Volume 2, No. 2, February 2001


From Seattle to Nice — Imperialists Face People’s Wrath

— Shafi


It matters little where the imperialist warlords hold their conclaves, the masses have come out in militant actions against these gangsters. Since Seattle, not a single meeting of the international mafia has been able to get by without serious clashes in the streets. Whether it was the WTO, IMF, World Bank, or meetings of other imperialist scum .... they had to face the wrath of the masses. Their meetings could only proceed, when defended by a fortress of armed police. After Seattle, it was Washington, Davos, Canberra, Thailand, Prague, .... and now Nice.

The lengthiest summit meeting in the history of the European Union was held between December 7 to 11th 2000, at Nice, France. The meeting, which was held to discuss the expansion of the EU, witnessed acrimonious squabbling within and pitched battles on the streets outside.

Of the four major issues for discussion, not one could be clinched. They concerned the voting and other powers of the individual members and the influence they would wield in an expanded EU. With the 13 added members planned, from the East European and Balkan states, and also Turkey, Cyprus and Malta, it is set to become the largest trading bloc in the world. The two most powerful members, France and Germany, battled for increasing control, while Britain sought to preserve its "special relationship" with the US. In the final agreement worked out, Germany, due to its large size, was able to extract the biggest concessions for domination over the EU. The meeting also further strengthened the powers of the Big Four (Germany, France, Britain, Italy), while cutting back on the clout of the smaller states. This has left countries like Belgium, Portugal, Luxembourg, Austria and others seething. The number of votes allocated to each country has been re-weighted in favour of the Big Four.

During the 4 days, Nice was virtually a city under siege. 6,000 policemen patrolled the streets, while helicopters hovered above. Sharpshooters took positions on rooftops of buildings.

Over 1 lakh demonstrators converged on Nice. They were from all over Europe — French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese. There were violent clashes between the heavily armed police and the protesters. The demonstrators threw Molotov cocktails, smashed shop windows, overturned cars and set fire to a bank. The police fired tear gas shells to disperse the crowds. 20 policemen were injured, one of them seriously. Nearly 100 demonstrators were arrested.

The battle raged on, while the imperialist dons squabbled over the lavish banquet laid out for their chieftains.

Those demonstrating represented a broad spectrum of dissidents, unhappy with the vehement attacks on the people in this period of globalisation. They ranged from pacifists, environmentalists to anarchists and socialists. Most have no alternative to the existing system except vague utopian dreams. Such demonstrations are likely to wear itself out unless they come forward with concrete alternatives and work in that direction on a daily basis. Such an alternative can only be a socialist system achieved through a revolutionary overthrow of the existing order.

Taking advantage of the temporary setback in the socialist forces worldwide, and the discredit of the communists resulting from revisionism, the NGO outfits seek to divert this discontent into acceptable channels. They act as a safety valve, convenient to the imperialists, that attempts to dampen people’s anger and rage at the system. Many such, attack socialism/communism more vehemently than they oppose the ills of imperialism. Yet, such demonstrations have gone beyond their ‘peaceful’ controls. With the growing influence of revolutionary and Maoist forces worldwide, the genuine fighters against the muck of imperialism, will seek revolutionary alternatives. It is this, that these gangsters fear the most.




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