Kashmir problem started coming after the Kargil war. The
"international community", presently being led by the US imperialists called for
talks between India and Pakistan, since the violence in Kashmir threatens peace
in all of South Asia, and may well engulf the oil rich Central Asian republics.
The big in the world, also including Russia and China, now want the Kashmir
question solved through negotiations. It has acquired added dimensions due to
the upheavals spreading towards Central Asian countries and also the western
parts of China where poor Muslim peoples want their present state of affairs
changed due to diverse reasons. The whole of this vast region is seething with
discontented populations thereby threatening the present social ‘stability’. The
big powers are afraid that if the liberation struggle in Kashmir grows in the
direction of an uncompromising struggle against oppression and for independence
its consequences may engulf entire Central Asia. That it will definitely act as
a catalyst for promoting the struggle against oppression and for inspiring these
peoples to take their destinies in their own hands. Another factor, and perhaps
more important, is that it may give strength to the resurgence of Muslim
nationalism which often comes into clash with the western imperialist powers.
Thus the struggle in Kashmir has enhanced further interest on the part of the
"international community". All these powers want the Kashmir problem settled in
a "peaceful way" lest it should disturb the present stability of the
The common refrain in Kashmir is that
the ceasefire was never a ground reality. It was a hoax to dupe the Indian
public and the world. During the six months that it lasted around 430
civilians were killed and an equal number injured. In the week before the
lifting of the ceasefire nine people were killed in police custody in Kashmir.
In a quest of a political
solution, Ahmad Faruqui, Energy and Defense Analyst, Palo Alto, California,
"All options should be aired and
analyzed, including (a) an independent, demilitarized and neutral Kashmir, (b) a
Kashmir that is jointly acceded to India and Pakistan, (c) establishment of a UN
Protectorate for an indefinite period, and (d) a three way partition of Indian
administered Kashmir into the Valley of Kashmir, Jammu, and Leh. In addition,
the traditional options should also be considered including (a) the Line of
Control becomes an international border, (b) Kashmir accedes to Pakistan and (c)
Kashmir accedes to India."
There seems as many proposals as
there are parties and political trends involved in the conflict. But one thing
is starkly missing, that is, Kashmir as an independent political entity among
the community of nations of the world. With independence there are
specifications: demilitarized and neutral. But, if an ‘independent’
Kashmir comes into being it must not have its teeth and the power to defend
Once there was Cambodia in this
strange category and its neutrality accepted by all the countries of the world.
But the neutrality treaty was to be trampled upon, it’s ruler thrown out and the
whole length and breadth of the country devastated. The US imperialists did this
crime in 1969 to convert Cambodia into a military base for the purpose of
crushing the liberation struggle in Vietnam, pushing the whole of Indo-China
into an inferno. The king only wanted to maintain his neutrality but the US
wanted to rope it into the Vietnamese war. And no country of the so-called
democratic world came forward to the Cambodians’ help except that of the then
socialist China.
Leave aside the case of
Switzerland. It is an imperialist country and Kashmir will be one of the most
backward and poorest in the world, and that Kashmir has powerful neighbours who
have already occupied it and refuse to vacate it. Moreover, banks of Switzerland
are used by the entire tyrant and reactionary rulers of the world to deposit
billions of dollars squeezed through corrupt practices and clandestine deals.
This serves other imperialist powers well in their games to buy off, impose and
maintain oppressive regimes throughout the world. Switzerland has a great value
for the imperialist system as a whole.
A few people think that Kashmir
can be made into a Switzerland of Asia. Cambodia is the more appropriate example
that comes to the mind. A demilitarized Kashmir will be defenceless against the
powerful armies of its neighbours and its people will have to build a new
resistance army to defend themselves. All the other proposals don’t take into
consideration the dignity of the people of the whole land of Kashmir. The
tripartition of Kashmir is bound to plunge the whole of India into a communal
As far as the proposal of a UN
protectorate is concerned this will only help the powers like USA. Take the
example of Kosovo. The US and other imperialist armies entered into it in the
name of stopping the Yugoslavian atrocities. But still, long after the
Yugoslavian pull out is over, these forces refuse to come out of Kosovo. The
independence promised to the Kosovars remains a remote possibility. One of the
major real purposes of the US there was, and still remains, to acquire a new
bastion for its forces in Europe. Another was to curtail the strengthening of
the Kosovo Liberation Army and to make sure that Kosovo and Albania may not
unite to form a bigger Muslim state in the heart of Europe. The first act of the
US forces in Kosovo was to secure the demobilisation of KLA and its surrender to
the [UN] forces. That was the demilitarization of Kosovo. Support for the
struggling Kosovars was just a façade to intervene. The only situation in which
the US may decide to pull out can be after making sure that Kosovo does not join
Albania and accepts a permanent stationing of the US forces on its soil.
Another recent example is that
of East Timor. East Timor is set to gain its ‘ independent’ status as its
leaders have accepted the imperialist control over its economy. A case of a
nation strangled right before its birth. After the US’ victory in the "Cold
War" we got the gulf war. The USA as a sole super power is riding rough shod
over other nations and has earned more notoriety. Moreover, Clinton’s words
about Kashmir must be remembered when he said, "Kashmir is not East Timor".
Understandably, it means Kashmir is not even worth a stillborn nation like
East Timor. A UN protectorate will mean a brutal imperialist control over the
social and economic life of the Kashmiri people.
But, perhaps, we should look
more into the analysis that says, ‘Kashmiris have realized that Azadi is not
likely to…’ Azadi. That is the real question that should be grappled with.
This question has many dimensions to it that need exploration and debate. There
are a good number of people on both sides of the Line of Control and the
Kashmiri Diaspora spread on all the continents who are for an independent
Kashmir, for a distinct and dignified national identity which would reflect
their glorious traditions, civilized culture, hardworking and peaceful nature.
For centuries they have woven their dreams into carpets, their emotions into
silk and embroidered shawls, carved their feelings on wood. Most ancient
literary books in the sub continent belong to Kashmir. The Kashmiri people have
a glorious, civilized past. They are a people who have imbibed the beauty of
nature that surrounds them, a people whose songs reverberate with love and the
peace of Sufi traditions. For centuries it has been considered as a paradise on
earth. In modern times they were the first in the sub continent to wrest their
lands from the oppressive feudal lords.
Their present woes started when
the British imperialists transferred power to local reactionaries in both India
and Pakistan. Since then they have been denied a dignified existence.
Kashmiri Hato is the word that continued to be used derogatively to identify
any Kashmiri working in the plains till recently. It has always been an affront
to their self-respect and they have always resented the sub-human treatment
meted out to them. But no longer now. They have risen up. The rattle of Indian
machine guns has been unable to drown the deafening sounds of the mutinous
Kashmiri Abshars. Azadi, Hurriyat and Freedom, are the only synonyms that
echo in the snow clad gargantuan mountains and the beautiful valleys of Kashmir.
A yearning to regain their lost Paradise.
One stops at the word to ponder
over it, especially in the light of historical experiences of the second half of
the past century. Take the examples of India or Pakistan, or that of the
countries of Africa or any other country that belongs to the third world and had
been under the direct colonial rule of the colonist countries. Almost everywhere
the people have dreamed of and struggled and fought for freedom from the
colonial yoke. And almost everywhere the leaders, who became new rulers, have
failed to carry on the struggle for liberation or independence through to the
end, falling back on their promises. If a correct understanding about the
concept of Azadi is not arrived at any talks, or not holding of these talks, for
a solution will lose its significance.
Freedom is like having a
beautiful dream. It is like living in an environment where there are no shackles
or there is a state where the society has the power and means to break every
shackle that comes to obstruct the path of its development, both of the
individual and the collective. Despite the fact that local faces have taken up
the reins of the governments they have proved only the governors of imperialist
interests. From the point of the great majority of the people the dream of
freedom is far from realized. It stands shattered.
The "political independence"
these countries gained remained formal or degenerated into one, and their
economies remained fettered to the powerful imperialist economies that continue
to throttle them up to this day leaving the people of these countries in abject
poverty, degradation and misery. For the people, this sort of independence has
done nothing. It has proved a sham. The people feel still fettered to the
clanking iron chains of confinement, hopelessness and despondency. We the people
living in India and those living in Pakistan, the great majority of us feel that
real independence has eluded us. Only those who have state power and control
over the means of production, only the corrupt, the scamsters, the swindlers and
big wigs are the real gainers. Nehru’s promise to the people of India for "a
tryst with destiny" has proved wrong so also his promise to the Kashmiri
people to "respect their will" was a farce. He well knew it that he was
not going to keep his word. He betrayed. The people of India too need a new
India, an India where they will have their destiny in their own hands.
On the other hand, accession to
Pakistan raises some very important questions. Are the people in Pakistan better
placed than the people of India? Do the people there really feel satisfied with
their fate and feel that they are living in an independent country? Are not the
rulers in Pakistan more ready to do the bidding of powerful outside powers than
listen to and take care of the interests of the people of Pakistan? Nothing
better. Jinnah’s promises to the people of Pakistan did not fare any better than
Nehru’s here.
or Freedom for the people needs more to be understood in its real sense.
The rulers in both India and Pakistan have been unable to provide freedom to the
people in both the countries. They cannot fulfil the aspirations of freedom of
the Kashmiri people. Simply, they cannot. They rule over these lands for the
interests of imperialist masters and for the selfish interests of a narrow
section of society. On both sides of the Indo-Pak border the same anti-people
and inhuman system prevails. The right to chose any one of the two or reject
both of them lies solely with the entire people of J&K.
The Vajpayee government has
announced two new steps on Kashmir — first, withdrawal of the ceasefire;
second, an invitation to Pakistan’s General Musharraf to visit Delhi for
discussions. Why this sudden turn around on both earlier decisions ? Could it
be because of the severe losses on the Kashmir battle front ? That could be
the only explanation for Vajpayee’s complete somersault.
In the six-month period of the
ceasefire the number of security personnel killed is 200 to 513 militants.
This is one of the highest ratio for Indian mercenaries killed in the
decade-long war. Besides, the figures are likely to be understated. In
addition, the number of security personnel wounded, many of them seriously, is
as high as 573. These high number of injuries can have an even more
demoralising affect than those dead — as hundreds of incapacitated personnel
before their very eyes is a grim reminder of what may be in store for those
still alive.
Such severe losses would
necessarily result in the withdrawal of the ceasefire, however limited it was.
All that will happen now is that the war against Kashmiris will be pushed more
aggressively, with a hope to maintain the morale of the security forces.
And as for the invitation to
Musharraf, it shows the desperation of the Indian rulers. For two years they
have stated day-in-and-day-out that there is no question of talks until
Pakistan stops "cross-border terrorism." Vajpayee went to the extent of
sabotaging the SAARC meetings, only on the grounds that he refused to sit with
a "non-elected military ruler." They even called off cricket matches
with Pakistan. Yet, even though the military actions of the militants have
been on the increase why does Vajpayee go crawling before that same
"military ruler" begging for a meeting ? Has he and their BJP/RSS gang
forgotten their earlier pompous statements ? Obviously they and their American
masters fear things may go out of hand and a demoralised military/para-military
in Kashmir can have a snowballing affect on their forces throughout the
country. It is a sign of their desperation !!
Every nation must have the right
to decide about its own future. That is why the right of the Kashmiri people to
break away from India must be upheld and their struggle for liberation
supported. Another option, which is not included in the above mentioned list of
options, but nevertheless, is being talked of, is on the pattern of the
Palestinian State. A State fragmented and without any right to raise an army to
defend itself, a State entirely dependent economically and militarily on its
wild enemy, a State at the mercy of and subservient to the requirements of
Zionist Israel, a State whose people are being continuously hounded, terrorized
and cannoned day in and day out. It cannot be an example to be emulated by a
people who want freedom. The deal in the Middle East was brokered by the biggest
enemy of the people the world over, US imperialism, and on the part of the PLO
it was a complete sellout.
Political scientists on both
sides of the border and the world over, also the parliamentarians in UK, who put
their opinions on Kashmir make this point to the leaders of the Kashmir movement
that in the present day world armed struggle to gain independence is neither
"feasible" nor "possible". They follow in the footsteps of Bill Clinton who
warned the peoples’ movements and governments the world over saying, "This
era does not reward people who struggle in vain to redraw borders with blood".
Again, this is the same advice of ‘futility of the armed struggle’,
that ‘Azadi is not likely to materialize’, that only ‘the possible and
the feasible’ should be thought out and opted for. This has been the
philosophy of the conservatives and reactionaries of all times who oppose
change. Borders have always been drawn with blood, and this is true even today.
A few years ago we witnessed it in Europe with the Yugoslavian break-up.
Everywhere the oppressed, sooner
or later, rises up against oppression. They force the oppressors out and the
borders are redrawn. In olden times it was the oppressors, tyrants and
colonizers who overran the lands and peoples to establish their rule. The
present times are mainly of rebellions and revolutions. This era belongs to the
people and not to the likes of Clinton. The armed struggle in Kashmir, and for
that matter, everywhere, wherever the people have risen up, cannot be cowed down
with such declarations.
The bourgeois political
scientists echo the reactionary thoughts and the dictums of Clinton in a number
of ways. The drumbeat that is being blared out about the political process and
the political solution for Kashmir by various bourgeois experts and columnists
is directed towards the liberation forces to make them lay down the gun and sit
at the negotiating table. But this too is facing hurdles. The Kashmiri people
want a lasting solution to the conflict and not a so-called honourable solution
that falls short of independence. The government of India is non-committal about
a political solution. It just blindly talks of peace, peace and peace. This
blind talk of peace without enunciating a political formula is just a farce
meant to hoodwink the world and the people of Kashmir that India wants peace but
the liberation forces are not responding. The fact is it wants anything
short of the independence of Kashmir and that too by keeping out Pakistan. It is
an attempt that is meant for the unconditional surrender of the liberation
forces, to strike a deal for a "within India solution". It is far far away from
the Kashmiri peoples’ dream of Azadi.
Let the struggle for Azadi
be raised to a higher level, in all its three components: ideological,
political and military, making it really more representative of the aspirations
of all sections of the people of the whole state of Jammu & Kashmir. Let a
mighty storm arise on both sides of the line of control and a real war of the
people be waged for creating a new, a really free and united Azad Kashmir.